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 * morebits.js
 * ===========
 * A library full of lots of goodness for user scripts on MediaWiki wikis, including Wikipedia.
 * The highlights include:
 *   - Morebits.quickForm class - generates quick HTML forms on the fly
 *   - class - makes calls to the MediaWiki API
 *   - class - modifies pages on the wiki (edit, revert, delete, etc.)
 *   - Morebits.wikitext class - contains some utilities for dealing with wikitext
 *   - Morebits.status class - a rough-and-ready status message displayer, used by the classes
 *   - Morebits.simpleWindow class - a wrapper for jQuery UI Dialog with a custom look and extra features
 * Dependencies:
 *   - The whole thing relies on jQuery.  But most wikis should provide this by default.
 *   - Morebits.quickForm, Morebits.simpleWindow, and Morebits.status rely on the "morebits.css" file for their styling.
 *   - Morebits.simpleWindow relies on jquery UI Dialog (from ResourceLoader module name 'jquery.ui').
 *   - Morebits.quickForm tooltips rely on Tipsy (ResourceLoader module name 'jquery.tipsy').
 *     For external installations, Tipsy is available at [].
 *   - To create a gadget based on morebits.js, use this syntax in MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition:
 *       * GadgetName[ResourceLoader|dependencies=mediawiki.user,mediawiki.util,jquery.ui,jquery.tipsy]|morebits.js|morebits.css|GadgetName.js
 * Most of the stuff here doesn't work on IE < 9.  It is your script's responsibility to enforce this.
 * This library is maintained by the maintainers of Twinkle.
 * For queries, suggestions, help, etc., head to [[Wikipedia talk:Twinkle]] on English Wikipedia [].
 * The latest development source is available at [].

(function (window, document, $, undefined) { // Wrap entire file with anonymous function

var Morebits = {};
window.Morebits = Morebits;  // allow global access

 * **************** Morebits.userIsInGroup() ****************
 * Simple helper function to see what groups a user might belong
 * @param {string} group  eg. `sysop`, `extendedconfirmed`, etc
 * @returns {boolean}
Morebits.userIsInGroup = function (group) {
	return mw.config.get('wgUserGroups').indexOf(group) !== -1;

 * **************** Morebits.sanitizeIPv6() ****************
 * JavaScript translation of the MediaWiki core function IP::sanitizeIP() in
 * includes/utils/IP.php.
 * Converts an IPv6 address to the canonical form stored and used by MediaWiki.
Morebits.sanitizeIPv6 = function (address) {
	address = address.trim();
	if (address === '') {
		return null;
	if (!mw.util.isIPv6Address(address)) {
		return address; // nothing else to do for IPv4 addresses or invalid ones
	// Remove any whitespaces, convert to upper case
	address = address.toUpperCase();
	// Expand zero abbreviations
	var abbrevPos = address.indexOf('::');
	if (abbrevPos > -1) {
		// We know this is valid IPv6. Find the last index of the
		// address before any CIDR number (e.g. "a:b:c::/24").
		var CIDRStart = address.indexOf('/');
		var addressEnd = CIDRStart > -1 ? CIDRStart - 1 : address.length - 1;
		// If the '::' is at the beginning...
		var repeat, extra, pad;
		if (abbrevPos === 0) {
			repeat = '0:';
			extra = address === '::' ? '0' : ''; // for the address '::'
			pad = 9; // 7+2 (due to '::')
		// If the '::' is at the end...
		} else if (abbrevPos === (addressEnd - 1)) {
			repeat = ':0';
			extra = '';
			pad = 9; // 7+2 (due to '::')
		// If the '::' is in the middle...
		} else {
			repeat = ':0';
			extra = ':';
			pad = 8; // 6+2 (due to '::')
		var replacement = repeat;
		pad -= address.split(':').length - 1;
		for (var i = 1; i < pad; i++) {
			replacement += repeat;
		replacement += extra;
		address = address.replace('::', replacement);
	// Remove leading zeros from each bloc as needed
	address = address.replace(/(^|:)0+([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})/g, '$1$2');

	return address;

 * **************** Morebits.quickForm ****************
 * Morebits.quickForm is a class for creation of simple and standard forms without much
 * specific coding.
 * Index to Morebits.quickForm element types:
 *   select    A combo box (aka drop-down).
 *              - Attributes: name, label, multiple, size, list, event
 *   option    An element for a combo box.
 *              - Attributes: value, label, selected, disabled
 *   optgroup  A group of "option"s.
 *              - Attributes: label, list
 *   field     A fieldset (aka group box).
 *              - Attributes: name, label, disabled
 *   checkbox  A checkbox. Must use "list" parameter.
 *              - Attributes: name, list, event
 *              - Attributes (within list): name, label, value, checked, disabled, event, subgroup
 *   radio     A radio button. Must use "list" parameter.
 *              - Attributes: name, list, event
 *              - Attributes (within list): name, label, value, checked, disabled, event, subgroup
 *   input     A text box.
 *              - Attributes: name, label, value, size, disabled, readonly, maxlength, event
 *   dyninput  A set of text boxes with "Remove" buttons and an "Add" button.
 *              - Attributes: name, label, min, max, sublabel, value, size, maxlength, event
 *   hidden    An invisible form field.
 *              - Attributes: name, value
 *   header    A level 5 header.
 *              - Attributes: label
 *   div       A generic placeholder element or label.
 *              - Attributes: name, label
 *   submit    A submit button. Morebits.simpleWindow moves these to the footer of the dialog.
 *              - Attributes: name, label, disabled
 *   button    A generic button.
 *              - Attributes: name, label, disabled, event
 *   textarea  A big, multi-line text box.
 *              - Attributes: name, label, value, cols, rows, disabled, readonly
 *   fragment  A DocumentFragment object.
 *              - No attributes, and no global attributes except adminonly
 * Global attributes: id, className, style, tooltip, extra, adminonly

 * @constructor
 * @param {event} event   Function to execute when form is submitted
 * @param {*} eventType
Morebits.quickForm = function QuickForm(event, eventType) {
	this.root = new Morebits.quickForm.element({ type: 'form', event: event, eventType: eventType });

 * Renders the HTML output of the quickForm
 * @returns {HTMLElement}
Morebits.quickForm.prototype.render = function QuickFormRender() {
	var ret = this.root.render();
	ret.names = {};
	return ret;

 * Append element to the form
 * @param {Morebits.quickForm.element} data
Morebits.quickForm.prototype.append = function QuickFormAppend(data) {
	return this.root.append(data);

 * @constructor
 * @param {Object}
Morebits.quickForm.element = function QuickFormElement(data) { = data;
	this.childs = []; =;
}; = 0;

 * Appends an element to current element
 * @param {Morebits.quickForm.element} data  A quickForm element or the object required to
 * create the quickForm element
 * @returns {Morebits.quickForm.element} The same element passed in
Morebits.quickForm.element.prototype.append = function QuickFormElementAppend(data) {
	var child;
	if (data instanceof Morebits.quickForm.element) {
		child = data;
	} else {
		child = new Morebits.quickForm.element(data);
	return child;

 * Renders the HTML output for the quickForm element
 * This should be called without parameters: form.render()
 * @returns {HTMLElement}
Morebits.quickForm.element.prototype.render = function QuickFormElementRender(internal_subgroup_id) {
	var currentNode = this.compute(, internal_subgroup_id);

	for (var i = 0; i < this.childs.length; ++i) {
		// do not pass internal_subgroup_id to recursive calls
	return currentNode[0];

Morebits.quickForm.element.prototype.compute = function QuickFormElementCompute(data, in_id) {
	var node;
	var childContainder = null;
	var label;
	var id = (in_id ? in_id + '_' : '') + 'node_' +;
	if (data.adminonly && !Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop')) {
		// hell hack alpha
		data.type = 'hidden';

	var i, current, subnode;
	switch (data.type) {
		case 'form':
			node = document.createElement('form');
			node.className = 'quickform';
			node.setAttribute('action', 'javascript:void(0);');
			if (data.event) {
				node.addEventListener(data.eventType || 'submit', data.event, false);
		case 'fragment':
			node = document.createDocumentFragment();
			// fragments can't have any attributes, so just return it straight away
			return [ node, node ];
		case 'select':
			node = document.createElement('div');

			node.setAttribute('id', 'div_' + id);
			if (data.label) {
				label = node.appendChild(document.createElement('label'));
				label.setAttribute('for', id);
			var select = node.appendChild(document.createElement('select'));
			if (data.event) {
				select.addEventListener('change', data.event, false);
			if (data.multiple) {
				select.setAttribute('multiple', 'multiple');
			if (data.size) {
				select.setAttribute('size', data.size);

			if (data.list) {
				for (i = 0; i < data.list.length; ++i) {

					current = data.list[i];

					if (current.list) {
						current.type = 'optgroup';
					} else {
						current.type = 'option';

					subnode = this.compute(current);
			childContainder = select;
		case 'option':
			node = document.createElement('option');
			node.values = data.value;
			node.setAttribute('value', data.value);
			if (data.selected) {
				node.setAttribute('selected', 'selected');
			if (data.disabled) {
				node.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
			node.setAttribute('label', data.label);
		case 'optgroup':
			node = document.createElement('optgroup');
			node.setAttribute('label', data.label);

			if (data.list) {
				for (i = 0; i < data.list.length; ++i) {

					current = data.list[i];
					current.type = 'option'; // must be options here

					subnode = this.compute(current);
		case 'field':
			node = document.createElement('fieldset');
			label = node.appendChild(document.createElement('legend'));
			if ( {
			if (data.disabled) {
				node.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
		case 'checkbox':
		case 'radio':
			node = document.createElement('div');
			if (data.list) {
				for (i = 0; i < data.list.length; ++i) {
					var cur_id = id + '_' + i;
					current = data.list[i];
					var cur_div;
					if (current.type === 'header') {
					// inline hack
						cur_div = node.appendChild(document.createElement('h6'));
						if (current.tooltip) {
							Morebits.quickForm.element.generateTooltip(cur_div, current);
					cur_div = node.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
					subnode = cur_div.appendChild(document.createElement('input'));
					subnode.values = current.value;
					subnode.setAttribute('value', current.value);
					subnode.setAttribute('name', ||;
					subnode.setAttribute('type', data.type);
					subnode.setAttribute('id', cur_id);

					if (current.checked) {
						subnode.setAttribute('checked', 'checked');
					if (current.disabled) {
						subnode.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
					label = cur_div.appendChild(document.createElement('label'));
					label.setAttribute('for', cur_id);
					if (current.tooltip) {
						Morebits.quickForm.element.generateTooltip(label, current);
					// styles go on the label, doesn't make sense to style a checkbox/radio
					if ( {

					var event;
					if (current.subgroup) {
						var tmpgroup = current.subgroup;

						if (!Array.isArray(tmpgroup)) {
							tmpgroup = [ tmpgroup ];

						var subgroupRaw = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
							type: 'div',
							id: id + '_' + i + '_subgroup'
						$.each(tmpgroup, function(idx, el) {
							var newEl = $.extend({}, el);
							if (!newEl.type) {
								newEl.type = data.type;
							} = ( || + '.' +;

						var subgroup = subgroupRaw.render(cur_id);
						subgroup.className = 'quickformSubgroup';
						subnode.subgroup = subgroup;
						subnode.shown = false;

						event = function(e) {
							if ( {;
								if ( === 'radio') {
									var name =;
									if ([name] !== undefined) {
									}[name] =;
							} else {;
						subnode.addEventListener('change', event, true);
						if (current.checked) {
					} else if (data.type === 'radio') {
						event = function(e) {
							if ( {
								var name =;
								if ([name] !== undefined) {[name].parentNode.removeChild([name].subgroup);
						subnode.addEventListener('change', event, true);
					// add users' event last, so it can interact with the subgroup
					if (data.event) {
						subnode.addEventListener('change', data.event, false);
					} else if (current.event) {
						subnode.addEventListener('change', current.event, true);
		case 'input':
			node = document.createElement('div');
			node.setAttribute('id', 'div_' + id);

			if (data.label) {
				label = node.appendChild(document.createElement('label'));
				label.setAttribute('for', id);

			subnode = node.appendChild(document.createElement('input'));
			if (data.value) {
				subnode.setAttribute('value', data.value);
			subnode.setAttribute('id', id);
			subnode.setAttribute('type', 'text');
			if (data.size) {
				subnode.setAttribute('size', data.size);
			if (data.disabled) {
				subnode.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
			if (data.readonly) {
				subnode.setAttribute('readonly', 'readonly');
			if (data.maxlength) {
				subnode.setAttribute('maxlength', data.maxlength);
			if (data.event) {
				subnode.addEventListener('keyup', data.event, false);
		case 'dyninput':
			var min = data.min || 1;
			var max = data.max || Infinity;

			node = document.createElement('div');

			label = node.appendChild(document.createElement('h5'));

			var listNode = node.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));

			var more = this.compute({
				type: 'button',
				label: 'more',
				disabled: min >= max,
				event: function(e) {
					var new_node = new Morebits.quickForm.element(;;

					if ( >= {'disabled', 'disabled');

			var moreButton = more[1];

			var sublist = {
				type: '_dyninput_element',
				label: data.sublabel || data.label,
				value: data.value,
				size: data.size,
				remove: false,
				maxlength: data.maxlength,
				event: data.event

			for (i = 0; i < min; ++i) {
				var elem = new Morebits.quickForm.element(sublist);
			sublist.remove = true;
			sublist.morebutton = moreButton;
			sublist.listnode = listNode;

			moreButton.sublist = sublist;
			moreButton.area = listNode;
			moreButton.max = max - min;
			moreButton.counter = 0;
		case '_dyninput_element': // Private, similar to normal input
			node = document.createElement('div');

			if (data.label) {
				label = node.appendChild(document.createElement('label'));
				label.setAttribute('for', id);

			subnode = node.appendChild(document.createElement('input'));
			if (data.value) {
				subnode.setAttribute('value', data.value);
			subnode.setAttribute('type', 'text');
			if (data.size) {
				subnode.setAttribute('size', data.size);
			if (data.maxlength) {
				subnode.setAttribute('maxlength', data.maxlength);
			if (data.event) {
				subnode.addEventListener('keyup', data.event, false);
			if (data.remove) {
				var remove = this.compute({
					type: 'button',
					label: 'remove',
					event: function(e) {
						var list =;
						var node =;
						var more =;

				var removeButton = remove[1];
				removeButton.inputnode = node;
				removeButton.listnode = data.listnode;
				removeButton.morebutton = data.morebutton;
		case 'hidden':
			node = document.createElement('input');
			node.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
			node.values = data.value;
			node.setAttribute('value', data.value);
		case 'header':
			node = document.createElement('h5');
		case 'div':
			node = document.createElement('div');
			if ( {
			if (data.label) {
				if (!Array.isArray(data.label)) {
					data.label = [ data.label ];
				var result = document.createElement('span');
				result.className = 'quickformDescription';
				for (i = 0; i < data.label.length; ++i) {
					if (typeof data.label[i] === 'string') {
					} else if (data.label[i] instanceof Element) {
		case 'submit':
			node = document.createElement('span');
			childContainder = node.appendChild(document.createElement('input'));
			childContainder.setAttribute('type', 'submit');
			if (data.label) {
				childContainder.setAttribute('value', data.label);
			childContainder.setAttribute('name', || 'submit');
			if (data.disabled) {
				childContainder.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
		case 'button':
			node = document.createElement('span');
			childContainder = node.appendChild(document.createElement('input'));
			childContainder.setAttribute('type', 'button');
			if (data.label) {
				childContainder.setAttribute('value', data.label);
			if (data.disabled) {
				childContainder.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
			if (data.event) {
				childContainder.addEventListener('click', data.event, false);
		case 'textarea':
			node = document.createElement('div');
			node.setAttribute('id', 'div_' + id);
			if (data.label) {
				label = node.appendChild(document.createElement('h5'));
			// TODO need to nest a <label> tag in here without creating extra vertical space
			// label.setAttribute( 'for', id );
			subnode = node.appendChild(document.createElement('textarea'));
			if (data.cols) {
				subnode.setAttribute('cols', data.cols);
			if (data.rows) {
				subnode.setAttribute('rows', data.rows);
			if (data.disabled) {
				subnode.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
			if (data.readonly) {
				subnode.setAttribute('readonly', 'readonly');
			if (data.value) {
				subnode.value = data.value;
			throw new Error('Morebits.quickForm: unknown element type ' + data.type.toString());

	if (!childContainder) {
		childContainder = node;
	if (data.tooltip) {
		Morebits.quickForm.element.generateTooltip(label || node, data);

	if (data.extra) {
		childContainder.extra = data.extra;
	if ( {
	if (data.className) {
		childContainder.className = childContainder.className ?
			childContainder.className + ' ' + data.className :
	childContainder.setAttribute('id', || id);

	return [ node, childContainder ];

Morebits.quickForm.element.autoNWSW = function() {
	return $(this).offset().top > ($(document).scrollTop() + ($(window).height() / 2)) ? 'sw' : 'nw';

 * @param {HTMLElement} node
 * @param {Object} data
Morebits.quickForm.element.generateTooltip = function QuickFormElementGenerateTooltip(node, data) {
	$('<span/>', {
		'class': 'ui-icon ui-icon-help ui-icon-inline morebits-tooltip'
		'fallback': data.tooltip,
		'fade': true,
		'gravity': data.type === 'input' || data.type === 'select' ?
			Morebits.quickForm.element.autoNWSW : $.fn.tipsy.autoWE,
		'html': true,
		'delayOut': 250

// Some utility methods for manipulating quickForms after their creation:
// (None of these work for "dyninput" type fields at present)

 * Returns all form elements with a given field name or ID
 * @returns {HTMLElement[]}
Morebits.quickForm.getElements = function QuickFormGetElements(form, fieldName) {
	var $form = $(form);
	var $elements = $form.find('[name="' + fieldName + '"]');
	if ($elements.length > 0) {
		return $elements.toArray();
	$elements = $form.find('#' + fieldName);
	if ($elements.length > 0) {
		return $elements.toArray();
	return null;

 * Searches the array of elements for a checkbox or radio button with a certain
 * `value` attribute, and returns the first such element. Returns null if not found.
 * @param {HTMLInputElement[]} elementArray
 * @param {string} value
 * @returns {HTMLInputElement}
Morebits.quickForm.getCheckboxOrRadio = function QuickFormGetCheckboxOrRadio(elementArray, value) {
	var found = $.grep(elementArray, function(el) {
		return el.value === value;
	if (found.length > 0) {
		return found[0];
	return null;

 * Returns the <div> containing the form element, or the form element itself
 * May not work as expected on checkboxes or radios
 * @param {HTMLElement} element
 * @returns {HTMLElement}
Morebits.quickForm.getElementContainer = function QuickFormGetElementContainer(element) {
	// for divs, headings and fieldsets, the container is the element itself
	if (element instanceof HTMLFieldSetElement || element instanceof HTMLDivElement ||
			element instanceof HTMLHeadingElement) {
		return element;

	// for others, just return the parent node
	return element.parentNode;

 * Gets the HTML element that contains the label of the given form element
 * (mainly for internal use)
 * @param {(HTMLElement|Morebits.quickForm.element)} element
 * @returns {HTMLElement}
Morebits.quickForm.getElementLabelObject = function QuickFormGetElementLabelObject(element) {
	// for buttons, divs and headers, the label is on the element itself
	if (element.type === 'button' || element.type === 'submit' ||
			element instanceof HTMLDivElement || element instanceof HTMLHeadingElement) {
		return element;
	// for fieldsets, the label is the child <legend> element
	} else if (element instanceof HTMLFieldSetElement) {
		return element.getElementsByTagName('legend')[0];
	// for textareas, the label is the sibling <h5> element
	} else if (element instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement) {
		return element.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('h5')[0];
	// for others, the label is the sibling <label> element
	return element.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('label')[0];

 * Gets the label text of the element
 * @param {(HTMLElement|Morebits.quickForm.element)} element
 * @returns {string}
Morebits.quickForm.getElementLabel = function QuickFormGetElementLabel(element) {
	var labelElement = Morebits.quickForm.getElementLabelObject(element);

	if (!labelElement) {
		return null;
	return labelElement.firstChild.textContent;

 * Sets the label of the element to the given text
 * @param {(HTMLElement|Morebits.quickForm.element)} element
 * @param {string} labelText
 * @returns {boolean} true if succeeded, false if the label element is unavailable
Morebits.quickForm.setElementLabel = function QuickFormSetElementLabel(element, labelText) {
	var labelElement = Morebits.quickForm.getElementLabelObject(element);

	if (!labelElement) {
		return false;
	labelElement.firstChild.textContent = labelText;
	return true;

 * Stores the element's current label, and temporarily sets the label to the given text
 * @param {(HTMLElement|Morebits.quickForm.element)} element
 * @param {string} temporaryLabelText
 * @returns {boolean} true if succeeded, false if the label element is unavailable
Morebits.quickForm.overrideElementLabel = function QuickFormOverrideElementLabel(element, temporaryLabelText) {
	if (!element.hasAttribute('data-oldlabel')) {
		element.setAttribute('data-oldlabel', Morebits.quickForm.getElementLabel(element));
	return Morebits.quickForm.setElementLabel(element, temporaryLabelText);

 * Restores the label stored by overrideElementLabel
 * @param {(HTMLElement|Morebits.quickForm.element)} element
 * @returns {boolean} true if succeeded, false if the label element is unavailable
Morebits.quickForm.resetElementLabel = function QuickFormResetElementLabel(element) {
	if (element.hasAttribute('data-oldlabel')) {
		return Morebits.quickForm.setElementLabel(element, element.getAttribute('data-oldlabel'));
	return null;

 * Shows or hides a form element plus its label and tooltip
 * @param {(HTMLElement|jQuery|string)} element  HTML/jQuery element, or jQuery selector string
 * @param {boolean} [visibility] Skip this to toggle visibility
Morebits.quickForm.setElementVisibility = function QuickFormSetElementVisibility(element, visibility) {

 * Shows or hides the "question mark" icon (which displays the tooltip) next to a form element
 * @param {(HTMLElement|jQuery)} element
 * @param {boolean} [visibility] Skip this to toggle visibility
Morebits.quickForm.setElementTooltipVisibility = function QuickFormSetElementTooltipVisibility(element, visibility) {

 * **************** HTMLFormElement ****************

 * Returns an array containing the values of elements with the given name, that has it's
 * checked property set to true. (i.e. a checkbox or a radiobutton is checked), or select
 * options that have selected set to true. (don't try to mix selects with radio/checkboxes,
 * please)
 * Type is optional and can specify if either radio or checkbox (for the event
 * that both checkboxes and radiobuttons have the same name.
 * XXX: Doesn't seem to work reliably across all browsers at the moment. -- see getChecked2
 * in twinkleunlink.js, which is better
HTMLFormElement.prototype.getChecked = function(name, type) {
	var elements = this.elements[name];
	if (!elements) {
		// if the element doesn't exists, return null.
		return null;
	var return_array = [];
	var i;
	if (elements instanceof HTMLSelectElement) {
		var options = elements.options;
		for (i = 0; i < options.length; ++i) {
			if (options[i].selected) {
				if (options[i].values) {
				} else {

	} else if (elements instanceof HTMLInputElement) {
		if (type && elements.type !== type) {
			return [];
		} else if (elements.checked) {
			return [ elements.value ];
	} else {
		for (i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
			if (elements[i].checked) {
				if (type && elements[i].type !== type) {
				if (elements[i].values) {
				} else {
	return return_array;

 * getUnchecked:
 *   Does the same as getChecked above, but with unchecked elements.

HTMLFormElement.prototype.getUnchecked = function(name, type) {
	var elements = this.elements[name];
	if (!elements) {
		// if the element doesn't exists, return null.
		return null;
	var return_array = [];
	var i;
	if (elements instanceof HTMLSelectElement) {
		var options = elements.options;
		for (i = 0; i < options.length; ++i) {
			if (!options[i].selected) {
				if (options[i].values) {
				} else {

	} else if (elements instanceof HTMLInputElement) {
		if (type && elements.type !== type) {
			return [];
		} else if (!elements.checked) {
			return [ elements.value ];
	} else {
		for (i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
			if (!elements[i].checked) {
				if (type && elements[i].type !== type) {
				if (elements[i].values) {
				} else {
	return return_array;

 * **************** RegExp ****************
 * Escapes a string to be used in a RegExp
 * @param {string} text - string to be escaped
 * @param {boolean} [space_fix] - Set this true to replace spaces and underscore with `[ _]` as they are often equivalent

RegExp.escape = function(text, space_fix) {
	text = mw.util.escapeRegExp(text);

	// Special MediaWiki escape - underscore/space are often equivalent
	if (space_fix) {
		text = text.replace(/ |_/g, '[_ ]');

	return text;

 * **************** String; Morebits.string ****************

Morebits.string = {
	// Helper functions to change case of a string
	toUpperCaseFirstChar: function(str) {
		str = str.toString();
		return str.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1);
	toLowerCaseFirstChar: function(str) {
		str = str.toString();
		return str.substr(0, 1).toLowerCase() + str.substr(1);

	 * Gives an array of substrings of `str` starting with `start` and
	 * ending with `end`, which is not in `skiplist`
	 * @param {string} str
	 * @param {string} start
	 * @param {string} end
	 * @param {(string[]|string)} [skiplist]
	 * @returns {String[]}
	splitWeightedByKeys: function(str, start, end, skiplist) {
		if (start.length !== end.length) {
			throw new Error('start marker and end marker must be of the same length');
		var level = 0;
		var initial = null;
		var result = [];
		if (!Array.isArray(skiplist)) {
			if (skiplist === undefined) {
				skiplist = [];
			} else if (typeof skiplist === 'string') {
				skiplist = [ skiplist ];
			} else {
				throw new Error('non-applicable skiplist parameter');
		for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
			for (var j = 0; j < skiplist.length; ++j) {
				if (str.substr(i, skiplist[j].length) === skiplist[j]) {
					i += skiplist[j].length - 1;
			if (str.substr(i, start.length) === start) {
				if (initial === null) {
					initial = i;
				i += start.length - 1;
			} else if (str.substr(i, end.length) === end) {
				i += end.length - 1;
			if (!level && initial !== null) {
				result.push(str.substring(initial, i + 1));
				initial = null;

		return result;

	 * Formats freeform "reason" (from a textarea) for deletion/other templates
	 * that are going to be substituted, (e.g. PROD, XFD, RPP)
	 * @param {string} str
	 * @returns {string}
	formatReasonText: function(str) {
		var result = str.toString().trim();
		var unbinder = new Morebits.unbinder(result);
		unbinder.unbind('<no' + 'wiki>', '</no' + 'wiki>');
		unbinder.content = unbinder.content.replace(/\|/g, '|');
		return unbinder.rebind();

	 * Replacement for `String.prototype.replace()` when the second parameter
	 * (the replacement string) is arbitrary, such as a username or freeform user input,
	 * and may contain dollar signs
	safeReplace: function morebitsStringSafeReplace(string, pattern, replacement) {
		return string.replace(pattern, replacement.replace(/\$/g, '$$$$'));

 * **************** Morebits.array ****************

Morebits.array = {
	 * @returns {Array} a copy of the array with duplicates removed
	uniq: function(arr) {
		if (!Array.isArray(arr)) {
			throw 'A non-array object passed to Morebits.array.uniq';
		var result = [];
		for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
			var current = arr[i];
			if (result.indexOf(current) === -1) {
		return result;

	 * @returns {Array} a copy of the array with the first instance of each value
	 * removed; subsequent instances of those values (duplicates) remain
	dups: function(arr) {
		if (!Array.isArray(arr)) {
			throw 'A non-array object passed to Morebits.array.dups';
		var uniques = [];
		var result = [];
		for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
			var current = arr[i];
			if (uniques.indexOf(current) === -1) {
			} else {
		return result;

	 * breaks up `arr` into smaller arrays of length `size`, and
	 * @returns an array of these "chunked" arrays
	 * @param {array} arr
	 * @param {number} size
	 * @returns {Array}
	chunk: function(arr, size) {
		if (!Array.isArray(arr)) {
			throw 'A non-array object passed to Morebits.array.chunk';
		if (typeof size !== 'number' || size <= 0) { // pretty impossible to do anything :)
			return [ arr ]; // we return an array consisting of this array.
		var result = [];
		var current;
		for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
			if (i % size === 0) { // when 'i' is 0, this is always true, so we start by creating one.
				current = [];
		return result;

 * **************** Morebits.pageNameNorm ****************
 * Stores a normalized version of the wgPageName variable (underscores converted to spaces).
 * For queen/king/whatever and country!
Morebits.pageNameNorm = mw.config.get('wgPageName').replace(/_/g, ' ');

 * *************** Morebits.pageNameRegex *****************
 * For a page name 'Foo bar', returns the string '[Ff]oo bar'
 * @param {string} pageName - page name without namespace
Morebits.pageNameRegex = function(pageName) {
	return '[' + pageName[0].toUpperCase() + pageName[0].toLowerCase() + ']' + pageName.slice(1);

 * **************** Morebits.unbinder ****************
 * Used for temporarily hiding a part of a string while processing the rest of it.
 * eg.  var u = new Morebits.unbinder("Hello world <!-- world --> world");
 *      u.unbind('<!--','-->');
 *      u.content = u.content.replace(/world/g, 'earth');
 *      u.rebind(); // gives "Hello earth <!-- world --> earth"
 * Text within the 'unbinded' part (in this case, the HTML comment) remains intact
 * unbind() can be called multiple times to unbind multiple parts of the string.
 * Used by

 * @constructor
 * @param {string} string
Morebits.unbinder = function Unbinder(string) {
	if (typeof string !== 'string') {
		throw new Error('not a string');
	this.content = string;
	this.counter = 0;
	this.history = {};
	this.prefix = '%UNIQ::' + Math.random() + '::';
	this.postfix = '::UNIQ%';

Morebits.unbinder.prototype = {
	 * @param {string} prefix
	 * @param {string} postfix
	unbind: function UnbinderUnbind(prefix, postfix) {
		var re = new RegExp(prefix + '([\\s\\S]*?)' + postfix, 'g');
		this.content = this.content.replace(re, Morebits.unbinder.getCallback(this));

	 * @returns {string} The output
	rebind: function UnbinderRebind() {
		var content = this.content;
		content.self = this;
		for (var current in this.history) {
			if (, current)) {
				content = content.replace(current, this.history[current]);
		return content;
	prefix: null, // %UNIQ::0.5955981644938324::
	postfix: null, // ::UNIQ%
	content: null, // string
	counter: null, // 0++
	history: null // {}

Morebits.unbinder.getCallback = function UnbinderGetCallback(self) {
	return function UnbinderCallback(match) {
		var current = self.prefix + self.counter + self.postfix;
		self.history[current] = match;
		return current;

 * **************** Date ****************
 * Helper functions to get the month as a string instead of a number
 * Normally it is poor form to play with prototypes of primitive types, but it
 * is fairly unlikely that anyone will iterate over a Date object.

Date.prototype.getUTCMonthName = function() {
	return mw.config.get('wgMonthNames')[this.getUTCMonth() + 1];

Date.prototype.getUTCMonthNameAbbrev = function() {
	return mw.config.get('wgMonthNamesShort')[this.getUTCMonth() + 1];

// Morebits.wikipedia.namespaces is deprecated - use mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces') or mw.config.get('wgNamespaceIds') instead

 * **************** ****************
 * Various objects for wiki editing and API access
 */ = {};

 * Determines whether the current page is a redirect or soft redirect
 * (fails to detect soft redirects on edit, history, etc. pages)
 */ = function wikipediaIsPageRedirect() {
	return !!(mw.config.get('wgIsRedirect') || document.getElementById('softredirect'));

 * **************** ****************
 *    Use of
 *    Every call to results in the dispatch of
 *    an asynchronous callback. Each callback can in turn
 *    make an additional call to to continue a
 *    processing sequence. At the conclusion of the final callback
 *    of a processing sequence, it is not possible to simply return to the
 *    original caller because there is no call stack leading back to
 *    the original context. Instead, is
 *    called to display the result to the user and to perform an optional
 *    page redirect.
 *    The determination of when to call
 *    is managed through the globals and
 * is
 *    incremented at the start of every call and decremented
 *    after the completion of a callback function. If a callback function
 *    does not create a new object before exiting, it is the
 *    final step in the processing chain and
 *    will then be called.
 *    Optionally, callers may use to indicate that
 *    processing is not complete upon the conclusion of the final callback function.
 *    This is used for batch operations. The end of a batch is signaled by calling
 */ = 0; = 0; = function(self) {
	if ( <= 0 && <= 0) {;

// Change per action wanted = function() {
	new Morebits.status(,, 'info');
	if ( {
		// if it isn't a URL, make it one. TODO: This breaks on the articles 'http://', 'ftp://', and similar ones.
		if (!(/^\w+:\/\//).test( { = mw.util.getUrl(;
			if ( === false) { += '?redirect=no';
		window.setTimeout(function() {
			window.location =;
}; = typeof window.wpActionCompletedTimeOut === 'undefined' ? 5000 : window.wpActionCompletedTimeOut; = null; = 'Action'; = 'completed'; = function() {;
}; = function() {
	if ( <= 0 && <= 0) {;

 * **************** ****************
 * An easy way to talk to the MediaWiki API.

 * @constructor
 * @param {string} currentAction - The current action (required)
 * @param {Object} query - The query (required)
 * @param {Function} [onSuccess] - The function to call when request gotten
 * @param {Object} [statusElement] - A Morebits.status object to use for status messages (optional)
 * @param {Function} [onError] - The function to call if an error occurs (optional)
 */ = function(currentAction, query, onSuccess, statusElement, onError) {
	this.currentAction = currentAction;
	this.query = query;
	this.query.format = 'xml';
	this.query.assert = 'user';
	this.onSuccess = onSuccess;
	this.onError = onError;
	if (statusElement) {
		this.statelem = statusElement;
	} else {
		this.statelem = new Morebits.status(currentAction);
}; = {
	currentAction: '',
	onSuccess: null,
	onError: null,
	parent: window,  // use global context if there is no parent object
	query: null,
	responseXML: null,
	setParent: function(parent) {
		this.parent = parent;
	},  // keep track of parent object for callbacks
	statelem: null,  // this non-standard name kept for backwards compatibility
	statusText: null, // result received from the API, normally "success" or "error"
	errorCode: null, // short text error code, if any, as documented in the MediaWiki API
	errorText: null, // full error description, if any

	 * Carries out the request.
	 * @param {Object} callerAjaxParameters Do not specify a parameter unless you really
	 * really want to give jQuery some extra parameters
	post: function(callerAjaxParameters) {;

		var ajaxparams = $.extend({}, {
			context: this,
			type: 'POST',
			url: mw.util.wikiScript('api'),
			data: Morebits.queryString.create(this.query),
			dataType: 'xml',
			headers: {
				'Api-User-Agent': morebitsWikiApiUserAgent
		}, callerAjaxParameters);

		return $.ajax(ajaxparams).done(
			function(xml, statusText) {
				this.statusText = statusText;
				this.responseXML = xml;
				this.errorCode = $(xml).find('error').attr('code');
				this.errorText = $(xml).find('error').attr('info');

				if (typeof this.errorCode === 'string') {

					// the API didn't like what we told it, e.g., bad edit token or an error creating a page

				// invoke success callback if one was supplied
				if (this.onSuccess) {

					// set the callback context to this.parent for new code and supply the API object
					// as the first argument to the callback (for legacy code), this);
				} else {'done');
			// only network and server errors reach here – complaints from the API itself are caught in success()
			function(jqXHR, statusText, errorThrown) {
				this.statusText = statusText;
				this.errorThrown = errorThrown; // frequently undefined
				this.errorText = statusText + ' "' + jqXHR.statusText + '" occurred while contacting the API.';
		);  // the return value should be ignored, unless using callerAjaxParameters with |async: false|

	returnError: function() {
		if (this.errorCode === 'badtoken') {
			this.statelem.error('Invalid token. Refresh the page and try again');
		} else {

		// invoke failure callback if one was supplied
		if (this.onError) {

			// set the callback context to this.parent for new code and supply the API object
			// as the first argument to the callback for legacy code, this);
		// don't complete the action so that the error remains displayed

	getStatusElement: function() {
		return this.statelem;

	getErrorCode: function() {
		return this.errorCode;

	getErrorText: function() {
		return this.errorText;

	getXML: function() {
		return this.responseXML;

// Custom user agent header, used by WMF for server-side logging
// See
var morebitsWikiApiUserAgent = 'morebits.js/2.0 ([[w:WT:TW]])';

 * Sets the custom user agent header
 * @param {string} ua   User agent
 */ = function(ua) {
	morebitsWikiApiUserAgent = (ua ? ua + ' ' : '') + 'morebits.js/2.0 ([[w:WT:TW]])';

 * **************** ****************
 * Uses the MediaWiki API to load a page and optionally edit it, move it, etc.
 * Callers are not permitted to directly access the properties of this class!
 * All property access is through the appropriate get___() or set___() method.
 * Callers should set and
 * before the first call to
 * Each of the callback functions takes one parameter, which is a
 * reference to the object that registered the callback.
 * Callback functions may invoke any prototype method using this reference.
 * Constructor:, currentAction)
 *    pageName - the name of the page, prefixed by the namespace (if any)
 *               (for the current page, use mw.config.get('wgPageName'))
 *    currentAction - a string describing the action about to be undertaken (optional)
 * onSuccess and onFailure are callback functions called when the operation is a success or failure
 * if enclosed in [brackets], it indicates that it is optional
 * load(onSuccess, [onFailure]): Loads the text for the page
 * getPageText(): returns a string containing the text of the page after a successful load()
 * save([onSuccess], [onFailure]):  Saves the text set via setPageText() for the page.
 * Must be preceded by calling load().
 *    Warning: Calling save() can result in additional calls to the previous load() callbacks to
 *             recover from edit conflicts!
 *             In this case, callers must make the same edit to the new pageText and reinvoke save().
 *             This behavior can be disabled with setMaxConflictRetries(0).
 * append([onSuccess], [onFailure]): Adds the text provided via setAppendText() to the end of
 * the page. Does not require calling load() first.
 * prepend([onSuccess], [onFailure]): Adds the text provided via setPrependText() to the start
 * of the page. Does not require calling load() first.
 * move([onSuccess], [onFailure]): Moves a page to another title
 * deletePage([onSuccess], [onFailure]): Deletes a page (for admins only)
 * undeletePage([onSuccess], [onFailure]): Undeletes a page (for admins only)
 * protect([onSuccess], [onFailure]): Protects a page
 * getPageName(): returns a string containing the name of the loaded page, including the namespace
 * setPageText(pageText) sets the updated page text that will be saved when save() is called
 * setAppendText(appendText) sets the text that will be appended to the page when append() is called
 * setPrependText(prependText) sets the text that will be prepended to the page when prepend() is called
 * setCallbackParameters(callbackParameters)
 *    callbackParameters - an object for use in a callback function
 * getCallbackParameters(): returns the object previous set by setCallbackParameters()
 *    Callback notes: callbackParameters is for use by the caller only. The parameters
 *                    allow a caller to pass the proper context into its callback function.
 *                    Callers must ensure that any changes to the callbackParameters object
 *                    within a load() callback still permit a proper re-entry into the
 *                    load() callback if an edit conflict is detected upon calling save().
 * getStatusElement(): returns the Status element created by the constructor
 * exists(): returns true if the page existed on the wiki when it was last loaded
 * getCurrentID(): returns a string containing the current revision ID of the page
 * lookupCreation(onSuccess): Retrieves the username and timestamp of page creation
 *    onSuccess - callback function which is called when the username and timestamp
 *                are found within the callback.
 *                The username can be retrieved using the getCreator() function;
 *                the timestamp can be retrieved using the getCreationTimestamp() function
 * getCreator(): returns the user who created the page following lookupCreation()
 * getCreationTimestamp(): returns an ISOString timestamp of page creation following lookupCreation()

 * Call sequence for common operations (optional final user callbacks not shown):
 *    Edit current contents of a page (no edit conflict):
 *       .load(userTextEditCallback) -> -> ->
 *             ctx.fnLoadSuccess() -> userTextEditCallback() -> .save() ->
 *    -> -> ctx.fnSaveSuccess()
 *    Edit current contents of a page (with edit conflict):
 *       .load(userTextEditCallback) -> -> ->
 *             ctx.fnLoadSuccess() -> userTextEditCallback() -> .save() ->
 *    -> -> ctx.fnSaveError() ->
 *    -> ->
 *             ctx.fnLoadSuccess() -> userTextEditCallback() -> .save() ->
 *    -> -> ctx.fnSaveSuccess()
 *    Append to a page (similar for prepend):
 *       .append() -> -> ->
 *             ctx.fnLoadSuccess() -> ctx.fnAutoSave() -> .save() ->
 *    -> -> ctx.fnSaveSuccess()
 *    Notes:
 *       1. All functions following are invoked asynchronously
 *          from the jQuery AJAX library.
 *       2. The sequence for append/prepend could be slightly shortened, but it would require
 *          significant duplication of code for little benefit.

 * @constructor
 * @param {string} pageName The name of the page, prefixed by the namespace (if any)
 * For the current page, use mw.config.get('wgPageName')
 * @param {string} [currentAction] A string describing the action about to be undertaken (optional)
 */ = function(pageName, currentAction) {

	if (!currentAction) {
		currentAction = 'Opening page "' + pageName + '"';

	 * Private context variables
	 * This context is not visible to the outside, thus all the data here
	 * must be accessed via getter and setter functions.
	var ctx = {
		// backing fields for public properties
		pageName: pageName,
		pageExists: false,
		editSummary: null,
		callbackParameters: null,
		statusElement: new Morebits.status(currentAction),

		// - edit
		pageText: null,
		editMode: 'all',  // save() replaces entire contents of the page by default
		appendText: null,   // can't reuse pageText for this because pageText is needed to follow a redirect
		prependText: null,  // can't reuse pageText for this because pageText is needed to follow a redirect
		createOption: null,
		minorEdit: false,
		botEdit: false,
		pageSection: null,
		maxConflictRetries: 2,
		maxRetries: 2,
		followRedirect: false,
		watchlistOption: 'nochange',
		creator: null,
		timestamp: null,

		// - revert
		revertOldID: null,

		// - move
		moveDestination: null,
		moveTalkPage: false,
		moveSubpages: false,
		moveSuppressRedirect: false,

		// - protect
		protectEdit: null,
		protectMove: null,
		protectCreate: null,
		protectCascade: false,

		// - stabilize (FlaggedRevs)
		flaggedRevs: null,

		// internal status
		pageLoaded: false,
		editToken: null,
		loadTime: null,
		lastEditTime: null,
		revertCurID: null,
		revertUser: null,
		fullyProtected: false,
		suppressProtectWarning: false,
		conflictRetries: 0,
		retries: 0,

		// callbacks
		onLoadSuccess: null,
		onLoadFailure: null,
		onSaveSuccess: null,
		onSaveFailure: null,
		onLookupCreationSuccess: null,
		onMoveSuccess: null,
		onMoveFailure: null,
		onDeleteSuccess: null,
		onDeleteFailure: null,
		onUndeleteSuccess: null,
		onUndeleteFailure: null,
		onProtectSuccess: null,
		onProtectFailure: null,
		onStabilizeSuccess: null,
		onStabilizeFailure: null,

		// internal objects
		loadQuery: null,
		loadApi: null,
		saveApi: null,
		lookupCreationApi: null,
		moveApi: null,
		moveProcessApi: null,
		deleteApi: null,
		deleteProcessApi: null,
		undeleteApi: null,
		undeleteProcessApi: null,
		protectApi: null,
		protectProcessApi: null,
		stabilizeApi: null,
		stabilizeProcessApi: null

	var emptyFunction = function() { };

	 * Loads the text for the page
	 * @param {Function} onSuccess - callback function which is called when the load has succeeded
	 * @param {Function} [onFailure] - callback function which is called when the load fails (optional)
	this.load = function(onSuccess, onFailure) {
		ctx.onLoadSuccess = onSuccess;
		ctx.onLoadFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction;

		// Need to be able to do something after the page loads
		if (!onSuccess) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: no onSuccess callback provided to load()!');

		ctx.loadQuery = {
			action: 'query',
			prop: 'info|revisions',
			intoken: 'edit',  // fetch an edit token
			titles: ctx.pageName
			// don't need rvlimit=1 because we don't need rvstartid here and only one actual rev is returned by default

		if (ctx.editMode === 'all') {
			ctx.loadQuery.rvprop = 'content|timestamp';  // get the page content at the same time, if needed
		} else if (ctx.editMode === 'revert') {
			ctx.loadQuery.rvprop = 'timestamp';
			ctx.loadQuery.rvlimit = 1;
			ctx.loadQuery.rvstartid = ctx.revertOldID;

		if (ctx.followRedirect) {
			ctx.loadQuery.redirects = '';  // follow all redirects
		if (typeof ctx.pageSection === 'number') {
			ctx.loadQuery.rvsection = ctx.pageSection;
		if (Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop')) {
			ctx.loadQuery.inprop = 'protection';

		ctx.loadApi = new'Retrieving page...', ctx.loadQuery, fnLoadSuccess, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onLoadFailure);

	 * Saves the text for the page to Wikipedia
	 * Must be preceded by successfully calling load().
	 * Warning: Calling save() can result in additional calls to the previous load() callbacks
	 * to recover from edit conflicts!
	 * In this case, callers must make the same edit to the new pageText and reinvoke save().
	 * This behavior can be disabled with setMaxConflictRetries(0).
	 * @param {Function} [onSuccess] - callback function which is called when the save has
	 * succeeded (optional)
	 * @param {Function} [onFailure] - callback function which is called when the save fails
	 * (optional)
	 */ = function(onSuccess, onFailure) {
		ctx.onSaveSuccess = onSuccess;
		ctx.onSaveFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction;

		// are we getting our edit token from mw.user.tokens?
		var canUseMwUserToken = fnCanUseMwUserToken('edit');

		if (!ctx.pageLoaded && !canUseMwUserToken) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: attempt to save a page that has not been loaded!');
		if (!ctx.editSummary) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: edit summary not set before save!');

		// shouldn't happen if canUseMwUserToken === true
		if (ctx.fullyProtected && !ctx.suppressProtectWarning &&
			!confirm('You are about to make an edit to the fully protected page "' + ctx.pageName +
			(ctx.fullyProtected === 'infinity' ? '" (protected indefinitely)' : '" (protection expiring ' + ctx.fullyProtected + ')') +
			'.  \n\nClick OK to proceed with the edit, or Cancel to skip this edit.')) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Edit to fully protected page was aborted.');

		ctx.retries = 0;

		var query = {
			action: 'edit',
			title: ctx.pageName,
			summary: ctx.editSummary,
			token: canUseMwUserToken ? mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken') : ctx.editToken,
			watchlist: ctx.watchlistOption

		if (typeof ctx.pageSection === 'number') {
			query.section = ctx.pageSection;

		// Set minor edit attribute. If these parameters are present with any value, it is interpreted as true
		if (ctx.minorEdit) {
			query.minor = true;
		} else {
			query.notminor = true;  // force Twinkle config to override user preference setting for "all edits are minor"

		// Set bot edit attribute. If this paramter is present with any value, it is interpreted as true
		if (ctx.botEdit) { = true;

		switch (ctx.editMode) {
			case 'append':
				query.appendtext = ctx.appendText;  // use mode to append to current page contents
			case 'prepend':
				query.prependtext = ctx.prependText;  // use mode to prepend to current page contents
			case 'revert':
				query.undo = ctx.revertCurID;
				query.undoafter = ctx.revertOldID;
				if (ctx.lastEditTime) {
					query.basetimestamp = ctx.lastEditTime; // check that page hasn't been edited since it was loaded
				query.starttimestamp = ctx.loadTime; // check that page hasn't been deleted since it was loaded (don't recreate bad stuff)
				query.text = ctx.pageText; // replace entire contents of the page
				if (ctx.lastEditTime) {
					query.basetimestamp = ctx.lastEditTime; // check that page hasn't been edited since it was loaded
				query.starttimestamp = ctx.loadTime; // check that page hasn't been deleted since it was loaded (don't recreate bad stuff)

		if (['recreate', 'createonly', 'nocreate'].indexOf(ctx.createOption) !== -1) {
			query[ctx.createOption] = '';

		if (canUseMwUserToken && ctx.followRedirect) {
			query.redirect = true;

		ctx.saveApi = new'Saving page...', query, fnSaveSuccess, ctx.statusElement, fnSaveError);

	 * Adds the text provided via setAppendText() to the end of the page.
	 * Does not require calling load() first.
	 * @param {Function} [onSuccess] - callback function which is called when the method has succeeded (optional)
	 * @param {Function} [onFailure] - callback function which is called when the method fails (optional)
	this.append = function(onSuccess, onFailure) {
		ctx.editMode = 'append';

		if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('edit')) {, onFailure);
		} else {
			ctx.onSaveSuccess = onSuccess;
			ctx.onSaveFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction;
			this.load(fnAutoSave, ctx.onSaveFailure);

	 * Adds the text provided via setPrependText() to the start of the page.
	 * Does not require calling load() first.
	 * @param {Function}  [onSuccess] - callback function which is called when the method has succeeded (optional)
	 * @param {Function}  [onFailure] - callback function which is called when the method fails (optional)
	this.prepend = function(onSuccess, onFailure) {
		ctx.editMode = 'prepend';

		if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('edit')) {, onFailure);
		} else {
			ctx.onSaveSuccess = onSuccess;
			ctx.onSaveFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction;
			this.load(fnAutoSave, ctx.onSaveFailure);

	 * @returns {string} string containing the name of the loaded page, including the namespace
	this.getPageName = function() {
		return ctx.pageName;

	 * @returns {string} string containing the text of the page after a successful load()
	this.getPageText = function() {
		return ctx.pageText;

	 * `pageText` - string containing the updated page text that will be saved when save() is called
	this.setPageText = function(pageText) {
		ctx.editMode = 'all';
		ctx.pageText = pageText;

	 * `appendText` - string containing the text that will be appended to the page when append() is called
	this.setAppendText = function(appendText) {
		ctx.editMode = 'append';
		ctx.appendText = appendText;

	 * `prependText` - string containing the text that will be prepended to the page when prepend() is called
	this.setPrependText = function(prependText) {
		ctx.editMode = 'prepend';
		ctx.prependText = prependText;

	// Edit-related setter methods:
	 * `summary` - string containing the text of the edit summary that will be used when save() is called
	this.setEditSummary = function(summary) {
		ctx.editSummary = summary;

	 *    `createOption` is a string value:
	 *       'recreate'   - create the page if it does not exist, or edit it if it exists
	 *       'createonly' - create the page if it does not exist, but return an error if it
	 *                      already exists
	 *       'nocreate'   - don't create the page, only edit it if it already exists
	 *       null         - create the page if it does not exist, unless it was deleted in the moment
	 *                      between retrieving the edit token and saving the edit (default)
	this.setCreateOption = function(createOption) {
		ctx.createOption = createOption;

	 * `minorEdit` - boolean value:
	 * True  - When save is called, the resulting edit will be marked as "minor".
	 * False - When save is called, the resulting edit will not be marked as "minor". (default)
	this.setMinorEdit = function(minorEdit) {
		ctx.minorEdit = minorEdit;

	 * `botEdit` is a boolean value:
	 *  True  - When save is called, the resulting edit will be marked as "bot".
	 *  False - When save is called, the resulting edit will not be marked as "bot". (default)
	this.setBotEdit = function(botEdit) {
		ctx.botEdit = botEdit;

	 * `pageSection` - integer specifying the section number to load or save.
	 * The default is `null`, which means that the entire page will be retrieved.
	this.setPageSection = function(pageSection) {
		ctx.pageSection = pageSection;

	 * `maxRetries` - number of retries for save errors involving an edit conflict or loss of edit token.Default: 2
	this.setMaxConflictRetries = function(maxRetries) {
		ctx.maxConflictRetries = maxRetries;

	 * `maxRetries` - number of retries for save errors not involving an edit conflict or loss of edit token
	 * Default: 2
	this.setMaxRetries = function(maxRetries) {
		ctx.maxRetries = maxRetries;

	 *  `watchlistOption` is a boolean value:
	 *       True  - page will be added to the user's watchlist when save() is called
	 *       False - watchlist status of the page will not be changed (default)
	this.setWatchlist = function(watchlistOption) {
		if (watchlistOption) {
			ctx.watchlistOption = 'watch';
		} else {
			ctx.watchlistOption = 'nochange';

	 *    `watchlistOption` is a boolean value:
	 *       True  - page watchlist status will be set based on the user's
	 *               preference settings when save() is called
	 *       False - watchlist status of the page will not be changed (default)
	 *    Watchlist notes:
	 *       1. The MediaWiki API value of 'unwatch', which explicitly removes the page from the
	 *          user's watchlist, is not used.
	 *       2. If both setWatchlist() and setWatchlistFromPreferences() are called,
	 *          the last call takes priority.
	 *       3. Twinkle modules should use the appropriate preference to set the watchlist options.
	 *       4. Most Twinkle modules use setWatchlist().
	 *          setWatchlistFromPreferences() is only needed for the few Twinkle watchlist preferences
	 *          that accept a string value of 'default'.
	this.setWatchlistFromPreferences = function(watchlistOption) {
		if (watchlistOption) {
			ctx.watchlistOption = 'preferences';
		} else {
			ctx.watchlistOption = 'nochange';

	 *    `followRedirect` is a boolean value:
	 *       True  - a maximum of one redirect will be followed.
	 *               In the event of a redirect, a message is displayed to the user and
	 *               the redirect target can be retrieved with getPageName().
	 *       False - the requested pageName will be used without regard to any redirect. (default)
	this.setFollowRedirect = function(followRedirect) {
		if (ctx.pageLoaded) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: cannot change redirect setting after the page has been loaded!');
		ctx.followRedirect = followRedirect;

	// Move-related setter functions
	this.setMoveDestination = function(destination) {
		ctx.moveDestination = destination;

	this.setMoveTalkPage = function(flag) {
		ctx.moveTalkPage = !!flag;

	this.setMoveSubpages = function(flag) {
		ctx.moveSubpages = !!flag;

	this.setMoveSuppressRedirect = function(flag) {
		ctx.moveSuppressRedirect = !!flag;

	// Protect-related setter functions
	this.setEditProtection = function(level, expiry) {
		ctx.protectEdit = { level: level, expiry: expiry };

	this.setMoveProtection = function(level, expiry) {
		ctx.protectMove = { level: level, expiry: expiry };

	this.setCreateProtection = function(level, expiry) {
		ctx.protectCreate = { level: level, expiry: expiry };

	this.setCascadingProtection = function(flag) {
		ctx.protectCascade = !!flag;

	this.suppressProtectWarning = function() {
		ctx.suppressProtectWarning = true;

	// Revert-related getters/setters:
	this.setOldID = function(oldID) {
		ctx.revertOldID = oldID;

	 *  @returns {string} string containing the current revision ID of the page
	this.getCurrentID = function() {
		return ctx.revertCurID;

	this.getRevisionUser = function() {
		return ctx.revertUser;

	// Miscellaneous getters/setters:

	 * `callbackParameters` - an object for use in a callback function
	 * Callback notes: callbackParameters is for use by the caller only. The parameters
	 * allow a caller to pass the proper context into its callback function.
	 * Callers must ensure that any changes to the callbackParameters object
	 * within a load() callback still permit a proper re-entry into the
	 * load() callback if an edit conflict is detected upon calling save().
	this.setCallbackParameters = function(callbackParameters) {
		ctx.callbackParameters = callbackParameters;

	 * @returns the object previous set by setCallbackParameters()
	this.getCallbackParameters = function() {
		return ctx.callbackParameters;

	 * @returns {Morebits.status} Status element created by the constructor
	this.getStatusElement = function() {
		return ctx.statusElement;

	this.setFlaggedRevs = function(level, expiry) {
		ctx.flaggedRevs = { level: level, expiry: expiry };

	 * @returns {boolean} true if the page existed on the wiki when it was last loaded
	this.exists = function() {
		return ctx.pageExists;

	 * @returns {string} the user who created the page following lookupCreation()
	this.getCreator = function() {
		return ctx.creator;

	 * @returns {string} the ISOString timestamp of page creation following lookupCreation()
	this.getCreationTimestamp = function() {
		return ctx.timestamp;

	 * Retrieves the username of the user who created the page as well as
	 * the timestamp of creation
	 * @param {Function} onSuccess - callback function (required) which is
	 * called when the username and timestamp are found within the callback.
	 * The username can be retrieved using the getCreator() function;
	 * the timestamp can be retrieved using the getCreationTimestamp() function
	this.lookupCreation = function(onSuccess) {
		if (!onSuccess) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: no onSuccess callback provided to lookupCreation()!');
		ctx.onLookupCreationSuccess = onSuccess;

		var query = {
			'action': 'query',
			'prop': 'revisions',
			'titles': ctx.pageName,
			'rvlimit': 1,
			'rvprop': 'user|timestamp',
			'rvdir': 'newer'

		if (ctx.followRedirect) {
			query.redirects = '';  // follow all redirects

		ctx.lookupCreationApi = new'Retrieving page creation information', query, fnLookupCreationSuccess, ctx.statusElement);
	 * @deprecated since May/June 2019, renamed to lookupCreation
	this.lookupCreator = function(onSuccess) {
		console.warn("NOTE: lookupCreator() from Twinkle's Morebits has been deprecated since May/June 2019, please use lookupCreation() instead"); // eslint-disable-line no-console
		Morebits.status.warn('NOTE', "lookupCreator() from Twinkle's Morebits has been deprecated since May/June 2019, please use lookupCreation() instead");
		return this.lookupCreation(onSuccess);

	 * marks the page as patrolled, if possible
	this.patrol = function() {
		// There's no patrol link on page, so we can't patrol
		if (!$('.patrollink').length) {

		// Extract the rcid token from the "Mark page as patrolled" link on page
		var patrolhref = $('.patrollink a').attr('href'),
			rcid = mw.util.getParamValue('rcid', patrolhref);

		if (rcid) {

			var patrolstat = new Morebits.status('Marking page as patrolled');

			var wikipedia_api = new'doing...', {
				action: 'patrol',
				rcid: rcid,
				token: mw.user.tokens.get('patrolToken')
			}, null, patrolstat);

			// We don't really care about the response;

	 * Reverts a page to revertOldID
	 * @param {Function} [onSuccess] - callback function to run on success (optional)
	 * @param {Function} [onFailure] - callback function to run on failure (optional)
	this.revert = function(onSuccess, onFailure) {
		ctx.onSaveSuccess = onSuccess;
		ctx.onSaveFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction;

		if (!ctx.revertOldID) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: revision ID to revert to was not set before revert!');

		ctx.editMode = 'revert';
		this.load(fnAutoSave, ctx.onSaveFailure);

	 * Moves a page to another title
	 * @param {Function} [onSuccess] - callback function to run on success (optional)
	 * @param {Function} [onFailure] - callback function to run on failure (optional)
	this.move = function(onSuccess, onFailure) {
		ctx.onMoveSuccess = onSuccess;
		ctx.onMoveFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction;

		if (!ctx.editSummary) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: move reason not set before move (use setEditSummary function)!');
		if (!ctx.moveDestination) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: destination page name was not set before move!');

		var query = {
			action: 'query',
			prop: 'info',
			intoken: 'move',
			titles: ctx.pageName
		if (ctx.followRedirect) {
			query.redirects = '';  // follow all redirects
		if (Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop')) {
			query.inprop = 'protection';

		ctx.moveApi = new'retrieving move token...', query, fnProcessMove, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onMoveFailure);

	// |delete| is a reserved word in some flavours of JS
	 * Deletes a page (for admins only)
	 * @param {Function} [onSuccess] - callback function to run on success (optional)
	 * @param {Function} [onFailure] - callback function to run on failure (optional)
	this.deletePage = function(onSuccess, onFailure) {
		ctx.onDeleteSuccess = onSuccess;
		ctx.onDeleteFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction;

		// if a non-admin tries to do this, don't bother
		if (!Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop')) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Cannot delete page: only admins can do that');
		if (!ctx.editSummary) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: delete reason not set before delete (use setEditSummary function)!');

		if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('delete')) {, this);
		} else {
			var query = {
				action: 'query',
				prop: 'info',
				inprop: 'protection',
				intoken: 'delete',
				titles: ctx.pageName
			if (ctx.followRedirect) {
				query.redirects = '';  // follow all redirects

			ctx.deleteApi = new'retrieving delete token...', query, fnProcessDelete, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onDeleteFailure);

	 * Undeletes a page (for admins only)
	 * @param {Function} [onSuccess] - callback function to run on success (optional)
	 * @param {Function} [onFailure] - callback function to run on failure (optional)
	this.undeletePage = function(onSuccess, onFailure) {
		ctx.onUndeleteSuccess = onSuccess;
		ctx.onUndeleteFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction;

		// if a non-admin tries to do this, don't bother
		if (!Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop')) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Cannot undelete page: only admins can do that');
		if (!ctx.editSummary) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: undelete reason not set before undelete (use setEditSummary function)!');

		if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('undelete')) {, this);
		} else {
			var query = {
				action: 'query',
				prop: 'info',
				inprop: 'protection',
				intoken: 'undelete',
				titles: ctx.pageName

			ctx.undeleteApi = new'retrieving undelete token...', query, fnProcessUndelete, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onUndeleteFailure);

	 * Protects a page (for admins only)
	 * @param {Function} [onSuccess] - callback function to run on success (optional)
	 * @param {Function} [onFailure] - callback function to run on failure (optional)
	this.protect = function(onSuccess, onFailure) {
		ctx.onProtectSuccess = onSuccess;
		ctx.onProtectFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction;

		// if a non-admin tries to do this, don't bother
		if (!Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop')) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Cannot protect page: only admins can do that');
		if (!ctx.protectEdit && !ctx.protectMove && !ctx.protectCreate) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: you must set edit and/or move and/or create protection before calling protect()!');
		if (!ctx.editSummary) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: protection reason not set before protect (use setEditSummary function)!');

		// because of the way MW API interprets protection levels (absolute, not
		// differential), we need to request protection levels from the server
		var query = {
			action: 'query',
			prop: 'info',
			inprop: 'protection',
			intoken: 'protect',
			titles: ctx.pageName,
			watchlist: ctx.watchlistOption
		if (ctx.followRedirect) {
			query.redirects = '';  // follow all redirects

		ctx.protectApi = new'retrieving protect token...', query, fnProcessProtect, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onProtectFailure);

	// apply FlaggedRevs protection-style settings
	// only works where $wgFlaggedRevsProtection = true (i.e. where FlaggedRevs
	// settings appear on the wiki's "protect" tab)
	this.stabilize = function(onSuccess, onFailure) {
		ctx.onStabilizeSuccess = onSuccess;
		ctx.onStabilizeFailure = onFailure || emptyFunction;

		// if a non-admin tries to do this, don't bother
		if (!Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop')) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Cannot apply FlaggedRevs settings: only admins can do that');
		if (!ctx.flaggedRevs) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: you must set flaggedRevs before calling stabilize()!');
		if (!ctx.editSummary) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Internal error: reason not set before calling stabilize() (use setEditSummary function)!');

		var query = {
			action: 'query',
			prop: 'info|flagged',
			intoken: 'edit',
			titles: ctx.pageName
		if (ctx.followRedirect) {
			query.redirects = '';  // follow all redirects

		ctx.stabilizeApi = new'retrieving stabilize token...', query, fnProcessStabilize, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onStabilizeFailure);

	 * Private member functions
	 * These are not exposed outside

	 * Determines whether we can save an API call by using the edit token sent with the page
	 * HTML, or whether we need to ask the server for more info (e.g. protection expiry).
	 * Currently only used for append, prepend, and deletePage.
	 * @param {string} action  The action being undertaken, e.g. "edit", "delete".
	 * @returns {boolean}
	var fnCanUseMwUserToken = function(action) {
		// API-based redirect resolution only works for action=query and
		// action=edit in append/prepend modes (and section=new, but we don't
		// really support that)
		if (ctx.followRedirect && (action !== 'edit' ||
			(ctx.editMode !== 'append' && ctx.editMode !== 'prepend'))) {
			return false;

		// do we need to fetch the edit protection expiry?
		if (Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop') && !ctx.suppressProtectWarning) {
			// poor man's normalisation
			if (Morebits.string.toUpperCaseFirstChar(mw.config.get('wgPageName')).replace(/ /g, '_').trim() !==
				Morebits.string.toUpperCaseFirstChar(ctx.pageName).replace(/ /g, '_').trim()) {
				return false;

			var editRestriction = mw.config.get('wgRestrictionEdit');
			if (!editRestriction || editRestriction.indexOf('sysop') !== -1) {
				return false;

		return !!mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken');

	// callback from loadSuccess() for append() and prepend() threads
	var fnAutoSave = function(pageobj) {, ctx.onSaveFailure);

	// callback from
	var fnLoadSuccess = function() {
		var xml = ctx.loadApi.getXML();

		if (!fnCheckPageName(xml, ctx.onLoadFailure)) {
			return; // abort

		ctx.pageExists = $(xml).find('page').attr('missing') !== '';
		if (ctx.pageExists) {
			ctx.pageText = $(xml).find('rev').text();
		} else {
			ctx.pageText = '';  // allow for concatenation, etc.

