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Template:Covenant Species Infobox
The Jiralhanae are a race of ape-like creatures in the unified conglomerate races of the Covenant. The Humans have termed such warriors Brutes. They are an extremely savage race in general.
The Brutes are the newest race of the Covenant and have high aspirations. They became the Honor Guards of the Prophets after the High Prophet of Regret was slain by the Master Chief, resulting in the removal of the Elites from this traditional role. They protect the Prophets fiercely. They first appeared in the Sacred Icon level, but the only ones seen here are dead bodies. The first level you encounter them alive is Gravemind.
According to the Halo 2 Collector's Edition Game Manual, Brutes are of simian origin. They have thick, gray skin, and are covered with matted, brown or white fur-like hair. They have very sharp teeth and sometimes use them as a weapon. Standing over eight feet tall, they are immensely strong (to the point of overpowering a SPARTAN in MJOLNIR armor in hand to hand combat, at least in raw strength) and fight hand-to-hand if they ever lose their weapon. The Brutes, with the exception of Tartarus, do not use energy shielding, as they are strong enough to withstand massive amounts of damage. It has been speculated that this is because they reserve energy shielding for their chief, that they are incompatible with conventional energy shielding due to their biology (shape, fur?), because the technology has not been adapted for them cheaply or efficiently yet, or because they simply find it dishonorable.
Brutes are described in the video documentary (ViDoc) as "the barbarians in Rome" due to their brutish behavior. This is reflected both in their names, and that the name of the ViDoc is "Et tu, Brute". This quotation is famous in Roman history, as its words are believed to be Julius Caesar's last words before he was murdered. Translated roughly from Latin to English, it means "And you, Brutus?", expressing Caesar's surprise at finding his friend Brutus among his killers.
They seem to prefer using the Brute Shot, which fires high-velocity grenades and has a long blade on its underside for melee attacks. They have their own version of the Plasma Rifle as well. The Brute Plasma Rifle is red (rather than blue) and fires red bolts of plasma at twice the rate of the plasma rifle. All of these advantages are offset by the Brute Plasma Rifles' tendency to overheat much faster.
Examples of Brute names are Tartarus and Bracktanus.
The Brutes have a primitive cultural structure, and are split into tribes called "packs", all led by a single "Chieftain". The way a Brute moves up in rank or stature is unknown, but it is probably similar to that of the Elites.
In general, Brutes have a pronounced dislike of the Elites. They believe that they can protect the Prophets better than them, and the Prophet of Truth used this to begin the Covenant Civil War during the events of Halo 2.
In many military records, Brutes are referred to as 'Bravo Kilos', and UNSC Marines have nicknamed Brutes as 'Baby Kong', a reference to King Kong of 20th century fame.
Brute Anatomy and Physiology
Brutes are a physically imposing enemy to face in combat. Standing at approximately 9 feet tall, they tower over their human opponents, and the majority of their Covenant allies. Their hide is either a Grey or brownish color and exhibits an incredible toughness. A Brute's ability to withstand a huge amount of firepower while remaining seemingly unfazed is testament to this.
They are covered in a thick, shaggy fur that may offer further protection. It covers most of the body except for the head and the shoulder blades. Brutes exhibit two colorations: brown and grey. This is perhaps an indication of age, since lower ranking Brutes are brown and Honor Guard Brutes and Tartarus himself are grey. Since the species exhibits a pack mentality, the concept that rank increases with age and experience seems to be in accordance with that psyche. As a result the highest ranking Brutes are the oldest and exhibit a grey coat, although unlike humans, age does not seem to diminish a Brute's strength or power.
Heavily muscled and possessed of an animalistic brutality and power, Brutes can rely on close combat to defeat their enemies, even more so than their Elite counterparts. Featuring characteristics both Simian, Ursine and alien their appearance matches their human given name. In the novel "First Strike" a Prophet states that Tartarus had the strength to tear even a Hunter apart. One would assume that Tartarus had exceptional strength for a Brute, a race that is already incredibly strong.
Brutes have four digits on each hand including an opposable thumb. As such this allows them to make use of a variety of weapons both of Covenant and Human design. Their feet have only two digits on each side along with three suction cups on the bottom of their feet (use unknown). When it comes to ranged conflict Brutes show a tendency to use large, rapid firing, often powerful weapons. This may be indicative of their mentality and an extension of their brutal nature. The many spikes and serrated edges that adorn their race's weapons, vehicles and armor further exhibit this.
They exhibit intelligence that while unnoticed is higher than the standard humans , providing an intense cunning behind all the muscle. As such they can pilot vehicles, ships and command both land based and fleet encounters with strategic competence, if lacking in artistic flair.
