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This article is about the Venezian mercenary super soldiers. For the character, see Janissary James.

"You will be trained, and you will be forged into weapons to be wielded by many masters. You will serve until your family’s debt is repaid. Each job you take, each contract you sign, will stipulate a percentage of your profits that will go towards repayment, and what that percentage is will depend upon your conduct within these halls. Successes is expected; transgressions and failures will accrue interest."
M'raad explaining how the program will work to new recuits.[1]

A janissary (plural "janissaries")[2] is an Office of Naval Intelligence term used to refer to privatised human augmentation programs run by criminal, corporate, power brokers, and colonial groups.[3]


Named after a similar program undertaken by the Ottoman Empire's military during the Middle Ages of humanity's history, the term "janissary" was initially used to describe super-soldier programs such as the Venezian mercenary super-soldiers,[1] but later expanded to encompass a variety of human augmentation programs by criminal, corporate, power brokers, and colonial groups. Janissaries are often considered commodities, created to be a profitable weapon system.[3]

Known programs

Venezian janissaries

On Venezia, janissaries are funded by cartel leaders; they create and hire out super-soldier mercenaries to a variety of groups in exchange for raw materials and access to stolen technology.[3] One such effort is lead by the Yonhet power broker M'raad, whose recruits were conscripted as collateral for the debts of their parents.[1]

Optican efforts

As a result of the Created uprising, Optican CEO Adam Andrews believed that the Spartans and United Nations Space Command were unable to protect its people.[1][3] Subsequently, Andrews has directed Optican's resources towards research on stabilizing rumbledrugs.[4][3]


Around September, 2559, Venezian janissary recruits were conscripted as collateral for the debts of their parents. These recruits were then taken to New Tyne on Venezia.[1] During Operation: SONATA, on September 22, UNSC Captain Veronica Dare discovered the existence of the Venezian program.[1] At some point between September, 2559, and March 3, 2560, an operation on Venezia resulted in the UNSC's acquisition of a set of ASSAILER-class armor. This armor would be transferred to ANVIL Station for study.[5]



Dozens were recruited to the program. One such recruit, Callie Calder, was only 15 years old; the others were varying ages relative to hers.[1]


Banished leaders must first enter a formal contract in order to enlist janissaries.[3] While janissaries allied with the Banished are rarely given with front-line roles, some of them take those roles as the quickest way to gain access to even more augmentation procedures.[6]


Janissaries are known to use the ASSAILER-class armor,[5] BOGGART-class armor,[7] CONQUEROR-class helmet[8] with the Banished Red Cornet Command Network Module,[2] and TASKMASTER-class armor.[9]


List of appearances


  1. ^ a b c d e f g Halo: Venezian Sonata
  2. ^ a b Halo Infinite, Armor Hall: Red Cornet - Helmet Attachment Description "Banished equivalent of a UNSC Command Network Module used by Venezian janissaries and liasons."
  3. ^ a b c d e f Halo Waypoint, Canon Fodder - Blightlands and Brigands (Retrieved on Oct 17, 2024) [archive]
  4. ^ Halo: Hippocratica
  5. ^ a b Halo: Anvil Accord
  6. ^ Halo Infinite, Armor Hall: Assailer - Helmet Description "Human janissaries allied with the Banished rarely take on front-line roles, but it is the quickest way to gain access to further augmentation."
  7. ^ Halo Infinite, Armor Hall: Boggart - Armor Kit Description "The Goblinstrike effort by Venezia makes use of Created technology stolen from Balaho to restart a Covenant factory satellite and manufacture Grunt-ish armor for augmented human mercenaries. Phew. Get all that? The BOGGART is the first result that didn't result in unnecessary fatalities from design defects. For Banished and independent Grunts it is also a friendly face in an unfriendly galaxy. Friendly for a Grunt, at least."
  8. ^ Halo Infinite, Armor Hall: Conqueror - Helmet Description "The CONQUEROR is a Venezian fusion of Covenant and UNSC technologies made possible by massive infusions of Banished resources and stolen information. Their operators are home-grown mercenary super-soldiers eager for plunder and power."
  9. ^ Halo Infinite, Armor Hall: Taskmaster - Helmet Description "Venezian power brokers are keen to leverage the Banished for expansion of their burgeoning mercantile empire. They provide the TASKMASTER suits for use by Banished mercenary commanders, while subtly probing their allies battle network for useful information."