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This is a word-by-word replication of the original page at Society of the Ancients (website). As such, any errors or irregularities are simply carried over from the original page. To see this on Archive.org, click here


Founder – David George (Small Business owner and Notary Public), Normal Illinois (1995) Current Global Membership – 510 and growing

To sign up for the SOTA mailing list, click here.

A note from Dave George:
When I first started SOTA in 1995, I was living in Santa Fe, NM. A neighbor (Aaron Elliot, our current SOTA membership chairman) and I were talking during a backyard BBQ when the conversation turned to a book series (bought on TV and popular at he time) dealing with unsolved ancient mysteries. After a 2-hour discussion, and a brief foray into Aaron’s duplex to find the mysteries book, I became quite interested in ancient artifacts and their relationship to possible extra terrestrials.

Not long after that meeting, I became engrossed in the research that led me to the Ancients theory. Books, video, radio, anything I could find I obsorbed.

It was sometime in 1996 that I ran into this quote by former U.S. Astronaut and the 6th man to walk on the moon, Edgar Dean "Ed" Mitchell.

"I have been over the years very skeptical like many others [about extra terrestrial existence]. But in the last ten years or so, ~I've come to realize that the evidence is building up to make this a valid and researchable question." - Dr. Ed Mitchell Apollo 14 Astronaut, MSN Interview

Well, Mr. Mitchell’s words made an impact on me. Perhaps not a kick in the teeth impact but they left a dent non-the-less. And the first thing I like to say to possible new members is, "If these words made an impact with you, no matter how small, then maybe you would like to hear more of what we are talking about."

Please take the time to consider our points. There are others out there with the same questions, and a few with the answers.