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Halo Wars

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Revision as of 19:45, February 19, 2008 by (talk)

{{Game Info Box |name=Halo Wars |id)

Ambient Life

Although only in the conceptual stages at this point, ambient lifeforms, such as the Space Owl or the Harvest Whale, may be encountered in the game. They may be found on the battlefield, reacting to the actions of the player's forces (eg. firing a weapon).[3]

Game Play Demo

At E3 2007, a gameplay demo of Halo Wars was shown.




  • The Doritos snack food is holding a sweepstakes where the winner can get a voice role in the game.[4]
  • It has been said that the UNSC's super weapon is a MAC strike from orbit. However, this is highly inaccurate, in theory, a MAC strike from orbit could create an explosion with the strength of a nuclear bomb or greater as the supersonic speed of the round, combined with gravity and its mass, would create massive forces on impact. A telegraph-pole-sized tungsten bar using only gravity and deployed from orbit has the same strength as a nuclear bomb. In fact, if a Magnetic Accelerator Cannon shot a 600-ton ferric-tungsten projectile with a depleted uranium core at 30km/s at a planet, it could penetrate the crust. However, it is possible that MACs have varying launch speeds.
  • From a demo video on Xbox Live Marketplace, you can shoot the Grunt's methane tanks and the Grunt will explode.
  • It is possible to run over enemies with the Warthog, and likely other vehicles.
  • It has been rumoured that Halo Wars will ship with a preview of Halo: Chronicles. [5]
  • While there will be an ecomony mechanic for the game, it may play less of a role in the Campaign missions[6].
  • There will be a unit limit[7].





  1. ^ its lower to the ground, wider and posses and different gun/canopy.
  2. ^
  3. ^ Halo Wars Update; 2008-02-07, Ambient Life.
  4. ^ Official Xbox Magazine, Issue 74, page 32
  5. ^
  6. ^ Interview by a Bungie Group
  7. ^ Interview by a Bungie Group