Halopedia:Discord server

From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

Revision as of 11:29, August 3, 2007 by Jack Phoenix (talk | contribs) (small updates)

The Halopedia IRC Channel is a Internet Relay Chat channel that allows Halopedians to communicate with each other via live chat through the Internet. It is free of charge, and is easily accessible. It is registered as "#halopedia."

How to Access

  1. Go to http://irc.wikia.com/ (Wikia official IRC browser, IRC:CGI)
  2. Enter an IRC nickname into the box labeled "Username"
  3. Select "#halopedia" from the dropdown box labeled "Channel", from near the end of the list
  4. Click on "Login"

List of Channel Operators

Channel Operators are Halopedians on IRC "#halopedia" that will serve to maintain channel civility during all conversations, and are expected to moderate inappropriate language. Not all Channel Operators are equally active. GPT, RR, and Dragonclaws are the Channel Contacts for #halopedia.

  • Angela, Catherine, Datrio, and sannse are Wikia staff, and are therefore also low-level ops on #halopedia. Note: Please do not ask them about local issues. The above users will deal with minor problems.

To confirm the list of channel operators use the command: /msg ChanServ ACCESS #halopedia LIST while in IRC.

What is the IRC Team?

Our IRC Team is composed of respected and responsible users who frequent the IRC. Voices have the ability to talk when the channel is moderated; Ops can kick and ban users, and some can change other users' access levels.

They are essentially the leaders of the IRC. When you have a problem or question regarding the channel, a Team member will help you any way he or she can.

Can I become part of the Team?

Team members are selected on an as-needed basis only. As Halopedia grows and the channel becomes more active, more ops may be needed to assist in its operation. Team positions can be filled via simply asking one of our access-enabled Ops.

Rules and Regulations

In addition to these regulations, all freenode guidelines must be abided by.


  • EITHER you are using your Halopedia username, OR, if you are using another nick, which MUST be an abbreviation, your whois says who you are AND you are identified to services.
    • Exception: If you aren't a member of Halopedia, but are still in the channel, you're okay.


  • While you can say as many lines of text in a row as you want, if you have a reason, any deliberate flooding of five lines or more without reason, or any spamming of the same message five times or more, will result in being kicked from the channel.
    • Exception: ASCII art, with the permission of an op, OR with the consent of everyone else in the channel if an op isn't present.

Inappropriate content

Vulgarity is not allowed. Furthermore, talking about killing, maiming, raping, or anything else that can harm any biotic thing is not allowed. You will get kicked once (warning), and then banned. Also, personal attacks are not allowed.

Politics and Religion

  • Halopedia isn't about Politics or Religion, it is for Halo stuff. Not about anything else. If an op tells you to stop you get a warn, a kick, and then a ban.


Note: This is the only section that is rules, not guidelines.

  • First offense: Warning/kick (does not apply to personal attacks)
  • Second offense: Kick
  • Third offense: One day ban

Any further offenses in any way, on the IRC or otherwise, will result in an extended ban, at the discretion of the op administering the ban.