Plasma Grenade

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Revision as of 15:17, December 20, 2004 by AgentSeethroo (talk | contribs)
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This weapon is similar to the human hand grenade in that it is a thrown anti-infantry and anti-vehicle weapon. It sticks to targets by coating itself in a thin layer of plasma which, when in contact with a target, fuses to the target and is impossible to release. It has some kind of internal mechanism that allows it to distinguish between targets and background. For example, it will stick to a soldier or vehicle, but not a tree or wall. It has a three-second fuse that is activated after it sticks to a target or otherwise comes to a rest.

Note: If one plasma grenade sticks to another plasma grenade, the explosive cores fuse and generate a larger explosion.

It should be noted that prolonged exposure to the radiation emited by plasma grenades can cause a deviation in the neural electric pathways of the user--a disorder called Boren Syndrome.


File:Http:// nade.jpg