Halo 3 invincibility glitch

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Revision as of 15:26, July 23, 2009 by General5 7 (talk | contribs)


The Invincibility Glitch can cause the user to become invincible, hence the name.


To perform the glitch, the host needs to be in Player Form while the other is in Monitor Mode. With both simultaneously picking up the weapon, the host bi-ped will have its arms twisted at the back, with the weapon being controlled by the Monitor. By deleting the weapon or having the player switching weapons, the bi-ped will return to normal, however, with one arm disappearing. Through this method, the player will become invincible.

The only melee that can kill you is a Gravity Hammer blast, which can take up to two blasts to kill. You can still die from explosions and getting rammed by a vehicle. Though, when they die from being meleed by a Gravity Hammer, the game will lag for the rest of the game. Once you leave Forge, everything will be normal again.


