Halo 3 Edit Contest
Hey, just to let you know, the contest ends TOMORROW, and you are currently disqualified! To enter yourself into the contest, go HERE and write out all of the edits you have made to Halo 3-related articles! See this page for an example. Hope to see a page there by tomorrow! --NOTASTAFF GPT(talk)(eating) 00:31, 9 October 2007 (UTC)
A warning
Hello EtErNiTy92,
Just so your clear on things, we do not allow ANY user to delete content off of their user talk pages unless the material in question you are removing is of a personal attack comment or plain spamming/vandalism.
- "I really do not appreciate Administrators actually, and one who edited my talk page and put all that stuff I didn't want back there, you know who you are. I know Halopedia is not a democracy, but really, for real? I've been a member and I won't be pushed back by people who seem to think they're better than everyone else."
- — You on an earlier version of your page.
You know what I don't appreciate? Having to revert, fix, and edit content on Halopedia that people edit, solely because they failed to read and continue to disregard the rules. As for me and colleagues...are you kidding me. You people only assume and conclude that we are better only because we have Administrator rights and fix every single little thing. Well, your right, we do have to fix every little thing...why? Because people fail to read and respect the rules, therefore we have to provide more oversight on the wiki. Not to many other sites have this problem.
Good day sir.
I hereby resign as EtErNiTy92 from Halopedia (although technically it's impossible, but, anyway...) I will continue making edits, as I've made nearly 600 good, clean, purposeful edits for the nature and cause of Halopedia. Basically, I'm a rebel. A 16 year-old in the prime of rebellion. I'm kind of like Nixon I guess, I betray my government (Halopedia, apparently) and resign and give off double peacesigns as I exit in my helicopter (in Halo's case, a Pelican).
Bleh. I'm a kid that kind of doesn't know what's going on in the world. I'm unable to. I declare a state of Rampancy =D and freedom from oppression [1] ^_^ So, if you got something to say, so be it. But more than likely, I'm just going to shrug it off. It can't be deleted v_v And Halopedia SPAMMED my email. It kept saying to confirm me, and I already confirmed a billion freaking time. Oh yeah, you loathe spam.
Well, either way, I'm done. I'm fed up with fascist tyrannical people and you know what? I love Halo. It's honestly, my entire life, because I have none. I had nothing else to live for, but Halo. (and, yes, I am actually being very serious on this). So, alright. Here I go. Spartans. Never. Die.
EtErNiTy92 04:37, 14 July 2009 (UTC) Good day to you, sir, too. And rawr.
- Tyrannical people? Heh, people today make me want to shoot a pig for stupidity. Because it seems like a lot of people on here think the Admins and all who follow the rules are evil Dictators and Warlords who love to ban people. You know, I don't say this much (especially to those who don't follow the rules and disregard them multiple times), but thank you for resigning. Have a good day! User:CommanderTony/Sig
- lol fascist. Cool story bro. SmokeSound off! 04:41, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
- Let's exterminate all the Juice and Gymsees XD. User:CommanderTony/Sig
- Alas, poor Eternity, for I knew thee well. But seriously, it's always a shame to see a valued contributor leave, I'm sorry it didn't work out. Colonel DA, Administrator 04:48, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
- Woah hold the phone: thanks for resigning? Oh now I'm not going to. Just because you're so high-up in Halopedia, does not automatically mean you have to be high-up in persona. *reverses resignation because of comment* EtErNiTy92 05:00, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
- Well it looks like you'll have to follow the rules again. A smart idea for somebody who quit because they didn't do so in the past. User:CommanderTony/Sig
- Go dude! Rise up against the oppression! Viva la revolution! DinoBenn 05:08, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
- I hope you understand that saying that little stupid comment DinoBenn, that you showed up on the watchlist for pretty much everyone. I'm CT here with the Tyrannical Facist Wiki Government, telling you to watch it. User:CommanderTony/Sig
- Hey now, you said thanks for me resigning. I understand that you want Halopedia to follow rules, which hey, I'm no anarchist. I didn't appreciate that. And now, I'm not resigning. EtErNiTy92 05:14, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
- And your point is....? Hoping for me to go ahead and say that it's a blessing for you to come back? End of discussion. User:CommanderTony/Sig
- Oh no this isn't done yet. You, SIR, have made "smart" comments to other Halopedians before, and it's part of your job to have respect for them. We cannot respect an Admin who makes other comments. I do have loyalty and respect to Halopedia. I don't have a ton of edits, but that shouldn't matter. What matters, SIR, is the fact that you know what? I lost my job today. My grandma with Alzheimer's asked me where her DEAD grandparents are. I'm poor. I don't have the best situation in the world. And again, just because you're so high up online, doesn't mean you have to be too in real-life. End. Of. Discussion. EtErNiTy92 05:24, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
