Apex Site

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Revision as of 21:20, March 26, 2009 by halowikia>Bull36


The Forerunner dreadnoughts being contained within the Apex.
But this world lies dormant. It is just a shell.”- Ripa 'Moramee 

The Apex[1] is a Forerunner structure consisting of a port holding many Forerunner ships, inside a hollow Micro Dyson Sphere, also containing a small artificial sun - undoubtedly of Forerunner design and construction. [2]

It contains a Beam Emitter like many other Forerunner facilities and a teleportation system. Though unlike the standard Beam Emitters, the energy of the beam emitter is channeled into one continuous stream, instead of a single bolt of energy.

It was destroyed by the Spirit of Fire's Fusion Reactor which caused the sun in the center of the micro dyson sphere to go super nova destroying all the Forerunner ships and eliminating The Flood.



  1. ^ [1]
  2. ^ Halo Wars Cutscenes
