
List of Halo 4 medals

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Medals are preset rewards or bonuses given in Halo 4's, Multiplayer mode, when players perform specific actions. These usually involving the killing of enemies or rival players. Medals now take on a more icon or emblem-like appearance rather than the realistic medal appearance in Halo: Reach. As there is no longer campaign scoring; medals are not awarded in campaign.

Multi-kill medals in Halo 4 are now slightly easier to achieve, with the allotted time between kills increased from 4 seconds to 4.5 seconds. Weapon Spree medals have been discontinued, while several weapon kill and assist medals have been added.

This is a list of the medals awarded in Halo 4.

Icon Name Requirement
Killing Sprees
H4 - Killing spree.png Killing Spree Kill 5 opponents in a row without dying.
H4 - Killing frenzy.png Killing Frenzy Kill 10 opponents in a row without dying.
H4 - Running Riot.png Running Riot Kill 15 opponents in a row without dying.
H4 - Rampage.png Rampage Kill 20 opponents in a row without dying.
H4 - Untouchable.png Untouchable Kill 25 opponents in a row without dying.
H4 - Invincible.png Invincible Kill 30 opponents in a row without dying.
H4 - Inconceivable.png Inconceivable Kill 35 opponents in a row without dying.
H4 - Unfriggenbelievable.png Unfriggenbelievable Kill 40 opponents in a row without dying.
H4 - Comeback.png Comeback Achieve a kill after dying 3 times in a row.
H4 - Double Kill.png Double Kill Kill 2 opponents within 4.5 seconds of one another.
H4 - Triple Kill.png Triple Kill Kill 3 opponents within 4.5 seconds of one another.
H4 - Overkill.png Overkill Kill 4 opponents within 4.5 seconds of one another.
H4 - Killtacular.png Killtacular Kill 5 opponents within 4.5 seconds of one another.
H4 - Killtrocity.png Killtrocity Kill 6 opponents within 4.5 seconds of one another.
H4 - Killamanjaro.png Killamanjaro Kill 7 opponents within 4.5 seconds of one another.
H4 - Killtastrophe.png Killtastrophe Kill 8 opponents within 4.5 seconds of one another.
H4 - Killpocalypse.png Killpocalypse Kill 9 opponents within 4.5 seconds of one another.
H4 - Killionaire.png Killionaire Kill 10 opponents within 4.5 seconds of one another.
H4 - Extermination.png Extermination Wipe out an enemy team with at least an Overkill.
Kill Medals
H4 - Generic Kill.png Kill Generic Kill.
H4 - Headshot.png Headshot Kill an opponent with a headshot.
H4 - Melee.png Melee Hit and kill an opponent with a melee attack.
H4 - Beat Down.png Beat Down Hit and kill an opponent with a melee attack from behind.
H4 - Assassination.png Assassination Kill an opponent by performing an assassination.
H4 - Airsassination.png Airsassination Kill an opponent by performing a midair assassination.
H4 - Grenade Kill.png Grenade Kill Kill an opponent with a grenade explosion.
H4 - Plasma Grenade Kill.png Plasma Kill Kill an opponent with a plasma grenade.
H4 - Sniper Rifle Kill.png Sniper Rifle Kill Kill an opponent with a sniper rifle.
H4 - Beam Rifle Kill.png Beam Rifle Kill Kill an opponent with a beam rifle.
H4 - Binary Rifle Kill.png Binary Rifle Kill Kill an opponent with a binary rifle.
H4 - Rocket Kill.png Rocket Kill Kill an opponent with a rocket launcher.
H4 - Fuel Rod Cannon Kill.png Fuel Rod Cannon Kill Kill an opponent with a fuel rod cannon.
H4 - Railgun Kill.png Railgun Kill Kill an opponent with a railgun.
H4 - Sword Kill.png Sword Kill Kill an opponent with an energy sword.
H4 - Hammer Kill.png Hammer Kill Kill an opponent with a gravity hammer.
H4 - Splaser Kill.png Splaser Kill Kill an opponent with a spartan laser.
H4 - Supercombine.png Supercombine Kill an opponent with a needler supercombination.
