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Personal details






"The fracturing of the Covenant has provided opportunity for all, none moreso than for M'raad's people. War between empires is vast and bloody, but war between numerous disparate factions all seeking to gain an edge over each other? That, Captain, is good business."
— M'raad, remarking upon the circumstances of the post-war era.[1]

M'raad is a Yonhet power broker working on Venezia. He is one of the architects of Venezia's Janissary supersoldier program, and employs dozens of Yonhet mercenaries.[1]


Following the Great Schism and the dissolution of the Covenant empire in 2552, the Yonhet emerged from hiding to try and exploit the new power vaccums and make a profit from the newfound political instability. M'raad was one such leader, employing dozens of Yonhet mercenaries to drive a wedge in the chaotic power balance of the warring Covenant remnants.[1]

In September 2559, M'raad was involved in the Janissary program. The program involved buying the debt of struggling families on Venezia; if the families could not pay, their children would be taken by the Venezian Militia into M'raad's care and put into a regimen of military training. Once complete, these conscript soldiers would then be put to work completing mercenary contracts for M'raad until such a time as their debt was paid off.[1]

M'raad seemingly cooperated with Optican, among a number of other human corporations; with the UNSC toppled and the Created uprising in full swing, the ability of colonies to fend off attacks by ex-Covenant and Insurrectionist raiders was diminished, leaving many worlds to look to independent solutions for their problems. By the end of September 2559, Optican CEO Adam Andrews had made contact with a number of contacts on Venezia - presumably including M'raad - leading to a potential cooperation with his own research into Rumbledrug-equipped supersoldiers.[1]

During the induction for one of M'raad's new cohorts of conscripts at his tower in New Tyne, his guards noticed ONI Captain Veronica Dare conducting a reconnaissance mission to investigate the program. As such, he and his guards intercepted Dare and persuaded to interrogate her thoughts on the Janissaries - offering to sell his services to the Office of Naval Intelligence and taunting the crumbling empire of the Unified Earth Government. When Dare proved unwilling to listen to M'raad, he threatened to take her prisoner - though was stopped by the timely intervention of Spartans Taylor Miles and Gretchen Ketola. M'raad stood his mercenaries down, leading to a peaceful end to the confrontation.[1]

Personality and traits[edit]

Like other Yonhet, M'raad refers to himself in the third-person when speaking. He speaks with a cold, rasping voice. He has sunken eyes and pale skin, with reddened layers of flesh under his chin. His garb is a simple brown courier's tunic.[1]

M'raad is eager to exploit the profit potential offered by the fall of the Covenant and the UNSC, though is under no illusions about the morality of his program's use of child conscripts. However, this issue simply does not concern him, noting that the Spartan supersoldiers used by the UNSC have an origin story no different to the methods he uses to create his Janissaries. He has no particular hostility to humanity or the UEG, and repeatedly offers to Dare that he would be more than willing to offer his services to them.[1]