		// extract protection info, to alert admins when they are about to edit a protected page
		if (Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop')) {
			var editprot = $(xml).find('pr[type="edit"]');
			if (editprot.length > 0 && editprot.attr('level') === 'sysop') {
				ctx.fullyProtected = editprot.attr('expiry');
			} else {
				ctx.fullyProtected = false;

		ctx.editToken = $(xml).find('page').attr('edittoken');
		if (!ctx.editToken) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Failed to retrieve edit token.');
		ctx.loadTime = $(xml).find('page').attr('starttimestamp');
		if (!ctx.loadTime) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Failed to retrieve start timestamp.');
		ctx.lastEditTime = $(xml).find('rev').attr('timestamp');
		ctx.revertCurID = $(xml).find('page').attr('lastrevid');

		if (ctx.editMode === 'revert') {
			ctx.revertCurID = $(xml).find('rev').attr('revid');
			if (!ctx.revertCurID) {
				ctx.statusElement.error('Failed to retrieve current revision ID.');
			ctx.revertUser = $(xml).find('rev').attr('user');
			if (!ctx.revertUser) {
				if ($(xml).find('rev').attr('userhidden') === '') {  // username was RevDel'd or oversighted
					ctx.revertUser = '<username hidden>';
				} else {
					ctx.statusElement.error('Failed to retrieve user who made the revision.');
			// set revert edit summary
			ctx.editSummary = '[[Help:Revert|Reverted]] to revision ' + ctx.revertOldID + ' by ' + ctx.revertUser + ': ' + ctx.editSummary;

		ctx.pageLoaded = true;

		// alert("Generate edit conflict now");  // for testing edit conflict recovery logic
		ctx.onLoadSuccess(this);  // invoke callback

	// helper function to parse the page name returned from the API
	var fnCheckPageName = function(xml, onFailure) {
		if (!onFailure) {
			onFailure = emptyFunction;

		// check for invalid titles
		if ($(xml).find('page').attr('invalid') === '') {
			ctx.statusElement.error('The page title is invalid: ' + ctx.pageName);
			return false; // abort

		// retrieve actual title of the page after normalization and redirects
		if ($(xml).find('page').attr('title')) {
			var resolvedName = $(xml).find('page').attr('title');

			// only notify user for redirects, not normalization
			if ($(xml).find('redirects').length > 0) {'Info', 'Redirected from ' + ctx.pageName + ' to ' + resolvedName);
			ctx.pageName = resolvedName;  // always update in case of normalization
		} else {
			// could be a circular redirect or other problem
			ctx.statusElement.error('Could not resolve redirects for: ' + ctx.pageName);

			// force error to stay on the screen;
			return false; // abort
		return true; // all OK

	// callback from
	var fnSaveSuccess = function() {
		ctx.editMode = 'all';  // cancel append/prepend/revert modes
		var xml = ctx.saveApi.getXML();

		// see if the API thinks we were successful
		if ($(xml).find('edit').attr('result') === 'Success') {

			// real success
			// default on success action - display link for edited page
			var link = document.createElement('a');
			link.setAttribute('href', mw.util.getUrl(ctx.pageName));
			link.appendChild(document.createTextNode(ctx.pageName));['completed (', link, ')']);
			if (ctx.onSaveSuccess) {
				ctx.onSaveSuccess(this);  // invoke callback

		// errors here are only generated by extensions which hook APIEditBeforeSave within MediaWiki,
		// which as of 1.34.0-wmf.23 (Sept 2019) should only encompass captcha messages
		if ($(xml).find('captcha').length > 0) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Could not save the page because the wiki server wanted you to fill out a CAPTCHA.');
		} else {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Unknown error received from API while saving page');

		// force error to stay on the screen;


	// callback from
	var fnSaveError = function() {
		var errorCode = ctx.saveApi.getErrorCode();

		// check for edit conflict
		if (errorCode === 'editconflict' && ctx.conflictRetries++ < ctx.maxConflictRetries) {

			// edit conflicts can occur when the page needs to be purged from the server cache
			var purgeQuery = {
				action: 'purge',
				titles: ctx.pageName  // redirects are already resolved

			var purgeApi = new'Edit conflict detected, purging server cache', purgeQuery, null, ctx.statusElement);{ async: false });  // just wait for it, result is for debugging;  // allow for normal completion if retry succeeds'Edit conflict detected, reapplying edit');
			if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('edit')) {; // necessarily append or prepend, so this should work as desired
			} else {; // reload the page and reapply the edit

		// check for loss of edit token
		// it's impractical to request a new token here, so invoke edit conflict logic when this happens
		} else if (errorCode === 'notoken' && ctx.conflictRetries++ < ctx.maxConflictRetries) {'Edit token is invalid, retrying');;  // allow for normal completion if retry succeeds
			if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('edit')) {
				this.load(fnAutoSave, ctx.onSaveFailure); // try the append or prepend again
			} else {; // reload the page and reapply the edit

		// check for network or server error
		} else if (errorCode === 'undefined' && ctx.retries++ < ctx.maxRetries) {

			// the error might be transient, so try again'Save failed, retrying');;  // allow for normal completion if retry succeeds; // give it another go!

		// hard error, give up
		} else {

			// non-admin attempting to edit a protected page - this gives a friendlier message than the default
			if (errorCode === 'protectedpage') {
				ctx.statusElement.error('Failed to save edit: Page is protected');
			// check for absuefilter hits: disallowed or warning
			} else if (errorCode.indexOf('abusefilter') === 0) {
				var desc = $(ctx.saveApi.getXML()).find('abusefilter').attr('description');
				if (errorCode === 'abusefilter-disallowed') {
					ctx.statusElement.error('The edit was disallowed by the edit filter: "' + desc + '".');
				} else if (errorCode === 'abusefilter-warning') {
					ctx.statusElement.error([ 'A warning was returned by the edit filter: "', desc, '". If you wish to proceed with the edit, please carry it out again. This warning will not appear a second time.' ]);
					// We should provide the user with a way to automatically retry the action if they so choose -
					// I can't see how to do this without creating a UI dependency on though -- TTO
				} else { // shouldn't happen but...
					ctx.statusElement.error('The edit was disallowed by the edit filter.');
			// check for blacklist hits
			} else if (errorCode === 'spamblacklist') {
			} else {
				ctx.statusElement.error('Failed to save edit: ' + ctx.saveApi.getErrorText());
			ctx.editMode = 'all';  // cancel append/prepend/revert modes
			if (ctx.onSaveFailure) {
				ctx.onSaveFailure(this);  // invoke callback

	var fnLookupCreationSuccess = function() {
		var xml = ctx.lookupCreationApi.getXML();

		if (!fnCheckPageName(xml)) {
			return; // abort

		ctx.creator = $(xml).find('rev').attr('user');
		if (!ctx.creator) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Could not find name of page creator');
		ctx.timestamp = $(xml).find('rev').attr('timestamp');
		if (!ctx.timestamp) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Could not find timestamp of page creation');


	var fnProcessMove = function() {
		var xml = ctx.moveApi.getXML();

		if ($(xml).find('page').attr('missing') === '') {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Cannot move the page, because it no longer exists');

		// extract protection info
		if (Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop')) {
			var editprot = $(xml).find('pr[type="edit"]');
			if (editprot.length > 0 && editprot.attr('level') === 'sysop' && !ctx.suppressProtectWarning &&
				!confirm('You are about to move the fully protected page "' + ctx.pageName +
				(editprot.attr('expiry') === 'infinity' ? '" (protected indefinitely)' : '" (protection expiring ' + editprot.attr('expiry') + ')') +
				'.  \n\nClick OK to proceed with the move, or Cancel to skip this move.')) {
				ctx.statusElement.error('Move of fully protected page was aborted.');

		var moveToken = $(xml).find('page').attr('movetoken');
		if (!moveToken) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Failed to retrieve move token.');

		var query = {
			'action': 'move',
			'from': $(xml).find('page').attr('title'),
			'to': ctx.moveDestination,
			'token': moveToken,
			'reason': ctx.editSummary
		if (ctx.moveTalkPage) {
			query.movetalk = 'true';
		if (ctx.moveSubpages) {
			query.movesubpages = 'true';  // XXX don't know whether this works for non-admins
		if (ctx.moveSuppressRedirect) {
			query.noredirect = 'true';
		if (ctx.watchlistOption === 'watch') { = 'true';

		ctx.moveProcessApi = new'moving page...', query, ctx.onMoveSuccess, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onMoveFailure);

	var fnProcessDelete = function() {
		var pageTitle, token;

		if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('delete')) {
			token = mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken');
			pageTitle = ctx.pageName;
		} else {
			var xml = ctx.deleteApi.getXML();

			if ($(xml).find('page').attr('missing') === '') {
				ctx.statusElement.error('Cannot delete the page, because it no longer exists');

			// extract protection info
			var editprot = $(xml).find('pr[type="edit"]');
			if (editprot.length > 0 && editprot.attr('level') === 'sysop' && !ctx.suppressProtectWarning &&
				!confirm('You are about to delete the fully protected page "' + ctx.pageName +
				(editprot.attr('expiry') === 'infinity' ? '" (protected indefinitely)' : '" (protection expiring ' + editprot.attr('expiry') + ')') +
				'.  \n\nClick OK to proceed with the deletion, or Cancel to skip this deletion.')) {
				ctx.statusElement.error('Deletion of fully protected page was aborted.');

			token = $(xml).find('page').attr('deletetoken');
			if (!token) {
				ctx.statusElement.error('Failed to retrieve delete token.');

			pageTitle = $(xml).find('page').attr('title');

		var query = {
			'action': 'delete',
			'title': pageTitle,
			'token': token,
			'reason': ctx.editSummary
		if (ctx.watchlistOption === 'watch') { = 'true';

		ctx.deleteProcessApi = new'deleting page...', query, ctx.onDeleteSuccess, ctx.statusElement, fnProcessDeleteError);

	// callback from
	var fnProcessDeleteError = function() {

		var errorCode = ctx.deleteProcessApi.getErrorCode();

		// check for "Database query error"
		if (errorCode === 'internal_api_error_DBQueryError' && ctx.retries++ < ctx.maxRetries) {'Database query error, retrying');;  // allow for normal completion if retry succeeds; // give it another go!
		} else if (errorCode === 'badtoken') {
			// this is pathetic, but given the current state of it would
			// be a dog's breakfast to try and fix this
			ctx.statusElement.error('Invalid token. Please refresh the page and try again.');
			if (ctx.onDeleteFailure) {, this, ctx.deleteProcessApi);
		} else if (errorCode === 'missingtitle') {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Cannot delete the page, because it no longer exists');
			if (ctx.onDeleteFailure) {, ctx.deleteProcessApi);  // invoke callback
		// hard error, give up
		} else {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Failed to delete the page: ' + ctx.deleteProcessApi.getErrorText());
			if (ctx.onDeleteFailure) {, ctx.deleteProcessApi);  // invoke callback

	var fnProcessUndelete = function() {
		var pageTitle, token;

		// The whole handling of tokens in Morebits is outdated (#615)
		// but has generally worked since intoken has been deprecated
		// but remains.  intoken does not, however, take undelete, so
		// fnCanUseMwUserToken('undelete') is no good.  Everything
		// except watching and patrolling should eventually use csrf,
		// but until then (#615) the stupid hack below should work for
		// undeletion.
		if (fnCanUseMwUserToken('undelete')) {
			token = mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken');
			pageTitle = ctx.pageName;
		} else {
			var xml = ctx.undeleteApi.getXML();

			if ($(xml).find('page').attr('missing') !== '') {
				ctx.statusElement.error('Cannot undelete the page, because it already exists');

			// extract protection info
			var editprot = $(xml).find('pr[type="create"]');
			if (editprot.length > 0 && editprot.attr('level') === 'sysop' && !ctx.suppressProtectWarning &&
				!confirm('You are about to undelete the fully create protected page "' + ctx.pageName +
				(editprot.attr('expiry') === 'infinity' ? '" (protected indefinitely)' : '" (protection expiring ' + editprot.attr('expiry') + ')') +
				'.  \n\nClick OK to proceed with the undeletion, or Cancel to skip this undeletion.')) {
				ctx.statusElement.error('Undeletion of fully create protected page was aborted.');

			// KLUDGE:
			token = mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken');
			pageTitle = ctx.pageName;

		var query = {
			'action': 'undelete',
			'title': pageTitle,
			'token': token,
			'reason': ctx.editSummary
		if (ctx.watchlistOption === 'watch') { = 'true';

		ctx.undeleteProcessApi = new'undeleting page...', query, ctx.onUndeleteSuccess, ctx.statusElement, fnProcessUndeleteError);

	// callback from
	var fnProcessUndeleteError = function() {

		var errorCode = ctx.undeleteProcessApi.getErrorCode();

		// check for "Database query error"
		if (errorCode === 'internal_api_error_DBQueryError' && ctx.retries++ < ctx.maxRetries) {'Database query error, retrying');;  // allow for normal completion if retry succeeds; // give it another go!
		} else if (errorCode === 'badtoken') {
			// this is pathetic, but given the current state of it would
			// be a dog's breakfast to try and fix this
			ctx.statusElement.error('Invalid token. Please refresh the page and try again.');
			if (ctx.onUndeleteFailure) {, this, ctx.undeleteProcessApi);
		} else if (errorCode === 'cantundelete') {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Cannot undelete the page, either because there are no revisions to undelete or because it has already been undeleted');
			if (ctx.onUndeleteFailure) {, ctx.undeleteProcessApi);  // invoke callback
		// hard error, give up
		} else {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Failed to undelete the page: ' + ctx.undeleteProcessApi.getErrorText());
			if (ctx.onUndeleteFailure) {, ctx.undeleteProcessApi);  // invoke callback

	var fnProcessProtect = function() {
		var xml = ctx.protectApi.getXML();

		var missing = $(xml).find('page').attr('missing') === '';
		if ((ctx.protectEdit || ctx.protectMove) && missing) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Cannot protect the page, because it no longer exists');
		if (ctx.protectCreate && !missing) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Cannot create protect the page, because it already exists');

		// TODO cascading protection not possible on edit<sysop

		var protectToken = $(xml).find('page').attr('protecttoken');
		if (!protectToken) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Failed to retrieve protect token.');

		// fetch existing protection levels
		var prs = $(xml).find('pr');
		var editprot = prs.filter('[type="edit"]');
		var moveprot = prs.filter('[type="move"]');
		var createprot = prs.filter('[type="create"]');

		var protections = [], expirys = [];

		// set edit protection level
		if (ctx.protectEdit) {
			protections.push('edit=' + ctx.protectEdit.level);
		} else if (editprot.length) {
			protections.push('edit=' + editprot.attr('level'));
			expirys.push(editprot.attr('expiry').replace('infinity', 'indefinite'));

		if (ctx.protectMove) {
			protections.push('move=' + ctx.protectMove.level);
		} else if (moveprot.length) {
			protections.push('move=' + moveprot.attr('level'));
			expirys.push(moveprot.attr('expiry').replace('infinity', 'indefinite'));

		if (ctx.protectCreate) {
			protections.push('create=' + ctx.protectCreate.level);
		} else if (createprot.length) {
			protections.push('create=' + createprot.attr('level'));
			expirys.push(createprot.attr('expiry').replace('infinity', 'indefinite'));

		var query = {
			action: 'protect',
			title: $(xml).find('page').attr('title'),
			token: protectToken,
			protections: protections.join('|'),
			expiry: expirys.join('|'),
			reason: ctx.editSummary
		if (ctx.protectCascade) {
			query.cascade = 'true';
		if (ctx.watchlistOption === 'watch') { = 'true';

		ctx.protectProcessApi = new'protecting page...', query, ctx.onProtectSuccess, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onProtectFailure);

	var fnProcessStabilize = function() {
		var xml = ctx.stabilizeApi.getXML();

		var missing = $(xml).find('page').attr('missing') === '';
		if (missing) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Cannot protect the page, because it no longer exists');

		var stabilizeToken = $(xml).find('page').attr('edittoken');
		if (!stabilizeToken) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Failed to retrieve stabilize token.');

		var query = {
			action: 'stabilize',
			title: $(xml).find('page').attr('title'),
			token: stabilizeToken,
			protectlevel: ctx.flaggedRevs.level,
			expiry: ctx.flaggedRevs.expiry,
			reason: ctx.editSummary
		if (ctx.watchlistOption === 'watch') { = 'true';

		ctx.stabilizeProcessApi = new'configuring stabilization settings...', query, ctx.onStabilizeSuccess, ctx.statusElement, ctx.onStabilizeFailure);
}; // end

/* TODO: (XXX)
* - Should we retry loads also?
* - Need to reset current action before the save?
* - Deal with action.completed stuff
* - Need to reset all parameters once done (e.g. edit summary, move destination, etc.)

 * **************** ****************
 * Uses the API to parse a fragment of wikitext and render it as HTML.
 * The suggested implementation pattern (in Morebits.simpleWindow + Morebits.quickForm situations) is to
 * construct a object after rendering a Morebits.quickForm, and bind the object
 * to an arbitrary property of the form (e.g. |previewer|).  For an example, see
 * twinklewarn.js.

 * @constructor
 * @param {HTMLElement} previewbox - the element that will contain the rendered HTML,
 * usually a <div> element
 */ = function(previewbox) {
	this.previewbox = previewbox;

	 * Displays the preview box, and begins an asynchronous attempt
	 * to render the specified wikitext.
	 * @param {string} wikitext - wikitext to render; most things should work, including subst: and [[User:Porplemontage|Porplemontage]] ([[User talk:Porplemontage|talk]]) 20:18, October 27, 2019 (EDT)
	 * @param {string} [pageTitle] - optional parameter for the page this should be rendered as being on, if omitted it is taken as the current page
	this.beginRender = function(wikitext, pageTitle) {

		var statusspan = document.createElement('span');

		var query = {
			action: 'parse',
			prop: 'text',
			pst: 'true',  // PST = pre-save transform; this makes substitution work properly
			text: wikitext,
			title: pageTitle || mw.config.get('wgPageName')
		var renderApi = new'loading...', query, fnRenderSuccess, new Morebits.status('Preview'));;

	var fnRenderSuccess = function(apiobj) {
		var xml = apiobj.getXML();
		var html = $(xml).find('text').text();
		if (!html) {
			apiobj.statelem.error('failed to retrieve preview, or template was blanked');
		previewbox.innerHTML = html;
		$(previewbox).find('a').attr('target', '_blank'); // this makes links open in new tab

	 * Hides the preview box and clears it.
	this.closePreview = function() {

 * **************** Morebits.wikitext ****************
 * Wikitext manipulation

Morebits.wikitext = {};

Morebits.wikitext.template = {
	parse: function(text, start) {
		var count = -1;
		var level = -1;
		var equals = -1;
		var current = '';
		var result = {
			name: '',
			parameters: {}
		var key, value;

		for (var i = start; i < text.length; ++i) {
			var test3 = text.substr(i, 3);
			if (test3 === '{{{') {
				current += '{{{';
				i += 2;
			if (test3 === '}}}') {
				current += '}}}';
				i += 2;
			var test2 = text.substr(i, 2);
			if (test2 === '{{' || test2 === '[[') {
				current += test2;
			if (test2 === ']]') {
				current += ']]';
			if (test2 === '}}') {
				current += test2;

				if (level <= 0) {
					if (count === -1) { = current.substring(2).trim();
					} else {
						if (equals !== -1) {
							key = current.substring(0, equals).trim();
							value = current.substring(equals).trim();
							result.parameters[key] = value;
							equals = -1;
						} else {
							result.parameters[count] = current;

			if (text.charAt(i) === '|' && level <= 0) {
				if (count === -1) { = current.substring(2).trim();
				} else {
					if (equals !== -1) {
						key = current.substring(0, equals).trim();
						value = current.substring(equals + 1).trim();
						result.parameters[key] = value;
						equals = -1;
					} else {
						result.parameters[count] = current;
				current = '';
			} else if (equals === -1 && text.charAt(i) === '=' && level <= 0) {
				equals = current.length;
				current += text.charAt(i);
			} else {
				current += text.charAt(i);

		return result;

 * @constructor
 * @param {string} text
 */ = function mediawikiPage(text) {
	this.text = text;
}; = {
	text: '',

	 * Removes links to `link_target` from the page text.
	 * @param {string} link_target
	removeLink: function(link_target) {
		var first_char = link_target.substr(0, 1);
		var link_re_string = '[' + first_char.toUpperCase() + first_char.toLowerCase() + ']' + RegExp.escape(link_target.substr(1), true);

		// Files and Categories become links with a leading colon.
		// e.g. [[:File:Test.png]]
		var special_ns_re = /^(?:[Ff]ile|[Ii]mage|[Cc]ategory):/;
		var colon = special_ns_re.test(link_target) ? ':' : '';

		var link_simple_re = new RegExp('\\[\\[' + colon + '(' + link_re_string + ')\\]\\]', 'g');
		var link_named_re = new RegExp('\\[\\[' + colon + link_re_string + '\\|(.+?)\\]\\]', 'g');
		this.text = this.text.replace(link_simple_re, '$1').replace(link_named_re, '$1');

	 * Comments out images from page text. If used in a gallery, deletes the whole line.
	 * If used as a template argument (not necessarily with File: prefix), the template parameter is commented out.
	 * @param {string} image - Image name without File: prefix
	 * @param {string} reason - Reason to be included in comment, alongside the commented-out image
	commentOutImage: function(image, reason) {
		var unbinder = new Morebits.unbinder(this.text);
		unbinder.unbind('<!--', '-->');

		reason = reason ? reason + ': ' : '';
		var first_char = image.substr(0, 1);
		var image_re_string = '[' + first_char.toUpperCase() + first_char.toLowerCase() + ']' + RegExp.escape(image.substr(1), true);

		// Check for normal image links, i.e. [[File:Foobar.png|...]]
		// Will eat the whole link
		var links_re = new RegExp('\\[\\[(?:[Ii]mage|[Ff]ile):\\s*' + image_re_string);
		var allLinks = Morebits.array.uniq(Morebits.string.splitWeightedByKeys(unbinder.content, '[[', ']]'));
		for (var i = 0; i < allLinks.length; ++i) {
			if (links_re.test(allLinks[i])) {
				var replacement = '<!-- ' + reason + allLinks[i] + ' -->';
				unbinder.content = unbinder.content.replace(allLinks[i], replacement, 'g');
		// unbind the newly created comments
		unbinder.unbind('<!--', '-->');

		// Check for gallery images, i.e. instances that must start on a new line,
		// eventually preceded with some space, and must include File: prefix
		// Will eat the whole line.
		var gallery_image_re = new RegExp('(^\\s*(?:[Ii]mage|[Ff]ile):\\s*' + image_re_string + '.*?$)', 'mg');
		unbinder.content = unbinder.content.replace(gallery_image_re, '<!-- ' + reason + '$1 -->');

		// unbind the newly created comments
		unbinder.unbind('<!--', '-->');

		// Check free image usages, for example as template arguments, might have the File: prefix excluded, but must be preceeded by an |
		// Will only eat the image name and the preceeding bar and an eventual named parameter
		var free_image_re = new RegExp('(\\|\\s*(?:[\\w\\s]+\\=)?\\s*(?:(?:[Ii]mage|[Ff]ile):\\s*)?' + image_re_string + ')', 'mg');
		unbinder.content = unbinder.content.replace(free_image_re, '<!-- ' + reason + '$1 -->');
		// Rebind the content now, we are done!
		this.text = unbinder.rebind();

	 * Converts first usage of [[File:`image`]] to [[File:`image`|`data`]]
	 * @param {string} image - Image name without File: prefix
	 * @param {string} data
	addToImageComment: function(image, data) {
		var first_char = image.substr(0, 1);
		var first_char_regex = RegExp.escape(first_char, true);
		if (first_char.toUpperCase() !== first_char.toLowerCase()) {
			first_char_regex = '[' + RegExp.escape(first_char.toUpperCase(), true) + RegExp.escape(first_char.toLowerCase(), true) + ']';
		var image_re_string = '(?:[Ii]mage|[Ff]ile):\\s*' + first_char_regex + RegExp.escape(image.substr(1), true);
		var links_re = new RegExp('\\[\\[' + image_re_string);
		var allLinks = Morebits.array.uniq(Morebits.string.splitWeightedByKeys(this.text, '[[', ']]'));
		for (var i = 0; i < allLinks.length; ++i) {
			if (links_re.test(allLinks[i])) {
				var replacement = allLinks[i];
				// just put it at the end?
				replacement = replacement.replace(/\]\]$/, '|' + data + ']]');
				this.text = this.text.replace(allLinks[i], replacement, 'g');
		var gallery_re = new RegExp('^(\\s*' + image_re_string + '.*?)\\|?(.*?)$', 'mg');
		var newtext = '$1|$2 ' + data;
		this.text = this.text.replace(gallery_re, newtext);

	 * Removes transclusions of template from page text
	 * @param {string} template - Page name whose transclusions are to be removed,
	 * include namespace prefix only if not in template namespace
	removeTemplate: function(template) {
		var first_char = template.substr(0, 1);
		var template_re_string = '(?:[Tt]emplate:)?\\s*[' + first_char.toUpperCase() + first_char.toLowerCase() + ']' + RegExp.escape(template.substr(1), true);
		var links_re = new RegExp('\\{\\{' + template_re_string);
		var allTemplates = Morebits.array.uniq(Morebits.string.splitWeightedByKeys(this.text, '{{', '}}', [ '{{{', '}}}' ]));
		for (var i = 0; i < allTemplates.length; ++i) {
			if (links_re.test(allTemplates[i])) {
				this.text = this.text.replace(allTemplates[i], '', 'g');

	getText: function() {
		return this.text;

 * **************** Morebits.queryString ****************
 * Maps the querystring to an JS object
 * In static context, the value of, else the value given
 * to the constructor is going to be used. The mapped hash is saved in the object.
 * Example:
 * var value = Morebits.queryString.get('key');
 * var obj = new Morebits.queryString('foo=bar&baz=quux');
 * value = obj.get('foo');

 * @constructor
 * @param {string} qString   The query string
Morebits.queryString = function QueryString(qString) {
	this.string = qString;
	this.params = {};

	if (!qString.length) {

	qString = qString.replace(/\+/g, ' ');
	var args = qString.split('&');

	for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
		var pair = args[i].split('=');
		var key = decodeURIComponent(pair[0]), value = key;

		if (pair.length === 2) {
			value = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);

		this.params[key] = value;

Morebits.queryString.staticstr = null;

Morebits.queryString.staticInit = function() {
	if (!Morebits.queryString.staticstr) {
		Morebits.queryString.staticstr = new Morebits.queryString(;

Morebits.queryString.get = function(key) {
	return Morebits.queryString.staticstr.get(key);

Morebits.queryString.exists = function(key) {
	return Morebits.queryString.staticstr.exists(key);

Morebits.queryString.equals = function(key, value) {
	return Morebits.queryString.staticstr.equals(key, value);

Morebits.queryString.toString = function() {
	return Morebits.queryString.staticstr.toString();

Morebits.queryString.create = function(arr) {
	var resarr = [];
	var editToken;  // KLUGE: this should always be the last item in the query string (bug TW-B-0013)
	for (var i in arr) {
		if (arr[i] === undefined) {
		var res;
		if (Array.isArray(arr[i])) {
			var v = [];
			for (var j = 0; j < arr[i].length; ++j) {
				v[j] = encodeURIComponent(arr[i][j]);
			res = v.join('|');
		} else {
			res = encodeURIComponent(arr[i]);
		if (i === 'token') {
			editToken = res;
		} else {
			resarr.push(encodeURIComponent(i) + '=' + res);
	if (editToken !== undefined) {
		resarr.push('token=' + editToken);
	return resarr.join('&');

 * @returns {string} the value associated to the given `key`
 * @param {string} key
Morebits.queryString.prototype.get = function(key) {
	return this.params[key] || null;

 * @returns {boolean} true if the given `key` is set
 * @param {string} key
Morebits.queryString.prototype.exists = function(key) {
	return !!this.params[key];

 * @returns {boolean} true if the value associated with given `key` equals given `value`
 * @param {string} key
 * @param {string} value
Morebits.queryString.prototype.equals = function(key, value) {
	return this.params[key] === value;

 * @returns {string}
Morebits.queryString.prototype.toString = function() {
	return this.string || null;

 * Creates a querystring and encodes strings via `encodeURIComponent` and joins arrays with `|`
 * @param {Array} arr
 * @returns {string}
Morebits.queryString.prototype.create = Morebits.queryString.create;

 * **************** Morebits.status ****************

  * @constructor
  * Morebits.status.init() must be called before any status object is created, otherwise
  * those statuses won't be visible.
  * @param {String} text - Text before the the colon `:`
  * @param {String} stat - Text after the colon `:`
  * @param {String} [type='status'] - This parameter determines the font color of the status line,
  * this can be 'status' (blue), 'info' (green), 'warn' (red), or 'error' (bold red)
  * The default is 'status'

Morebits.status = function Status(text, stat, type) {
	this.textRaw = text;
	this.text = this.codify(text);
	this.type = type || 'status';
	if (stat) {
		this.update(stat, type);

 * Specify an area for status message elements to be added to
 * @param {HTMLElement} root - usually a div element
Morebits.status.init = function(root) {
	if (!(root instanceof Element)) {
		throw new Error('object not an instance of Element');
	while (root.hasChildNodes()) {
	Morebits.status.root = root;
	Morebits.status.errorEvent = null;

Morebits.status.root = null;

Morebits.status.onError = function(handler) {
	if (typeof handler === 'function') {
		Morebits.status.errorEvent = handler;
	} else {
		throw 'Morebits.status.onError: handler is not a function';

Morebits.status.prototype = {
	stat: null,
	text: null,
	textRaw: null,
	type: 'status',
	target: null,
	node: null,
	linked: false,

	 * Add the status element node to the DOM
	link: function() {
		if (!this.linked && Morebits.status.root) {
			this.linked = true;

	 * Remove the status element node from the DOM
	unlink: function() {
		if (this.linked) {
			this.linked = false;

	 * Create a document fragment with the status text
	codify: function(obj) {
		if (!Array.isArray(obj)) {
			obj = [ obj ];
		var result;
		result = document.createDocumentFragment();
		for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; ++i) {
			if (typeof obj[i] === 'string') {
			} else if (obj[i] instanceof Element) {
			} // Else cosmic radiation made something shit
		return result;


	 * Update the status
	 * @param {String} status - Part of status message after colon `:`
	 * @param {String} type - 'status' (blue), 'info' (green), 'warn' (red), or 'error' (bold red)
	update: function(status, type) {
		this.stat = this.codify(status);
		if (type) {
			this.type = type;
			if (type === 'error') {
				// hack to force the page not to reload when an error is output - see also Morebits.status() above = 1000;

				// call error callback
				if (Morebits.status.errorEvent) {

				// also log error messages in the browser console
				console.error(this.textRaw + ': ' + status); // eslint-disable-line no-console

	 * Produce the html for first part of the status message
	generate: function() {
		this.node = document.createElement('div');
		this.node.appendChild(document.createElement('span')).appendChild(document.createTextNode(': ')); = this.node.appendChild(document.createElement('span'));'')); // dummy node

	 * Complete the html, for the second part of the status message
	render: function() {
		this.node.className = 'tw_status_' + this.type;
		while ( {;
	status: function(status) {
		this.update(status, 'status');
	info: function(status) {
		this.update(status, 'info');
	warn: function(status) {
		this.update(status, 'warn');
	error: function(status) {
		this.update(status, 'error');
}; = function(text, status) {
	return new Morebits.status(text, status, 'info');

Morebits.status.warn = function(text, status) {
	return new Morebits.status(text, status, 'warn');

Morebits.status.error = function(text, status) {
	return new Morebits.status(text, status, 'error');

 * Display the user's rationale, comments, etc. back to them after a failure,
 * so that they may re-use it
 * @param {string} comments
 * @param {string} message
Morebits.status.printUserText = function(comments, message) {
	var p = document.createElement('p');
	p.textContent = message;
	var div = document.createElement('div');
	div.className = 'toccolours'; = '0'; = 'pre-wrap';
	div.textContent = comments;

 * **************** Morebits.htmlNode() ****************
 * Simple helper function to create a simple node

Morebits.htmlNode = function (type, content, color) {
	var node = document.createElement(type);
	if (color) { = color;
	return node;

 * **************** Morebits.checkboxShiftClickSupport() ****************
 * shift-click-support for checkboxes
 * wikibits version (window.addCheckboxClickHandlers) has some restrictions, and
 * doesn't work with checkboxes inside a sortable table, so let's build our own.

Morebits.checkboxShiftClickSupport = function (jQuerySelector, jQueryContext) {
	var lastCheckbox = null;

	function clickHandler(event) {
		var thisCb = this;
		if (event.shiftKey && lastCheckbox !== null) {
			var cbs = $(jQuerySelector, jQueryContext); // can't cache them, obviously, if we want to support resorting
			var index = -1, lastIndex = -1, i;
			for (i = 0; i < cbs.length; i++) {
				if (cbs[i] === thisCb) {
					index = i;
					if (lastIndex > -1) {
				if (cbs[i] === lastCheckbox) {
					lastIndex = i;
					if (index > -1) {

			if (index > -1 && lastIndex > -1) {
				// inspired by wikibits
				var endState = thisCb.checked;
				var start, finish;
				if (index < lastIndex) {
					start = index + 1;
					finish = lastIndex;
				} else {
					start = lastIndex;
					finish = index - 1;

				for (i = start; i <= finish; i++) {
					if (cbs[i].checked !== endState) {
		lastCheckbox = thisCb;
		return true;

	$(jQuerySelector, jQueryContext).click(clickHandler);

/** **************** Morebits.batchOperation ****************
 * Iterates over a group of pages and executes a worker function for each.
 * Constructor: Morebits.batchOperation(currentAction)
 * setPageList(wikitext): Sets the list of pages to work on.
 *    It should be an array of page names (strings).
 * setOption(optionName, optionValue): Sets a known option:
 *    - chunkSize (integer): the size of chunks to break the array into (default 50).
 *                           Setting this to a small value (<5) can cause problems.
 *    - preserveIndividualStatusLines (boolean): keep each page's status element visible
 *                                               when worker is complete?  See note below
 * run(worker): Runs the given callback for each page in the list.
 *    The callback must call workerSuccess when succeeding, or workerFailure
 *    when failing.  If using or, this is easily
 *    done by passing these two functions as parameters to the methods on those
 *    objects, for instance,, batchOp.workerFailure).
 *    Make sure the methods are called directly if special success/failure cases arise.
 *    If you omit to call these methods, the batch operation will stall after the first
 *    chunk!  Also ensure that either workerSuccess or workerFailure is called no more
 *    than once.
 * If using preserveIndividualStatusLines, you should try to ensure that the
 * workerSuccess callback has access to the page title.  This is no problem for
 * objects.  But when using the API, please set the
 * |pageName| property on the object.
 * There are sample batchOperation implementations using in
 * twinklebatchdelete.js, twinklebatchundelete.js, and twinklebatchprotect.js.

 * @constructor
 * @param {string} [currentAction]
Morebits.batchOperation = function(currentAction) {
	var ctx = {
		// backing fields for public properties
		pageList: null,
		options: {
			chunkSize: 50,
			preserveIndividualStatusLines: false

		// internal counters, etc.
		statusElement: new Morebits.status(currentAction || 'Performing batch operation'),
		worker: null, // function that executes for each item in pageList
		postFinish: null, // function that executes when the whole batch has been processed
		countStarted: 0,
		countFinished: 0,
		countFinishedSuccess: 0,
		currentChunkIndex: -1,
		pageChunks: [],
		running: false

	// shouldn't be needed by external users, but provided anyway for maximum flexibility
	this.getStatusElement = function() {
		return ctx.statusElement;

	 * Sets the list of pages to work on
	 * @param {String[]} pageList  Array of page names (strings)
	this.setPageList = function(pageList) {
		ctx.pageList = pageList;

	 * Sets a known option:
	 * - chunkSize (integer):
	 *        The size of chunks to break the array into (default 50).
	 *        Setting this to a small value (<5) can cause problems.
	 * - preserveIndividualStatusLines (boolean):
	 *        Keep each page's status element visible when worker is complete?
	this.setOption = function(optionName, optionValue) {
		ctx.options[optionName] = optionValue;

	 * Runs the first callback for each page in the list.
	 * The callback must call workerSuccess when succeeding, or workerFailure when failing.
	 * Runs the second callback when the whole batch has been processed (optional)
	 * @param {Function} worker
	 * @param {Function} [postFinish]
	 */ = function(worker, postFinish) {
		if (ctx.running) {
			ctx.statusElement.error('Batch operation is already running');
		ctx.running = true;

		ctx.worker = worker;
		ctx.postFinish = postFinish;
		ctx.countStarted = 0;
		ctx.countFinished = 0;
		ctx.countFinishedSuccess = 0;
		ctx.currentChunkIndex = -1;
		ctx.pageChunks = [];

		var total = ctx.pageList.length;
		if (!total) {'nothing to do');
			ctx.running = false;

		// chunk page list into more manageable units
		ctx.pageChunks = Morebits.array.chunk(ctx.pageList, ctx.options.chunkSize);

		// start the process;

	this.workerSuccess = function(apiobj) {
		// update or remove status line
		if (apiobj && apiobj.getStatusElement) {
			var statelem = apiobj.getStatusElement();
			if (ctx.options.preserveIndividualStatusLines) {
				if (apiobj.getPageName || apiobj.pageName || (apiobj.query && apiobj.query.title)) {
					// we know the page title - display a relevant message
					var pageName = apiobj.getPageName ? apiobj.getPageName() :
						apiobj.pageName || apiobj.query.title;
					var link = document.createElement('a');
					link.setAttribute('href', mw.util.getUrl(pageName));
					link.appendChild(document.createTextNode(pageName));['completed (', link, ')']);
				} else {
					// we don't know the page title - just display a generic message'done');
			} else {
				// remove the status line from display


	this.workerFailure = function(apiobj) {

	// private functions

	var thisProxy = this;

	var fnStartNewChunk = function() {
		var chunk = ctx.pageChunks[++ctx.currentChunkIndex];
		if (!chunk) {
			return;  // done! yay

		// start workers for the current chunk
		ctx.countStarted += chunk.length;
		chunk.forEach(function(page) {
			ctx.worker(page, thisProxy);

	var fnDoneOne = function() {

		// update overall status line
		var total = ctx.pageList.length;
		if (ctx.countFinished === total) {
			var statusString = 'Done (' + ctx.countFinishedSuccess +
				'/' + ctx.countFinished + ' actions completed successfully)';
			if (ctx.countFinishedSuccess < ctx.countFinished) {
			} else {;
			if (ctx.postFinish) {
			ctx.running = false;

		// just for giggles! (well, serious debugging, actually)
		if (ctx.countFinished > total) {
			ctx.statusElement.warn('Done (overshot by ' + (ctx.countFinished - total) + ')');;
			ctx.running = false;

		ctx.statusElement.status(parseInt(100 * ctx.countFinished / total, 10) + '%');

		// start a new chunk if we're close enough to the end of the previous chunk, and
		// we haven't already started the next one
		if (ctx.countFinished >= (ctx.countStarted - Math.max(ctx.options.chunkSize / 10, 2)) &&
			Math.floor(ctx.countFinished / ctx.options.chunkSize) > ctx.currentChunkIndex) {

 * **************** Morebits.simpleWindow ****************
 * A simple draggable window
 * now a wrapper for jQuery UI's dialog feature

 * @constructor
 * @param {number} width
 * @param {number} height  The maximum allowable height for the content area.
Morebits.simpleWindow = function SimpleWindow(width, height) {
	var content = document.createElement('div');
	this.content = content;
	content.className = 'morebits-dialog-content'; = 'morebits-dialog-content-' + Math.round(Math.random() * 1e15);

	this.height = height;

		autoOpen: false,
		buttons: { 'Placeholder button': function() {} },
		dialogClass: 'morebits-dialog',
		width: Math.min(parseInt(window.innerWidth, 10), parseInt(width ? width : 800, 10)),
		// give jQuery the given height value (which represents the anticipated height of the dialog) here, so
		// it can position the dialog appropriately
		// the 20 pixels represents adjustment for the extra height of the jQuery dialog "chrome", compared
		// to that of the old SimpleWindow
		height: height + 20,
		close: function(event) {
			// dialogs and their content can be destroyed once closed
		resizeStart: function() {
			this.scrollbox = $(this).find('.morebits-scrollbox')[0];
			if (this.scrollbox) { = 'none';
		resizeEnd: function() {
			this.scrollbox = null;
		resize: function() { = '';
			if (this.scrollbox) { = '';

	var $widget = $(this.content).dialog('widget');

	// add background gradient to titlebar
	var $titlebar = $widget.find('.ui-dialog-titlebar');
	var oldstyle = $titlebar.attr('style');
	$titlebar.attr('style', (oldstyle ? oldstyle : '') + '; background-image: url(%2FqqA%2BAAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBBZG9iZSBJbWFnZVJlYWR5ccllPAAAAEhQTFRFr73ZobTPusjdsMHZp7nVwtDhzNbnwM3fu8jdq7vUt8nbxtDkw9DhpbfSvMrfssPZqLvVztbno7bRrr7W1d%2Fs1N7qydXk0NjpkW7Q%2BgAAADVJREFUeNoMwgESQCAAAMGLkEIi%2FP%2BnbnbpdB59app5Vdg0sXAoMZCpGoFbK6ciuy6FX4ABAEyoAef0BXOXAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC) !important;');

	// delete the placeholder button (it's only there so the buttonpane gets created)
	$widget.find('button').each(function(key, value) {

	// add container for the buttons we add, and the footer links (if any)
	var buttonspan = document.createElement('span');
	buttonspan.className = 'morebits-dialog-buttons';
	var linksspan = document.createElement('span');
	linksspan.className = 'morebits-dialog-footerlinks';
	$widget.find('.ui-dialog-buttonpane').append(buttonspan, linksspan);

	// resize the scrollbox with the dialog, if one is present
	$widget.resizable('option', 'alsoResize', '#' + + ' .morebits-scrollbox, #' +;

Morebits.simpleWindow.prototype = {
	buttons: [],
	height: 600,
	hasFooterLinks: false,
	scriptName: null,

	 * Focuses the dialog. This might work, or on the contrary, it might not.
	 * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow}
	focus: function() {
		return this;

	 * Closes the dialog. If this is set as an event handler, it will stop the event
	 * from doing anything more.
	 * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow}
	close: function(event) {
		if (event) {
		return this;

	 * Shows the dialog. Calling display() on a dialog that has previously been closed
	 * might work, but it is not guaranteed.
	 * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow}
	display: function() {
		if (this.scriptName) {
			var $widget = $(this.content).dialog('widget');
			var scriptnamespan = document.createElement('span');
			scriptnamespan.className = 'morebits-dialog-scriptname';
			scriptnamespan.textContent = this.scriptName + ' \u00B7 ';  // U+00B7 MIDDLE DOT = &middot;

		var dialog = $(this.content).dialog('open');
		if (window.setupTooltips && && && {  // tie in with NAVPOP
			dialog.parent()[0].ranSetupTooltipsAlready = false;
		this.setHeight(this.height);  // init height algorithm
		return this;

	 * Sets the dialog title.
	 * @param {string} title
	 * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow}
	setTitle: function(title) {
		$(this.content).dialog('option', 'title', title);
		return this;

	 * Sets the script name, appearing as a prefix to the title to help users determine which
	 * user script is producing which dialog. For instance, Twinkle modules set this to "Twinkle".
	 * @param {string} name
	 * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow}
	setScriptName: function(name) {
		this.scriptName = name;
		return this;

	 * Sets the dialog width.
	 * @param {number} width
	 * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow}
	setWidth: function(width) {
		$(this.content).dialog('option', 'width', width);
		return this;

	 * Sets the dialog's maximum height. The dialog will auto-size to fit its contents,
	 * but the content area will grow no larger than the height given here.
	 * @param {number} height
	 * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow}
	setHeight: function(height) {
		this.height = height;

		// from display time onwards, let the browser determine the optimum height,
		// and instead limit the height at the given value
		// note that the given height will exclude the approx. 20px that the jQuery UI
		// chrome has in height in addition to the height of an equivalent "classic"
		// Morebits.simpleWindow
		if (parseInt(getComputedStyle($(this.content).dialog('widget')[0], null).height, 10) > window.innerHeight) {
			$(this.content).dialog('option', 'height', window.innerHeight - 2).dialog('option', 'position', 'top');
		} else {
			$(this.content).dialog('option', 'height', 'auto');
		$(this.content).dialog('widget').find('.morebits-dialog-content')[0].style.maxHeight = parseInt(this.height - 30, 10) + 'px';
		return this;

	 * Sets the content of the dialog to the given element node, usually from rendering
	 * a Morebits.quickForm.
	 * Re-enumerates the footer buttons, but leaves the footer links as they are.
	 * Be sure to call this at least once before the dialog is displayed...
	 * @param {HTMLElement} content
	 * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow}
	setContent: function(content) {
		return this;

	 * Adds the given element node to the dialog content.
	 * @param {HTMLElement} content
	 * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow}
	addContent: function(content) {

		// look for submit buttons in the content, hide them, and add a proxy button to the button pane
		var thisproxy = this;
		$(this.content).find('input[type="submit"], button[type="submit"]').each(function(key, value) { = 'none';
			var button = document.createElement('button');
			button.textContent = value.hasAttribute('value') ? value.getAttribute('value') : value.textContent ? value.textContent : 'Submit Query';
			// here is an instance of cheap coding, probably a memory-usage hit in using a closure here
			button.addEventListener('click', function() {;
			}, false);
		// remove all buttons from the button pane and re-add them
		if (this.buttons.length > 0) {
		} else {
			$(this.content).dialog('widget').find('.morebits-dialog-buttons')[0].setAttribute('data-empty', 'data-empty');  // used by CSS
		return this;

	 * Removes all contents from the dialog, barring any footer links
	 * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow}
	purgeContent: function() {
		this.buttons = [];
		// delete all buttons in the buttonpane

		while (this.content.hasChildNodes()) {
		return this;

	 * Adds a link in the bottom-right corner of the dialog.
	 * This can be used to provide help or policy links.
	 * For example, Twinkle's CSD module adds a link to the CSD policy page,
	 * as well as a link to Twinkle's documentation.
	 * @param {string} text  Link's text content
	 * @param {string} wikiPage  Link target
	 * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow}
	addFooterLink: function(text, wikiPage) {
		var $footerlinks = $(this.content).dialog('widget').find('.morebits-dialog-footerlinks');
		if (this.hasFooterLinks) {
			var bullet = document.createElement('span');
			bullet.textContent = ' \u2022 ';  // U+2022 BULLET
		var link = document.createElement('a');
		link.setAttribute('href', mw.util.getUrl(wikiPage));
		link.setAttribute('title', wikiPage);
		link.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
		link.textContent = text;
		this.hasFooterLinks = true;
		return this;

	 * Set whether the window should be modal or not.
	 * If set to true, other items on the page will be disabled, i.e., cannot be
	 * interacted with. Modal dialogs create an overlay below the dialog but above
	 * other page elements.
	 * This must be used (if necessary) before calling display()
	 * Default: false
	 * @param {boolean} modal
	 * @returns {Morebits.simpleWindow}
	setModality: function(modal) {
		$(this.content).dialog('option', 'modal', modal);
		return this;

 * Enables or disables all footer buttons on all Morebits.simpleWindows in the current page.
 * This should be called with `false` when the button(s) become irrelevant (e.g. just before
 * Morebits.status.init is called).
 * This is not an instance method so that consumers don't have to keep a reference to the
 * original Morebits.simpleWindow object sitting around somewhere. Anyway, most of the time
 * there will only be one Morebits.simpleWindow open, so this shouldn't matter.
 * @param {boolean} enabled
Morebits.simpleWindow.setButtonsEnabled = function(enabled) {
	$('.morebits-dialog-buttons button').prop('disabled', !enabled);

// Twinkle blacklist was removed per consensus at

}(window, document, jQuery)); // End wrap with anonymous function

 * If this script is being executed outside a ResourceLoader context, we add some
 * global assignments for legacy scripts, hopefully these can be removed down the line
 * Thanks.

if (typeof arguments === 'undefined') {  // typeof is here for a reason...
	/* global Morebits */
	window.SimpleWindow = Morebits.simpleWindow;
	window.QuickForm = Morebits.quickForm;
	window.Wikipedia =;
	window.Status = Morebits.status;
	window.QueryString = Morebits.queryString;

 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * |                  === WARNING: GLOBAL GADGET FILE ===                    |
 * |                Changes to this page affect many users.                  |
 * |           Please discuss changes at [[WT:TW]] before editing.           |
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * Imported from github [].
 * All changes should be made in the repository, otherwise they will be lost.
 * To update this script from github, you must have a local repository set up. Then
 * follow the instructions at [].
 * ----------
 * This is AzaToth's Twinkle, the popular script sidekick for newbies, admins, and
 * every Wikipedian in between. Visit [[WP:TW]] for more information.
// <nowiki>

/* global Morebits */

(function (window, document, $, undefined) { // Wrap with anonymous function

var Twinkle = {};
window.Twinkle = Twinkle;  // allow global access

// Check if account is experienced enough to use Twinkle
Twinkle.userAuthorized = Morebits.userIsInGroup('autoconfirmed') || Morebits.userIsInGroup('confirmed');

// for use by custom modules (normally empty)
Twinkle.initCallbacks = [];
Twinkle.addInitCallback = function twinkleAddInitCallback(func) {

Twinkle.defaultConfig = {};
 * Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle and Twinkle.defaultConfig.friendly
 * This holds the default set of preferences used by Twinkle. (The |friendly| object holds preferences stored in the FriendlyConfig object.)
 * It is important that all new preferences added here, especially admin-only ones, are also added to
 * |Twinkle.config.sections| in twinkleconfig.js, so they are configurable via the Twinkle preferences panel.
 * For help on the actual preferences, see the comments in twinkleconfig.js.
Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle = {
	// General
	summaryAd: ' ([[Wikipedia:WP:TW|TW]])',
	deletionSummaryAd: ' ([[Wikipedia:WP:TW|TW]])',
	protectionSummaryAd: ' ([[Wikipedia:WP:TW|TW]])',
	userTalkPageMode: 'tab',
	dialogLargeFont: false,

	// ARV
	spiWatchReport: 'yes',

	// Block
	blankTalkpageOnIndefBlock: false,

	// Fluff (revert and rollback)
	openTalkPage: [ 'agf', 'norm', 'vand' ],
	openTalkPageOnAutoRevert: false,
	markRevertedPagesAsMinor: [ 'vand' ],
	watchRevertedPages: [ 'agf', 'norm', 'vand', 'torev' ],
	offerReasonOnNormalRevert: true,
	confirmOnFluff: false,
	showRollbackLinks: [ 'diff', 'others' ],

	// DI (twinkleimage)
	notifyUserOnDeli: true,
	deliWatchPage: 'default',
	deliWatchUser: 'default',

	// PROD
	watchProdPages: true,
	prodReasonDefault: '',
	logProdPages: false,
	prodLogPageName: 'PROD log',

	// CSD
	speedySelectionStyle: 'buttonClick',
	watchSpeedyPages: [ 'g3', 'g5', 'g10', 'g11', 'g12' ],
	markSpeedyPagesAsPatrolled: false,

	// these next two should probably be identical by default
	welcomeUserOnSpeedyDeletionNotification: [ 'db', 'g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4', 'g6', 'g10', 'g11', 'g12', 'g13', 'g14', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a5', 'a7', 'a9', 'a10', 'a11', 'f1', 'f2', 'f3', 'f7', 'f9', 'f10', 'u3', 'u5', 't2', 't3', 'p1', 'p2' ],
	notifyUserOnSpeedyDeletionNomination: [ 'db', 'g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4', 'g6', 'g10', 'g11', 'g12', 'g13', 'g14', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a5', 'a7', 'a9', 'a10', 'a11', 'f1', 'f2', 'f3', 'f7', 'f9', 'f10', 'u3', 'u5', 't2', 't3', 'p1', 'p2' ],
	warnUserOnSpeedyDelete: [ 'db', 'g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4', 'g6', 'g10', 'g11', 'g12', 'g13', 'g14', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a5', 'a7', 'a9', 'a10', 'a11', 'f1', 'f2', 'f3', 'f7', 'f9', 'f10', 'u3', 'u5', 't2', 't3', 'p1', 'p2' ],
	promptForSpeedyDeletionSummary: [],
	deleteTalkPageOnDelete: true,
	deleteRedirectsOnDelete: true,
	deleteSysopDefaultToTag: false,
	speedyWindowHeight: 500,
	speedyWindowWidth: 800,
	logSpeedyNominations: false,
	speedyLogPageName: 'CSD log',
	noLogOnSpeedyNomination: [ 'u1' ],

	// Unlink
	unlinkNamespaces: [ '0', '10', '100', '118' ],

	// Warn
	defaultWarningGroup: '1',
	showSharedIPNotice: true,
	watchWarnings: true,
	oldSelect: false,
	customWarningList: [],
	autoMenuAfterRollback: false,

	// XfD
	xfdWatchDiscussion: 'default',
	xfdWatchList: 'no',
	xfdWatchPage: 'default',
	xfdWatchUser: 'default',
	xfdWatchRelated: 'default',
	markXfdPagesAsPatrolled: true,

	// Hidden preferences
	revertMaxRevisions: 50,
	batchdeleteChunks: 50,
	batchMax: 5000,
	batchProtectChunks: 50,
	batchundeleteChunks: 50,
	proddeleteChunks: 50

// now some skin dependent config.
if (mw.config.get('skin') === 'vector') {
	Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletArea = 'right-navigation';
	Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletId = 'p-twinkle';
	Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletName = 'TW';
	Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletType = 'menu';
	Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletNext = 'p-search';
} else {
	Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletArea = null;
	Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletId = 'p-cactions';
	Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletName = null;
	Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletType = null;
	Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletNext = null;

Twinkle.defaultConfig.friendly = {
	// Tag
	groupByDefault: true,
	watchTaggedPages: true,
	watchMergeDiscussions: true,
	markTaggedPagesAsMinor: false,
	markTaggedPagesAsPatrolled: true,
	tagArticleSortOrder: 'cat',
	customTagList: [],
	customFileTagList: [],
	customRedirectTagList: [],

	// Welcome
	topWelcomes: false,
	watchWelcomes: true,
	welcomeHeading: 'Welcome',
	insertHeadings: true,
	insertUsername: true,
	insertSignature: true,  // sign welcome templates, where appropriate
	quickWelcomeMode: 'norm',
	quickWelcomeTemplate: 'welcome',
	customWelcomeList: [],
	customWelcomeSignature: true,

	// Talkback
	markTalkbackAsMinor: true,
	insertTalkbackSignature: true,  // always sign talkback templates
	talkbackHeading: 'New message from ' + mw.config.get('wgUserName'),
	adminNoticeHeading: 'Notice',
	mailHeading: "You've got mail!",

	// Shared
	markSharedIPAsMinor: true

Twinkle.getPref = function twinkleGetPref(name) {
	var result;
	if (typeof Twinkle.prefs === 'object' && typeof Twinkle.prefs.twinkle === 'object') {
		// look in Twinkle.prefs (twinkleoptions.js)
		result = Twinkle.prefs.twinkle[name];
	} else if (typeof window.TwinkleConfig === 'object') {
		// look in TwinkleConfig
		result = window.TwinkleConfig[name];

	if (result === undefined) {
		return Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle[name];
	return result;

Twinkle.getFriendlyPref = function twinkleGetFriendlyPref(name) {
	var result;
	if (typeof Twinkle.prefs === 'object' && typeof Twinkle.prefs.friendly === 'object') {
		// look in Twinkle.prefs (twinkleoptions.js)
		result = Twinkle.prefs.friendly[name];
	} else if (typeof window.FriendlyConfig === 'object') {
		// look in FriendlyConfig
		result = window.FriendlyConfig[name];

	if (result === undefined) {
		return Twinkle.defaultConfig.friendly[name];
	return result;

 * **************** Twinkle.addPortlet() ****************
 * Adds a portlet menu to one of the navigation areas on the page.
 * This is necessarily quite a hack since skins, navigation areas, and
 * portlet menu types all work slightly different.
 * Available navigation areas depend on the skin used.
 * Monobook:
 *  "column-one", outer div class "portlet", inner div class "pBody". Existing portlets: "p-cactions", "p-personal", "p-logo", "p-navigation", "p-search", "p-interaction", "p-tb", "p-coll-print_export"
 *  Special layout of p-cactions and p-personal through specialized styles.
 * Vector:
 *  "mw-panel", outer div class "portal", inner div class "body". Existing portlets/elements: "p-logo", "p-navigation", "p-interaction", "p-tb", "p-coll-print_export"
 *  "left-navigation", outer div class "vectorTabs" or "vectorMenu", inner div class "" or "menu". Existing portlets: "p-namespaces", "p-variants" (menu)
 *  "right-navigation", outer div class "vectorTabs" or "vectorMenu", inner div class "" or "menu". Existing portlets: "p-views", "p-cactions" (menu), "p-search"
 *  Special layout of p-personal portlet (part of "head") through specialized styles.
 * Modern:
 *  "mw_contentwrapper" (top nav), outer div class "portlet", inner div class "pBody". Existing portlets or elements: "p-cactions", "mw_content"
 *  "mw_portlets" (sidebar), outer div class "portlet", inner div class "pBody". Existing portlets: "p-navigation", "p-search", "p-interaction", "p-tb", "p-coll-print_export"
 * @param String navigation -- id of the target navigation area (skin dependant, on vector either of "left-navigation", "right-navigation", or "mw-panel")
 * @param String id -- id of the portlet menu to create, preferably start with "p-".
 * @param String text -- name of the portlet menu to create. Visibility depends on the class used.
 * @param String type -- type of portlet. Currently only used for the vector non-sidebar portlets, pass "menu" to make this portlet a drop down menu.
 * @param Node nextnodeid -- the id of the node before which the new item should be added, should be another item in the same list, or undefined to place it at the end.
 * @return Node -- the DOM node of the new item (a DIV element) or null
Twinkle.addPortlet = function(navigation, id, text, type, nextnodeid) {
	// sanity checks, and get required DOM nodes
	var root = document.getElementById(navigation);
	if (!root) {
		return null;

	var item = document.getElementById(id);
	if (item) {
		if (item.parentNode && item.parentNode === root) {
			return item;
		return null;

	var nextnode;
	if (nextnodeid) {
		nextnode = document.getElementById(nextnodeid);

	// verify/normalize input
	var skin = mw.config.get('skin');
	type = skin === 'vector' && type === 'menu' && (navigation === 'left-navigation' || navigation === 'right-navigation') ? 'menu' : '';
	var outerDivClass;
	var innerDivClass;
	switch (skin) {
		case 'vector':
			if (navigation !== 'portal' && navigation !== 'left-navigation' && navigation !== 'right-navigation') {
				navigation = 'mw-panel';
			outerDivClass = navigation === 'mw-panel' ? 'portal' : type === 'menu' ? 'vectorMenu' : 'vectorTabs';
			innerDivClass = navigation === 'mw-panel' ? 'body' : type === 'menu' ? 'menu' : '';
		case 'modern':
			if (navigation !== 'mw_portlets' && navigation !== 'mw_contentwrapper') {
				navigation = 'mw_portlets';
			outerDivClass = 'portlet';
			innerDivClass = 'pBody';
			navigation = 'column-one';
			outerDivClass = 'portlet';
			innerDivClass = 'pBody';

