User:Dark Neptune

From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

Dark Neptune
1,468 article edits
This my logo, major planet Neptune and its retrogade moon Triton

Current Welcome News

  • I will not be really avaliable from 6 February - 10 February due to the celebration of Chinese new year, but is confirm to be back by 11 Feb. To all you chinese Halopedians out there, Happy Chinese New Year! (No use clicking the link, as its just for a decoration)
  • Leave me a message here if you want to tell me something, ok?

About Me

Hello all, I am Dark Neptune, or you could call my real name, Valdric. I am from the Southeast Asian country, Singapore(Ya, the "small" island) I came to Halopedia to learn more about Halo, as I became a real fan. I started playing halo through Multiplayer from Halo 2, introduced by my friends in Feb 2007, and gotten really good about it. I came to Halopedia by learning about it from Wikipedia in August 2007.
File:If you want it done right....jpg
If you want to get things Done Right..

Now I am such a somewhat pro that when playing multiplayer I need to have minor handicaps. Still, I can't beat Legendary as its TOO Difficult for me. Unfortunately, I do not have Xbox Live due to personal reasons and matters, but I still enjoy playing it. I do not own a 360 yet, but I am able to play Halo 3 through my friend's house.

I am in Secondary School(a.k.a High School?) this year but ain't going back to school due to personal and family reasons and matters respectively(Note: Finacial probs are not included). I am an amateur astronomer, so if there's anything astronomy-related stuff from Halo you need to ask, I will be glad to answer.(Have to make sure I know the answer hehe...).

Here at Halopedia, I will try my best to crush vandalisms and forum probs regarding Halopedia. I am not easily bad tempered by "personal attacks", so if you offend I should forgive.

Note: The reason why I am creating my user page now instead of months ago which then I join Halopedia, is because I went on like this forever-not knowing how to create of edit pages for fear I do something terribly and horribly wrong, and it was time I learned. So if I did something wrong free to email me at

Remember at Halopedia, we're here to have fun and learn.

Halo Levels I have accomplished

File:..Find the best solution.jpg
..find the Best solution to deal with it.

"Finishing this fight."
— Master Chief's fighting spirit

1.The Pillar of Autumn--Easy, Normal, Heroic and Legendary.

2.Halo--Easy, Normal, Heroic and Legendary(Co-Op only)

3.The Truth and Reconciliation--Easy, Normal and Heroic.

4.The Silent Cartographer--Easy, Normal and Heroic.

5.Assault on the Control Room--Easy, Normal and Heroic.

6.343 Guilty Spark--Easy, Normal and Heroic.

7.The Library--Easy and Normal.

8.Two Betrayals--Easy, Normal and Heroic(Co-op only).

9.Keyes--Easy, Normal and Heroic(Co-op only).

10.The Maw--Easy only(This is mainly due to the fact a part of my Halo:CE disc is scratched and thus it can't load the level, The Maw anymore. And I can't play it.).

11.Cairo Station--Easy, Normal and Heroic.

12.Outskirts and Metropolis--Easy, Normal and Heroic.

13.The Arbiter and Oracle--Easy, Normal and Heroic.

14.Delta Halo and Regret--Easy, Normal and Heroic.

15.Sacred Icon and Quarantine Zone--Easy, Normal and Heroic.

16.Gravemind and High Charity--Easy, Normal and Heroic.

17.Uprising and The Great Journey--Easy, Normal and Heroic.

18.Sierra 117--Easy, Normal and Heroic.

19.Crow's Nest--Easy, Normal and Heroic.

20.Tsavo Highway--Easy, Normal and Heroic.

21.The Storm--Easy, Normal and Heroic.

22.Floodgate--Easy and Normal.

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Warthogs are never as fast as Mongeese..

23.The Ark--Easy and Normal.

24.The Covenant--Easy and Normal.

25.Cortana--Easy and Normal.(This level is Horrible, Never want to play too many times.)

26.Halo--Easy, Normal and Heroic.

Weapons Ammo capacities

Primary and Secondary Weapons

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Assault Rifle for assaulting objectives.

