
Weapon System Technology

Revision as of 07:44, May 28, 2024 by CIA391 (talk | contribs) (Hmmm I wonder if the M90A "was" meant to look like the M45E but 343i just never went that far. Ah well.)
Weapon System Technology
WST Logo.png
Weapon System Technology logo.

Weapon System Technology (initialism WST,[1] plural "Weapon System Technologies"), is a military corporation, that is the designer of the DTM series of shotguns,[2] a more cost-effective copy of Misriah Armory's renowned M45 tactical shotgun series.[3][4]


Research and development

As a result of Misriah Armory's M45 shotgun proving efficient during many MOUT operations during the Insurrection, WST introduced the economical and practical version of the M45E shotgun in the form of the M90A shotgun.[4]


Weapon System Technology allows Misriah Armory to produce at least one model of the DTM series, the M90A,[5] with Misriah featuring the weapon in advertising.[1]



Weapon attachments

  • Tacticlamp attachment for the Mk50 Sidekick
  • M90 Shroud attachment for the Mk50 Sidekick



Production notes

The name "WST" likely comes from the 1999-era third-person builds of Halo: Combat Evolved, where the shotgun was named the "WSTE-M90 sacs" where the name derived, like all other weapons in the build, from the shotgun in Bungie's Marathon series, the WSTE-M5.[7] The names from said build were all named by Robt McLees.[8]


List of appearances


  1. ^ a b Halo 3: ODST, campaign level Mombasa Streets
  2. ^ a b c d e, The M90A Shotgun (Retrieved on Jun 8, 2020) [local archive] [external archive]
  3. ^ Halo: The Essential Visual Guide, page 177 (Shotgun)
  4. ^ a b Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, Library (Shotgun)
  5. ^ Halo: Landfall: Arms Race
  6. ^ a b Halo Encyclopedia (2022 edition), page 173
  7. ^ Twitter, Marcus Lehto (@game_fabricator): "Some were asking about all the weapon names in this old #Halo PC build." (Retrieved on May 23, 2021) [archive]
  8. ^ Twitter, Marcus Lehto (@game_fabricator): "Robt McLees named them all. I'm not certain I got the above list 100% correct since it's pretty hard to read the text in this build." (Retrieved on May 23, 2021) [archive]