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< User:CIA391
Revision as of 12:55, June 22, 2022 by CIA391 (talk | contribs)

Put generic start line here (this is using a layout that Memory alpha uses here

Quick test Category:CE

Timeline rehaul

Phase 1: Ideas

Go over ideas on what I want for this rehaul.

Phase 2: Prep

Prep existing pages (source checked and so on)

Check these timelines for ref and updating our one better

Phase 3: Decades and other

Phase 4: Templates

Continue work on the templates below and push.

Phase 5: Safety Check

Once templates have been pushed. Make sure pages are sound and flow well.

Stuff to work on

1. Finish fixing up the current timeline. 2. Do work on making the info/nav/box work better. 3. Create decade and century pages. 4. Maybe create millennium pages. 5. Make main hub easy to understand plus have interesting stuff to draw the readers attention.

Current work that is here and there

Timeline design


Years/Decades infobox

Fixes needed before template can be used

  • Add a overwrite clause to avoid the following issues.
    • Real world years
      • 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
    • Redirects = Fix remove the ones that are useless. Then add a "ignore caveat".
      • 7, 360, 343, 4096
  • Fix 1 to 9 adding a "0s" to the years and decades.
  • Lower decades to 1 next and 1 previous.
  • Automate decades
  • Add the ability to connect to the first BCE year automatically.

Work to get the loop working as intended






  • Start = 2470 (Page name)
  • Goal = 2473 (Next page)
  • Start = i
  • If i is not a link + 1 (loop)
  • If i is a link display

Likely need to use ifexist

  • {{#ifexist: 2473 | exists | no }}

Century/Millennium + Distant past infobox

Timeline nav version 1


Timeline versions

We can go three routes here. 1. Follow the text version we have here 2. We go a wide spanning one that Memory Alpha has. 3. We do both! :D