COBB Industries

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Revision as of 21:10, February 6, 2009 by Nohomers48 (talk | contribs)

Template:Ratings COBB Industries is a Human commercial enterprise operating in and around Earth.

COBB Industries was involved in the construction of the Cairo Station, as several of their equipment containers were still in and around the station when the Master Chief visited it in 2552. They appeared to still be working on the Pelican launch bays and some of the exterior of the station when The First Battle of Earth happened. It is likely that COBB Industries worked on several other orbital MAC platforms around Earth, and perhaps Reach as well.[1]

COBB Industries equipment was also seen in various areas around New Mombasa and Old Mombasa, suggesting that the company was a large-scale construction company operating in the African area. [2]

It is possible that the company is named after Jayne Cobb of the Firefly series, played by Adam Baldwin who voiced a UNSC marine in Halo 3. Several other references to the series can also be found in the Halo universe.

