Gameplay Quotes
- "This is not going to plan, gorram it!" -When an ally is killed (Firefly reference).
- "Woah, this sucks!" - When sniping Grunt fails then reloads.
- "Man, this sucks!"- When an ally is killed.
- "Oh God, no!" - When an ally is killed.
- "Lord, you've got a good man knocking on your door." -When an ally is killed.
- "Reloading." - When reloading.
- "Cover me, reloading!" - When reloading.
- "Changing mags." - When reloading.
- "Swappin' mags." - When reloading.
- "Fantastic, swappin' mags." - When reloading after killing Covenant fantasticly.
- "On my last mag." - Having no reserve ammo.
- "Runnin' low." - Having no reserve ammo.
- "Low on ammo." - Having no reserve ammo.
- "You ungainly, floundering, monstrous bag of horse crap!" - When seeing a Mgalekgolo or a Chieftain.
- "You great big blot on the landscape!" - When seeing a Mgalekgolo or Chieftain.
- "You overgrown, pounderous, waste of mass, scumbag, runaway, jackass!" -When seeing a Mgalekgolo or Chieftain.
- "Roll over, Mike-Foxtrot, and get yourself foxtrotted!"
- "Mike-Foxtrot. Is. Foxtrotted!" -After an enemy is killed.
- "BAM!! Right in his sense of smug satisfaction!" - When getting a headshot or power weapon kill.
- "That all you got?!"
- "That's it!?"
- "Alright!" - After a kill.
- "GOT 'IM!!" - After a kill.
- "I hope you bought return tickets, because otherwise you're goin' home in a cosmic ambulance!"
- "Dear Diary, today, I taught some aliens about the relative foolishness of messin' with ODSTs!" - Firefly reference.
- "Ooh-rah!" - After a kill or a stunt.
- "You think you can just barge in here and bend us over these- Well that ain't gonna happen! They told me to hurt ya, but they weren't real specific as to the how! OK?!" - This may be a Firefly reference.
- "I'm gonna make sure that when we win, everyone's gonna know what a beating we gave you!"
- "I will rip off your arms and play bongos on your head." - A rare quote, when engaging a grunt.
- "You guys ever seen Full Metal Jacket?" or "Hey scumbag! You seen Full Metal Jacket?"
- "Headshot!" - When getting a headshot.
- "Boom, headshot!" - When getting a headshot.
- "Enjoy that extra nose hole." - When getting a headshot.
- "Bim-bam in the brainpan." - This may be a reference to Firefly.
- "Go arou- oh wait, you're dead." - When splattering an enemy.
- "(Oh) Sorry, didn't see you there." - When splattering or run over an enemy.
- "(oh) Sorry, didn't see you there heh. Give me cover, i'll squash them all" - When run over an enemy.
- "You malodorous leadfooted nimrod!" - When killing a Jiralhanae.
- "You're gonna wish you picked on someone your own size!" - When killing a Jiralhanae.
- "Laser up." - When picking up a Spartan Laser.
- "Charged and ready." - When picking up a Spartan Laser.
- "Don't nobody cross my stream..." - This is a reference to the "Don't cross the streams" rule in Ghostbusters.
- "If ya see red... heh... move." - When picking up a Spartan Laser.
- "Everybody take a big step back!" - When picking up a Rocket Launcher.
- "Time for a spanking!" - When picking up a Rocket Launcher. Reference to the SPNKr text on the side of a rocket launcher.
- "Rockets up!" - When picking up a Rocket Launcher.
- "Backblast!" - When picking up a Rocket Launcher.
- "Frag out!" - When throwing a grenade.
- "Here's Vera!" - When throwing a grenade, Firefly reference.
- "Suck it!" - When throwing a grenade.
- "Play ball!" - When throwing a grenade.
- "Take it baby!" - When thowing a grenade.
- "Here's medicine!" - When throwing a grenade.
- "What a throw!" - When sticking an enemy with a Plasma or Spike grenade
- "Relax, we'll be fine" - Conservation with Mickey while at elevator goes up at ONI Alpha Site.
- "Quick get inside Mickey, We got work to do.." - When cutting Mickey's talk after elevator arrives.
- "Ha ha ha ha" - When enjoying killing covenant.
- "I had them trying and ready for vengeance" - When start riding Warthog, break Brute's Power Armor and away for a bit to pick up Marines.
- "Target down!" - When killing Covenant with Spartan laser.
- "What, do you want a real man fight!?" Rare quote when Dutch gets out from vehicle and about to attack enemy in very close range or want to take them head on at melee combat.
- "Heh, I know, I got bright pretty eyes, huh?" - When stared at.
- "Hey, we got work to do, and you are making this an uncomfortable environment." - When stared at.
- "Yeah, well, I'm a frighteningly handsome young man, what of it?" - When stared at.
- "It ain't logical. I mean, hell, I'll kill a man in a fair fight... or if I think he's gonna start a fair fight, or if he bothers me, or if there's a woman... (sniffs) or if I'm gettin' paid - mostly only when I'm gettin' paid." - When stared at. Serenity reference.
- "What? They don't have awesome heroes back where you come from?" - When stared at.
- "You're gonna blink before I do." - When stared at.
- "Uh... what exactly is on your mind, if you don't mind me asking?" - When stared at.
- "Hey, hey! You awake in there?" - When stared at.
- "I know, you're trying to figure out what makes me so awesome. (chuckles) Good luck." - When stared at.
- "Don't make me write you up to HR. You were at the seminar." - When stared at.
- "You know, if there's something you want to tell me, uh, it should really wait until after this galaxy-devouring conflict." - When stared at.
- "Hey, don't worry, everyone finds my chiseled looks hypnotic at first." - When stared at.
- "What, you never saw a real lady's man before?" - When stared at.
- "Well, you know, it's okay to have those feelings about me. I'm a handsome handsome man, but, uh, your timing is lousy." - When stared at.
- "You are one powerful ugly creature." - When stared at.
- "Well... uh... like, you know, so you know, it's a major city, so... we have to assault with, uh, Scorpions. So they send us in, first squad, make sure, you know, the little Grunts waiting with, uh, you know, like, the plasma cannons that blow the tanks away, so... you know, we clear it out, roll the hogs in... basically blow the place to hell." - When stared at.