	// Build the DOM elements.
	var outerDiv = document.createElement('div');
	outerDiv.className = outerDivClass + ' emptyPortlet'; = id;
	if (nextnode && nextnode.parentNode === root) {
		root.insertBefore(outerDiv, nextnode);
	} else {

	if (outerDivClass === 'vectorMenu') {
		// add invisible checkbox to make menu keyboard accessible
		// similar to the p-cactions ("More") menu
		var chkbox = document.createElement('input');
		chkbox.className = 'vectorMenuCheckbox';
		chkbox.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox');
		chkbox.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', 'p-twinkle-label');
	var h5 = document.createElement('h3');
	if (outerDivClass === 'vectorMenu') { = 'p-twinkle-label';
	if (type === 'menu') {
		var span = document.createElement('span');

		var a = document.createElement('a');
		a.href = '#';

		$(a).click(function (e) {

			if (!Twinkle.userAuthorized) {
				alert('Sorry, your account is too new to use Twinkle.');

	} else {

	var innerDiv = null;
	if (type === 'menu') {
		innerDiv = document.createElement('div');
		innerDiv.className = innerDivClass;

	var ul = document.createElement('ul');
	(innerDiv || outerDiv).appendChild(ul);

	return outerDiv;

 * **************** Twinkle.addPortletLink() ****************
 * Builds a portlet menu if it doesn't exist yet, and add the portlet link.
 * @param task: Either a URL for the portlet link or a function to execute.
Twinkle.addPortletLink = function(task, text, id, tooltip) {
	if (Twinkle.getPref('portletArea') !== null) {
		Twinkle.addPortlet(Twinkle.getPref('portletArea'), Twinkle.getPref('portletId'), Twinkle.getPref('portletName'), Twinkle.getPref('portletType'), Twinkle.getPref('portletNext'));
	var link = mw.util.addPortletLink(Twinkle.getPref('portletId'), typeof task === 'string' ? task : '#', text, id, tooltip);
	$('.client-js .skin-vector #p-cactions').css('margin-right', 'initial');
	if (typeof task === 'function') {
		$(link).click(function (ev) {
	if ($.collapsibleTabs) {
	return link;

 * **************** General initialization code ****************

var scriptpathbefore = mw.util.wikiScript('index') + '?title=',
	scriptpathafter = '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&happy=yes';

// Retrieve the user's Twinkle preferences
	url: scriptpathbefore + 'User:' + encodeURIComponent(mw.config.get('wgUserName')) + '/twinkleoptions.js' + scriptpathafter,
	dataType: 'text'
	.fail(function () {
		mw.notify('Could not load twinkleoptions.js');
	.done(function (optionsText) {

		// Quick pass if user has no options
		if (optionsText === '') {

		// Twinkle options are basically a JSON object with some comments. Strip those:
		optionsText = optionsText.replace(/(?:^(?:\/\/[^\n]*\n)*\n*|(?:\/\/[^\n]*(?:\n|$))*$)/g, '');

		// First version of options had some boilerplate code to make it eval-able -- strip that too. This part may become obsolete down the line.
		if (optionsText.lastIndexOf('window.Twinkle.prefs = ', 0) === 0) {
			optionsText = optionsText.replace(/(?:^window.Twinkle.prefs = |;\n*$)/g, '');

		try {
			var options = JSON.parse(optionsText);

			// Assuming that our options evolve, we will want to transform older versions:
			// if ( options.optionsVersion === undefined ) {
			// ...
			// options.optionsVersion = 1;
			// }
			// if ( options.optionsVersion === 1 ) {
			// ...
			// options.optionsVersion = 2;
			// }
			// At the same time, twinkleconfig.js needs to be adapted to write a higher version number into the options.

			if (options) {
				Twinkle.prefs = options;
		} catch (e) {
			mw.notify('Could not parse twinkleoptions.js');
	.always(function () {

// Developers: you can import custom Twinkle modules here
// For example, mw.loader.load(scriptpathbefore + "User:UncleDouggie/morebits-test.js" + scriptpathafter);

Twinkle.load = function () {
	// Don't activate on special pages other than those on the whitelist so that
	// they load faster, especially the watchlist.
	var specialPageWhitelist = [ 'Contributions', 'DeletedContributions', 'Prefixindex' ];
	var isSpecialPage = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === -1 &&
		specialPageWhitelist.indexOf(mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName')) === -1;

	// Also, Twinkle is incompatible with Internet Explorer versions 8 or lower,
	// so don't load there either.
	var isOldIE = $.client.profile().name === 'msie' &&
		$.client.profile().versionNumber < 9;

	// Prevent users that are not autoconfirmed from loading Twinkle as well.
	if (isSpecialPage || isOldIE || !Twinkle.userAuthorized) {

	// Prevent clickjacking
	if ( !== window.self) {

	// Set custom Api-User-Agent header, for server-side logging purposes'Twinkle/2.0 (' + mw.config.get('wgDBname') + ')');

	// Load the modules in the order that the tabs should appear
	// User/user talk-related
	if (Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop')) {
	// Deletion
	// Maintenance
	// Misc. ones last
	if (Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop')) {
	// Run the initialization callbacks for any custom modules
	Twinkle.initCallbacks.forEach(function (func) {
	Twinkle.addInitCallback = function (func) {

	// Increases text size in Twinkle dialogs, if so configured
	if (Twinkle.getPref('dialogLargeFont')) {
		mw.util.addCSS('.morebits-dialog-content, .morebits-dialog-footerlinks { font-size: 100% !important; } ' +
			'.morebits-dialog input, .morebits-dialog select, .morebits-dialog-content button { font-size: inherit !important; }');

}(window, document, jQuery)); // End wrap with anonymous function

// </nowiki>

// <nowiki>

(function($) {

 *** twinkleprod.js: PROD module
 * Mode of invocation:     Tab ("PROD")
 * Active on:              Existing articles, files, books which are not redirects,
 *                         and user pages in [[:Category:Wikipedia books (user books)]]
 * Config directives in:   TwinkleConfig
 */ = function twinkleprod() {
	if ((([0, 6, 108].indexOf(mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber')) === -1) && (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') !== 2 || mw.config.get('wgCategories').indexOf('Wikipedia books (user books)') === -1))
		|| !mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId') || {

	Twinkle.addPortletLink(, 'PROD', 'tw-prod', 'Propose deletion via WP:PROD');

// Used in edit summaries, for comparisons, etc.
var namespace; = function twinkleprodCallback() { = Twinkle.getPref('prodReasonDefault');

	switch (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber')) {
		case 0:
			namespace = 'article';
		case 6:
			namespace = 'file';
		case 2:
		case 108:
			namespace = 'book';
		// no default

	var Window = new Morebits.simpleWindow(800, 410);
	Window.setTitle('Proposed deletion (PROD)');

	var form = new Morebits.quickForm(;

	if (namespace === 'article') {
		Window.addFooterLink('Proposed deletion policy', 'WP:PROD');
		Window.addFooterLink('BLP PROD policy', 'WP:BLPPROD');
	} else if (namespace === 'file') {
		Window.addFooterLink('Proposed deletion policy', 'WP:PROD');
	} else { // if book
		Window.addFooterLink('Proposed deletion (books) policy', 'WP:BOOKPROD');

	var field = form.append({
		type: 'field',
		label: 'PROD type',
		id: 'prodtype_fieldset'

		type: 'radio',
		name: 'prodtype',
		list: [
				label: 'PROD (proposed deletion)',
				value: 'prod',
				checked: true,
				tooltip: 'Normal proposed deletion, per [[WP:PROD]]'
				label: 'BLP PROD (proposed deletion of unsourced BLPs)',
				value: 'prodblp',
				tooltip: 'Proposed deletion of new, completely unsourced biographies of living persons, per [[WP:BLPPROD]]'

	// Placeholder fieldset to be replaced in
		type: 'field',
		name: 'parameters'

	Window.addFooterLink('Twinkle help', 'WP:TW/DOC#prod');

	form.append({ type: 'submit', label: 'Propose deletion' });

	var result = form.render();

	// Hide fieldset for File and Book PROD types since only normal PROD is allowed
	if (namespace !== 'article') {

	// Fake a change event on the first prod type radio, to initialize the type-dependent controls
	var evt = document.createEvent('Event');
	evt.initEvent('change', true, true);

}; = function(event) {
	// prepare frame for prod type dependant controls
	var field = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
		type: 'field',
		label: 'Parameters',
		name: 'parameters'
	// create prod type dependant controls
	switch ( {
		case 'prod':
				type: 'checkbox',
				list: [
						label: 'Notify page creator if possible',
						value: 'notify',
						name: 'notify',
						tooltip: "A notification template will be placed on the creator's talk page if this is true.",
						checked: true
				type: 'textarea',
				name: 'reason',
				label: 'Reason for proposed deletion:',

		case 'prodblp':
			// first, remember the prod value that the user entered in the textarea, in case they want to switch back. We can abuse the config field for that.
			if ( { =;

				type: 'checkbox',
				list: [
						label: 'Notify page creator if possible',
						value: 'notify',
						name: 'notify',
						tooltip: 'Creator of article has to be notified.',
						checked: true,
						disabled: true
			// temp warning, can be removed down the line once BLPPROD is more established. Amalthea, May 2010.
			var boldtext = document.createElement('b');
			boldtext.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Please note that only unsourced biographies of living persons are eligible for this tag, narrowly construed.'));
				type: 'div',
				label: boldtext

	}, $('fieldset[name="parameters"]')[0]);
}; = {
	checkpriors: function(apiobj) {
		var xmlDoc = apiobj.responseXML;
		var statelem = apiobj.statelem;
		var params = apiobj.params;

		// Check talk page for templates indicating prior XfD
		if ($(xmlDoc).find('templates').length) {
			statelem.warn('Previous XfD template found on talk page, aborting procedure');

		// Check talk page for category indicating prior PROD
		if ($(xmlDoc).find('categories').length) {
			if (params.blp) {
				if (!confirm('Previous PROD nomination found on talk page. Do you still want to continue applying BLPPROD? ')) {
					statelem.warn('Previous PROD found on talk page, aborted by user');
				}'Previous PROD found on talk page, continuing');
			} else {
				statelem.warn('Previous PROD found on talk page, aborting procedure');

		var ts = new'wgPageName'));
		ts.setFollowRedirect(true);  // for NPP, and also because redirects are ineligible for PROD

	creationInfo: function(pageobj) {
		var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
		params.initialContrib = pageobj.getCreator();
		params.creation = pageobj.getCreationTimestamp(); = mw.config.get('wgPageName'); = 'Tagging complete';

		var wikipedia_page = new'wgPageName'), 'Tagging page');
		wikipedia_page.setFollowRedirect(true);  // for NPP, and also because redirects are ineligible for PROD

	main: function(pageobj) {
		var statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();

		if (!pageobj.exists()) {
			statelem.error("It seems that the page doesn't exist. Perhaps it has already been deleted.");

		var text = pageobj.getPageText();
		var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

		// Check for already existing deletion tags
		var tag_re = /{{(?:db-?|delete|article for deletion\/dated|ffd\b)|#invoke:RfD/i;
		if (tag_re.test(text)) {
			statelem.warn('Page already tagged with a deletion template, aborting procedure');

		// Alert if article is at least three days old, not in Category:Living people, and BLPPROD is selected
		if (params.blp) {
			var now = new Date().toISOString();
			var timeDiff = (new Date(now) - new Date(params.creation)) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24; // days from milliseconds
			var blpcheck_re = /\[\[Category:Living people\]\]/i;
			if (!blpcheck_re.test(text) && timeDiff > 3) {
				if (!confirm('Please note that the article is not in Category:Living people and hence may be ineligible for BLPPROD. Are you sure you want to continue? \n\nYou may wish to add the category if you proceed, unless the article is about a recently deceased person.')) {

		// Remove tags that become superfluous with this action
		text = text.replace(/{{\s*(userspace draft|mtc|(copy|move) to wikimedia commons|(copy |move )?to ?commons)\s*(\|(?:{{[^{}]*}}|[^{}])*)?}}\s*/gi, '');
		var prod_re = /{{\s*(?:Prod blp|Proposed deletion|book-prod)\/dated(?: files)?\s*\|(?:{{[^{}]*}}|[^{}])*}}/i;
		var summaryText;
		if (!prod_re.test(text)) {
			// Notification to first contributor
			if (params.usertalk) {
				// Disallow warning yourself
				if (params.initialContrib === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
					statelem.warn('You (' + params.initialContrib + ') created this page; skipping user notification');
					if (Twinkle.getPref('logProdPages')) {;
				} else {
					// [[Template:Proposed deletion notify]] supports File namespace
					var notifyTemplate;
					if (params.blp) {
						notifyTemplate = 'prodwarningBLP';
					} else if ( {
						notifyTemplate = 'bprodwarning';
					} else {
						notifyTemplate = 'proposed deletion notify';
					var notifytext = '\n{{subst:' + notifyTemplate + '|1=' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + '|concern=' + params.reason + '}} ~~~~';

					var usertalkpage = new'User talk:' + params.initialContrib, 'Notifying initial contributor (' + params.initialContrib + ')');
					usertalkpage.setEditSummary('Notification: proposed deletion of [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
					usertalkpage.append(function onNotifySuccess() {
						// add nomination to the userspace log, if the user has enabled it
						if (Twinkle.getPref('logProdPages')) {
							params.logInitialContrib = params.initialContrib;;
					}, function onNotifyError() {
						// if user could not be notified, log nomination without mentioning that notification was sent
						if (Twinkle.getPref('logProdPages')) {;
			} else if (Twinkle.getPref('logProdPages')) { // If not notifying, log this PROD;
			if (params.blp) {
				summaryText = 'Proposing article for deletion per [[WP:BLPPROD]].';
				text = '{{subst:prod blp' + (params.usertalk ? '|help=off' : '') + '}}\n' + text;
			} else if ( {
				summaryText = 'Proposing book for deletion per [[WP:BOOKPROD]].';
				text = '{{subst:book-prod|1=' + Morebits.string.formatReasonText(params.reason) + (params.usertalk ? '|help=off' : '') + '}}\n' + text;
			} else {
				summaryText = 'Proposing ' + namespace + ' for deletion per [[WP:PROD]].';
				text = '{{subst:prod|1=' + Morebits.string.formatReasonText(params.reason) + (params.usertalk ? '|help=off' : '') + '}}\n' + text;

			// Add {{Old prod}} to the talk page
			var oldprodfull = '{{Old prod|nom=' + mw.config.get('wgUserName') + '|nomdate={{subst:#time: Y-m-d}}}}\n';
			var talktitle = new mw.Title(mw.config.get('wgPageName')).getTalkPage().getPrefixedText();
			var talkpage = new, 'Placing {{Old prod}} on talk page');
			talkpage.setEditSummary('Placing {{Old prod}} on the talk page' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			talkpage.setFollowRedirect(true);  // match behavior for page tagging
		} else {  // already tagged for PROD, so try endorsing it
			var prod2_re = /{{(?:Proposed deletion endorsed|prod-?2).*?}}/;
			if (prod2_re.test(text)) {
				statelem.warn('Page already tagged with {{proposed deletion}} and {{proposed deletion endorsed}} templates, aborting procedure');
			var confirmtext = 'A {{proposed deletion}} tag was already found on this page. \nWould you like to add a {{proposed deletion endorsed}} tag with your explanation?';
			if (params.blp) {
				confirmtext = 'A non-BLP {{proposed deletion}} tag was found on this article.\nWould you like to add a {{proposed deletion endorsed}} tag with explanation "article is a biography of a living person with no sources"?';
				// FIXME: this msg is shown even if it was a BLPPROD tag.
			if (!confirm(confirmtext)) {
				statelem.warn('Aborted per user request');

			summaryText = 'Endorsing proposed deletion per [[WP:' + (params.blp ? 'BLP' : ? 'BOOK' : '') + 'PROD]].';
			text = text.replace(prod_re, text.match(prod_re) + '\n{{proposed deletion endorsed|1=' + (params.blp ?
				'article is a [[WP:BLPPROD|biography of a living person with no sources]]' :
				Morebits.string.formatReasonText(params.reason)) + '}}\n');

			if (Twinkle.getPref('logProdPages')) {
				params.logEndorsing = true;;

		pageobj.setEditSummary(summaryText + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));

	addToLog: function(params) {
		var wikipedia_page = new'User:' + mw.config.get('wgUserName') + '/' + Twinkle.getPref('prodLogPageName'), 'Adding entry to userspace log');

	saveLog: function(pageobj) {
		var text = pageobj.getPageText();
		var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

		// add blurb if log page doesn't exist
		if (!pageobj.exists()) {
			text =
				"This is a log of all [[WP:PROD|proposed deletion]] tags applied or endorsed by this user using [[WP:TW|Twinkle]]'s PROD module.\n\n" +
				'If you no longer wish to keep this log, you can turn it off using the [[Wikipedia:Twinkle/Preferences|preferences panel]], and ' +
				'nominate this page for speedy deletion under [[WP:CSD#U1|CSD U1]].\n';

		// create monthly header if it doesn't exist already
		var date = new Date();
		var headerRe = new RegExp('^==+\\s*' + date.getUTCMonthName() + '\\s+' + date.getUTCFullYear() + '\\s*==+', 'm');
		if (!headerRe.exec(text)) {
			text += '\n\n=== ' + date.getUTCMonthName() + ' ' + date.getUTCFullYear() + ' ===';

		var summarytext;
		if (params.logEndorsing) {
			text += '\n# [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']]: endorsed ' + (params.blp ? 'BLP ' : ? 'BOOK' : '') + 'PROD. ~~~~~';
			if (params.reason) {
				text += "\n#* '''Reason''': " + params.reason + '\n';
			summarytext = 'Logging endorsement of PROD nomination of [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].';
		} else {
			text += '\n# [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']]: ' + (params.blp ? 'BLP ' : ? 'BOOK' : '') + 'PROD';
			if (params.logInitialContrib) {
				text += '; notified {{user|' + params.logInitialContrib + '}}';
			text += ' ~~~~~\n';
			if (!params.blp) {
				text += "#* '''Reason''': " + params.reason + '\n';
			summarytext = 'Logging PROD nomination of [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].';

		pageobj.setEditSummary(summarytext + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
}; = function twinkleprodCallbackEvaluate(e) {
	var form =;
	var prodtype;

	if (namespace === 'article') {
		var prodtypes = form.prodtype;
		for (var i = 0; i < prodtypes.length; i++) {
			if (prodtypes[i].checked) {
				prodtype = prodtypes[i].values;

	var params = {
		usertalk: form.notify.checked,
		blp: prodtype === 'prodblp',
		book: namespace === 'book',
		reason: prodtype === 'prodblp' ? '' : form.reason.value  // using an empty string here as fallback will help with prod-2.


	var talk_title = new mw.Title(mw.config.get('wgPageName')).getTalkPage().getPrefixedText();
	// Talk page templates for PROD-able discussions
	var blocking_templates = 'Template:Old XfD multi|Template:Old MfD|Template:Oldffdfull|' + // Common prior XfD talk page templates
		'Template:Multidel|Template:Oldpuffull|' + // Uncommon/legacy prior XfD templates
		'Olddrvfull|Olddelrev'; // Prior DRV templates
	var query = {
		'action': 'query',
		'titles': talk_title,
		'prop': 'categories|templates',
		'clcategories': 'Category:Past proposed deletion candidates',
		'tltemplates': blocking_templates

	var wikipedia_api = new'Checking talk page for prior nominations', query,;
	wikipedia_api.params = params;;

// </nowiki>

// <nowiki>

(function($) {

 *** twinkleimage.js: Image CSD module
 * Mode of invocation:     Tab ("DI")
 * Active on:              Local nonredirect file pages (not on Commons)
 * Config directives in:   TwinkleConfig

Twinkle.image = function twinkleimage() {
	if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 6 && mw.config.get('wgArticleId') && !document.getElementById('mw-sharedupload') && ! {
		Twinkle.addPortletLink(Twinkle.image.callback, 'DI', 'tw-di', 'Nominate file for delayed speedy deletion');

Twinkle.image.callback = function twinkleimageCallback() {
	var Window = new Morebits.simpleWindow(600, 330);
	Window.setTitle('File for dated speedy deletion');
	Window.addFooterLink('Speedy deletion policy', 'WP:CSD#Files');
	Window.addFooterLink('Twinkle help', 'WP:TW/DOC#image');

	var form = new Morebits.quickForm(Twinkle.image.callback.evaluate);
		type: 'checkbox',
		list: [
				label: 'Notify original uploader',
				value: 'notify',
				name: 'notify',
				tooltip: "Uncheck this if you are planning to make multiple nominations from the same user, and don't want to overload their talk page with too many notifications.",
				checked: Twinkle.getPref('notifyUserOnDeli')
	var field = form.append({
		type: 'field',
		label: 'Type of action wanted'
		type: 'radio',
		name: 'type',
		event: Twinkle.image.callback.choice,
		list: [
				label: 'No source (CSD F4)',
				value: 'no source',
				checked: true,
				tooltip: 'Image or media has no source information'
				label: 'No license (CSD F4)',
				value: 'no license',
				tooltip: 'Image or media does not have information on its copyright status'
				label: 'No source and no license (CSD F4)',
				value: 'no source no license',
				tooltip: 'Image or media has neither information on source nor its copyright status'
				label: 'Orphaned fair use (CSD F5)',
				value: 'orphaned fair use',
				tooltip: 'Image or media is unlicensed for use on Wikipedia and allowed only under a claim of fair use per Wikipedia:Non-free content, but it is not used in any articles'
				label: 'No fair use rationale (CSD F6)',
				value: 'no fair use rationale',
				tooltip: 'Image or media is claimed to be used under Wikipedia\'s fair use policy but has no explanation as to why it is permitted under the policy'
				label: 'Disputed fair use rationale (CSD F7)',
				value: 'disputed fair use rationale',
				tooltip: 'Image or media has a fair use rationale that is disputed'
				label: 'Replaceable fair use (CSD F7)',
				value: 'replaceable fair use',
				tooltip: 'Image or media may fail Wikipedia\'s first non-free content criterion ([[WP:NFCC#1]]) in that it illustrates a subject for which a free image might reasonably be found or created that adequately provides the same information'
				label: 'No evidence of permission (CSD F11)',
				value: 'no permission',
				tooltip: 'Image or media does not have proof that the author agreed to licence the file'
		type: 'div',
		label: 'Work area',
		name: 'work_area'
	form.append({ type: 'submit' });

	var result = form.render();

	// We must init the parameters
	var evt = document.createEvent('Event');
	evt.initEvent('change', true, true);

Twinkle.image.callback.choice = function twinkleimageCallbackChoose(event) {
	var value =;
	var root =;
	var work_area = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
		type: 'div',
		name: 'work_area'

	switch (value) {
		case 'no source no license':
		case 'no source':
				type: 'checkbox',
				name: 'non_free',
				list: [
						label: 'Non-free',
						tooltip: 'File is licensed under a fair use claim'
		/* falls through */
		case 'no license':
				type: 'checkbox',
				name: 'derivative',
				list: [
						label: 'Derivative work which lacks a source for incorporated works',
						tooltip: 'File is a derivative of one or more other works whose source is not specified'
		case 'no permission':
				type: 'input',
				name: 'source',
				label: 'Source: '
		case 'disputed fair use rationale':
				type: 'textarea',
				name: 'reason',
				label: 'Concern: '
		case 'orphaned fair use':
				type: 'input',
				name: 'replacement',
				label: 'Replacement: '
		case 'replaceable fair use':
				type: 'textarea',
				name: 'reason',
				label: 'Reason: '

	root.replaceChild(work_area.render(), $(root).find('div[name="work_area"]')[0]);

Twinkle.image.callback.evaluate = function twinkleimageCallbackEvaluate(event) {
	var type, non_free, source, reason, replacement, derivative;

	var notify =;
	var types =;
	for (var i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) {
		if (types[i].checked) {
			type = types[i].values;
	if ( {
		non_free =;
	if ( {
		source =;
	if ( {
		reason =;
	if ( {
		replacement =^\s*(Image|File):/i, '');
	if ( {
		derivative =;

	var csdcrit;
	switch (type) {
		case 'no source no license':
		case 'no source':
		case 'no license':
			csdcrit = 'F4';
		case 'orphaned fair use':
			csdcrit = 'F5';
		case 'no fair use rationale':
			csdcrit = 'F6';
		case 'disputed fair use rationale':
		case 'replaceable fair use':
			csdcrit = 'F7';
		case 'no permission':
			csdcrit = 'F11';
			throw new Error('Twinkle.image.callback.evaluate: unknown criterion');

	var lognomination = Twinkle.getPref('logSpeedyNominations') && Twinkle.getPref('noLogOnSpeedyNomination').indexOf(csdcrit.toLowerCase()) === -1;
	var templatename = derivative ? 'dw ' + type : type;

	var params = {
		'type': type,
		'templatename': templatename,
		'normalized': csdcrit,
		'non_free': non_free,
		'source': source,
		'reason': reason,
		'replacement': replacement,
		'lognomination': lognomination
	Morebits.status.init(; = mw.config.get('wgPageName'); = 'Tagging complete';

	// Tagging image
	var wikipedia_page = new'wgPageName'), 'Tagging file with deletion tag');

	// Notifying uploader
	if (notify) {
	} else {
		// add to CSD log if desired
		if (lognomination) {
			params.fromDI = true;
			Twinkle.speedy.callbacks.user.addToLog(params, null);
		// No auto-notification, display what was going to be added.
		var noteData = document.createElement('pre');
		noteData.appendChild(document.createTextNode('{{subst:di-' + templatename + '-notice|1=' + mw.config.get('wgTitle') + '}} ~~~~'));'Notification', [ 'Following/similar data should be posted to the original uploader:', document.createElement('br'), noteData ]);

Twinkle.image.callbacks = {
	taggingImage: function(pageobj) {
		var text = pageobj.getPageText();
		var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

		// remove "move to Commons" tag - deletion-tagged files cannot be moved to Commons
		text = text.replace(/\{\{(mtc|(copy |move )?to ?commons|move to wikimedia commons|copy to wikimedia commons)[^}]*\}\}/gi, '');

		var tag = '{{di-' + params.templatename + '|date={{subst:#time:j F Y}}';
		switch (params.type) {
			case 'no source no license':
			case 'no source':
				tag += params.non_free ? '|non-free=yes' : '';
			case 'no permission':
				tag += params.source ? '|source=' + params.source : '';
			case 'disputed fair use rationale':
				tag += params.reason ? '|concern=' + params.reason : '';
			case 'orphaned fair use':
				tag += params.replacement ? '|replacement=' + params.replacement : '';
			case 'replaceable fair use':
				tag += params.reason ? '|1=' + params.reason : '';
				break;  // doesn't matter
		tag += '|help=off}}\n';

		pageobj.setPageText(tag + text);
		pageobj.setEditSummary('This file is up for deletion, per [[WP:CSD#' + params.normalized + '|CSD ' + params.normalized + ']] (' + params.type + ').' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
		switch (Twinkle.getPref('deliWatchPage')) {
			case 'yes':
			case 'no':
	userNotification: function(pageobj) {
		var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
		var initialContrib = pageobj.getCreator();

		// disallow warning yourself
		if (initialContrib === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
			pageobj.getStatusElement().warn('You (' + initialContrib + ') created this page; skipping user notification');
		} else {
			var usertalkpage = new'User talk:' + initialContrib, 'Notifying initial contributor (' + initialContrib + ')');
			var notifytext = '\n{{subst:di-' + params.templatename + '-notice|1=' + mw.config.get('wgTitle');
			if (params.type === 'no permission') {
				notifytext += params.source ? '|source=' + params.source : '';
			notifytext += '}} ~~~~';
			usertalkpage.setEditSummary('Notification: tagging for deletion of [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			switch (Twinkle.getPref('deliWatchUser')) {
				case 'yes':
				case 'no':

		// add this nomination to the user's userspace log, if the user has enabled it
		if (params.lognomination) {
			params.fromDI = true;
			Twinkle.speedy.callbacks.user.addToLog(params, initialContrib);

// </nowiki>

// <nowiki>

(function($) {

 *** twinklebatchundelete.js: Batch undelete module
 * Mode of invocation:     Tab ("Und-batch")
 * Active on:              Existing user and project pages
 * Config directives in:   TwinkleConfig

Twinkle.batchundelete = function twinklebatchundelete() {
	if ((mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') !== mw.config.get('wgNamespaceIds').user &&
		mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') !== mw.config.get('wgNamespaceIds').project) ||
		!mw.config.get('wgArticleId')) {
	if (Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop')) {
		Twinkle.addPortletLink(Twinkle.batchundelete.callback, 'Und-batch', 'tw-batch-undel', "Undelete 'em all");

Twinkle.batchundelete.callback = function twinklebatchundeleteCallback() {
	var Window = new Morebits.simpleWindow(600, 400);
	Window.setTitle('Batch undelete');
	Window.addFooterLink('Twinkle help', 'WP:TW/DOC#batchundelete');

	var form = new Morebits.quickForm(Twinkle.batchundelete.callback.evaluate);
		type: 'checkbox',
		list: [
				label: 'Restore talk pages of undeleted pages if they existed',
				name: 'undel_talk',
				value: 'undel_talk',
				checked: true
		type: 'input',
		name: 'reason',
		label: 'Reason: ',
		size: 60

	var statusdiv = document.createElement('div'); = '15px';  // just so it doesn't look broken

	var query = {
		'action': 'query',
		'generator': 'links',
		'prop': 'info',
		'inprop': 'protection',
		'titles': mw.config.get('wgPageName'),
		'gpllimit': Twinkle.getPref('batchMax') // the max for sysops
	var statelem = new Morebits.status('Grabbing list of pages');
	var wikipedia_api = new'loading...', query, function(apiobj) {
		var xml = apiobj.responseXML;
		var $pages = $(xml).find('page[missing]');
		var list = [];
		$pages.each(function(index, page) {
			var $page = $(page);
			var title = $page.attr('title');
			var $editprot = $page.find('pr[type="create"][level="sysop"]');
			var isProtected = $editprot.length > 0;

				label: title + (isProtected ? ' (fully create protected' + ($editprot.attr('expiry') === 'infinity' ? ' indefinitely' : ', expires ' + $editprot.attr('expiry')) + ')' : ''),
				value: title,
				checked: true,
				style: isProtected ? 'color:red' : ''
		apiobj.params.form.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Pages to undelete' });
			type: 'button',
			label: 'Select All',
			event: function(e) {
				$(Morebits.quickForm.getElements(, 'pages')).prop('checked', true);
			type: 'button',
			label: 'Deselect All',
			event: function(e) {
				$(Morebits.quickForm.getElements(, 'pages')).prop('checked', false);
			type: 'checkbox',
			name: 'pages',
			list: list
		apiobj.params.form.append({ type: 'submit' });

		var result = apiobj.params.form.render();

		Morebits.checkboxShiftClickSupport(Morebits.quickForm.getElements(result, 'pages'));
	}, statelem);
	wikipedia_api.params = { form: form, Window: Window };;

Twinkle.batchundelete.callback.evaluate = function(event) { = 'Status'; = 'batch undeletion is now complete';

	var numProtected = $(Morebits.quickForm.getElements(, 'pages')).filter(function(index, element) {
		return element.checked && === 'red';
	if (numProtected > 0 && !confirm('You are about to undelete ' + numProtected + ' fully create protected page(s). Are you sure?')) {

	var pages ='pages');
	var reason =;
	var undel_talk =;
	if (!reason) {
		alert('You need to give a reason, you cabal crony!');

	if (!pages) {
		Morebits.status.error('Error', 'nothing to undelete, aborting');

	var pageUndeleter = new Morebits.batchOperation('Undeleting pages');
	pageUndeleter.setOption('chunkSize', Twinkle.getPref('batchUndeleteChunks'));
	pageUndeleter.setOption('preserveIndividualStatusLines', true);
	pageUndeleter.setPageList(pages); {
		var params = {
			page: pageName,
			undel_talk: undel_talk,
			reason: reason,
			pageUndeleter: pageUndeleter

		var wikipedia_page = new, 'Undeleting page ' + pageName);
		wikipedia_page.setEditSummary(reason + Twinkle.getPref('deletionSummaryAd'));
		wikipedia_page.setMaxRetries(3); // temporary increase from 2 to make batchundelete more likely to succeed [[phab:T222402]] #613
		wikipedia_page.undeletePage(Twinkle.batchundelete.callbacks.doExtras, pageUndeleter.workerFailure);

Twinkle.batchundelete.callbacks = {
	// this stupid parameter name is a temporary thing until I implement an overhaul
	// of* callback parameters
	doExtras: function(thingWithParameters) {
		var params = thingWithParameters.parent ? thingWithParameters.parent.getCallbackParameters() :
		// the initial batch operation's job is to delete the page, and that has
		// succeeded by now

		var query, wikipedia_api;

		if (params.undel_talk) {
			var talkpagename = new mw.Title(;
			if (talkpagename !== {
				query = {
					'action': 'query',
					'prop': 'deletedrevisions',
					'drvprop': 'ids',
					'drvlimit': 1,
					'titles': talkpagename
				wikipedia_api = new'Checking talk page for deleted revisions', query, Twinkle.batchundelete.callbacks.undeleteTalk);
				wikipedia_api.params = params;
				wikipedia_api.params.talkPage = talkpagename;;
	undeleteTalk: function(apiobj) {
		var xml = apiobj.responseXML;
		var exists = $(xml).find('page:not([missing])').length > 0;
		var delrevs = $(xml).find('rev').attr('revid');

		if (exists || !delrevs) {
			// page exists or has no deleted revisions; forget about it

		var page = new, 'Undeleting talk page of ' +;
		page.setEditSummary('Undeleting [[Help:Talk page|talk page]] of "' + + '"' + Twinkle.getPref('deletionSummaryAd'));


// </nowiki>

// <nowiki>

(function($) {

 *** twinklewarn.js: Warn module
 * Mode of invocation:     Tab ("Warn")
 * Active on:              Any page with relevant user name (userspace, contribs,
 *                         etc.), as well as diffs and the rollback success page
 * Config directives in:   TwinkleConfig

Twinkle.warn = function twinklewarn() {
	if (mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName')) {
		Twinkle.addPortletLink(Twinkle.warn.callback, 'Warn', 'tw-warn', 'Warn/notify user');
		if (Twinkle.getPref('autoMenuAfterRollback') && mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 3 &&
				mw.util.getParamValue('vanarticle') && !mw.util.getParamValue('friendlywelcome') && !mw.util.getParamValue('noautowarn')) {

	// Modify URL of talk page on rollback success pages, makes use of a
	// custom message box in [[MediaWiki:Rollback-success]]
	if (mw.config.get('wgAction') === 'rollback') {
		var $vandalTalkLink = $('#mw-rollback-success').find('.mw-usertoollinks a').first();
		if ($vandalTalkLink.length) {
			$vandalTalkLink.css('font-weight', 'bold');
			$vandalTalkLink.wrapInner($('<span/>').attr('title', 'If appropriate, you can use Twinkle to warn the user about their edits to this page.'));

			var extraParam = 'vanarticle=' + mw.util.rawurlencode(Morebits.pageNameNorm);
			var href = $vandalTalkLink.attr('href');
			if (href.indexOf('?') === -1) {
				$vandalTalkLink.attr('href', href + '?' + extraParam);
			} else {
				$vandalTalkLink.attr('href', href + '&' + extraParam);
	} else if (mw.config.get('wgDiffNewId') || mw.config.get('wgDiffOldId')) {
		// Autofill user talk links on diffs with vanarticle for easy
		// warning, but don't autowarn
		var warnFromTalk = function(talkLink) {
			if (talkLink.length) {
				var extraParams = 'vanarticle=' + mw.util.rawurlencode(Morebits.pageNameNorm) + '&' + 'noautowarn=true';
				var href = talkLink.attr('href');
				if (href.indexOf('?') === -1) {
					talkLink.attr('href', href + '?' + extraParams);
				} else {
					talkLink.attr('href', href + '&' + extraParams);

		warnFromTalk($('#mw-diff-otitle2 .mw-usertoollinks a').first());
		warnFromTalk($('#mw-diff-ntitle2 .mw-usertoollinks a').first());

Twinkle.warn.callback = function twinklewarnCallback() {
	if (mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName') === mw.config.get('wgUserName') &&
			!confirm('You are about to warn yourself! Are you sure you want to proceed?')) {

	var Window = new Morebits.simpleWindow(600, 440);
	Window.setTitle('Warn/notify user');
	Window.addFooterLink('Choosing a warning level', 'WP:UWUL#Levels');
	Window.addFooterLink('Twinkle help', 'WP:TW/DOC#warn');

	var form = new Morebits.quickForm(Twinkle.warn.callback.evaluate);
	var main_select = form.append({
		type: 'field',
		label: 'Choose type of warning/notice to issue',
		tooltip: 'First choose a main warning group, then the specific warning to issue.'

	var main_group = main_select.append({
		type: 'select',
		name: 'main_group',
		event: Twinkle.warn.callback.change_category

	var defaultGroup = parseInt(Twinkle.getPref('defaultWarningGroup'), 10);
	main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: '1: General note', value: 'level1', selected: defaultGroup === 1 });
	main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: '2: Caution', value: 'level2', selected: defaultGroup === 2 });
	main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: '3: Warning', value: 'level3', selected: defaultGroup === 3 });
	main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: '4: Final warning', value: 'level4', selected: defaultGroup === 4 });
	main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: '4im: Only warning', value: 'level4im', selected: defaultGroup === 5 });
	main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Single-issue notices', value: 'singlenotice', selected: defaultGroup === 6 });
	main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Single-issue warnings', value: 'singlewarn', selected: defaultGroup === 7 });
	if (Twinkle.getPref('customWarningList').length) {
		main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Custom warnings', value: 'custom', selected: defaultGroup === 9 });

	main_select.append({ type: 'select', name: 'sub_group', event: Twinkle.warn.callback.change_subcategory }); // Will be empty to begin with.

		type: 'input',
		name: 'article',
		label: 'Linked page',
		value: Morebits.queryString.exists('vanarticle') ? Morebits.queryString.get('vanarticle') : '',
		tooltip: 'A page can be linked within the notice, perhaps because it was a revert to said page that dispatched this notice. Leave empty for no page to be linked.'

	var more = form.append({ type: 'field', name: 'reasonGroup', label: 'Warning information' });
	more.append({ type: 'textarea', label: 'Optional message:', name: 'reason', tooltip: 'Perhaps a reason, or that a more detailed notice must be appended' });

	var previewlink = document.createElement('a');
	$(previewlink).click(function() {
		Twinkle.warn.callbacks.preview(result);  // |result| is defined below
	}); = 'pointer';
	previewlink.textContent = 'Preview';
	more.append({ type: 'div', id: 'warningpreview', label: [ previewlink ] });
	more.append({ type: 'div', id: 'twinklewarn-previewbox', style: 'display: none' });

	more.append({ type: 'submit', label: 'Submit' });

	var result = form.render();
	result.main_group.root = result;
	result.previewer = new$(result).find('div#twinklewarn-previewbox').last()[0]);

	// We must init the first choice (General Note);
	var evt = document.createEvent('Event');
	evt.initEvent('change', true, true);

// This is all the messages that might be dispatched by the code
// Each of the individual templates require the following information:
//   label (required): A short description displayed in the dialog
//   summary (required): The edit summary used. If an article name is entered, the summary is postfixed with "on [[article]]", and it is always postfixed with ". $summaryAd"
//   suppressArticleInSummary (optional): Set to true to suppress showing the article name in the edit summary. Useful if the warning relates to attack pages, or some such.
Twinkle.warn.messages = {
	levels: {
		'Common warnings': {
			'uw-vandalism': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Vandalism',
					summary: 'General note: Unconstructive editing'
				level2: {
					label: 'Vandalism',
					summary: 'Caution: Unconstructive editing'
				level3: {
					label: 'Vandalism',
					summary: 'Warning: Vandalism'
				level4: {
					label: 'Vandalism',
					summary: 'Final warning: Vandalism'
				level4im: {
					label: 'Vandalism',
					summary: 'Only warning: Vandalism'
			'uw-disruptive': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Disruptive editing',
					summary: 'General note: Unconstructive editing'
				level2: {
					label: 'Disruptive editing',
					summary: 'Caution: Unconstructive editing'
				level3: {
					label: 'Disruptive editing',
					summary: 'Warning: Disruptive editing'
			'uw-test': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Editing tests',
					summary: 'General note: Editing tests'
				level2: {
					label: 'Editing tests',
					summary: 'Caution: Editing tests'
				level3: {
					label: 'Editing tests',
					summary: 'Warning: Editing tests'
			'uw-delete': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Removal of content, blanking',
					summary: 'General note: Removal of content, blanking'
				level2: {
					label: 'Removal of content, blanking',
					summary: 'Caution: Removal of content, blanking'
				level3: {
					label: 'Removal of content, blanking',
					summary: 'Warning: Removal of content, blanking'
				level4: {
					label: 'Removal of content, blanking',
					summary: 'Final warning: Removal of content, blanking'
				level4im: {
					label: 'Removal of content, blanking',
					summary: 'Only warning: Removal of content, blanking'
			'uw-generic': {
				level4: {
					label: 'Generic warning (for template series missing level 4)',
					summary: 'Final warning notice'
		'Behavior in articles': {
			'uw-biog': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Adding unreferenced controversial information about living persons',
					summary: 'General note: Adding unreferenced controversial information about living persons'
				level2: {
					label: 'Adding unreferenced controversial information about living persons',
					summary: 'Caution: Adding unreferenced controversial information about living persons'
				level3: {
					label: 'Adding unreferenced controversial/defamatory information about living persons',
					summary: 'Warning: Adding unreferenced controversial information about living persons'
				level4: {
					label: 'Adding unreferenced defamatory information about living persons',
					summary: 'Final warning: Adding unreferenced controversial information about living persons'
				level4im: {
					label: 'Adding unreferenced defamatory information about living persons',
					summary: 'Only warning: Adding unreferenced controversial information about living persons'
			'uw-defamatory': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Addition of defamatory content',
					summary: 'General note: Addition of defamatory content'
				level2: {
					label: 'Addition of defamatory content',
					summary: 'Caution: Addition of defamatory content'
				level3: {
					label: 'Addition of defamatory content',
					summary: 'Warning: Addition of defamatory content'
				level4: {
					label: 'Addition of defamatory content',
					summary: 'Final warning: Addition of defamatory content'
				level4im: {
					label: 'Addition of defamatory content',
					summary: 'Only warning: Addition of defamatory content'
			'uw-error': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Introducing deliberate factual errors',
					summary: 'General note: Introducing factual errors'
				level2: {
					label: 'Introducing deliberate factual errors',
					summary: 'Caution: Introducing factual errors'
				level3: {
					label: 'Introducing deliberate factual errors',
					summary: 'Warning: Introducing deliberate factual errors'
				level4: {
					label: 'Introducing deliberate factual errors',
					summary: 'Final warning: Introducing deliberate factual errors'
			'uw-genre': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Frequent or mass changes to genres without consensus or references',
					summary: 'General note: Frequent or mass changes to genres without consensus or references'
				level2: {
					label: 'Frequent or mass changes to genres without consensus or references',
					summary: 'Caution: Frequent or mass changes to genres without consensus or references'
				level3: {
					label: 'Frequent or mass changes to genres without consensus or reference',
					summary: 'Warning: Frequent or mass changes to genres without consensus or reference'
				level4: {
					label: 'Frequent or mass changes to genres without consensus or reference',
					summary: 'Final warning: Frequent or mass changes to genres without consensus or reference'
			'uw-image': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Image-related vandalism in articles',
					summary: 'General note: Image-related vandalism in articles'
				level2: {
					label: 'Image-related vandalism in articles',
					summary: 'Caution: Image-related vandalism in articles'
				level3: {
					label: 'Image-related vandalism in articles',
					summary: 'Warning: Image-related vandalism in articles'
				level4: {
					label: 'Image-related vandalism in articles',
					summary: 'Final warning: Image-related vandalism in articles'
				level4im: {
					label: 'Image-related vandalism',
					summary: 'Only warning: Image-related vandalism'
			'uw-joke': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Using improper humor in articles',
					summary: 'General note: Using improper humor in articles'
				level2: {
					label: 'Using improper humor in articles',
					summary: 'Caution: Using improper humor in articles'
				level3: {
					label: 'Using improper humor in articles',
					summary: 'Warning: Using improper humor in articles'
				level4: {
					label: 'Using improper humor in articles',
					summary: 'Final warning: Using improper humor in articles'
				level4im: {
					label: 'Using improper humor',
					summary: 'Only warning: Using improper humor'
			'uw-nor': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Adding original research, including unpublished syntheses of sources',
					summary: 'General note: Adding original research, including unpublished syntheses of sources'
				level2: {
					label: 'Adding original research, including unpublished syntheses of sources',
					summary: 'Caution: Adding original research, including unpublished syntheses of sources'
				level3: {
					label: 'Adding original research, including unpublished syntheses of sources',
					summary: 'Warning: Adding original research, including unpublished syntheses of sources'
				level4: {
					label: 'Adding original research, including unpublished syntheses of sources',
					summary: 'Final warning: Adding original research, including unpublished syntheses of sources'
			'uw-notcensored': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Censorship of material',
					summary: 'General note: Censorship of material'
				level2: {
					label: 'Censorship of material',
					summary: 'Caution: Censorship of material'
				level3: {
					label: 'Censorship of material',
					summary: 'Warning: Censorship of material'
			'uw-own': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Ownership of articles',
					summary: 'General note: Ownership of articles'
				level2: {
					label: 'Ownership of articles',
					summary: 'Caution: Ownership of articles'
				level3: {
					label: 'Ownership of articles',
					summary: 'Warning: Ownership of articles'
				level4im: {
					label: 'Ownership of articles',
					summary: 'Only warning: Ownership of articles'
			'uw-tdel': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Removal of maintenance templates',
					summary: 'General note: Removal of maintenance templates'
				level2: {
					label: 'Removal of maintenance templates',
					summary: 'Caution: Removal of maintenance templates'
				level3: {
					label: 'Removal of maintenance templates',
					summary: 'Warning: Removal of maintenance templates'
				level4: {
					label: 'Removal of maintenance templates',
					summary: 'Final warning: Removal of maintenance templates'
			'uw-unsourced': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Addition of unsourced or improperly cited material',
					summary: 'General note: Addition of unsourced or improperly cited material'
				level2: {
					label: 'Addition of unsourced or improperly cited material',
					summary: 'Caution: Addition of unsourced or improperly cited material'
				level3: {
					label: 'Addition of unsourced or improperly cited material',
					summary: 'Warning: Addition of unsourced or improperly cited material'
				level4: {
					label: 'Addition of unsourced or improperly cited material',
					summary: 'Final warning: Addition of unsourced or improperly cited material'
		'Promotions and spam': {
			'uw-advert': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Using Wikipedia for advertising or promotion',
					summary: 'General note: Using Wikipedia for advertising or promotion'
				level2: {
					label: 'Using Wikipedia for advertising or promotion',
					summary: 'Caution: Using Wikipedia for advertising or promotion'
				level3: {
					label: 'Using Wikipedia for advertising or promotion',
					summary: 'Warning: Using Wikipedia for advertising or promotion'
				level4: {
					label: 'Using Wikipedia for advertising or promotion',
					summary: 'Final warning: Using Wikipedia for advertising or promotion'
				level4im: {
					label: 'Using Wikipedia for advertising or promotion',
					summary: 'Only warning: Using Wikipedia for advertising or promotion'
			'uw-npov': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Not adhering to neutral point of view',
					summary: 'General note: Not adhering to neutral point of view'
				level2: {
					label: 'Not adhering to neutral point of view',
					summary: 'Caution: Not adhering to neutral point of view'
				level3: {
					label: 'Not adhering to neutral point of view',
					summary: 'Warning: Not adhering to neutral point of view'
				level4: {
					label: 'Not adhering to neutral point of view',
					summary: 'Final warning: Not adhering to neutral point of view'
			'uw-paid': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Paid editing without disclosure under the Wikimedia Terms of Use',
					summary: 'General note: Paid editing without disclosure under the Wikimedia Terms of Use'
				level2: {
					label: 'Paid editing without disclosure under the Wikimedia Terms of Use',
					summary: 'Caution: Paid editing without disclosure under the Wikimedia Terms of Use'
				level3: {
					label: 'Paid editing without disclosure under the Wikimedia Terms of Use',
					summary: 'Warning: Paid editing without disclosure under the Wikimedia Terms of Use'
				level4: {
					label: 'Paid editing without disclosure under the Wikimedia Terms of Use',
					summary: 'Final warning: Paid editing without disclosure under the Wikimedia Terms of Use'
			'uw-spam': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Adding inappropriate external links',
					summary: 'General note: Adding inappropriate external links'
				level2: {
					label: 'Adding spam links',
					summary: 'Caution: Adding spam links'
				level3: {
					label: 'Adding spam links',
					summary: 'Warning: Adding spam links'
				level4: {
					label: 'Adding spam links',
					summary: 'Final warning: Adding spam links'
				level4im: {
					label: 'Adding spam links',
					summary: 'Only warning: Adding spam links'
		'Behavior towards other editors': {
			'uw-agf': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Not assuming good faith',
					summary: 'General note: Not assuming good faith'
				level2: {
					label: 'Not assuming good faith',
					summary: 'Caution: Not assuming good faith'
				level3: {
					label: 'Not assuming good faith',
					summary: 'Warning: Not assuming good faith'
			'uw-harass': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Harassment of other users',
					summary: 'General note: Harassment of other users'
				level2: {
					label: 'Harassment of other users',
					summary: 'Caution: Harassment of other users'
				level3: {
					label: 'Harassment of other users',
					summary: 'Warning: Harassment of other users'
				level4: {
					label: 'Harassment of other users',
					summary: 'Final warning: Harassment of other users'
				level4im: {
					label: 'Harassment of other users',
					summary: 'Only warning: Harassment of other users'
			'uw-npa': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Personal attack directed at a specific editor',
					summary: 'General note: Personal attack directed at a specific editor'
				level2: {
					label: 'Personal attack directed at a specific editor',
					summary: 'Caution: Personal attack directed at a specific editor'
				level3: {
					label: 'Personal attack directed at a specific editor',
					summary: 'Warning: Personal attack directed at a specific editor'
				level4: {
					label: 'Personal attack directed at a specific editor',
					summary: 'Final warning: Personal attack directed at a specific editor'
				level4im: {
					label: 'Personal attack directed at a specific editor',
					summary: 'Only warning: Personal attack directed at a specific editor'
			'uw-tempabuse': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Improper use of warning or blocking template',
					summary: 'General note: Improper use of warning or blocking template'
				level2: {
					label: 'Improper use of warning or blocking template',
					summary: 'Caution: Improper use of warning or blocking template'
		'Removal of deletion tags': {
			'uw-afd': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Removing {{afd}} templates',
					summary: 'General note: Removing {{afd}} templates'
				level2: {
					label: 'Removing {{afd}} templates',
					summary: 'Caution: Removing {{afd}} templates'
				level3: {
					label: 'Removing {{afd}} templates',
					summary: 'Warning: Removing {{afd}} templates'
				level4: {
					label: 'Removing {{afd}} templates',
					summary: 'Final warning: Removing {{afd}} templates'
			'uw-blpprod': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Removing {{blp prod}} templates',
					summary: 'General note: Removing {{blp prod}} templates'
				level2: {
					label: 'Removing {{blp prod}} templates',
					summary: 'Caution: Removing {{blp prod}} templates'
				level3: {
					label: 'Removing {{blp prod}} templates',
					summary: 'Warning: Removing {{blp prod}} templates'
				level4: {
					label: 'Removing {{blp prod}} templates',
					summary: 'Final warning: Removing {{blp prod}} templates'
			'uw-idt': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Removing file deletion tags',
					summary: 'General note: Removing file deletion tags'
				level2: {
					label: 'Removing file deletion tags',
					summary: 'Caution: Removing file deletion tags'
				level3: {
					label: 'Removing file deletion tags',
					summary: 'Warning: Removing file deletion tags'
				level4: {
					label: 'Removing file deletion tags',
					summary: 'Final warning: Removing file deletion tags'
			'uw-speedy': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Removing speedy deletion tags',
					summary: 'General note: Removing speedy deletion tags'
				level2: {
					label: 'Removing speedy deletion tags',
					summary: 'Caution: Removing speedy deletion tags'
				level3: {
					label: 'Removing speedy deletion tags',
					summary: 'Warning: Removing speedy deletion tags'
				level4: {
					label: 'Removing speedy deletion tags',
					summary: 'Final warning: Removing speedy deletion tags'
		'Other': {
			'uw-attempt': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Triggering the edit filter',
					summary: 'General note: Triggering the edit filter'
				level2: {
					label: 'Triggering the edit filter',
					summary: 'Caution: Triggering the edit filter'
				level3: {
					label: 'Triggering the edit filter',
					summary: 'Warning: Triggering the edit filter'
				level4: {
					label: 'Triggering the edit filter',
					summary: 'Final warning: Triggering the edit filter'
			'uw-chat': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Using talk page as forum',
					summary: 'General note: Using talk page as forum'
				level2: {
					label: 'Using talk page as forum',
					summary: 'Caution: Using talk page as forum'
				level3: {
					label: 'Using talk page as forum',
					summary: 'Warning: Using talk page as forum'
				level4: {
					label: 'Using talk page as forum',
					summary: 'Final warning: Using talk page as forum'
			'uw-create': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Creating inappropriate pages',
					summary: 'General note: Creating inappropriate pages'
				level2: {
					label: 'Creating inappropriate pages',
					summary: 'Caution: Creating inappropriate pages'
				level3: {
					label: 'Creating inappropriate pages',
					summary: 'Warning: Creating inappropriate pages'
				level4: {
					label: 'Creating inappropriate pages',
					summary: 'Final warning: Creating inappropriate pages'
				level4im: {
					label: 'Creating inappropriate pages',
					summary: 'Only warning: Creating inappropriate pages'
			'uw-mos': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Manual of style',
					summary: 'General note: Formatting, date, language, etc (Manual of style)'
				level2: {
					label: 'Manual of style',
					summary: 'Caution: Formatting, date, language, etc (Manual of style)'
				level3: {
					label: 'Manual of style',
					summary: 'Warning: Formatting, date, language, etc (Manual of style)'
				level4: {
					label: 'Manual of style',
					summary: 'Final warning: Formatting, date, language, etc (Manual of style)'
			'uw-move': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Page moves against naming conventions or consensus',
					summary: 'General note: Page moves against naming conventions or consensus'
				level2: {
					label: 'Page moves against naming conventions or consensus',
					summary: 'Caution: Page moves against naming conventions or consensus'
				level3: {
					label: 'Page moves against naming conventions or consensus',
					summary: 'Warning: Page moves against naming conventions or consensus'
				level4: {
					label: 'Page moves against naming conventions or consensus',
					summary: 'Final warning: Page moves against naming conventions or consensus'
				level4im: {
					label: 'Page moves against naming conventions or consensus',
					summary: 'Only warning: Page moves against naming conventions or consensus'
			'uw-tpv': {
				level1: {
					label: "Refactoring others' talk page comments",
					summary: "General note: Refactoring others' talk page comments"
				level2: {
					label: "Refactoring others' talk page comments",
					summary: "Caution: Refactoring others' talk page comments"
				level3: {
					label: "Refactoring others' talk page comments",
					summary: "Warning: Refactoring others' talk page comments"
				level4: {
					label: "Refactoring others' talk page comments",
					summary: "Final warning: Refactoring others' talk page comments"
			'uw-upload': {
				level1: {
					label: 'Uploading unencyclopedic images',
					summary: 'General note: Uploading unencyclopedic images'
				level2: {
					label: 'Uploading unencyclopedic images',
					summary: 'Caution: Uploading unencyclopedic images'
				level3: {
					label: 'Uploading unencyclopedic images',
					summary: 'Warning: Uploading unencyclopedic images'
				level4: {
					label: 'Uploading unencyclopedic images',
					summary: 'Final warning: Uploading unencyclopedic images'
				level4im: {
					label: 'Uploading unencyclopedic images',
					summary: 'Only warning: Uploading unencyclopedic images'

	singlenotice: {
		'uw-aiv': {
			label: 'Bad AIV report',
			summary: 'Notice: Bad AIV report'
		'uw-autobiography': {
			label: 'Creating autobiographies',
			summary: 'Notice: Creating autobiographies'
		'uw-badcat': {
			label: 'Adding incorrect categories',
			summary: 'Notice: Adding incorrect categories'
		'uw-badlistentry': {
			label: 'Adding inappropriate entries to lists',
			summary: 'Notice: Adding inappropriate entries to lists'
		'uw-bite': {
			label: '"Biting" newcomers',
			summary: 'Notice: "Biting" newcomers',
			suppressArticleInSummary: true  // non-standard (user name, not article), and not necessary
		'uw-coi': {
			label: 'Conflict of interest',
			summary: 'Notice: Conflict of interest',
			heading: 'Managing a conflict of interest'
		'uw-controversial': {
			label: 'Introducing controversial material',
			summary: 'Notice: Introducing controversial material'
		'uw-copying': {
			label: 'Copying text to another page',
			summary: 'Notice: Copying text to another page'
		'uw-crystal': {
			label: 'Adding speculative or unconfirmed information',
			summary: 'Notice: Adding speculative or unconfirmed information'
		'uw-c&pmove': {
			label: 'Cut and paste moves',
			summary: 'Notice: Cut and paste moves'
		'uw-dab': {
			label: 'Incorrect edit to a disambiguation page',
			summary: 'Notice: Incorrect edit to a disambiguation page'
		'uw-date': {
			label: 'Unnecessarily changing date formats',
			summary: 'Notice: Unnecessarily changing date formats'
		'uw-deadlink': {
			label: 'Removing proper sources containing dead links',
			summary: 'Notice: Removing proper sources containing dead links'
		'uw-draftfirst': {
			label: 'User should draft in userspace without the risk of speedy deletion',
			summary: 'Notice: Consider drafting your article in [[Help:Userspace draft|userspace]]'
		'uw-editsummary': {
			label: 'Not using edit summary',
			summary: 'Notice: Not using edit summary'
		'uw-english': {
			label: 'Not communicating in English',
			summary: 'Notice: Not communicating in English'
		'uw-hasty': {
			label: 'Hasty addition of speedy deletion tags',
			summary: 'Notice: Allow creators time to improve their articles before tagging them for deletion'
		'uw-inline-el': {
			label: 'Adding external links to the body of an article',
			summary: 'Notice: Keep external links to External links sections at the bottom of an article'
		'uw-italicize': {
			label: 'Italicize books, films, albums, magazines, TV series, etc within articles',
			summary: 'Notice: Italicize books, films, albums, magazines, TV series, etc within articles'
		'uw-lang': {
			label: 'Unnecessarily changing between British and American English',
			summary: 'Notice: Unnecessarily changing between British and American English',
			heading: 'National varieties of English'
		'uw-linking': {
			label: 'Excessive addition of redlinks or repeated blue links',
			summary: 'Notice: Excessive addition of redlinks or repeated blue links'
		'uw-minor': {
			label: 'Incorrect use of minor edits check box',
			summary: 'Notice: Incorrect use of minor edits check box'
		'uw-notenglish': {
			label: 'Creating non-English articles',
			summary: 'Notice: Creating non-English articles'
		'uw-notvote': {
			label: 'We use consensus, not voting',
			summary: 'Notice: We use consensus, not voting'
		'uw-plagiarism': {
			label: 'Copying from public domain sources without attribution',
			summary: 'Notice: Copying from public domain sources without attribution'
		'uw-preview': {
			label: 'Use preview button to avoid mistakes',
			summary: 'Notice: Use preview button to avoid mistakes'
		'uw-redlink': {
			label: 'Indiscriminate removal of redlinks',
			summary: 'Notice: Be careful when removing redlinks'
		'uw-selfrevert': {
			label: 'Reverting self tests',
			summary: 'Notice: Reverting self tests'
		'uw-socialnetwork': {
			label: 'Wikipedia is not a social network',
			summary: 'Notice: Wikipedia is not a social network'
		'uw-sofixit': {
			label: 'Be bold and fix things yourself',
			summary: 'Notice: You can be bold and fix things yourself'
		'uw-spoiler': {
			label: 'Adding spoiler alerts or removing spoilers from appropriate sections',
			summary: "Notice: Don't delete or flag potential 'spoilers' in Wikipedia articles"
		'uw-talkinarticle': {
			label: 'Talk in article',
			summary: 'Notice: Talk in article'
		'uw-tilde': {
			label: 'Not signing posts',
			summary: 'Notice: Not signing posts'
		'uw-toppost': {
			label: 'Posting at the top of talk pages',
			summary: 'Notice: Posting at the top of talk pages'
		'uw-userspace draft finish': {
			label: 'Stale userspace draft',
			summary: 'Notice: Stale userspace draft'
		'uw-vgscope': {
			label: 'Adding video game walkthroughs, cheats or instructions',
			summary: 'Notice: Adding video game walkthroughs, cheats or instructions'
		'uw-warn': {
			label: 'Place user warning templates when reverting vandalism',
			summary: 'Notice: You can use user warning templates when reverting vandalism'

	singlewarn: {
		'uw-3rr': {
			label: 'Potential three-revert rule violation; see also uw-ew',
			summary: 'Warning: Three-revert rule'
		'uw-affiliate': {
			label: 'Affiliate marketing',
			summary: 'Warning: Affiliate marketing'
		'uw-agf-sock': {
			label: 'Use of multiple accounts (assuming good faith)',
			summary: 'Warning: Using multiple accounts'
		'uw-attack': {
			label: 'Creating attack pages',
			summary: 'Warning: Creating attack pages',
			suppressArticleInSummary: true
		'uw-bizlist': {
			label: 'Business promotion',
			summary: 'Warning: Promoting a business'
		'uw-botun': {
			label: 'Bot username',
			summary: 'Warning: Bot username'
		'uw-canvass': {
			label: 'Canvassing',
			summary: 'Warning: Canvassing'
		'uw-copyright': {
			label: 'Copyright violation',
			summary: 'Warning: Copyright violation'
		'uw-copyright-link': {
			label: 'Linking to copyrighted works violation',
			summary: 'Warning: Linking to copyrighted works violation'
		'uw-copyright-new': {
			label: 'Copyright violation (with explanation for new users)',
			summary: 'Notice: Avoiding copyright problems',
			heading: 'Wikipedia and copyright'
		'uw-copyright-remove': {
			label: 'Removing {{copyvio}} template from articles',
			summary: 'Warning: Removing {{copyvio}} templates'
		'uw-efsummary': {
			label: 'Edit summary triggering the edit filter',
			summary: 'Warning: Edit summary triggering the edit filter'
		'uw-ew': {
			label: 'Edit warring (stronger wording)',
			summary: 'Warning: Edit warring'
		'uw-ewsoft': {
			label: 'Edit warring (softer wording for newcomers)',
			summary: 'Warning: Edit warring'
		'uw-hoax': {
			label: 'Creating hoaxes',
			summary: 'Warning: Creating hoaxes'
		'uw-legal': {
			label: 'Making legal threats',
			summary: 'Warning: Making legal threats'
		'uw-login': {
			label: 'Editing while logged out',
			summary: 'Warning: Editing while logged out'
		'uw-multipleIPs': {
			label: 'Usage of multiple IPs',
			summary: 'Warning: Vandalism using multiple IPs'
		'uw-pinfo': {
			label: 'Personal info',
			summary: 'Warning: Personal info'
		'uw-salt': {
			label: 'Recreating salted articles under a different title',
			summary: 'Notice: Recreating creation-protected articles under a different title'
		'uw-socksuspect': {
			label: 'Sockpuppetry',
			summary: 'Warning: You are a suspected [[WP:SOCK|sockpuppet]]'  // of User:...
		'uw-upv': {
			label: 'Userpage vandalism',
			summary: 'Warning: Userpage vandalism'
		'uw-username': {
			label: 'Username is against policy',
			summary: 'Warning: Your username might be against policy',
			suppressArticleInSummary: true  // not relevant for this template
		'uw-coi-username': {
			label: 'Username is against policy, and conflict of interest',
			summary: 'Warning: Username and conflict of interest policy',
			heading: 'Your username'
		'uw-userpage': {
			label: 'Userpage or subpage is against policy',
			summary: 'Warning: Userpage or subpage is against policy'
		'uw-wrongsummary': {
			label: 'Using inaccurate or inappropriate edit summaries',
			summary: 'Warning: Using inaccurate or inappropriate edit summaries'

