Armor customization (Halo Infinite)/Mark VII/Hip

Hip Attachments
Hip Attachment Lore Rarity Unlock Requirements
File:HINF AAP Ordnance Pack Mike Hip Icon.png
AAP/Ordnance Pack Mike
Manufacturer: Materials Group
A little extra ordnance for peace of mind.
Epic TBD
File:HINF MAT-2550 Grenade Pack Hip Icon.png
MAT-2550/Grenade Pack
Manufacturer: Emerson Tactical Systems
A spare tactical radio and grenades go a long way when you are in harm's way.
Epic TBD
File:HINF MEDAUX Unit Type I Hip Icon.png
MEDAUX Unit/Type I
Manufacturer: Optican
Medigel Applicator Unit, Single Pack. Allows for quick replenishment of the suit's internal reservoir.
Rare TBD
File:HINF MEDAUX Unit Type II Hip Icon.png
Manufacturer: Optican
Medigel Applicator Unit, Double Pack. Medigel is as precious as diamondoid dust on extended patrols, or when bartering with colonials.
Epic TBD
File:HINF MYESEL Ammo Pouch Hip Icon.png
MYESEL Ammo Pouch
Manufacturer: Misriah Armory
The two smaller containers are made for UNSC pistol magazines, but can also hold small personal items, soil samples, and other esoterica.
Rare TBD
File:HINF TAC Model 52 Navy Knife Hip Icon.png
TAC/Model 52 Navy Knife
Manufacturer: Misriah Armory
Naval special forces like to walk softly and carry a big knife
Rare TBD
File:HINF WATSMIL Ammo Pouch Hip Icon.png
WATSMIL Ammo Pouch
Manufacturer: Emerson Tactical Systems
The "Watsmil"-style case is available from many off-the-shelf retailers.
Epic TBD