H4 - Vehicle Kill.png Vehicle Kill Kill an opponent with a vehicle weapon.
H4 - Splatter.png Splatter Hit and kill an opponent with your vehicle.
Bonus/Style Medals
H4 - First Strike.png First Strike Earn the first kill of the match.
H4 - Last Strike.png Last Strike Earn the final kill.
H4 - Headcase.png Headcase Kill a sprinting opponent with a headshot.
H4 - Reload This.png Reload This Kill an opponent who is reloading.
H4 - Kill From the Grave.png Kill from the Grave Kill an opponent after you die.
H4 - Revenge.png Revenge Kill the opponent responsible for your last death.
H4 - Retribution.png Retribution Kill the opponent responsible for your last death with an assassination.
H4 - Vengeance.png Vengeance Kill an opponent who stole your ordnance.
H4 - Avenger.png Avenger Kill an opponent who recently killed your teammate.
H4 - Protector.png Protector Save an teammate by killing his attacker.
H4 - Close Call.png Close Call Kill an opponent while your health is low and survive.
H4 - Hijack.png Hijack Board a land-based vehicle by forcibly removing the opponent in it.
H4 - Skyjack.png Skyjack Board an aircraft by forcibly removing the opponent in it.
H4 - Busted.png Busted Kill an opponent attempting to hijack or skyjack a vehicle.
H4 - Showstopper.png Showstopper Stop an assassination by killing the assassinating opponent.
H4 - Bulltrue.png Bulltrue Kill an opponent who is lunging with a sword.
H4 - Vehicle Destroyed.png Vehicle Destroyed Destroy an opponent's vehicle, killing the driver.
H4 - Killjoy.png Killjoy End an opponent's killing spree.
H4 - Hail Marry.png Hail Mary Get a long range grenade kill.
H4 - Snapshot.png Snapshot Kill an opponent with a sniper rifle while not zoomed in.
H4 - Ordnance Earned.png Ordnance Earned Earn an ordnance drop.
Assist/Support Medals
H4 - Assist.png Assist Assist a player in achieving a kill.
H4 - Vehicle Destroy Assist.png Vehicle Destroy Assist Assist a player in destroying a vehicle.
H4 - Wheelman.png Wheelman Drive a vehicle and have a passenger kill an opponent.
H4 - Distraction.png Distraction Distract a player who is then killed.
H4 - Guardian Angel.png Guardian Angel Save a teammate's life from a long distance.
H4 - Wingman.png Wingman Get a spree of any 5 assist types.
H4 - Bodyguard.png Bodyguard Get a spree of 3 Savoir or Guardian Angel medals.
H4 - Flyin' High.png Flyin' High Achieve a massive mongoose or warthog jump with a passenger.
H4 - EMP Assist.png EMP Assist EMP an opponent who is then killed.
H4 - Road Trip.png Road Trip Load up a Warthog with 2 teammates and go for a drive.
Dominion Medals
H4 - Base Capture Initiated.png Base Capture Initiated Initiate a base capture.
H4 - Base Captured.png Base Captured Initiate a successful base capture.
H4 - Base Conqueror.png Base Conqueror Initiate 5 successful base captures.
H4 - Capture Assist.png Capture Assist Be within a base when it is captured.
H4 - Capture Initiation Assist.png Capture Initiation Assist Assist a teammate in initiating a base capture.
H4 - Base Defense.png Base Defense Kill an opponent inside a base your team controls.
H4 - Base Offense.png Base Offense Kill an opponent inside a base your enemy controls.
H4 - Base Saved.png Base Saved Reclaim a contested base your team owns.
H4 - Security Chief.png Security Chief Reclaim 5 contested bases your team owns.
H4 - Fortification Assist.png Fortification Assist Be within a base your team controls when it is fortified.
H4 - Resupply Assist.png Resupply Assist Be within a base your team controls when it is resupplied.
H4 - Turret Built.png Turret Built Build a base turret.
H4 - Chief Engineer.png Chief Engineer Build 10 base turrets.
H4 - Turret Destroyed.png Turret Destroyed Destroy an enemy base turret.