Brutes are known to descend into a berserk killing rage when faced with no other option. In such a state the danger a Brute poses is monumental, having been known to tear even Hunters apart when enraged to such a level. Their incredible physical strength coupled with a dogged self determination to kill their target makes a berserking Brute a force to be reckoned with.
Brute Battlefield Tactics
Unlike Elites, who are masterfully skilled tacticians, the Brute combat mentality relies on overwhelming force and firepower to kill its opposition. Most Brute packs encountered in Halo 2 will often consist of 4-6 individuals; the number of each type of individual varies with the difficulty being played. Often these packs will consist of 1 Brute Captain, 1-2 Brute Majors and 2-3 Brute Minors.

Whilst patrolling, Brutes exhibit a sense of calm and confidence, some have been found testing captured human weaponry whilst in this relaxed state. Once engaged in combat the Brutes hunch into a more apelike stance and begin firing upon their target(s). Often the target is subjected to a barrage of fire and explosives in excess of what Elites and Grunts can muster.
Most Brutes rely mostly on their own technology. They are initially found wielding Brute Plasma Rifles to deadly effect. These faster firing, more damaging variants on the standard Plasma Rifle suit the Brute mentality well. Higher ranking members of the pack (often Captains) are fond of using the Brute Shot allowing a Brute pack to lay down a withering hail of explosive fire on an enemy position.
Like the Elites, the brutes can pilot most vehicles including Ghosts, Spectres, Banshees, and Wraiths. Brutes also have the ability to Board vehicles. In Halo 3 Brutes use two new vehicles, the Chopper and the Prowler.
With the advent of the Civil War of the Covenant, Brute weaponry is more commonplace. The Type-2 Antipersonnel Fragmentation Grenade, more commonly known as the Spike Grenade, is a creation of the Brutes themselves. It is suspected that with their newly found dominance amongst the Covenant Loyalists, the Brute Plasma Rifle has been replaced with the Type-25 Carbine or Spiker. The myriad spikes and blades adorning this Brute-fashioned weaponry are testament their barbaric psyche and tendency to resort to close quarters combat.
Brutes are fond of explosives, and will often use Plasma Grenades in combat. Their throw is unparalleled — over great distances (provided the target is stationary) their accuracy is a staggering 100%. There is also evidence that Brutes will use Fuel Rod Cannons, Rocket Launchers, and even Frag Grenades. Brutes prize Human Shotguns (perhaps leading to the induction of the Mauler into the Covenant ranks), and are very deadly when using them. They are also known to excel in the use of Carbines, which makes them incredibly dangerous at mid to long ranges. On higher difficulties in High Charity, Brutes will use Battle Rifles, but this is quite rare.
Brutes often drop their weapons, get on all fours, and charge their enemy in a final enraged attempt to destroy them. This is often the result when the rest of a Brute's pack has been killed (a "last man standing" response), or if their enemy engages them in hand to hand combat. The Brute's charge overpowers most opponents, and has been known to kill both Hunters and Spartans. In Halo 3, they will not drop their weapons or go on all fours when charging an enemy.
As stated above, the last surviving Brute of a pack will go berserk, charging at its enemies in a blind rage. Brutes seem to have a deep bond with the members of their pack. A Brute, after calming down from its rage, will sulk and mourn the loss of its comrades, even caress the bodies of the fallen. However, upon seeing its enemy, the Brute will abandon its sulking mood and once again become enraged. This mourning is a rare occurrence, almost never seen in combat, and only when there is a brief lull in the fighting.
Brutes are extremely resilient, and can take enormous amounts of damage. They lack any form of equivalent to the Elite Personal Energy Shield but worryingly they don't seem to need to. As of Halo 3 Brutes have been gifted with armour, its metal is both ornate and thick. This provides further protection on top of that provided by the Brutes' incredibly tough hide. These armour plates provide the Brute with shields, making then an even more formidable opponent. [1]
They have been known to withstand three Brute Shot grenades, three Shotgun blasts, and two Plasma Sword lunges.
Combating Brutes
It has been noted that Brutes always move in groups, and if all but one are killed, the last Brute will drop its weapon and charge the attacker, attempting to draw near and crush the target in unarmed combat. This tactic is known as "berserking." It has been noted that on Normal, only about 4 or 5 hits from a berserking Brute are necessary to drain shields completely. The Brute's attack speed is nothing to laugh at either. On rare occasions, berserking Brutes have even been known to overpower and kill Hunters.
Brutes have incredible endurance. On Legendary mode, even the weakest of them can take massive amounts of damage, similar to a fully shielded Elite or Spartan.
The Needler is one of the most effective weapons against the Brutes. Filling a Brute with needles until it explodes is a certain way to kill them quickly.
Melee attacking Brutes is incredibly risky, even for skilled players, though strikes from behind are instant kills.
