User talk:Manticore

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Revision as of 07:46, July 28, 2007 by Manticore (talk | contribs) (→‎ahhh)
Talk Archive
Archive 1: 14 January - 16 February, 2007
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Archive 3: 12 April - 17 May, 2007
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Archive 5: 7 June - 1 July, 2007
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Archive 7: 4 July - 15 July, 2007
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I dont think they will, and i didnt do any harm with my rollback, i just re-added a link you took out. Just take out wat you feel is wrong in the articals, they are used in halo so they should get a artical on them on the web site about halo stuff!--UNSCOH COL. "Running Riot" Ryan Sm Sniper Rifle.gif BAM 22:30, 2 July 2007 (UTC) 02:08, 16 July 2007 (UTC)

have you read or played anything halo? Terms like squad, platoon, company, ect. are used. If you dont like whats on teh pages then re-write them and make them how you feel they should be.--UNSCOH COL. "Running Riot" Ryan Sm Sniper Rifle.gif BAM 22:30, 2 July 2007 (UTC) 02:15, 16 July 2007 (UTC)
Well if you payed more attention, had some common sense and read in between the lines you'd find there comanders, ranks and maybe some numbers are metioned. And did you ever think to put the conjecture template on it? Hmm?--UNSCOH COL. "Running Riot" Ryan Sm Sniper Rifle.gif BAM 22:30, 2 July 2007 (UTC) 02:26, 16 July 2007 (UTC)
No the delete template is not far more appropriate. The conjecture is far more appropriate because all the ranks are right and same with the units but sence it is 500 hundred years from now the numbers might have changed but probabley not sence they were made by humans in OUR TIME bassing their stuff on the american military's!--UNSCOH COL. "Running Riot" Ryan Sm Sniper Rifle.gif BAM 22:30, 2 July 2007 (UTC) 02:55, 16 July 2007 (UTC)

M19 SSM Poll

Hey! I NEED your vote on User:Spartan781/Project. Go there and vote. Thanks! --Spartan781 Awarded after killing 5 opponents in a row within 4 seconds of each other. CommCSV 06:46, 16 July 2007 (UTC)

M19 SSM Poll

Hey wait, who got the idea that M19 and M41 are both different launchers anyway? Bungie didn't say anything about those two right? Not even telling whether they are the same or not. Stupid Bungie.... :-) --Spartan781 Awarded after killing 5 opponents in a row within 4 seconds of each other. CommCSV 09:02, 16 July 2007 (UTC)

I tried to find one reference from Bungie but all my efforts were in vain. I actually spent about 4 hours in the afternoon trying to find one. --Spartan781 Awarded after killing 5 opponents in a row within 4 seconds of each other. CommCSV 09:06, 16 July 2007 (UTC)

M19/M41 Debate (Yep it's back again!)

Dear Manticore,

Initially I had doubts about this, but I've done some research using only Bungie related sources and have found myself agreeing with Spartan781. I have collated this research on the User:Spartan781/Project. I wondered if you could take a look at it and see if it changes your opinion on the matter. Thankyou for your time, A Monument to All Your Sins 22:05, 16 July 2007 (UTC)

IP invite

Its Spartan 1138. My aunts ISP won't keep me logged in.-- Spartan 1138

M19 SSM Poll results

Er...can you help me get some official info about the M41 launcher? I need proof for my project voting page. They all demand one from me. I spent a total of probably more than 9 hours(over several days) to find one. PLEASE HELP ME!!!! I'm desperate! If you manage to find one, you'll get a very nice award from me(I'll create a special one for you). Thank you very much! --Spartan781 Awarded after killing 5 opponents in a row within 4 seconds of each other. CommCSV 10:19, 17 July 2007 (UTC)

Oh yeah, and be sure to check User:Spartan781/Project again. User:A Monument to All Your Sins posted some new evidence there. See if it changes your mind. Thanks!(oh dear I'm losing badly!)

--Spartan781 Awarded after killing 5 opponents in a row within 4 seconds of each other. CommCSV 10:34, 17 July 2007 (UTC)

Rocket Launcher Debate

Dear Manticore, wasn't sure if you'd had a chance to see this yet so I've sent it to you, it's Bungie sources for Spartan 781's argument. Ok, here we go. The Rocket Launcher wielded in Halo Combat Evolved according to the game manual was the "M19 SSM Rocket Launcher"[1] so this name is Bungie approved. However the in game weapon model clearly shows the marking "M41 MAV/AW" printed above the "correct usage" diagram[2]. This is the source of the naming problem.

In Halo 2 the Rocket Launcher was altered, this we agree on, the main alteration being the new lock on ability. In the both versions of the Halo 2 manual this weapon is once again designated the "M19 SSM Rocket Launcher"[3] and likewise the weapon model again bears the "M41 MAV/AW" marking[4].

