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Below is a list of quotes known to be heard by August-099 in Halo Wars 2.
Callout - Ally Down
- “For every one we lose, they'll lose double."
- “We've got casualties here."
- “We've got troops down."
When a spartan is lost:
- “We've lost a Spartan!"
- “We've got a team member MIA!"
- “They just made it personal."
When a structure is lost:
- “We've lost a structure."
- “They've taken out one of our structures."
- “The enemy has destroyed a structure."
- “Looks like we've lost a structure."
- “The enemy took out a structure."
Callout - Generic Enemy Spotted
- “Heads up, we've got incoming."
- “Hostile contacts heading our way."
- “Got a visual on new targets."
- “Enemy units inbound!"
- “Looks like we'll see some action."
When spotting sentinels on guard:
- “Heads up people, Sentinels."
- “We've got Sentinels to deal with."
- “Got a visual on Sentinels."
- “I've got eyes on some Sentinels."
- “We've got Sentinels to deal with."
Callout - Under Attack
- “Omega Team under enemy assault."
- “Spartan August, under attack."
- “I'm taking fire."
- “Zero Nine Nine, under enemy fire."
- “I'm under enemy assault."
When under attack by an air unit:
- “I'm taking fire from the air!"
- “Under aerial assault, can anyone assist?"
- “I'm under attack from enemy air units."
When under attack by an artillery unit:
- “I'm being targeted by enemy artillery."
- “I'm under artillery attack."
- “I'm getting shelled, please assist."
When under attack by a hero unit:
- “I'm under attack from their hero."
- “I've been targeted by their hero."
When under attack by a super unit:
- "Zero-nine-nine taking serious fire."
- "I'm under fire from their super unit."
When under attack by an infantry unit:
- "I'm under assault from enemy troops."
- "Got hostile infantry on me."
- "Under attack from enemy infantry."
When under attack by a sniper unit:
- “Zero Nine Nine here. Got a sniper on me."
- "I'm being targeted by snipers."
- "Enemy sniper's targeted me."
When under attack by a stealth unit:
- “Under fire from cloaked hostiles."
- "Someone light up these cloaked units!"
- "I can't fight what I can't see."
When under attack by a vehicle unit:
- "I've got an enemy vehicle on my six."
- "Can we do anything about this enemy vehicle?"
- "I'm under assault from a ground vehicle."
Comms - New Unit Appears
- "Spartan August, reporting for duty."
- "Ready for action."
- "Spartan August, reporting in."
- “Prepped and ready, Jerome."
- "August Zero Nine Nine, on point."
Generic Negative
- "Sorry, not possible."
- "Can't do that."
- "That's a negative."
- "No, can't do that."
- "Afraid that's a no."
Generic Positive
- "Roger that."
- “Affirmative."
- “Got it."
- "Got it!"
- "I'm on it."
- "Wilco."
- "Five by five."
- "Acknowledged!"
- "Order understood."
- "On it."
- "Aye to that."
- "Roger."
- “Got it covered."
- “Can do."
- “No problem."
- "Will do."
- "I'll get it done."
- "Yep."
- "Consider it done."
- “Understood."
Incidental - Omega Team Flavor
- "Seems like a pretty straightforward mission. Let's hope it stays that way."
- "This place makes a shield world look normal."
- "Don't know about you, Omega Team, but I'm looking forward to a straight fight."
- "Stay sharp, we don't know what else they've got."
- "Everyone good? We might have a bit more work to do."
With Jerome:
- "Nice working with you again."
- "To be honest, Jerome, I'm not ENTIRELY sure how we get here either."
- "Shall we survey the area?"
- "Where are we needed, Jerome?"
- "I'll fight beside you anytime, Omega Team."
Incidental - Success Cheers
- "Great work, team."
- "A job well done."
- "We've got more of that. You only have to ask."
- "Chalk another one up for Omega Team."
- "Another successful mission."
Order - Attack
- “Engaging the enemy." (Neutral tone)
- "Engaging the enemy." (Alerted tone)
- "Shouldn't be a problem."
- “Hitting 'em hard."
- "Locked and loaded."
- "Hitting the hostiles."
- "Looks like an easy one."
- "Not a challenge."
- "Let's get this done."
- "Eliminating the enemy."
- "This won't take long."
- "Putting them down."
- "It's payback time."
- "Tracking hostiles."
- "Thanks for saving the simple stuff for us."
- "Like old times."
- "Picking my targets."
- "Let's put 'em down."
- "This won't be hard."
- "Taking them out."
- "Let's remind them what Spartans can do."
- "It'll be over in no time."
- "Time to bring it home."
- "Strike one for the UNSC."
- "We'll show 'em how it's done."
- "They're as good as dead."
Order - Capture Point
- "Capturing the point."
- "It'll soon be ours."
- "Consider it ours."
- "Seizing point."
- "Point being captured."
Order - Move to Position
- "On my way."
- "Going in."
- "Zero Nine Nine, moving out."
- "Going!"
- "Heading in."
- "Double time!"
- "As good as there."
- "Repositioning."
- "Moving out."
- "Heading in!"
- "Heading there."
- "Be there soon."
- "Changing position."
- "Moving up."
- "On the move."
Order - Unit Select
- "Spartan Zero Nine Nine, ready to fight."
- "Reporting for duty."
- "What's the mission?"
- "Eager to get to it."
- "Show me the hostiles."
- "Omega Team, awaiting orders."
- "I'm ready."
- "August Zero Nine Nine, here."
- "Spartan August, battle ready."
- "August Zero Nine Nine reporting."
When spamming unit select:
- "That isn't going to help, soldier."
- "Just what is your problem?"
When selecting a unit under health:
- "I could use a medic."
- "I need a bit of fixing up."