1.Assault Rifle (H1)-(60/660) (H3)-(32/384)

2.Battle Rifle(H2)-(36/142) (H3)-(36/142)

3.Shotgun (H1)-(12/72) (H2)-(12/48) (H3)-(6/36)

4.Magnum Pistol (H1)-(12/132) (H2)-(12/60) (H3)-(8/48)

5.Plasma Pistol (H1)-(1-5\100) (H2)-(1-4\100) (H3)-(1-4\100)

6.Plasma Rifle (H1)-(1-3\100) (H2)-(1-2\100) (H3)-(1-2\100)

7.SubMachineGun (H2)-(60/240) (H3)-(60/240)

8.Sniper Rifle (H1)-(4/28) (H2)-(4/24) (H3)-(4/24)

9.Covenant Carbine (H2)-(18/90) (H3)-(18/90)

10.Rocket Launcher (H1)-(2/10) (H2)-(2/8) (H3)-(2/8)

11.Needler (H1)-(20/100) (H2)-(30/120) (H3)-(19/95)

12.Brute Plasma Rifle (H2)-(1-2\100)

13.Brute Shot (H2)-(4/16) (H3)-(6/18)

14.Beam Rifle (H2)-(1-5/6\100) (H3)-(1-5/6\100)

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Time to Destroy with the Fuel Rod Cannon..

15.Energy Sword (H2)-(1-10\100) (H3)-(1-10\100)

16.Brute Spiker (H3)-(40/160)

17.Brute Mauler (H3)-(5/20)

18.Fuel Rod Cannon (H2)-(5/30) (H3)-(5/30)-Magazine sizes too generous.

19.Spartan Laser (H3)-(1-20\100)

20.Gravity Hammer (H3)-(1-7/8/9\100)


1.Fragmention (H1)-(4-0.6sec) (H2)-(4-0.5sec) (H3)-(2-0.5sec)

2.Plasma (H1)-(4-4secs) (H2)-(4-3secs) (H3)-(2-2.5secs)

3.Spike (H3)-(2-0.9sec)

File:The Arbiter and his Plasma Cannon.jpg
The Arbiter and his Plasma Cannon.

4.Firebomb (H3)-(6.5/7)

Support Weapons

1.Heavy Machine Gun (H2)-(Infinite) (H3)-(200)

2.Plasma Cannon (H2)-(Inifinite) (H3)-(200)

3.Missle Pod (H3)-(8)

4.Flamethrower (H1)-(?) (H3)-(7\100)

Vehicles characteristics(Upon 7)

Solo Land Light Assault Vehicles

1.Ghost (H1)-(C-1/RT-Plasma Cannons) (H2)-(C-1/LT-Boost|RT-Plasma Cannons) (H3)-(C-1/LT-Boost|RT-Plasma Cannons)

2.Chopper (H3)-(C-1/LT-Boost|RT-Autocannons)

Team Land Assault Vehicles

1.Mongoose (H3)-(C-2/LT-Slide Brakes|RT-Horn)

2.Warthog (H1)-(C-3/(A)-Brakes) (H2)-(C-3/(A)-Brakes|LT-Slide Brakes|RT-Horn) (H3)-(C-3/(A)|LT-Slide Brakes|RT-Horn)

3.Spectre (H2)-(C-4/(A)-Brakes|LT-Boost)

4.Prowler (H3)-(C-4/(A) Brakes)

Solo Aerial Assault Vehicles

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Never underestimate a Scorpion's Deadly, Poison sting..

1.Banshee (H1)-(C-1/LT-Fuel Rod|RT-Plasma Cannons) (H2)-(C-1/(B)-Fuel Rod|LT-Boost|RT-Plasma Cannons) (H3)-(C-1/(B)-Fuel Rod|LT-Boost|RT-Plasma Cannons)

2.Hornet (H3)-(C-3/LT-Missiles|RT-Chainguns)

Heavy Land Assault Vehicles

1.Scorpion (H1)-(C-5/LT-Chaingun|RT-Tungsten Cannon) (H2)-(C-5/LT-Chaingun|RT-Tungsten Cannon) (H3)-(C-6/RT-Tungsten Cannon)

2.Wraith (H2)-(C-1/LT-Boost|RT-Plasma Mortar) (H3)-(C-2LT-Boost|RT-Plasma Mortar)

Heavy Land Transport Vehicle

1.Elephant (H3)-(C-20+?)



1.Never try to play hero on large-open areas where you're prone to vehicles/snipers/explosive weapons/grenades, especially when you're playing single player(Free for all) games.

2.Do not try to waste precious vehicles/equipment/weaponry/grenades....they play crucial roles for both you/your team/opponents.

3.When wielding Energy Swords or other powerful weapons that are usually one-hit-K.O.s, always try to find an Active Camouflauge powerup and then quickly hide on a strategic spot, like where players alight from Man Cannons, where Flags are held, etc. This way, you slash/overoast/smash/trash/stuck them to death.

4.When piloting a Wraith, always try to nicely ask someone to be on your Plasma Turret to decrease likely chances of Hijacking. If you cannot afford to or the turret guy dies, boost the Wraith at the opponent(s) and they should die unless they are overshielded. Also, beware of opponents that are experienced. They will usually try to jump up and down, so in some cases, when boosting your tank, they happen to be jumping up instead, giving them opportunities to hijack your tank.

