
Klemas 'Teodoree

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Klemas 'Teodoree
Biographical information


November 2559[1]

Cause of death:

killed by Crei 'Ayomuu[1]

Personal details





Political and military information


Notable info:

Possessed a prosthetic leg made from Precursor material[2]


Klemas 'Teodoree was a Sangheili warrior who was a member of the Defenders of the Sanctum. He served as a Covenant fleet ranger early in the Human-Covenant War and was a part of the Fleet of Swift Justice. 'Teodoree lost his leg during the events of the First Battle of Netherop and was left to die on the planet, eventually being recovered by the Sangheili castaways led by Nizat 'Kvarosee and Tam 'Lakosee. This group would eventually settle in the Sanctum of the Ancients, and the Precursor technology would grow a prosthetic leg to replace 'Teodoree's lost limb[2] He was eventually killed during the Second Battle of Netherop while engaged in hand-to-hand combat with Oath Warden Crei 'Ayomuu.[1]


First Battle of Netherop and aftermath[edit]

In June of 2526, 'Teodoree was deployed to Netherop with the Fleet of Swift Justice with orders to hunt down the Flotilla of Unsung Piety, a squadron of Covenant intrusion corvettes that were commandeered by 'Kvarosee.[3] In the ensuing First Battle of Netherop, he was deployed to the planets surface and lost his leg in an early engagement on the surface. Left to die on the battlefield, 'Teodoree was eventually found and saved by 'Kvarosee and 'Lakosee, who were marooned on the planet by the Silent Shadow.[2] By joining the castaways, he was therefore brought into the conflict between the Sangheili and the human castaways led by Amalea Petrov that would last for decades.[4]

At some point, the Sangheili discovered and gained access to an ancient Precursor facility they dubbed the Sanctum of the Ancients that was situated underneath a tel. Inside, they discovered a wealth of powerful artifacts, including the Sanctum's Hide that provided airtight armor and active camouflage and a hydroponics chamber that could grow food to sustain them indefinitely. Most important of these artifacts was the Divine Hand, a Precursor superweapon capable of destroying ships in orbit and would produce superheated waves in the ground immidiately surrounding the tel when fired. It could be controlled by 'Kvarosee from within the Inner Sanctum. The Sangheili settled in this facility and began calling themselves the Defenders of the Sanctum. Within months of arriving at the Sanctum, 'Teodoree was able to regrow a prosthetic limb out of what seemed to be the same material that composed of the Sanctum's Hide.[2]

Over the years, the Defenders grew less disciplined and fit in the ever more accommodating facility.[2] They also continued to do battle with the human castaways outside, as the humans built on their numbers by reproducing and attempted to lure the Sangheili outside of the Sanctum. About a year after entering the Sanctum, the Defenders used the Divine Hand to destroy the UNSC Alpina, a corvette that was attempting to rescue the humans on the planet. Approximately ten years after this, as the humans were attempting to dig into the Sanctum, another human rescue mission was attempted on Netherop and was again destroyed by the Divine Hand.[4] This time, however, three human castaways attempted to gain entry to the facility and jumped directly into the weapon. This caused their bodies to begin floating inside the walls of the Sanctum for two years, always following the Defenders. Their constant presence and surveillance took a considerable mental toll on the Sangheili, causing four of them to flee into the desert to their deaths and leaving the rest in a shaken state.[2] This deteriorated 'Kvarosee's control over the Defenders, with a great amount of friction developing between Blademaster Meduz 'Ra'ashai and the increasingly fanatical leader.[2]

Second Battle of Netherop[edit]

In November of 2559, the UNSC, the Swords of Sanghelios, and the Banished all became aware of the Divine Hand's existence and converged on Netherop to try to recover the weapon in order to gain an advantage over Cortana's Guardian Custodes.[5][6][7] The Sangheili arrived first, and their insertion force of three Phantoms was permitted to land by the Defenders due to the assumption that they were Covenant forces.[8] Believing themselves to be rescued, a group of four unidentified Defenders took the group's last Dust Runner to try to make contact with this force. Given 'Teodoree's relative piety towards the Sanctum and his later skepticism that the Sangheili forces were friendly, it is very likely that he chose to stay in the Sanctum with 'Kvarosee and 'Lakosee.[2] Aas that group approached the landing zone, a human force of forty Pelican dropships and a D102 Owl stealth craft began approaching the planet's surface.[9] 'Kvarosee decided to fire on them with the Divine Hand, and the group was barely able to get back to the safety of the Sanctum in time, leaving the Dust Runner in the process.[2] The firing destroyed the Pelicans, but the Owl survived and deployed Spartan Olympia Vale and the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers of Tango Team onto the top of the tel.[9] The Defenders began making their way towards the landing zone and planning an ambush, with 'Teodoree suggesting they fire upon the Sangheili flotilla in orbit in order to eliminate the humans attempting to gain access to the Sanctum. They eventually decided at 'Ra'ashai suggestion to focus on capturing Keely Iyuska and Rosa Fuertes, who were the only unarmored humans and were assumed to be the most important. They were able to open a sinkhole underneath the pair but were engaged by Vale, Corporal Golly Barnes, and Lance Corporal Legowski. All seven Defenders escaped this firefight and retreated into the Sanctum, capturing Fuertes and dropping Legowski into a sinkhole.[2]

Due to their poor fitness, the Defenders were not able to retreat quickly and needed to pause often to rest. During one of these stoppages, a Swords of Sanghelios force that had arrived at the tel was able to catch up with them. Arbiter Thel 'Vadam and Oath Warden Crei 'Ayomuu attempted to deescalate the situation and convince the castaways to surrender, with 'Ra'ashai forcing 'Kvarosee and 'Lakosee to hear them out. This attempt failed, and the Defenders continued retreating deeper into the Sanctum with the Swords in pursuit.[10] 'Kvarosee eventually confronted 'Vadam again, and after a brief exchange between the two a firefight broke out between the two groups in which 'Ayomuu employed a poison gas canister and killed a Defender in hand-to-hand combat. 'Teodoree attempted to engage 'Ayomuu with his plasma rifle, but the Oath Warden disabled the weapon with his energy sword. 'Teodoree was then killed in the ensuing struggle, with 'Ayomuu dislocating his knees before strangling him to death.[1]

Personality and traits[edit]

By the events of the Second Battle of Netherop, years in the Sanctum of the Ancients had left 'Teodoree overweight and out of shape by Sangheili standards.[2] Like the rest of the Sanctum's defenders, he was coated in the translucent armor of the Sanctum's Hide.[2]

'Teodoree was pious compared to some of the other Defenders, owing to the recovery of his warrior's honor through the Sanctum's generation of a prosthetic limb for him. He was completely committed to defending the Sanctum from its invaders during the Second Battle of Netherop.[2]

List of appearances[edit]


  1. ^ a b c d Halo: Outcasts, chapter 14
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Halo: Outcasts, chapter 10
  3. ^ Halo: Oblivion
  4. ^ a b Halo: Outcasts, chapter 9
  5. ^ Halo: Outcasts, chapter 2
  6. ^ Halo: Outcasts, chapter 3
  7. ^ Halo: Outcasts, chapter 6
  8. ^ Halo: Outcasts, chapter 7
  9. ^ a b Halo: Outcasts, chapter 8
  10. ^ Halo: Outcasts, chapter 12