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Unidentified Field Marshal
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(This article focuses on the individual Sangheili, for more information on the rank, click here.)
The unidentified Field Marshal is a Sangheili of the rank of Field Marshal. He is an antagonist in the game Halo: Reach.
Winter Contingency
The Field Marshal, with two Zealots of the Devoted Sentries, jumps off a ledge and ignites its energy sword. The alien slashes at Jorge, but he dodges and pulls a civilian to the ground as well. The Field Marshal snarls a challenge, and his two Zealot companions jump down to assist him. Carter and Noble Six fire their assault rifles at the Elite but his energy shield absorbs the fire. The Marshal strikes at Kat, but Carter knocks her out of the way just in time. The Field Marshal’s energy shield collapses after sustained fire from Noble Six. The Sangheili charges at Noble Six, but is unable to bring his sword up. He knocks over the Spartan then runs to the exit. One of the Zealots grabs the grounded Noble Six by the neck and extends an Energy Dagger. The Zealot tries to stab Noble Six, but is blocked and stunned momentarily by a punch in the face. The Zealot recovers and snarls in Six's face, but Carter kicks him off as Kat shoots at it with her pistol. The Sangheili's shields crumble and it scrambles back to escape. Carter kicks an assault rifle to Six.
The two Zealots lead for a door leading deeper into the facility, one holding the wounded corporal as a shield and forcing Noble Team to hold their fire. The Zealots drag the corporal out of view and leave a stunned Noble team behind closed doors.
New Alexandria
Just as the Covenant begin glassing the city, the Field Marshal snipes Kat in the back of the head with a Needle Rifle from a Phantom.
The Pillar of Autumn
The Field Marshal attempts to prevent Noble Six from manning the mass driver. A group of Sangheili drop onto the driver from a Phantom, with one dying due to a fatal shotgun round shot by Emile. Emile is snuck up on by another Elite, and is impaled with an energy sword. Emile manages to draw his kukri and stab his assailant in the neck, killing the Elite. The Spartan succumbed to his wounds. After dispatching the two Sangheili, Six moves toward the building housing the mass driver. The Field Marshal confronts him, backed up by three Zealots, all Devoted Sentries. The Elites are guarded by Special Operations Unggoy. Noble-Six fights through this adversity and manages to completes the objective.
Lone Wolf
After Spartan-B312 sustains enough damage to discard their helmet during the last stand, a Sangheili Ultra charges at it, firing a plasma rifle. The Ultra is gunned down by a calm Six with a an assault rifle. A Sangheili General approaches from behind with an energy sword, but has its shields taken out by a spinning elbow from Six before being killed by a pistol. Six is shot in the stomach by a Sangheili off screen, which takes out their energy shield. An Ultra shoves Six to the ground, but is kicked backwards. A sword wielding Zealot attempts to kill the Spartan, but the energy sword is knocked out of its hand. After more attempts to kill the Spartan by numerous Sangheili fail, the foot of a Field Marshal fills the frame and blocks the view. The Sangheili ignites the energy sword, and the scene cuts to the shattered helmet of Noble Six.
The Field Marshal acts as “Halo: Reach”’s main antagonist. He kills Kat and is seen at the end of “The Pillar of Autumn” level.
List of Appearances
1^ Halopedia page on Sangheili Field Marshal 2^ Halopedia page on Catherine-B320 3^ Halo: Reach campaign level Winter Contingency 4^ Halo: Reach campaign level New Alexandria