Talk:Energy projector

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Revision as of 17:55, December 12, 2006 by halowikia>Halo3

I would like to ask about something and please forgive me if the facts i am disputing ARE correct or substantiated: I would like to point out that there are references to freds comment in halo first strike (According to Fred, only the "big ships have them) but surely this couldnt be the energy projector talked about on the page as when i re-read the book (my freinds copy) it made a hole wide enough for a covie grav lift to fit into whereas the energy projector on the page is said to be a needle thin beam...??? Aswell as the above i would like to add my opinion-I beleive that the energy projector is completely different to the mystery sniper ships weapon in halo the fall of reach (as it is needle thin) also i would like to say that i do not think that there has been any refference to is effectivness as to taking down the sheilds of a Covenant frigate or a Covenant destroyer with a single hit which is also stated on the page...hope this helps and if it dosent...well ill just assume it helps a little until im told otherwise. thanks for reading.—This unsigned comment was made by (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~

  • I strongly fail to concur. I will reread the "needle-thin" part, so let's reserve judgement. The part of taking down the shields of a Covie frig or destroyer comes from Halo: Ghosts of Onyx. I'm putting that part back up.—This unsigned comment was made by RelentlessRecusant (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~
Don't the covenant flagships have them too? Also, perhaps in space view cortana saw them in needle thin. If they were shot on groundwise it would appear much larger. Keep in mind that the book did say that the energy projector that was fired blasted the roof of the structure and that it melted the roof around the whole from sheer heat making it appear much larger than it actually was.