Talk:Halo 3
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Three Weapon Carrying
In the picture where it shows a purple spartan on a warthog in halo 3, it shows that it has its assault rifle on its back while firing a mounted machine gun, and appears in the picture where a purple spartan is jumping on a ghost, does this mean that you could now carry three weapons at a time, instead of the usual two?.
- In Halo 2 you could hold three weapons at once, two dual-wielded and one in reserve. When you board a turret, you drop the gun in your left hand, so when you get off you must pick it up again. I cannot see why your example could change the situation. --Dragonclaws 22:08, 29 October 2006 (UTC)
- I meant that, you could be holding one weapon (or a dualwealding weapon) switch the anouther weapon and switch to another weapon that is not the same as the first, because in the photos it shows a spartan with a gun strap on his back with an assault rifle on it.
- Are you talking about having three weapons on you and being able to cycle between them all like that PoA glitch? I wouldn't think you would be able to do that, given the nature of the games so far. I think the one on his back just announces to every other player what he's carrying, also so it would be more realistic than a weapon just appearing out of nowhere when he switches them. --Dragonclaws 19:17, 31 October 2006 (UTC)
- I meant that, you could be holding one weapon (or a dualwealding weapon) switch the anouther weapon and switch to another weapon that is not the same as the first, because in the photos it shows a spartan with a gun strap on his back with an assault rifle on it.
I agree, I dont think we will be seeing three weapons, the added secondary weapon visibility was designed for more realism, why would they spoil it with three weapons? —This unsigned comment was made by (talk • contribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~
It looks like lighter dual wielded weapons go on the side of the leg, heaver weapons go across the back.
Hey Dragonclaws you misspelled another, sorry my Mom's made me a spelling and grammer freak. She's made it where I correct everybody's mistakes, you accidentally put anouther. Sorry I'm a spelling freak, just telling you.--prophit of war 14:32, 18 November 2006 (UTC)
- Yeah, typos happen. I don't bother with checking as much when I'm chatting here, as opposed to writing. --Dragonclaws 20:37, 18 November 2006 (UTC)
Actually, as seen in the Halo Graphic Novel, some larger weapons go in the front like the Sniper Rifle. I saw it straped across the front of the Sparten testing the mjolnir armor. But the light weapon thing is right, it's in the same place Robocop puts his pistol just with a different type of super soldier.--prophit of war 14:42, 18 November 2006 (UTC)
The sniper rifle is carried on your back, as seen in the Spikers picture on the article page. And carrying other heavy weapons in front such as the rocket launcher or fuel rod is just dum. --EliteDeath 21:22, 21 November 2006 (UTC)
And having heavier weapons on your back would not make sense. It would get in the way. --EliteDeath 14:10, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
Wolverine Vehicle?
I just read an article on about some of the Halo 3 screenshots. It gives a lot of detail about the how some of the maps look right now. It mentions fusion coils, Covenant batteries, automated turrets, shield door and a whole bunch of other neat things. It's pretty cool. I would suggest checking it out
- I heard of vehicle wolverine
- I should check it out. A vehicle called a wolverine would be awsome. --EliteDeath 16:56, 6 December 2006 (UTC)
- it would --RimFire 20:41, 6 December 2006 (UTC)
- I should check it out. A vehicle called a wolverine would be awsome. --EliteDeath 16:56, 6 December 2006 (UTC)
I have a picture. Check it out.--Spartan-007 14:46, 22 December 2006 (UTC)
I have seen that vehicle before Halo 2 came out for sale. It was created by a fan of Halo: CE. He even made a video of his own. He created a lot of other vehicles of his own too. But apparently i have no way to prove it.--User:Radzon
Shield world
i just thought y couldnt earth be a shield world just like onyx if the forerunners could build 7 halos dont u think they would have build several shield worlds, cuz if they built just one it could have over been run and they would have been f***ed so it could be earth is another shield world like onyx it covers everything they have said so far something that should be familiar, the onyx shield world thus earth being conquered by everything the covenant has and then it blows up when it opens causing the total destruction of the covenant fleet supporting the profits while the fleet supporting the elites survives
where the arc is i dont know i was just putting in my 2 cents
Sword World
...Earth has been told to be the "Sword World" that is talked about. The ark, or the sword, is to destroy, while the sheild world (Onyx) was to defend the reclaimers from death. Done-and-Done.
