Just for clarification, the game was never named "Haunted Apiary." There was a forum created for the ARG that had to give a name for it in its title, so it chose "The Haunted Apiary (aka System Peril Distributed Reflex or ilovebees)". No official title was ever given during the durration of the game, but 4orty2wo (the company that made it) now calls it "I Love Bees" on their website. During the game, no one refered to the game as "Haunted Apiary", that was just the name of a forum. It is the name of the Wikipedia page because it was thought that "Haunted Apiary" looks more official than the childish "I Love Bees." --Dragonclaws 18:13, 24 July 2006 (UTC)


I do not believe ILB should be considered on the same order as fanfiction; 4orty2wo was hired by Microsoft to write it, and then Bungie looked it over. Although it may be not accepted by Bungie as offical canon, this is not just something posted on fanfiction.net. ILB was a massive campaign to promote Halo 2 publicity, therefore it has relevence in this wiki. Recent interviews say that while Bungie is a fan of Nylund's novels, they were going to rewrite the story of how Johnson escaped from the Flood in the graphic novel; does this mean that First Strike should also be considered fanfiction and removed from Halopedia? Also, the Dead or Alive crossover makes direct references to the ILB plotline, as well as a page in the gallery of the graphic novel. Whether or not these offshoots may be considered official canon, I believe that because Bungie was officially involved in the development, they have relevence here. --Dragonclaws 09:17, 10 August 2006 (UTC)

I agree with Dragonclaws. Although I have not researched ILB in great detail, it has been stated that it was a Microsoft/Bungie sponsered production designed to promote Halo 2, similar to how the Cortana letters promoted Halo: CE. The deletion of ALL ILB content would be a mistake. --CrzyAznSprtn 13:06, 10 August 2006 (UTC)

I agree there is no real reason to delete the article on ILB if Wikipedia has one why not us after all we are the Halo Wiki -Climax Viod 19:45, 10 August 2006 (UTC)

ILB was paid for by Microsoft to promote Halo it and other ILB articles shouldn't be deleted. -- 15:15, 11 August 2006 (UTC)