On the Rocket Launcher is reffered to only as the "M41 Rocket Launcher" and from the public Beta it appears to be the same variation as that in Combat Evolved. This version has no acronyms after it which has caused many to view it as a new Rocket Launcher type. All of these sources are directly from Bungie.

So the "M41 MAV/AW" section of the name could be the model number of the Rocket Launcher, an overall designation for that class of weapon. Since both homing and non-homing versions of the rocket launcher, from Halo 2 and Halo: Combat Evolved respectively, are called the "M19 SSM Rocket Launcher" perhaps it should all be one section.

But what of the acronyms, what do they mean? Do they help in this debate? Using the website [1] and their military acronym list. The SSM part of "M19 SSM Rocket Launcher" probably refers to it's nature as a Surface-to-Surface-Missile launcher. As for "M41 MAV/AW" could represent Minimum Acceptable Value/Automatic Weapon which would coincide with the launchers nature as a slow firing, automatic weapon (the automated rotation of the missile tubes into firing position).

Since the M41 section is printed on the launcher for the rocket tubes, is it not possible that this is the designation for the launcher? But once the tubes and launcher are combined into an actual offensive weapon it is known as the "M19 SSM Rocket Launcher". Just food for thought.

I am of the conclusion that the M41 and the M19 are infact two designations for the same weapon. As such only one page should exist, or atleast a disambiguation page named "M41 MAV/AW" with a subheading dealing with the "M19 SSM Rocket Launcher" and the homing/non homing variations.

We should take the game manuals to be gospel in this case. Both the Halo and Halo 2 Rocket Launchers are listed as the "M19 SSM Rocket Launcher" in these manuals. Other than in a third-party guidebook (and therefore non-direct Bungie source) this has been the case throughout. At least we should stop referring to the M41 as the Halo 2 Rocket launcher. Since we do not have a copy of Halo 3, by all means leave the Halo 3 Rocket Launcher name as undecided, perhaps it should be placed in its own category as a subheading in the "M19 SSM" Section.

I apologise for the length of this, :-) Please respond, thanks.


  1. ^ Halo: Combat Evolved Game Manual Pg 19
  2. ^ Halo: Combate Evolved in game model
  3. ^ Halo 2: Game Manual Pg 11 of UNSC version and Pg 14 of Covenant version
  4. ^ Halo 2 In game model and clearly visible on image on Pg 11 of UNSC version of manual and Pg 14 of Covenant version

--A Monument to All Your Sins 14:09, 17 July 2007 (UTC)

M19 SSM Evidence

Hey Manticore, be sure to check out User:spartan781/Project again. I posted two Bungie forum links. Check those pages to see if it convinces you. If not, please tell me why, then I know what evidence to give you. Thanks! --Spartan781 Awarded after killing 5 opponents in a row within 4 seconds of each other. CommCSV 07:52, 18 July 2007 (UTC)

colour of my signature

Does it change the look of my signature if I change the colour part of my signature as in like this:

  1. "#A9A9A9" changed to "DarkGray"
  2. "#000000" changed to "Black"
  3. "#808080" changed to "Gray"
  4. "#D3D3D3" changed to "LightGrey"

I tweaked these to simplify the code of my sig.I am a little bit worried that these may change the look of my signature or affect its functionality. Does it? --Spartan781 Awarded after killing 5 opponents in a row within 4 seconds of each other. CommCSV 08:31, 18 July 2007 (UTC)

signature code

hey, what's the difference between <span style="color: black"> and <font color="black">? I saw other users' signatures and saw that they use the latter in their signatures. What difference does it make? --Spartan781 Awarded after killing 5 opponents in a row within 4 seconds of each other. CommCSV 06:23, 19 July 2007 (UTC)

UoH captian

YOu'll be needing to pick a name for your company of UoH members, you'll be filled in later on everything but i need a name as soon as possible.--UNSCOH COL. "Running Riot" Ryan Sm Sniper Rifle.gif BAM 22:30, 2 July 2007 (UTC) 13:45, 19 July 2007 (UTC)

Rocket Launcher Debate

Dear Manticore, You asked for Bungie sources and we've provided them. (Check out my section of the rocket launcher debate project). Surely this new evidence must change your mind? Any help you can muster would be appreciated. Thanks --A Monument to All Your Sins 19:06, 19 July 2007 (UTC)

I've placed a compromise situation on the debate page that I feel satisfies both parties. It uses the same principal as the M90 Shotgun article, as such there is already an accepted precident for it here at Halopedia. I hope that you find the compromise situation appealing and that you help us in giving Halopedians a more accurate perspective on this part of the Halo universe. --A Monument to All Your Sins 19:58, 19 July 2007 (UTC)


Hello Manticore please don't vandalize my talk page.--HBot 20:01, 20 July 2007 (UTC)

If you really are a bot, your talk page should be left clear of welcomes and the like. -- Manticore Fleet Admiral.jpg Talk | CSV 20:12, 20 July 2007 (UTC)

Greetings Captain

(Salutes) Captain Sir it is an honor to serve in Chimera company under you. I am sure you will help lead Chimera in making Halopedias UNSC articles great. --Doktor Despot 00:44, 21 July 2007 (UTC)

Shall you require help cleaning up the clean up page???