--Lt.O'Brien 13:08, 27 November 2006 (UTC)
could u tell me where it says sword world and shield world i havent found it
and if earth is the sword world then what are the halos?
( 23:20, 28 November 2006 (UTC))
Onyx was mencioned to be the shield, now that the core is inpenetrable, and it was meant to protect the reclaimers in the book Ghosts of Onyx. Also, there was a commentary, about the sword, from what i could understand, that could be either be Earth and the Ark, or the instalations of Halo. --Radzon 22:51, 29 November 2006 (UTC)
ok thank you it sounds like i should read the book soon
I think that the halos are the Swords don't you think since they could destroy the universe. The Ark I think would have to be a shield world your even somthing greater than a shield world. I don't think that the mastercheif would be allowed to be killed by the halos. I also can't believe that Onyx is the only shield world there would have to be more mabye 7 like the halos.-Van_246
The halos are the fortress worlds
I don't know, i really doubt earth would be concidered a shield world, because they definitely made onyx a shield world, and it had no tectonic activity, wouldn't make sense to make all of them with the same attributes? having said that it has came to my mind that perhaps they made earth to appear more as a normal planet instead of a shield world, cause you look at the abandoned onyx and you find it empty. It stands to reason that perhaps after the Halo's were activated, killing everything else BUT the flood, they went strait to onyx, knowing about it or something, since it was most likely in the Files of the Halo Installations.
But that just brings in the ark, maybe they covered the ark up so well, and the flood just didn't notice it so they starved, and by the time good ole humans came out of the shell the flood were nothing more than infection forms on the original halo installations.
which brings the thought of, will they find abandoned ships, covered in flood goo from the battle between flood and forerunners?
just some thoughts :D - Starliner
John's Face
Now that we know that Master Chief's story is gonna end in here, or at least it looks like it, does anyone if John's face is finally gonna come out in Halo 3. Maybe at the end or something?
Radzon 04:52, 30 November 2006 (UTC)
- I hope it doesn't, I think it would kill his overall coolness if the MC's face is shown.--MasterThief 13:23, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
- I dont. I think it would be cool if they showed his face, provided he looked cool not dum. --EliteDeath 14:08, 6 December 2006 (UTC)
Maybe thats what bungie is afraid of? making the chief look dumb. hate to admit it, but there are very few games where the characters look good, and MC would have to look amazing to make his whole appearance still be respected and loved. perhaps it is better to just let the Helmet stay on and keep his image in our imagination.. -Starliner
They should at least show the back of his head or something, after all this time everyone wants to know what he really looks like, but if they never show his face it leaves it open to imagination. -- FRAG3TH 00:13, 16 December 2006
- I thought they did show the back of his head. -- Esemono 06:08, 16 December 2006 (UTC)
It might as well look good for him to die saving the human race from extiction. Making it look in the most hero like death. And keeping him inside his armor.
--Radzon 04:30, 17 December 2006 (UTC)
he better not die or im gonna b ticked
File:Also halo.jpgRimFire
I agree with Radzon, maybe showing him in his armor being cremated in the credits or final cutscene. -- Black Mercy 13:54, 21 December 2006 (UTC)
Why has the M6D been put up? the ad on ESPN only showed a pistol. from what i could see, it had no scope, so it is going to be the M6C again. besides, Bungie wouldnt put something like that back in the game. if it did, there'd be no reason to use the BR, which is confirmed.
- What do you mean theres only a pistol?? How could you not see the assault rifle. --EliteDeath 14:23, 6 December 2006 (UTC)
I didnt say I didnt see the assault rifle, i'm just saying that it probably isnt the M6D he's holding. i didnt say anything about the assault rifle, though it does look sweet. If u had half an eye u would be able 2 see the scope just hit pause at the right moment an dyou will be able 2 see it.
Man Cannon a Weapons?
Should the man cannon be included in the weapons section? because it really isn't a weapon.
Flamethrower in Halo 3
Which Weekly update confirmed the flamethrower? - User:Dockman
- None till this point.--Radzon 02:44, 14 December 2006 (UTC)
Then why is it included in the main page?