Another effective weapon for dealing with Brutes is the M6C Magnum or Carbine. One or two headshots are quite useful; the first for dealing with the chrome helmets they are known to wear and the second to deliver the death blow. Even if the Brute is berserking, just keep your aim on its head and continue to fire while walking backwards to avoid melee combat.
Using the Brute Shot or the Energy Sword is the best way to melee a Brute. Most human weapons are highly effective against them as they do not have shields. They are similar in difficulty as Elites.
Shotguns are very effective against Brutes at point blank. It should take two hits to kill one. It should be noted, however, that combating a Brute at a close distance is very risky. On higher difficulties, it is almost suicidal to use it at close range.
The Sniper Rifle and Beam Rifle are effective with headshots; however, unlike an Elite, sniping Brutes on their body is extremely ineffective. Especially when there are berserking.
The Battle Rifle is very effective against Brutes if used in a similar manner as the Covenant Carbine, or M6C Magnum. Players will rarely get the chance to try this, however, as High Charity is the only level in which you encounter both these weapons and Brutes. On the last level, The Great Journey, only Johnson can take down Tartarus' shield because he's the only one with a Beam Rifle, and you can't trade weapons with him. However, you can acquire a beam rifle earlier in the level before you reach the Scarab. It also can take down Tartarus's shield, but for a much shorter time, so attacking him after trying to switch weapons is hardly ever worth it.
The best way to fight Tartarus: Before fighting Tartarus, try to acquire a shotgun from one of the other Brutes in the Control Room. During the fight with Tartarus, after jumping down to the main arena, let Johnson take out his shields and then use the shotgun at close range, taking care to avoid his hammer. Repeat this and he should fall quickly. There are also weapons crates at the bottom level of the room. They hold carbines, Brute plasma rifles, and other useful things. If you are unable to acquire a shotgun from earlier, use these weapons to kill him. You can also use an energy sword, although it is advised you come at him in a lunge when he is attacking another Elite. It only takes 3 lunges to kill him on Heroic but remember he can kill you in one hit. It is very hard to do this on Legendary, as he is almost invincible. The best tactic would be to lunge him from behind when he is distracted, and he will fall. Needlers go through his shields, but won't damage him unless his shields are actually down. Also, to lower his shield without Sgt Johnson, you can take a beam rifle from the beginning which can take his shield down, then either use the rifle or another weapon besides something like a plasma pistol.
In Halo 2, Brutes seem almost oblivious to the fact that they are being attacked. Very rarely attempting to take cover from your shots, acting more often than not as "bullet-sponges." This problem is said to be fixed in Halo 3 with better AI and more strategic reactions exhibited by these pragmatic warriors.
Known Brute ranks include:
- Brute Minors/Regulars: are the lowest rank that will be featured in Halo 3. They wear blue armor, and have only been seen to wield Spikers. There are several green-armored Brutes of this class in the Halo 3 E3 2007 trailer, seen fighting Miranda Keyes and piloting Brute Choppers.
- Jump Pack Brute: More of a class than a rank, Jump Pack Brutes are the Covenant Loyalist's rough equivalent to the Covenant Separatist's Ranger Elite. However, Jump Packs only allow a jump similar in fashion to the Man Cannon, thus they can't fight in the air or stay in the air for much time. So it seems they use the Jump Pack for transportation methods only, at the moment. However, one was seen with a Radar Jammer in a screenshot for unknown reasons.
- Stealths Brutes: Little is known about the Stealth Brutes. They're apparently covered in gray armor and have been shown wielding a Spiker. It's speculated they have an Active-Camo like their Stealth Elite counterpart.
- Brute Captains/Ship Masters:[2] are signified by the flag mounted on their shoulder, and wield Brute Shots more often than other weapons. In Halo 3, the Brute Captain will wear blue, gold, purple, dark red or green armor and wear a more pronounced headdress.
- Brute Honor Guards: take the place of the Elites as the protectors of the High Prophets in Halo 2. Since the job was formerly held by Elites, most of the ceremonial combat armor does not fit. Thus, they only wear the helmets, greaves and pauldrons. They wield Honor Guard Pikes in cutscenes, but generally wield Brute Plasma Rifles in actual combat. (It is unknown if they will return in Halo 3, it is assumed they will though due to the Prophet of Truth being alive.)
- Alpha Jiralhanae/Brute Chieftain: Brutes Chieftains are highest in the Brute hierarchy. In Halo 2, the Chieftain of the Brutes, Tartarus, was the highest-ranked Brute in the Covenant Army. Since he was killed by the Arbiter, there has not been a Chieftain yet assigned to his position. In the Halo 3 ViDoc "Et Tu, Brute?", there are more Brute chieftains seen, and they are stated to wear very elaborate gold or red armor, breast-plates, and an even more intricate headdress. They appear to wield gravity hammers of some kind, similar to Tartarus' Fist of Rukt. They have also been seen using the Energy Sword and even the Plasma Cannon.
