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Revision as of 12:50, September 18, 2006 by halowikia>MichaelMH (Just added that only advanced players need to know it and removed the saving your ass bit because I didn't really find it nessecory to be there)


No-scoping is the act of shooting an enemy with a Scoped weapon but without using your scope. Learning to no scope is a definite must for advanced players. It will indeed save you many times as a charging enemy must be quickly neturalized and taking the time to go to the scope screen will waste valuable seconds and get you killed.


As with most Advanced skills practise is essitial to master the skill. So if you don't get it right away don't give up just keep on trying.

When an enemy is approaching you with a Battle Rifle or Carbine, don't waste time trying to scope. Just keep your cool and remember that you only need one shot, while they need a minimum of 4 rounds to kill you. Just line your Reticle at head level, and if possible, use your strafe left or right to line up the shot and fire.

That is the most common situation to use no-scoping. And since one of the best ways to counter a sniper is with the Battle Rifle, well it's a pretty common situation to find yourself in.

Arguements against Noscoping

Some say that sniper Ammunition is very rare in the Halo games and so each sniper bullet is extremely valuable. Therefore instead of wasting ammo on a charging enemy by using the Noscoping tactic it would be better to switch to a Battle Rifle or any other weapon that can kill the threat without wasting sniper ammo.

However, while sniper ammo is pretty valuable, especially if you keep the other team from getting your sniper. If you have spend 2-3 shots keeping yourself alive, it's worth it in the long run if you don't let the other team kill you and take sniper ammo. The best players will never get into this situation as they won't let allow the other team to get near him. Even if the other team spawn near you, just move to a better location.

It's important to note that until you've mastered Noscoping just use another weapon.


  • When you are practing don't just keep aiming for their head when you are completely undercontrol and in an easy situation. Practice under pressure, so when u are panicked you know you can handle the preasure. Also try to shoot them once then melee. This is the best way to do it since you use only one shot and stil get the kill. Its easy and doesnt waste ammo.
  • Another strategy for noscoping is jumping. Instead of taking the time to line up the shoot on their head, get the target on the center of their body and jump. Pull the tigger as it passes their head on the way up or on the way down. It's allmost like face painting but with no auto. It works most of the time. As long as they don't move.
  • Noscoping is espically easy in narrow corridors and effective. Sometimes players will have take a shotgun into a narrow passageways and just charge a player to get close enough for the fatal shot. Noscoping with a sniper rifle is a great countermeasure to this technique. This is especially true for the Shotty tunnels on Sanctuary (Level).