Twinkle.warn.prev_article = null;
Twinkle.warn.prev_reason = null;

Twinkle.warn.callback.change_category = function twinklewarnCallbackChangeCategory(e) {
	if (!Twinkle.getPref('oldSelect')) {

	var value =;
	var sub_group =;
	sub_group.main_group = value;
	var old_subvalue = sub_group.value;
	var old_subvalue_re;
	if (old_subvalue) {
		old_subvalue = old_subvalue.replace(/\d*(im)?$/, '');
		old_subvalue_re = new RegExp(mw.util.escapeRegExp(old_subvalue) + '(\\d*(?:im)?)$');

	while (sub_group.hasChildNodes()) {

	// worker function to create the combo box entries
	var createEntries = function(contents, container, wrapInOptgroup) {
		// level2->2, singlewarn->''; also used to distinguish the
		// scaled levels from singlenotice, singlewarn, and custom
		var level = value.replace(/^\D+/g, '');
		// due to an apparent iOS bug, we have to add an option-group to prevent truncation of text
		// (search WT:TW archives for "Problem selecting warnings on an iPhone")
		if (wrapInOptgroup && $.client.profile().platform === 'iphone') {
			var wrapperOptgroup = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
				type: 'optgroup',
				label: 'Available templates'
			wrapperOptgroup = wrapperOptgroup.render();
			container = wrapperOptgroup;

		$.each(contents, function(itemKey, itemProperties) {
			// Skip if the current template doesn't have a version for the current level
			if (!!level && !itemProperties[value]) {
			var key = typeof itemKey === 'string' ? itemKey : itemProperties.value;

			var selected = false;
			if (old_subvalue && old_subvalue_re.test(key)) {
				selected = true;

			// Slice out leading uw- from the menu display
			var elem = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
				type: 'option',
				label: '{{' + key + level + '}}: ' + (level ? itemProperties[value].label : itemProperties.label),
				value: key + level,
				selected: selected
			var elemRendered = container.appendChild(elem.render());
			$(elemRendered).data('messageData', itemProperties);

	if (value === 'singlenotice' || value === 'singlewarn') {
		// no categories, just create the options right away
		createEntries(Twinkle.warn.messages[value], sub_group, true);
	} else if (value === 'custom') {
		createEntries(Twinkle.getPref('customWarningList'), sub_group, true);
	} else {
		// create the option-groups
		$.each(Twinkle.warn.messages.levels, function(groupLabel, groupContents) {
			// Creates subgroup regardless of whether there is anything to place in it;
			// leaves "Removal of deletion tags" empty for 4im
			var optgroup = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
				type: 'optgroup',
				label: groupLabel
			optgroup = optgroup.render();
			// create the options
			createEntries(groupContents, optgroup, false);

	// clear overridden label on article textbox
	Morebits.quickForm.setElementTooltipVisibility(, true);
	// hide the big red notice
	// Trigger custom label/change on main category change

	// Build select menu with jquery.chosen
	if (!Twinkle.getPref('oldSelect')) {
			.chosen({width: '100%', search_contains: true})

			// Force chosen select menu to display over the dialog while overflowing
			// based on
			'.ui-dialog.morebits-dialog .morebits-dialog-content { overflow:visible !important; }' +
			'.ui-dialog.morebits-dialog { overflow: inherit !important; }' +

			// Increase height to match that of native select
			'.morebits-dialog .chosen-drop .chosen-results { max-height: 300px; }' +
			'.morebits-dialog .chosen-drop { max-height: 338px; }' +

			// Remove padding
			'.morebits-dialog .chosen-drop .chosen-results li { padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; }'
		// (Hopefully) temporary fixes for visual issues caused by the above CSS, see #665 and #667
		// Jump to extend the dialog to include any previewing content
		// without scrolling and prevent resizing
		mw.util.addCSS('.ui-dialog.morebits-dialog .morebits-dialog-content { max-height: max-content !important; }');


Twinkle.warn.callback.change_subcategory = function twinklewarnCallbackChangeSubcategory(e) {
	var main_group =;
	var value =;

	// Tags that don't take a linked article, but something else (often a username).
	// The value of each tag is the label next to the input field
	var notLinkedArticle = {
		'uw-agf-sock': 'Optional username of other account (without User:) ',
		'uw-bite': "Username of 'bitten' user (without User:) ",
		'uw-socksuspect': 'Username of sock master, if known (without User:) ',
		'uw-username': 'Username violates policy because... ',
		'uw-aiv': 'Optional username that was reported (without User:) '

	if (main_group === 'singlenotice' || main_group === 'singlewarn') {
		if (notLinkedArticle[value]) {
			if (Twinkle.warn.prev_article === null) {
				Twinkle.warn.prev_article =;
			} = true; = '';

			// change form labels according to the warning selected
			Morebits.quickForm.setElementTooltipVisibility(, false);
			Morebits.quickForm.overrideElementLabel(, notLinkedArticle[value]);
		} else if ( {
			if (Twinkle.warn.prev_article !== null) { = Twinkle.warn.prev_article;
				Twinkle.warn.prev_article = null;
			} = false;
			Morebits.quickForm.setElementTooltipVisibility(, true);

	// add big red notice, warning users about how to use {{uw-[coi-]username}} appropriately

	var $redWarning;
	if (value === 'uw-username') {
		$redWarning = $("<div style='color: red;' id='tw-warn-red-notice'>{{uw-username}} should <b>not</b> be used for <b>blatant</b> username policy violations. " +
			"Blatant violations should be reported directly to UAA (via Twinkle's ARV tab). " +
			'{{uw-username}} should only be used in edge cases in order to engage in discussion with the user.</div>');
	} else if (value === 'uw-coi-username') {
		$redWarning = $("<div style='color: red;' id='tw-warn-red-notice'>{{uw-coi-username}} should <b>not</b> be used for <b>blatant</b> username policy violations. " +
			"Blatant violations should be reported directly to UAA (via Twinkle's ARV tab). " +
			'{{uw-coi-username}} should only be used in edge cases in order to engage in discussion with the user.</div>');

Twinkle.warn.callbacks = {
	getWarningWikitext: function(templateName, article, reason, isCustom) {
		var text = '{{subst:' + templateName;

		if (article) {
			// add linked article for user warnings
			text += '|1=' + article;
		if (reason && !isCustom) {
			// add extra message
			if (templateName === 'uw-csd' || templateName === 'uw-probation' ||
				templateName === 'uw-userspacenoindex' || templateName === 'uw-userpage') {
				text += "|3=''" + reason + "''";
			} else {
				text += "|2=''" + reason + "''";
		text += '}}';

		if (reason && isCustom) {
			// we assume that custom warnings lack a {{{2}}} parameter
			text += " ''" + reason + "''";

		return text + ' ~~~~';
	preview: function(form) {
		var templatename = form.sub_group.value;
		var linkedarticle = form.article.value;
		var templatetext;

		templatetext = Twinkle.warn.callbacks.getWarningWikitext(templatename, linkedarticle,
			form.reason.value, form.main_group.value === 'custom');

		form.previewer.beginRender(templatetext, 'User_talk:' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName')); // Force wikitext/correct username
	main: function(pageobj) {
		var text = pageobj.getPageText();
		var statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();
		var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
		var messageData = params.messageData;

		var history_re = /<!-- Template:(uw-.*?) -->.*?(\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}),( \d{1,2} \w+ \d{4}) \(UTC\)/g;
		var history = {};
		var latest = { date: new Date(0), type: '' };
		var current;

		while ((current = history_re.exec(text)) !== null) {
			var current_date = new Date(current[2] + current[3] + ' UTC');
			if (!(current[1] in history) || history[current[1]] < current_date) {
				history[current[1]] = current_date;
			if (current_date > { = current_date;
				latest.type = current[1];

		var date = new Date();

		if (params.sub_group in history) {
			var temp_time = new Date(history[params.sub_group]);
			temp_time.setUTCHours(temp_time.getUTCHours() + 24);

			if (temp_time > date) {
				if (!confirm('An identical ' + params.sub_group + ' has been issued in the last 24 hours.  \nWould you still like to add this warning/notice?')) {
					statelem.error('aborted per user request');
		} + 1); // after long debate, one minute is max

		if ( > date) {
			if (!confirm('A ' + latest.type + ' has been issued in the last minute.  \nWould you still like to add this warning/notice?')) {
				statelem.error('aborted per user request');

		var dateHeaderRegex = new RegExp('^==+\\s*(?:' + date.getUTCMonthName() + '|' + date.getUTCMonthNameAbbrev() +
			')\\s+' + date.getUTCFullYear() + '\\s*==+', 'mg');
		var dateHeaderRegexLast, dateHeaderRegexResult;
		while ((dateHeaderRegexLast = dateHeaderRegex.exec(text)) !== null) {
			dateHeaderRegexResult = dateHeaderRegexLast;
		// If dateHeaderRegexResult is null then lastHeaderIndex is never checked. If it is not null but
		// \n== is not found, then the date header must be at the very start of the page. lastIndexOf
		// returns -1 in this case, so lastHeaderIndex gets set to 0 as desired.
		var lastHeaderIndex = text.lastIndexOf('\n==') + 1;

		if (text.length > 0) {
			text += '\n\n';

		if (messageData.heading) {
			text += '== ' + messageData.heading + ' ==\n';
		} else if (!dateHeaderRegexResult || dateHeaderRegexResult.index !== lastHeaderIndex) {'Info', 'Will create a new level 2 heading for the date, as none was found for this month');
			text += '== ' + date.getUTCMonthName() + ' ' + date.getUTCFullYear() + ' ==\n';
		text += Twinkle.warn.callbacks.getWarningWikitext(params.sub_group, params.article,
			params.reason, params.main_group === 'custom');

		if (Twinkle.getPref('showSharedIPNotice') && mw.util.isIPAddress(mw.config.get('wgTitle'))) {'Info', 'Adding a shared IP notice');
			text += '\n{{subst:Shared IP advice}}';

		// build the edit summary
		var summary;
		if (params.main_group === 'custom') {
			switch (params.sub_group.substr(-1)) {
				case '1':
					summary = 'General note';
				case '2':
					summary = 'Caution';
				case '3':
					summary = 'Warning';
				case '4':
					summary = 'Final warning';
				case 'm':
					if (params.sub_group.substr(-3) === '4im') {
						summary = 'Only warning';
					summary = 'Notice';
					summary = 'Notice';
			summary += ': ' + Morebits.string.toUpperCaseFirstChar(messageData.label);
		} else {
			summary = /^\D+$/.test(params.main_group) ? messageData.summary : messageData[params.main_group].summary;
			if (messageData.suppressArticleInSummary !== true && params.article) {
				if (params.sub_group === 'uw-agf-sock' ||
						params.sub_group === 'uw-socksuspect' ||
						params.sub_group === 'uw-aiv') {  // these templates require a username
					summary += ' of [[:User:' + params.article + ']]';
				} else {
					summary += ' on [[:' + params.article + ']]';
		summary += '.' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd');


Twinkle.warn.callback.evaluate = function twinklewarnCallbackEvaluate(e) {
	var userTalkPage = 'User_talk:' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName');

	// First, check to make sure a reason was filled in if uw-username was selected

	if ( === 'uw-username' && === '') {
		alert('You must supply a reason for the {{uw-username}} template.');

	// Find the selected <option> element so we can fetch the data structure
	var selectedEl = $('option[value="' + $( + '"]');

	// Then, grab all the values provided by the form
	var params = {
		article:,  // .replace( /^(Image|Category):/i, ':$1:' ),  -- apparently no longer needed...

	Morebits.status.init(; = userTalkPage; = 'Warning complete, reloading talk page in a few seconds';

	var wikipedia_page = new, 'User talk page modification');

// </nowiki>

// <nowiki>

(function($) {

var api = new mw.Api(), relevantUserName;

 *** twinkleblock.js: Block module
 * Mode of invocation:     Tab ("Block")
 * Active on:              any page with relevant user name (userspace, contribs, etc.)
 * Config directives in:   [soon to be TwinkleConfig]

Twinkle.block = function twinkleblock() {
	// should show on Contributions pages, anywhere there's a relevant user
	if (Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop') && mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName')) {
		Twinkle.addPortletLink(Twinkle.block.callback, 'Block', 'tw-block', 'Block relevant user');

Twinkle.block.callback = function twinkleblockCallback() {
	if (mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName') === mw.config.get('wgUserName') &&
			!confirm('You are about to block yourself! Are you sure you want to proceed?')) {

	var Window = new Morebits.simpleWindow(650, 530);
	// need to be verbose about who we're blocking
	Window.setTitle('Block or issue block template to ' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName'));
	Window.addFooterLink('Block templates', 'Template:Uw-block/doc/Block_templates');
	Window.addFooterLink('Block policy', 'WP:BLOCK');
	Window.addFooterLink('Twinkle help', 'WP:TW/DOC#block');

	Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo = undefined;
	Twinkle.block.field_block_options = {};
	Twinkle.block.field_template_options = {};

	var form = new Morebits.quickForm(Twinkle.block.callback.evaluate);
	var actionfield = form.append({
		type: 'field',
		label: 'Type of action'
		type: 'checkbox',
		name: 'actiontype',
		event: Twinkle.block.callback.change_action,
		list: [
				label: 'Block user',
				value: 'block',
				tooltip: 'Block the relevant user with given options.',
				checked: true
				label: 'Add block template to user talk page',
				value: 'template',
				tooltip: 'If the blocking admin forgot to issue a block template, or you have just blocked the user without templating them, you can use this to issue the appropriate template.',
				checked: true

	form.append({ type: 'field', label: 'Preset', name: 'field_preset' });
	form.append({ type: 'field', label: 'Template options', name: 'field_template_options' });
	form.append({ type: 'field', label: 'Block options', name: 'field_block_options' });

	form.append({ type: 'submit' });

	var result = form.render();
	result.root = result;

	Twinkle.block.fetchUserInfo(function() {
		// clean up preset data (defaults, etc.), done exactly once, must be before Twinkle.block.callback.change_action is called

		// init the controls after user and block info have been fetched
		var evt = document.createEvent('Event');
		evt.initEvent('change', true, true);

Twinkle.block.fetchUserInfo = function twinkleblockFetchUserInfo(fn) {

		format: 'json',
		action: 'query',
		list: 'blocks|users|logevents',
		letype: 'block',
		lelimit: 1,
		bkusers: mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName'),
		ususers: mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName'),
		letitle: 'User:' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName')
		.then(function(data) {
			var blockinfo = data.query.blocks[0],
				userinfo = data.query.users[0];

			Twinkle.block.isRegistered = !!userinfo.userid;
			relevantUserName = Twinkle.block.isRegistered ? 'User:' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName') : mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName');

			if (blockinfo) {
			// handle frustrating system of inverted boolean values
				blockinfo.disabletalk = blockinfo.allowusertalk === undefined;
				blockinfo.hardblock = blockinfo.anononly === undefined;
				Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo = blockinfo;

			Twinkle.block.hasBlockLog = !!data.query.logevents.length;

			if (typeof fn === 'function') {
				return fn();
		}, function(msg) {
			Morebits.status.init($('div[name="currentblock"] span').last()[0]);
			Morebits.status.warn('Error fetching user info', msg);

Twinkle.block.callback.saveFieldset = function twinkleblockCallbacksaveFieldset(fieldset) {
	Twinkle.block[$(fieldset).prop('name')] = {};
	$(fieldset).serializeArray().forEach(function(el) {
		Twinkle.block[$(fieldset).prop('name')][] = el.value;

Twinkle.block.callback.change_action = function twinkleblockCallbackChangeAction(e) {
	var field_preset, field_template_options, field_block_options, $form = $(;


	if ($form.find('[name=actiontype][value=block]').is(':checked')) {
		field_preset = new Morebits.quickForm.element({ type: 'field', label: 'Preset', name: 'field_preset' });
			type: 'select',
			name: 'preset',
			label: 'Choose a preset:',
			event: Twinkle.block.callback.change_preset,
			list: Twinkle.block.callback.filtered_block_groups()

		field_block_options = new Morebits.quickForm.element({ type: 'field', label: 'Block options', name: 'field_block_options' });
		field_block_options.append({ type: 'div', name: 'hasblocklog', label: ' ' });
		field_block_options.append({ type: 'div', name: 'currentblock', label: ' ' });
			type: 'select',
			name: 'expiry_preset',
			label: 'Expiry:',
			event: Twinkle.block.callback.change_expiry,
			list: [
				{ label: 'custom', value: 'custom', selected: true },
				{ label: 'indefinite', value: 'infinity' },
				{ label: '3 hours', value: '3 hours' },
				{ label: '12 hours', value: '12 hours' },
				{ label: '24 hours', value: '24 hours' },
				{ label: '31 hours', value: '31 hours' },
				{ label: '36 hours', value: '36 hours' },
				{ label: '48 hours', value: '48 hours' },
				{ label: '60 hours', value: '60 hours' },
				{ label: '72 hours', value: '72 hours' },
				{ label: '1 week', value: '1 week' },
				{ label: '2 weeks', value: '2 weeks' },
				{ label: '1 month', value: '1 month' },
				{ label: '3 months', value: '3 months' },
				{ label: '6 months', value: '6 months' },
				{ label: '1 year', value: '1 year' },
				{ label: '2 years', value: '2 years' },
				{ label: '3 years', value: '3 years' }
			type: 'input',
			name: 'expiry',
			label: 'Custom expiry',
			tooltip: 'You can use relative times, like "1 minute" or "19 days", or absolute timestamps, "yyyymmddhhmm" (e.g. "200602011405" is Feb 1, 2006, at 14:05 UTC).',
			value: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.expiry || Twinkle.block.field_template_options.template_expiry
		var blockoptions = [
				checked: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.nocreate,
				label: 'Block account creation',
				name: 'nocreate',
				value: '1'
				checked: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.noemail,
				label: 'Block user from sending email',
				name: 'noemail',
				value: '1'
				checked: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.disabletalk,
				label: 'Prevent this user from editing their own talk page while blocked',
				name: 'disabletalk',
				value: '1'

		if (Twinkle.block.isRegistered) {
				checked: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.autoblock,
				label: 'Autoblock any IP addresses used (hardblock)',
				name: 'autoblock',
				value: '1'
		} else {
				checked: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.hardblock,
				label: 'Prevent logged-in users from editing from this IP address (hardblock)',
				name: 'hardblock',
				value: '1'

			checked: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.watchuser,
			label: 'Watch user and user talk pages',
			name: 'watchuser',
			value: '1'

			type: 'checkbox',
			name: 'blockoptions',
			list: blockoptions
			type: 'textarea',
			label: 'Reason (for block log):',
			name: 'reason',
			value: Twinkle.block.field_block_options.reason

			type: 'div',
			name: 'filerlog_label',
			label: 'See also:',
			style: 'display:inline-block;font-style:normal !important',
			tooltip: 'Insert a "see also" message to indicate whether the filter log or deleted contributions played a role in the decision to block.'
			type: 'checkbox',
			name: 'filter_see_also',
			event: Twinkle.block.callback.toggle_see_alsos,
			style: 'display:inline-block; margin-right:5px',
			list: [
					label: 'Filter log',
					checked: false,
					value: 'filter log'
			type: 'checkbox',
			name: 'deleted_see_also',
			event: Twinkle.block.callback.toggle_see_alsos,
			style: 'display:inline-block',
			list: [
					label: 'Deleted contribs',
					checked: false,
					value: 'deleted contribs'

		if (Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo) {
			field_block_options.append({ type: 'hidden', name: 'reblock', value: '1' });

	if ($form.find('[name=actiontype][value=template]').is(':checked')) {
		field_template_options = new Morebits.quickForm.element({ type: 'field', label: 'Template options', name: 'field_template_options' });
			type: 'select',
			name: 'template',
			label: 'Choose talk page template:',
			event: Twinkle.block.callback.change_template,
			list: Twinkle.block.callback.filtered_block_groups(true),
			value: Twinkle.block.field_template_options.template
			type: 'input',
			name: 'article',
			display: 'none',
			label: 'Linked page',
			value: '',
			tooltip: 'A page can be linked within the notice, perhaps if it was the primary target of disruption. Leave empty for no page to be linked.'
		if (!$form.find('[name=actiontype][value=block]').is(':checked')) {
				type: 'input',
				name: 'template_expiry',
				display: 'none',
				label: 'Period of blocking: ',
				value: '',
				tooltip: 'The period the blocking is due for, for example 24 hours, 2 weeks, indefinite etc...'
			type: 'input',
			name: 'block_reason',
			label: '"You have been blocked for ..." ',
			display: 'none',
			tooltip: 'An optional reason, to replace the default generic reason. Only available for the generic block templates.',
			value: Twinkle.block.field_template_options.block_reason

		if ($form.find('[name=actiontype][value=block]').is(':checked')) {
				type: 'checkbox',
				name: 'blank_duration',
				list: [
						label: 'Do not include expiry in template',
						checked: Twinkle.block.field_template_options.blank_duration,
						tooltip: 'Instead of including the duration, make the block template read "You have been blocked from editing temporarily for..."'
		} else {
				type: 'checkbox',
				name: 'notalk',
				list: [
						label: 'Talk page access disabled',
						checked: Twinkle.block.field_template_options.notalk,
						tooltip: 'Use this to make the block template state that the user\'s talk page access has been removed'

		var $previewlink = $('<a id="twinkleblock-preivew-link">Preview</a>');
		$'click').on('click', function() {
		$previewlink.css({cursor: 'pointer'});
		field_template_options.append({ type: 'div', id: 'blockpreview', label: [ $previewlink[0] ] });
		field_template_options.append({ type: 'div', id: 'twinkleblock-previewbox', style: 'display: none' });

	var oldfield;
	if (field_preset) {
		oldfield = $form.find('fieldset[name="field_preset"]')[0];
		oldfield.parentNode.replaceChild(field_preset.render(), oldfield);
	} else {
	if (field_block_options) {
		oldfield = $form.find('fieldset[name="field_block_options"]')[0];
		oldfield.parentNode.replaceChild(field_block_options.render(), oldfield);
	} else {
	if (field_template_options) {
		oldfield = $form.find('fieldset[name="field_template_options"]')[0];
		oldfield.parentNode.replaceChild(field_template_options.render(), oldfield); = new$('#twinkleblock-previewbox').last()[0]);
	} else {

	if (Twinkle.block.hasBlockLog) {
		var $blockloglink = $('<a target="_blank" href="' + mw.util.getUrl('Special:Log', {action: 'view', page: mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName'), type: 'block'}) + '">block log</a>)');

		Morebits.status.init($('div[name="hasblocklog"] span').last()[0]);
		Morebits.status.warn('This user has been blocked in the past', $blockloglink[0]);

	if (Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo) {
		Morebits.status.init($('div[name="currentblock"] span').last()[0]);
		Morebits.status.warn(relevantUserName + ' is already blocked', 'Submit query to reblock with supplied options');
		Twinkle.block.callback.update_form(e, Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo);
	} else if ($form.find('[name=actiontype][value=template]').is(':checked')) {
		// make sure all the fields are correct based on defaults
		if ($form.find('[name=actiontype][value=block]').is(':checked')) {
		} else {

 * Keep alphabetized by key name, Twinkle.block.blockGroups establishes
 *    the order they will appear in the interface
 * Block preset format, all keys accept only 'true' (omit for false) except where noted:
 * <title of block template> : {
 *   autoblock: <autoblock any IP addresses used (for registered users only)>
 *   disabletalk: <disable user from editing their own talk page while blocked>
 *   expiry: <string - expiry timestamp, can include relative times like "5 months", "2 weeks" etc>
 *   forAnonOnly: <show block option in the interface only if the relevant user is an IP>
 *   forRegisteredOnly: <show block option in the interface only if the relevant user is registered>
 *   label: <string - label for the option of the dropdown in the interface (keep brief)>
 *   noemail: prevent the user from sending email through Special:Emailuser
 *   pageParam: <set if the associated block template accepts a page parameter>
 *   prependReason: <string - prepends the value of 'reason' to the end of the existing reason, namely for when revoking talk page access>
 *   nocreate: <block account creation from the user's IP (for anonymous users only)>
 *   nonstandard: <template does not conform to stewardship of WikiProject User Warnings and may not accept standard parameters>
 *   reason: <string - block rationale, as would appear in the block log,
 *            and the edit summary for when adding block template, unless 'summary' is set>
 *   reasonParam: <set if the associated block template accepts a reason parameter>
 *   sig: <string - set to ~~~~ if block template does not accept "true" as the value, or set null to omit sig param altogether>
 *   summary: <string - edit summary for when adding block template to user's talk page, if not set, 'reason' is used>
 *   suppressArticleInSummary: <set to suppress showing the article name in the edit summary, as with attack pages>
 *   templateName: <string - name of template to use (instead of key name), entry will be omitted from the Templates list.
 *                  (e.g. use another template but with different block options)>
 *   useInitialOptions: <when preset is chosen, only change given block options, leave others as they were>
 * WARNING: 'anononly' and 'allowusertalk' are enabled by default.
 *   To disable, set 'hardblock' and 'disabletalk', respectively
Twinkle.block.blockPresetsInfo = {
	'anonblock': {
		expiry: '31 hours',
		forAnonOnly: true,
		nocreate: true,
		nonstandard: true,
		reason: '{{anonblock}}',
		sig: '~~~~'
	'anonblock - school': {
		expiry: '36 hours',
		forAnonOnly: true,
		nocreate: true,
		nonstandard: true,
		reason: '{{anonblock}} <!-- Likely a school based on behavioral evidence -->',
		templateName: 'anonblock',
		sig: '~~~~'
	'blocked proxy': {
		expiry: '1 year',
		forAnonOnly: true,
		nocreate: true,
		nonstandard: true,
		hardblock: true,
		reason: '{{blocked proxy}}',
		sig: null
	'CheckUser block': {
		expiry: '1 week',
		forAnonOnly: true,
		nocreate: true,
		nonstandard: true,
		reason: '{{CheckUser block}}',
		sig: '~~~~'
	'checkuserblock-account': {
		autoblock: true,
		expiry: 'infinity',
		forRegisteredOnly: true,
		nocreate: true,
		nonstandard: true,
		reason: '{{checkuserblock-account}}',
		sig: '~~~~'
	'checkuserblock-wide': {
		forAnonOnly: true,
		nocreate: true,
		nonstandard: true,
		reason: '{{checkuserblock-wide}}',
		sig: '~~~~'
	'colocationwebhost': {
		expiry: '1 year',
		forAnonOnly: true,
		nonstandard: true,
		reason: '{{colocationwebhost}}',
		sig: null
	'oversightblock': {
		autoblock: true,
		expiry: 'infinity',
		nocreate: true,
		nonstandard: true,
		reason: '{{OversightBlock}}',
		sig: '~~~~'
	'school block': {
		forAnonOnly: true,
		nocreate: true,
		nonstandard: true,
		reason: '{{school block}}',
		sig: '~~~~'
	'spamblacklistblock': {
		forAnonOnly: true,
		expiry: '1 month',
		disabletalk: true,
		nocreate: true,
		reason: '{{spamblacklistblock}} <!-- editor only attempts to add blacklisted links, see [[Special:Log/spamblacklist]] -->'
	// Placeholder for when we add support for rangeblocks
	// 'rangeblock' : {
	//   reason: '{{rangeblock}}',
	//   nocreate: true,
	//   nonstandard: true,
	//   forAnonOnly: true,
	//   sig: '~~~~'
	// },
	'tor': {
		expiry: '1 year',
		forAnonOnly: true,
		nonstandard: true,
		reason: '{{Tor}}',
		sig: null
	'webhostblock': {
		expiry: '1 year',
		forAnonOnly: true,
		nonstandard: true,
		reason: '{{webhostblock}}',
		sig: null
	// uw-prefixed
	'uw-3block': {
		autoblock: true,
		expiry: '24 hours',
		nocreate: true,
		pageParam: true,
		reason: 'Violation of the [[WP:Three-revert rule|three-revert rule]]',
		summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for violation of the [[WP:3RR|three-revert rule]]'
	'uw-ablock': {
		autoblock: true,
		expiry: '31 hours',
		forAnonOnly: true,
		nocreate: true,
		pageParam: true,
		reasonParam: true,
		summary: 'Your IP address has been blocked from editing',
		suppressArticleInSummary: true
	'uw-adblock': {
		autoblock: true,
		nocreate: true,
		pageParam: true,
		reason: 'Using Wikipedia for [[WP:Spam|spam]] or [[WP:NOTADVERTISING|advertising]] purposes',
		summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for [[WP:SOAP|advertising or self-promotion]]'
	'uw-aeblock': {
		autoblock: true,
		nocreate: true,
		pageParam: true,
		reason: '[[WP:Arbitration enforcement|Arbitration enforcement]]',
		reasonParam: true,
		summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for violating an [[WP:Arbitration|arbitration decision]] with your edits'
	'uw-bioblock': {
		autoblock: true,
		nocreate: true,
		pageParam: true,
		reason: 'Violations of the [[WP:Biographies of living persons|biographies of living persons]] policy',
		summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for violations of Wikipedia\'s [[WP:BLP|biographies of living persons policy]]'
	'uw-block': {
		autoblock: true,
		expiry: '24 hours',
		forRegisteredOnly: true,
		nocreate: true,
		pageParam: true,
		reasonParam: true,
		summary: 'You have been blocked from editing',
		suppressArticleInSummary: true
	'uw-blockindef': {
		autoblock: true,
		expiry: 'infinity',
		forRegisteredOnly: true,
		nocreate: true,
		pageParam: true,
		reasonParam: true,
		summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing',
		suppressArticleInSummary: true
	'uw-blocknotalk': {
		disabletalk: true,
		pageParam: true,
		reasonParam: true,
		summary: 'You have been blocked from editing and your user talk page access has been disabled',
		suppressArticleInSummary: true
	'uw-botblock': {
		forRegisteredOnly: true,
		pageParam: true,
		reason: 'Running a [[WP:BOT|bot script]] without [[WP:BRFA|approval]]',
		summary: 'You have been blocked from editing because it appears you are running a [[WP:BOT|bot script]] without [[WP:BRFA|approval]]'
	'uw-botublock': {
		expiry: 'infinity',
		forRegisteredOnly: true,
		reason: '{{uw-botublock}} <!-- Username implies a bot, soft block -->',
		summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your [[WP:U|username]] indicates this is a [[WP:BOT|bot]] account, which is currently not approved'
	'uw-causeblock': {
		expiry: 'infinity',
		forRegisteredOnly: true,
		reason: '{{uw-causeblock}} <!-- Username represents a non-profit, soft block -->',
		summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your [[WP:U|username]] gives the impression that the account represents a group, organization or website'
	'uw-compblock': {
		autoblock: true,
		expiry: 'infinity',
		forRegisteredOnly: true,
		nocreate: true,
		reason: 'Compromised account',
		summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because it is believed that your [[WP:SECURE|account has been compromised]]'
	'uw-copyrightblock': {
		autoblock: true,
		expiry: '24 hours',
		nocreate: true,
		pageParam: true,
		reason: '[[WP:Copyright violations|Copyright violations]]',
		summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for continued [[WP:COPYVIO|copyright infringement]]'
	'uw-dblock': {
		autoblock: true,
		nocreate: true,
		reason: 'Persistent removal of content',
		pageParam: true,
		summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for continued [[WP:VAND|removal of material]]'
	'uw-disruptblock': {
		autoblock: true,
		nocreate: true,
		reason: '[[WP:Disruptive editing|Disruptive editing]]',
		summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for [[WP:DE|disruptive editing]]'
	'uw-efblock': {
		autoblock: true,
		nocreate: true,
		reason: 'Deliberately triggering the [[WP:Edit filter|Edit filter]]',
		summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for making disruptive edits that repeatedly triggered the [[WP:EF|edit filter]]'
	'uw-ewblock': {
		autoblock: true,
		expiry: '24 hours',
		nocreate: true,
		pageParam: true,
		reason: '[[WP:Edit warring|Edit warring]]',
		summary: 'You have been blocked from editing to prevent further [[WP:DE|disruption]] caused by your engagement in an [[WP:EW|edit war]]'
	'uw-hblock': {
		autoblock: true,
		nocreate: true,
		pageParam: true,
		reason: '[[WP:No personal attacks|Personal attacks]] or [[WP:Harassment|harassment]]',
		summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for attempting to [[WP:HARASS|harass]] other users'
	'uw-ipevadeblock': {
		forAnonOnly: true,
		nocreate: true,
		reason: '[[WP:Blocking policy#Evasion of blocks|Block evasion]]',
		summary: 'Your IP address has been blocked from editing because it has been used to [[WP:EVADE|evade a previous block]]'
	'uw-lblock': {
		autoblock: true,
		expiry: 'infinity',
		nocreate: true,
		reason: 'Making [[WP:No legal threats|legal threats]]',
		summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for making [[WP:NLT|legal threats or taking legal action]]'
	'uw-nothereblock': {
		autoblock: true,
		expiry: 'infinity',
		nocreate: true,
		reason: 'Clearly [[WP:NOTHERE|not here to contribute to the encyclopedia]]',
		forRegisteredOnly: true,
		summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because it appears that you are not here to [[WP:NOTHERE|build an encyclopedia]]'
	'uw-npblock': {
		autoblock: true,
		nocreate: true,
		pageParam: true,
		reason: 'Creating [[WP:Patent nonsense|patent nonsense]] or other inappropriate pages',
		summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for creating [[WP:PN|nonsense pages]]'
	'uw-pablock': {
		autoblock: true,
		expiry: '31 hours',
		nocreate: true,
		reason: '[[WP:No personal attacks|Personal attacks]] or [[WP:Harassment|harassment]]',
		summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for making [[WP:NPA|personal attacks]] toward other users'
	'uw-sblock': {
		autoblock: true,
		nocreate: true,
		reason: 'Using Wikipedia for [[WP:SPAM|spam]] purposes',
		summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for using Wikipedia for [[WP:SPAM|spam]] purposes'
	'uw-soablock': {
		autoblock: true,
		expiry: 'infinity',
		forRegisteredOnly: true,
		nocreate: true,
		pageParam: true,
		reason: '[[WP:Spam|Spam]] / [[WP:NOTADVERTISING|advertising]]-only account',
		summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your account is being used only for [[WP:SPAM|spam, advertising, or promotion]]'
	'uw-socialmediablock': {
		autoblock: true,
		nocreate: true,
		pageParam: true,
		reason: 'Using Wikipedia as a [[WP:NOTMYSPACE|blog, web host, social networking site or forum]]',
		summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for using user and/or article pages as a [[WP:NOTMYSPACE|blog, web host, social networking site or forum]]'
	'uw-sockblock': {
		autoblock: true,
		forRegisteredOnly: true,
		nocreate: true,
		reason: 'Abusing [[WP:Sock puppetry|multiple accounts]]',
		summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for abusing [[WP:SOCK|multiple accounts]]'
	'uw-softerblock': {
		expiry: 'infinity',
		forRegisteredOnly: true,
		reason: '{{uw-softerblock}} <!-- Promotional username, soft block -->',
		summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your [[WP:U|username]] gives the impression that the account represents a group, organization or website'
	'uw-spamublock': {
		autoblock: true,
		expiry: 'infinity',
		forRegisteredOnly: true,
		nocreate: true,
		reason: '{{uw-spamublock}} <!-- Promotional username, promotional edits -->',
		summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your account is being used only for [[WP:SPAM|spam or advertising]] and your username is a violation of the [[WP:U|username policy]]'
	'uw-spoablock': {
		autoblock: true,
		expiry: 'infinity',
		forRegisteredOnly: true,
		nocreate: true,
		reason: '[[WP:SOCK|Sock puppetry]]',
		summary: 'This account has been blocked as a [[WP:SOCK|sock puppet]] created to violate Wikipedia policy'
	'uw-talkrevoked': {
		disabletalk: true,
		reason: 'Revoking talk page access: inappropriate use of user talk page while blocked',
		prependReason: true,
		summary: 'Your user talk page access has been disabled',
		useInitialOptions: true
	'uw-ublock': {
		expiry: 'infinity',
		forRegisteredOnly: true,
		reason: '{{uw-ublock}} <!-- Username violation, soft block -->',
		reasonParam: true,
		summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your username is a violation of the [[WP:U|username policy]]'
	'uw-ublock-double': {
		expiry: 'infinity',
		forRegisteredOnly: true,
		reason: '{{uw-ublock-double}} <!-- Username closely resembles another user, soft block -->',
		summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your [[WP:U|username]] is too similar to the username of another Wikipedia user'
	'uw-ucblock': {
		autoblock: true,
		expiry: '31 hours',
		nocreate: true,
		pageParam: true,
		reason: 'Persistent addition of [[WP:INTREF|unsourced content]]',
		summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for persistent addition of [[WP:INTREF|unsourced content]]'
	'uw-uhblock': {
		autoblock: true,
		expiry: 'infinity',
		forRegisteredOnly: true,
		nocreate: true,
		reason: '{{uw-uhblock}} <!-- Username violation, hard block -->',
		reasonParam: true,
		summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your username is a blatant violation of the [[WP:U|username policy]]'
	'uw-ublock-famous': {
		expiry: 'infinity',
		forRegisteredOnly: true,
		reason: '{{uw-ublock-famous}} <!-- Username represents a famous person, soft block -->',
		summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your [[WP:U|username]] matches the name of a well-known living individual'
	'uw-uhblock-double': {
		autoblock: true,
		expiry: 'infinity',
		forRegisteredOnly: true,
		nocreate: true,
		reason: '{{uw-ublock-double}} <!-- Username closely resembles another user, hard block -->',
		summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your [[WP:U|username]] appears to impersonate another established Wikipedia user'
	'uw-vaublock': {
		autoblock: true,
		expiry: 'infinity',
		forRegisteredOnly: true,
		nocreate: true,
		pageParam: true,
		reason: '{{uw-vaublock}} <!-- Username violation, vandalism-only account -->',
		summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your account is being [[WP:VOA|used only for vandalism]] and your username is a blatant violation of the [[WP:U|username policy]]'
	'uw-vblock': {
		autoblock: true,
		expiry: '31 hours',
		nocreate: true,
		pageParam: true,
		reason: '[[WP:Vandalism|Vandalism]]',
		summary: 'You have been blocked from editing for persistent [[WP:VAND|vandalism]]'
	'uw-voablock': {
		autoblock: true,
		expiry: 'infinity',
		forRegisteredOnly: true,
		nocreate: true,
		pageParam: true,
		reason: '[[WP:Vandalism-only account|Vandalism-only account]]',
		summary: 'You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your account is being [[WP:VOA|used only for vandalism]]'
	'zombie proxy': {
		expiry: '1 month',
		forAnonOnly: true,
		nocreate: true,
		nonstandard: true,
		reason: '{{zombie proxy}}',
		sig: null

Twinkle.block.transformBlockPresets = function twinkleblockTransformBlockPresets() {
	// supply sensible defaults
	$.each(Twinkle.block.blockPresetsInfo, function(preset, settings) {
		settings.summary = settings.summary || settings.reason;
		settings.sig = settings.sig !== undefined ? settings.sig : 'yes';
		// despite this it's preferred that you use 'infinity' as the value for expiry
		settings.indefinite = settings.indefinite || settings.expiry === 'infinity' || settings.expiry === 'infinite' || settings.expiry === 'indefinite' || settings.expiry === 'never';

		if (!Twinkle.block.isRegistered && settings.indefinite) {
			settings.expiry = '31 hours';
		} else {
			settings.expiry = settings.expiry || '31 hours';

		Twinkle.block.blockPresetsInfo[preset] = settings;

// These are the groups of presets and defines the order in which they appear. For each list item:
//   label: <string, the description that will be visible in the dropdown>
//   value: <string, the key of a preset in blockPresetsInfo>
Twinkle.block.blockGroups = [
		label: 'Common block reasons',
		list: [
			{ label: 'anonblock', value: 'anonblock' },
			{ label: 'anonblock - likely a school', value: 'anonblock - school' },
			{ label: 'school block', value: 'school block' },
			{ label: 'Generic block (custom reason)', value: 'uw-block' }, // ends up being default for registered users
			{ label: 'Generic block (custom reason) – IP', value: 'uw-ablock', selected: true }, // set only when blocking IP
			{ label: 'Generic block (custom reason) – indefinite', value: 'uw-blockindef' },
			{ label: 'Disruptive editing', value: 'uw-disruptblock' },
			{ label: 'Inappropriate use of user talk page while blocked', value: 'uw-talkrevoked' },
			{ label: 'Not here to contribute to the encyclopedia', value: 'uw-nothereblock' },
			{ label: 'Unsourced content', value: 'uw-ucblock' },
			{ label: 'Vandalism', value: 'uw-vblock' },
			{ label: 'Vandalism-only account', value: 'uw-voablock' }
		label: 'Extended reasons',
		list: [
			{ label: 'Advertising', value: 'uw-adblock' },
			{ label: 'Arbitration enforcement', value: 'uw-aeblock' },
			{ label: 'Block evasion – IP', value: 'uw-ipevadeblock' },
			{ label: 'BLP violations', value: 'uw-bioblock' },
			{ label: 'Copyright violations', value: 'uw-copyrightblock' },
			{ label: 'Creating nonsense pages', value: 'uw-npblock' },
			{ label: 'Edit filter-related', value: 'uw-efblock' },
			{ label: 'Edit warring', value: 'uw-ewblock' },
			{ label: 'Generic block with talk page access revoked', value: 'uw-blocknotalk' },
			{ label: 'Harassment', value: 'uw-hblock' },
			{ label: 'Legal threats', value: 'uw-lblock' },
			{ label: 'Personal attacks or harassment', value: 'uw-pablock' },
			{ label: 'Possible compromised account', value: 'uw-compblock' },
			{ label: 'Removal of content', value: 'uw-dblock' },
			{ label: 'Sock puppetry (master)', value: 'uw-sockblock' },
			{ label: 'Sock puppetry (puppet)', value: 'uw-spoablock' },
			{ label: 'Social networking', value: 'uw-socialmediablock' },
			{ label: 'Spam', value: 'uw-sblock' },
			{ label: 'Spam/advertising-only account', value: 'uw-soablock' },
			{ label: 'Unapproved bot', value: 'uw-botblock' },
			{ label: 'Violating the three-revert rule', value: 'uw-3block' }
		label: 'Username violations',
		list: [
			{ label: 'Bot username', value: 'uw-botublock' },
			{ label: 'Promotional username, hard block', value: 'uw-spamublock' },
			{ label: 'Promotional username, soft block', value: 'uw-softerblock' },
			{ label: 'Similar username soft block', value: 'uw-ublock-double' },
			{ label: 'Username violation, soft block', value: 'uw-ublock' },
			{ label: 'Username violation, hard block', value: 'uw-uhblock' },
			{ label: 'Username impersonation hard block', value: 'uw-uhblock-double' },
			{ label: 'Username represents a famous person, soft block', value: 'uw-ublock-famous' },
			{ label: 'Username represents a non-profit, soft block', value: 'uw-causeblock' },
			{ label: 'Username violation, vandalism-only account', value: 'uw-vaublock' }
		label: 'Templated reasons',
		list: [
			{ label: 'blocked proxy', value: 'blocked proxy' },
			{ label: 'CheckUser block', value: 'CheckUser block' },
			{ label: 'checkuserblock-account', value: 'checkuserblock-account' },
			{ label: 'checkuserblock-wide', value: 'checkuserblock-wide' },
			{ label: 'colocationwebhost', value: 'colocationwebhost' },
			{ label: 'oversightblock', value: 'oversightblock' },
			// { label: 'rangeblock', value: 'rangeblock' }, // placeholder for when we add support for rangeblocks
			{ label: 'spamblacklistblock', value: 'spamblacklistblock' },
			{ label: 'tor', value: 'tor' },
			{ label: 'webhostblock', value: 'webhostblock' },
			{ label: 'zombie proxy', value: 'zombie proxy' }

Twinkle.block.callback.filtered_block_groups = function twinkleblockCallbackFilteredBlockGroups(show_template) {
	return $.map(Twinkle.block.blockGroups, function(blockGroup) {
		var list = $.map(blockGroup.list, function(blockPreset) {
			// only show uw-talkrevoked if reblocking
			if (!Twinkle.block.currentBlockInfo && blockPreset.value === 'uw-talkrevoked') {

			var blockSettings = Twinkle.block.blockPresetsInfo[blockPreset.value];
			var registrationRestrict = blockSettings.forRegisteredOnly ? Twinkle.block.isRegistered : blockSettings.forAnonOnly ? !Twinkle.block.isRegistered : true;
			if (!(blockSettings.templateName && show_template) && registrationRestrict) {
				var templateName = blockSettings.templateName || blockPreset.value;
				return {
					label: (show_template ? '{{' + templateName + '}}: ' : '') + blockPreset.label,
					value: blockPreset.value,
					data: [{
						name: 'template-name',
						value: templateName
					selected: !!blockPreset.selected
		if (list.length) {
			return {
				label: blockGroup.label,
				list: list

Twinkle.block.callback.change_preset = function twinkleblockCallbackChangePreset(e) {
	var key =;
	if (!key) {
	} = Twinkle.block.blockPresetsInfo[key].templateName || key;
	Twinkle.block.callback.update_form(e, Twinkle.block.blockPresetsInfo[key]);

Twinkle.block.callback.change_expiry = function twinkleblockCallbackChangeExpiry(e) {
	var expiry =;
	if ( === 'custom') {
		Morebits.quickForm.setElementVisibility(expiry.parentNode, true);
	} else {
		Morebits.quickForm.setElementVisibility(expiry.parentNode, false);
		expiry.value =;

Twinkle.block.seeAlsos = [];
Twinkle.block.callback.toggle_see_alsos = function twinkleblockCallbackToggleSeeAlso() {
	var reason = this.form.reason.value.replace(
		new RegExp('( <!--|;) ' + 'see also ' + Twinkle.block.seeAlsos.join(' and ') + '( -->)?'), ''

	Twinkle.block.seeAlsos = Twinkle.block.seeAlsos.filter(function(el) {
		return el !== this.value;

	if (this.checked) {
	var seeAlsoMessage = Twinkle.block.seeAlsos.join(' and ');

	if (!Twinkle.block.seeAlsos.length) {
		this.form.reason.value = reason;
	} else if (reason.indexOf('{{') !== -1) {
		this.form.reason.value = reason + ' <!-- see also ' + seeAlsoMessage + ' -->';
	} else {
		this.form.reason.value = reason + '; see also ' + seeAlsoMessage;

Twinkle.block.callback.update_form = function twinkleblockCallbackUpdateForm(e, data) {
	var form =, expiry = data.expiry;

	// don't override original expiry if useInitialOptions is set
	if (!data.useInitialOptions) {
		if (Date.parse(expiry)) {
			expiry = new Date(expiry).toGMTString();
			form.expiry_preset.value = 'custom';
		} else {
			form.expiry_preset.value = data.expiry || 'custom';

		form.expiry.value = expiry;
		if (form.expiry_preset.value === 'custom') {
			Morebits.quickForm.setElementVisibility(form.expiry.parentNode, true);
		} else {
			Morebits.quickForm.setElementVisibility(form.expiry.parentNode, false);

	// boolean-flipped options, more at [[mw:API:Block]]
	data.disabletalk = data.disabletalk !== undefined ? data.disabletalk : false;
	data.hardblock = data.hardblock !== undefined ? data.hardblock : false;

	// disable autoblock if blocking a bot
	if (Twinkle.block.isRegistered &&$/i) > 0) {
		data.autoblock = false;

	$(form.field_block_options).find(':checkbox').each(function(i, el) {
		// don't override original options if useInitialOptions is set
		if (data.useInitialOptions && data[] === undefined) {

		var check = data[] === '' || !!data[];
		$(el).prop('checked', check);

	if (data.prependReason && data.reason) {
		form.reason.value = data.reason + '; ' + form.reason.value;
	} else {
		form.reason.value = data.reason || '';

Twinkle.block.callback.change_template = function twinkleblockcallbackChangeTemplate(e) {
	var form =, value = form.template.value, settings = Twinkle.block.blockPresetsInfo[value];

	if (!$(form).find('[name=actiontype][value=block]').is(':checked')) {
		if (settings.indefinite || settings.nonstandard) {
			if (Twinkle.block.prev_template_expiry === null) {
				Twinkle.block.prev_template_expiry = form.template_expiry.value || '';
			} = 'none';
			form.template_expiry.value = 'indefinite';
		} else if ( === 'none') {
			if (Twinkle.block.prev_template_expiry !== null) {
				form.template_expiry.value = Twinkle.block.prev_template_expiry;
				Twinkle.block.prev_template_expiry = null;
			} = 'block';
		if (Twinkle.block.prev_template_expiry) {
			form.expiry.value = Twinkle.block.prev_template_expiry;
		Morebits.quickForm.setElementVisibility(form.notalk.parentNode, !settings.nonstandard);
	} else {
			!settings.indefinite && !settings.nonstandard

	Morebits.quickForm.setElementVisibility(form.article.parentNode, !!settings.pageParam);
	Morebits.quickForm.setElementVisibility(form.block_reason.parentNode, !!settings.reasonParam);

Twinkle.block.prev_template_expiry = null;
Twinkle.block.prev_block_reason = null;
Twinkle.block.prev_article = null;
Twinkle.block.prev_reason = null;

Twinkle.block.callback.preview = function twinkleblockcallbackPreview(form) {
	var params = {
		article: form.article.value,
		blank_duration: form.blank_duration ? form.blank_duration.checked : false,
		disabletalk: form.disabletalk.checked || (form.notalk ? form.notalk.checked : false),
		expiry: form.template_expiry ? form.template_expiry.value : form.expiry.value,
		hardblock: Twinkle.block.isRegistered ? form.autoblock.checked : form.hardblock.checked,
		indefinite: (/indef|infinit|never|\*|max/).test(form.template_expiry ? form.template_expiry.value : form.expiry.value),
		reason: form.block_reason.value,
		template: form.template.value

	var templateText = Twinkle.block.callback.getBlockNoticeWikitext(params);

	form.previewer.beginRender(templateText, 'User_talk:' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName')); // Force wikitext/correct username

Twinkle.block.callback.evaluate = function twinkleblockCallbackEvaluate(e) {
	var $form = $(,
		toBlock = $form.find('[name=actiontype][value=block]').is(':checked'),
		toWarn = $form.find('[name=actiontype][value=template]').is(':checked'),
		blockoptions = {}, templateoptions = {};


	blockoptions = Twinkle.block.field_block_options;

	templateoptions = Twinkle.block.field_template_options;
	templateoptions.disabletalk = !!(templateoptions.disabletalk || blockoptions.disabletalk);
	templateoptions.hardblock = !!blockoptions.hardblock;
	delete blockoptions.expiry_preset; // remove extraneous

	// use block settings as warn options where not supplied
	templateoptions.summary = templateoptions.summary || blockoptions.reason;
	templateoptions.expiry = templateoptions.template_expiry || blockoptions.expiry;

	if (toBlock) {
		if (!blockoptions.expiry) {
			return alert('Please provide an expiry!');
		if (!blockoptions.reason) {
			return alert('Please provide a reason for the block!');

		var statusElement = new Morebits.status('Executing block');
		blockoptions.action = 'block';
		blockoptions.user = mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName');

		// boolean-flipped options
		blockoptions.anononly = blockoptions.hardblock ? undefined : true;
		blockoptions.allowusertalk = blockoptions.disabletalk ? undefined : true;

		// execute block
		api.getToken('block').then(function(token) {
			blockoptions.token = token;
			var mbApi = new'Executing block', blockoptions, function() {'Completed');
				if (toWarn) {
		}, function() {
			statusElement.error('Unable to fetch block token');
	} else if (toWarn) {

	} else {
		return alert('Please give Twinkle something to do!');

Twinkle.block.callback.issue_template = function twinkleblockCallbackIssueTemplate(formData) {
	var userTalkPage = 'User_talk:' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName');

	var params = $.extend(formData, {
		messageData: Twinkle.block.blockPresetsInfo[formData.template],
		reason: Twinkle.block.field_template_options.block_reason,
		disabletalk: Twinkle.block.field_template_options.notalk
	}); = userTalkPage; = 'Actions complete, loading user talk page in a few seconds';

	var wikipedia_page = new, 'User talk page modification');

Twinkle.block.callback.getBlockNoticeWikitext = function(params) {
	var text = '{{', settings = Twinkle.block.blockPresetsInfo[params.template];

	if (!settings.nonstandard) {
		text += 'subst:' + params.template;
		if (params.article && settings.pageParam) {
			text += '|page=' + params.article;

		if (!/te?mp|^\s*$|min/.exec(params.expiry)) {
			if (params.indefinite) {
				text += '|indef=yes';
			} else if (!params.blank_duration) {
				text += '|time=' + params.expiry;

		if (!Twinkle.block.isRegistered && !params.hardblock) {
			text += '|anon=yes';

		if (params.reason) {
			text += '|reason=' + params.reason;
		if (params.disabletalk) {
			text += '|notalk=yes';
	} else {
		text += params.template;

	if (settings.sig) {
		text += '|sig=' + settings.sig;

	return text + '}}';

Twinkle.block.callback.main = function twinkleblockcallbackMain(pageobj) {
	var text = pageobj.getPageText(),
		params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters(),
		messageData = params.messageData,
		date = new Date();

	var dateHeaderRegex = new RegExp('^==+\\s*(?:' + date.getUTCMonthName() + '|' + date.getUTCMonthNameAbbrev() +
		')\\s+' + date.getUTCFullYear() + '\\s*==+', 'mg');
	var dateHeaderRegexLast, dateHeaderRegexResult;
	while ((dateHeaderRegexLast = dateHeaderRegex.exec(text)) !== null) {
		dateHeaderRegexResult = dateHeaderRegexLast;
	// If dateHeaderRegexResult is null then lastHeaderIndex is never checked. If it is not null but
	// \n== is not found, then the date header must be at the very start of the page. lastIndexOf
	// returns -1 in this case, so lastHeaderIndex gets set to 0 as desired.
	var lastHeaderIndex = text.lastIndexOf('\n==') + 1;

	if (text.length > 0) {
		text += '\n\n';

	params.indefinite = (/indef|infinit|never|\*|max/).test(params.expiry);

	if (Twinkle.getPref('blankTalkpageOnIndefBlock') && params.template !== 'uw-lblock' && params.indefinite) {'Info', 'Blanking talk page per preferences and creating a new level 2 heading for the date');
		text = '== ' + date.getUTCMonthName() + ' ' + date.getUTCFullYear() + ' ==\n';
	} else if (!dateHeaderRegexResult || dateHeaderRegexResult.index !== lastHeaderIndex) {'Info', 'Will create a new level 2 heading for the date, as none was found for this month');
		text += '== ' + date.getUTCMonthName() + ' ' + date.getUTCFullYear() + ' ==\n';

	params.expiry = typeof params.template_expiry !== 'undefined' ? params.template_expiry : params.expiry;

	text += Twinkle.block.callback.getBlockNoticeWikitext(params);

	// build the edit summary
	var summary = messageData.summary;
	if (messageData.suppressArticleInSummary !== true && params.article) {
		summary += ' on [[:' + params.article + ']]';
	summary += '.' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd');



// </nowiki>

// <nowiki>

(function($) {

 *** twinklespeedy.js: CSD module
 * Mode of invocation:     Tab ("CSD")
 * Active on:              Non-special, existing pages
 * Config directives in:   TwinkleConfig
 *   If adding a new criterion, add it to the appropriate places at the top of
 *   twinkleconfig.js.  Also check out the default values of the CSD preferences
 *   in twinkle.js, and add your new criterion to those if you think it would be
 *   good.

