Rtas 'Vadum in crashed Flood ship
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Revision as of 09:57, October 22, 2021 by (talk) (Rewritten slightly for grammatical clarity)
The Rtas 'Vadum in crashed Flood ship phenomenon is a glitch that can be found on the Halo 3 Campaign level Floodgate.
When you jump down the hole into the Indulgence of Conviction's crash site, there will be several dead Elite Ultras scattered around. Sometimes, one or more will have Rtas 'Vadum's face, in which two mandibles are missing. You can get it infected, too, if you push it down the hole and shoot some Flood Growth Pods to release Infection Forms. When the Elite turns into a Flood Combat Form, his armor will still change to default blue, like all infected Elites, when the body is destroyed.
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