List of Halo 3 Cinematic Cutscenes

From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

Revision as of 23:20, October 30, 2009 by ShadowBroker44 (talk | contribs) (2008 was a while ago)


This is a list of cinematic cutscenes in Halo 3. Courtesy of Cody Miller, these cutscenes are available for download in 1280x720p High Definition and H.264, and have been re-encoded in Standard Definition as well. Both are offered in WMV and MOV flavors. Special thanks to Cody Miller for the contribution. For the sake of bandwidth, the files are being doled out slowly and are being distributed via a load balancing script between the 4 hosting locations. You can find these downloads here, at HBO.

Cutscene Title Duration Video link
<youtube width="200" height="200">BWahO_48Kl8


Sierra 117 - Arrival 03:27 YouTube
<youtube width="200" height="200">Wlsc1VJXYCg


Sierra 117 - Quid Pro Quo 00:15 YouTube
<youtube width="200" height="200">QMPgKP4dsVg


Sierra 117 - Flight of the Pelican 00:41 YouTube
<youtube width="200" height="200">nKE3LiNZO_U


Crow's Nest - Going to War 03:25 YouTube
<youtube width="200" height="200">_BTRFK6_IhY


Tsavo Highway - Pushing Back 00:43 YouTube
<youtube width="200" height="200">k5y8pJLYl44


The Storm - Fire At Will 01:14 YouTube
<youtube width="200" height="200">g0OsZB5ed2Y


Floodgate - Worse Than Brutes 00:58 YouTube
<youtube width="200" height="200">exIF77iGHmw


Floodgate - Shadow of Intent 00:13 YouTube
<youtube width="200" height="200">I2RrZpVPaH0


Floodgate - Containment 04:44 YouTube
<youtube width="200" height="200">6VA2lCwUGbk


The Ark - Kick The Door 02:11 YouTube
<youtube width="200" height="200">g8jRnkdcdbo


The Ark - The Cartographer 01:26 YouTube
<youtube width="200" height="200">rqp28MPK56o


The Ark - Priority 01:01 YouTube
<youtube width="200" height="200">9OxbaLCvpZE</youtube> The Covenant - Final Stand 00:49 YouTube
<youtube width="200" height="200">VE8jAXOKcB0</youtube> The Covenant - The Barriers Deactivated 00:15 YouTube
<youtube width="200" height="200">6FSB6WGmCRA&NR=1</youtube> The Covenant - High Charity arrives 00:40 YouTube
<youtube width="200" height="200">Jej_JiiIaaY</youtube> The Covenant - Activation 03:28 YouTube
<youtube width="200" height="200">ORTo_EW3N_Y</youtube> The Covenant - Truth's End and Gravemind's Betrayal 02:38 YouTube
<youtube width="200" height="200">4H6OwWyyBfg</youtube> The Covenant - A New Halo 01:39 YouTube
<youtube width="200" height="200">5KELP4BaaNg</youtube> Cortana - Going In 00:50 YouTube
<youtube width="200" height="200">5ODRoL9NTiA</youtube> Cortana - Reunited 01:20 YouTube
<youtube width="200" height="200">Q40MbOkVVIs</youtube> Cortana - Fleeing High Charity 00:37 YouTube
<youtube width="200" height="200">1rsrOxrkLQU</youtube> Halo - Finish The Fight 01:14 YouTube
<youtube width="200" height="200">A5ejZyPykf4</youtube> Halo - Control Room 01:29 YouTube
<youtube width="200" height="200">JcwCDV-XTJA</youtube> Halo - With a Bang 01:28 YouTube
<youtube width="200" height="200">JKE77-DGfMs</youtube> Halo - Memorial 07:40 YouTube
<youtube width="200" height="200">kaMThnrURd0</youtube> Halo - Wake Me When You Need Me 03:10 YouTube