Twinkle.speedy = function twinklespeedy() {
	// Disable on:
	// * special pages
	// * non-existent pages
	if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') < 0 || !mw.config.get('wgArticleId')) {

	Twinkle.addPortletLink(Twinkle.speedy.callback, 'CSD', 'tw-csd', Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop') ? 'Delete page according to WP:CSD' : 'Request speedy deletion according to WP:CSD');

// This function is run when the CSD tab/header link is clicked
Twinkle.speedy.callback = function twinklespeedyCallback() {
	Twinkle.speedy.initDialog(Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop') ? Twinkle.speedy.callback.evaluateSysop : Twinkle.speedy.callback.evaluateUser, true);

// Used by unlink feature
Twinkle.speedy.dialog = null;

// The speedy criteria list can be in one of several modes
Twinkle.speedy.mode = {
	sysopSingleSubmit: 1,  // radio buttons, no subgroups, submit when "Submit" button is clicked
	sysopRadioClick: 2,  // radio buttons, no subgroups, submit when a radio button is clicked
	sysopMultipleSubmit: 3, // check boxes, subgroups, "Submit" button already present
	sysopMultipleRadioClick: 4, // check boxes, subgroups, need to add a "Submit" button
	userMultipleSubmit: 5,  // check boxes, subgroups, "Submit" button already pressent
	userMultipleRadioClick: 6,  // check boxes, subgroups, need to add a "Submit" button
	userSingleSubmit: 7,  // radio buttons, subgroups, submit when "Submit" button is clicked
	userSingleRadioClick: 8,  // radio buttons, subgroups, submit when a radio button is clicked

	// are we in "delete page" mode?
	// (sysops can access both "delete page" [sysop] and "tag page only" [user] modes)
	isSysop: function twinklespeedyModeIsSysop(mode) {
		return mode === Twinkle.speedy.mode.sysopSingleSubmit ||
			mode === Twinkle.speedy.mode.sysopMultipleSubmit ||
			mode === Twinkle.speedy.mode.sysopRadioClick ||
			mode === Twinkle.speedy.mode.sysopMultipleRadioClick;
	// do we have a "Submit" button once the form is created?
	hasSubmitButton: function twinklespeedyModeHasSubmitButton(mode) {
		return mode === Twinkle.speedy.mode.sysopSingleSubmit ||
			mode === Twinkle.speedy.mode.sysopMultipleSubmit ||
			mode === Twinkle.speedy.mode.sysopMultipleRadioClick ||
			mode === Twinkle.speedy.mode.userMultipleSubmit ||
			mode === Twinkle.speedy.mode.userMultipleRadioClick ||
			mode === Twinkle.speedy.mode.userSingleSubmit;
	// is db-multiple the outcome here?
	isMultiple: function twinklespeedyModeIsMultiple(mode) {
		return mode === Twinkle.speedy.mode.userMultipleSubmit ||
			mode === Twinkle.speedy.mode.sysopMultipleSubmit ||
			mode === Twinkle.speedy.mode.userMultipleRadioClick ||
			mode === Twinkle.speedy.mode.sysopMultipleRadioClick;

// Prepares the speedy deletion dialog and displays it
Twinkle.speedy.initDialog = function twinklespeedyInitDialog(callbackfunc) {
	var dialog;
	var isSysop = Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop');
	Twinkle.speedy.dialog = new Morebits.simpleWindow(Twinkle.getPref('speedyWindowWidth'), Twinkle.getPref('speedyWindowHeight'));
	dialog = Twinkle.speedy.dialog;
	dialog.setTitle('Choose criteria for speedy deletion');
	dialog.addFooterLink('Speedy deletion policy', 'WP:CSD');
	dialog.addFooterLink('Twinkle help', 'WP:TW/DOC#speedy');

	var form = new Morebits.quickForm(callbackfunc, Twinkle.getPref('speedySelectionStyle') === 'radioClick' ? 'change' : null);
	if (isSysop) {
			type: 'checkbox',
			list: [
					label: 'Tag page only, don\'t delete',
					value: 'tag_only',
					name: 'tag_only',
					tooltip: 'If you just want to tag the page, instead of deleting it now',
					checked: Twinkle.getPref('deleteSysopDefaultToTag'),
					event: function(event) {
						var cForm =;
						var cChecked =;
						// enable/disable talk page checkbox
						if (cForm.talkpage) {
							cForm.talkpage.disabled = cChecked;
							cForm.talkpage.checked = !cChecked && Twinkle.getPref('deleteTalkPageOnDelete');
						// enable/disable redirects checkbox
						cForm.redirects.disabled = cChecked;
						cForm.redirects.checked = !cChecked;
						// enable/disable delete multiple
						cForm.delmultiple.disabled = cChecked;
						cForm.delmultiple.checked = false;
						// enable/disable notify checkbox
						cForm.notify.disabled = !cChecked;
						cForm.notify.checked = cChecked;
						// enable/disable deletion notification checkbox
						cForm.warnusertalk.disabled = cChecked;
						cForm.warnusertalk.checked = !cChecked;
						// enable/disable multiple
						cForm.multiple.disabled = !cChecked;
						cForm.multiple.checked = false;



		var deleteOptions = form.append({
			type: 'div',
			name: 'delete_options'
			type: 'header',
			label: 'Delete-related options'
		if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') % 2 === 0 && (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') !== 2 || (/\//).test(mw.config.get('wgTitle')))) {  // hide option for user pages, to avoid accidentally deleting user talk page
				type: 'checkbox',
				list: [
						label: 'Also delete talk page',
						value: 'talkpage',
						name: 'talkpage',
						tooltip: "This option deletes the page's talk page in addition. If you choose the F8 (moved to Commons) criterion, this option is ignored and the talk page is *not* deleted.",
						checked: Twinkle.getPref('deleteTalkPageOnDelete'),
						disabled: Twinkle.getPref('deleteSysopDefaultToTag'),
						event: function(event) {
			type: 'checkbox',
			list: [
					label: 'Also delete all redirects',
					value: 'redirects',
					name: 'redirects',
					tooltip: 'This option deletes all incoming redirects in addition. Avoid this option for procedural (e.g. move/merge) deletions.',
					checked: Twinkle.getPref('deleteRedirectsOnDelete'),
					disabled: Twinkle.getPref('deleteSysopDefaultToTag'),
					event: function(event) {
			type: 'checkbox',
			list: [
					label: 'Delete under multiple criteria',
					value: 'delmultiple',
					name: 'delmultiple',
					tooltip: 'When selected, you can select several criteria that apply to the page. For example, G11 and A7 are a common combination for articles.',
					event: function(event) {
			type: 'checkbox',
			list: [
					label: 'Notify page creator of page deletion',
					value: 'warnusertalk',
					name: 'warnusertalk',
					tooltip: 'A notification template will be placed on the talk page of the creator, IF you have a notification enabled in your Twinkle preferences ' +
						'for the criterion you choose AND this box is checked. The creator may be welcomed as well.',
					checked: $('#delete-reason').length < 1,
					event: function(event) {

	var tagOptions = form.append({
		type: 'div',
		name: 'tag_options'

	if (isSysop) {
			type: 'header',
			label: 'Tag-related options'

		type: 'checkbox',
		list: [
				label: 'Notify page creator if possible',
				value: 'notify',
				name: 'notify',
				tooltip: 'A notification template will be placed on the talk page of the creator, IF you have a notification enabled in your Twinkle preferences ' +
						'for the criterion you choose AND this box is checked. The creator may be welcomed as well.',
				checked: !isSysop || Twinkle.getPref('deleteSysopDefaultToTag'),
				disabled: isSysop && !Twinkle.getPref('deleteSysopDefaultToTag'),
				event: function(event) {
		type: 'checkbox',
		list: [
				label: 'Tag with multiple criteria',
				value: 'multiple',
				name: 'multiple',
				tooltip: 'When selected, you can select several criteria that apply to the page. For example, G11 and A7 are a common combination for articles.',
				disabled: isSysop && !Twinkle.getPref('deleteSysopDefaultToTag'),
				event: function(event) {

		type: 'div',
		name: 'work_area',
		label: 'Failed to initialize the CSD module. Please try again, or tell the Twinkle developers about the issue.'

	if (Twinkle.getPref('speedySelectionStyle') !== 'radioClick') {
		form.append({ type: 'submit' });

	var result = form.render();


Twinkle.speedy.callback.getMode = function twinklespeedyCallbackGetMode(form) {
	var mode = Twinkle.speedy.mode.userSingleSubmit;
	if (form.tag_only && !form.tag_only.checked) {
		if (form.delmultiple.checked) {
			mode = Twinkle.speedy.mode.sysopMultipleSubmit;
		} else {
			mode = Twinkle.speedy.mode.sysopSingleSubmit;
	} else {
		if (form.multiple.checked) {
			mode = Twinkle.speedy.mode.userMultipleSubmit;
		} else {
			mode = Twinkle.speedy.mode.userSingleSubmit;
	if (Twinkle.getPref('speedySelectionStyle') === 'radioClick') {

	return mode;

Twinkle.speedy.callback.modeChanged = function twinklespeedyCallbackModeChanged(form) {
	var namespace = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber');

	// first figure out what mode we're in
	var mode = Twinkle.speedy.callback.getMode(form);
	var isSysopMode = Twinkle.speedy.mode.isSysop(mode);

	if (isSysopMode) {
	} else {

	var work_area = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
		type: 'div',
		name: 'work_area'

	if (mode === Twinkle.speedy.mode.userMultipleRadioClick || mode === Twinkle.speedy.mode.sysopMultipleRadioClick) {
		var evaluateType = isSysopMode ? 'evaluateSysop' : 'evaluateUser';

			type: 'div',
			label: 'When finished choosing criteria, click:'
			type: 'button',
			name: 'submit-multiple',
			label: 'Submit Query',
			event: function(event) {

	var radioOrCheckbox = Twinkle.speedy.mode.isMultiple(mode) ? 'checkbox' : 'radio';

	if (isSysopMode && !Twinkle.speedy.mode.isMultiple(mode)) {
		work_area.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Custom rationale' });
		work_area.append({ type: radioOrCheckbox, name: 'csd', list: Twinkle.speedy.generateCsdList(Twinkle.speedy.customRationale, mode) });

	if (namespace % 2 === 1 && namespace !== 3) {
		// show db-talk on talk pages, but not user talk pages
		work_area.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Talk pages' });
		work_area.append({ type: radioOrCheckbox, name: 'csd', list: Twinkle.speedy.generateCsdList(Twinkle.speedy.talkList, mode) });

	if (!mw.config.get('wgIsRedirect')) {
		switch (namespace) {
			case 0:  // article
			case 1:  // talk
				work_area.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Articles' });
				work_area.append({ type: radioOrCheckbox, name: 'csd', list: Twinkle.speedy.generateCsdList(Twinkle.speedy.articleList, mode) });

			case 2:  // user
			case 3:  // user talk
				work_area.append({ type: 'header', label: 'User pages' });
				work_area.append({ type: radioOrCheckbox, name: 'csd', list: Twinkle.speedy.generateCsdList(Twinkle.speedy.userList, mode) });

			case 6:  // file
			case 7:  // file talk
				work_area.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Files' });
				work_area.append({ type: radioOrCheckbox, name: 'csd', list: Twinkle.speedy.generateCsdList(Twinkle.speedy.fileList, mode) });
				if (!isSysopMode) {
					work_area.append({ type: 'div', label: 'Tagging for CSD F4 (no license), F5 (orphaned fair use), F6 (no fair use rationale), and F11 (no permission) can be done using Twinkle\'s "DI" tab.' });

			case 10:  // template
			case 11:  // template talk
				work_area.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Templates' });
				work_area.append({ type: radioOrCheckbox, name: 'csd', list: Twinkle.speedy.generateCsdList(Twinkle.speedy.templateList, mode) });

			case 14:  // category
			case 15:  // category talk
				work_area.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Categories' });
				work_area.append({ type: radioOrCheckbox, name: 'csd', list: Twinkle.speedy.generateCsdList(Twinkle.speedy.categoryList, mode) });

			case 100:  // portal
			case 101:  // portal talk
				work_area.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Portals' });
				work_area.append({ type: radioOrCheckbox, name: 'csd', list: Twinkle.speedy.generateCsdList(Twinkle.speedy.portalList, mode) });

	} else {
		if (namespace === 2 || namespace === 3) {
			work_area.append({ type: 'header', label: 'User pages' });
			work_area.append({ type: radioOrCheckbox, name: 'csd', list: Twinkle.speedy.generateCsdList(Twinkle.speedy.userList, mode) });
		work_area.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Redirects' });
		work_area.append({ type: radioOrCheckbox, name: 'csd', list: Twinkle.speedy.generateCsdList(Twinkle.speedy.redirectList, mode) });

	var generalCriteria = Twinkle.speedy.generalList;

	// custom rationale lives under general criteria when tagging
	if (!isSysopMode) {
		generalCriteria = Twinkle.speedy.customRationale.concat(generalCriteria);
	work_area.append({ type: 'header', label: 'General criteria' });
	work_area.append({ type: radioOrCheckbox, name: 'csd', list: Twinkle.speedy.generateCsdList(generalCriteria, mode) });

	var old_area = Morebits.quickForm.getElements(form, 'work_area')[0];
	form.replaceChild(work_area.render(), old_area);

	// if sysop, check if CSD is already on the page and fill in custom rationale
	if (isSysopMode && $('#delete-reason').length) {
		var customOption = $('input[name=csd][value=reason]')[0];
		if (customOption) {
			if (Twinkle.getPref('speedySelectionStyle') !== 'radioClick') {
				// force listeners to re-init;
			customOption.subgroup.querySelector('input').value = decodeURIComponent($('#delete-reason').text()).replace(/\+/g, ' ');

Twinkle.speedy.generateCsdList = function twinklespeedyGenerateCsdList(list, mode) {
	// mode switches
	var isSysopMode = Twinkle.speedy.mode.isSysop(mode);
	var multiple = Twinkle.speedy.mode.isMultiple(mode);
	var hasSubmitButton = Twinkle.speedy.mode.hasSubmitButton(mode);
	var pageNamespace = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber');

	var openSubgroupHandler = function(e) {
		$('input').prop('disabled', true);
		$('color', 'gray');
		$('color', 'black').find('input').prop('disabled', false);
	var submitSubgroupHandler = function(e) {
		var evaluateType = Twinkle.speedy.mode.isSysop(mode) ? 'evaluateSysop' : 'evaluateUser';

	return $.map(list, function(critElement) {
		var criterion = $.extend({}, critElement);

		if (multiple) {
			if (criterion.hideWhenMultiple) {
				return null;
			if (criterion.hideSubgroupWhenMultiple) {
				criterion.subgroup = null;
		} else {
			if (criterion.hideWhenSingle) {
				return null;
			if (criterion.hideSubgroupWhenSingle) {
				criterion.subgroup = null;

		if (isSysopMode) {
			if (criterion.hideWhenSysop) {
				return null;
			if (criterion.hideSubgroupWhenSysop) {
				criterion.subgroup = null;
		} else {
			if (criterion.hideWhenUser) {
				return null;
			if (criterion.hideSubgroupWhenUser) {
				criterion.subgroup = null;

		if (mw.config.get('wgIsRedirect') && criterion.hideWhenRedirect) {
			return null;

		if (criterion.showInNamespaces && criterion.showInNamespaces.indexOf(pageNamespace) < 0) {
			return null;
		if (criterion.hideInNamespaces && criterion.hideInNamespaces.indexOf(pageNamespace) > -1) {
			return null;

		if (criterion.subgroup && !hasSubmitButton) {
			if (Array.isArray(criterion.subgroup)) {
				criterion.subgroup = criterion.subgroup.concat({
					type: 'button',
					name: 'submit',
					label: 'Submit Query',
					event: submitSubgroupHandler
			} else {
				criterion.subgroup = [
						type: 'button',
						name: 'submit',  // ends up being called "csd.submit" so this is OK
						label: 'Submit Query',
						event: submitSubgroupHandler
			// FIXME: does this do anything?
			criterion.event = openSubgroupHandler;

		return criterion;

Twinkle.speedy.customRationale = [
		label: 'Custom rationale' + (Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop') ? ' (custom deletion reason)' : ' using {{db}} template'),
		value: 'reason',
		tooltip: '{{db}} is short for "delete because". At least one of the other deletion criteria must still apply to the page, and you must make mention of this in your rationale. This is not a "catch-all" for when you can\'t find any criteria that fit.',
		subgroup: {
			name: 'reason_1',
			type: 'input',
			label: 'Rationale: ',
			size: 60
		hideWhenMultiple: true

Twinkle.speedy.talkList = [
		label: 'G8: Talk pages with no corresponding subject page',
		value: 'talk',
		tooltip: 'This excludes any page that is useful to the project - in particular, user talk pages, talk page archives, and talk pages for files that exist on Wikimedia Commons.'

Twinkle.speedy.fileList = [
		label: 'F1: Redundant file',
		value: 'redundantimage',
		tooltip: 'Any file that is a redundant copy, in the same file format and same or lower resolution, of something else on Wikipedia. Likewise, other media that is a redundant copy, in the same format and of the same or lower quality. This does not apply to files duplicated on Wikimedia Commons, because of licence issues; these should be tagged with {{subst:ncd|Image:newname.ext}} or {{subst:ncd}} instead',
		subgroup: {
			name: 'redundantimage_filename',
			type: 'input',
			label: 'File this is redundant to: ',
			tooltip: 'The "File:" prefix can be left off.'
		label: 'F2: Corrupt or blank file',
		value: 'noimage',
		tooltip: 'Before deleting this type of file, verify that the MediaWiki engine cannot read it by previewing a resized thumbnail of it. This also includes empty (i.e., no content) file description pages for Commons files'
		label: 'F2: Unneeded file description page for a file on Commons',
		value: 'fpcfail',
		tooltip: 'An image, hosted on Commons, but with tags or information on its English Wikipedia description page that are no longer needed. (For example, a failed featured picture candidate.)',
		hideWhenMultiple: true
		label: 'F3: Improper license',
		value: 'noncom',
		tooltip: 'Files licensed as "for non-commercial use only", "non-derivative use" or "used with permission" that were uploaded on or after 2005-05-19, except where they have been shown to comply with the limited standards for the use of non-free content. This includes files licensed under a "Non-commercial Creative Commons License". Such files uploaded before 2005-05-19 may also be speedily deleted if they are not used in any articles'
		label: 'F4: Lack of licensing information',
		value: 'unksource',
		tooltip: 'Files in category "Files with unknown source", "Files with unknown copyright status", or "Files with no copyright tag" that have been tagged with a template that places them in the category for more than seven days, regardless of when uploaded. Note, users sometimes specify their source in the upload summary, so be sure to check the circumstances of the file.',
		hideWhenUser: true
		label: 'F5: Unused unfree copyrighted file',
		value: 'f5',
		tooltip: 'Files that are not under a free license or in the public domain that are not used in any article, whose only use is in a deleted article, and that are very unlikely to be used on any other article. Reasonable exceptions may be made for files uploaded for an upcoming article. For other unused non-free files, use the "Orphaned fair use" option in Twinkle\'s DI tab.',
		hideWhenUser: true
		label: 'F6: Missing fair-use rationale',
		value: 'norat',
		tooltip: 'Any file without a fair use rationale may be deleted seven days after it is uploaded.  Boilerplate fair use templates do not constitute a fair use rationale.  Files uploaded before 2006-05-04 should not be deleted immediately; instead, the uploader should be notified that a fair-use rationale is needed.  Files uploaded after 2006-05-04 can be tagged using the "No fair use rationale" option in Twinkle\'s DI module. Such files can be found in the dated subcategories of Category:Files with no fair use rationale.',
		hideWhenUser: true
		label: 'F7: Clearly invalid fair-use tag',
		value: 'badfairuse',  // same as below
		tooltip: 'This is only for files with a clearly invalid fair-use tag, such as a {{Non-free logo}} tag on a photograph of a mascot. For cases that require a waiting period (replaceable images or otherwise disputed rationales), use the options on Twinkle\'s DI tab.',
		subgroup: {
			name: 'badfairuse_rationale',
			type: 'input',
			label: 'Optional explanation: ',
			size: 60
		label: 'F7: Fair-use media from a commercial image agency which is not the subject of sourced commentary',
		value: 'badfairuse',  // same as above
		tooltip: 'Non-free images or media from a commercial source (e.g., Associated Press, Getty), where the file itself is not the subject of sourced commentary, are considered an invalid claim of fair use and fail the strict requirements of WP:NFCC.',
		subgroup: {
			name: 'badfairuse_rationale',
			type: 'input',
			label: 'Optional explanation: ',
			size: 60
		hideWhenMultiple: true
		label: 'F8: File available as an identical or higher-resolution copy on Wikimedia Commons',
		value: 'commons',
		tooltip: 'Provided the following conditions are met: 1: The file format of both images is the same. 2: The file\'s license and source status is beyond reasonable doubt, and the license is undoubtedly accepted at Commons. 3: All information on the file description page is present on the Commons file description page. That includes the complete upload history with links to the uploader\'s local user pages. 4: The file is not protected, and the file description page does not contain a request not to move it to Commons. 5: If the file is available on Commons under a different name than locally, all local references to the file must be updated to point to the title used at Commons. 6: For {{c-uploaded}} files: They may be speedily deleted as soon as they are off the Main Page',
		subgroup: {
			name: 'commons_filename',
			type: 'input',
			label: 'Filename on Commons: ',
			value: Morebits.pageNameNorm,
			tooltip: 'This can be left blank if the file has the same name on Commons as here. The "File:" prefix is optional.'
		hideWhenMultiple: true
		label: 'F9: Unambiguous copyright infringement',
		value: 'imgcopyvio',
		tooltip: 'The file was copied from a website or other source that does not have a license compatible with Wikipedia, and the uploader neither claims fair use nor makes a credible assertion of permission of free use. Sources that do not have a license compatible with Wikipedia include stock photo libraries such as Getty Images or Corbis. Non-blatant copyright infringements should be discussed at Wikipedia:Files for deletion',
		subgroup: [
				name: 'imgcopyvio_url',
				type: 'input',
				label: 'URL of the copyvio, including the "http://".  If the copyvio is of a non-internet source and you cannot provide a URL, you must use the deletion rationale box. ',
				size: 60
				name: 'imgcopyvio_rationale',
				type: 'input',
				label: 'Deletion rationale for non-internet copyvios: ',
				size: 60
		label: 'F10: Useless non-media file',
		value: 'badfiletype',
		tooltip: 'Files uploaded that are neither image, sound, nor video files (e.g. .doc, .pdf, or .xls files) which are not used in any article and have no foreseeable encyclopedic use'
		label: 'F11: No evidence of permission',
		value: 'nopermission',
		tooltip: 'If an uploader has specified a license and has named a third party as the source/copyright holder without providing evidence that this third party has in fact agreed, the item may be deleted seven days after notification of the uploader',
		hideWhenUser: true
		label: 'G8: File description page with no corresponding file',
		value: 'imagepage',
		tooltip: 'This is only for use when the file doesn\'t exist at all. Corrupt files, and local description pages for files on Commons, should use F2; implausible redirects should use R3; and broken Commons redirects should use R4.'

Twinkle.speedy.articleList = [
		label: 'A1: No context. Articles lacking sufficient context to identify the subject of the article.',
		value: 'nocontext',
		tooltip: 'Example: "He is a funny man with a red car. He makes people laugh." This applies only to very short articles. Context is different from content, treated in A3, below.'
		label: 'A2: Foreign language articles that exist on another Wikimedia project',
		value: 'foreign',
		tooltip: 'If the article in question does not exist on another project, the template {{notenglish}} should be used instead. All articles in a non-English language that do not meet this criteria (and do not meet any other criteria for speedy deletion) should be listed at Pages Needing Translation (PNT) for review and possible translation',
		subgroup: {
			name: 'foreign_source',
			type: 'input',
			label: 'Interwiki link to the article on the foreign-language wiki: ',
			tooltip: 'For example, fr:Bonjour'
		label: 'A3: No content whatsoever',
		value: 'nocontent',
		tooltip: 'Any article consisting only of links elsewhere (including hyperlinks, category tags and "see also" sections), a rephrasing of the title, and/or attempts to correspond with the person or group named by its title. This does not include disambiguation pages'
		label: 'A5: Transwikied articles',
		value: 'transwiki',
		tooltip: 'Any article that has been discussed at Articles for Deletion (et al), where the outcome was to transwiki, and where the transwikification has been properly performed and the author information recorded. Alternately, any article that consists of only a dictionary definition, where the transwikification has been properly performed and the author information recorded',
		subgroup: {
			name: 'transwiki_location',
			type: 'input',
			label: 'Link to where the page has been transwikied: ',
			tooltip: 'For example, or [[wikt:twinkle]]'
		label: 'A7: Unremarkable people, groups, companies, web content, individual animals, or organized events',
		value: 'a7',
		tooltip: 'An article about a real person, group of people, band, club, company, web content, individual animal, tour, or party that does not assert the importance or significance of its subject. If controversial, or if a previous AfD has resulted in the article being kept, the article should be nominated for AfD instead',
		hideWhenSingle: true
		label: 'A7: Unremarkable person',
		value: 'person',
		tooltip: 'An article about a real person that does not assert the importance or significance of its subject. If controversial, or if there has been a previous AfD that resulted in the article being kept, the article should be nominated for AfD instead',
		hideWhenMultiple: true
		label: 'A7: Unremarkable musician(s) or band',
		value: 'band',
		tooltip: 'Article about a band, singer, musician, or musical ensemble that does not assert the importance or significance of the subject',
		hideWhenMultiple: true
		label: 'A7: Unremarkable club',
		value: 'club',
		tooltip: 'Article about a club that does not assert the importance or significance of the subject',
		hideWhenMultiple: true
		label: 'A7: Unremarkable company or organization',
		value: 'corp',
		tooltip: 'Article about a company or organization that does not assert the importance or significance of the subject',
		hideWhenMultiple: true
		label: 'A7: Unremarkable website or web content',
		value: 'web',
		tooltip: 'Article about a web site, blog, online forum, webcomic, podcast, or similar web content that does not assert the importance or significance of its subject',
		hideWhenMultiple: true
		label: 'A7: Unremarkable individual animal',
		value: 'animal',
		tooltip: 'Article about an individual animal (e.g. pet) that does not assert the importance or significance of its subject',
		hideWhenMultiple: true
		label: 'A7: Unremarkable organized event',
		value: 'event',
		tooltip: 'Article about an organized event (tour, function, meeting, party, etc.) that does not assert the importance or significance of its subject',
		hideWhenMultiple: true
		label: 'A9: Unremarkable musical recording where artist\'s article doesn\'t exist',
		value: 'a9',
		tooltip: 'An article about a musical recording which does not indicate why its subject is important or significant, and where the artist\'s article has never existed or has been deleted'
		label: 'A10: Recently created article that duplicates an existing topic',
		value: 'a10',
		tooltip: 'A recently created article with no relevant page history that does not aim to expand upon, detail or improve information within any existing article(s) on the subject, and where the title is not a plausible redirect. This does not include content forks, split pages or any article that aims at expanding or detailing an existing one.',
		subgroup: {
			name: 'a10_article',
			type: 'input',
			label: 'Article that is duplicated: '
		label: 'A11: Obviously made up by creator, and no claim of significance',
		value: 'madeup',
		tooltip: 'An article which plainly indicates that the subject was invented/coined/discovered by the article\'s creator or someone they know personally, and does not credibly indicate why its subject is important or significant'

Twinkle.speedy.categoryList = [
		label: 'C1: Empty categories',
		value: 'catempty',
		tooltip: 'Categories that have been unpopulated for at least seven days. This does not apply to categories being discussed at WP:CFD, disambiguation categories, and certain other exceptions. If the category isn\'t relatively new, it possibly contained articles earlier, and deeper investigation is needed'
		label: 'G8: Categories populated by a deleted or retargeted template',
		value: 'templatecat',
		tooltip: 'This is for situations where a category is effectively empty, because the template(s) that formerly placed pages in that category are now deleted. This excludes categories that are still in use.'
		label: 'G8: Redirects to non-existent targets',
		value: 'redirnone',
		tooltip: 'This excludes any page that is useful to the project, and in particular: deletion discussions that are not logged elsewhere, user and user talk pages, talk page archives, plausible redirects that can be changed to valid targets, and file pages or talk pages for files that exist on Wikimedia Commons.',
		hideWhenMultiple: true

Twinkle.speedy.userList = [
		label: 'U1: User request',
		value: 'userreq',
		tooltip: 'Personal subpages, upon request by their user. In some rare cases there may be administrative need to retain the page. Also, sometimes, main user pages may be deleted as well. See Wikipedia:User page for full instructions and guidelines',
		subgroup: mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 3 && mw.config.get('wgTitle').indexOf('/') === -1 ? {
			name: 'userreq_rationale',
			type: 'input',
			label: 'A mandatory rationale to explain why this user talk page should be deleted: ',
			tooltip: 'User talk pages are deleted only in highly exceptional circumstances. See WP:DELTALK.',
			size: 60
		} : null,
		hideSubgroupWhenMultiple: true
		label: 'U2: Nonexistent user',
		value: 'nouser',
		tooltip: 'User pages of users that do not exist (Check Special:Listusers)'
		label: 'U3: Non-free galleries',
		value: 'gallery',
		tooltip: 'Galleries in the userspace which consist mostly of "fair use" or non-free files. Wikipedia\'s non-free content policy forbids users from displaying non-free files, even ones they have uploaded themselves, in userspace. It is acceptable to have free files, GFDL-files, Creative Commons and similar licenses along with public domain material, but not "fair use" files',
		hideWhenRedirect: true
		label: 'U5: Blatant WP:NOTWEBHOST violations',
		value: 'notwebhost',
		tooltip: 'Pages in userspace consisting of writings, information, discussions, and/or activities not closely related to Wikipedia\'s goals, where the owner has made few or no edits outside of userspace, with the exception of plausible drafts, pages adhering to WP:UPYES, and résumé-style pages.',
		hideWhenRedirect: true
		label: 'G11: Promotional user page under a promotional user name',
		value: 'spamuser',
		tooltip: 'A promotional user page, with a username that promotes or implies affiliation with the thing being promoted. Note that simply having a page on a company or product in one\'s userspace does not qualify it for deletion. If a user page is spammy but the username is not, then consider tagging with regular G11 instead.',
		hideWhenMultiple: true,
		hideWhenRedirect: true
		label: 'G13: AfC draft submission or a blank draft, stale by over 6 months',
		value: 'afc',
		tooltip: 'Any rejected or unsubmitted AfC draft submission or a blank draft, that has not been edited in over 6 months (excluding bot edits).',
		hideWhenMultiple: true,
		hideWhenRedirect: true

Twinkle.speedy.templateList = [
		label: 'T2: Templates that are blatant misrepresentations of established policy',
		value: 'policy',
		tooltip: 'This includes "speedy deletion" templates for issues that are not speedy deletion criteria and disclaimer templates intended to be used in articles',
		subgroup: {
			name: 'policy_rationale',
			type: 'input',
			label: 'Optional explanation: ',
			size: 60
		label: 'T3: Duplicate templates or hardcoded instances',
		value: 'duplicatetemplate',
		tooltip: 'Templates that are either substantial duplications of another template or hardcoded instances of another template where the same functionality could be provided by that other template',
		subgroup: {
			name: 'duplicatetemplate_2',
			type: 'input',
			label: 'Template this is redundant to: ',
			tooltip: 'The "Template:" prefix is not needed.'
		hideWhenMultiple: true

Twinkle.speedy.portalList = [
		label: 'P1: Portal that would be subject to speedy deletion if it were an article',
		value: 'p1',
		tooltip: 'You must specify a single article criterion that applies in this case (A1, A3, A7, or A10).',
		subgroup: {
			name: 'p1_criterion',
			type: 'input',
			label: 'Article criterion that would apply: '
		label: 'P2: Underpopulated portal',
		value: 'emptyportal',
		tooltip: 'Any Portal based on a topic for which there is not a non-stub header article, and at least three non-stub articles detailing subject matter that would be appropriate to discuss under the title of that Portal'

Twinkle.speedy.generalList = [
		label: 'G1: Patent nonsense. Pages consisting purely of incoherent text or gibberish with no meaningful content or history.',
		value: 'nonsense',
		tooltip: 'This does not include poor writing, partisan screeds, obscene remarks, vandalism, fictional material, material not in English, poorly translated material, implausible theories, or hoaxes. In short, if you can understand it, G1 does not apply.',
		hideInNamespaces: [ 2 ] // Not applicable in userspace
		label: 'G2: Test page',
		value: 'test',
		tooltip: 'A page created to test editing or other Wikipedia functions. Pages in the User namespace are not included, nor are valid but unused or duplicate templates (although criterion T3 may apply).',
		hideInNamespaces: [ 2 ] // Not applicable in userspace
		label: 'G3: Pure vandalism',
		value: 'vandalism',
		tooltip: 'Plain pure vandalism (including redirects left behind from pagemove vandalism)'
		label: 'G3: Blatant hoax',
		value: 'hoax',
		tooltip: 'Blatant and obvious hoax, to the point of vandalism',
		hideWhenMultiple: true
		label: 'G4: Recreation of material deleted via a deletion discussion',
		value: 'repost',
		tooltip: 'A copy, by any title, of a page that was deleted via an XfD process or Deletion review, provided that the copy is substantially identical to the deleted version. This clause does not apply to content that has been "userfied", to content undeleted as a result of Deletion review, or if the prior deletions were proposed or speedy deletions, although in this last case, other speedy deletion criteria may still apply',
		subgroup: {
			name: 'repost_xfd',
			type: 'input',
			label: 'Page where the deletion discussion took place: ',
			tooltip: 'Must start with "Wikipedia:"',
			size: 60
		hideSubgroupWhenMultiple: true
		label: 'G5: Banned or blocked user',
		value: 'banned',
		tooltip: 'Pages created by banned or blocked users in violation of their ban or block, and which have no substantial edits by others',
		subgroup: {
			name: 'banned_user',
			type: 'input',
			label: 'Username of banned user (if available): ',
			tooltip: 'Should not start with "User:"'
		hideSubgroupWhenMultiple: true
		label: 'G6: Move',
		value: 'move',
		tooltip: 'Making way for an uncontroversial move like reversing a redirect',
		subgroup: [
				name: 'move_page',
				type: 'input',
				label: 'Page to be moved here: '
				name: 'move_reason',
				type: 'input',
				label: 'Reason: ',
				size: 60
		hideWhenMultiple: true
		label: 'G6: XfD',
		value: 'xfd',
		tooltip: 'A deletion discussion (at AfD, FfD, RfD, TfD, CfD, or MfD) was closed as "delete", but the page wasn\'t actually deleted.',
		subgroup: {
			name: 'xfd_fullvotepage',
			type: 'input',
			label: 'Page where the deletion discussion was held: ',
			tooltip: 'Must start with "Wikipedia:"',
			size: 40
		hideWhenMultiple: true
		label: 'G6: Copy-and-paste page move',
		value: 'copypaste',
		tooltip: 'This only applies for a copy-and-paste page move of another page that needs to be temporarily deleted to make room for a clean page move.',
		subgroup: {
			name: 'copypaste_sourcepage',
			type: 'input',
			label: 'Original page that was copy-pasted here: '
		hideWhenMultiple: true
		label: 'G6: Housekeeping',
		value: 'g6',
		tooltip: 'Other non-controversial "housekeeping" tasks',
		subgroup: {
			name: 'g6_rationale',
			type: 'input',
			label: 'Rationale: ',
			size: 60
		label: 'G7: Author requests deletion, or author blanked',
		value: 'author',
		tooltip: 'Any page for which deletion is requested by the original author in good faith, provided the page\'s only substantial content was added by its author. If the author blanks the page, this can also be taken as a deletion request.',
		subgroup: {
			name: 'author_rationale',
			type: 'input',
			label: 'Optional explanation: ',
			tooltip: 'Perhaps linking to where the author requested this deletion.',
			size: 60
		hideSubgroupWhenSysop: true
		label: 'G8: Pages dependent on a non-existent or deleted page',
		value: 'g8',
		tooltip: 'such as talk pages with no corresponding subject page; subpages with no parent page; file pages without a corresponding file; redirects to non-existent targets; or categories populated by deleted or retargeted templates. This excludes any page that is useful to the project, and in particular: deletion discussions that are not logged elsewhere, user and user talk pages, talk page archives, plausible redirects that can be changed to valid targets, and file pages or talk pages for files that exist on Wikimedia Commons.',
		subgroup: {
			name: 'g8_rationale',
			type: 'input',
			label: 'Optional explanation: ',
			size: 60
		label: 'G8: Subpages with no parent page',
		value: 'subpage',
		tooltip: 'This excludes any page that is useful to the project, and in particular: deletion discussions that are not logged elsewhere, user and user talk pages, talk page archives, plausible redirects that can be changed to valid targets, and file pages or talk pages for files that exist on Wikimedia Commons.',
		hideWhenMultiple: true,
		hideInNamespaces: [ 0, 6, 8 ]  // hide in main, file, and mediawiki-spaces
		label: 'G10: Attack page',
		value: 'attack',
		tooltip: 'Pages that serve no purpose but to disparage their subject or some other entity (e.g., "John Q. Doe is an imbecile"). This includes a biography of a living person that is negative in tone and unsourced, where there is no NPOV version in the history to revert to. Administrators deleting such pages should not quote the content of the page in the deletion summary!'
		label: 'G10: Wholly negative, unsourced BLP',
		value: 'negublp',
		tooltip: 'A biography of a living person that is entirely negative in tone and unsourced, where there is no neutral version in the history to revert to.',
		hideWhenMultiple: true
		label: 'G11: Unambiguous advertising',
		value: 'spam',
		tooltip: 'Pages which exclusively promote a company, product, group, service, or person and which would need to be fundamentally rewritten in order to become encyclopedic. Note that an article about a company or a product which describes its subject from a neutral point of view does not qualify for this criterion; an article that is blatant advertising should have inappropriate content as well'
		label: 'G12: Unambiguous copyright infringement',
		value: 'copyvio',
		tooltip: 'Either: (1) Material was copied from another website that does not have a license compatible with Wikipedia, or is photography from a stock photo seller (such as Getty Images or Corbis) or other commercial content provider; (2) There is no non-infringing content in the page history worth saving; or (3) The infringement was introduced at once by a single person rather than created organically on wiki and then copied by another website such as one of the many Wikipedia mirrors',
		subgroup: [
				name: 'copyvio_url',
				type: 'input',
				label: 'URL (if available): ',
				tooltip: 'If the material was copied from an online source, put the URL here, including the "http://" or "https://" protocol.',
				size: 60
				name: 'copyvio_url2',
				type: 'input',
				label: 'Additional URL: ',
				tooltip: 'Optional. Should begin with "http://" or "https://"',
				size: 60
				name: 'copyvio_url3',
				type: 'input',
				label: 'Additional URL: ',
				tooltip: 'Optional. Should begin with "http://" or "https://"',
				size: 60
		label: 'G13: Page in draft namespace or userspace AfC submission, stale by over 6 months',
		value: 'afc',
		tooltip: 'Any rejected or unsubmitted AfC submission in userspace or any page in draft namespace, that has not been edited for more than 6 months. Blank drafts in either namespace are also included.',
		hideWhenRedirect: true,
		showInNamespaces: [2, 118]  // user, draft namespaces only
		label: 'G14: Unnecessary disambiguation page',
		value: 'disambig',
		tooltip: 'This only applies for orphaned disambiguation pages which either: (1) disambiguate only one existing Wikipedia page and whose title ends in "(disambiguation)" (i.e., there is a primary topic); or (2) disambiguate no (zero) existing Wikipedia pages, regardless of its title.  It also applies to orphan "Foo (disambiguation)" redirects that target pages that are not disambiguation or similar disambiguation-like pages (such as set index articles or lists)'

Twinkle.speedy.redirectList = [
		label: 'R2: Redirects from mainspace to any other namespace except the Category:, Template:, Wikipedia:, Help: and Portal: namespaces',
		value: 'rediruser',
		tooltip: '(this does not include the Wikipedia shortcut pseudo-namespaces). If this was the result of a page move, consider waiting a day or two before deleting the redirect',
		showInNamespaces: [ 0 ]
		label: 'R3: Redirects as a result of an implausible typo or misnomers that were recently created',
		value: 'redirtypo',
		tooltip: 'However, redirects from common misspellings or misnomers are generally useful, as are redirects in other languages'
		label: 'R4: File namespace redirect with name that matches a Commons page',
		value: 'redircom',
		tooltip: 'The redirect should have no incoming links (unless the links are cleary intended for the file or redirect at Commons).',
		showInNamespaces: [ 6 ]
		label: 'G6: Redirect to malplaced disambiguation page',
		value: 'movedab',
		tooltip: 'This only applies for redirects to disambiguation pages ending in (disambiguation) where a primary topic does not exist.',
		hideWhenMultiple: true
		label: 'G8: Redirects to non-existent targets',
		value: 'redirnone',
		tooltip: 'This excludes any page that is useful to the project, and in particular: deletion discussions that are not logged elsewhere, user and user talk pages, talk page archives, plausible redirects that can be changed to valid targets, and file pages or talk pages for files that exist on Wikimedia Commons.',
		hideWhenMultiple: true

Twinkle.speedy.normalizeHash = {
	'reason': 'db',
	'nonsense': 'g1',
	'test': 'g2',
	'vandalism': 'g3',
	'hoax': 'g3',
	'repost': 'g4',
	'banned': 'g5',
	'move': 'g6',
	'xfd': 'g6',
	'movedab': 'g6',
	'copypaste': 'g6',
	'g6': 'g6',
	'author': 'g7',
	'g8': 'g8',
	'talk': 'g8',
	'subpage': 'g8',
	'redirnone': 'g8',
	'templatecat': 'g8',
	'imagepage': 'g8',
	'attack': 'g10',
	'negublp': 'g10',
	'spam': 'g11',
	'spamuser': 'g11',
	'copyvio': 'g12',
	'afc': 'g13',
	'disambig': 'g14',
	'nocontext': 'a1',
	'foreign': 'a2',
	'nocontent': 'a3',
	'transwiki': 'a5',
	'a7': 'a7',
	'person': 'a7',
	'corp': 'a7',
	'web': 'a7',
	'band': 'a7',
	'club': 'a7',
	'animal': 'a7',
	'event': 'a7',
	'a9': 'a9',
	'a10': 'a10',
	'madeup': 'a11',
	'rediruser': 'r2',
	'redirtypo': 'r3',
	'redircom': 'r4',
	'redundantimage': 'f1',
	'noimage': 'f2',
	'fpcfail': 'f2',
	'noncom': 'f3',
	'unksource': 'f4',
	'unfree': 'f5',
	'f5': 'f5',
	'norat': 'f6',
	'badfairuse': 'f7',
	'commons': 'f8',
	'imgcopyvio': 'f9',
	'badfiletype': 'f10',
	'nopermission': 'f11',
	'catempty': 'c1',
	'userreq': 'u1',
	'nouser': 'u2',
	'gallery': 'u3',
	'notwebhost': 'u5',
	'policy': 't2',
	'duplicatetemplate': 't3',
	'p1': 'p1',
	'emptyportal': 'p2'

Twinkle.speedy.callbacks = {
	getTemplateCodeAndParams: function(params) {
		var code, parameters, i;
		if (params.normalizeds.length > 1) {
			code = '{{db-multiple';
			params.utparams = {};
			$.each(params.normalizeds, function(index, norm) {
				code += '|' + norm.toUpperCase();
				parameters = params.templateParams[index] || [];
				for (var i in parameters) {
					if (typeof parameters[i] === 'string' && !parseInt(i, 10)) {  // skip numeric parameters - {{db-multiple}} doesn't understand them
						code += '|' + i + '=' + parameters[i];
				$.extend(params.utparams, Twinkle.speedy.getUserTalkParameters(norm, parameters));
			code += '}}';
		} else {
			parameters = params.templateParams[0] || [];
			code = '{{db-' + params.values[0];
			for (i in parameters) {
				if (typeof parameters[i] === 'string') {
					code += '|' + i + '=' + parameters[i];
			if (params.usertalk) {
				code += '|help=off';
			code += '}}';
			params.utparams = Twinkle.speedy.getUserTalkParameters(params.normalizeds[0], parameters);

		return [code, params.utparams];

	parseWikitext: function(wikitext, callback) {
		var query = {
			action: 'parse',
			prop: 'text',
			pst: 'true',
			text: wikitext,
			contentmodel: 'wikitext',
			title: mw.config.get('wgPageName')

		var statusIndicator = new Morebits.status('Building deletion summary');
		var api = new'Parsing deletion template', query, function(apiObj) {
			var reason = decodeURIComponent($(apiObj.getXML().querySelector('text').childNodes[0].nodeValue).find('#delete-reason').text()).replace(/\+/g, ' ');
			if (!reason) {
				statusIndicator.warn('Unable to generate summary from deletion template');
			} else {'complete');
		}, statusIndicator);;

	noteToCreator: function(pageobj) {
		var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
		var initialContrib = pageobj.getCreator();

		// disallow notifying yourself
		if (initialContrib === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
			Morebits.status.warn('You (' + initialContrib + ') created this page; skipping user notification');
			initialContrib = null;

		// don't notify users when their user talk page is nominated/deleted
		} else if (initialContrib === mw.config.get('wgTitle') && mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 3) {
			Morebits.status.warn('Notifying initial contributor: this user created their own user talk page; skipping notification');
			initialContrib = null;

		// quick hack to prevent excessive unwanted notifications, per request. Should actually be configurable on recipient page...
		} else if ((initialContrib === 'Cyberbot I' || initialContrib === 'SoxBot') && params.normalizeds[0] === 'f2') {
			Morebits.status.warn('Notifying initial contributor: page created procedurally by bot; skipping notification');
			initialContrib = null;

		// Check for already existing tags
		} else if ($('#delete-reason').length && params.warnUser && !confirm('The page is has a deletion-related tag, and thus the creator has likely been notified.  Do you want to notify them for this deletion as well?')) {'Notifying initial contributor', 'canceled by user; skipping notification.');
			initialContrib = null;
		} else {
			var usertalkpage = new'User talk:' + initialContrib, 'Notifying initial contributor (' + initialContrib + ')'),
				notifytext, i, editsummary;

			// special cases: "db" and "db-multiple"
			if (params.normalizeds.length > 1) {
				notifytext = '\n{{subst:db-' + (params.warnUser ? 'deleted' : 'notice') + '-multiple|1=' + Morebits.pageNameNorm;
				var count = 2;
				$.each(params.normalizeds, function(index, norm) {
					notifytext += '|' + count++ + '=' + norm.toUpperCase();
			} else if (params.normalizeds[0] === 'db') {
				notifytext = '\n{{subst:db-reason-' + (params.warnUser ? 'deleted' : 'notice') + '|1=' + Morebits.pageNameNorm;
			} else {
				notifytext = '\n{{subst:db-csd-' + (params.warnUser ? 'deleted' : 'notice') + '-custom|1=' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + '|2=' + params.values[0];

			for (i in params.utparams) {
				if (typeof params.utparams[i] === 'string') {
					notifytext += '|' + i + '=' + params.utparams[i];
			notifytext += (params.welcomeuser ? '' : '|nowelcome=yes') + '}} ~~~~';

			editsummary = 'Notification: speedy deletion' + (params.warnUser ? '' : ' nomination');
			if (params.normalizeds.indexOf('g10') === -1) {  // no article name in summary for G10 taggings
				editsummary += ' of [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].';
			} else {
				editsummary += ' of an attack page.';

			usertalkpage.setEditSummary(editsummary + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			usertalkpage.append(function onNotifySuccess() {
				// add this nomination to the user's userspace log, if the user has enabled it
				if (params.lognomination) {
					Twinkle.speedy.callbacks.user.addToLog(params, initialContrib);
			}, function onNotifyError() {
				// if user could not be notified, log nomination without mentioning that notification was sent
				if (params.lognomination) {
					Twinkle.speedy.callbacks.user.addToLog(params, null);

	sysop: {
		main: function(params) {
			var reason;
			if (!params.normalizeds.length && params.normalizeds[0] === 'db') {
				reason = prompt('Enter the deletion summary to use, which will be entered into the deletion log:', '');
				Twinkle.speedy.callbacks.sysop.deletePage(reason, params);
			} else {
				var code = Twinkle.speedy.callbacks.getTemplateCodeAndParams(params)[0];
				Twinkle.speedy.callbacks.parseWikitext(code, function(reason) {
					if (params.promptForSummary) {
						reason = prompt('Enter the deletion summary to use, or press OK to accept the automatically generated one.', reason);
					Twinkle.speedy.callbacks.sysop.deletePage(reason, params);
		deletePage: function(reason, params) {
			var thispage = new'wgPageName'), 'Deleting page');

			if (reason === null) {
				return Morebits.status.error('Asking for reason', 'User cancelled');
			} else if (!reason || !reason.replace(/^\s*/, '').replace(/\s*$/, '')) {
				return Morebits.status.error('Asking for reason', "you didn't give one.  I don't know... what with admins and their apathetic antics... I give up...");
			thispage.setEditSummary(reason + Twinkle.getPref('deletionSummaryAd'));
			thispage.deletePage(function() {

			// look up initial contributor. If prompting user for deletion reason, just display a link.
			// Otherwise open the talk page directly
			if (params.warnUser) {
		deleteTalk: function(params) {
			// delete talk page
			if (params.deleteTalkPage &&
					params.normalized !== 'f8' &&
					document.getElementById('ca-talk').className !== 'new') {
				var talkpage = new'wgFormattedNamespaces')[mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') + 1] + ':' + mw.config.get('wgTitle'), 'Deleting talk page');
				talkpage.setEditSummary('[[WP:CSD#G8|G8]]: Talk page of deleted page "' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + '"' + Twinkle.getPref('deletionSummaryAd'));
				// this is ugly, but because of the architecture of wiki.api, it is needed
				// (otherwise success/failure messages for the previous action would be suppressed)
				window.setTimeout(function() {
				}, 1800);
			} else {
		deleteRedirects: function(params) {
			// delete redirects
			if (params.deleteRedirects) {
				var query = {
					'action': 'query',
					'titles': mw.config.get('wgPageName'),
					'prop': 'redirects',
					'rdlimit': 5000  // 500 is max for normal users, 5000 for bots and sysops
				var wikipedia_api = new'getting list of redirects...', query, Twinkle.speedy.callbacks.sysop.deleteRedirectsMain,
					new Morebits.status('Deleting redirects'));
				wikipedia_api.params = params;;

			// promote Unlink tool
			var $link, $bigtext;
			if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 6 && params.normalized !== 'f8') {
				$link = $('<a/>', {
					'href': '#',
					'text': 'click here to go to the Unlink tool',
					'css': { 'fontSize': '130%', 'fontWeight': 'bold' },
					'click': function() { = null;
						Twinkle.unlink.callback('Removing usages of and/or links to deleted file ' + Morebits.pageNameNorm);
				$bigtext = $('<span/>', {
					'text': 'To orphan backlinks and remove instances of file usage',
					'css': { 'fontSize': '130%', 'fontWeight': 'bold' }
				});$bigtext[0], $link[0]);
			} else if (params.normalized !== 'f8') {
				$link = $('<a/>', {
					'href': '#',
					'text': 'click here to go to the Unlink tool',
					'css': { 'fontSize': '130%', 'fontWeight': 'bold' },
					'click': function() { = null;
						Twinkle.unlink.callback('Removing links to deleted page ' + Morebits.pageNameNorm);
				$bigtext = $('<span/>', {
					'text': 'To orphan backlinks',
					'css': { 'fontSize': '130%', 'fontWeight': 'bold' }
				});$bigtext[0], $link[0]);
		deleteRedirectsMain: function(apiobj) {
			var xmlDoc = apiobj.getXML();
			var $snapshot = $(xmlDoc).find('redirects rd');
			var total = $snapshot.length;
			var statusIndicator = apiobj.statelem;

			if (!total) {
				statusIndicator.status('no redirects found');


			var current = 0;
			var onsuccess = function(apiobjInner) {
				var now = parseInt(100 * ++current / total, 10) + '%';
				if (current >= total) { + ' (completed)');;

			$snapshot.each(function(key, value) {
				var title = $(value).attr('title');
				var page = new, 'Deleting redirect "' + title + '"');
				page.setEditSummary('[[WP:CSD#G8|G8]]: Redirect to deleted page "' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + '"' + Twinkle.getPref('deletionSummaryAd'));

	user: {
		main: function(pageobj) {
			var statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();

			// defaults to /doc for lua modules, which may not exist
			if (!pageobj.exists() && mw.config.get('wgPageContentModel') !== 'Scribunto') {
				statelem.error("It seems that the page doesn't exist; perhaps it has already been deleted");

			var text = pageobj.getPageText();
			var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

			statelem.status('Checking for tags on the page...');

			// check for existing deletion tags
			var tag = /(?:\{\{\s*(db|delete|db-.*?|speedy deletion-.*?)(?:\s*\||\s*\}\}))/.exec(text);
			// This won't make use of the db-multiple template but it probably should
			if (tag && !confirm('The page already has the CSD-related template {{' + tag[1] + '}} on it.  Do you want to add another CSD template?')) {

			var xfd = /\{\{((?:article for deletion|proposed deletion|prod blp|template for discussion)\/dated|[cfm]fd\b)/i.exec(text) || /#invoke:(RfD)/.exec(text);
			if (xfd && !confirm('The deletion-related template {{' + xfd[1] + '}} was found on the page. Do you still want to add a CSD template?')) {

			// given the params, builds the template and also adds the user talk page parameters to the params that were passed in
			// returns => [<string> wikitext, <object> utparams]
			var buildData = Twinkle.speedy.callbacks.getTemplateCodeAndParams(params),
				code = buildData[0];
			params.utparams = buildData[1];

			var thispage = new'wgPageName'));
			// patrol the page, if reached from Special:NewPages
			if (Twinkle.getPref('markSpeedyPagesAsPatrolled')) {

			// Wrap SD template in noinclude tags if we are in template space.
			// Won't work with userboxes in userspace, or any other transcluded page outside template space
			if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 10) {  // Template:
				code = '<noinclude>' + code + '</noinclude>';

			// Remove tags that become superfluous with this action
			text = text.replace(/\{\{\s*([Uu]serspace draft)\s*(\|(?:\{\{[^{}]*\}\}|[^{}])*)?\}\}\s*/g, '');
			if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 6) {
				// remove "move to Commons" tag - deletion-tagged files cannot be moved to Commons
				text = text.replace(/\{\{(mtc|(copy |move )?to ?commons|move to wikimedia commons|copy to wikimedia commons)[^}]*\}\}/gi, '');

			// Generate edit summary for edit
			var editsummary;
			if (params.normalizeds.length > 1) {
				editsummary = 'Requesting speedy deletion (';
				$.each(params.normalizeds, function(index, norm) {
					editsummary += '[[WP:CSD#' + norm.toUpperCase() + '|CSD ' + norm.toUpperCase() + ']], ';
				editsummary = editsummary.substr(0, editsummary.length - 2); // remove trailing comma
				editsummary += ').';
			} else if (params.normalizeds[0] === 'db') {
				editsummary = 'Requesting [[WP:CSD|speedy deletion]] with rationale "' + params.templateParams[0]['1'] + '".';
			} else {
				editsummary = 'Requesting speedy deletion ([[WP:CSD#' + params.normalizeds[0].toUpperCase() + '|CSD ' + params.normalizeds[0].toUpperCase() + ']]).';

			pageobj.setPageText(code + (params.normalizeds.indexOf('g10') !== -1 ? '' : '\n' + text)); // cause attack pages to be blanked
			pageobj.setEditSummary(editsummary + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			pageobj.setCreateOption('recreate'); // Module /doc might not exist;

		tagComplete: function(pageobj) {
			var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

			// Notification to first contributor, will also log nomination to the user's userspace log
			if (params.usertalk) {
				var thispage = new;
			// or, if not notifying, add this nomination to the user's userspace log without the initial contributor's name
			} else if (params.lognomination) {
				Twinkle.speedy.callbacks.user.addToLog(params, null);

		// note: this code is also invoked from twinkleimage
		// the params used are:
		//   for CSD: params.values, params.normalizeds  (note: normalizeds is an array)
		//   for DI: params.fromDI = true, params.templatename, params.normalized  (note: normalized is a string)
		addToLog: function(params, initialContrib) {
			var wikipedia_page = new'User:' + mw.config.get('wgUserName') + '/' + Twinkle.getPref('speedyLogPageName'), 'Adding entry to userspace log');
			params.logInitialContrib = initialContrib;

		saveLog: function(pageobj) {
			var text = pageobj.getPageText();
			var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

			var appendText = '';

			// add blurb if log page doesn't exist
			if (!pageobj.exists()) {
				appendText +=
					"This is a log of all [[WP:CSD|speedy deletion]] nominations made by this user using [[WP:TW|Twinkle]]'s CSD module.\n\n" +
					'If you no longer wish to keep this log, you can turn it off using the [[Wikipedia:Twinkle/Preferences|preferences panel]], and ' +
					'nominate this page for speedy deletion under [[WP:CSD#U1|CSD U1]].';
				if (Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop')) {
					appendText += '\n\nThis log does not track outright speedy deletions made using Twinkle.';

			// create monthly header
			var date = new Date();
			var headerRe = new RegExp('^==+\\s*' + date.getUTCMonthName() + '\\s+' + date.getUTCFullYear() + '\\s*==+', 'm');
			if (!headerRe.exec(text)) {
				appendText += '\n\n=== ' + date.getUTCMonthName() + ' ' + date.getUTCFullYear() + ' ===';

			var formatParamLog = function(normalize, csdparam, input) {
				if ((normalize === 'G4' && csdparam === 'xfd') ||
					(normalize === 'G6' && csdparam === 'page') ||
					(normalize === 'G6' && csdparam === 'fullvotepage') ||
					(normalize === 'G6' && csdparam === 'sourcepage') ||
					(normalize === 'A2' && csdparam === 'source') ||
					(normalize === 'A10' && csdparam === 'article')) {
					input = '[[:' + input + ']]';
				} else if (normalize === 'G5' && csdparam === 'user') {
					input = '[[:User:' + input + ']]';
				} else if (normalize === 'G12' && csdparam.lastIndexOf('url', 0) === 0 && input.lastIndexOf('http', 0) === 0) {
					input = '[' + input + ' ' + input + ']';
				} else if ((normalize === 'F1' && csdparam === 'filename') ||
					(normalize === 'F5' && csdparam === 'replacement')) {
					input = '[[:File:' + input + ']]';
				} else if (normalize === 'T3' && csdparam === 'template') {
					input = '[[:Template:' + input + ']]';
				} else if (normalize === 'F8' && csdparam === 'filename') {
					input = '[[commons:' + input + ']]';
				} else if (normalize === 'P1' && csdparam === 'criterion') {
					input = '[[WP:CSD#' + input + ']]';
				return ' {' + normalize + ' ' + csdparam + ': ' + input + '}';

			var extraInfo = '';

			// If a logged file is deleted but exists on commons, the wikilink will be blue, so provide a link to the log
			var fileLogLink = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 6 ? ' ([{{fullurl:Special:Log|page=' + mw.util.wikiUrlencode(mw.config.get('wgPageName')) + '}} log])' : '';

			var editsummary = 'Logging speedy deletion nomination';
			appendText += '\n# [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm;

			if (params.fromDI) {
				appendText += ']]' + fileLogLink + ': DI [[WP:CSD#' + params.normalized.toUpperCase() + '|CSD ' + params.normalized.toUpperCase() + ']] ({{tl|di-' + params.templatename + '}})';
				// The params data structure when coming from DI is quite different,
				// so this hardcodes the only interesting items worth logging
				['reason', 'replacement', 'source'].forEach(function(item) {
					if (params[item]) {
						extraInfo += formatParamLog(params.normalized.toUpperCase(), item, params[item]);
						return false;
				editsummary += ' of [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].';
			} else {
				if (params.normalizeds.indexOf('g10') === -1) {  // no article name in log for G10 taggings
					appendText += ']]' + fileLogLink + ': ';
					editsummary += ' of [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].';
				} else {
					appendText += '|This]] attack page' + fileLogLink + ': ';
					editsummary += ' of an attack page.';
				if (params.normalizeds.length > 1) {
					appendText += 'multiple criteria (';
					$.each(params.normalizeds, function(index, norm) {
						appendText += '[[WP:CSD#' + norm.toUpperCase() + '|' + norm.toUpperCase() + ']], ';
					appendText = appendText.substr(0, appendText.length - 2);  // remove trailing comma
					appendText += ')';
				} else if (params.normalizeds[0] === 'db') {
					appendText += '{{tl|db-reason}}';
				} else {
					appendText += '[[WP:CSD#' + params.normalizeds[0].toUpperCase() + '|CSD ' + params.normalizeds[0].toUpperCase() + ']] ({{tl|db-' + params.values[0] + '}})';

				// If params is "empty" it will still be full of empty arrays, but ask anyway
				if (params.templateParams) {
					// Treat custom rationale individually
					if (params.normalizeds[0] && params.normalizeds[0] === 'db') {
						extraInfo += formatParamLog('Custom', 'rationale', params.templateParams[0]['1']);
					} else {
						params.templateParams.forEach(function(item, index) {
							var keys = Object.keys(item);
							if (keys[0] !== undefined && keys[0].length > 0) {
								// Second loop required since some items (G12, F9) may have multiple keys
								keys.forEach(function(key, keyIndex) {
									if (keys[keyIndex] === 'blanked' || keys[keyIndex] === 'ts') {
										return true; // Not worth logging
									extraInfo += formatParamLog(params.normalizeds[index].toUpperCase(), keys[keyIndex], item[key]);

			if (extraInfo) {
				appendText += '; additional information:' + extraInfo;
			if (params.logInitialContrib) {
				appendText += '; notified {{user|1=' + params.logInitialContrib + '}}';
			appendText += ' ~~~~~\n';

			pageobj.setEditSummary(editsummary + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));

// validate subgroups in the form passed into the speedy deletion tag
Twinkle.speedy.getParameters = function twinklespeedyGetParameters(form, values) {
	var parameters = [];

	$.each(values, function(index, value) {
		var currentParams = [];
		switch (value) {
			case 'reason':
				if (form['csd.reason_1']) {
					var dbrationale = form['csd.reason_1'].value;
					if (!dbrationale || !dbrationale.trim()) {
						alert('Custom rationale:  Please specify a rationale.');
						parameters = null;
						return false;
					currentParams['1'] = dbrationale;

			case 'userreq':  // U1
				if (form['csd.userreq_rationale']) {
					var u1rationale = form['csd.userreq_rationale'].value;
					if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 3 && !(/\//).test(mw.config.get('wgTitle')) &&
							(!u1rationale || !u1rationale.trim())) {
						alert('CSD U1:  Please specify a rationale when nominating user talk pages.');
						parameters = null;
						return false;
					currentParams.rationale = u1rationale;

			case 'repost':  // G4
				if (form['csd.repost_xfd']) {
					var deldisc = form['csd.repost_xfd'].value;
					if (deldisc) {
						if (!/^(?:wp|wikipedia):/i.test(deldisc)) {
							alert('CSD G4:  The deletion discussion page name, if provided, must start with "Wikipedia:".');
							parameters = null;
							return false;
						currentParams.xfd = deldisc;

			case 'banned':  // G5
				if (form['csd.banned_user'] && form['csd.banned_user'].value) {
					currentParams.user = form['csd.banned_user'].value.replace(/^\s*User:/i, '');

			case 'move':  // G6
				if (form['csd.move_page'] && form['csd.move_reason']) {
					var movepage = form['csd.move_page'].value,
						movereason = form['csd.move_reason'].value;
					if (!movepage || !movepage.trim()) {
						alert('CSD G6 (move):  Please specify the page to be moved here.');
						parameters = null;
						return false;
					if (!movereason || !movereason.trim()) {
						alert('CSD G6 (move):  Please specify the reason for the move.');
						parameters = null;
						return false;
					} = movepage;
					currentParams.reason = movereason;

			case 'xfd':  // G6
				if (form['csd.xfd_fullvotepage']) {
					var xfd = form['csd.xfd_fullvotepage'].value;
					if (xfd) {
						if (!/^(?:wp|wikipedia):/i.test(xfd)) {
							alert('CSD G6 (XFD):  The deletion discussion page name, if provided, must start with "Wikipedia:".');
							parameters = null;
							return false;
						currentParams.fullvotepage = xfd;

			case 'copypaste':  // G6
				if (form['csd.copypaste_sourcepage']) {
					var copypaste = form['csd.copypaste_sourcepage'].value;
					if (!copypaste || !copypaste.trim()) {
						alert('CSD G6 (copypaste):  Please specify the source page name.');
						parameters = null;
						return false;
					currentParams.sourcepage = copypaste;

			case 'g6':  // G6
				if (form['csd.g6_rationale'] && form['csd.g6_rationale'].value) {
					currentParams.rationale = form['csd.g6_rationale'].value;

			case 'author':  // G7
				if (form['csd.author_rationale'] && form['csd.author_rationale'].value) {
					currentParams.rationale = form['csd.author_rationale'].value;

			case 'g8':  // G8
				if (form['csd.g8_rationale'] && form['csd.g8_rationale'].value) {
					currentParams.rationale = form['csd.g8_rationale'].value;

			case 'attack':  // G10
				currentParams.blanked = 'yes';
				// it is actually blanked elsewhere in code, but setting the flag here

			case 'copyvio':  // G12
				if (form['csd.copyvio_url'] && form['csd.copyvio_url'].value) {
					currentParams.url = form['csd.copyvio_url'].value;
				if (form['csd.copyvio_url2'] && form['csd.copyvio_url2'].value) {
					currentParams.url2 = form['csd.copyvio_url2'].value;
				if (form['csd.copyvio_url3'] && form['csd.copyvio_url3'].value) {
					currentParams.url3 = form['csd.copyvio_url3'].value;

			case 'afc':  // G13
				var query = {
						action: 'query',
						titles: mw.config.get('wgPageName'),
						prop: 'revisions',
						rvprop: 'timestamp'
					api = new'Grabbing the last revision timestamp', query, function(apiobj) {
						var xmlDoc = apiobj.getXML(),
							isoDateString = $(xmlDoc).find('rev').attr('timestamp');

						currentParams.ts = isoDateString;

