Destroyed vehicles glitch
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The Getting Inside Destroyed Vehicles glitch only works on Halo 3.
To get inside destroyed vehicles, you will need a Spartan Laser. First, approach a vehicle (preferably a Warthog) and stand next to it (your body must be touching the vehicle). Press RT (Right Trigger), then B to enter/ride/drive on top. Next, charge the Spartan Laser and just as you fire, enter the vehicle. Note that you cannot drive the vehicle.
Another way to get inside a destroyed vehicle is to have someone damage the vehicle with a frag grenade or two until it is at the point in which it will blow up if you stick someone with a plasma grenade who gets in it. first, get your friend to stand next to a vehicle. next, tell them to get in, stick them and hijack their vehicle. if done right, the vehicle should be damaged or destroyed and you should be able to ride it. but make sure you do this fast, ot it WILL NOT work. Two players, an Overshield, And a Missle Pod will work just as well. First have the first player stand next to a vehicle with an Overshield, and have the second player with a Missle Pod fire at the vehicle while the first player gets in. If timed right you will be in the driver's seat.
This has only been confirmed to work with the Banshee, Hornet, and Ghost on a selected diversity of multiplayer maps. You will eventually respawn due to the game thinking that you committed suicide. It should also be noted that many have destroyed a Banshee on the river in Valhalla and that the person inside will float downstream, creating a raft-like experience. Also, this glitch works on all vehicles that you hijack, force out the driver, and take their place (Brute Chopper, Hornet, Ghost, Banshee), and the Warthog's gunner seat whilst destroyed.