- I'm quite sick of your piss poor attitude on here. I do not care that users don't respect me, it's the internet, I can get over it. But do not expect us to feel bad and give you exceptions on here solely due to the fact that you have problems with yourself and in your family. Halopedia is professional time if you edit on here or expect to be treated as a worthwhile editor, what you do in your personal (off-of the internet) time or on the IRC, has absolutely no place on this wiki. You don't see Administrators running around rampant on here banning everyone just because they had a bad day, and we expect nothing but the same from our editors (see Sgt.johnson). And quit talking about the "high up" crap, it's getting redundant and annoying. I am not the Head Administrator, I am not the best Administrator, I am a damn regular joe. Now please, quit your bitching, start brushing up on the rules, and edit like you say you love doing or get out. User:CommanderTony/Sig
- Why should I fear the oppressive government? I have nothing to hide. "Go ahead, shoot. You are only going to kill a man." -DinoBenn 05:26, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
- Agrees with DinoBenn. You know...I think I just made Halopedia split today, between Admins, and the everyday user that knows how to make a good Halopedia. Now, Devout Atheist and Smoke. seem to be cool. But...There are some others who I wonder, where all the world goes to. One day I'm going to wake up to find that no one, will be free. EtErNiTy92 05:29, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
- By the way dude, sorry for your hardships. I'm just a kid, sure, but my mom is in the automotive industry at constant threat of being laid off. But yes, today, you and I have changed the future of wiki. Viva la revolution! -DinoBenn 05:32, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
- Got to love the people who blame me and my colleagues for being assholes and tyrannical dictators for simply warning and upholding the rules set forth. And we are not a government DinoBenn, we never have, since this isn't a Republic of Halopedia. And EtErNiTy, no, the wiki was split down the middle a long time ago. On one side, those that follow the rules and opposite, those that are stupid enough to think that they can get away with not. I trust both of you will follow the former. User:CommanderTony/Sig
- I don't blame you for everything, I accuse you of your crimes here. I have never broken the rules here, but I have stood up against you. Also, yes, this is a government because the administrators make the decisions and are elected in. -DinoBenn 05:39, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
- My only crime I am guilty for is serving this wiki and simply trying to help out. Now as I stated before, end of discussion, go on with your lives and start editing. User:CommanderTony/Sig
- If I may offer my opinion -- and I know this'll be tricky to read with all the indentation, I'm sorry about that...
- This wiki could be considered a government, albeit a small-scale and non-binding one whose only connection to physical reality is its alteration of human brain cells and its usage of Wikia's servers. But regardless of this wiki's governmental or democratic status, I'm fairly certain that the duty of an administrator on this wiki is basically to revert vandalism and promote constructive and high-quality edits. Neither of those duties require respect, kindess, or politeness, though in my opinion CommanderTony has demonstrated each of the three -- he has shown you both as much respect as you have earned.
- Furthermore, I should note that regardless of your (as in you, the reader, whoever you may be) views of the administrators, EtErNiTy92 is clearly wrong. They modified their talk page, repeatedly disregarding edits, reverts, and comments made by an administrator. At least one valid alternative was proposed to them (both I and Smoke suggested archiving their talk pages) and that suggestion was ignored.
- Now, that's a comparatively minor offense with a comparatively minor solution. The main problem here is that in addition to disregarding edits, reverts, and comments made by an administrator, EtErNiTy92 also chose to make a mountain out of a molehill, so to speak, by deriding all of this wiki's administrators, by allowing personal issues to interfere on the Internet of all places!, and by posting inane comments that reek of ignorant, mispracticed, and ill-thought-out rebellion.
- The administrators aren't Big Brother or "the Man". They're not a tyrannical oligarchy hell-bent on oppressing us Citizens of teh Intertubez (which, by the way, is not just a big truck). They're not a secret cabal devoted to making our lives miserable. They are not a mindless machine, and you are not a counter-friction. They haven't committed any crimes, as DinoBenn claims, and they haven't split off from the main userbase into their own "political" faction, as EtErNiTy92 claims.