				// Wait for API call to finish{
					async: false


			case 'redundantimage':  // F1
				if (form['csd.redundantimage_filename']) {
					var redimage = form['csd.redundantimage_filename'].value;
					if (!redimage || !redimage.trim()) {
						alert('CSD F1:  Please specify the filename of the other file.');
						parameters = null;
						return false;
					currentParams.filename = redimage.replace(/^\s*(Image|File):/i, '');

			case 'badfairuse':  // F7
				if (form['csd.badfairuse_rationale'] && form['csd.badfairuse_rationale'].value) {
					currentParams.rationale = form['csd.badfairuse_rationale'].value;

			case 'commons':  // F8
				if (form['csd.commons_filename']) {
					var filename = form['csd.commons_filename'].value;
					if (filename && filename !== Morebits.pageNameNorm) {
						currentParams.filename = filename.indexOf('Image:') === 0 || filename.indexOf('File:') === 0 ? filename : 'File:' + filename;

			case 'imgcopyvio':  // F9
				if (form['csd.imgcopyvio_url'] && form['csd.imgcopyvio_rationale']) {
					var f9url = form['csd.imgcopyvio_url'].value;
					var f9rationale = form['csd.imgcopyvio_rationale'].value;
					if ((!f9url || !f9url.trim()) && (!f9rationale || !f9rationale.trim())) {
						alert('CSD F9: You must enter a url or reason (or both) when nominating a file under F9.');
						parameters = null;
						return false;
					if (form['csd.imgcopyvio_url'].value) {
						currentParams.url = f9url;
					if (form['csd.imgcopyvio_rationale'].value) {
						currentParams.rationale = f9rationale;

			case 'foreign':  // A2
				if (form['csd.foreign_source']) {
					var foreignlink = form['csd.foreign_source'].value;
					if (!foreignlink || !foreignlink.trim()) {
						alert('CSD A2:  Please specify an interwiki link to the article of which this is a copy.');
						parameters = null;
						return false;
					currentParams.source = foreignlink;

			case 'transwiki':  // A5
				if (form['csd.transwiki_location'] && form['csd.transwiki_location'].value) {
					currentParams.location = form['csd.transwiki_location'].value;

			case 'a10':  // A10
				if (form['csd.a10_article']) {
					var duptitle = form['csd.a10_article'].value;
					if (!duptitle || !duptitle.trim()) {
						alert('CSD A10:  Please specify the name of the article which is duplicated.');
						parameters = null;
						return false;
					currentParams.article = duptitle;

			case 'policy':  // T2
				if (form['csd.policy_rationale'] && form['csd.policy_rationale'].value) {
					currentParams.rationale = form['csd.policy_rationale'].value;

			case 'duplicatetemplate':  // T3
				if (form['csd.duplicatetemplate_2']) {
					var t3template = form['csd.duplicatetemplate_2'].value;
					if (!t3template || !t3template.trim()) {
						alert('CSD T3:  Please specify the name of a template duplicated by this one.');
						parameters = null;
						return false;
					currentParams.ts = '~~~~~';
					currentParams.template = t3template.replace(/^\s*Template:/i, '');

			case 'p1':  // P1
				if (form['csd.p1_criterion']) {
					var criterion = form['csd.p1_criterion'].value;
					if (!criterion || !criterion.trim()) {
						alert('CSD P1:  Please specify a single criterion.');
						parameters = null;
						return false;
					currentParams.criterion = criterion;

	return parameters;

// function for processing talk page notification template parameters
Twinkle.speedy.getUserTalkParameters = function twinklespeedyGetUserTalkParameters(normalized, parameters) {
	var utparams = [];
	switch (normalized) {
		case 'db':
			utparams['2'] = parameters['1'];
		case 'g12':
			utparams.key1 = 'url';
			utparams.value1 = utparams.url = parameters.url;
		case 'a10':
			utparams.key1 = 'article';
			utparams.value1 = utparams.article = parameters.article;
		case 'g4':
			utparams.key1 = '2';
			utparams.value1 = parameters.xfd;
	return utparams;

Twinkle.speedy.resolveCsdValues = function twinklespeedyResolveCsdValues(e) {
	var values = ( ? :'csd');
	if (values.length === 0) {
		alert('Please select a criterion!');
		return null;
	return values;

Twinkle.speedy.callback.evaluateSysop = function twinklespeedyCallbackEvaluateSysop(e) {
	var form = ? :;

	if ( === 'checkbox' || === 'text' || === 'select') {

	var tag_only = form.tag_only;
	if (tag_only && tag_only.checked) {

	var values = Twinkle.speedy.resolveCsdValues(e);
	if (!values) {

	var normalizeds = {
		return Twinkle.speedy.normalizeHash[value];

	// analyse each criterion to determine whether to watch the page, prompt for summary, or notify the creator
	var watchPage, promptForSummary;
	normalizeds.forEach(function(norm) {
		if (Twinkle.getPref('watchSpeedyPages').indexOf(norm) !== -1) {
			watchPage = true;
		if (Twinkle.getPref('promptForSpeedyDeletionSummary').indexOf(norm) !== -1) {
			promptForSummary = true;

	var warnusertalk = false;
	if (form.warnusertalk.checked) {
		$.each(normalizeds, function(index, norm) {
			if (Twinkle.getPref('warnUserOnSpeedyDelete').indexOf(norm) !== -1) {
				if (norm === 'g6' && values[index] !== 'copypaste') {
					return true;
				warnusertalk = true;
				return false;  // break

	var welcomeuser = false;
	if (warnusertalk) {
		$.each(normalizeds, function(index, norm) {
			if (Twinkle.getPref('welcomeUserOnSpeedyDeletionNotification').indexOf(norm) !== -1) {
				welcomeuser = true;
				return false;  // break

	var params = {
		values: values,
		normalizeds: normalizeds,
		watch: watchPage,
		deleteTalkPage: form.talkpage && form.talkpage.checked,
		deleteRedirects: form.redirects.checked,
		warnUser: warnusertalk,
		welcomeuser: welcomeuser,
		promptForSummary: promptForSummary,
		templateParams: Twinkle.speedy.getParameters(form, values)
	if (!params.templateParams) {



Twinkle.speedy.callback.evaluateUser = function twinklespeedyCallbackEvaluateUser(e) {
	var form = ? :;

	if ( === 'checkbox' || === 'text' || === 'select') {

	var values = Twinkle.speedy.resolveCsdValues(e);
	if (!values) {
	// var multiple = form.multiple.checked;
	var normalizeds = [];
	$.each(values, function(index, value) {
		var norm = Twinkle.speedy.normalizeHash[value];


	// analyse each criterion to determine whether to watch the page/notify the creator
	var watchPage = false;
	$.each(normalizeds, function(index, norm) {
		if (Twinkle.getPref('watchSpeedyPages').indexOf(norm) !== -1) {
			watchPage = true;
			return false;  // break

	var notifyuser = false;
	if (form.notify.checked) {
		$.each(normalizeds, function(index, norm) {
			if (Twinkle.getPref('notifyUserOnSpeedyDeletionNomination').indexOf(norm) !== -1) {
				if (norm === 'g6' && values[index] !== 'copypaste') {
					return true;
				notifyuser = true;
				return false;  // break

	var welcomeuser = false;
	if (notifyuser) {
		$.each(normalizeds, function(index, norm) {
			if (Twinkle.getPref('welcomeUserOnSpeedyDeletionNotification').indexOf(norm) !== -1) {
				welcomeuser = true;
				return false;  // break

	var csdlog = false;
	if (Twinkle.getPref('logSpeedyNominations')) {
		$.each(normalizeds, function(index, norm) {
			if (Twinkle.getPref('noLogOnSpeedyNomination').indexOf(norm) === -1) {
				csdlog = true;
				return false;  // break

	var params = {
		values: values,
		normalizeds: normalizeds,
		watch: watchPage,
		usertalk: notifyuser,
		welcomeuser: welcomeuser,
		lognomination: csdlog,
		templateParams: Twinkle.speedy.getParameters(form, values)
	if (!params.templateParams) {

	Morebits.status.init(form); = mw.config.get('wgPageName'); = 'Tagging complete';

	// Modules can't be tagged, follow standard at TfD and place on /doc subpage
	var isScribunto = mw.config.get('wgPageContentModel') === 'Scribunto';
	var wikipedia_page = isScribunto ? new'wgPageName') + '/doc', 'Tagging module documentation page') : new'wgPageName'), 'Tagging page');

// </nowiki>

// <nowiki>

(function($) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars

 *** friendlyshared.js: Shared IP tagging module
 * Mode of invocation:     Tab ("Shared")
 * Active on:              Existing IP user talk pages
 * Config directives in:   FriendlyConfig

Twinkle.shared = function friendlyshared() {
	if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 3 && mw.util.isIPAddress(mw.config.get('wgTitle'))) {
		var username = mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName');
		Twinkle.addPortletLink(function() {
		}, 'Shared IP', 'friendly-shared', 'Shared IP tagging');

Twinkle.shared.callback = function friendlysharedCallback() {
	var Window = new Morebits.simpleWindow(600, 420);
	Window.setTitle('Shared IP address tagging');
	Window.addFooterLink('Twinkle help', 'WP:TW/DOC#shared');

	var form = new Morebits.quickForm(Twinkle.shared.callback.evaluate);

	var div = form.append({
		type: 'div',
		id: 'sharedip-templatelist',
		className: 'morebits-scrollbox'
	div.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Shared IP address templates' });
	div.append({ type: 'radio', name: 'shared', list: Twinkle.shared.standardList,
		event: function(e) {

	var org = form.append({ type: 'field', label: 'Fill in other details (optional) and click "Submit"' });
		type: 'input',
		name: 'organization',
		label: 'IP address owner/operator',
		disabled: true,
		tooltip: 'You can optionally enter the name of the organization that owns/operates the IP address.  You can use wikimarkup if necessary.'
		type: 'input',
		name: 'host',
		label: 'Host name (optional)',
		disabled: true,
		tooltip: 'The host name (for example, can be optionally entered here and will be linked by the template.'
		type: 'input',
		name: 'contact',
		label: 'Contact information (only if requested)',
		disabled: true,
		tooltip: 'You can optionally enter some contact details for the organization.  Use this parameter only if the organization has specifically requested that it be added.  You can use wikimarkup if necessary.'

	form.append({ type: 'submit' });

	var result = form.render();

Twinkle.shared.standardList = [
		label: '{{Shared IP}}: standard shared IP address template',
		value: 'Shared IP',
		tooltip: 'IP user talk page template that shows helpful information to IP users and those wishing to warn, block or ban them'
		label: '{{Shared IP edu}}: shared IP address template modified for educational institutions',
		value: 'Shared IP edu'
		label: '{{Shared IP corp}}: shared IP address template modified for businesses',
		value: 'Shared IP corp'
		label: '{{Shared IP public}}: shared IP address template modified for public terminals',
		value: 'Shared IP public'
		label: '{{Shared IP gov}}: shared IP address template modified for government agencies or facilities',
		value: 'Shared IP gov'
		label: '{{Dynamic IP}}: shared IP address template modified for organizations with dynamic addressing',
		value: 'Dynamic IP'
		label: '{{Static IP}}: shared IP address template modified for static IP addresses',
		value: 'Static IP'
		label: '{{ISP}}: shared IP address template modified for ISP organizations (specifically proxies)',
		value: 'ISP'
		label: '{{Mobile IP}}: shared IP address template modified for mobile phone companies and their customers',
		value: 'Mobile IP'
		label: '{{Whois}}: template for IP addresses in need of monitoring, but unknown whether static, dynamic or shared',
		value: 'Whois'

Twinkle.shared.callback.change_shared = function friendlysharedCallbackChangeShared(e) { = !== 'Shared IP edu';  // only supported by {{Shared IP edu}} = false; = === 'Whois';  // host= not supported by {{Whois}}

Twinkle.shared.callbacks = {
	main: function(pageobj) {
		var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
		var pageText = pageobj.getPageText();
		var found = false;
		var text = '{{';

		for (var i = 0; i < Twinkle.shared.standardList.length; i++) {
			var tagRe = new RegExp('(\\{\\{' + Twinkle.shared.standardList[i].value + '(\\||\\}\\}))', 'im');
			if (tagRe.exec(pageText)) {
				Morebits.status.warn('Info', 'Found {{' + Twinkle.shared.standardList[i].value + '}} on the user\'s talk page already...aborting');
				found = true;

		if (found) {
		}'Info', 'Will add the shared IP address template to the top of the user\'s talk page.');
		text += params.value + '|' + params.organization;
		if (params.value === 'Shared IP edu' && !== '') {
			text += '|' +;
		if (params.value !== 'Whois' && !== '') {
			text += '|host=' +;
		text += '}}\n\n';

		var summaryText = 'Added {{[[Template:' + params.value + '|' + params.value + ']]}} template.';
		pageobj.setPageText(text + pageText);
		pageobj.setEditSummary(summaryText + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));

Twinkle.shared.callback.evaluate = function friendlysharedCallbackEvaluate(e) {
	var shared ='shared');
	if (!shared || shared.length <= 0) {
		alert('You must select a shared IP address template to use!');

	var value = shared[0];

	if ( === '') {
		alert('You must input an organization for the {{' + value + '}} template!');

	var params = {
		value: value,

	Morebits.status.init(; = mw.config.get('wgPageName'); = 'Tagging complete, reloading talk page in a few seconds';

	var wikipedia_page = new'wgPageName'), 'User talk page modification');

// </nowiki>

// <nowiki>

(function($) {

 *** twinklediff.js: Diff module
 * Mode of invocation:     Tab on non-diff pages ("Last"); tabs on diff pages ("Since", "Since mine", "Current")
 * Active on:              Existing non-special pages
 * Config directives in:   TwinkleConfig

Twinkle.diff = function twinklediff() {
	if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') < 0 || !mw.config.get('wgArticleId')) {

	var query = {
		'title': mw.config.get('wgPageName'),
		'diff': 'cur',
		'oldid': 'prev'

	Twinkle.addPortletLink(mw.util.wikiScript('index') + '?' + $.param(query), 'Last', 'tw-lastdiff', 'Show most recent diff');

	// Show additional tabs only on diff pages
	if (Morebits.queryString.exists('diff')) {
		Twinkle.addPortletLink(function() {
		}, 'Since', 'tw-since', 'Show difference between last diff and the revision made by previous user');
		Twinkle.addPortletLink(function() {
		}, 'Since mine', 'tw-sincemine', 'Show difference between last diff and my last revision');

		var oldid = /oldid=(.+)/.exec($('#mw-diff-ntitle1').find('strong a').first().attr('href'))[1];
		query = {
			'title': mw.config.get('wgPageName'),
			'diff': 'cur',
			'oldid': oldid
		Twinkle.addPortletLink(mw.util.wikiScript('index') + '?' + $.param(query), 'Current', 'tw-curdiff', 'Show difference to current revision');

Twinkle.diff.evaluate = function twinklediffEvaluate(me) {

	var user;
	if (me) {
		user = mw.config.get('wgUserName');
	} else {
		var node = document.getElementById('mw-diff-ntitle2');
		if (!node) {
			// nothing to do?
		user = $(node).find('a').first().text();
	var query = {
		'prop': 'revisions',
		'action': 'query',
		'titles': mw.config.get('wgPageName'),
		'rvlimit': 1,
		'rvprop': [ 'ids', 'user' ],
		'rvstartid': mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId') - 1, // i.e. not the current one
		'rvuser': user
	var wikipedia_api = new'Grabbing data of initial contributor', query, Twinkle.diff.callbacks.main);
	wikipedia_api.params = { user: user };;

Twinkle.diff.callbacks = {
	main: function(self) {
		var xmlDoc = self.responseXML;
		var revid = $(xmlDoc).find('rev').attr('revid');

		if (!revid) {
			self.statelem.error('no suitable earlier revision found, or ' + self.params.user + ' is the only contributor. Aborting.');
		var query = {
			'title': mw.config.get('wgPageName'),
			'oldid': revid,
			'diff': mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId')
		window.location = mw.util.wikiScript('index') + '?' + Morebits.queryString.create(query);

// </nowiki>

// <nowiki>

(function($) {

 *** twinkleunlink.js: Unlink module
 * Mode of invocation:     Tab ("Unlink")
 * Active on:              Non-special pages, except Wikipedia:Sandbox
 * Config directives in:   TwinkleConfig

Twinkle.unlink = function twinkleunlink() {
	if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') < 0 || mw.config.get('wgPageName') === 'Wikipedia:Sandbox' ||
		(!Morebits.userIsInGroup('extendedconfirmed') && !Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop'))) {
	Twinkle.addPortletLink(Twinkle.unlink.callback, 'Unlink', 'tw-unlink', 'Unlink backlinks');

Twinkle.unlink.getChecked2 = function twinkleunlinkGetChecked2(nodelist) {
	if (!(nodelist instanceof NodeList) && !(nodelist instanceof HTMLCollection)) {
		return nodelist.checked ? [ nodelist.values ] : [];
	var result = [];
	for (var i = 0; i < nodelist.length; ++i) {
		if (nodelist[i].checked) {
	return result;

// the parameter is used when invoking unlink from admin speedy
Twinkle.unlink.callback = function(presetReason) {
	var Window = new Morebits.simpleWindow(600, 440);
	Window.setTitle('Unlink backlinks' + (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 6 ? ' and file usages' : ''));
	Window.addFooterLink('Twinkle help', 'WP:TW/DOC#unlink');

	var form = new Morebits.quickForm(Twinkle.unlink.callback.evaluate);

	// prepend some basic documentation
	var node1 = Morebits.htmlNode('code', '[[' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + '|link text]]');
	var node2 = Morebits.htmlNode('code', 'link text'); = = 'monospace'; = = 'normal';
		type: 'div',
		style: 'margin-bottom: 0.5em',
		label: [
			'This tool allows you to unlink all incoming links ("backlinks") that point to this page' +
				(mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 6 ? ', and/or hide all inclusions of this file by wrapping them in <!-- --> comment markup' : '') +
				'. For instance, ',
			' would become ',
			'. Use it with caution.'

		type: 'input',
		name: 'reason',
		label: 'Reason: ',
		value: presetReason ? presetReason : '',
		size: 60

	var query;
	if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 6) {  // File:
		query = {
			'action': 'query',
			'list': [ 'backlinks', 'imageusage' ],
			'bltitle': mw.config.get('wgPageName'),
			'iutitle': mw.config.get('wgPageName'),
			'bllimit': 'max', // 500 is max for normal users, 5000 for bots and sysops
			'iulimit': 'max', // 500 is max for normal users, 5000 for bots and sysops
			'blnamespace': Twinkle.getPref('unlinkNamespaces'),
			'iunamespace': Twinkle.getPref('unlinkNamespaces'),
			'rawcontinue': true
	} else {
		query = {
			'action': 'query',
			'list': 'backlinks',
			'bltitle': mw.config.get('wgPageName'),
			'blfilterredir': 'nonredirects',
			'bllimit': 'max', // 500 is max for normal users, 5000 for bots and sysops
			'blnamespace': Twinkle.getPref('unlinkNamespaces'),
			'rawcontinue': true
	var wikipedia_api = new'Grabbing backlinks', query, Twinkle.unlink.callbacks.display.backlinks);
	wikipedia_api.params = { form: form, Window: Window, image: mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 6 };;

	var root = document.createElement('div'); = '15px';  // just so it doesn't look broken

Twinkle.unlink.callback.evaluate = function twinkleunlinkCallbackEvaluate(event) {
	var reason =;
	if (!reason) {
		alert('You must specify a reason for unlinking.');

	var backlinks = [], imageusage = [];
	if ( {
		backlinks = Twinkle.unlink.getChecked2(;
	if ( {
		imageusage = Twinkle.unlink.getChecked2(;


	var pages = Morebits.array.uniq(backlinks.concat(imageusage));

	var unlinker = new Morebits.batchOperation('Unlinking backlinks' + (imageusage ? ' and instances of file usage' : ''));
	unlinker.setOption('preserveIndividualStatusLines', true);
	var params = { reason: reason, unlinker: unlinker }; {
		var wikipedia_page = new, 'Unlinking in article "' + pageName + '"');
		wikipedia_page.setBotEdit(true);  // unlink considered a floody operation
		var innerParams = $.extend({}, params);
		innerParams.doBacklinks = backlinks && backlinks.indexOf(pageName) !== -1;
		innerParams.doImageusage = imageusage && imageusage.indexOf(pageName) !== -1;

Twinkle.unlink.callbacks = {
	display: {
		backlinks: function twinkleunlinkCallbackDisplayBacklinks(apiobj) {
			var xmlDoc = apiobj.responseXML;
			var havecontent = false;
			var list, namespaces, i;

			if (apiobj.params.image) {
				var imageusage = $(xmlDoc).find('query imageusage iu');
				list = [];
				for (i = 0; i < imageusage.length; ++i) {
					var usagetitle = imageusage[i].getAttribute('title');
					list.push({ label: usagetitle, value: usagetitle, checked: true });
				if (!list.length) {
					apiobj.params.form.append({ type: 'div', label: 'No instances of file usage found.' });
				} else {
					apiobj.params.form.append({ type: 'header', label: 'File usage' });
					namespaces = [];
					$.each(Twinkle.getPref('unlinkNamespaces'), function(k, v) {
						namespaces.push(v === '0' ? '(Article)' : mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[v]);
						type: 'div',
						label: 'Selected namespaces: ' + namespaces.join(', '),
						tooltip: 'You can change this with your Twinkle preferences, at [[WP:TWPREFS]]'
					if ($(xmlDoc).find('query-continue').length) {
							type: 'div',
							label: 'First ' + list.length.toString() + ' file usages shown.'
						type: 'button',
						label: 'Select All',
						event: function(e) {
							$(Morebits.quickForm.getElements(, 'imageusage')).prop('checked', true);
						type: 'button',
						label: 'Deselect All',
						event: function(e) {
							$(Morebits.quickForm.getElements(, 'imageusage')).prop('checked', false);
						type: 'checkbox',
						name: 'imageusage',
						list: list
					havecontent = true;

			var backlinks = $(xmlDoc).find('query backlinks bl');
			if (backlinks.length > 0) {
				list = [];
				for (i = 0; i < backlinks.length; ++i) {
					var title = backlinks[i].getAttribute('title');
					list.push({ label: title, value: title, checked: true });
				apiobj.params.form.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Backlinks' });
				namespaces = [];
				$.each(Twinkle.getPref('unlinkNamespaces'), function(k, v) {
					namespaces.push(v === '0' ? '(Article)' : mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[v]);
					type: 'div',
					label: 'Selected namespaces: ' + namespaces.join(', '),
					tooltip: 'You can change this with your Twinkle preferences, at [[WP:TWPREFS]]'
				if ($(xmlDoc).find('query-continue').length) {
						type: 'div',
						label: 'First ' + list.length.toString() + ' backlinks shown.'
					type: 'button',
					label: 'Select All',
					event: function(e) {
						$(Morebits.quickForm.getElements(, 'backlinks')).prop('checked', true);
					type: 'button',
					label: 'Deselect All',
					event: function(e) {
						$(Morebits.quickForm.getElements(, 'backlinks')).prop('checked', false);
					type: 'checkbox',
					name: 'backlinks',
					list: list
				havecontent = true;
			} else {
				apiobj.params.form.append({ type: 'div', label: 'No backlinks found.' });

			if (havecontent) {
				apiobj.params.form.append({ type: 'submit' });

			var result = apiobj.params.form.render();

			Morebits.checkboxShiftClickSupport($("input[name='imageusage']", result));
			Morebits.checkboxShiftClickSupport($("input[name='backlinks']", result));

	unlinkBacklinks: function twinkleunlinkCallbackUnlinkBacklinks(pageobj) {
		var oldtext = pageobj.getPageText();
		var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
		var wikiPage = new;

		var summaryText = '', warningString = false;
		var text;

		// remove image usages
		if (params.doImageusage) {
			wikiPage.commentOutImage(mw.config.get('wgTitle'), 'Commented out');
			text = wikiPage.getText();
			// did we actually make any changes?
			if (text === oldtext) {
				warningString = 'file usages';
			} else {
				summaryText = 'Commenting out use(s) of file';
				oldtext = text;

		// remove backlinks
		if (params.doBacklinks) {
			text = wikiPage.getText();
			// did we actually make any changes?
			if (text === oldtext) {
				warningString = warningString ? 'backlinks or file usages' : 'backlinks';
			} else {
				summaryText = (summaryText ? summaryText + ' / ' : '') + 'Removing link(s) to';
				oldtext = text;

		if (warningString) {
			// nothing to do!
			pageobj.getStatusElement().error("Didn't find any " + warningString + ' on the page.');

		pageobj.setEditSummary(summaryText + ' "' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + '": ' + params.reason + '.' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
		pageobj.setCreateOption('nocreate');, params.unlinker.workerFailure);

// </nowiki>

// <nowiki>

(function($) {

 *** friendlytag.js: Tag module
 * Mode of invocation:     Tab ("Tag")
 * Active on:              Existing articles and drafts; file pages with a corresponding file
 *                         which is local (not on Commons); all redirects
 * Config directives in:   FriendlyConfig

Twinkle.tag = function friendlytag() {
	// redirect tagging
	if ( {
		Twinkle.tag.mode = 'redirect';
		Twinkle.addPortletLink(Twinkle.tag.callback, 'Tag', 'friendly-tag', 'Tag redirect');
	// file tagging
	} else if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 6 && !document.getElementById('mw-sharedupload') && document.getElementById('mw-imagepage-section-filehistory')) {
		Twinkle.tag.mode = 'file';
		Twinkle.addPortletLink(Twinkle.tag.callback, 'Tag', 'friendly-tag', 'Add maintenance tags to file');
	// article/draft article tagging
	} else if ([0, 118].indexOf(mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber')) !== -1 && mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId')) {
		Twinkle.tag.mode = 'article';
		// Can't remove tags when not viewing current version
		Twinkle.tag.canRemove = (mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId') === mw.config.get('wgRevisionId')) &&
			// Disabled on latest diff because the diff slider could be used to slide
			// away from the latest diff without causing the script to reload
		Twinkle.addPortletLink(Twinkle.tag.callback, 'Tag', 'friendly-tag', 'Add or remove article maintenance tags');

Twinkle.tag.checkedTags = [];

Twinkle.tag.callback = function friendlytagCallback() {
	var Window = new Morebits.simpleWindow(630, Twinkle.tag.mode === 'article' ? 500 : 400);
	// anyone got a good policy/guideline/info page/instructional page link??
	Window.addFooterLink('Twinkle help', 'WP:TW/DOC#tag');

	var form = new Morebits.quickForm(Twinkle.tag.callback.evaluate);

	if (document.getElementsByClassName('patrollink').length) {
			type: 'checkbox',
			list: [
					label: 'Mark the page as patrolled',
					value: 'patrolPage',
					name: 'patrolPage',
					checked: Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('markTaggedPagesAsPatrolled')

	switch (Twinkle.tag.mode) {
		case 'article':
			Window.setTitle('Article maintenance tagging');

				type: 'select',
				name: 'sortorder',
				label: 'View this list:',
				tooltip: 'You can change the default view order in your Twinkle preferences (WP:TWPREFS).',
				event: Twinkle.tag.updateSortOrder,
				list: [
					{ type: 'option', value: 'cat', label: 'By categories', selected: Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('tagArticleSortOrder') === 'cat' },
					{ type: 'option', value: 'alpha', label: 'In alphabetical order', selected: Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('tagArticleSortOrder') === 'alpha' }

				type: 'input',
				label: 'Quick filter: ',
				name: 'quickfilter',
				size: '30px',
				event: function twinkletagquickfilter() {
					var $form = $('#tagWorkArea');
					// flush the DOM of all existing underline spans
					$form.find('.search-hit').each(function(i, e) {
						var label_element = e.parentElement;
						// This would convert <label>Hello <span class=search-hit>wo</span>rld</label>
						// to <label>Hello world</label>
						label_element.innerHTML = label_element.textContent;
					// allCheckboxDivs and allHeaders are defined globally, rather than in
					// this function, to avoid having to recompute them on every keydown.
					if (this.value) {
						var searchString = this.value;
						var searchRegex = new RegExp(mw.util.escapeRegExp(searchString), 'i');

						$form.find('label').each(function() {
							var label_text = this.textContent;
							var searchHit = searchRegex.exec(label_text);
							if (searchHit) {
								var range = document.createRange();
								var textnode = this.childNodes[0];
								range.setStart(textnode, searchHit.index);
								range.setEnd(textnode, searchHit.index + searchString.length);
								var underline_span = $('<span>').addClass('search-hit').css('text-decoration', 'underline')[0];
								range.surroundContents(underline_span); = 'block'; // un-hide
					} else {;;

			if (!Twinkle.tag.canRemove) {
				var divElement = document.createElement('div');
				divElement.innerHTML = 'For removal of existing tags, please open Tag menu from the current version of article';
					type: 'div',
					name: 'untagnotice',
					label: divElement

				type: 'div',
				id: 'tagWorkArea',
				className: 'morebits-scrollbox',
				style: 'max-height: 28em'

				type: 'checkbox',
				list: [
						label: 'Group inside {{multiple issues}} if possible',
						value: 'group',
						name: 'group',
						tooltip: 'If applying two or more templates supported by {{multiple issues}} and this box is checked, all supported templates will be grouped inside a {{multiple issues}} template.',
						checked: Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('groupByDefault')


		case 'file':
			Window.setTitle('File maintenance tagging');

			form.append({ type: 'header', label: 'License and sourcing problem tags' });
			form.append({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'fileTags', list: Twinkle.tag.file.licenseList });

			form.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Wikimedia Commons-related tags' });
			form.append({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'fileTags', list: Twinkle.tag.file.commonsList });

			form.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Cleanup tags' });
			form.append({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'fileTags', list: Twinkle.tag.file.cleanupList });

			form.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Image quality tags' });
			form.append({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'fileTags', list: Twinkle.tag.file.qualityList });

			form.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Replacement tags' });
			form.append({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'fileTags', list: Twinkle.tag.file.replacementList });

			if (Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('customFileTagList').length) {
				form.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Custom tags' });
				form.append({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'fileTags', list: Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('customFileTagList') });

		case 'redirect':
			Window.setTitle('Redirect tagging');

			form.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Spelling, misspelling, tense and capitalization templates' });
			form.append({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'redirectTags', list: Twinkle.tag.spellingList });

			form.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Alternative name templates' });
			form.append({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'redirectTags', list: Twinkle.tag.alternativeList });

			form.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Miscellaneous and administrative redirect templates' });
			form.append({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'redirectTags', list: Twinkle.tag.administrativeList });

			if (Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('customRedirectTagList').length) {
				form.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Custom tags' });
				form.append({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'redirectTags', list: Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('customRedirectTagList') });

			alert('Twinkle.tag: unknown mode ' + Twinkle.tag.mode);

	form.append({ type: 'submit' });

	var result = form.render();

	if (Twinkle.tag.mode === 'article') {

		result.quickfilter.focus();  // place cursor in the Quick filter field as soon as window is opened

		Twinkle.tag.alreadyPresentTags = [];

		if (Twinkle.tag.canRemove) {
			// Look for existing maintenance tags in the lead section and put them in array

			// All tags are HTML table elements that are direct children of .mw-parser-output,
			// except when they are within {{multiple issues}}
			$('.mw-parser-output').children().each(function parsehtml(i, e) {

				// break out on encountering the first heading, which means we are no
				// longer in the lead section
				if (e.tagName === 'H2') {
					return false;

				// The ability to remove tags depends on the template's {{ambox}} |name=
				// parameter bearing the template's correct name (preferably) or a name that at
				// least redirects to the actual name

				// All tags have their first class name as "box-" + template name
				if (e.className.indexOf('box-') === 0) {
					if (e.classList[0] === 'box-Multiple_issues') {
						$(e).find('.ambox').each(function(idx, e) {
							var tag = e.classList[0].slice(4).replace(/_/g, ' ');
						return true; // continue

					var tag = e.classList[0].slice(4).replace(/_/g, ' ');

			// {{Uncategorized}} and {{Improve categories}} are usually placed at the end
			if ($('.box-Uncategorized').length) {
			if ($('.box-Improve_categories').length) {
				Twinkle.tag.alreadyPresentTags.push('Improve categories');


		// Add status text node after Submit button
		var statusNode = document.createElement('small'); = 'tw-tag-status';
		Twinkle.tag.status = {
			// initial state; defined like this because these need to be available for reference
			// in the click event handler
			numAdded: 0,
			numRemoved: 0

		// fake a change event on the sort dropdown, to initialize the tag list
		var evt = document.createEvent('Event');
		evt.initEvent('change', true, true);

	} else {
		// Redirects and files: Add a link to each template's description page
		Morebits.quickForm.getElements(result, Twinkle.tag.mode + 'Tags').forEach(generateLinks);

// Used in Quick Filter event function
var allCheckboxDivs, allHeaders;

Twinkle.tag.updateSortOrder = function(e) {
	var sortorder =;
	Twinkle.tag.checkedTags ='articleTags') || [];

	var container = new Morebits.quickForm.element({ type: 'fragment' });

	// function to generate a checkbox, with appropriate subgroup if needed
	var makeCheckbox = function(tag, description) {
		var checkbox = { value: tag, label: '{{' + tag + '}}: ' + description };
		if (Twinkle.tag.checkedTags.indexOf(tag) !== -1) {
			checkbox.checked = true;
		switch (tag) {
			case 'Cleanup':
				checkbox.subgroup = {
					name: 'cleanup',
					type: 'input',
					label: 'Specific reason why cleanup is needed: ',
					tooltip: 'Required.',
					size: 35
			case 'Close paraphrasing':
				checkbox.subgroup = {
					name: 'closeParaphrasing',
					type: 'input',
					label: 'Source: ',
					tooltip: 'Source that has been closely paraphrased'
			case 'Copy edit':
				checkbox.subgroup = {
					name: 'copyEdit',
					type: 'input',
					label: '"This article may require copy editing for..." ',
					tooltip: 'e.g. "consistent spelling". Optional.',
					size: 35
			case 'Copypaste':
				checkbox.subgroup = {
					name: 'copypaste',
					type: 'input',
					label: 'Source URL: ',
					tooltip: 'If known.',
					size: 50
			case 'Expand language':
				checkbox.subgroup = [ {
					name: 'expandLanguageLangCode',
					type: 'input',
					label: 'Language code: ',
					tooltip: 'Language code of the language from which article is to be expanded from'
				}, {
					name: 'expandLanguageArticle',
					type: 'input',
					label: 'Name of article: ',
					tooltip: 'Name of article to be expanded from, without the interwiki prefix'
			case 'Expert needed':
				checkbox.subgroup = [
						name: 'expertNeeded',
						type: 'input',
						label: 'Name of relevant WikiProject: ',
						tooltip: 'Optionally, enter the name of a WikiProject which might be able to help recruit an expert. Don\'t include the "WikiProject" prefix.'
						name: 'expertNeededReason',
						type: 'input',
						label: 'Reason: ',
						tooltip: 'Short explanation describing the issue. Either Reason or Talk link is required.'
						name: 'expertNeededTalk',
						type: 'input',
						label: 'Talk discussion: ',
						tooltip: 'Name of the section of this article\'s talk page where the issue is being discussed. Do not give a link, just the name of the section. Either Reason or Talk link is required.'
			case 'Globalize':
				checkbox.subgroup = {
					name: 'globalizeRegion',
					type: 'input',
					label: 'Over-represented country or region'
			case 'History merge':
				checkbox.subgroup = [
						name: 'histmergeOriginalPage',
						type: 'input',
						label: 'Other article: ',
						tooltip: 'Name of the page that should be merged into this one (required).'
						name: 'histmergeReason',
						type: 'input',
						label: 'Reason: ',
						tooltip: 'Short explanation describing the reason a history merge is needed. Should probably begin with "because" and end with a period.'
						name: 'histmergeSysopDetails',
						type: 'input',
						label: 'Extra details: ',
						tooltip: 'For complex cases, provide extra instructions for the reviewing administrator.'
			case 'Merge':
			case 'Merge from':
			case 'Merge to':
				var otherTagName = 'Merge';
				switch (tag) {
					case 'Merge from':
						otherTagName = 'Merge to';
					case 'Merge to':
						otherTagName = 'Merge from';
					// no default
				checkbox.subgroup = [
						name: 'mergeTarget',
						type: 'input',
						label: 'Other article(s): ',
						tooltip: 'If specifying multiple articles, separate them with pipe characters: Article one|Article two'
						name: 'mergeTagOther',
						type: 'checkbox',
						list: [
								label: 'Tag the other article with a {{' + otherTagName + '}} tag',
								checked: true,
								tooltip: 'Only available if a single article name is entered.'
				if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 0) {
						name: 'mergeReason',
						type: 'textarea',
						label: 'Rationale for merge (will be posted on ' +
							(tag === 'Merge to' ? 'the other article\'s' : 'this article\'s') + ' talk page):',
						tooltip: 'Optional, but strongly recommended. Leave blank if not wanted. Only available if a single article name is entered.'
			case 'Not English':
			case 'Rough translation':
				checkbox.subgroup = [
						name: 'translationLanguage',
						type: 'input',
						label: 'Language of article (if known): ',
						tooltip: 'Consider looking at [[WP:LRC]] for help. If listing the article at PNT, please try to avoid leaving this box blank, unless you are completely unsure.'
				if (tag === 'Not English') {
						name: 'translationNotify',
						type: 'checkbox',
						list: [
								label: 'Notify article creator',
								checked: true,
								tooltip: "Places {{uw-notenglish}} on the creator's talk page."
				if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 0) {
						name: 'translationPostAtPNT',
						type: 'checkbox',
						list: [
								label: 'List this article at Wikipedia:Pages needing translation into English (PNT)',
								checked: true
						name: 'translationComments',
						type: 'textarea',
						label: 'Additional comments to post at PNT',
						tooltip: 'Optional, and only relevant if "List this article ..." above is checked.'
			case 'Notability':
				checkbox.subgroup = {
					name: 'notability',
					type: 'select',
					list: [
						{ label: "{{notability}}: article's subject may not meet the general notability guideline", value: 'none' },
						{ label: '{{notability|Academics}}: notability guideline for academics', value: 'Academics' },
						{ label: '{{notability|Biographies}}: notability guideline for biographies', value: 'Biographies' },
						{ label: '{{notability|Books}}: notability guideline for books', value: 'Books' },
						{ label: '{{notability|Companies}}: notability guidelines for companies and organizations', value: 'Companies' },
						{ label: '{{notability|Events}}: notability guideline for events', value: 'Events' },
						{ label: '{{notability|Films}}: notability guideline for films', value: 'Films' },
						{ label: '{{notability|Places}}: notability guideline for places', value: 'Places' },
						{ label: '{{notability|Music}}: notability guideline for music', value: 'Music' },
						{ label: '{{notability|Neologisms}}: notability guideline for neologisms', value: 'Neologisms' },
						{ label: '{{notability|Numbers}}: notability guideline for numbers', value: 'Numbers' },
						{ label: '{{notability|Products}}: notability guideline for products and services', value: 'Products' },
						{ label: '{{notability|Sport}}: notability guideline for sports and athletics', value: 'Sport' },
						{ label: '{{notability|Television}}: notability guideline for television shows', value: 'Television' },
						{ label: '{{notability|Web}}: notability guideline for web content', value: 'Web' }
		return checkbox;

	var makeCheckboxesForAlreadyPresentTags = function() {
		container.append({ type: 'header', id: 'tagHeader0', label: 'Tags already present' });
		var subdiv = container.append({ type: 'div', id: 'tagSubdiv0' });
		var checkboxes = [];
		var unCheckedTags ='alreadyPresentArticleTags') || [];
		Twinkle.tag.alreadyPresentTags.forEach(function(tag) {
			var description = Twinkle.tag.article.tags[tag];
			var checkbox =
					value: tag,
					label: '{{' + tag + '}}' + (description ? ': ' + description : ''),
					checked: unCheckedTags.indexOf(tag) === -1
					// , subgroup: { type: 'input', name: 'removeReason', label: 'Reason', tooltip: 'Enter reason for removing this tag' }
					// TODO: add option for providing reason for removal

			type: 'checkbox',
			name: 'alreadyPresentArticleTags',
			list: checkboxes

	if (sortorder === 'cat') { // categorical sort order
		// function to iterate through the tags and create a checkbox for each one
		var doCategoryCheckboxes = function(subdiv, array) {
			var checkboxes = [];
			$.each(array, function(k, tag) {
				var description = Twinkle.tag.article.tags[tag];
				if (Twinkle.tag.alreadyPresentTags.indexOf(tag) === -1) {
					checkboxes.push(makeCheckbox(tag, description));
				type: 'checkbox',
				name: 'articleTags',
				list: checkboxes

		if (Twinkle.tag.alreadyPresentTags.length > 0) {
		var i = 1;
		// go through each category and sub-category and append lists of checkboxes
		$.each(Twinkle.tag.article.tagCategories, function(title, content) {
			container.append({ type: 'header', id: 'tagHeader' + i, label: title });
			var subdiv = container.append({ type: 'div', id: 'tagSubdiv' + i++ });
			if (Array.isArray(content)) {
				doCategoryCheckboxes(subdiv, content);
			} else {
				$.each(content, function(subtitle, subcontent) {
					subdiv.append({ type: 'div', label: [ Morebits.htmlNode('b', subtitle) ] });
					doCategoryCheckboxes(subdiv, subcontent);
	} else { // alphabetical sort order
		if (Twinkle.tag.alreadyPresentTags.length > 0) {
			container.append({ type: 'header', id: 'tagHeader1', label: 'Available tags' });
		var checkboxes = [];
		$.each(Twinkle.tag.article.tags, function(tag, description) {
			if (Twinkle.tag.alreadyPresentTags.indexOf(tag) === -1) {
				checkboxes.push(makeCheckbox(tag, description));
			type: 'checkbox',
			name: 'articleTags',
			list: checkboxes

	// append any custom tags
	if (Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('customTagList').length) {
		container.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Custom tags' });
		container.append({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'articleTags',
			list: Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('customTagList').map(function(el) {
				el.checked = Twinkle.tag.checkedTags.indexOf(el.value) !== -1;
				return el;

	var $workarea = $('div#tagWorkArea');
	var rendered = container.render();

	// Used in quick filter event function
	allCheckboxDivs = $workarea.find('[name=articleTags], [name=alreadyPresentArticleTags]').parent();
	allHeaders = $workarea.find('h5, .quickformDescription');

	// clear search, because the search results are not preserved over mode change = '';

	// style adjustments
	$workarea.find('h5').css({ 'font-size': '110%' });
	$workarea.find('h5:not(:first-child)').css({ 'margin-top': '1em' });
	$workarea.find('div').filter(':has(span.quickformDescription)').css({ 'margin-top': '0.4em' });

	Morebits.quickForm.getElements(, 'articleTags').forEach(generateLinks);
	var alreadyPresentTags = Morebits.quickForm.getElements(, 'alreadyPresentArticleTags');
	if (alreadyPresentTags) {

	// tally tags added/removed, update statusNode text
	var statusNode = document.getElementById('tw-tag-status');
	$('[name=articleTags], [name=alreadyPresentArticleTags]').click(function() {
		if ( === 'articleTags') {
			if (this.checked) {
			} else {
		} else if ( === 'alreadyPresentArticleTags') {
			if (this.checked) {
			} else {

		var firstPart = 'Adding ' + Twinkle.tag.status.numAdded + ' tag' + (Twinkle.tag.status.numAdded > 1 ? 's' : '');
		var secondPart = 'Removing ' + Twinkle.tag.status.numRemoved + ' tag' + (Twinkle.tag.status.numRemoved > 1 ? 's' : '');
		statusNode.textContent =
			(Twinkle.tag.status.numAdded ? '  ' + firstPart : '') +
			(Twinkle.tag.status.numRemoved ? (Twinkle.tag.status.numAdded ? '; ' : '  ') + secondPart : '');

 * Adds a link to each template's description page
 * @param {Morebits.quickForm.element} checkbox  associated with the template
var generateLinks = function(checkbox) {
	var link = Morebits.htmlNode('a', '>');
	link.setAttribute('class', 'tag-template-link');
	var tagname = checkbox.values;
	link.setAttribute('href', mw.util.getUrl(
		(tagname.indexOf(':') === -1 ? 'Template:' : '') +
		(tagname.indexOf('|') === -1 ? tagname : tagname.slice(0, tagname.indexOf('|')))
	link.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
	$(checkbox).parent().append(['\u00A0', link]);

// Tags for ARTICLES start here

Twinkle.tag.article = {};

// A list of all article tags, in alphabetical order
// To ensure tags appear in the default "categorized" view, add them to the tagCategories hash below.

Twinkle.tag.article.tags = {
	'Delete': 'delete page'

// A list of tags in order of category
// Tags should be in alphabetical order within the categories
// Add new categories with discretion - the list is long enough as is!

Twinkle.tag.article.tagCategories = {
	'Cleanup and maintenance tags': {
		'General cleanup': [
			'Cleanup',  // has a subgroup with text input
			'Cleanup rewrite',
			'Copy edit'  // has a subgroup with text input
		'Potentially unwanted content': [
			'Close paraphrasing',
			'Copypaste',  // has a subgroup with text input
			'External links',
		'Structure, formatting, and lead section': [
			'Cleanup reorganize',
			'Lead missing',
			'Lead rewrite',
			'Lead too long',
			'Lead too short',
			'Very long'
		'Fiction-related cleanup': [
			'All plot',
			'Long plot',
			'No plot'
	'General content issues': {
		'Importance and notability': [
			'Notability'  // has a subgroup with subcategories
		'Style of writing': [
			'Cleanup tense',
			'Like resume',
		'Sense (or lack thereof)': [
		'Information and detail': [
			'Expert needed',
			'Overly detailed',
			'Undue weight'
		'Timeliness': [
		'Neutrality, bias, and factual accuracy': [
			'Too few opinions',
			'Undisclosed paid',
		'Verifiability and sources': [
			'BLP sources',
			'BLP unsourced',
			'More citations needed',
			'One source',
			'Original research',
			'Primary sources',
			'Sources exist',
			'Unreliable sources'
	'Specific content issues': {
		'Language': [
			'Not English',  // has a subgroup with several options
			'Rough translation',  // has a subgroup with several options
			'Expand language'
		'Links': [
			'Dead end',
		'Referencing technique': [
			'Citation style',
			'Cleanup bare URLs',
			'More footnotes',
			'No footnotes'
		'Categories': [
			'Improve categories',
	'Merging': [
		'History merge',
		'Merge',   // these three have a subgroup with several options
		'Merge from',
		'Merge to'
	'Informational': [
		'In use',
		'Under construction'

// Contains those article tags that *do not* work inside {{multiple issues}}.
Twinkle.tag.multipleIssuesExceptions = [
	'Expand language',
	'History merge',
	'Improve categories',
	'In use',
	'Merge from',
	'Merge to',
	'Not English',
	'Rough translation',
	'Under construction'

// Tags for REDIRECTS start here

Twinkle.tag.spellingList = [
		label: '{{R from acronym}}: redirect from an acronym (e.g. POTUS) to its expanded form',
		value: 'R from acronym'
		label: '{{R from alternative spelling}}: redirect from a title with a different spelling',
		value: 'R from alternative spelling'
		label: '{{R from initialism}}: redirect from an initialism (e.g. AGF) to its expanded form',
		value: 'R from initialism'
		label: '{{R from member}}: redirect from a member of a group to a related topic such as the group, organization, or team of membership',
		value: 'R from member'
		label: '{{R from misspelling}}: redirect from a misspelling or typographical error',
		value: 'R from misspelling'
		label: '{{R from other capitalisation}}: redirect from a title with another method of capitalisation',
		value: 'R from other capitalisation'
		label: '{{R from plural}}: redirect from a plural word to the singular equivalent',
		value: 'R from plural'
		label: '{{R from related word}}: redirect from a related word',
		value: 'R from related word'
		label: '{{R to list entry}}: redirect to a "list of minor entities"-type article which contains brief descriptions of subjects not notable enough to have separate articles',
		value: 'R to list entry'
		label: '{{R to section}}: similar to {{R to list entry}}, but when list is organized in sections, such as list of characters in a fictional universe.',
		value: 'R to section'
		label: '{{R with possibilities}}: redirect from a more specific title to a more general, less detailed article, hence something which can and should be expanded',
		value: 'R with possibilities'

Twinkle.tag.alternativeList = [
		label: '{{R from alternative language}}: redirect from an English name to a name in another language, or vice-versa',
		value: 'R from alternative language',
		subgroup: [
				name: 'altLangFrom',
				type: 'input',
				label: 'From language (two-letter code): ',
				tooltip: 'Enter the two-letter code of the language the redirect name is in; such as en for English, de for German'
				name: 'altLangTo',
				type: 'input',
				label: 'To language (two-letter code): ',
				tooltip: 'Enter the two-letter code of the language the target name is in; such as en for English, de for German'
				name: 'altLangInfo',
				type: 'div',
				label: $.parseHTML('<p>For a list of language codes, see <a href="/wiki/Wp:Template_messages/Redirect_language_codes">Wikipedia:Template messages/Redirect language codes</a></p>')
		label: '{{R from alternative name}}: redirect from a title that is another name, a pseudonym, a nickname, or a synonym',
		value: 'R from alternative name'
		label: '{{R from ASCII}}: redirect from a title in basic ASCII to the formal article title, with differences that are not diacritical marks (accents, umlauts, etc.)',
		value: 'R from ASCII'
		label: '{{R from historic name}}: redirect from another name with a significant historic past as a region, state, city or such, but which is no longer known by that title or name',
		value: 'R from historic name'
		label: '{{R from incorrect name}}: redirect from an erroneus name that is unsuitable as a title',
		value: 'R from incorrect name'
		label: '{{R from long name}}: redirect from a title that is a complete or more complete name',
		value: 'R from long name'
		label: '{{R from name and country}}: redirect from the specific name to the briefer name',
		value: 'R from name and country'
		label: '{{R from phrase}}: redirect from a phrase to a more general relevant article covering the topic',
		value: 'R from phrase'
		label: '{{R from scientific name}}: redirect from the scientific name to the common name',
		value: 'R from scientific name'
		label: '{{R from surname}}: redirect from a title that is a surname',
		value: 'R from surname'
		label: '{{R to diacritics}}: redirect to the article title with diacritical marks (accents, umlauts, etc.)',
		value: 'R to diacritics'
		label: '{{R to scientific name}}: redirect from the common name to the scientific name',
		value: 'R to scientific name'

Twinkle.tag.administrativeList = [
		label: '{{R from CamelCase}}: redirect from a CamelCase title',
		value: 'R from CamelCase'
		label: '{{R from duplicated article}}: redirect to a similar article in order to preserve its edit history',
		value: 'R from duplicated article'
		label: '{{R from EXIF}}: redirect of a wikilink created from JPEG EXIF information (i.e. the "metadata" section on some image description pages)',
		value: 'R from EXIF'
		label: '{{R from merge}}: redirect from a merged page in order to preserve its edit history',
		value: 'R from merge'
		label: '{{R from school}}: redirect from a school article that had very little information',
		value: 'R from school'
		label: '{{R from shortcut}}: redirect from a Wikipedia shortcut',
		value: 'R from shortcut'
		label: '{{R to decade}}: redirect from a year to the decade article',
		value: 'R to decade'
		label: '{{R to disambiguation page}}: redirect to a disambiguation page',
		value: 'R to disambiguation page'

// maintenance tags for FILES start here

Twinkle.tag.file = {};

Twinkle.tag.file.licenseList = [
	{ label: '{{Bsr}}: source info consists of bare image URL/generic base URL only', value: 'Bsr' },
	{ label: '{{Non-free reduce}}: non-low-resolution fair use image (or too-long audio clip, etc)', value: 'Non-free reduce' },
	{ label: '{{Orphaned non-free revisions}}: fair use media with old revisions that need to be deleted', value: 'subst:orfurrev' }

Twinkle.tag.file.commonsList = [
	{ label: '{{Copy to Commons}}: free media that should be copied to Commons', value: 'Copy to Commons' },
	{ label: '{{Do not move to Commons}} (PD issue): file is PD in the US but not in country of origin', value: 'Do not move to Commons' },
		label: '{{Do not move to Commons}} (other reason)',
		value: 'Do not move to Commons_reason',
		subgroup: {
			type: 'input',
			name: 'DoNotMoveToCommons',
			label: 'Reason: ',
			tooltip: 'Enter the reason why this image should not be moved to Commons (required)'
		label: '{{Keep local}}: request to keep local copy of a Commons file',
		value: 'Keep local',
		subgroup: {
			type: 'input',
			name: 'keeplocalName',
			label: 'Commons image name if different: ',
			tooltip: 'Name of the image on Commons (if different from local name), excluding the File: prefix:'
		label: '{{Now Commons}}: file has been copied to Commons',
		value: 'subst:ncd',
		subgroup: {
			type: 'input',
			name: 'ncdName',
			label: 'Commons image name if different: ',
			tooltip: 'Name of the image on Commons (if different from local name), excluding the File: prefix:'

Twinkle.tag.file.cleanupList = [
	{ label: '{{Artifacts}}: PNG contains residual compression artifacts', value: 'Artifacts' },
	{ label: '{{Bad font}}: SVG uses fonts not available on the thumbnail server', value: 'Bad font' },
	{ label: '{{Bad format}}: PDF/DOC/... file should be converted to a more useful format', value: 'Bad format' },
	{ label: '{{Bad GIF}}: GIF that should be PNG, JPEG, or SVG', value: 'Bad GIF' },
	{ label: '{{Bad JPEG}}: JPEG that should be PNG or SVG', value: 'Bad JPEG' },
	{ label: '{{Bad trace}}: auto-traced SVG requiring cleanup', value: 'Bad trace' },
		label: '{{Cleanup image}}: general cleanup', value: 'Cleanup image',
		subgroup: {
			type: 'input',
			name: 'cleanupimageReason',
			label: 'Reason: ',
			tooltip: 'Enter the reason for cleanup (required)'
	{ label: '{{ClearType}}: image (not screenshot) with ClearType anti-aliasing', value: 'ClearType' },
	{ label: '{{Imagewatermark}}: image contains visible or invisible watermarking', value: 'Imagewatermark' },
	{ label: '{{NoCoins}}: image using coins to indicate scale', value: 'NoCoins' },
	{ label: '{{Overcompressed JPEG}}: JPEG with high levels of artifacts', value: 'Overcompressed JPEG' },
	{ label: '{{Opaque}}: opaque background should be transparent', value: 'Opaque' },
	{ label: '{{Remove border}}: unneeded border, white space, etc.', value: 'Remove border' },
		label: '{{Rename media}}: file should be renamed according to the criteria at [[WP:FMV]]',
		value: 'Rename media',
		subgroup: [
				type: 'input',
				name: 'renamemediaNewname',
				label: 'New name: ',
				tooltip: 'Enter the new name for the image (optional)'
				type: 'input',
				name: 'renamemediaReason',
				label: 'Reason: ',
				tooltip: 'Enter the reason for the rename (optional)'
	{ label: '{{Should be PNG}}: GIF or JPEG should be lossless', value: 'Should be PNG' },
		label: '{{Should be SVG}}: PNG, GIF or JPEG should be vector graphics', value: 'Should be SVG',
		subgroup: {
			name: 'svgCategory',
			type: 'select',
			list: [
				{ label: '{{Should be SVG|other}}', value: 'other' },
				{ label: '{{Should be SVG|alphabet}}: character images, font examples, etc.', value: 'alphabet' },
				{ label: '{{Should be SVG|chemical}}: chemical diagrams, etc.', value: 'chemical' },
				{ label: '{{Should be SVG|circuit}}: electronic circuit diagrams, etc.', value: 'circuit' },
				{ label: '{{Should be SVG|coat of arms}}: coats of arms', value: 'coat of arms' },
				{ label: '{{Should be SVG|diagram}}: diagrams that do not fit any other subcategory', value: 'diagram' },
				{ label: '{{Should be SVG|emblem}}: emblems, free/libre logos, insignias, etc.', value: 'emblem' },
				{ label: '{{Should be SVG|fair use}}: fair-use images, fair-use logos', value: 'fair use' },
				{ label: '{{Should be SVG|flag}}: flags', value: 'flag' },
				{ label: '{{Should be SVG|graph}}: visual plots of data', value: 'graph' },
				{ label: '{{Should be SVG|logo}}: logos', value: 'logo' },
				{ label: '{{Should be SVG|map}}: maps', value: 'map' },
				{ label: '{{Should be SVG|music}}: musical scales, notes, etc.', value: 'music' },
				{ label: '{{Should be SVG|physical}}: "realistic" images of physical objects, people, etc.', value: 'physical' },
				{ label: '{{Should be SVG|symbol}}: miscellaneous symbols, icons, etc.', value: 'symbol' }
	{ label: '{{Should be text}}: image should be represented as text, tables, or math markup', value: 'Should be text' }

Twinkle.tag.file.qualityList = [
	{ label: '{{Image-blownout}}', value: 'Image-blownout' },
	{ label: '{{Image-out-of-focus}}', value: 'Image-out-of-focus' },
		label: '{{Image-Poor-Quality}}', value: 'Image-Poor-Quality',
		subgroup: {
			type: 'input',
			name: 'ImagePoorQualityReason',
			label: 'Reason: ',
			tooltip: 'Enter the reason why this image is so bad (required)'
	{ label: '{{Image-underexposure}}', value: 'Image-underexposure' },
		label: '{{Low quality chem}}: disputed chemical structures', value: 'Low quality chem',
		subgroup: {
			type: 'input',
			name: 'lowQualityChemReason',
			label: 'Reason: ',
			tooltip: 'Enter the reason why the diagram is disputed (required)'

Twinkle.tag.file.replacementList = [
	{ label: '{{Duplicate}}: exact duplicate of another file, but not yet orphaned', value: 'Duplicate' },
	{ label: '{{Obsolete}}: improved version available', value: 'Obsolete' },
	{ label: '{{PNG version available}}', value: 'PNG version available' },
	{ label: '{{Vector version available}}', value: 'Vector version available' }
Twinkle.tag.file.replacementList.forEach(function(el) {
	el.subgroup = {
		type: 'input',
		label: 'Replacement file: ',
		tooltip: 'Enter the name of the file which replaces this one (required)',
		name: el.value.replace(/ /g, '_') + 'File'

Twinkle.tag.callbacks = {
	article: function articleCallback(pageobj) {

		// Remove tags that become superfluous with this action
		var pageText = pageobj.getPageText().replace(/\{\{\s*([Uu]serspace draft)\s*(\|(?:\{\{[^{}]*\}\}|[^{}])*)?\}\}\s*/g, '');
		var summaryText;
		var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

		 * Saves the page following the removal of tags if any. The last step.
		 * Called from removeTags()
		var postRemoval = function() {

			if (params.tagsToRemove.length) {
				// Finish summary text
				summaryText += ' tag' + (params.tagsToRemove.length > 1 ? 's' : '') + ' from article';

				// Remove empty {{multiple issues}} if found
				pageText = pageText.replace(/\{\{(multiple ?issues|article ?issues|mi)\s*\|\s*\}\}\n?/im, '');
				// Remove single-element {{multiple issues}} if found
				pageText = pageText.replace(/\{\{(?:multiple ?issues|article ?issues|mi)\s*\|\s*(\{\{[^}]+\}\})\s*\}\}/im, '$1');

			// avoid truncated summaries
			if (summaryText.length > (254 - Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd').length)) {
				summaryText = summaryText.replace(/\[\[[^|]+\|([^\]]+)\]\]/g, '$1');

			pageobj.setEditSummary(summaryText + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			pageobj.setCreateOption('nocreate'); {
				// special functions for merge tags
				if (params.mergeReason) {
					// post the rationale on the talk page (only operates in main namespace)
					var talkpageText = '\n\n== Proposed merge with [[' + params.nonDiscussArticle + ']] ==\n\n';
					talkpageText += params.mergeReason.trim() + ' ~~~~';

					var talkpage = new'Talk:' + params.discussArticle, 'Posting rationale on talk page');
					talkpage.setEditSummary('Proposing to merge [[:' + params.nonDiscussArticle + ']] ' +
						(params.mergeTag === 'Merge' ? 'with' : 'into') + ' [[:' + params.discussArticle + ']]' +
				if (params.mergeTagOther) {
					// tag the target page if requested
					var otherTagName = 'Merge';
					if (params.mergeTag === 'Merge from') {
						otherTagName = 'Merge to';
					} else if (params.mergeTag === 'Merge to') {
						otherTagName = 'Merge from';
					var newParams = {
						tags: [otherTagName],
						tagsToRemove: [],
						tagsToRemain: [],
						mergeTarget: Morebits.pageNameNorm,
						discussArticle: params.discussArticle,
						talkDiscussionTitle: params.talkDiscussionTitle
					var otherpage = new, 'Tagging other page (' +
						params.mergeTarget + ')');

				// post at WP:PNT for {{not English}} and {{rough translation}} tag
				if (params.translationPostAtPNT) {
					var pntPage = new'Wikipedia:Pages needing translation into English',
						'Listing article at Wikipedia:Pages needing translation into English');
						template: params.tags.indexOf('Rough translation') !== -1 ? 'duflu' : 'needtrans',
						lang: params.translationLanguage,
						reason: params.translationComments
					pntPage.load(function friendlytagCallbacksTranslationListPage(pageobj) {
						var old_text = pageobj.getPageText();
						var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
						var statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();

						var templateText = '{{subst:' + params.template + '|pg=' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + '|Language=' +
							(params.lang || 'uncertain') + '|Comments=' + params.reason.trim() + '}} ~~~~';

						var text, summary;
						if (params.template === 'duflu') {
							text = old_text + '\n\n' + templateText;
							summary = 'Translation cleanup requested on ';
						} else {
							text = old_text.replace(/\n+(==\s?Translated pages that could still use some cleanup\s?==)/,
								'\n\n' + templateText + '\n\n$1');
							summary = 'Translation' + (params.lang ? ' from ' + params.lang : '') + ' requested on ';

						if (text === old_text) {
							statelem.error('failed to find target spot for the discussion');
						pageobj.setEditSummary(summary + ' [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']]' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
				if (params.translationNotify) {
					pageobj.lookupCreation(function(innerPageobj) {
						var initialContrib = innerPageobj.getCreator();

