Seraph-class starfighter

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The Seraph-class starfighter is the Covenant Starfleet's main starfighter, and are hypothesized to be the Covenant's counterpart to the UNSC C709 Longsword starfighter. They are teardrop and piscine in form. They are stored in Covenant capital ships when they are not in battle or escorting a ship.

Seraphs are far more maneuverable than human ships, and usually attack in groups of around ten. They sometimes harass enemy ships and perform hit-and-run strafing attacks on enemy ships. They are also equipped with energy shields, but these are only a fraction as strong as those of larger ships and are easily dispersed by concentrated point defense.


A Seraph seen outside Cairo Station.

Although Seraphs are often mentioned in the novels, the only occasions in which a Seraph fighter is seen well in the games is in Halo 2, on the levels The Arbiter and The Oracle, where one is seen in a hangar in a Forerunner facility on the planet of Threshold, which the Covenant storms in an attack on the Heretic forces. The Heretic Leader attempts to escape the storm on Threshold in the Seraph, but is successfully stopped by the Arbiter, who slays him in combat.

Two Seraphs can also be seen at the end of Cairo Station in the cinematic scene where Master Chief is about to return the Covenant's bomb, but they speed by fast, so you can't really get a good look at them then.


The Seraph is the Covenant's main space attack fighter. It is somewhat tear-drop shaped, and is about 3 times the size and mass of the Banshee attack craft. It is armed with plasma cannons, and guided plasma torpedoes.