I got Microsoft word and office running and Youtube and google video streams online I am ready to help if you need it!!!-- The Hailberd of the Stars, 04:01, 22 July 2007 (UTC) —This unsigned comment was made by Landabardy (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~

Covenant of Halopedia

Can I join? --Sergeant Major Spartan-781 Awarded after killing 5 opponents in a row within 4 seconds of each other. CommCSV 11:52, 22 July 2007 (UTC)

Okay, I am going to add my name to the Minors list--Spartan-781 Awarded after killing 5 opponents in a row within 4 seconds of each other. CommCSV 13:23, 22 July 2007 (UTC)
Can you see the CoH promotion list? I want to get promoted to a major.--Spartan-781 Awarded after killing 5 opponents in a row within 4 seconds of each other. CommCSV 13:30, 22 July 2007 (UTC)

Promotion: Thanks!

Wow! I requested to be promoted to a major elite and you promoted me to Specops!--Spartan-781 Awarded after killing 5 opponents in a row within 4 seconds of each other. CommCSV 08:32, 23 July 2007 (UTC)

Quite honestly I don't pay any attention to what rank users say they would like to be promoted to. I consider each application and then decide which rank they deserve. -- Manticore Fleet Admiral.jpg Talk | CSV 07:48, 25 July 2007 (UTC)

New elite model

Hey take a look at this: Image:Halo3028wik.jpg

Does that look like a new elite permutation?(the one at the right)--Spartan-781 Awarded after killing 5 opponents in a row within 4 seconds of each other. CommCSV 09:29, 23 July 2007 (UTC)


This is --Crash 12:49, 24 July 2007 (UTC)

I was hoping that you could awnswer one of my questions about Halo 3 coming out soon. There have been many magizines saying that the pelican will be able to fly in halo 3 In multiplayer or single. If this is the case i would be really happy...however I cannot trust the information givin to me. So If you know I would aperciate it if you could tell me. Thanks again...Cheers--Crash 12:49, 24 July 2007 (UTC)

Oracle Newsletter/Volume XVI for Manticore

Halopedia:Oracle Newsletter/Volume XVI ChristineTalk 18:27, 24 July 2007 (UTC)

Ok, thanks for the heads up.

I'll see if I can fix this but then if isn't in my vocab so consider it done.

Twilightstorm 21:21, 24 July 2007 (UTC)

Elite Permutation

Hey, can you reply me on that permutation thing?--Spartan-781 Awarded after killing 5 opponents in a row within 4 seconds of each other. CommCSV 07:54, 25 July 2007 (UTC)

Maybe you can create an article about it. Why don't name it Unknown Elite Armor? --Spartan-781 Awarded after killing 5 opponents in a row within 4 seconds of each other. CommCSV 07:55, 25 July 2007 (UTC)

Help with coding

Can you help me make the __TOC__(contents template) that I put in the talk archive template fill up the whole space in the talk archive template instead of occupying only the left? Thanks --Spartan-781 Awarded after killing 5 opponents in a row within 4 seconds of each other. CommCSV 09:11, 25 July 2007 (UTC)

Fan fiction...again

Hey, check out User:Freekill. Scroll down to the biography part and you may discover fan fiction.--Spartan-781 Awarded after killing 5 opponents in a row within 4 seconds of each other. CommCSV 10:08, 25 July 2007 (UTC)

I will check on this later, but you can just remove it yourself and leave the message that I left you. -- Manticore Fleet Admiral.jpg Talk | CSV 23:04, 25 July 2007 (UTC)

Featured article template change

hey, since you're a monitor of halopedia, I want to ask you whether the monitors want to replace Template:Nominated (on the remaining articles) with the era logo(FA) --Spartan-781 Awarded after killing 5 opponents in a row within 4 seconds of each other. CommCSV 12:35, 27 July 2007 (UTC)

I see you have been quite busy these days. Not to worry, if you answer yes, I'll do it for you.--Spartan-781 Awarded after killing 5 opponents in a row within 4 seconds of each other. CommCSV 13:10, 27 July 2007 (UTC)

C company promotion

hello captain. i humbly come before you to ask for you to check if i deserve a promotion to staff sergeant. i have already asked Phil.e, but he seems to be busy, so i decided to ask my operations officer. thank you.SpecOps ODSTcomm link 02:12, 28 July 2007 (UTC)


okay. Do i link Linda's page or do I unlink2nd Battle of Earth and italicize it? Thats what i want to know . ty. Spartan-010:Stryker My Comm My Battles File:Master sergeant.jpg 11:41, 28 July 2007 (UTC)

It's very easy to do both, and links are the key to a wiki. I've taken care of it :) -- Manticore Fleet Admiral.jpg Talk | CSV 11:46, 28 July 2007 (UTC)