						// Disallow warning yourself
						if (initialContrib === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
							innerPageobj.getStatusElement().warn('You (' + initialContrib + ') created this page; skipping user notification');

						var userTalkPage = new'User talk:' + initialContrib,
							'Notifying initial contributor (' + initialContrib + ')');
						var notifytext = '\n\n== Your article [[' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']]==\n' +
							'{{subst:uw-notenglish|1=' + Morebits.pageNameNorm +
							(params.translationPostAtPNT ? '' : '|nopnt=yes') + '}} ~~~~';
						userTalkPage.setEditSummary('Notice: Please use English when contributing to the English Wikipedia.' +

			if (params.patrol) {

		 * Removes the existing tags that were deselected (if any)
		 * Calls postRemoval() when done
		var removeTags = function removeTags() {

			if (params.tagsToRemove.length === 0) {
				// finish summary text from adding of tags, in this case where there are
				// no tags to be removed
				summaryText += ' tag' + (tags.length > 1 ? 's' : '') + ' to article';

			}'Info', 'Removing deselected tags that were already present');

			if (params.tags.length > 0) {
				summaryText += (tags.length ? ' tag' + (tags.length > 1 ? 's' : '') : '') + ', and removed';
			} else {
				summaryText = 'Removed';

			var getRedirectsFor = [];

			// Remove the tags from the page text, if found in its proper name,
			// otherwise moves it to `getRedirectsFor` array earmarking it for
			// later removal
			params.tagsToRemove.forEach(function removeTag(tag, tagIndex) {
				var tag_re = new RegExp('\\{\\{' + Morebits.pageNameRegex(tag) + '\\s*(\\|[^}]+)?\\}\\}\\n?');

				if (tag_re.test(pageText)) {
					pageText = pageText.replace(tag_re, '');
				} else {
					getRedirectsFor.push('Template:' + tag);

				// Producing summary text for current tag removal
				if (tagIndex > 0) {
					if (tagIndex === (params.tagsToRemove.length - 1)) {
						summaryText += ' and';
					} else if (tagIndex < (params.tagsToRemove.length - 1)) {
						summaryText += ',';
				summaryText += ' {{[[Template:' + tag + '|' + tag + ']]}}';

			if (!getRedirectsFor.length) {

			// Remove tags which appear in page text as redirects
			var api = new'Getting template redirects', {
				'action': 'query',
				'prop': 'linkshere',
				'titles': getRedirectsFor.join('|'),
				'redirects': 1,  // follow redirect if the class name turns out to be a redirect page
				'lhnamespace': '10',  // template namespace only
				'lhshow': 'redirect',
				'lhlimit': 'max'
			}, function removeRedirectTag(apiobj) {

				$(apiobj.responseXML).find('page').each(function(idx, page) {
					var removed = false;
					$(page).find('lh').each(function(idx, el) {
						var tag = $(el).attr('title').slice(9);
						var tag_re = new RegExp('\\{\\{' + Morebits.pageNameRegex(tag) + '\\s*(\\|[^}]*)?\\}\\}\\n?');
						if (tag_re.test(pageText)) {
							pageText = pageText.replace(tag_re, '');
							removed = true;
							return false;   // break out of $.each
					if (!removed) {
						Morebits.status.warn('Info', 'Failed to find {{' +
						$(page).attr('title').slice(9) + '}} on the page... excluding');





		if (!params.tags.length) {

		// Executes first: addition of selected tags
		summaryText = 'Added';
		var tagRe, tagText = '', tags = [], groupableTags = [], groupableExistingTags = [], totalTags;

		 * Updates `tagText` with the syntax of `tagName` template with its parameters
		 * @param {number} tagIndex
		 * @param {string} tagName
		var addTag = function articleAddTag(tagIndex, tagName) {
			var currentTag = '';
			if (tagName === 'Uncategorized' || tagName === 'Improve categories') {
				pageText += '\n\n{{' + tagName + '|date={{subst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{subst:CURRENTYEAR}}}}';
			} else {
				currentTag += '{{' + tagName;
				// fill in other parameters, based on the tag
				switch (tagName) {
					case 'Cleanup':
						currentTag += '|reason=' + params.cleanup;
					case 'Close paraphrasing':
						currentTag += '|source=' + params.closeParaphrasing;
					case 'Copy edit':
						if (params.copyEdit) {
							currentTag += '|for=' + params.copyEdit;
					case 'Copypaste':
						if (params.copypaste) {
							currentTag += '|url=' + params.copypaste;
					case 'Expand language':
						currentTag += '|topic=';
						currentTag += '|langcode=' + params.expandLanguageLangCode;
						if (params.expandLanguageArticle !== null) {
							currentTag += '|otherarticle=' + params.expandLanguageArticle;
					case 'Expert needed':
						if (params.expertNeeded) {
							currentTag += '|1=' + params.expertNeeded;
						if (params.expertNeededTalk) {
							currentTag += '|talk=' + params.expertNeededTalk;
						if (params.expertNeededReason) {
							currentTag += '|reason=' + params.expertNeededReason;
					case 'Globalize':
						currentTag += '|1=article';
						if (params.globalizeRegion) {
							currentTag += '|2=' + params.globalizeRegion;
					case 'News release':
						currentTag += '|1=article';
					case 'Notability':
						if (params.notability !== 'none') {
							currentTag += '|' + params.notability;
					case 'Not English':
					case 'Rough translation':
						if (params.translationLanguage) {
							currentTag += '|1=' + params.translationLanguage;
						if (params.translationPostAtPNT) {
							currentTag += '|listed=yes';
					case 'History merge':
						currentTag += '|originalpage=' + params.histmergeOriginalPage;
						if (params.histmergeReason) {
							currentTag += '|reason=' + params.histmergeReason;
						if (params.histmergeSysopDetails) {
							currentTag += '|details=' + params.histmergeSysopDetails;
					case 'Merge':
					case 'Merge to':
					case 'Merge from':
						params.mergeTag = tagName;
						if (params.mergeTarget) {
							// normalize the merge target for now and later
							params.mergeTarget = Morebits.string.toUpperCaseFirstChar(params.mergeTarget.replace(/_/g, ' '));

							currentTag += '|' + params.mergeTarget;

							// link to the correct section on the talk page, for article space only
							if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 0 && (params.mergeReason || params.discussArticle)) {
								if (!params.discussArticle) {
									// discussArticle is the article whose talk page will contain the discussion
									params.discussArticle = tagName === 'Merge to' ? params.mergeTarget : mw.config.get('wgTitle');
									// nonDiscussArticle is the article which won't have the discussion
									params.nonDiscussArticle = tagName === 'Merge to' ? mw.config.get('wgTitle') : params.mergeTarget;
									params.talkDiscussionTitle = 'Proposed merge with ' + params.nonDiscussArticle;
								currentTag += '|discuss=Talk:' + params.discussArticle + '#' + params.talkDiscussionTitle;

				currentTag += '|date={{subst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{subst:CURRENTYEAR}}}}\n';
				tagText += currentTag;

			if (tagIndex > 0) {
				if (tagIndex === (totalTags - 1)) {
					summaryText += ' and';
				} else if (tagIndex < (totalTags - 1)) {
					summaryText += ',';

			summaryText += ' {{[[';
			// if it is a custom tag with a parameter
			if (tagName.indexOf('|') !== -1) {
				tagName = tagName.slice(0, tagName.indexOf('|'));
			summaryText += tagName.indexOf(':') !== -1 ? tagName : 'Template:' + tagName + '|' + tagName;
			summaryText += ']]}}';


		 * Adds the tags which go outside {{multiple issues}}, either because
		 * these tags aren't supported in {{multiple issues}} or because
		 * {{multiple issues}} is not being added to the page at all
		var addUngroupedTags = function() {
			totalTags = tags.length;
			$.each(tags, addTag);

			// Smartly insert the new tags after any hatnotes or
			// afd, csd, or prod templates or hatnotes. Regex is
			// extra complicated to allow for templates with
			// parameters and to handle whitespace properly.
			pageText = pageText.replace(
				new RegExp(
					// leading whitespace
					'^\\s*' +
					// capture template(s)
					'(?:((?:\\s*' +
					// AfD is special, as the tag includes html comments before and after the actual template
					'(?:<!--.*AfD.*\\n\\{\\{(?:Article for deletion\\/dated|AfDM).*\\}\\}\\n<!--.*(?:\\n<!--.*)?AfD.*(?:\\s*\\n))?|' + // trailing whitespace/newline needed since this subst's a newline
					// begin template format
					'\\{\\{\\s*(?:' +
					// CSD
					'db|delete|db-.*?|speedy deletion-.*?|' +
					// PROD
					'(?:proposed deletion|prod blp)\\/dated(?:\\s*\\|(?:concern|user|timestamp|help).*)+|' +
					// various hatnote templates
					'about|correct title|dablink|distinguish|for|other\\s?(?:hurricaneuses|people|persons|places|uses(?:of)?)|redirect(?:-acronym)?|see\\s?(?:also|wiktionary)|selfref|short description|the' +
					// not a hatnote, but sometimes under a CSD or AfD
					'|salt|proposed deletion endorsed' +
					// end main template name, optionally with a number (such as redirect2)
					')\\d*\\s*' +
					// template parameters
					'(\\|(?:\\{\\{[^{}]*\\}\\}|[^{}])*)?' +
					// end template format
					'\\}\\})+' +
					// end capture
					'(?:\\s*\\n)?)' +
					// trailing whitespace
					'i'), '$1' + tagText


		// Separate tags into groupable ones (`groupableTags`) and non-groupable ones (`tags`)
		params.tags.forEach(function(tag) {
			tagRe = new RegExp('\\{\\{' + tag + '(\\||\\}\\})', 'im');
			// regex check for preexistence of tag can be skipped if in canRemove mode
			if (Twinkle.tag.canRemove || !tagRe.exec(pageText)) {
				// condition Twinkle.tag.article.tags[tag] to ensure that its not a custom tag
				// Custom tags are assumed non-groupable, since we don't know whether MI template supports them
				if (Twinkle.tag.article.tags[tag] && Twinkle.tag.multipleIssuesExceptions.indexOf(tag) === -1) {
				} else {
			} else {
				if (tag === 'Merge from' || tag === 'History merge') {
				} else {
					Morebits.status.warn('Info', 'Found {{' + tag +
						'}} on the article already...excluding');
					// don't do anything else with merge tags
					if (['Merge', 'Merge to'].indexOf(tag) !== -1) {
						params.mergeTarget = params.mergeReason = params.mergeTagOther = null;

		// To-be-retained existing tags that are groupable
		params.tagsToRemain.forEach(function(tag) {
			if (Twinkle.tag.multipleIssuesExceptions.indexOf(tag) === -1) {

		var miTest = /\{\{(multiple ?issues|article ?issues|mi)(?!\s*\|\s*section\s*=)[^}]+\{/im.exec(pageText);

		if (miTest && groupableTags.length > 0) {'Info', 'Adding supported tags inside existing {{multiple issues}} tag');

			tagText = '';

			totalTags = groupableTags.length;
			$.each(groupableTags, addTag);

			summaryText += ' tag' + (groupableTags.length > 1 ? 's' : '') + ' (within {{[[Template:multiple issues|multiple issues]]}})';
			if (tags.length > 0) {
				summaryText += ', and';

			var miRegex = new RegExp('(\\{\\{\\s*' + miTest[1] + '\\s*(?:\\|(?:\\{\\{[^{}]*\\}\\}|[^{}])*)?)\\}\\}\\s*', 'im');
			pageText = pageText.replace(miRegex, '$1' + tagText + '}}\n');
			tagText = '';


		} else if ( && !miTest && (groupableExistingTags.length + groupableTags.length) >= 2) {'Info', 'Grouping supported tags inside {{multiple issues}}');

			tagText += '{{Multiple issues|\n';

			 * Adds newly added tags to MI
			var addNewTagsToMI = function() {
				totalTags = groupableTags.length;
				$.each(groupableTags, addTag);
				if (groupableTags.length) {
					summaryText += ' tags (within {{[[Template:multiple issues|multiple issues]]}})';
				} else {
					summaryText += ' {{[[Template:multiple issues|multiple issues]]}}';
				if (tags.length > 0) {
					summaryText += ', and';
				tagText += '}}\n';


			var getRedirectsFor = [];

			// Reposition the tags on the page into {{multiple issues}}, if found with its
			// proper name, else moves it to `getRedirectsFor` array to be handled later
			groupableExistingTags.forEach(function repositionTagIntoMI(tag) {
				var tag_re = new RegExp('(\\{\\{' + Morebits.pageNameRegex(tag) + '\\s*(\\|[^}]+)?\\}\\}\\n?)');
				if (tag_re.test(pageText)) {
					tagText += tag_re.exec(pageText)[1];
					pageText = pageText.replace(tag_re, '');
				} else {
					getRedirectsFor.push('Template:' + tag);

			if (!getRedirectsFor.length) {

			var api = new'Getting template redirects', {
				'action': 'query',
				'prop': 'linkshere',
				'titles': getRedirectsFor.join('|'),
				'redirects': 1,
				'lhnamespace': '10', // template namespace only
				'lhshow': 'redirect',
				'lhlimit': 'max'
			}, function replaceRedirectTag(apiobj) {
				$(apiobj.responseXML).find('page').each(function(idx, page) {
					var found = false;
					$(page).find('lh').each(function(idx, el) {
						var tag = $(el).attr('title').slice(9);
						var tag_re = new RegExp('(\\{\\{' + Morebits.pageNameRegex(tag) + '\\s*(\\|[^}]*)?\\}\\}\\n?)');
						if (tag_re.test(pageText)) {
							tagText += tag_re.exec(pageText)[1];
							pageText = pageText.replace(tag_re, '');
							found = true;
							return false;   // break out of $.each
					if (!found) {
						Morebits.status.warn('Info', 'Failed to find the existing {{' +
						$(page).attr('title').slice(9) + '}} on the page... skip repositioning');

		} else {
			tags = tags.concat(groupableTags);


	redirect: function redirect(pageobj) {
		var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters(),
			pageText = pageobj.getPageText(),
			tagRe, tagText = '', summaryText = 'Added',
			tags = [], i;

		for (i = 0; i < params.tags.length; i++) {
			tagRe = new RegExp('(\\{\\{' + params.tags[i] + '(\\||\\}\\}))', 'im');
			if (!tagRe.exec(pageText)) {
			} else {
				Morebits.status.warn('Info', 'Found {{' + params.tags[i] +
					'}} on the redirect already...excluding');

		var addTag = function redirectAddTag(tagIndex, tagName) {
			tagText += '\n{{' + tagName;
			if (tagName === 'R from alternative language') {
				if (params.altLangFrom) {
					tagText += '|from=' + params.altLangFrom;
				if (params.altLangTo) {
					tagText += '|to=' + params.altLangTo;
			tagText += '}}';

			if (tagIndex > 0) {
				if (tagIndex === (tags.length - 1)) {
					summaryText += ' and';
				} else if (tagIndex < (tags.length - 1)) {
					summaryText += ',';

			summaryText += ' {{[[:' + (tagName.indexOf(':') !== -1 ? tagName : 'Template:' + tagName + '|' + tagName) + ']]}}';

		$.each(tags, addTag);

		// Check for all Rcat shell redirects (from #433)
		if (pageText.match(/{{(?:redr|this is a redirect|r(?:edirect)?(?:.?cat.*)?[ _]?sh)/i)) {
			// Regex courtesy [[User:Kephir/gadgets/sagittarius.js]] at [[Special:PermaLink/831402893]]
			var oldTags = pageText.match(/(\s*{{[A-Za-z ]+\|)((?:[^|{}]*|{{[^|}]*}})+)(}})\s*/i);
			pageText = pageText.replace(oldTags[0], oldTags[1] + tagText + oldTags[2] + oldTags[3]);
		} else {
			// Fold any pre-existing Rcats into taglist and under Rcatshell
			var pageTags = pageText.match(/\n{{R(?:edirect)? .*?}}/img);
			var oldPageTags = '';
			if (pageTags) {
				pageTags.forEach(function(pageTag) {
					var pageRe = new RegExp(pageTag, 'img');
					pageText = pageText.replace(pageRe, '');
					oldPageTags += pageTag;
			pageText += '\n{{Redirect category shell|' + tagText + oldPageTags + '\n}}';

		summaryText += (tags.length > 0 ? ' tag' + (tags.length > 1 ? 's' : '') : '') + ' to redirect';

		// avoid truncated summaries
		if (summaryText.length > (254 - Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd').length)) {
			summaryText = summaryText.replace(/\[\[[^|]+\|([^\]]+)\]\]/g, '$1');

		pageobj.setEditSummary(summaryText + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));

		if (params.patrol) {


	file: function friendlytagCallbacksFile(pageobj) {
		var text = pageobj.getPageText();
		var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
		var summary = 'Adding ';

		// Add maintenance tags
		if (params.tags.length) {

			var tagtext = '', currentTag;
			$.each(params.tags, function(k, tag) {
				// when other commons-related tags are placed, remove "move to Commons" tag
				if (['Keep local', 'subst:ncd', 'Do not move to Commons_reason', 'Do not move to Commons',
					'Now Commons'].indexOf(tag) !== -1) {
					text = text.replace(/\{\{(mtc|(copy |move )?to ?commons|move to wikimedia commons|copy to wikimedia commons)[^}]*\}\}/gi, '');

				currentTag = '{{' + (tag === 'Do not move to Commons_reason' ? 'Do not move to Commons' : tag);

				switch (tag) {
					case 'subst:ncd':
						if (params.ncdName !== '') {
							currentTag += '|1=' + params.ncdName;
					case 'Keep local':
						if (params.keeplocalName !== '') {
							currentTag += '|1=' + params.keeplocalName;
					case 'Rename media':
						if (params.renamemediaNewname !== '') {
							currentTag += '|1=' + params.renamemediaNewname;
						if (params.renamemediaReason !== '') {
							currentTag += '|2=' + params.renamemediaReason;
					case 'Cleanup image':
						currentTag += '|1=' + params.cleanupimageReason;
					case 'Image-Poor-Quality':
						currentTag += '|1=' + params.ImagePoorQualityReason;
					case 'Low quality chem':
						currentTag += '|1=' + params.lowQualityChemReason;
					case 'Vector version available':
						text = text.replace(/\{\{((convert to |convertto|should be |shouldbe|to)?svg|badpng|vectorize)[^}]*\}\}/gi, '');
						/* falls through */
					case 'PNG version available':
						/* falls through */
					case 'Obsolete':
						/* falls through */
					case 'Duplicate':
						currentTag += '|1=' + params[tag.replace(/ /g, '_') + 'File'];
					case 'Do not move to Commons_reason':
						currentTag += '|reason=' + params.DoNotMoveToCommons;
					case 'subst:orfurrev':
						// remove {{non-free reduce}} and redirects
						text = text.replace(/\{\{\s*(Template\s*:\s*)?(Non-free reduce|FairUseReduce|Fairusereduce|Fair Use Reduce|Fair use reduce|Reduce size|Reduce|Fair-use reduce|Image-toobig|Comic-ovrsize-img|Non-free-reduce|Nfr|Smaller image|Nonfree reduce)\s*(\|(?:\{\{[^{}]*\}\}|[^{}])*)?\}\}\s*/ig, '');
						currentTag += '|date={{subst:date}}';
					case 'Copy to Commons':
						currentTag += '|human=' + mw.config.get('wgUserName');
					case 'Should be SVG':
						currentTag += '|' + params.svgCategory;
						break;  // don't care

				currentTag += '}}\n';

				tagtext += currentTag;
				summary += '{{' + tag + '}}, ';

			if (!tagtext) {
				pageobj.getStatusElement().warn('User canceled operation; nothing to do');

			text = tagtext + text;

		pageobj.setEditSummary(summary.substring(0, summary.length - 2) + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));

		if (params.patrol) {

Twinkle.tag.callback.evaluate = function friendlytagCallbackEvaluate(e) {
	var form =;
	var params = {};
	if (form.patrolPage) {
		params.patrol = form.patrolPage.checked;

	params.tags = form.getChecked(Twinkle.tag.mode + 'Tags');

	// Save values of input fields into params object. This works as quickform input
	// fields within subgroups of elements with name 'articleTags' (say) have their
	// name attribute as 'articleTags.' + name of the subgroup element

	var name_prefix = Twinkle.tag.mode + 'Tags.';
	$(form).find("[name^='" + name_prefix + "']:not(div)").each(function(idx, el) {
		// el are the HTMLInputElements, gives the name attribute
		params[] =
			el.type === 'checkbox' ? form[].checked : form[].value;

	switch (Twinkle.tag.mode) {
		case 'article':
			params.tagsToRemove = form.getUnchecked('alreadyPresentArticleTags') || [];
			params.tagsToRemain = form.getChecked('alreadyPresentArticleTags') || []; =;

			// Validation
			if ((params.tags.indexOf('Merge') !== -1) || (params.tags.indexOf('Merge from') !== -1) ||
				(params.tags.indexOf('Merge to') !== -1)) {
				if (((params.tags.indexOf('Merge') !== -1) + (params.tags.indexOf('Merge from') !== -1) +
					(params.tags.indexOf('Merge to') !== -1)) > 1) {
					alert('Please select only one of {{merge}}, {{merge from}}, and {{merge to}}. If several merges are required, use {{merge}} and separate the article names with pipes (although in this case Twinkle cannot tag the other articles automatically).');
				if (!params.mergeTarget) {
					alert('Please specify the title of the other article for use in the merge template.');
				if ((params.mergeTagOther || params.mergeReason) && params.mergeTarget.indexOf('|') !== -1) {
					alert('Tagging multiple articles in a merge, and starting a discussion for multiple articles, is not supported at the moment. Please turn off "tag other article", and/or clear out the "reason" box, and try again.');
			if ((params.tags.indexOf('Not English') !== -1) && (params.tags.indexOf('Rough translation') !== -1)) {
				alert('Please select only one of {{not English}} and {{rough translation}}.');
			if (params.tags.indexOf('History merge') !== -1 && params.histmergeOriginalPage.trim() === '') {
				alert('You must specify a page to be merged for the {{history merge}} tag.');
			if (params.tags.indexOf('Cleanup') !== -1 && params.cleanup.trim() === '') {
				alert('You must specify a reason for the {{cleanup}} tag.');
			if (params.tags.indexOf('Expand language') !== -1 && params.expandLanguageLangCode.trim() === '') {
				alert('You must specify language code for the {{expand language}} tag.');

		case 'file':

			if (params.tags.indexOf('Cleanup image') !== -1 && params.cleanupimageReason === '') {
				alert('You must specify a reason for the cleanup tag.');
			if (params.tags.indexOf('Image-Poor-Quality') !== -1 && params.ImagePoorQualityReason === '') {
				alert('You must specify a reason for the {{Image-Poor-Quality}} tag');
			if (params.tags.indexOf('Low Quality Chem') !== -1 && params.lowQualityChemReason === '') {
				alert('You must specify a reason for the {{Low Quality Chem}} tag');
			if ((params.tags.indexOf('Duplicate') !== -1 && params.DuplicateFile === '') ||
				(params.tags.indexOf('Obsolete') !== -1 && params.ObsoleteFile === '') ||
				(params.tags.indexOf('PNG version available') !== -1 && params.PNG_version_availableFile === '') ||
				(params.tags.indexOf('Vector version available') !== -1 && params.Vector_version_availableFile === '')
			) {
				alert('You must specify the replacement file name for a tag in the Replacement tags list');
			if (params.tags.indexOf('Do not move to Commons_reason') !== -1 && params.DoNotMoveToCommons === '') {
				alert('You must specify a reason for the {{Do not move to Commons}} tag');

		case 'redirect':

			alert('Twinkle.tag: unknown mode ' + Twinkle.tag.mode);

	// File/redirect: return if no tags selected
	// Article: return if no tag is selected and no already present tag is deselected
	if (params.tags.length === 0 && (Twinkle.tag.mode !== 'article' || params.tagsToRemove.length === 0)) {
		alert('You must select at least one tag!');

	Morebits.status.init(form); = Morebits.pageNameNorm; = 'Tagging complete, reloading article in a few seconds';
	if (Twinkle.tag.mode === 'redirect') { = false;

	var wikipedia_page = new, 'Tagging ' + Twinkle.tag.mode);


// </nowiki>

// <nowiki>

(function($) {

*** twinkledeprod.js: Batch deletion of expired PRODs (sysops only)
* Mode of invocation:     Tab ("Deprod")
* Active on:              Categories whose name contains "proposed_deletion"
* Config directives in:   TwinkleConfig

Twinkle.deprod = function() {
	if (
		mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') !== 14 ||
		!Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop') ||
	) {
	Twinkle.addPortletLink(Twinkle.deprod.callback, 'Deprod', 'tw-deprod', 'Delete prod pages found in this category');

var concerns = {};

Twinkle.deprod.callback = function() {
	var Window = new Morebits.simpleWindow(800, 400);
	Window.setTitle('PROD cleaning');
	Window.addFooterLink('Proposed deletion', 'WP:PROD');
	Window.addFooterLink('Twinkle help', 'WP:TW/DOC#deprod');

	var form = new Morebits.quickForm(callback_commit);

	var statusdiv = document.createElement('div'); = '15px';  // just so it doesn't look broken

	var query = {
		'action': 'query',
		'generator': 'categorymembers',
		'gcmtitle': mw.config.get('wgPageName'),
		'gcmlimit': 5000, // the max for sysops
		'gcmnamespace': '0|6|108|2', // mostly to ignore categories
		'prop': [ 'info', 'revisions' ],
		'rvprop': [ 'content' ],
		'inprop': [ 'protection' ]

	var statelem = new Morebits.status('Grabbing list of pages');
	var wikipedia_api = new'loading...', query, function(apiobj) {
		var $doc = $(apiobj.responseXML);
		var $pages = $doc.find('page[ns!="6"]');  // all non-files
		var list = [];
		var re = /\{\{Proposed deletion/;
		$pages.each(function() {
			var $page = $(this);
			var title = $page.attr('title');
			var content = $page.find('revisions rev').text();
			var $editprot = $page.find('pr[type="edit"][level="sysop"]');
			var isProtected = $editprot.length > 0;

			var metadata = [];
			var res = re.exec(content);
			if (res) {
				var parsed = Morebits.wikitext.template.parse(content, res.index);
				concerns[title] = parsed.parameters.concern || '';
			if (isProtected) {
				metadata.push('fully protected' +
					($editprot.attr('expiry') === 'infinity' ? ' indefinitely' : ', expires ' + $editprot.attr('expiry')));
				label: metadata.length ? '(' + metadata.join('; ') + ')' : '',
				value: title,
				checked: concerns[title] !== '',
				style: isProtected ? 'color:red' : ''
		apiobj.params.form.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Pages to delete' });
			type: 'button',
			label: 'Select All',
			event: function(e) {
				$(Morebits.quickForm.getElements(, 'pages')).prop('checked', true);
			type: 'button',
			label: 'Deselect All',
			event: function(e) {
				$(Morebits.quickForm.getElements(, 'pages')).prop('checked', false);
			'type': 'checkbox',
			'name': 'pages',
			'list': list
			'type': 'submit'

		var rendered = apiobj.params.form.render();
		$(Morebits.quickForm.getElements(rendered, 'pages')).each(function(index, checkbox) {
			var $checkbox = $(checkbox);
			var link = Morebits.htmlNode('a', $checkbox.val());
			link.setAttribute('class', 'deprod-page-link');
			link.setAttribute('href', mw.util.getUrl($checkbox.val()));
			link.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
			$[link, ' ']);
	}, statelem);

	wikipedia_api.params = { form: form, Window: Window };;

var callback_commit = function(event) {
		var pages ='pages');

		var batchOperation = new Morebits.batchOperation('Deleting articles');
		batchOperation.setOption('chunkSize', Twinkle.getPref('proddeleteChunks'));
		batchOperation.setOption('preserveIndividualStatusLines', true);
		batchOperation.setPageList(pages); {
			var params = { page: pageName, reason: concerns[page] };

			var query = {
				'action': 'query',
				'titles': pageName,
				'prop': 'redirects',
				'rdlimit': 5000  // 500 is max for normal users, 5000 for bots and sysops
			var wikipedia_api = new'Grabbing redirects', query, callback_deleteRedirects);
			wikipedia_api.params = params;;

			query = {
				'action': 'query',
				'titles': 'Talk:' + pageName
			wikipedia_api = new'Checking whether ' + pageName + ' has a talk page', query,
			wikipedia_api.params = params;;

			var page = new, 'Deleting article ' + pageName);
			page.setEditSummary('Expired [[WP:PROD|PROD]], concern was: ' + concerns[pageName] + Twinkle.getPref('deletionSummaryAd'));
			page.deletePage(batchOperation.workerSuccess, batchOperation.workerFailure);
	callback_deleteTalk = function(apiobj) {
		var $doc = $(apiobj.responseXML);
		var exists = $doc.find('page:not([missing])').length > 0;

		if (!exists) {
		// no talk page; forget about it

		var page = new'Talk:' +, 'Deleting talk page of article ' +;
		page.setEditSummary('[[WP:CSD#G8|G8]]: [[Help:Talk page|Talk page]] of deleted page "' + + '"' + Twinkle.getPref('deletionSummaryAd'));
	callback_deleteRedirects = function(apiobj) {
		var $doc = $(apiobj.responseXML);
		$doc.find('redirects rd').each(function() {
			var title = $(this).attr('title');
			var page = new, 'Deleting redirecting page ' + title);
			page.setEditSummary('[[WP:CSD#G8|G8]]: Redirect to deleted page "' + + '"' + Twinkle.getPref('deletionSummaryAd'));


// </nowiki>

// <nowiki>

(function($) {

 *** friendlywelcome.js: Welcome module
 * Mode of invocation:     Tab ("Wel"), or from links on diff pages
 * Active on:              Any page with relevant user name (userspace,
 *                         contribs, etc.) and diff pages
 * Config directives in:   FriendlyConfig

Twinkle.welcome = function friendlywelcome() {
	if (Morebits.queryString.exists('friendlywelcome')) {
		if (Morebits.queryString.get('friendlywelcome') === 'auto') {;
		} else {
	} else {
}; = function() {
	if (Morebits.queryString.get('action') !== 'edit') {
		// userpage not empty, aborting auto-welcome


Twinkle.welcome.semiauto = function() {

Twinkle.welcome.normal = function() {
	if (Morebits.queryString.exists('diff')) {
		// check whether the contributors' talk pages exist yet
		var $oList = $('#mw-diff-otitle2').find('').first();
		var $nList = $('#mw-diff-ntitle2').find('').first();

		if ($oList.length > 0 || $nList.length > 0) {
			var spanTag = function(color, content) {
				var span = document.createElement('span'); = color;
				return span;

			var welcomeNode = document.createElement('strong');
			var welcomeLink = document.createElement('a');
			welcomeLink.appendChild(spanTag('Black', '['));
			welcomeLink.appendChild(spanTag('Goldenrod', 'welcome'));
			welcomeLink.appendChild(spanTag('Black', ']'));

			if ($oList.length > 0) {
				var oHref = $oList.attr('href');

				var oWelcomeNode = welcomeNode.cloneNode(true);
				oWelcomeNode.firstChild.setAttribute('href', oHref + '&' + Morebits.queryString.create({
					'friendlywelcome': Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('quickWelcomeMode') === 'auto' ? 'auto' : 'norm',
					'vanarticle': Morebits.pageNameNorm
				$oList[0].parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));

			if ($nList.length > 0) {
				var nHref = $nList.attr('href');

				var nWelcomeNode = welcomeNode.cloneNode(true);
				nWelcomeNode.firstChild.setAttribute('href', nHref + '&' + Morebits.queryString.create({
					'friendlywelcome': Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('quickWelcomeMode') === 'auto' ? 'auto' : 'norm',
					'vanarticle': Morebits.pageNameNorm
				$nList[0].parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));
	if (mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName')) {
		Twinkle.addPortletLink(function() {
		}, 'Wel', 'friendly-welcome', 'Welcome user');

Twinkle.welcome.welcomeUser = function welcomeUser() {

	var params = {
		value: Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('quickWelcomeTemplate'),
		article: Morebits.queryString.exists('vanarticle') ? Morebits.queryString.get('vanarticle') : '',
		mode: 'auto'

	var userTalkPage = mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[3] + ':' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName'); = userTalkPage; = 'Welcoming complete, reloading talk page in a few seconds';

	var wikipedia_page = new, 'User talk page modification');

Twinkle.welcome.callback = function friendlywelcomeCallback(uid) {
	if (uid === mw.config.get('wgUserName') && !confirm('Are you really sure you want to welcome yourself?...')) {

	var Window = new Morebits.simpleWindow(600, 420);
	Window.setTitle('Welcome user');
	Window.addFooterLink('Welcoming Committee', 'WP:WC');
	Window.addFooterLink('Twinkle help', 'WP:TW/DOC#welcome');

	var form = new Morebits.quickForm(Twinkle.welcome.callback.evaluate);

		type: 'select',
		name: 'type',
		label: 'Type of welcome: ',
		event: Twinkle.welcome.populateWelcomeList,
		list: [
			{ type: 'option', value: 'standard', label: 'Standard welcomes', selected: !mw.util.isIPAddress(mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName')) },
			{ type: 'option', value: 'anonymous', label: 'IP user welcomes', selected: mw.util.isIPAddress(mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName')) },
			{ type: 'option', value: 'wikiProject', label: 'WikiProject welcomes' },
			{ type: 'option', value: 'nonEnglish', label: 'Non-English welcomes' }

		type: 'div',
		id: 'welcomeWorkArea',
		className: 'morebits-scrollbox'

		type: 'input',
		name: 'article',
		label: '* Linked article (if supported by template):',
		value: Morebits.queryString.exists('vanarticle') ? Morebits.queryString.get('vanarticle') : '',
		tooltip: 'An article might be linked from within the welcome if the template supports it. Leave empty for no article to be linked.  Templates that support a linked article are marked with an asterisk.'

	var previewlink = document.createElement('a');
	$(previewlink).click(function() {
		Twinkle.welcome.callbacks.preview(result);  // |result| is defined below
	}); = 'pointer';
	previewlink.textContent = 'Preview';
	form.append({ type: 'div', name: 'welcomepreview', label: [ previewlink ] });

	form.append({ type: 'submit' });

	var result = form.render();

	// initialize the welcome list
	var evt = document.createEvent('Event');
	evt.initEvent('change', true, true);

Twinkle.welcome.populateWelcomeList = function(e) {
	var type =;

	var container = new Morebits.quickForm.element({ type: 'fragment' });

	if ((type === 'standard' || type === 'anonymous') && Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('customWelcomeList').length) {
		container.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Custom welcome templates' });
			type: 'radio',
			name: 'template',
			list: Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('customWelcomeList'),
			event: Twinkle.welcome.selectTemplate

	var appendTemplates = function(list) {
			type: 'radio',
			name: 'template',
			list: {
				var properties = Twinkle.welcome.templates[obj];
				var result = properties ? {
					value: obj,
					label: '{{' + obj + '}}: ' + properties.description + (properties.linkedArticle ? '\u00A0*' : ''),  // U+00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE
					tooltip: properties.tooltip  // may be undefined
				} : {
					value: obj,
					label: '{{' + obj + '}}'
				return result;
			event: Twinkle.welcome.selectTemplate

	switch (type) {
		case 'standard':
			container.append({ type: 'header', label: 'General welcome templates' });
				'welcome student',
				'welcome teacher',
				'welcome non-latin'
			container.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Problem user welcome templates' });
				'first article',
		case 'anonymous':
			container.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Anonymous user welcome templates' });
		case 'wikiProject':
			container.append({ type: 'header', label: 'WikiProject-specific welcome templates' });
				'TWA invite'
		case 'nonEnglish':
			container.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Non-English welcome templates' });
			container.append({ type: 'div', label: 'Twinkle.welcome.populateWelcomeList: something went wrong' });

	var rendered = container.render();

	var firstRadio =[0];
	firstRadio.checked = true;
	Twinkle.welcome.selectTemplate({ target: firstRadio });

Twinkle.welcome.selectTemplate = function(e) {
	var properties = Twinkle.welcome.templates[]; = properties ? !properties.linkedArticle : false;

// A list of welcome templates and their properties and syntax

// The four fields that are available are "description", "linkedArticle", "syntax", and "tooltip".
// The three magic words that can be used in the "syntax" field are:
//   - $USERNAME$  - replaced by the welcomer's username, depending on user's preferences
//   - $ARTICLE$   - replaced by an article name, if "linkedArticle" is true
//   - $HEADER$    - adds a level 2 header (most templates already include this)

Twinkle.welcome.templates = {

	'welcome': {
		description: 'standard welcome',
		linkedArticle: true,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome|$USERNAME$|art=$ARTICLE$}} ~~~~'
	'welcome-short': {
		description: 'a shorter welcome message',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-short|$USERNAME$}} $EXTRA$ ~~~~'
	'welcome-personal': {
		description: 'more personal welcome, including a plate of cookies',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-personal|$USERNAME$}} ~~~~'
	'welcome-graphical': {
		description: 'colorful welcome message with table of about 20 links',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '$HEADER$ {{subst:welcome-graphical|$EXTRA$}}'
	'welcome-menu': {
		description: 'welcome message with large table of about 60 links',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-menu}}'
	'welcome-screen': {
		description: 'welcome message with clear, annotated table of 10 links',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '$HEADER$ {{subst:welcome-screen}}'
	'welcome-belated': {
		description: 'welcome for users with more substantial contributions',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-belated|$USERNAME$}}'
	'welcome student': {
		description: 'welcome for students editing as part of an educational class project',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '$HEADER$ {{subst:welcome student|$USERNAME$}} ~~~~'
	'welcome teacher': {
		description: 'welcome for course instructors involved in an educational class project',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '$HEADER$ {{subst:welcome teacher|$USERNAME$}} ~~~~'
	'welcome non-latin': {
		description: 'welcome for users with a username containing non-Latin characters',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome non-latin|$USERNAME$}} ~~~~'


	'welcomelaws': {
		description: 'welcome with information about copyrights, NPOV, the sandbox, and vandalism',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcomelaws|$USERNAME$}} ~~~~'
	'first article': {
		description: 'for someone whose first article did not meet page creation guidelines',
		linkedArticle: true,
		syntax: '{{subst:first article|$ARTICLE$|$USERNAME$}}'
	'welcometest': {
		description: 'for someone whose initial efforts appear to be tests',
		linkedArticle: true,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcometest|$ARTICLE$|$USERNAME$}} ~~~~'
	'welcomevandal': {
		description: 'for someone whose initial efforts appear to be vandalism',
		linkedArticle: true,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcomevandal|$ARTICLE$|$USERNAME$}}'
	'welcomenpov': {
		description: 'for someone whose initial efforts do not adhere to the neutral point of view policy',
		linkedArticle: true,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcomenpov|$ARTICLE$|$USERNAME$}} ~~~~'
	'welcomespam': {
		description: 'welcome with additional discussion of anti-spamming policies',
		linkedArticle: true,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcomespam|$ARTICLE$|$USERNAME$}} ~~~~'
	'welcomeunsourced': {
		description: 'for someone whose initial efforts are unsourced',
		linkedArticle: true,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcomeunsourced|$ARTICLE$|$USERNAME$}} ~~~~'
	'welcomeauto': {
		description: 'for someone who created an autobiographical article',
		linkedArticle: true,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcomeauto|$USERNAME$|art=$ARTICLE$}} ~~~~'
	'welcome-COI': {
		description: 'for someone who has edited in areas where they may have a conflict of interest',
		linkedArticle: true,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-COI|$USERNAME$|art=$ARTICLE$}} ~~~~'
	'welcome-delete': {
		description: 'for someone who has been removing information from articles',
		linkedArticle: true,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-delete|$ARTICLE$|$USERNAME$}} ~~~~'
	'welcome-image': {
		description: 'welcome with additional information about images (policy and procedure)',
		linkedArticle: true,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-image|$USERNAME$|art=$ARTICLE$}}'


	'welcome-anon': {
		description: 'for anonymous users; encourages creating an account',
		linkedArticle: true,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-anon|art=$ARTICLE$}} ~~~~'
	'welcome-anon-test': {
		description: 'for anonymous users who have performed test edits',
		linkedArticle: true,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-anon-test|$ARTICLE$|$USERNAME$}} ~~~~'
	'welcome-anon-unconstructive': {
		description: 'for anonymous users who have vandalized or made unhelpful edits',
		linkedArticle: true,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-anon-unconstructive|$ARTICLE$|$USERNAME$}}'
	'welcome-anon-constructive': {
		description: 'for anonymous users who fight vandalism or edit constructively',
		linkedArticle: true,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-anon-constructive|art=$ARTICLE$}}'
	'welcome-anon-delete': {
		description: 'for anonymous users who have removed content from pages',
		linkedArticle: true,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-anon-delete|$ARTICLE$|$USERNAME$}} ~~~~'


	'welcome-anatomy': {
		description: 'welcome for users with an apparent interest in anatomy topics',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-anatomy}} ~~~~'
	'welcome-athletics': {
		description: 'welcome for users with an apparent interest in athletics (track and field) topics',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-athletics}}'
	'welcome-au': {
		description: 'welcome for users with an apparent interest in Australia topics',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-au}} ~~~~'
	'welcome-bd': {
		description: 'welcome for users with an apparent interest in Bangladesh topics',
		linkedArticle: true,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-bd|$USERNAME$||$EXTRA$|art=$ARTICLE$}} ~~~~'
	'welcome-bio': {
		description: 'welcome for users with an apparent interest in biographical topics',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-bio}} ~~~~'
	'welcome-cal': {
		description: 'welcome for users with an apparent interest in California topics',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-cal}} ~~~~'
	'welcome-conserv': {
		description: 'welcome for users with an apparent interest in conservatism topics',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-conserv}}'
	'welcome-cycling': {
		description: 'welcome for users with an apparent interest in cycling topics',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-cycling}} ~~~~'
	'welcome-dbz': {
		description: 'welcome for users with an apparent interest in Dragon Ball topics',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-dbz|$EXTRA$|sig=~~~~}}'
	'welcome-et': {
		description: 'welcome for users with an apparent interest in Estonia topics',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-et}}'
	'welcome-de': {
		description: 'welcome for users with an apparent interest in Germany topics',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-de}} ~~~~'
	'welcome-in': {
		description: 'welcome for users with an apparent interest in India topics',
		linkedArticle: true,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-in|$USERNAME$|art=$ARTICLE$}} ~~~~'
	'welcome-math': {
		description: 'welcome for users with an apparent interest in mathematical topics',
		linkedArticle: true,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-math|$USERNAME$|art=$ARTICLE$}} ~~~~'
	'welcome-med': {
		description: 'welcome for users with an apparent interest in medicine topics',
		linkedArticle: true,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-med|$USERNAME$|art=$ARTICLE$}} ~~~~'
	'welcome-no': {
		description: 'welcome for users with an apparent interest in Norway topics',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-no}} ~~~~'
	'welcome-pk': {
		description: 'welcome for users with an apparent interest in Pakistan topics',
		linkedArticle: true,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-pk|$USERNAME$|art=$ARTICLE$}} ~~~~'
	'welcome-phys': {
		description: 'welcome for users with an apparent interest in physics topics',
		linkedArticle: true,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-phys|$USERNAME$|art=$ARTICLE$}} ~~~~'
	'welcome-pl': {
		description: 'welcome for users with an apparent interest in Poland topics',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-pl}} ~~~~'
	'welcome-rugbyunion': {
		description: 'welcome for users with an apparent interest in rugby union topics',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-rugbyunion}} ~~~~'
	'welcome-ru': {
		description: 'welcome for users with an apparent interest in Russia topics',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-ru}} ~~~~'
	'welcome-starwars': {
		description: 'welcome for users with an apparent interest in Star Wars topics',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-starwars}} ~~~~'
	'welcome-ch': {
		description: 'welcome for users with an apparent interest in Switzerland topics',
		linkedArticle: true,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-ch|$USERNAME$|art=$ARTICLE$}} ~~~~'
	'welcome-uk': {
		description: 'welcome for users with an apparent interest in Ukraine topics',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-uk}} ~~~~'
	'welcome-roads': {
		description: 'welcome for users with an apparent interest in roads and highways topics',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-roads}}'
	'welcome-videogames': {
		description: 'welcome for users with an apparent interest in video game topics',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcome-videogames}}'
	'TWA invite': {
		description: 'invite the user to The Wikipedia Adventure (not a welcome template)',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{WP:TWA/InviteTW|signature=~~~~}}'


	'welcomeen': {
		description: 'welcome for users whose first language is not listed here',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcomeen}}'
	'welcomeen-ar': {
		description: 'welcome for users whose first language appears to be Arabic',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcomeen-ar}}'
	'welcomeen-sq': {
		description: 'welcome for users whose first language appears to be Albanian',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcomeen-sq}}'
	'welcomeen-zh': {
		description: 'welcome for users whose first language appears to be Chinese',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcomeen-zh}}'
	'welcomeen-nl': {
		description: 'welcome for users whose first language appears to be Dutch',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcomeen-nl}}'
	'welcomeen-fi': {
		description: 'welcome for users whose first language appears to be Finnish',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcomeen-fi}}'
	'welcomeen-fr': {
		description: 'welcome for users whose first language appears to be French',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcomeen-fr}}'
	'welcomeen-de': {
		description: 'welcome for users whose first language appears to be German',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcomeen-de}}'
	'welcomeen-he': {
		description: 'welcome for users whose first language appears to be Hebrew',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcomeen-he}}'
	'welcomeen-ja': {
		description: 'welcome for users whose first language appears to be Japanese',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcomeen-ja}}'
	'welcomeen-ko': {
		description: 'welcome for users whose first language appears to be Korean',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcomeen-ko}}'
	'welcomeen-ml': {
		description: 'welcome for users whose first language appears to be Malayalam',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcomeen-ml}}'
	'welcomeen-mr': {
		description: 'welcome for users whose first language appears to be Marathi',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcomeen-mr}}'
	'welcomeen-or': {
		description: 'welcome for users whose first language appears to be Oriya (Odia)',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcomeen-or}}'
	'welcomeen-pt': {
		description: 'welcome for users whose first language appears to be Portuguese',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcomeen-pt}}'
	'welcomeen-ro': {
		description: 'welcome for users whose first language appears to be Romanian',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcomeen-ro}}'
	'welcomeen-ru': {
		description: 'welcome for users whose first language appears to be Russian',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcomeen-ru}}'
	'welcomeen-es': {
		description: 'welcome for users whose first language appears to be Spanish',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcomeen-es}}'
	'welcomeen-sv': {
		description: 'welcome for users whose first language appears to be Swedish',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcomeen-sv}}'
	'welcomeen-uk': {
		description: 'welcome for users whose first language appears to be Ukrainian',
		linkedArticle: false,
		syntax: '{{subst:welcomeen-uk}}'

Twinkle.welcome.getTemplateWikitext = function(template, article) {
	var properties = Twinkle.welcome.templates[template];
	if (properties) {
		return properties.syntax.
			replace('$USERNAME$', Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('insertUsername') ? mw.config.get('wgUserName') : '').
			replace('$ARTICLE$', article ? article : '').
			replace(/\$HEADER\$\s*/, '== Welcome ==\n\n').
			replace('$EXTRA$', '');  // EXTRA is not implemented yet
	return '{{subst:' + template + (article ? '|art=' + article : '') + '}}' +
			(Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('customWelcomeSignature') ? ' ~~~~' : '');

Twinkle.welcome.callbacks = {
	preview: function(form) {
		var previewDialog = new Morebits.simpleWindow(750, 400);
		previewDialog.setTitle('Welcome template preview');
		previewDialog.setScriptName('Welcome user');

		var previewdiv = document.createElement('div'); = = '0.5em'; = 'small';

		var previewer = new;
		previewer.beginRender(Twinkle.welcome.getTemplateWikitext(form.getChecked('template'), form.article.value), 'User talk:' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName')); // Force wikitext/correct username

		var submit = document.createElement('input');
		submit.setAttribute('type', 'submit');
		submit.setAttribute('value', 'Close');


		$(submit).click(function() {
	main: function(pageobj) {
		var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
		var text = pageobj.getPageText();

		// abort if mode is auto and form is not empty
		if (pageobj.exists() && params.mode === 'auto') {'Warning', 'User talk page not empty; aborting automatic welcome');;

		var welcomeText = Twinkle.welcome.getTemplateWikitext(params.value, params.article);

		if (Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('topWelcomes')) {
			text = welcomeText + '\n\n' + text;
		} else {
			text += '\n' + welcomeText;

		var summaryText = 'Welcome to Wikipedia!';
		pageobj.setEditSummary(summaryText + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));

Twinkle.welcome.callback.evaluate = function friendlywelcomeCallbackEvaluate(e) {
	var form =;

	var params = {
		value: form.getChecked('template'),
		article: form.article.value,
		mode: 'manual'


	var userTalkPage = mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[3] + ':' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName'); = userTalkPage; = 'Welcoming complete, reloading talk page in a few seconds';

	var wikipedia_page = new, 'User talk page modification');

// </nowiki>

// <nowiki>

(function($) {

 *** twinklexfd.js: XFD module
 * Mode of invocation:     Tab ("XFD")
 * Active on:              Existing, non-special pages, except for file pages with no local (non-Commons) file which are not redirects
 * Config directives in:   TwinkleConfig

Twinkle.xfd = function twinklexfd() {
	// Disable on:
	// * special pages
	// * non-existent pages
	// * files on Commons, whether there is a local page or not (unneeded local pages of files on Commons are eligible for CSD F2, or R4 if it's a redirect)
	if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') < 0 || !mw.config.get('wgArticleId') || (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 6 && document.getElementById('mw-sharedupload'))) {
	Twinkle.addPortletLink(Twinkle.xfd.callback, 'XFD', 'tw-xfd', 'Start a deletion discussion');

Twinkle.xfd.num2order = function twinklexfdNum2order(num) {
	switch (num) {
		case 1: return '';
		case 2: return '2nd';
		case 3: return '3rd';
		default: return num + 'th';

Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null;

// error callback on Morebits.status.object
Twinkle.xfd.printRationale = function twinklexfdPrintRationale() {
	if (Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale) {
		Morebits.status.printUserText(Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale, 'Your deletion rationale is provided below, which you can copy and paste into a new XFD dialog if you wish to try again:');
		// only need to print the rationale once
		Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null;

Twinkle.xfd.callback = function twinklexfdCallback() {
	var Window = new Morebits.simpleWindow(600, 350);
	Window.setTitle('Start a deletion discussion (XfD)');
	Window.addFooterLink('About deletion discussions', 'WP:XFD');
	Window.addFooterLink('Twinkle help', 'WP:TW/DOC#xfd');

	var form = new Morebits.quickForm(Twinkle.xfd.callback.evaluate);
	var categories = form.append({
		type: 'select',
		name: 'category',
		label: 'Deletion discussion venue:',
		tooltip: 'When activated, a default choice is made, based on what namespace you are in. This default should be the most appropriate',
		event: Twinkle.xfd.callback.change_category
	var namespace = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber');

		type: 'option',
		label: 'AfD (Articles for deletion)',
		selected: namespace === 0,  // Main namespace
		value: 'afd'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'TfD (Templates for discussion)',
		selected: [ 10, 828 ].indexOf(namespace) !== -1,  // Template and module namespaces
		value: 'tfd'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'FfD (Files for discussion)',
		selected: namespace === 6,  // File namespace
		value: 'ffd'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'CfD (Categories for discussion)',
		selected: namespace === 14,  // Category namespace
		value: 'cfd'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'CfD/S (Categories for speedy renaming)',
		value: 'cfds'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'MfD (Miscellany for deletion)',
		selected: [ 0, 6, 10, 14, 828 ].indexOf(namespace) === -1 || Morebits.pageNameNorm.indexOf('Template:User ', 0) === 0,
		// Other namespaces, and userboxes in template namespace
		value: 'mfd'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'RfD (Redirects for discussion)',
		value: 'rfd'
		type: 'checkbox',
		list: [
				label: 'Notify page creator if possible',
				value: 'notify',
				name: 'notify',
				tooltip: "A notification template will be placed on the creator's talk page if this is true.",
				checked: true
		type: 'field',
		label: 'Work area',
		name: 'work_area'

	var previewlink = document.createElement('a');
	$(previewlink).click(function() {
		Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.preview(result);  // |result| is defined below
	}); = 'pointer';
	previewlink.textContent = 'Preview';
	form.append({ type: 'div', id: 'xfdpreview', label: [ previewlink ] });
	form.append({ type: 'div', id: 'twinklexfd-previewbox', style: 'display: none' });

	form.append({ type: 'submit' });

	var result = form.render();
	result.previewer = new$(result).find('div#twinklexfd-previewbox').last()[0]);

	// We must init the controls
	var evt = document.createEvent('Event');
	evt.initEvent('change', true, true);

Twinkle.xfd.previousNotify = true;

Twinkle.xfd.callback.change_category = function twinklexfdCallbackChangeCategory(e) {
	var value =;
	var form =;
	var old_area = Morebits.quickForm.getElements(, 'work_area')[0];
	var work_area = null;

	var oldreasontextbox = form.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];
	var oldreason = oldreasontextbox ? oldreasontextbox.value : '';

	var appendReasonBox = function twinklexfdAppendReasonBox() {
			type: 'textarea',
			name: 'xfdreason',
			label: 'Reason: ',
			value: oldreason,
			tooltip: 'You can use wikimarkup in your reason. Twinkle will automatically sign your post.'


	switch (value) {
		case 'afd':
			work_area = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
				type: 'field',
				label: 'Articles for deletion',
				name: 'work_area'
				type: 'checkbox',
				list: [
						label: 'Wrap deletion tag with <noinclude>',
						value: 'noinclude',
						name: 'noinclude',
						tooltip: 'Will wrap the deletion tag in &lt;noinclude&gt; tags, so that it won\'t transclude. This option is not normally required.'
			var afd_category = work_area.append({
				type: 'select',
				name: 'xfdcat',
				label: 'Choose what category this nomination belongs in:'

			afd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Unknown', value: '?', selected: true });
			afd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Media and music', value: 'M' });
			afd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Organisation, corporation, or product', value: 'O' });
			afd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Biographical', value: 'B' });
			afd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Society topics', value: 'S' });
			afd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Web or internet', value: 'W' });
			afd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Games or sports', value: 'G' });
			afd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Science and technology', value: 'T' });
			afd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Fiction and the arts', value: 'F' });
			afd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Places and transportation', value: 'P' });
			afd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Indiscernible or unclassifiable topic', value: 'I' });
			afd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Debate not yet sorted', value: 'U' });

			// delsort categories list copied off [[User:Enterprisey/delsort.js]], originally taken from [[WP:DS/C]]
			var delsortCategories = {
				'People': ['People', 'Academics and educators', 'Actors and filmmakers', 'Artists', 'Authors', 'Bands and musicians', 'Businesspeople', 'Politicians', 'Sportspeople', 'Women', 'Lists of people'],
				'Arts': ['Arts', 'Fictional elements', 'Science fiction'],
				'Arts/Culinary': ['Food and drink', 'Wine'],
				'Arts/Language': ['Language', 'Academic journals', 'Bibliographies', 'Journalism', 'Literature', 'Logic', 'News media', 'Philosophy', 'Poetry'],
				'Arts/Performing': ['Albums and songs', 'Dance', 'Film', 'Magic', 'Music', 'Radio', 'Television', 'Theatre', 'Video games'],
				'Arts/Visual arts': ['Visual arts', 'Architecture', 'Fashion', 'Photography'],
				'Arts/Comics and animation': ['Comics and animation', 'Anime and manga', 'Webcomics'],
				'Places of interest': ['Museums and libraries', 'Shopping malls'],
				'Topical': ['Animal', 'Bilateral relations', 'Business', 'Conservatism', 'Conspiracy theories', 'Crime', 'Disability', 'Discrimination', 'Ethnic groups', 'Events', 'Games', 'Health and fitness', 'History', 'Law', 'Military', 'Organizations', 'Paranormal', 'Piracy', 'Politics', 'Terrorism'],
				'Topical/Business': ['Business', 'Advertising', 'Companies', 'Management', 'Finance'],
				'Topical/Culture': ['Beauty pageants', 'Fashion', 'Mythology', 'Popular culture', 'Sexuality and gender'],
				'Topical/Education': ['Education', 'Fraternities and sororities', 'Schools'],
				'Topical/Religion': ['Religion', 'Atheism', 'Bible', 'Buddhism', 'Christianity', 'Islam', 'Judaism', 'Hinduism', 'Paganism', 'Sikhism', 'Spirituality'],
				'Topical/Science': ['Science', 'Archaeology', 'Astronomy', 'Behavioural science', 'Economics', 'Environment', 'Geography', 'Mathematics', 'Medicine', 'Organisms', 'Social science', 'Transportation'],
				'Topical/Sports': ['Sports', 'American football', 'Baseball', 'Basketball', 'Bodybuilding', 'Boxing', 'Cricket', 'Cycling', 'Football', 'Golf', 'Horse racing', 'Ice hockey', 'Rugby union', 'Softball', 'Martial arts', 'Wrestling'],
				'Topical/Technology': ['Technology', 'Aviation', 'Computing', 'Firearms', 'Internet', 'Software', 'Websites'],
				'Wikipedia page type': ['Disambiguations', 'Lists'],
				'Geographic/Africa': ['Africa', 'Egypt', 'Ethiopia', 'Ghana', 'Kenya', 'Laos', 'Mauritius', 'Morocco', 'Nigeria', 'Somalia', 'South Africa', 'Zimbabwe'],
				'Geographic/Asia': ['Asia', 'Afghanistan', 'Bangladesh', 'Bahrain', 'Brunei', 'Cambodia', 'China', 'Hong Kong', 'India', 'Indonesia', 'Japan', 'Korea', 'Malaysia', 'Maldives', 'Mongolia', 'Myanmar', 'Nepal', 'Pakistan', 'Philippines', 'Singapore', 'South Korea', 'Sri Lanka', 'Taiwan', 'Thailand', 'Vietnam'],
				'Geographic/Asia/Central Asia': ['Central Asia', 'Kazakhstan', 'Kyrgyzstan', 'Tajikistan', 'Turkmenistan', 'Uzbekistan'],
				'Geographic/Asia/Middle East': ['Middle East', 'Iran', 'Iraq', 'Israel', 'Jordan', 'Kuwait', 'Lebanon', 'Libya', 'Palestine', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Syria', 'United Arab Emirates', 'Yemen', 'Qatar'],
				'Geographic/Europe': ['Europe', 'Albania', 'Armenia', 'Austria', 'Azerbaijan', 'Belarus', 'Belgium', 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'Bulgaria', 'Croatia', 'Cyprus', 'Czech Republic', 'Denmark', 'Estonia', 'Finland', 'France', 'Georgia (country)', 'Germany', 'Greece', 'Hungary', 'Iceland', 'Ireland', 'Italy', 'Jersey', 'Kosovo', 'Latvia', 'Lithuania', 'Luxembourg', 'Macedonia', 'Malta', 'Moldova', 'Montenegro', 'Netherlands', 'Norway', 'Poland', 'Portugal', 'Romania', 'Russia', 'Serbia', 'Slovakia', 'Slovenia', 'Spain', 'Sweden', 'Switzerland', 'Turkey', 'Ukraine', 'Yugoslavia'],
				'Geographic/Europe/United Kingdom': ['United Kingdom', 'England', 'Northern Ireland', 'Scotland', 'Wales'],
				'Geographic/Oceania': ['Oceania', 'Antarctica', 'Australia', 'New Zealand'],
				'Geographic/Americas/Canada': ['Canada', 'British Columbia', 'Manitoba', 'Nova Scotia', 'Ontario', 'Quebec', 'Alberta'],
				'Geographic/Americas/Latin America': ['Latin America', 'Caribbean', 'South America', 'Argentina', 'Barbados', 'Belize', 'Bolivia', 'Brazil', 'Chile', 'Colombia', 'Cuba', 'Ecuador', 'El Salvador', 'Guatemala', 'Haiti', 'Mexico', 'Nicaragua', 'Panama', 'Paraguay', 'Peru', 'Puerto Rico', 'Trinidad and Tobago', 'Uruguay', 'Venezuela', 'Grenada'],
				'Geographic/Americas/USA': ['United States of America', 'Alabama', 'Alaska', 'Arizona', 'Arkansas', 'California', 'Colorado', 'Connecticut', 'Delaware', 'Florida', 'Georgia (U.S. state)', 'Hawaii', 'Idaho', 'Illinois', 'Indiana', 'Iowa', 'Kansas', 'Kentucky', 'Louisiana', 'Maine', 'Maryland', 'Massachusetts', 'Michigan', 'Minnesota', 'Mississippi', 'Missouri', 'Montana', 'Nebraska', 'Nevada', 'New Hampshire', 'New Jersey', 'New Mexico', 'New York', 'North Carolina', 'North Dakota', 'Ohio', 'Oklahoma', 'Oregon', 'Pennsylvania', 'Rhode Island', 'South Carolina', 'South Dakota', 'Tennessee', 'Texas', 'Utah', 'Vermont', 'Virginia', 'Washington', 'Washington, D.C.', 'West Virginia', 'Wisconsin', 'Wyoming'],
				'Geographic/Unsorted': ['Islands']

			var delsort = work_area.append({
				type: 'select',
				multiple: true,
				name: 'delsort',
				label: 'Choose deletion sorting categories: ',
				tooltip: 'Select a few categories that are relevant to the subject of the article'

			$.each(delsortCategories, function(groupname, list) {
				var group = delsort.append({ type: 'optgroup', label: groupname });
				list.forEach(function(item) {
					group.append({ type: 'option', label: item, value: item });

			work_area = work_area.render();
			old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);

				.attr('data-placeholder', 'Select delsort pages')
				.chosen({width: '100%'});