Yeah I've read all the updates I think & I never heard anything about a flamethrower. Alex 06:32, 21 December 2006 (UTC)
Maybe a jurk anti-HALO fan wanted to tease us. What a *F....r* he must be!--Spartan-007 15:25, 21 December 2006 (UTC)
I saw this thing on joystiq that a ViDoc: Et Tu Brute is supposed to come out on Dec 20, it will be 7 minutes long and show the history of the brutes and some gameplay footage.[1] —This unsigned comment was made by Shubi.s (talk • contribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~
The bungie weekly update just confirmed the ViDoc: Et Tu Brute, but also stated that there was no chance that the brutes would be playable —This unsigned comment was made by Dockman (talk • contribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~
Brutes??? Grunts??? Brutes AND Grunts??? At the same time!?! I thought they didn't like each other? —This unsigned comment was made by (talk • contribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~
- In the Dialogue Placeholders, it says the Grunts are neutral in the conflict. Perhaps Bungie is sticking with that. --Dragonclaws 18:12, 24 December 2006 (UTC)
I Don't really like the shape or greenishness of the Brute's heads in the ViDoc: Et Tu Brute. I would not recognize them as Brutes if I didn't know What they were. That plus the armour seems to take away from thier Haloishness. Maybe it was just because of the background/location/lack of complete graphics deal. —This unsigned comment was made by (talk • contribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~
whats with the green blood? and yeah it definetely looks less cool with those headrests with rhino horns--Swearingmonk 12:19, 22 December 2006 (UTC)
- If u dont like the new brutes and u prefer chewbaccaish s**t than stop playing the halo games and go back to star wars. --User:shubi.s
I disagree, the Brutes looked like to much of an afterthought in H2, the new brutes look way cooler
Weird Stuff in the Screenshots
Do we need the weird stuff in screenshots? None of the pictures appear to be real and are a really a clever attempt to get that Easter Egg site mentioned on this site. -- Esemono 05:32, 17 December 2006 (UTC)
- Agreed. --Dragonclaws 05:53, 17 December 2006 (UTC)
Seconded. Not a very clever attempt actually. Mr Toad 06:34, 21 December 2006 (UTC)
Halo 3
About the shield worlds and how there could be seven of them I was wondering whether the crater in the Halo 3 announcement trailer could relate to the compress slipspace world on onyx. The book describes the commpressed slipspace matrix as having spires surrounding it that slowley lift the selves up and then slowley descended downwards to lock on top of the descending rings as the machine shut down. Part that explains how the machine had spires is similar to the spires in the Halo 3 trailer.
Brute shot confirmed?
The brute shot seen on the ground in the ViDoc: Et Tu Brute was from the Halo 2 campaign, from the level Gravemind. This does not confirm the brute shot, although it is very likely that it will be included. -- User:Dockman 21:04, 21 December 2006
- You see brutes with it though if u look closely
- Where is the video does it say Where are Brutes are bruteshots?
Just my theory.--Spartan-007 20:55, 24 December 2006 (UTC)
Prophets or no prophets
Why isnt the prophet of truth in the character list for halo 3
- Because, he is not a confirmed character for Halo 3, he may have been killed inbetween Halo 2 and Halo 3. Black Mercy 2:30, 22 December 2006 (UTC)
That means a new halo novel saying about the facts between halo 2 and halo 3 may be published.--Spartan-007 11:40, 24 December 2006 (UTC)
The Shadow vehicle does not seem to appear in Halo 3 right?
It seems like a pity that it only appeared once in Halo 2 in only one level.
Radzon 07:14, 25 December 2006 (UTC)
I wish we could drive it... SPARTAN-091 File:UNSC.jpg HelmetComm||Juliet
brute is a playbale character in Halo 3
- You can play as a brute. -- User:Evillevi 03:24 27 December 2006
- You can? Where does it say that? -- Esemono 04:10, 27 December 2006 (UTC)
You can't, because it is written that you can't in the confirmed facts list.Are you joking?--Spartan-007 07:25, 27 December 2006 (UTC)
Spartan Laser WARTHOG?
When was the "Spartan Laser Warthog" added in the vehicles list?It would be nice to have such a vehicle, but there is no proof!