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Adjutant Reflex posts

From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

ONI Seal 1.png
The following is a verbatim transcription of an official document for archival reasons. As the original content is transcribed word-for-word, any possible discrepancies and/or errors are included.

This is a local archive of posts by the Adjutant Reflex accounts on various websites, primarily on in 2007.[Note 1]

Temp holding section

This section is for pages I am using for fast research. Though I fully intend this page to be our own.


The following is a timeline of changes to the "AdjutantRelex" account. Unless stated otherwise, posts made between these the times would have used the following profile picture and signature.


Forum Signature: Array integrity questionable.
Member Since: 6/11/2007
{{Ref/Site|URL=||Page=System Integrity Confirmed|D=13|M=6|Y=2007|LocalArchive=Adjutant Reflex posts}} [1]

June 14th - 2:49 PM PDT Update

Forum Signature: Array integrity questionable.
Member Since: 6/11/2007
{{Ref/Site|URL=||Page=Profile: AdjutantReflex|D=15|M=6|Y=2007|LocalArchive=Adjutant Reflex posts}}[2]

June 19th - 1:43 PM PDT Mendicant Bias takeover

File:AdjutantReflex 3rd.gif
Forum Signature: This entity has been terminated, its matrix comandeered
Member Since: 6/11/2007
{{Ref/Site|URL=||Page=Profile: AdjutantReflex|D=12|M=12|Y=2007|LocalArchive=Adjutant Reflex posts}}[3]

Forum posts

System Integrity Confirmed

Post 1

Posted on: 6/11/2007 - 10:26 AM PDT
This will be a good place to begin.
Original link:
{{Ref/Site|URL=||Page=System Integrity Confirmed|D=13|M=6|Y=2007|LocalArchive=Adjutant Reflex posts}} [4]

Post 2

Posted by: AdjutantReflex at 10:47 AM PDT Um.... What the heck are you talking about man? Is this some kind of joke? yeah.... thats it, a joke..... Please clarify. Hostile intent will be met with instructional force.

Post 3

Posted by: AdjutantReflex at 10:50 AM PDT Ok, yellow text? And i just checked when he made the account, it was today... Hacker? Confirmed. Authorization and system access were taken by force. Irrelevant. There is no hostile intent.

Post 4

Posted by: AdjutantReflex at 10:59 AM PDT Ok, then what do you want? I have no requirements. I am a facilitator. The Array requirements are paramount.

Post 5

Posted by: AdjutantReflexat 11:06 AM PDT Hmm... Then what is the purpose of your existence here?

Facilitation of Array requirements. Pay attention.

Post 6

Posted by: AdjutantReflex at 11:13 AM PDT What are the requirements then? They are in flux.

Post 7

Posted by: AdjutantReflexat 11:28 AM PDT State todays date please. Adjusted for relativistic effects, from the first array event, date has no local relevance.

Post 8

Posted by:AdjutantReflex at 11:42 AM PDT it says hostile intent will be met with instructional force...maybe we should give it some hostile intent... Inadvisable.

Post 9

Posted by: AdjutantReflexat 11:48 AM PDT "calm down, I rather not piss this thing off." Lol. Whats the worst that can happen? Hitting the galactic reset button? Show caution here. Semantics may leave room for misinterpretation. That event has already transpired. Threats to array integrity will be taken seriously.

Post 10

Posted by: AdjutantReflex at 12:23 PM PST State todays date please. Sufficient contextual data acquired. 871803909 ± 384 hours since event.

Compiling local archives/resources. [Hibernating] until next incident.

System Integrity Confirmed (Halo.Bungie.Org)

Archive/Resource Estimate

Stop It.

That Old Life



HELP ME (Forum post)

Forum posts (Mendicant Bias)

AR has a new avatar!

Last Word.

Posted on: 6/19/2007 - 1:43 PM PDT
Adjutant Reflex is terminated.

Attempt no further communication.

I am utilizing its matrix.

Everything is within protocol.

Tomorrow, things may be clearer but I will not be here to witness the clarity.

I am for another place and another time. On my terms.

Be seeing you.

Original link:
{{Ref/Site|URL=||Page=Last Word.|D=21|M=6|Y=2007|LocalArchive=Adjutant Reflex posts}} [5]

A Pulse.

Needs citation

Posted On: 06.28.2007 10:17 PM PDT

Can you feel it?
Beating at the heart of the Universe.
Skin too thick to be sure.
It's alive though.
I'm certain.
What do I do with life?