5.When deploying Radar Jammers, always be on the move, as recently more players have been able to spot "real" enemies are now. When you have no objective in mind(like going to take a Rocket Launcher at a spawn point)nor fighting, and knowing you're near your opponents, always try to move crazily about(Foward, diagonally backward, to your right, etc.)but be sure not to be too crazy and you must slowly advance to the enemy, thus you can easily assasinate them.

6.Never stay in a Bubble Shield nor behind a Deployable Cover for ALAYL(As Long As You Like), the purpose of these equipment is to provide cover:Giving you more time to restore shields faster for you to go back into Combat. Otherwise you will be just wasting time and meeting the choice of long, pain death.

7.When Dual-wielding Weapons, always try to fire at will:Not to fire one of them, wait for it to run out of magazine ammo or overheat then fire the other, you will be wasting opportunies to throw grenades and deploy equipment.

8.When having a Fuel Rod Cannon, take advantage of its power and number of Fuel Rods you can fire, as due to a somewhat large magazine, at close range battles you can wreak havoc on your opponents, but make sure you do Jump like a monkey. I can't really say the same for the Rocket Launcher, but for the Brute Shot, yes, it is also rather Havocy.

9.When you see an opponent battling against you using Plasma Grenades, try to avoid them, and if you see a Plasma Grenade just pass through, that would mean you're stuck. Rush Towards your nearest opponent. Let's just hope he's or maybe even she's unprepared. For spike ones, they detonate only a sec after the touchdown on you, so there's barely a chance.

10.Never try to Dual-wield the Mauler shotgun with Plasma Rifles, Plasma Pistols if not charging a bolt, SMGs or Brute Spikers. Since its firing sequence is different from them, you will have trouble firing the Mauler, because according to science, this causes your brain to usually side the fully-automatic weapon type and can't help but to be rather un-cooperative, unless you're special. But with the Magnum Pistol, it should go well as the firing rate is nearly the same.

11.Try to always push explosive stuff(except grenades which never co-operates) and Mongeese towards Man Cannons-launching them always gives you a chance to splatter and crush everyone that encounter with these objects(Including your allies on team games).

12.When using weapons with small reticles, always try to aim for the head. Aiming for the head of opponents takes unshielded ones with one accurate shot, and takes those with shields down faster(Exception: Sniper and Beam Rifle which takes just about a one hit kill on a moderately shielded one, and perharps more on better-shielded ones.) These weapons are the Battle Rifle, Magnum Pistol, Sniper Rifle, Spartan Laser(Yes, because it also can travel at farther distances), Covenant Carbine and Beam Rifle.

13.Always try to have a close-quarters weapon(like the Shotgun) and a mid-range or long-range weapon(like the Covenant Carbine or the Sniper Rifle) in your arsenal. You can easily survived longer with this set.

14.When wielding Rocket Launcher, Fuel Rod Cannon or the Brute Shot, at mid distance, never aim at your opponent. Instead, aim at your opponent's path. Predict it nicely, and your "Clean-up job" would be easily done. (Note:This section isn't fully completed yet, will come up with more strategies soon!)

Halo User Trivia

  • He has first played Halo on 18 January 2007, about 3pm+.
  • He first receives Halo:CE from a Secondhand-Game shop in the middle of March.
  • His auntie then gets him a new Xbox Controller 2 weeks later.
  • Following that, he receives Halo 2 around May, but his Xbox malfunctions a little, and thus it can only allow players to play Halo:CE a few times.
  • Early June, the Xbox is once again fully functional, and Valdric starts playing Halo 2.
  • Middle June, he aqcuires another Xbox Controller, thereby allowing 4 players to play on Halo.
  • Late June, he learns more about Halo 3.
  • Early August, he learns about Halopedia, and joins the forum.
  • Early September, he pre-orders Halo 3 Limited Collecter's Edition with his owned savings.
  • September 25, he receives Halo 3, but is uable to play it, due to the fact he has no Xbox 360 console.
  • Early October, he first gets to play Halo 3 on other people's 360.
  • Late October, he starts taking on Halo levels on Heroic difficulties.
  • Middle December, his hopes for an Xbox 360 is knocked down by a Monster Truck, and followed by a Crush-down.
  • Late December, he officially joins Halopedia.
  • Middle January, he thinks of a plan to get his own 360(Confidential).
  • This user originally plays Counterstrike, so at the Halo-Beginnings, he plays it well. Currently, he is a Level 5.5/7 First Person Shooter.
  • This user mostly like Covenant weapons, but usually Human vehicles.
  • This user has gotten used to the new Halo-360 controls and Halo-Xbox normal controls.
  • This user studies Astronomy, Pre-Historic Earthen sciences, and some other minor ones.
  • His most favourite weapon is the Covenant Carbine, most favourite vehicle is the Brute Chopper, most favourite grenade is the Fragmention, most favourite equipment is the Bubble Shield and most favourite Map is Snowbound.

