Armor customization (Halo Infinite)/Mark VII/Hip

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Utility Lore Rarity Unlock Requirements
Icon of the APP/Ordnance Pack Mike Utility.
AAP/Ordnance Pack Mike
Manufacturer: Materials Group
A little extra ordnance for peace of mind.
Epic TBD
MAT-2550/Grenade Pack
Manufacturer: Emerson Tactical Systems
A spare tactical radio and grenades go a long way when you are in harm's way.
Epic TBD
MEDAUX Unit/Type I
Manufacturer: Optican
Medigel Applicator Unit, Single Pack. Allows for quick replenishment of the suit's internal reservoir.
Rare TBD
Mountain Dew and Monster Energy
Manufacturer: Optican
Medigel Applicator Unit, Double Pack. Medigel is as precious as diamondoid dust on extended patrols, or when bartering with colonials.
Epic Purchase "Scarlet Medic" from the Shop for 500 cR
File:HINF MYESEL Ammo Pouch Utility Icon.png
MYESEL Ammo Pouch
Manufacturer: Misriah Armory
The two smaller containers are made for UNSC pistol magazines, but can also hold small personal items, soil samples, and other esoterica.
Rare TBD
Icon of the TAC/MODEL 52 NAVY KNIFE.
TAC/Model 52 Navy Knife
Manufacturer: Misriah Armory
Naval special forces like to walk softly and carry a big knife.
Rare Purchase "Looking Sharp" from the Shop for 1,000 cR
File:HINF WATSMIL Ammo Pouch Utility Icon.png
WATSMIL Ammo Pouch
Manufacturer: Emerson Tactical Systems
The "Watsmil"-style case is available from many off-the-shelf retailers.
Epic TBD