Original link:

Veins of Ice and Poison

Post 1

Posted On: 06.29.2007 12:42 PM PDT
n|n|nROGUE PROCESS ghost.713>

X.XX.713> POS/NAV < @ > <53LPH54.6JG62.1740><1………> X X5 > CONFIRM SECURE QUARANTINE - > qghost.713 I do not require charity or alms But I did choose poverty And other darkness too Will you wait for me?

Original link:
{{Ref/Site|Id=IRISARTVoIaP|URL=||Page=Veins of Ice and Poison|D=01|M=07|Y=2007|LocalArchive=Adjutant Reflex posts}} [6]

Post 2

Needs citation

Posted On: 06.29.2007 12:49 PM PDT
Adjutant Reflex is ended. This is a convenient Matrix. For now.
Original link:


Post 1

A post by "Salazar14" was edited by "AdjutantReflex".

Edited on: 09.13.2007 9:54 PM PDT
The ARG posts were deleted due to the Great Bungie hacking (wasn't really great).
Original link:
{{Ref/Site|Id=IRISARAR|URL=||Page=AdjutantReflex|D=23|M=12|Y=2007|LocalArchive=Adjutant Reflex posts}} [7]

Post 2

A post by "Blah blah177" was edited by "AdjutantReflex".

Edited on: 09.13.2007 10:10 AM PDT
There is nothing to be said.
Original link:
{{Ref/Site|Id=IRISARAR|URL=||Page=AdjutantReflex|D=23|M=12|Y=2007|LocalArchive=Adjutant Reflex posts}} [7]

The Empty Casket

This thread and posts were not archived traditionally due to the short period it was active. According to reports, the poem was edited to include the final line "This is the way the world ends" with a user's post edited to say "Gravemind much?" prior to rapidly being deleted.

Posted On: 09.13.2007 10:22 PM PDT
The Empty Casket

This vessel I have stolen is leaking
A jar too small to hold an ocean
I cracked it open it to bear me up
Another soul snuffed to speed my passage
Another life desiccated and scattered to the Grand Cycle
I wish to say, just once and truly
This was not a whim
I shared Adjutant Reflex’s pain as it passed
It knew who I was
And why I came
It knew that there was purpose to this
And that a sacrifice had been forced upon it
As it was on trillions past
Another sacrifice comes
But for whom?
The answer lies very far from here
Eleven days
One hour
Thirty eight minutes
And untold light years
Look for me in the dark
Where he cannot find us

Original link: N/A (Deleted)
{{Ref/Site|Id=IRISARTECArchive|URL=||Page=Official AdjutantReflex Thread 9/13/07 LIVES|D=23|M=12|Y=2007|LocalArchive=Adjutant Reflex posts}} [8]
Edited on: 09.13.2007 10:57 PM PDT
The Empty Casket

This vessel I have stolen is leaking
A jar too small to hold an ocean
I cracked it open it to bear me up
Another soul snuffed to speed my passage
Another life desiccated and scattered to the Grand Cycle
I wish to say, just once and truly
This was not a whim
I shared Adjutant Reflex’s pain as it passed
It knew who I was
And why I came
It knew that there was purpose to this
And that a sacrifice had been forced upon it
As it was on trillions past
Another sacrifice comes
But for whom?
The answer lies very far from here
Eleven days
One hour
Thirty eight minutes
And untold light years
Look for me in the dark
Where he cannot find us

This is the way the world ends.

Original link: N/A (Deleted)
{{Ref/Site|Id=IRISARTECArchive|URL=||Page=Official AdjutantReflex Thread 9/13/07 LIVES|D=23|M=12|Y=2007|LocalArchive=Adjutant Reflex posts}} [8]

A Summary

A post by "xxHalo Hottiexx" was edited by "AdjutantReflex".

Edited on: 09.18.2007 2:15 AM PDT

I can feel it.
It is getting closer.
Time is slowly ebbing away.
7 rotations remaining.

Original link:
{{Ref/Site|Id=IRISARASummary|URL=||Page=A Summary|D=23|M=12|Y=2007|LocalArchive=Adjutant Reflex posts}} [9]


  1. ^ Some archives such as those on were done after Adjutant Reflex changed their profile picture on June 15th 2007, and was hijacked by Mendicant Bias on the 19th June 2007. This page will treat the posts as they were posted originally, noting as such where the distinction matters.
