A Contender-class artificial intelligence was a Forerunner artificial intelligence class that was the most advanced of its time.[1]
During the Forerunner-Flood War, only one Contender-class AI was created, designed with the sole purpose of drawing out the parasite’s central intellect, the Gravemind and then begin gathering information from it. When instructed by the Forerunners, the AI would then unrelentingly attack the Mind until the beast withdrew from their galaxy or perished.[2]
- The only known contender-class AI, Mendicant Bias sided with gravemind.
- Mendicant Bias was confirmed rampant.
- Mendicant Bias is frequently mentioned in the Halo 3 terminals.
Known Contender-class AIs
- ^ Terminals from Halo 3
- ^ Voice from the Tomb