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Revision as of 08:54, September 14, 2007 by halowikia>Ajax 013 (MoH is the location of 'Museum' ad)


Part of a series of live-action trailers produced during the build up to Halo 3. It takes place in the Museum of Humanity and concerns an interview with a retired UNSC soldier who fought in the Second Battle of Earth. The soldier in question is Major Pawel Czernek who served from 2551-2581.

In the trailer an unknown voice questions the retired soldier, whilst he views a minature representation of a battle between UNSC and Covenant forces.

The text "Next Halo 3 Video Premiere: 9/14/07 9 A.M. PT" appears at the end of the video.


  • Pawel says "When Master Chief armed his grenade" The use of his in this statement may indicate that this grenade plays a significant role during the battle and possibly the war.
  • The Major retired in 2581, thus implying that humanity survives the war. However, Bungie representative Frank O'Connor recently assured gaming website Kotaku that the ad's creators do not know Halo 3's ending, so any information it gives is purely speculative.

I asked Frankie about the concept, if they were worried about the reaction it would get from fans of the game. If people might think the ads are spoilers. He said that the ads were created by a marketing team who had no idea how the game ends and that it is not meant to be part of the game's canon.

-- Brian Crecente,

See also

  • Halo: Arms Race, a separate series of short live-action clips also created to promote Halo 3.