Help:User profiles
From Halopedia, the Halo wiki
If you are logged on, you will see on the upper-right corner of every page is a green button that says "Profile". It is pretty self-explanatory, with a few details:
Users with Established User Pages
For most users, their User Page is now a standard looking profile. Because many users have created in-depth, established user pages, those pages default to the standard page, and your standard profile is at the “Social Profile” link. For other users, the editable user page is now your “Wiki Userpage”. You can toggle this by clicking the yellow “Use social userpage”/”Use wiki userpage” button on your profile.
Personal Information
The “About Me” section will appear on any of your Blog (Namespace “Blog”) articles. im a chocolate bunny who likes to lick cats on the back i also live in lumpa land i eat umpa lumpas yum
You can remove a person as a friend/foe by going to their user page and hitting “Remove as Friend” (or “Remove as Foe”)
Creating/Changing Gifts
By the time we go live, anyone will be able to create personal gifts. Admins will be able to create and edit gifts and create new ones, both personal ones and publicly available ones. Both of these powers are available at Special:GiftManager.
User Board
This replaces User Talk pages. You can send a message to a person by going to their user page and:
- Clicking “Send a Message”
- Scrolling down to the bottom right where there Board is located
You can also mass-message all your friends/foes via the “Board Blast”. On your user page, scroll down to your board and click “Send Board Blast”.
XBox Gamertag
You can add your Xbox Gamertag to your Social Profile by editing your profile and adding it to the relevant section in the “Halo Tidbits” tab. As of now, we cannot add your Bungie profile.