H4 - Demolition Expert.png Demolition Expert Destroy 10 enemy base turrets.
H4 - Gotcha.png Gotcha! Kill an enemy player while they are building a turret.
H4 - Shield Door Destroyer.png Shield Door Destroyed Destroy 5 enemy team shields.
H4 - Breach.png Breach Destroy 10 enemy team shields.
H4 - Sapper.png Sapper Destroy 15 enemy team shields.
H4 - Survivor.png Survivor Survive Last Stand without dying.
H4 - Hero.png Hero! Instigate a successful capture that saves the team from Last Stand.
H4 - Kill Shot!.png Kill Shot! Get the final kill in Last Stand mode.
Regicide Medals
H4 - King Kill.png King Kill Kill an opponent as the king in Regicide.
H4 - King Spree.png King Spree Get 5 kills in a row as king.
H4 - Kingtacular.png Kingtacular Live for 20 seconds as king.
H4 - Reign of Terror.png Reign of Terror Live for 60 seconds as king.
H4 - Regicide.png Regicide Kill the king.
H4 - Execution.png Execution Assassinate the king.
H4 - King Slayer.png King Slayer Kill the king 3 times in a row.
H4 - King Joust.png King Joust Kill a king as the king in Regicide.
H4 - King Assist.png King Assist Assist a player in killing the king.
H4 - Savior.png Savior Kill an opponent shooting at your king.
Flood Medals
Alphaconversion.png Alpha Conversion Convert a Spartan into a Flood as an Alpha.
H4-Floodconversion.png Flood Conversion Convert a Spartan to the Flood.
H4-Infector.png Infector Convert 2 Spartans in a row as a Flood without dying.
H4-Carrier.png Carrier Convert 3 Spartans in a row as a Flood without dying.
H4-Juggernaut.png Juggernaut Convert 4 Spartans in a row as a Flood without dying.
H4-Medal Gravemind.png Gravemind Kill all Spartans in a row as a Flood without dying.
H4-Finalconversion.png Final Conversion Convert the last Spartan in the round into a Flood.
H4-Floodvictory.png Flood Victory Contribute to the Flood total conversion of all Spartans.
H4-Ancientone.png Ancient One Survive an entire round as a Flood and convert at least one Spartan.
H4-Floodkillassist.png Flood Kill Assist Assist in killing a Flood.
H4-Floodkill.png Flood Kill Kill a Flood as a Spartan.
H4-Floodhunter.png Flood Hunter Kill 4 Flood in a row as a Spartan without dying.
H4-Floodsurvivor.png Flood Survivor Kill 6 Flood in a row as a Spartan without dying.
H4 - Flood Exterminator.png Flood Exterminator Kill 10 Flood in a row as a Spartan without dying.
Lastmanstanding.png Last Man Standing Be the last surviving Spartan.
H4-Clever.png Clever Survive an entire round as a Spartan.
King of the Hill Medals
H4 - Hill 5.png Hill +5 Hold and survive in the hill for 5 seconds.
H4 - Hill 10.png Hill +10 Hold and survive in the hill for 15 seconds.
H4 - Hill +15.png Hill +15 Hold and survive in the hill for 30 seconds.
H4 - Hill Dominance.png Hill Dominance Hold and survive in the hill for its entire duration.
H4 - Vehicle Hill 5.png Vehicle Hill +5 Hold and survive in the hill for 5 seconds using a vehicle.
H4 - Vehicle Hill +10.png Vehicle Hill +10 Hold and survive in the hill for 15 seconds using a vehicle.
H4 - Vehicle Hill +15.png Vehicle Hill +15 Hold and survive in the hill for 30 seconds using a vehicle.
H4 - Vehicle Dominance.png Vehicle Dominance Hold and survive in the hill for its entire duration using a vehicle.
H4 - First Point.png First Point Be the first player to earn a point from a hill.
H4 - Hill Defense.png Hill Defense Kill an enemy while holding a hill.
H4 - Hill Offense.png Hill Offense Kill an enemy holding a hill.
H4 - Hail to the King.png Hail to the King Kill 5 enemies while controlling the hill.
