
Dear Lordofmonsterisland,

On the behalf of the Halopedia community, I, RelentlessRecusant, cordially welcome you to Halopedia!

Well, I'm an administrator here, and if you need any help, whether it be regarding Wikia coding, article formatting, or ya just wanna chat, please feel free to contact me at my talk page! =D

I hope to see you 'round more!


RelentlessRecusant 'o the Halopedia Team   TALKSPEAK 15:07, 12 June 2007 (UTC)

p.s. - How do you respond to this message? Just click this link and enter your comment. =D
p.s.s. - Are you interested in Elites or the Covenant? Want to join the growing political party here at Halopedia? Consider joining the Covenant of Halopedia! If you want to join, just ask me by dropping me a message. =D

Template:Blemo Greeting


Hi, you aren't by any chance a fan of Toho or Godzilla(the original) are you? I just ask because of your name. Anyways, my name is James-001 and Welcome to Halopedia, the best halo site there is =). If you need any help or have any question, feel free to leave me a message on my talk page here. Peace. I'm On Fire!   FeedTheFlame WatchMySmoke 15:58, 12 June 2007 (UTC)

Godzilla Rules!!!

Yep, the older ones are ok, but as usual, the new ones are so...new. I heard they're going to make a Godzilla 3D something or other. I don't have all of them...or even half of them, but I think I've seen almost all of them. In fact, the DVD in my xbox right now is Godzilla: Final Wars. I love the part where the real Godzilla kills that phony "Americanized" lizard. Even though I'm from the U.S., we ain't got nothing of Toho. Oh, I fixed your link on you userpage. And why did you remove your comment on my talk page? Peace. I'm On Fire!   FeedTheFlame WatchMySmoke 21:45, 12 June 2007 (UTC)

Be sure to leave your signature on talk pages after your message by either clicking the message button in the toolbar above the text(the third button from the end) or type ~~~~ to sign. Peace. I'm On Fire!   FeedTheFlame WatchMySmoke 21:48, 12 June 2007 (UTC)

questions and stuff....

  1. are there any other Godzilla fans,
  2. is joining one of the groups (Covenant of Halopedia, UNSC of H, Parasites of H, and Forerunners of H) permanent and somewhat special,
  3. I heard about some sort of civil war? what's with that (is it just the Covenant civil war of the games),
  4. how do you move up in the ranks? and
  5. how do you do image things; I want a signature pic and some imageboxes but I don't know how to do it. that's about it. bye

Ok...here goes...

  1. I don't know of any other godzilla fans on here other than you and I.
  2. well, you have the unfortunate honor of asking about groups at a bad time. It started out with one group...then another...then another...and so on, and we thought we were done at 4 groups...but then more sprouted. The groups are just to make friends, they throw some rank system in there so you can get rewarded for doing good work, and the groups basically improve articles in their field(i.e. CoH does covenant, UNSC does...UNSC, etc.) I would suggest you join the CoH and the UoH, they were kinda the first two groups and are good. You can also join the FoH and PoH if you want. There's no limit, you can join all or one or some.
  3. Civil War of the Covenant is this what you're talking about?
  4. The ranks are purely for the usergroups and you move up by contributing to the improvement article, submitting articles for improvement, seniority, you demeanor(attitude towards others), and just being a good Halopedian, oh yeah, also helping new people.
  5. ok, well userboxes are the easy part(unless you want to make some) Halopedia:Project Userbox you just pick one you like and copy the code below it and paste it on your page. As for sigs, that involves making templates, and having a general knowledge of wiki/html code. If you have an idea for a sig and/or pic you would like, tell me what you want it to look like and I'll make it for you(I assume something godzilla?).

Ok, I think that covers it all, get back to me about the sig though and tell me what you want. Peace. I'm On Fire!   FeedTheFlame WatchMySmoke 22:18, 12 June 2007 (UTC)

RE: Questions

Dear Lordofmonsterisland,

Appearantly, James-001 has already answered most of your questions. However, you may join any of the 4 major usergroups - the Covenant of Halopedia, the UNSC of Halopedia, the Forerunners of Halopedia, and the Parasites of Halopedia...joining is a non-binding activity, and you may leave at any times. There are disagreements between some of the user groups, for the list of aforementioned ones are considered "stable", and IMHO, safe. ;-)



RelentlessRecusant 'o the Halopedia Team   TALKSPEAK 02:54, 13 June 2007 (UTC)


Thanks for the answers. I think what I saw was the Halopedia Warz (not sure but it probably was). But I gotta ask about the whole userbox thing where it says "this person is your friend" do you have to get permission or something cause I was going to put up one for you. Also, about the sig, I was thinking about the scene from Lord of the Rings where Gandalf's on the bridge with the Balrog but Godzilla is there instead of the Balrog (I don't know if you can do that though). You see that's what my user name means: Lordofmonsterisland = Lord of the Rings/Monster Island.

Halopedia Warz is held on Xbox Live and it's basically Halopedia clans fighting. The userbox thing, well, most people are not too particular about having their friend userbox on other people's pages, just make sure that you sign that person's roll call(guestbook, etc.). Yes, you can put mine on your page if you want. The sig...well...I'm not a very good artist but if you find a pic you like or would like to use for your sig, you can upload it here and tell me. Ummm...if you still want the godzilla gandalf LotR thing, you may want to ask RelentlessRecusant(he's more image-savvy than I am). Keep in mind that the image for you sig is actually going to be really small, about the same size or smaller than mine. Peace. I'm On Fire!   FeedTheFlame WatchMySmoke 16:07, 13 June 2007 (UTC)
P.S.- sometimes on long questions like these, I copy and paste the original above what I'm responding to, to make it easier for me to answer. Peace.

Talking too much???

You? Talking too much? Well, I have known some people who talk a lot more that you...anyways, you can talk to me as much or as little as you want, that's what I'm here for...and halo too =)...oh, if you want to talk with me and other halopedians(like RR, GPT, random people) in an...instant message fashion...you can go to the Halopedia IRC here. It's free, just scroll down the list of channels and click on Halopedia, enter your name, and there you go. Peace. I'm On Fire!   FeedTheFlame WatchMySmoke 16:19, 13 June 2007 (UTC)


All you gotta do is copy and paste the code and change the image, fonts, and text! If you still need help just ask meh!ŚþåЯţÿŢЎмЭ progress-wheel.gif Cross-Comm.PAST BATTLES


Did you need help to connectFile:ODST1 u.jpgChief frank 001Bla Bla BlaWhat I've doneFile:Marines HALO wars.jpg 19:12, 13 June 2007 (UTC)

Userbox help

I can help, Just send me the pic and I can do the rest. HДĿΘFáṆ 19:15, 13 June 2007 (UTC)