Wall Climbing

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This trick applies to Halo 2:

The Wall Climbing Glitch is most often used to get to high places on maps such as Headlong and others. First, get against a wall or preferrably a corner. Look straight up and switch to the Energy Sword. Another person, not a teammate, stands on your head and jumps repeatedly. The person on the bottom must press X + B repeatedly to 'boost' the person up the wall/corner. There is also a way to have both people wall climb at once by having the person on the top look down at the person on the bottom and press A + X + B so that the person on top goes upwards and have the other person regularly wall climb. This can also be called butterflying.

Note: For these glitches to work you and another person must be on opposite teams. It will not work on teammates. This is most commonly done on the glitches gametype.

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