*It should be noted that the Halo 2 Brutes do not wear color-coded armor. It may be assumed that the Brutes gained the right to wear battle armor when they replaced the Elites, but that they did not have time to 'upgrade' during the events of Halo 2.
*It also should be noted that all brute ranks have multiple armor colors. All ranks (including captains and chieftains) wear: blue, turquoise, red, purple, green and gold armor. This is probably a smaller ranking system (like, Brute minor third class, second class, etc) turquoise seems to be the lowest as those who have it have lesser amounts of armor, blue is higher, green or purple, then gold, and red seems to be the highest because those who have it have a large amount of armor, and only the highest chieftains wear it. Some ranks are missing colors, like minors don't wear anything above blue, due to the fact that they are the lowest rank. Template:BruteRanks
Weapons Used
- Plasma Rifle
- Carbine
- Plasma Grenade
- Fuel Rod Cannon
- Plasma Cannon
- Energy Sword (Halo 3 only)
- Brute Plasma Rifle
- Type-25 Spiker Carbine (Halo 3 only)
- Brute Shot
- Gravity Hammer (Fist of Rukt wielded by Tartarus, will return in Halo 3 but in a different form)
- Spike Grenade (Halo 3 only)
- Mauler (Halo 3 only)
- M90 Shotgun
- BR55 Battle Rifle (On the level High Charity, when playing on Legendary. However, this is quite rare.)
- M41 SSM MAV/AW Rocket Launcher
- Type-3 Antipersonnel/Antimateriel Incendiary Grenade
- Hand-to-hand is probably the worst way to fight a Brute (unless you have an Energy Sword or Brute Shot) you will almost always lose, especially when the Brute is beserking.
- Do not underestimate a Brute's strength. They have been known, while berserking, to flip over Ghosts and even Spectres, which will in turn, force you out.
- Like most other Covenant, Brutes are led by a higher ranking Brute. Usually, a Brute Captain or Major, when (or if) they die, the Brutes under his command will panic, their aim will suffer, they will not be as aggressive, and will be more exposed. Take advantage of this quickly, for they will be re-formed, and become a bigger threat.
- The word "Jiralhanae" (지랄하네) is a Korean swear word meaning something in the league of a "stupid aggressive lunatic".[4] It can also mean phrases like "that's bullshit."[5]
- Brutes seem to be carnivorous because there is much dialogue about hunting and meat in combat from Brutes. It has also been noted that one of the Brutes dragging the soon to become Arbiter says that "his flesh is seared just the way I like it," which indicates that they may not be above consuming other intelligent species.
- In a documentary by Bungie, Et Tu Brute, Brutes seem to have green blood instead of dark blue. This fluorescent green blood may, however, be a graphics glitch, as dark blue blood can be seen splattering when they are shot in Halo 2. In the recent Halo 3 Campaign trailer seen during E3 2007, Brutes can be seen to have the same purplish blood they had in Halo 2.
- However, in the September issue of EGM, it looks like Brutes will have a pinkish-red blood. It is seen in many screenshots.
- In the Vidoc, Et Tu Brute, a Brute minor can be seen firing a Brute Shot, using the body of a dead comrade as cover.
- Before the Vidoc: Et Tu Brute, leaked details implied that the Brutes would be playable multiplayer or campaign characters. However, this is a only a rumor, and has been debunked by Bungie.
- Brutes are also called "Baby Kongs" by UNSC forces, often shortened to "Bravo Kilos".
- Since the Brutes have now taken the Elites' place as the military leaders in the Covenant, they now have to go through and adapt to similar traditions and customs that Elites have done, such as armor and color, a large ranking system, lance leading, politics, tactics, and religion which will probably all be finished in Halo 3. This change within the game's story reflect the Brutes replacing Elites in gameplay as well, as the standard intelligent and difficult opponent wearing color-coded armor
- In the Halo 3 E3 2007 Trailer, when the Master chief melee a brute their armor seems to come off.
- An image in the September 2007 Game Informer shows a Brute much like those of Halo 2 with no armor at all. It is unknown if this Brute has lost his armor during combat or if unarmored Brutes can be encountered in the game.
- It appears that the Brutes in Halo 3 have energy shields.
- ^ EGM, "...taking down a Brute by sticking it with a plasma grenade or taking down its shields with an overcharged plasma pistol will multiply the score..."
- ^ Halo: Ghosts of Onyx, page 193 - "The alpha Jiralhanae Ship Master was savage..."
- ^ http://carnage.bungie.org/haloforum/halo.forum.pl?read=765343
- ^ http://www.geocities.com/k9inkorea/09d.htm
- ^ http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Talk:Covenant_%28Halo%29&diff=next&oldid=45665662