Template:Iris Episode 04 is the fourth of five "episodes" in the Iris campaign. It can be found at Once the page is loaded, there is a floating and rotating thing, with several Forerunner glyphs on it. Three of them link to files to download, and one links to a video that can be played. One of the files, Log4_Transcript.txt, contains the transcript of the video:
The Conservation Measure is the only sweet note in this discordant symphony we've arranged. {//} (IT'S THE ONLY CONSTRUCTIVE ACTIVITY IN DECADES OF DESTRUCTION) {//} (RESEARCHING THE ADVERSARY AS WE PROTECT THE WORTHY) We know that the Flood's biology is alien enough that it must be extragalactic in origin. But where did it come from? {//} (AND WHY DID IT COME HERE?)
Another file, unknown.jpg, has a picture of the stars with a strange colorful shape in the middle. Another picture, StarImage4.jpg, is a picture of the stars with AdjutantReflex's avatar.