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< TemplateDoc:Ref
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This is a template documentation page!
You cannot edit the associated template from here. To do so, please see Template:Ref/Site instead!


This template should be used when citing websites or articles. For other citation templates, see Template:Ref.

Generic layout[edit]

This is a generic layout for overall use, please refer to the rest of this documentation if you need to remove, change, or add fields.



Below is a snapshot of examples using the template. While not required, it is suggested to make the reuse Id= as specific as you can.

Type of reference Wikitext
Webpage citation {{Ref/Site|Id=CFLocalUnits|URL=https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/news/canon-fodder-local-units|Site=Halo Waypoint|Page=Canon Fodder - Local Units|D=19|M=3|Y=2021}}
YouTube comment {{Ref/Site|Id=YTRocketSlothComment|URL=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FhCaORYSAo&lc=Ugy09xIpEXGC91o6zPF4AaABAg|Site=Youtube|Page=Rocket Sloth, We Discovered THE SECRET Behind Halo 3's DELETED Guardian|Detail=Comment|Quotee=Dan Miller|Quote=Great video guys!|D=22|M=01|Y=2021}}


Field Name Aliases Optional or Required? Description Example
Id - Optional An ID for the reference, so it can be reused. Make it tied to the source so it does not conflict with other IDs. CF34
URL - Required The URL of the website being cited. https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/community/blog-posts/canon-fodder-ship-happens
Site - Required The name of the website being cited. Halo Waypoint
Section - Optional The section of the website the article or page is filed under. Canon Fodder
Page - Required The name of the page or article. Ship Happens
Detail - Optional Used to clarify any extra details about the citation. A new type of Covenant ship, the DSC-class support ship, is featured in Halo: Fleet Battles.
Quote - Optional When citing a particular quote from the page or article, this should be used. However, it cannot be used if the Details field is used. ...in others we could provide detailed concept and reference but no models (DSC Support Ship)...
Quotee - Optional The person being quoted, if the Quote field is being used. The Quote field can be used without this field, but it is not recommended to do so - the quote should usually be attributed to the person who wrote it, unless it is unclear. Jeff Easterling
D Day Recommended The day of the month in which you are making this citation (i.e. the current day of the month) 15
M Month Recommended The month of the year in which you are making this citation, written as its numerical value (not as a word!) 11
Y Year Recommended The year in which you are making this citation. 2015
LocalArchive - Optional The name of a page on the wiki itself, where this web page has been archived. Leave blank if no such page exists. If the page is archived on the separate Halopedia Archives site, provide the URL of its page there, instead. Canon Fodder/Ship Happens
NoArchive - Optional If this field is filled in (with any value), the automatic external archive link will never be displayed. This should be left blank except in exceptional circumstances where a link to an external archive should explicitly not be provided for some reason. yes