Simon Brown

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Simon Brown is a character that is briefly introduced as the boyfriend of Jersey Morelli's mother Bonita Morelli a UNSC civilian. Bonita is married to a sailor in the Signal Corps known as The Castaway but she has been having an affair with Simon Brown during her husband's long absence.

Excerpt of Reflected.wav

Listen to reflected.wav here. Reflected.wav was a short file excerpt where Durga reported to Jersey Morelli that his mother was having an affair:

Durga:Absent from home and current tour of duty 513 days. Mother, BONITA, 41, waitress. Covertly seeing a man named Simon Brown, every other Thursday at the Waterfront Hotel..." Jersey:Son of a BITCH! Durga:Last meal together at the hotel restaurant: farmed tuna salad for her. 'Meat of the Day' and red sauce for him. Tipped eight percent of the bill... Jersey:Alright stop, stop, Jesus stop already! Damit Mom!