
The Steaktacular Medal, awarded for winning a game by 20 or more kills.
"Luke owes you a steak dinner".

The Steaktacular Medal is a Halo 3 online multi-player medal. [1].



The Steaktacular Medal is earned and achieved by winning an online matchmaking game with a score of 20+ points more than the opposing monkeys.


The description, 'Luke owes you a steak dinner.', comes from a Bungie Hump Day Challenge where a fat cow was bet over a game, in which Luke Smith bet that he could beat another team, led by Frankie, by at least 20 points. Luke won 50-29[2]. It can be very humorous and indescriptive to those who do not know its origin.


  • Steaktacular appears in the bottom row of your medal chest, next to Linktacular.
  • As this is a Bungie.net medal, this medal will only appear in your online medal chest, and not in the Halo 3 post game report.


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