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The Higher Weapons Glitch is an animation glitch present in Halo 3. The glitch is caused by performing the Cease-fire trick and then entering and exiting a vehicle.
The glitch causes the player's weapons to be frozen at the highest point of being drawn, and the player does not appear to breathe, so the weapons do not move to reflect the player's breath. Any action that ends the Cease-fire trick ends the glitch.
Note that when viewing the player in third-person (in Theater), their arms do move -- their arms are only frozen from first-person view. This is because in first-person view, a player's torso is actually invisible, and they are seeing two "fake" arms that imitate the position of their "real" arms; the glitch leaves the fake arms frozen, but the real arms continue to move normally.
This trick can be done easily at the beginning of The Storm. Simply perform the Cease-fire trick when you are sitting in the warthog. When you jump out, your weapon will be at its highest point.