Armor customization

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Hi-res images of all armors
Magazine scan of most of the known armor, the Arbiter's armor is included in this picture as well
File:Halo 3 Armor Models.jpg
Spartan and Elite armor models


Originally discovered in the Halo 3 Beta code by modders, Halo 3's new multiplayer armor permutations provide high levels of player customization and were confirmed by GamePro's June issue[1].

The armor permutations are completely cosmetic; they cause no change in gameplay.

Higher resolution screenshots of the armor permutations in action can be found at the Halo 3 Project's screenshots section at, as of July 2, 2007.

Bungie has stated that there are "thousands" [2] of possible combos, but they refuse to state exactly how many variations will be in the final product, including downloadable content.

In the Bungie Podcast, it was confirmed that 2 SPARTAN and 2 Elite variant armors are given at the start--For SPARTANs, this includes the MJOLNIR Mk. VI armor, and the CQB(Close Quarters Battle) permutation, and for the Elites, the Combat and Assault permutations are included.

Spartan Armor Permutations

File:Halo 3 Customization.jpg
An example of the customization.

Template:MJOLNIR Variations

Bungie hinted to more types of armor in the June 8, 2007 Weekly Update, along with the June 22, 2007 Weekly Update: "Players were using different permutations than we’ve shown."

There were 5 permutations for Spartans discovered by modders in the Beta code; Bungie confirmed two before the release of Halo 3: EVA(Extra-Vehicular Activity) and CQB(Close Quarters Battle).

Concept Art (Spartan)

This is a concept rendition of the armor that has been dubbed the "EOD" armor.

File:753777342 19c07c569a o.jpg
"EOD" armor permutation.

Rendered Image (Spartan)

These are the images of the supposed leaked pre-skin rendered models below,

Finished Image (Spartan)



  • EVA: Complete Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary
  • EOD: Complete Campaign on Legendary
  • Security: Earn 1000 out of 1000 Gamerscore Points for Halo 3
  • Scout: Complete "Used Car Salesman" Achievement
  • Mark V: Complete "UNSC Spartan" Achievement
  • ODST: Complete "Spartan Graduate" Achievement
  • Rogue: Complete "Spartan Officer" Achievement
  • Hayabusa: Collect all skulls

Shoulder Armor

  • EVA: Complete The Ark on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary
  • EOD: Complete the campaign on Legendary
  • Security: Earn 750 out of 1000 Gamerscore Points for Halo 3
  • Scout: Complete "Mongoose Mowdown" Achievement
  • Hayabusa: Collect all 9 gold skulls

Body Armor

Elite Armor Permutations

Though unconfirmed by Bungie as of yet, Beta code modders also found the following Elite armor types: [3]

Template:Elite Variations

A couple of images of the Elite permutations exist below,

Finished Image (Elite)



  • Flight: Complete Campaign on Heroic or Legendary
  • Ascetic: Unlock "Steppin' Razor" Achievement
  • Commando: Unlock "Overkill" Achievement

Shoulder Armor

  • Flight: Complete The Ark on Heroic or "The Storm" on Legendary
  • Ascetic: Unlock "Overkill" Achievement
  • Commando: Unlock "Killing Frenzy" Achievement

Body Armor


  1. ^ "Halo 3's online mode offers new armor permutations that allow players to customize their personas from head to toe." GamePro June 2007
  2. ^
  3. ^