H4 - Hill Assist.png Hill Assist Assist killing an enemy taking or holding a hill.
H4 - Regime Change.png Regime Change Overtake a controlled hill (10 seconds) and hold it for 10 seconds.
Capture the Flag Medals
H4 - Flag Capture.png Flag Capture Deliver the opponent's flag to your base.
H4 - Flag Runner.png Flag Runner Capture 2 flags in one game.
H4 - Flag Champion.png Flag Champion Capture 3 flags in one game.
H4 - Flag Assist.png Flag Assist Help a teammate capture a flag.
H4 - Flag Carrier Kill.png Flag Carrier Kill Kill an opponent who is carrying a flag.
H4 - Flag Defense.png Flag Defense Kill an opponent who is close to your flag.
H4 - Flag Kill.png Flag Kill Kill an opponent while holding a flag.
H4 - Flagsassination.png Flagsassination Perform an assassination while holding a flag.
H4 - Flag Joust.png Flag Joust Kill a flag carrier while holding a flag.
H4 - Flag Driver.png Flag Driver Drive a flag carrier close to your capture point.
Oddball Medals
H4 - Ball Holder.png Ball Holder Hold onto the ball for 10 seconds.
H4 - Ball Keeper.png Ball Keeper Hold onto the ball for 20 seconds.
H4 - Ball Master.png Ball Master Hold onto the ball for 30 seconds.
H4 - Ball Hog.png Ball Hog Hold onto the ball for 45 seconds.
H4 - Magic Hands.png Magic Hands Hold onto the ball for 1 minute.
H4 - Ball Kill.png Ball Kill Kill an opponent with a melee ball attack.
H4 - Smooth Moves.png Smooth Moves Get a Triple Kill with the oddball.
H4 - Ballsassination.png Ballsassination Perform an assassination while holding the oddball.
H4- Carrier Kill.png Carrier Kill Kill an opponent holding the ball.
H4 - Carrier Kill Assist.png Carrier Kill Assist Assist killing an opponent holding the ball.
H4 - Catch.png Catch Catch a ball thrown by a teammate.
H4 - Long Bomb.png Long Bomb Throw the ball to a player farther than 15m from you.
H4 - Nice Catch.png Nice Catch! Catch a ball thrown farther 15m from you.
H4 - Interception.png Interception Catch a ball thrown by an enemy player.
H4 - First Touch.png First Touch Be the first player to pick up the ball.
Extraction Medals
H4 - Site Extracted.png Site Extracted Successfully extract a site.
H4 - Extraction Assist.png Extraction Assist Provide support nearby when a beacon is armed.
H4 - Beacon Armed.png Beacon Armed Successfully plant a beacon.
H4 - Arm Assist.png Arm Assist Provide support nearby when a beacon is armed.
H4 - Arm Stopped.png Arm Stopped Kill an enemy planting the beacon.
H4 - Beacon Converted.png Beacon Converted Successfully convert a beacon.
H4 - Convert Assist.png Convert Assist Provide support nearby when a beacon is converted.
H4 - Convert Stopped.png Convert Stopped Kill an enemy converting the beacon.
H4 - Expert Extraction.png Expert Extraction Extract 3 beacons without dying.
H4 - Site Saviour.png Site Saviour Convert 3 beacons without dying.
H4 - Site Offense.png Site Offense Kill a defender in the supply site.
H4 - Site Defense.png Site Defense Kill an attacker in the supply site.
H4 - Stay Back.png Stay Back! Kill an enemy while planting or defusing the beacon.
Grifball Medals
H4 - Score!.png Score! Score the Grifball.
Ricochet Medals
Goal-defense.png Goal Defense Kill an enemy ball carrier within 25m of your own goal without him scoring.
Ball-clear2.png Ball Clear Throw a ball 40m away from your own goal.
Goal-keeper2.png Goal Keeper Kill 5 enemies while defending the goal.
Rejectionh4.png Rejection Intercept a throw within 25m of your goal.
Fast-break2.png Fast Break Scoring a goal within 15 seconds of a ball set without a turnover.