Armor customization (Halo Infinite)/Yoroi/Attachments

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< Armor customization (Halo Infinite)
Revision as of 09:17, November 30, 2021 by Superintendent (talk | contribs) (→‎top: Link replacement, replaced: [[Tenrai (Fracture) → [[Tenrai)
Helmet Attachments
Helmet Attachment Lore Rarity Unlock Requirements Compatible Helmets
Menu icon for Halo Infinite Yoroi armor customization.
Imperial Crest
Manufacturer: Fractures Samurai
Legendary TBD
  • Hikeshi
Menu icon for Halo Infinite Yoroi armor customization.
Spring Blossom Filter
Manufacturer: Fractures Samurai
Missions in fetid underground warrens inhabited by the Covenant and native terrors requires special preparation and equipment
Legendary Tenrai Event Pass level 29
  • Yokai
Icon of the Windbown
Windblown Mask
Manufacturer: Fractures Samurai
This mask allows the wear to filter and breath air befouled by the Covenant's domination spires.
Legendary Purchase "CHONMAGE Armor Set" from the Shop for 2,000 cR
  • Chonmage