- The administrators are the only people that can be trusted with the privileges of, among other things, banning users and IPs, deleting pages, and mass-uploading images. They are the people who help combat the spam, vandalism, and stupidity that affects many wikis including Halopedia. They are the people who help keep this place running, and they do a damn good job, too, so I think you (as in EtErNiTy92 and DinoBenn) should show them some respect. DavidJCobb 06:34, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
- I show respect to those that I have deemed worthy of it. When I said "crimes", I meant misdoings, but as everyone on the internet seems to do these days, you have misinterpreted my words. DJC, this has passed over now. -DinoBenn 06:42, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
- As per David's words, i'll give a little tip about something I was told. My Marine Instructor, a veteran Sergeant Major, said this, and I quote: "You may not respect the man, but you will respect the position". In essence, he gave an example, you may hate your President (Wiki Admins), though as a citizen of this nation (in this case, the wiki), you will respect him for the position and weight he holds. I'm not asking you to live by this code, though it is always one to hold tightly, as it has helped me. User:CommanderTony/Sig
- Oh, it's all done now?
- ...Can I have a refund? DavidJCobb 06:52, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
- No, it is not because CT is openly being vulgar and harassing me by editing MY talk page. I understand not deleting, but he can't edit another user's talk page, especially things that I already put on there. EtErNiTy92 06:54, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
- I'm not harassing you, i'm doing my damn duty as an Administrator to uphold and enforce the rules set forth by our early Administrators. And yeah, I am well within my rights to edit your talk page since I am to monitor ALL pages on this wiki, not just ones with a canon name or CommanderTony in them. User:CommanderTony/Sig
- Tony, I respect rank. I don't respect people. I am indifferent to you as you have shown signs of sentience, but I still feel anger towards you. That is why I have called for a truce. And DJC, yes you can. Look in the couch cushions. You should find two pennies in there. ;) -DinoBenn 06:55, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
- Then show that you do respect the position, not just saying you do. User:CommanderTony/Sig
- By not making a sarcastic remark to your past statements and taking you and Smoke. seriously, I already have. -DinoBenn 07:00, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
CommanderTony, leave my talk page alone. I warned you in another message to stop editing my pages. It's not your page. It's MINE. So leave it alone. EtErNiTy92 07:02, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
- And like i've started to you about two times in the past ten minutes: Actually, the page doesn't belong to you either. It is the property of Wikia and Halopedia. Therefore your rights in this matter do not concern me as I am to monitor ALL pages on the site, regardless of who it "belongs" to. Understand? User:CommanderTony/Sig
- This being a wiki, Tony can edit where he pleases; he's not necessarily bound to honor your warning. This is a discussion. He's not harassing you or violating any rules in editing this page. However, I will say this. This is getting old. Everyone stop messaging and go about your regular business. Go edit some pages, play a game, or make a sandwich or something. Thanks in advance for your compliance. SmokeSound off! 07:08, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
Are you into History DinoBenn? I love History, and I think you are too. EtErNiTy92 05:35, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
- Hell yeah! 15% above the provincial average in the previous term. Mainly Canadian and Cuban history though, and stuff that deals with conspiracies. You? -DinoBenn 05:42, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
- Provincial average? I have no idea what that means, because I'm in Minnesota. My strongpoints are World War II and Cold War. Got a Gamertag?EtErNiTy92 05:43, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
- In Canada, we have provinces instead of states, and in each province there is an average for all the students combined to form the mean. My mean mark, though, was 15% above average. Also, yes, my gamertag is DinoBen. :) -DinoBenn 05:45, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
- Nice dude. My Gamertag is on my Userpage. Send me a request so I'll add you =] EtErNiTy92 05:47, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
- Awesome! Are you going to be on tomorrow? DinoBenn
- Yeah, I will be. I had to put your signature in your comment there =] EtErNiTy92 05:54, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
- Sorry I missed that! :S By the way, I just offered a truce to CT. For the record, it was his idea, I simply molded it. -DinoBenn 06:02, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
- Well...What's the truce? EtErNiTy92 06:03, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
- We would ALL ignore this incident and go on without prejudice or secrecy over one another in order to benefit the wiki. In doing so, we would bring up errors to one another should they be considered major. -DinoBenn 06:06, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
- I agree to that. EtErNiTy92 06:07, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
- Thank you.-DinoBenn 06:07, 14 July 2009 (UTC)