Halo Music

If you have any Halo music(Like the Halo 3 Behold a Pale Horse soundtrack) you downloaded, please send it to me or upload it on for me to download, and thanks! My email is

Template:Userbox Dark Neptune 08:01, 3 January 2008 (UTC) Template:Userbox Template:Userbox

Template:Spartan781 Friend Userbox

Template:Blemo Friend Userbox

Into the amazing world of Valdrico Science

For more info, please go to Wikipedia.


1.The current planet definitions:(Closest to farthest away from the Sun)

  • Major Planet Mercury, 0.38 AU.(On average)
  • Major Planet Venus, 0.72 AU.
  • Major Planet Earth, 1 AU.
  • Major Planet Mars, 1.52 AU.
  • Dwarf Palnet Ceres, 2.76 AU.
  • Major Planet Jupiter, 5.25 AU.
  • Major Planet Saturn, 9.54 AU.
  • Major Planet Uranus, 19.19 AU.
  • Major Planet Neptune, 30.18 AU.
  • Dwarf Planet Pluto, 39.5 AU.
  • Dwarf Planet Eris, 68 AU.

2.Celestial objects have two known periods of their orbits: Aphelion, the farthest point of orbit away from the Sun, and Perihelion, the nearest point of orbit to the Sun.

3.This how the Day, Week, Month and Year came about:

  • Day: Almost 24 hours currently, is the rotation period of Earth.(Every year the Moon slows the Earth's rotation period by a thousandth of a second, so during the Dinosaurs period a days was like about 22 and 1/2 hours instead.)
  • Week: Before the 1700s, there were thought to be 7 planets in the Solar system, in beliefs of all religions: Mercury, Venus, Mars, our Moon, Jupiter, Saturn and our Sun. Thus came about:








  • Month: It is about the average number of days it takes for the Moon to complete an orbit.
  • Year: 12 constellations, Aquarius, Pisces, Taurus, Gemini, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpius, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Aries and Cancer resprent each month(Constellations stated here are not in monthly order).

4.Major discovery events:

  • 1610, the four largest moons of Jupiter were discovered by Galileo Galilei, proving the theory that [Not all celestial objects revolve around Earth].
  • 1655, Saturn's rings are being recognized by Christiaan Huygens.(No typing error here)
  • 1781, Uranus was discovered by William Herschel.
  • 1801, the first asteroid, Ceres, is being discovered. More asteroids are soon discovered in the coming years, forming the Asteroid Belt.
  • 1846, another gas giant, Neptune, is discovered by Johann Galle and Heinrich d'Arrest, following predictions from Urbain Le Verrier.
  • 1930, Pluto is discovered by Clyde Tombaugh.
  • 1977, the rings of Uranus are discovered. Now Saturn is not the only planet known to have rings.
  • 1992, the first Trans-Neptunian object is discovered.
  • 2006, the largest body ever since Pluto's discovery, is discovered. This TNO is now known as the dwarf planet Eris.

5.How these main "Planets" were named- Mercury-The messenger of Roman Gods. Venus-The Roman Goddess of Beauty. Mars-The Roman God of War. Jupiter-The Roman King of Gods and Goddesses. Saturn-The Roman God of Agriculture. Uranus-The Greek God of the Heavens. Neptune-The Roman God of the Seas. Pluto-The Roman God of the Underworld. Eris-The Greek Goddess of Discord. Ceres-The Roman Goddess of Agricultre, Saturn's Daughter.

Prehistoric Earth

1.Earth gave way to life about 3.8 billion years ago, 0.8 billion years after the planet itself was formed.

2.The evolutionary life forms began to grow to more complex since 680 million years ago, starting from the sea.

3.These are the timelines for Earth:

  • Precambrian period: 3.8 billion years ago-540 million years ago.

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Paleozoic {*Cambrian period: 540 million years ago-500 million years ago.

Era {*Ordovician period: 500 million years ago-438 million years ago.

{*Silurian period: 438 million years ago-400 million years ago.

{*Devonian period: 400 million years ago-355 million years ago.

{*Carboniferous period: 355 million years ago-280 million years ago.

{*Permian period: 280 million years ago-245 million years ago. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Mesozoic {*Triassic period: 245 million years ago-208 million years ago.

Era {*Jurassic period: 208 million years ago-145 million years ago.

{*Cretaceous period: 145 million years ago-65 million years ago. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Cenozoic {*Tertiary period: 65 million years ago-2 million years ago.

Era {*Quaternary period: 2 million years ago-present day.

(Will continue to update this section soon!)