Halopedia talk:Discord server

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Shouldn't Manticore also be listed in the Janitor operator section as well?Bllasae 03:50, 7 June 2008 (UTC)

No... -- Manticore (talk) 07:31, 7 June 2008 (UTC)


Before you laugh your ass off at this request, hear me out. I, Grievous797, request low level OP privileges. Why? Because usually when I'm on, the channel is chaotic and when I attempt to warn an op, they're not online, or they're AFK. Now, you may say "Oh, you have a history of rule breaking you'll cause chaos!!11!1 OH TEH NOES". Look, I may be crazy when shenanigan time comes up, but I am reasonable about the rules. ;-) I am also a long time IRC member, and a regular. So, if you're worried about my activity, don't worry.

Another reason I'm requesting Oppage, I try to tell someone to "stop breaking the rules, or I'll get the Op to kick you!" they ignore me and go on their merry way with causing chaos. By the time the OP that was away DOES kick the person, the damage has been done.

Just a simple request.


We really need another low level op that is on the channel often. When I am on the IRC channel and there aren't any ops the place is crazy. Spartan6 23:15, 9 June 2008 (UTC)

I completely support this, all of what has been said above is completely true. Grievous can be immature at times, but he knows when he is pushing the limits, and is extremely responsible most of the time on IRC. Sgt Vatz "My COM Channel""My Work" 23:20, 9 June 2008 (UTC)

I am just going to hurl my opinion on here. Grievous797 is great to talk to on the IRC, but he doesn't demonstrate the same level of maturity as the current ops. Though there are times when no Op is around and someone seriously needs to be kicked, but it happens to me too. Do I oppose Grievous797 as an op? No, but I am not sure if I support. I would be fine with him being allowed to be an op, but using his powers only when completely necessary and no other op responds to do the job. Sorry buddy. Pryo 'Zarkum Major-gr2.gif My COM My Work My Story 23:31, 9 June 2008 (UTC)
I'm thinking along the same lines as Pryo Zarkum. To be honest, if we need another low-level op, I think Pryo Zarkum (Ghost sangheili) would be a more suitable candidate. Thanks, General simon rjh 08:57, 10 June 2008 (UTC)
Ok, I need to clear up a few things. 1) If you're worried I may not be mature enough to handle it, that's a false worry. I go onto the IRC to have fun. I am NOT immature. I may act like it sometimes, but it's not my prime directive to be an immature person. I have fun on the irc, so I'm immature? I guess that means every single person that went onto the IRC and is an OP is not mature enough? CT has fun, he's an OP. Simon has fun, you're an OP. And, please, don't just blow me off and try to nominate someone else for the job I want on MY request. kthx Grievous797
As per what Simon said, I am surprised that any op thinks that I could be a low level op. But thanks. I'm not going to try to take it from Grievous797. Honestly, I'm not even sure if I want to be an op. But for now, I 75% support G797. Pryo 'Zarkum Major-gr2.gif My COM My Work My Story 19:43, 10 June 2008 (UTC)
I Agree with Ghost sangheili and G797 on this matter. Get 'em Grievous. Councilor Εw C 'DnaudeeBattle Net My Editcount 19:52, 10 June 2008 (UTC)
I also agree, due to the fact that Grievous797 is very active on the IRC and is on there very often when there aren't many Ops present. -- The Admiral File:1212237429 Rearadmiralinsignia.jpg 20:01, 10 June 2008 (UTC)
Um....."but I am reasonable about the rules." - You constantly break rules, especially the ones we have on swearing and caps. For me, just........no. HaloDude 19:57, 10 June 2008 (UTC)
Too immature, doesn't follow the rules half the time himself anyways, caps, swearing, flaming, ect.. So no.. Just no. ChurchReborn 20:07, 10 June 2008 (UTC)
You know Im gonna stay out of this one, I dont feel I have a say in this and quite frankly im not an IRC regular so I dont really know what im talking about when it comes to people on IRC. Councilor Εw C 'DnaudeeBattle Net My Editcount 20:13, 10 June 2008 (UTC)

Request for Low-level Op on IRC

I, Spirit-of-HALO, would like to request for Low-Op on #halopedia. Pertaining to Grievous's reason, I'm usually there when there is no one Opped. I would like to better the IRC channel by, at least, keeping order and helping other users. I have asked RelentlessRecusant on this term and said he would discuss with me. Thank-you for your time.

--Lt. Commander Mendez

You use IRC? O_o ChurchReborn 20:08, 10 June 2008 (UTC)