Armor customization (Halo Infinite)/Mirage IIC/Chest

Chest Manufacturer Lore Rarity Introduced In Unlock Requirements
AAP/K-ROC Ordnance Pack chest icon
AAP/K-ROC Ordnance Pack
Materials Group Up-armor vest and gear rig developed specifically to be a cheap, easily sourced, and comfortable to use with MIRAGE I and MIRAGE II SPI suits. Epic Season 03: Echoes Within Season 03: Echoes Within Battle Pass level 39 (Premium)
AAP/Granit chest icon
Korolev Heavy Industries Rated highly among veterans. Legendary Season 03: Echoes Within
Image of the Aegis Puck chest attachment.
TAC/Aegis Puck
Emerson Tactical Systems Auxiliary shield generator module, for special occasions. Legendary Season 03: Echoes Within Purchase the "Balor Bundle" from the Shop for 1,600 cR
TAC/Infinity Rig
UNSC Desperation is the cousin of invention. Epic Season 03: Echoes Within Mindfall Event Pass level 6
Watershed Division LACEWEB is a self-contained Forerunner node emulator used to extend the capabilities of a Erinyes reflection mirror. It also provides standalone passive warning of nearby Sentinel signals which correspond to tactical-defense modalities. Legendary Season 03: Echoes Within Purchase either:
  • "Erinyes" for 1,800 cR
  • "Aquahex" for 2,200 cR
UNSC A Venezezian design adapted from stolen Mjolnir prototype plans, that was itself "acquired" by ONI industrial espionage teams and put in production at various UNSC minifactories. Rare Season 03: Echoes Within Season 03: Echoes Within Battle Pass level 18 (Free)
The icon for TAC/OPTICAN FMK-60-I
Optican Field medical kit with a next-generation regenerative gel treatment canister. Rare Season 03: Echoes Within Season 03: Echoes Within Battle Pass level 8 (Premium)
Image of the EyeSpy-II chest attachment.
Ohana Prescient Systems Military adaptation of a popular sensor cluster used by CAA first-in exploration teams. Legendary Season 03: Echoes Within Site Unseen Event Pass level 10
UTIL/Project Ra ZPEC
Watershed Division No studies have been done regarding extended exposure to Forerunner zero-point energy cells, but ONI is reasonably confident that any permanent damage is worth the tactical gains. Epic Season 03: Echoes Within Season 03: Echoes Within Battle Pass level 97 (Premium)
HINF Superhub Custom Chest Icon.png
UTIL/SuperHub Custom
Materials Group Built from "acquired" ONI firmware fused to cutting-edge consumer smartcomps, held together by hopes and dreams. Epic Season 03: Echoes Within Season 03: Echoes Within Battle Pass level 79 (Premium)
Icon of the TAC/Emerson M-RIG Chest piece
TAC/Emerson M-Rig
Emerson Tactical Systems Emerson's latest tactical ensemble for the Mirage platform. Epic Season 05: Reckoning Purchase the "Squire" bundle from the Shop for 1,600 cR
Epic, Materials Group: Semi-Ablative Test Kit (SATeK) up-armor systems pulled from the lab and put on the front lines for priority evaluation.
Materials Group Semi-Ablative Test Kit (SATeK) up-armor systems pulled from the lab and put on the front lines for priority evaluation. Epic Season 05: Reckoning Purchase either:
  • "Skymarcher" for 1,600 cR
  • "Combined Arms" for 2,400 cR
Icon for the Icebreaker TSCS chest.
Icebreaker TSCS
New Tyne Armory ICEBREAKER is a reverse-engineered copy of ONI's WILLOWKEY Tactical Signals Intelligence Collection System. Legendary Snowbound Snowbound Operation Pass level 10
Icon for the Lifeguard PRO chest.
Lifeguard PRO
Jotun Optican and Jotun both agree you can never have enough medigel. Legendary Snowbound

Purchase either:

  • "Responder" for 2,200 cR
  • "Festival Helpers" for 3,200 cR
Icon for the TAS/BOCUK attachment for the Bruma helmet.
Meyer e.V. Upgraded life support and thermal management module. Epic Snowbound

Purchase either:

  • "Bruma" for 1,600 cR
  • "Festival Helpers" for 3,200 cR
Icon for the Inciter Heartplate.
Inciter Heartplate
New Tyne Armory Risk mitigation gear. Legendary Brute Force

Purchase either:

  • "Inciter" for 2,200 cR
  • "Savage Inciter" for 3,200 cR
Icon for the Sensor Sash.
Sensor Sash
Banished Covenant-era wargear. Legendary Brute Force

Purchase either:

  • "Savage" for 1,600 cR
  • "Savage Inciter" for 3,200 cR