			// Reduce padding
			mw.util.addCSS('.morebits-dialog .chosen-drop .chosen-results li { padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 2px; }');

		case 'tfd':
			work_area = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
				type: 'field',
				label: 'Templates for discussion',
				name: 'work_area'
				type: 'div',
				label: 'Stub types and userboxes are not eligible for TfD. Stub types go to CfD, and userboxes go to MfD.'
			var templateOrModule = mw.config.get('wgPageContentModel') === 'Scribunto' ? 'module' : 'template';
			var tfd_category = work_area.append({
				type: 'select',
				label: 'Choose type of action wanted: ',
				name: 'xfdcat',
				event: function(e) {
					var target =;
					// add/remove extra input box
					if (target.value === 'tfm' && !target.form.xfdtarget) { // $(target.parentNode).find("input[name='xfdtarget']").length === 0 ) {
						var xfdtarget = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
							name: 'xfdtarget',
							type: 'input',
							label: 'Other ' + templateOrModule + ' to be merged: '
					} else {
						target.form.xfdtarget = null;
						// $(target.parentNode).find("input[name='xfdtarget']").remove();
			tfd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Deletion', value: 'tfd', selected: true });
			tfd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Merge', value: 'tfm' });

			var tfd_template_type = work_area.append({
				type: 'select',
				name: 'templatetype',
				label: 'Deletion tag display style: ',
				tooltip: 'Which <code>type=</code> parameter to pass to the TfD tag template.'
			if (templateOrModule === 'module') {
				tfd_template_type.append({ type: 'option', value: 'module', label: 'Module', selected: true });
			} else {
				tfd_template_type.append({ type: 'option', value: 'standard', label: 'Standard', selected: true });
				tfd_template_type.append({ type: 'option', value: 'sidebar', label: 'Sidebar/infobox', selected: $('.infobox').length });
				tfd_template_type.append({ type: 'option', value: 'inline', label: 'Inline template' });
				tfd_template_type.append({ type: 'option', value: 'tiny', label: 'Tiny inline' });

				type: 'checkbox',
				list: [
						label: 'Wrap deletion tag with <noinclude> (for substituted templates only)',
						value: 'noinclude',
						name: 'noinclude',
						tooltip: 'Will wrap the deletion tag in &lt;noinclude&gt; tags, so that it won\'t get substituted along with the template.',
						disabled: templateOrModule === 'module',
						checked: !!$('.box-Subst_only').length // Default to checked if page carries {{subst only}}

			work_area = work_area.render();
			old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);
		case 'mfd':
			work_area = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
				type: 'field',
				label: 'Miscellany for deletion',
				name: 'work_area'
				type: 'checkbox',
				list: [
						label: 'Wrap deletion tag with <noinclude>',
						value: 'noinclude',
						name: 'noinclude',
						tooltip: 'Will wrap the deletion tag in &lt;noinclude&gt; tags, so that it won\'t transclude. Select this option for userboxes.'
			if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 2 /* User: */ || mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 3 /* User talk: */) {
					type: 'checkbox',
					list: [
							label: 'Also notify owner of userspace if they are not the page creator',
							value: 'notifyuserspace',
							name: 'notifyuserspace',
							tooltip: 'If the user in whose userspace this page is located, is not the page creator (for example, the page is a rescued article stored as a userspace draft), notify the userspace owner as well.',
							checked: true
			work_area = work_area.render();
			old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);
		case 'ffd':
			work_area = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
				type: 'field',
				label: 'Discussion venues for files',
				name: 'work_area'
			work_area = work_area.render();
			old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);
		case 'cfd':
			work_area = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
				type: 'field',
				label: 'Categories for discussion',
				name: 'work_area'
			var cfd_category = work_area.append({
				type: 'select',
				label: 'Choose type of action wanted: ',
				name: 'xfdcat',
				event: function(e) {
					var value =;
					var target =;
					// update enabled status
					if (value === 'cfd') {
						target.disabled = true;
					} else {
						target.disabled = false;
					// update label
					if (value === 'cfs') {
						target.previousSibling.textContent = 'Target categories: ';
					} else if (value === 'cfc') {
						target.previousSibling.textContent = 'Target article: ';
					} else {
						target.previousSibling.textContent = 'Target category: ';
					// add/remove extra input box
					if (value === 'cfs' && $(target.parentNode).find("input[name='xfdtarget2']").length === 0) {
						var xfdtarget2 = document.createElement('input');
						xfdtarget2.setAttribute('name', 'xfdtarget2');
						xfdtarget2.setAttribute('type', 'text');
					} else {
			cfd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Deletion', value: 'cfd', selected: true });
			cfd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Merge', value: 'cfm' });
			cfd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Renaming', value: 'cfr' });
			cfd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Split', value: 'cfs' });
			cfd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Convert into article', value: 'cfc' });

				type: 'input',
				name: 'xfdtarget',
				label: 'Target page: ',
				disabled: true,
				value: ''
			work_area = work_area.render();
			old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);
		case 'cfds':
			work_area = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
				type: 'field',
				label: 'Categories for speedy renaming',
				name: 'work_area'
			var cfds_category = work_area.append({
				type: 'select',
				label: 'C2 sub-criterion: ',
				name: 'xfdcat',
				tooltip: 'See WP:CFDS for full explanations.',
				event: function(e) {
					var value =;
					var target =;
					if (value === 'cfd') {
						target.disabled = true;
					} else {
						target.disabled = false;
			cfds_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'C2A: Typographic and spelling fixes', value: 'C2A', selected: true });
			cfds_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'C2B: Naming conventions and disambiguation', value: 'C2B' });
			cfds_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'C2C: Consistency with names of similar categories', value: 'C2C' });
			cfds_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'C2D: Rename to match article name', value: 'C2D' });
			cfds_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'C2E: Author request', value: 'C2E' });
			cfds_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'C2F: One eponymous article', value: 'C2F' });

				type: 'input',
				name: 'xfdtarget',
				label: 'New name: ',
				value: ''
			work_area = work_area.render();
			old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);
		case 'rfd':
			work_area = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
				type: 'field',
				label: 'Redirects for discussion',
				name: 'work_area'

				type: 'checkbox',
				list: [
						label: 'Notify  target page if possible',
						value: 'relatedpage',
						name: 'relatedpage',
						tooltip: "A notification template will be placed on the talk page of this redirect's target if this is true.",
						checked: true
			work_area = work_area.render();
			old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);
			work_area = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
				type: 'field',
				label: 'Nothing for anything',
				name: 'work_area'
			work_area = work_area.render();
			old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);

	// No creator notification for CFDS
	if (value === 'cfds') {
		Twinkle.xfd.previousNotify = form.notify.checked;
		form.notify.checked = false;
		form.notify.disabled = true;
	} else {
		form.notify.checked = Twinkle.xfd.previousNotify;
		form.notify.disabled = false;

Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref = function twinklexfdsetWatchPref(pageobj, pref) {
	switch (pref) {
		case 'yes':
		case 'no':

Twinkle.xfd.callbacks = {
	getDiscussionWikitext: function(venue, params) {
		if (venue === 'cfds') { // CfD/S takes a completely different style
			return '* [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']] to [[:' + + ']]\u00A0\u2013 ' +
				params.xfdcat + (params.reason ? ': ' + Morebits.string.formatReasonText(params.reason) : '.') + ' ~~~~';
			// U+00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE; U+2013 EN RULE

		var text = '{{subst:' + venue + '2';
		var reasonKey = venue === 'ffd' ? 'Reason' : 'text';
		// Add a reason unconditionally, so that at least a signature is added
		if (params.reason) {
			text += '|' + reasonKey + '=' + Morebits.string.formatReasonText(params.reason) + ' ~~~~';
		} else {
			text += '|' + reasonKey + '=~~~~';

		if (venue === 'afd' || venue === 'mfd') {
			text += '|pg=' + Morebits.pageNameNorm;
			if (venue === 'afd') {
				text += '|cat=' + params.xfdcat;
		} else if (venue === 'rfd') {
			text += '|redirect=' + Morebits.pageNameNorm;
		} else {
			text += '|1=' + mw.config.get('wgTitle');
			if (mw.config.get('wgPageContentModel') === 'Scribunto') {
				text += '|module=Module:';

		if ( {
			if (venue === 'rfd') {
				text += '|target=' + + (params.section ? '#' + params.section : '');
			} else if (venue !== 'cfd') {
				text += '|2=' +;
		if (params.target2) {
			text += '|3=' + params.target2;
		if (params.uploader) {
			text += '|Uploader=' + params.uploader;

		text += '}}';

		if (params.delsort_cats) { // Only for AFDs
			params.delsort_cats.forEach(function (cat) {
				text += '\n{{subst:delsort|' + cat + '|~~~~}}';

		return text;
	showPreview: function(form, venue, params) {
		var templatetext = Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext(venue, params);
		form.previewer.beginRender(templatetext, 'WP:TW'); // Force wikitext
	preview: function(form) {
		var venue = form.category.value;
		var params = {
			reason: form.xfdreason.value

		if (form.xfdcat) {
			params.xfdcat = form.xfdcat.value;
		if (form.xfdtarget) { = form.xfdtarget.value;
		if (form.xfdtarget2) {
			params.target2 = form.xfdtarget2.value;
		params.delsort_cats = $(form.delsort).val();

		if (venue === 'ffd') {
			// Fetch the uploader
			var page = new'wgPageName'));
			page.lookupCreation(function() {
				params.uploader = page.getCreator();
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.showPreview(form, venue, params);
		} else if (venue === 'rfd') { // Find the target
			Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.rfd.findTarget(params, function(params) {
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.showPreview(form, venue, params);
		} else if (venue === 'cfd') { // Swap in CfD subactions
			Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.showPreview(form, params.xfdcat, params);
		} else {
			Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.showPreview(form, venue, params);
	afd: {
		main: function(apiobj) {
			var xmlDoc = apiobj.responseXML;
			var titles = $(xmlDoc).find('allpages p');

			// There has been no earlier entries with this prefix, just go on.
			if (titles.length <= 0) {
				apiobj.params.numbering = apiobj.params.number = '';
			} else {
				var number = 0;
				for (var i = 0; i < titles.length; ++i) {
					var title = titles[i].getAttribute('title');

					// First, simple test, is there an instance with this exact name?
					if (title === 'Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/' + Morebits.pageNameNorm) {
						number = Math.max(number, 1);

					var order_re = new RegExp('^' +
						RegExp.escape('Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/' + Morebits.pageNameNorm, true) +
						'\\s*\\(\\s*(\\d+)(?:(?:th|nd|rd|st) nom(?:ination)?)?\\s*\\)\\s*$');
					var match = order_re.exec(title);

					// No match; A non-good value
					if (!match) {

					// A match, set number to the max of current
					number = Math.max(number, Number(match[1]));
				apiobj.params.number = Twinkle.xfd.num2order(parseInt(number, 10) + 1);
				apiobj.params.numbering = number > 0 ? ' (' + apiobj.params.number + ' nomination)' : '';
			apiobj.params.discussionpage = 'Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + apiobj.params.numbering;'Next discussion page', '[[' + apiobj.params.discussionpage + ']]');

			// Updating data for the action completed event = apiobj.params.discussionpage; = 'Nomination completed, now redirecting to the discussion page';

			// Tagging article
			var wikipedia_page = new'wgPageName'), 'Adding deletion tag to article');
			wikipedia_page.setFollowRedirect(true);  // should never be needed, but if the article is moved, we would want to follow the redirect
		// Tagging needs to happen before everything else: this means we can check if there is an AfD tag already on the page
		taggingArticle: function(pageobj) {
			var text = pageobj.getPageText();
			var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
			var statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();

			if (!pageobj.exists()) {
				statelem.error("It seems that the page doesn't exist; perhaps it has already been deleted");

			// Check for existing AfD tag, for the benefit of new page patrollers
			var textNoAfd = text.replace(/<!--.*AfD.*\n\{\{(?:Article for deletion\/dated|AfDM).*\}\}\n<!--.*(?:\n<!--.*)?AfD.*(?:\s*\n)?/g, '');
			if (text !== textNoAfd) {
				if (confirm('An AfD tag was found on this article. Maybe someone beat you to it.  \nClick OK to replace the current AfD tag (not recommended), or Cancel to abandon your nomination.')) {
					text = textNoAfd;
				} else {
					statelem.error('Article already tagged with AfD tag, and you chose to abort');

			// Now we know we want to go ahead with it, trigger the other AJAX requests

			// Mark the page as patrolled, if wanted
			if (Twinkle.getPref('markXfdPagesAsPatrolled')) {

			// Starting discussion page
			var wikipedia_page = new, 'Creating article deletion discussion page');

			// Today's list
			var date = new Date();
			wikipedia_page = new'Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Log/' + date.getUTCFullYear() + ' ' +
				date.getUTCMonthName() + ' ' + date.getUTCDate(), "Adding discussion to today's list");

			// Notification to first contributor
			if (params.usertalk) {
				var thispage = new'wgPageName'));

			// List at deletion sorting pages
			if (params.delsort_cats) {
				params.delsort_cats.forEach(function (cat) {
					var delsortPage = new'Wikipedia:WikiProject Deletion sorting/' + cat, 'Adding to list of ' + cat + '-related deletion discussions');
					delsortPage.setCallbackParameters({discussionPage: params.discussionpage});

			// Remove some tags that should always be removed on AfD.
			text = text.replace(/\{\{\s*(dated prod|dated prod blp|Prod blp\/dated|Proposed deletion\/dated|prod2|Proposed deletion endorsed|Userspace draft)\s*(\|(?:\{\{[^{}]*\}\}|[^{}])*)?\}\}\s*/ig, '');
			// Then, test if there are speedy deletion-related templates on the article.
			var textNoSd = text.replace(/\{\{\s*(db(-\w*)?|delete|(?:hang|hold)[- ]?on)\s*(\|(?:\{\{[^{}]*\}\}|[^{}])*)?\}\}\s*/ig, '');
			if (text !== textNoSd && confirm('A speedy deletion tag was found on this page. Should it be removed?')) {
				text = textNoSd;

			pageobj.setPageText((params.noinclude ? '<noinclude>{{' : '{{') + (params.number === '' ? 'subst:afd|help=off' : 'subst:afdx|' +
				params.number + '|help=off') + (params.noinclude ? '}}</noinclude>\n' : '}}\n') + text);
			pageobj.setEditSummary('Nominated for deletion; see [[:' + params.discussionpage + ']].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchPage'));
		discussionPage: function(pageobj) {
			var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

			pageobj.setPageText(Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext('afd', params));
			pageobj.setEditSummary('Creating deletion discussion page for [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchDiscussion'));
			pageobj.setCreateOption('createonly'); {
				Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null;  // any errors from now on do not need to print the rationale, as it is safely saved on-wiki
		todaysList: function(pageobj) {
			var old_text = pageobj.getPageText() + '\n';  // MW strips trailing blanks, but we like them, so we add a fake one
			var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
			var statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();

			var text = old_text.replace(/(<!-- Add new entries to the TOP of the following list -->\n+)/, '$1{{subst:afd3|pg=' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + params.numbering + '}}\n');
			if (text === old_text) {
				var linknode = document.createElement('a');
				linknode.setAttribute('href', mw.util.getUrl('Wikipedia:Twinkle/Fixing AFD') + '?action=purge');
				linknode.appendChild(document.createTextNode('How to fix AFD'));
				statelem.error([ 'Could not find the target spot for the discussion. To fix this problem, please see ', linknode, '.' ]);
			pageobj.setEditSummary('Adding [[:' + params.discussionpage + ']].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchList'));
		userNotification: function(pageobj) {
			var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
			var initialContrib = pageobj.getCreator();

			// Disallow warning yourself
			if (initialContrib === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
				pageobj.getStatusElement().warn('You (' + initialContrib + ') created this page; skipping user notification');

			var usertalkpage = new'User talk:' + initialContrib, 'Notifying initial contributor (' + initialContrib + ')');
			var notifytext = '\n{{subst:AFDWarning|1=' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + (params.numbering !== '' ? '|order=&#32;' + params.numbering : '') + '}} ~~~~';
			usertalkpage.setEditSummary('Notification: [[' + params.discussionpage + '|nomination]] of [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']]  at [[WP:AFD|articles for deletion]].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(usertalkpage, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchUser'));
		delsortListing: function(pageobj) {
			var discussionPage = pageobj.getCallbackParameters().discussionPage;
			var text = pageobj.getPageText().replace('directly below this line -->', 'directly below this line -->\n{{' + discussionPage + '}}');
			pageobj.setEditSummary('Listing [[:' + discussionPage + ']].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));

	tfd: {
		taggingTemplate: function(pageobj) {
			var text = pageobj.getPageText();
			var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
			var tableNewline = params.tfdtype === 'standard' || params.tfdtype === 'sidebar' ? '\n' : ''; // No newline for inline

			pageobj.setPageText((params.noinclude ? '<noinclude>' : '') + '{{subst:template for discussion|help=off' +
				(params.tfdtype !== 'standard' ? '|type=' + params.tfdtype : '') + (params.noinclude ? '}}</noinclude>' : '}}') + tableNewline + text);
			pageobj.setEditSummary('Nominated for deletion; see [[:' + params.discussionpage + ']].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchPage'));
			pageobj.setCreateOption('recreate'); // Module /doc might not exist;
		taggingTemplateForMerge: function(pageobj) {
			var text = pageobj.getPageText();
			var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
			var tableNewline = params.tfdtype === 'standard' || params.tfdtype === 'sidebar' ? '\n' : ''; // No newline for inline

			pageobj.setPageText((params.noinclude ? '<noinclude>' : '') + '{{subst:tfm|help=off|' +
				(params.tfdtype !== 'standard' ? 'type=' + params.tfdtype + '|' : '') + '1=' + params.otherTemplateName.replace(/^(?:Template|Module):/, '') +
				(params.noinclude ? '}}</noinclude>' : '}}') + tableNewline + text);
			pageobj.setEditSummary('Listed for merging with [[:' + params.otherTemplateName + ']]; see [[:' + params.discussionpage + ']].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchPage'));
			pageobj.setCreateOption('recreate'); // Module /doc might not exist;
		todaysList: function(pageobj) {
			var old_text = pageobj.getPageText();
			var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
			var statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();

			var added_data = Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext(params.xfdcat, params);

			var text = old_text.replace('-->', '-->\n' + added_data);
			if (text === old_text) {
				statelem.error('failed to find target spot for the discussion');
			pageobj.setEditSummary('Adding ' + (params.xfdcat === 'tfd' ? 'deletion nomination' : 'merge listing') + ' of [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchDiscussion'));
			pageobj.setCreateOption('recreate'); {
				Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null;  // any errors from now on do not need to print the rationale, as it is safely saved on-wiki
		userNotification: function(pageobj) {
			var initialContrib = pageobj.getCreator();
			var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

			// Disallow warning yourself
			if (initialContrib === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
				pageobj.getStatusElement().warn('You (' + initialContrib + ') created this page; skipping user notification');

			var usertalkpage = new'User talk:' + initialContrib, 'Notifying initial contributor (' + initialContrib + ')');
			var notifytext = '\n';
			var modNotice = mw.config.get('wgPageContentModel') === 'Scribunto' ? '|module=yes' : '';
			switch (params.xfdcat) {
				case 'tfd':
					notifytext += '{{subst:tfdnotice|1=' + mw.config.get('wgTitle') + modNotice + '}} ~~~~';
				case 'tfm':
					notifytext += '{{subst:tfmnotice|1=' + mw.config.get('wgTitle') + '|2=' + + modNotice + '}} ~~~~';
					alert('twinklexfd in userNotification: unknown TFD action');

			usertalkpage.setEditSummary('Notification: [[' + params.discussionpage + '|listing]] of [[:' + pageobj.getPageName() + ']] at [[WP:TFD|templates for discussion]].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(usertalkpage, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchUser'));

	mfd: {
		main: function(apiobj) {
			var xmlDoc = apiobj.responseXML;
			var titles = $(xmlDoc).find('allpages p');

			// There has been no earlier entries with this prefix, just go on.
			if (titles.length <= 0) {
				apiobj.params.numbering = apiobj.params.number = '';
			} else {
				var number = 0;
				for (var i = 0; i < titles.length; ++i) {
					var title = titles[i].getAttribute('title');

					// First, simple test, is there an instance with this exact name?
					if (title === 'Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/' + Morebits.pageNameNorm) {
						number = Math.max(number, 1);

					var order_re = new RegExp('^' +
							RegExp.escape('Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/' + Morebits.pageNameNorm, true) +
							'\\s*\\(\\s*(\\d+)(?:(?:th|nd|rd|st) nom(?:ination)?)?\\s*\\)\\s*$');
					var match = order_re.exec(title);

					// No match; A non-good value
					if (!match) {

					// A match, set number to the max of current
					number = Math.max(number, Number(match[1]));
				apiobj.params.number = Twinkle.xfd.num2order(parseInt(number, 10) + 1);
				apiobj.params.numbering = number > 0 ? ' (' + apiobj.params.number + ' nomination)' : '';
			apiobj.params.discussionpage = 'Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + apiobj.params.numbering;'next in order is [[' + apiobj.params.discussionpage + ']]');

			// Tagging page
			var wikipedia_page = new'wgPageName'), 'Tagging page with deletion tag');
			wikipedia_page.setFollowRedirect(true);  // should never be needed, but if the page is moved, we would want to follow the redirect

			// Updating data for the action completed event = apiobj.params.discussionpage; = 'Nomination completed, now redirecting to the discussion page';

			// Discussion page
			wikipedia_page = new, 'Creating deletion discussion page');

			// Today's list
			wikipedia_page = new'Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion', "Adding discussion to today's list");
			// wikipedia_page.setPageSection(2);
			// pageSection has been disabled - the API seems to throw up with nonexistent edit conflicts
			// it can be turned on again once the problem is fixed, to save bandwidth
			// wikipedia_page.setFollowRedirect(true);

			// Notification to first contributor, and notification to owner of userspace (if applicable and required)
			if (apiobj.params.usertalk) {
				var thispage = new'wgPageName'));
		taggingPage: function(pageobj) {
			var text = pageobj.getPageText();
			var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

			pageobj.setPageText((params.noinclude ? '<noinclude>' : '') + '{{' +
				(params.number === '' ? 'mfd' : 'mfdx|' + params.number) + '|help=off}}\n' +
				(params.noinclude ? '</noinclude>' : '') + text);
			pageobj.setEditSummary('Nominated for deletion; see [[:' + params.discussionpage + ']].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchPage'));
		discussionPage: function(pageobj) {
			var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

			pageobj.setPageText(Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext('mfd', params));
			pageobj.setEditSummary('Creating deletion discussion page for [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchDiscussion'));
			pageobj.setCreateOption('createonly'); {
				Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null;  // any errors from now on do not need to print the rationale, as it is safely saved on-wiki
		todaysList: function(pageobj) {
			var text = pageobj.getPageText();
			var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
			var statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();

			var date = new Date();
			var date_header = '===' + date.getUTCMonthName() + ' ' + date.getUTCDate() + ', ' + date.getUTCFullYear() + '===\n';
			var date_header_regex = new RegExp('(===\\s*' + date.getUTCMonthName() + '\\s+' + date.getUTCDate() + ',\\s+' + date.getUTCFullYear() + '\\s*===)');
			var new_data = '{{subst:mfd3|pg=' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + params.numbering + '}}';

			if (date_header_regex.test(text)) { // we have a section already'Found today\'s section, proceeding to add new entry');
				text = text.replace(date_header_regex, '$1\n' + new_data);
			} else { // we need to create a new section'No section for today found, proceeding to create one');
				text = text.replace('===', date_header + new_data + '\n\n===');

			pageobj.setEditSummary('Adding [[:' + params.discussionpage + ']].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchList'));
		userNotification: function(pageobj) {
			var initialContrib = pageobj.getCreator();
			var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

			// Disallow warning yourself
			if (initialContrib === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
				pageobj.getStatusElement().warn('You (' + initialContrib + ') created this page; skipping user notification');
			} else {
				// Really notify the creator
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.mfd.userNotificationMain(params, initialContrib, 'Notifying initial contributor');

			// Also notify the user who owns the subpage if they are not the creator
			if (params.notifyuserspace) {
				var userspaceOwner = mw.config.get('wgTitle').indexOf('/') === -1 ? mw.config.get('wgTitle') : mw.config.get('wgTitle').substring(0, mw.config.get('wgTitle').indexOf('/'));
				if (userspaceOwner !== initialContrib) {
					Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.mfd.userNotificationMain(params, userspaceOwner, 'Notifying owner of userspace');
		userNotificationMain: function(params, initialContrib, actionName) {
			var usertalkpage = new'User talk:' + initialContrib, actionName + ' (' + initialContrib + ')');
			var notifytext = '\n{{subst:MFDWarning|1=' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + (params.numbering !== '' ? '|order=&#32;' + params.numbering : '') + '}} ~~~~';
			usertalkpage.setEditSummary('Notification: [[' + params.discussionpage + '|nomination]] of [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']] at [[WP:MFD|miscellany for deletion]].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(usertalkpage, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchUser'));

	ffd: {
		main: function(pageobj) {
			// this is coming in from lookupCreation...!
			var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
			var initialContrib = pageobj.getCreator();
			params.uploader = initialContrib;

			// Adding discussion
			var wikipedia_page = new, "Adding discussion to today's list");

			// Notification to first contributor
			if (params.usertalk) {
				// Disallow warning yourself
				if (initialContrib === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
					pageobj.getStatusElement().warn('You (' + initialContrib + ') created this page; skipping user notification');
				} else {
					var usertalkpage = new'User talk:' + initialContrib, 'Notifying initial contributor (' + initialContrib + ')');
					var notifytext = '\n{{subst:fdw|1=' + mw.config.get('wgTitle') + '}}';
					usertalkpage.setEditSummary('Notification: [[' + params.discussionpage + '|listing]] of [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']] at [[WP:FFD|files for discussion]].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
					Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(usertalkpage, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchUser'));
		taggingImage: function(pageobj) {
			var text = pageobj.getPageText();
			var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

			text = text.replace(/\{\{(mtc|(copy |move )?to ?commons|move to wikimedia commons|copy to wikimedia commons)[^}]*\}\}/gi, '');

			pageobj.setPageText('{{ffd|log=' + + '|help=off}}\n' + text);
			pageobj.setEditSummary('Listed for discussion at [[:' + params.discussionpage + ']].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchPage'));
			pageobj.setCreateOption('recreate');  // it might be possible for a file to exist without a description page;
		todaysList: function(pageobj) {
			var text = pageobj.getPageText();
			var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

			// add date header if the log is found to be empty (a bot should do this automatically, but it sometimes breaks down)
			if (!pageobj.exists()) {
				text = '{{subst:Ffd log}}';

			pageobj.setPageText(text + '\n\n' + Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext('ffd', params));
			pageobj.setEditSummary('Adding [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchDiscussion'));
			pageobj.setCreateOption('recreate'); {
				Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null;  // any errors from now on do not need to print the rationale, as it is safely saved on-wiki

	cfd: {
		taggingCategory: function(pageobj) {
			var text = pageobj.getPageText();
			var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

			var added_data = '';
			var editsummary = '';
			switch (params.xfdcat) {
				case 'cfd':
					added_data = '{{subst:cfd}}';
					editsummary = 'Category being considered for deletion; see [[:' + params.discussionpage + ']].';
				case 'cfm':
					added_data = '{{subst:cfm|' + + '}}';
					editsummary = 'Category being considered for merging; see [[:' + params.discussionpage + ']].';
				case 'cfr':
					added_data = '{{subst:cfr|' + + '}}';
					editsummary = 'Category being considered for renaming; see [[:' + params.discussionpage + ']].';
				case 'cfs':
					added_data = '{{subst:cfs|' + + '|' + params.target2 + '}}';
					editsummary = 'Category being considered for splitting; see [[:' + params.discussionpage + ']].';
				case 'cfc':
					added_data = '{{subst:cfc|' + + '}}';
					editsummary = 'Category being considered for conversion to an article; see [[:' + params.discussionpage + ']].';
					alert('twinklexfd in taggingCategory(): unknown CFD action');

			pageobj.setPageText(added_data + '\n' + text);
			pageobj.setEditSummary(editsummary + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchPage'));
			pageobj.setCreateOption('recreate');  // since categories can be populated without an actual page at that title;
		todaysList: function(pageobj) {
			var old_text = pageobj.getPageText();
			var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
			var statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();

			var added_data = Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext(params.xfdcat, params);
			var summaryActions = {
				cfd: 'delete',
				cfm: 'merge',
				cfr: 'rename',
				cfs: 'split',
				cfc: 'convert'
			var editsummary = 'Adding ' + summaryActions[params.xfdcat] + ' nomination of [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].';

			var text = old_text.replace('below this line -->', 'below this line -->\n' + added_data);
			if (text === old_text) {
				statelem.error('failed to find target spot for the discussion');

			pageobj.setEditSummary(editsummary + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchDiscussion'));
			pageobj.setCreateOption('recreate'); {
				Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null;  // any errors from now on do not need to print the rationale, as it is safely saved on-wiki
		userNotification: function(pageobj) {
			var initialContrib = pageobj.getCreator();
			var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

			// Disallow warning yourself
			if (initialContrib === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
				pageobj.getStatusElement().warn('You (' + initialContrib + ') created this page; skipping user notification');

			var usertalkpage = new'User talk:' + initialContrib, 'Notifying initial contributor (' + initialContrib + ')');
			var notifytext = '\n{{subst:cfd-notify|1=' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + '}} ~~~~';
			usertalkpage.setEditSummary('Notification: [[' + params.discussionpage + '|listing]] of [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']] at [[WP:CFD|categories for discussion]].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(usertalkpage, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchUser'));

	cfds: {
		taggingCategory: function(pageobj) {
			var text = pageobj.getPageText();
			var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

			pageobj.setPageText('{{subst:cfr-speedy|1=' + + '}}\n' + text);
			pageobj.setEditSummary('Listed for speedy renaming; see [[WP:CFDS|Categories for discussion/Speedy]].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchPage'));
			pageobj.setCreateOption('recreate');  // since categories can be populated without an actual page at that title;
		addToList: function(pageobj) {
			var old_text = pageobj.getPageText();
			var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
			var statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement(); = /^Category:/.test( ? : 'Category:' +;
			var text = old_text.replace('BELOW THIS LINE -->', 'BELOW THIS LINE -->\n' + Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext('cfds', params));
			if (text === old_text) {
				statelem.error('failed to find target spot for the discussion');

			pageobj.setEditSummary('Adding [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchDiscussion'));
			pageobj.setCreateOption('recreate'); {
				Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null;  // any errors from now on do not need to print the rationale, as it is safely saved on-wiki

	rfd: {
		// This gets called both on submit and preview to determine the redirect target
		findTarget: function(params, callback) {
			if (document.getElementById('softredirect')) {
				// For soft redirects, skip straight to the callback = document.getElementById('softredirect').textContent.replace(/^:+/, '');
			} else {
				// Find current target of redirect
				var query = {
					'action': 'query',
					'titles': mw.config.get('wgPageName'),
					'redirects': true
				var wikipedia_api = new'Finding target of redirect', query, Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.rfd.findTargetCallback(callback));
				wikipedia_api.params = params;;
		// This is a closure for the callback from the above API request, which gets the target of the redirect
		findTargetCallback: function(callback) {
			return function(apiobj) {
				var xmlDoc = apiobj.responseXML;
				var target = $(xmlDoc).find('redirects r').first().attr('to');
				if (!target) {
					apiobj.statelem.error('This page is currently not a redirect, aborting');
				} = target;
				var section = $(xmlDoc).find('redirects r').first().attr('tofragment');
				apiobj.params.section = section;
		main: function(params) {
			var date = new Date();
			params.logpage = 'Wikipedia:Redirects for discussion/Log/' + date.getUTCFullYear() + ' ' + date.getUTCMonthName() + ' ' + date.getUTCDate();
			params.discussionpage = params.logpage + '#' + Morebits.pageNameNorm;

			// Tagging redirect
			var wikipedia_page = new'wgPageName'), 'Adding deletion tag to redirect');

			// Updating data for the action completed event = params.logpage; = "Nomination completed, now redirecting to today's log";

			// Adding discussion
			wikipedia_page = new, "Adding discussion to today's log");

			// Notifications
			if (params.usertalk || params.relatedpage) {
				var thispage = new'wgPageName'));
		taggingRedirect: function(pageobj) {
			var text = pageobj.getPageText();
			var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

			pageobj.setPageText('{{subst:rfd|content=\n' + text + '\n}}');
			pageobj.setEditSummary('Listed for discussion at [[:' + params.discussionpage + ']].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchPage'));
		todaysList: function(pageobj) {
			var old_text = pageobj.getPageText();
			var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
			var statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();

			// + sectionHash + "}} ~~~~\n" );
			var added_data = Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext('rfd', params);
			var text = old_text.replace(/(<!-- Add new entries directly below this line\.? -->)/, '$1\n' + added_data);
			if (text === old_text) {
				statelem.error('failed to find target spot for the discussion');

			pageobj.setEditSummary('Adding [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchDiscussion'));
			pageobj.setCreateOption('recreate'); {
				Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null;  // any errors from now on do not need to print the rationale, as it is safely saved on-wiki
		sendNotifications: function(pageobj) {
			var initialContrib = pageobj.getCreator();
			var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

			// Notifying initial contributor
			if (params.usertalk) {
				// Disallow warning yourself
				if (initialContrib === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
					pageobj.getStatusElement().warn('You (' + initialContrib + ') created this page; skipping user notification');
				} else {
					Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.rfd.userNotification(params, initialContrib);

			// Notifying target page's watchers
			if (params.relatedpage) {
				var targetTalk = new mw.Title(;

				// On the offchance it's a circular redirect
				if ( === mw.config.get('wgPageName')) {
					pageobj.getStatusElement().warn('Circular redirect; skipping target page notification');
				} else if (targetTalk.getNamespaceId() === 3) {
					// Don't issue if target talk is the initial contributor's talk or your own
					if (targetTalk.getNameText() === initialContrib) {
						pageobj.getStatusElement().warn('Target is initial contributor; skipping target page notification');
					} else if (targetTalk.getNameText() === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
						pageobj.getStatusElement().warn('You (' + mw.config.get('wgUserName') + ') are the target; skipping target page notification');
				} else {
					Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.rfd.targetNotification(params, targetTalk);
		userNotification: function(params, initialContrib) {
			var usertalkpage = new'User talk:' + initialContrib, 'Notifying initial contributor (' + initialContrib + ')');
			var notifytext = '\n{{subst:RFDNote|1=' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + '}} ~~~~';
			usertalkpage.setEditSummary('Notification: [[' + params.discussionpage + '|listing]] of [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']] at [[WP:RFD|redirects for discussion]].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(usertalkpage, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchUser'));
		targetNotification: function(params, targetTalk) {
			var targettalkpage = new, 'Notifying redirect target of the discussion');
			var notifytext = '\n{{subst:RFDNote|1=' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + '}} ~~~~';
			targettalkpage.setEditSummary('Notification: [[' + params.discussionpage + '|listing]] of [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']] at [[WP:RFD|redirects for discussion]].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(targettalkpage, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchRelated'));

Twinkle.xfd.callback.evaluate = function(e) {
	var form =;

	var type = form.category.value;
	var usertalk = form.notify.checked;
	var reason = form.xfdreason.value;
	var delsort_cats = $(form.delsort).val(); // afd
	var xfdcat = form.xfdcat && form.xfdcat.value; // afd, cfd, cfds, tfd
	var xfdtarget = form.xfdtarget && form.xfdtarget.value; // cfd, cfds, tfd
	var xfdtarget2 = form.xfdtarget2 && form.xfdtarget2.value; // cfd, cfds
	var noinclude = form.noinclude && form.noinclude.checked; // afd, mfd, tfd
	var tfdtype = form.templatetype && form.templatetype.value; // tfd
	var notifyuserspace = form.notifyuserspace && form.notifyuserspace.checked; // mfd
	var relatedpage = form.relatedpage && form.relatedpage.checked; // rfd


	Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = reason;

	if (!type) {
		Morebits.status.error('Error', 'no action given');

	var query, wikipedia_page, wikipedia_api, logpage, params;
	var date = new Date();
	switch (type) {

		case 'afd': // AFD
			query = {
				'action': 'query',
				'list': 'allpages',
				'apprefix': 'Articles for deletion/' + Morebits.pageNameNorm,
				'apnamespace': 4,
				'apfilterredir': 'nonredirects',
				'aplimit': Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop') ? 5000 : 500
			wikipedia_api = new'Tagging article with deletion tag', query, Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.afd.main);
			wikipedia_api.params = { usertalk: usertalk, reason: reason, noinclude: noinclude,
				xfdcat: xfdcat, delsort_cats: delsort_cats };;

		case 'tfd': // TFD;
			if (xfdtarget) {
				xfdtarget = Morebits.string.toUpperCaseFirstChar(xfdtarget.replace(/^:?(?:Template|Module):/i, ''));
			} else {
				xfdtarget = '';

			logpage = 'Wikipedia:Templates for discussion/Log/' + date.getUTCFullYear() + ' ' + date.getUTCMonthName() + ' ' + date.getUTCDate();

			params = { tfdtype: tfdtype, logpage: logpage, noinclude: noinclude, xfdcat: xfdcat, target: xfdtarget, reason: reason };
			params.discussionpage = params.logpage + '#' + Morebits.pageNameNorm;

			// Modules can't be tagged, TfD instructions are to place on /doc subpage
			var isScribunto = mw.config.get('wgPageContentModel') === 'Scribunto';
			// Tagging template(s)/module(s)
			if (xfdcat === 'tfm') { // Merge
			// Tag this template/module
				if (isScribunto) {
					wikipedia_page = new'wgPageName') + '/doc', 'Tagging this module documentation with merge tag');
					params.otherTemplateName = 'Module:' + xfdtarget;
				} else {
					wikipedia_page = new'wgPageName'), 'Tagging this template with merge tag');
					params.otherTemplateName = 'Template:' + xfdtarget;

				// Tag other template/module
				if (isScribunto) {
					wikipedia_page = new'Module:' + xfdtarget + '/doc', 'Tagging other module documentation with merge tag');
				} else {
					wikipedia_page = new'Template:' + xfdtarget, 'Tagging other template with merge tag');
				params = $.extend(params);
				params.otherTemplateName = Morebits.pageNameNorm;
			} else { // delete
				if (isScribunto) {
					wikipedia_page = new'wgPageName') + '/doc', 'Tagging module documentation with deletion tag');
				} else {
					wikipedia_page = new'wgPageName'), 'Tagging template with deletion tag');
				wikipedia_page.setFollowRedirect(true);  // should never be needed, but if the page is moved, we would want to follow the redirect

			// Updating data for the action completed event = logpage; = "Nomination completed, now redirecting to today's log";

			// Adding discussion
			wikipedia_page = new, "Adding discussion to today's log");

			// Notification to first contributors
			if (usertalk) {
				var involvedpages = [];
				var seenusers = [];
				if (xfdcat === 'tfm') {
					if (isScribunto) {
						involvedpages.push(new'Module:' + xfdtarget));
					} else {
						involvedpages.push(new'Template:' + xfdtarget));
				involvedpages.forEach(function(page) {
					page.lookupCreation(function(innerpage) {
						var username = innerpage.getCreator();
						if (seenusers.indexOf(username) === -1) {

		case 'mfd': // MFD
			query = {
				'action': 'query',
				'list': 'allpages',
				'apprefix': 'Miscellany for deletion/' + Morebits.pageNameNorm,
				'apnamespace': 4,
				'apfilterredir': 'nonredirects',
				'aplimit': Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop') ? 5000 : 500
			wikipedia_api = new'Looking for prior nominations of this page', query, Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.mfd.main);
			wikipedia_api.params = { usertalk: usertalk, notifyuserspace: notifyuserspace, reason: reason, noinclude: noinclude, xfdcat: xfdcat };;

		case 'ffd': // FFD
			var dateString = date.getUTCFullYear() + ' ' + date.getUTCMonthName() + ' ' + date.getUTCDate();
			logpage = 'Wikipedia:Files for discussion/' + dateString;
			params = { usertalk: usertalk, reason: reason, date: dateString, logpage: logpage };
			params.discussionpage = params.logpage + '#' + Morebits.pageNameNorm;;

			// Updating data for the action completed event = logpage; = 'Nomination completed, now redirecting to the discussion page';

			// Tagging file
			wikipedia_page = new'wgPageName'), 'Adding deletion tag to file page');

			// Contributor specific edits
			wikipedia_page = new'wgPageName'));

		case 'cfd':;

			if (xfdtarget) {
				xfdtarget = xfdtarget.replace(/^:?Category:/i, '');
			} else {
				xfdtarget = '';

			if (xfdtarget2) {
				xfdtarget2 = xfdtarget2.replace(/^:?Category:/i, '');

			logpage = 'Wikipedia:Categories for discussion/Log/' + date.getUTCFullYear() + ' ' + date.getUTCMonthName() + ' ' + date.getUTCDate();

			params = { reason: reason, xfdcat: xfdcat, target: xfdtarget, target2: xfdtarget2, logpage: logpage };
			params.discussionpage = params.logpage + '#' + Morebits.pageNameNorm;

			// Updating data for the action completed event = logpage; = "Nomination completed, now redirecting to today's log";

			// Tagging category
			wikipedia_page = new'wgPageName'), 'Tagging category with deletion tag');

			// Adding discussion to list
			wikipedia_page = new, "Adding discussion to today's list");
			// wikipedia_page.setPageSection(2);
			// pageSection has been disabled - the API seems to throw up with nonexistent edit conflicts
			// it can be turned on again once the problem is fixed, to save bandwidth
			// wikipedia_page.setFollowRedirect(true);

			// Notification to first contributor
			if (usertalk) {
				wikipedia_page = new'wgPageName'));

		case 'cfds':
			xfdtarget = xfdtarget.replace(/^:?Category:/, '');

			logpage = 'Wikipedia:Categories for discussion/Speedy';
			params = { reason: reason, xfdcat: xfdcat, target: xfdtarget };

			// Updating data for the action completed event = logpage; = 'Nomination completed, now redirecting to the discussion page';

			// Tagging category
			wikipedia_page = new'wgPageName'), 'Tagging category with rename tag');

			// Adding discussion to list
			wikipedia_page = new, 'Adding discussion to the list');


		case 'rfd':
			params = { usertalk: usertalk, relatedpage: relatedpage, reason: reason };
			// find target and pass main as the callback
			Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.rfd.findTarget(params, Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.rfd.main);
			alert('twinklexfd: unknown XFD discussion venue');

// </nowiki>

// <nowiki>

(function($) {

 *** twinklebatchdelete.js: Batch delete module (sysops only)
 * Mode of invocation:     Tab ("D-batch")
 * Active on:              Existing non-articles, and Special:PrefixIndex
 * Config directives in:   TwinkleConfig

Twinkle.batchdelete = function twinklebatchdelete() {
	if (
		Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop') && (
			(mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId') && mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') > 0) ||
			mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') === 'Prefixindex'
	) {
		Twinkle.addPortletLink(Twinkle.batchdelete.callback, 'D-batch', 'tw-batch', 'Delete pages found in this category/on this page');

Twinkle.batchdelete.unlinkCache = {};

// Has the subpages list been loaded?
var subpagesLoaded;

Twinkle.batchdelete.callback = function twinklebatchdeleteCallback() {
	subpagesLoaded = false;
	var Window = new Morebits.simpleWindow(600, 400);
	Window.setTitle('Batch deletion');
	Window.addFooterLink('Twinkle help', 'WP:TW/DOC#batchdelete');

	var form = new Morebits.quickForm(Twinkle.batchdelete.callback.evaluate);
		type: 'checkbox',
		list: [
				label: 'Delete pages',
				name: 'delete_page',
				value: 'delete',
				checked: true,
				subgroup: {
					type: 'checkbox',
					list: [
							label: 'Delete associated talk pages (except user talk pages)',
							name: 'delete_talk',
							value: 'delete_talk',
							checked: true
							label: 'Delete redirects to deleted pages',
							name: 'delete_redirects',
							value: 'delete_redirects',
							checked: true
							label: 'Delete subpages of deleted pages',
							name: 'delete_subpages',
							value: 'delete_subpages',
							checked: false,
							event: Twinkle.batchdelete.callback.toggleSubpages,
							subgroup: {
								type: 'checkbox',
								list: [
										label: 'Delete talk pages of deleted subpages',
										name: 'delete_subpage_talks',
										value: 'delete_subpage_talks'
										label: 'Delete redirects to deleted subpages',
										name: 'delete_subpage_redirects',
										value: 'delete_subpage_redirects'
										label: 'Unlink backlinks to each deleted subpage (in Main and Portal namespaces only)',
										name: 'unlink_subpages',
										value: 'unlink_subpages'
				label: 'Unlink backlinks to each page (in Main and Portal namespaces only)',
				name: 'unlink_page',
				value: 'unlink',
				checked: false
				label: 'Remove usages of each file (in all namespaces)',
				name: 'unlink_file',
				value: 'unlink_file',
				checked: true
		type: 'input',
		name: 'reason',
		label: 'Reason: ',
		size: 60

	var query = {
		'action': 'query',
		'prop': 'revisions|info|imageinfo',
		'inprop': 'protection',
		'rvprop': 'size|user'

	// On categories
	if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 14) {
		query.generator = 'categorymembers';
		query.gcmtitle = mw.config.get('wgPageName');
		query.gcmlimit = Twinkle.getPref('batchMax'); // the max for sysops

	// On Special:PrefixIndex
	} else if (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') === 'Prefixindex') {

		query.generator = 'allpages';
		query.gaplimit = Twinkle.getPref('batchMax'); // the max for sysops
		if (Morebits.queryString.exists('prefix')) {
			query.gapnamespace = Morebits.queryString.get('namespace');
			query.gapprefix = Morebits.string.toUpperCaseFirstChar(Morebits.queryString.get('prefix'));
		} else {
			var pathSplit = decodeURIComponent(location.pathname).split('/');
			if (pathSplit.length < 3 || pathSplit[2] !== 'Special:PrefixIndex') {
			var titleSplit = pathSplit[3].split(':');
			query.gapnamespace = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceIds')[titleSplit[0].toLowerCase()];
			if (titleSplit.length < 2 || typeof query.gapnamespace === 'undefined') {
				query.gapnamespace = 0;  // article namespace
				query.gapprefix = pathSplit.splice(3).join('/');
			} else {
				pathSplit = pathSplit.splice(4);
				pathSplit.splice(0, 0, titleSplit.splice(1).join(':'));
				query.gapprefix = pathSplit.join('/');

	// On normal pages
	} else {
		query.generator = 'links';
		query.titles = mw.config.get('wgPageName');
		query.gpllimit = Twinkle.getPref('batchMax'); // the max for sysops

	var statusdiv = document.createElement('div'); = '15px';  // just so it doesn't look broken

	Twinkle.batchdelete.pages = {};

	var statelem = new Morebits.status('Grabbing list of pages');
	var wikipedia_api = new'loading...', query, function(apiobj) {
		var xml = apiobj.responseXML;
		var $pages = $(xml).find('page').filter(':not([missing])');  // :not([imagerepository="shared"])
		$pages.each(function(index, page) {
			var $page = $(page);
			var ns = $page.attr('ns');
			var title = $page.attr('title');
			var isRedir = $page.attr('redirect') === '';
			var $editprot = $page.find('pr[type="edit"][level="sysop"]');
			var isProtected = $editprot.length > 0;
			var size = $page.find('rev').attr('size');

			var metadata = [];
			if (isRedir) {
			if (isProtected) {
				metadata.push('fully protected' +
					($editprot.attr('expiry') === 'infinity' ? ' indefinitely' : ', expires ' + $editprot.attr('expiry')));
			if (ns === '6') {  // mimic what delimages used to show for files
				metadata.push('uploader: ' + $page.find('ii').attr('user'));
				metadata.push('last edit from: ' + $page.find('rev').attr('user'));
			} else {
				metadata.push(size + ' bytes');
			Twinkle.batchdelete.pages[title] = {
				label: title + (metadata.length ? ' (' + metadata.join('; ') + ')' : ''),
				value: title,
				checked: true,
				style: isProtected ? 'color:red' : ''

		var form = apiobj.params.form;
		form.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Pages to delete' });
			type: 'button',
			label: 'Select All',
			event: function dBatchSelectAll() {
				result.getUnchecked('pages').forEach(function(e) {
					$('input[value="' + e + '"]').click();

				// Check any unchecked subpages too
				$('input[name="pages.subpages"]').prop('checked', true);
			type: 'button',
			label: 'Deselect All',
			event: function dBatchDeselectAll() {
				result.getChecked('pages').forEach(function(e) {
					$('input[value="' + e + '"]').click();
			type: 'checkbox',
			name: 'pages',
			id: 'tw-dbatch-pages',
			list: $.map(Twinkle.batchdelete.pages, function (e) {
				return e;
		form.append({ type: 'submit' });

		var result = form.render();

		var pageCheckboxes = Morebits.quickForm.getElements(result, 'pages') || [];

	}, statelem);

	wikipedia_api.params = { form: form, Window: Window };;

function generateArrowLinks (checkbox) {
	var link = Morebits.htmlNode('a', ' >');
	link.setAttribute('class', 'tw-dbatch-page-link');
	link.setAttribute('href', mw.util.getUrl(checkbox.value));
	link.setAttribute('target', '_blank');

Twinkle.batchdelete.generateNewPageList = function(form) {

	// Update the list of checked pages in Twinkle.batchdelete.pages object
	var elements = form.elements.pages;
	if (elements instanceof NodeList) { // if there are multiple pages
		for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
			Twinkle.batchdelete.pages[elements[i].value].checked = elements[i].checked;
	} else if (elements instanceof HTMLInputElement) { // if there is just one page
		Twinkle.batchdelete.pages[elements.value].checked = elements.checked;

	return new Morebits.quickForm.element({
		type: 'checkbox',
		name: 'pages',
		id: 'tw-dbatch-pages',
		list: $.map(Twinkle.batchdelete.pages, function (e) {
			return e;

Twinkle.batchdelete.callback.toggleSubpages = function twDbatchToggleSubpages(e) {

	var form =;
	var newPageList, pageCheckboxes, subpageCheckboxes;

	if ( {

		form.delete_subpage_redirects.checked = form.delete_redirects.checked;
		form.delete_subpage_talks.checked = form.delete_talk.checked;
		form.unlink_subpages.checked = form.unlink_page.checked;

		// If lists of subpages were already loaded once, they are
		// available without use of any API calls
		if (subpagesLoaded) {

			$.each(Twinkle.batchdelete.pages, function(i, el) {
				// Get back the subgroup from subgroup_, where we saved it
				if (el.subgroup === null && el.subgroup_) {
					el.subgroup = el.subgroup_;

			newPageList = Twinkle.batchdelete.generateNewPageList(form);

			pageCheckboxes = Morebits.quickForm.getElements(newPageList, 'pages') || [];

			subpageCheckboxes = Morebits.quickForm.getElements(newPageList, 'pages.subpages') || [];


		// Proceed with API calls to get list of subpages
		var loadingText = '<strong id="dbatch-subpage-loading">Loading... </strong>';

		var pages = $(form.pages).map(function(i, el) {
			return el.value;

		var subpageLister = new Morebits.batchOperation();
		subpageLister.setOption('chunkSize', Twinkle.getPref('batchdeleteChunks'));
		subpageLister.setPageList(pages); worker (pageName) {
			var pageTitle = mw.Title.newFromText(pageName);

			// No need to look for subpages in main/file/mediawiki space
			if ([0, 6, 8].indexOf(pageTitle.namespace) > -1) {

			var wikipedia_api = new'Getting list of subpages of ' + pageName, {
				action: 'query',
				prop: 'revisions|info|imageinfo',
				generator: 'allpages',
				rvprop: 'size',
				inprop: 'protection',
				gapprefix: pageTitle.title + '/',
				gapnamespace: pageTitle.namespace,
				gaplimit: 'max',
				pageNameFull: pageName // Not used by API, but added for access in onSuccess()
			}, function onSuccess(apiobj) {
				var xml = apiobj.responseXML;
				var $pages = $(xml).find('page');
				var subpageList = [];
				$pages.each(function(index, page) {
					var $page = $(page);
					var ns = $page.attr('ns');
					var title = $page.attr('title');
					var isRedir = $page.attr('redirect') === '';
					var $editprot = $page.find('pr[type="edit"][level="sysop"]');

					var isProtected = $editprot.length > 0;
					var size = $page.find('rev').attr('size');

					var metadata = [];
					if (isRedir) {
					if (isProtected) {
						metadata.push('fully protected' +
							($editprot.attr('expiry') === 'infinity' ? ' indefinitely' : ', expires ' + $editprot.attr('expiry')));
					if (ns === '6') {  // mimic what delimages used to show for files
						metadata.push('uploader: ' + $page.find('ii').attr('user'));
						metadata.push('last edit from: ' + $page.find('rev').attr('user'));
					} else {
						metadata.push(size + ' bytes');
						label: title + (metadata.length ? ' (' + metadata.join('; ') + ')' : ''),
						value: title,
						checked: true,
						style: isProtected ? 'color:red' : ''
				if (subpageList.length) {
					var pageName = apiobj.query.pageNameFull;
					Twinkle.batchdelete.pages[pageName].subgroup = {
						type: 'checkbox',
						name: 'subpages',
						className: 'dbatch-subpages',
						list: subpageList
			}, null /* statusElement */, function onFailure() {

		}, function postFinish () {
			// List 'em on the interface

			newPageList = Twinkle.batchdelete.generateNewPageList(form);

			pageCheckboxes = Morebits.quickForm.getElements(newPageList, 'pages') || [];

			subpageCheckboxes = Morebits.quickForm.getElements(newPageList, 'pages.subpages') || [];

			subpagesLoaded = true;

			// Remove "Loading... " text


	} else if (! {

		$.each(Twinkle.batchdelete.pages, function(i, el) {
			if (el.subgroup) {
				// Remove subgroup after saving its contents in subgroup_
				// so that it can be retrieved easily if user decides to
				// delete the subpages again
				el.subgroup_ = el.subgroup;
				el.subgroup = null;

		newPageList = Twinkle.batchdelete.generateNewPageList(form);

		pageCheckboxes = Morebits.quickForm.getElements(newPageList, 'pages') || [];


Twinkle.batchdelete.callback.evaluate = function twinklebatchdeleteCallbackEvaluate(event) { = 'Status'; = 'batch deletion is now complete';

	var form =;

	var numProtected = $(Morebits.quickForm.getElements(form, 'pages')).filter(function(index, element) {
		return element.checked && === 'red';
	if (numProtected > 0 && !confirm('You are about to delete ' + numProtected + ' fully protected page(s). Are you sure?')) {

	var pages = form.getChecked('pages');
	var subpages = form.getChecked('pages.subpages');
	var reason = form.reason.value;
	var delete_page = form.delete_page.checked;
	var delete_talk, delete_redirects, delete_subpages;
	var delete_subpage_redirects, delete_subpage_talks, unlink_subpages;
	if (delete_page) {
		delete_talk = form.delete_talk.checked;
		delete_redirects = form.delete_redirects.checked;
		delete_subpages = form.delete_subpages.checked;
		if (delete_subpages) {
			delete_subpage_redirects = form.delete_subpage_redirects.checked;
			delete_subpage_talks = form.delete_subpage_talks.checked;
			unlink_subpages = form.unlink_subpages.checked;
	var unlink_page = form.unlink_page.checked;
	var unlink_file = form.unlink_file.checked;
	if (!reason) {
		alert('You need to give a reason, you cabal crony!');
	if (!pages) {
		Morebits.status.error('Error', 'nothing to delete, aborting');

	var pageDeleter = new Morebits.batchOperation(delete_page ? 'Deleting pages' : 'Initiating requested tasks');
	pageDeleter.setOption('chunkSize', Twinkle.getPref('batchdeleteChunks'));
	// we only need the initial status lines if we're deleting the pages in the pages array
	pageDeleter.setOption('preserveIndividualStatusLines', delete_page);
	pageDeleter.setPageList(pages); worker(pageName) {
		var params = {
			page: pageName,
			delete_page: delete_page,
			delete_talk: delete_talk,
			delete_redirects: delete_redirects,
			unlink_page: unlink_page,
			unlink_file: unlink_file && /^(File|Image):/i.test(pageName),
			reason: reason,
			pageDeleter: pageDeleter

		var wikipedia_page = new, 'Deleting page ' + pageName);
		if (delete_page) {
			wikipedia_page.setEditSummary(reason + Twinkle.getPref('deletionSummaryAd'));
			wikipedia_page.deletePage(Twinkle.batchdelete.callbacks.doExtras, pageDeleter.workerFailure);
		} else {
	}, function postFinish() {
		if (delete_subpages) {
			var subpageDeleter = new Morebits.batchOperation('Deleting subpages');
			subpageDeleter.setOption('chunkSize', Twinkle.getPref('batchdeleteChunks'));
			subpageDeleter.setOption('preserveIndividualStatusLines', true);
			subpageDeleter.setPageList(subpages); {
				var params = {
					page: pageName,
					delete_page: true,
					delete_talk: delete_subpage_talks,
					delete_redirects: delete_subpage_redirects,
					unlink_page: unlink_subpages,
					unlink_file: false,
					reason: reason,
					pageDeleter: subpageDeleter

				var wikipedia_page = new, 'Deleting subpage ' + pageName);
				wikipedia_page.setEditSummary(reason + Twinkle.getPref('deletionSummaryAd'));
				wikipedia_page.deletePage(Twinkle.batchdelete.callbacks.doExtras, pageDeleter.workerFailure);

Twinkle.batchdelete.callbacks = {
	// this stupid parameter name is a temporary thing until I implement an overhaul
	// of* callback parameters
	doExtras: function(thingWithParameters) {
		var params = thingWithParameters.parent ? thingWithParameters.parent.getCallbackParameters() :
		// the initial batch operation's job is to delete the page, and that has
		// succeeded by now

		var query, wikipedia_api;

		if (params.unlink_page) {
			Twinkle.batchdelete.unlinkCache = {};
			query = {
				'action': 'query',
				'list': 'backlinks',
				'blfilterredir': 'nonredirects',
				'blnamespace': [0, 100], // main space and portal space only
				'bllimit': 'max'  // 500 is max for normal users, 5000 for bots and sysops
			wikipedia_api = new'Grabbing backlinks', query, Twinkle.batchdelete.callbacks.unlinkBacklinksMain);
			wikipedia_api.params = params;;

		if (params.unlink_file) {
			query = {
				'action': 'query',
				'list': 'imageusage',
				'iulimit': 'max'  // 500 is max for normal users, 5000 for bots and sysops
			wikipedia_api = new'Grabbing file links', query, Twinkle.batchdelete.callbacks.unlinkImageInstancesMain);
			wikipedia_api.params = params;;

		if (params.delete_page) {
			if (params.delete_redirects) {
				query = {
					'action': 'query',
					'prop': 'redirects',
					'rdlimit': 'max'  // 500 is max for normal users, 5000 for bots and sysops
				wikipedia_api = new'Grabbing redirects', query, Twinkle.batchdelete.callbacks.deleteRedirectsMain);
				wikipedia_api.params = params;;
			if (params.delete_talk) {
				var pageTitle = mw.Title.newFromText(;
				if (pageTitle && pageTitle.namespace % 2 === 0 && pageTitle.namespace !== 2) {
					pageTitle.namespace++;  // now pageTitle is the talk page title!
					query = {
						'action': 'query',
						'titles': pageTitle.toText()
					wikipedia_api = new'Checking whether talk page exists', query, Twinkle.batchdelete.callbacks.deleteTalk);
					wikipedia_api.params = params;
					wikipedia_api.params.talkPage = pageTitle.toText();;
	deleteRedirectsMain: function(apiobj) {
		var xml = apiobj.responseXML;
		var pages = $(xml).find('rd').map(function() {
			return $(this).attr('title');
		if (!pages.length) {

		var redirectDeleter = new Morebits.batchOperation('Deleting redirects to ' +;
		redirectDeleter.setOption('chunkSize', Twinkle.getPref('batchdeleteChunks'));
		redirectDeleter.setPageList(pages); {
			var wikipedia_page = new, 'Deleting ' + pageName);
			wikipedia_page.setEditSummary('[[WP:CSD#G8|G8]]: Redirect to deleted page "' + + '"' + Twinkle.getPref('deletionSummaryAd'));
			wikipedia_page.deletePage(redirectDeleter.workerSuccess, redirectDeleter.workerFailure);
	deleteTalk: function(apiobj) {
		var xml = apiobj.responseXML;
		var exists = $(xml).find('page:not([missing])').length > 0;

		if (!exists) {
			// no talk page; forget about it

		var page = new, 'Deleting talk page of article ' +;
		page.setEditSummary('[[WP:CSD#G8|G8]]: [[Help:Talk page|Talk page]] of deleted page "' + + '"' + Twinkle.getPref('deletionSummaryAd'));
	unlinkBacklinksMain: function(apiobj) {
		var xml = apiobj.responseXML;
		var pages = $(xml).find('bl').map(function() {
			return $(this).attr('title');
		if (!pages.length) {

		var unlinker = new Morebits.batchOperation('Unlinking backlinks to ' +;
		unlinker.setOption('chunkSize', Twinkle.getPref('batchdeleteChunks'));
		unlinker.setPageList(pages); {
			var wikipedia_page = new, 'Unlinking on ' + pageName);
			var params = $.extend({}, apiobj.params);
			params.title = pageName;
			params.unlinker = unlinker;
	unlinkBacklinks: function(pageobj) {
		var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
		if (!pageobj.exists()) {
			// we probably just deleted it, as a recursive backlink

		var text;
		if (params.title in Twinkle.batchdelete.unlinkCache) {
			text = Twinkle.batchdelete.unlinkCache[params.title];
		} else {
			text = pageobj.getPageText();
		var old_text = text;
		var wikiPage = new;

		text = wikiPage.getText();
		Twinkle.batchdelete.unlinkCache[params.title] = text;
		if (text === old_text) {
			// Nothing to do, return
		pageobj.setEditSummary('Removing link(s) to deleted page ' + + Twinkle.getPref('deletionSummaryAd'));
		pageobj.setMaxConflictRetries(10);, params.unlinker.workerFailure);
	unlinkImageInstancesMain: function(apiobj) {
		var xml = apiobj.responseXML;
		var pages = $(xml).find('iu').map(function() {
			return $(this).attr('title');
		if (!pages.length) {

		var unlinker = new Morebits.batchOperation('Unlinking backlinks to ' +;
		unlinker.setOption('chunkSize', Twinkle.getPref('batchdeleteChunks'));
		unlinker.setPageList(pages); {
			var wikipedia_page = new, 'Removing file usages on ' + pageName);
			var params = $.extend({}, apiobj.params);
			params.title = pageName;
			params.unlinker = unlinker;
	unlinkImageInstances: function(pageobj) {
		var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
		if (!pageobj.exists()) {
			// we probably just deleted it, as a recursive backlink

		var image =^(?:Image|File):/, '');
		var text;
		if (params.title in Twinkle.batchdelete.unlinkCache) {
			text = Twinkle.batchdelete.unlinkCache[params.title];
		} else {
			text = pageobj.getPageText();
		var old_text = text;
		var wikiPage = new;
		wikiPage.commentOutImage(image, 'Commented out because image was deleted');

		text = wikiPage.getText();
		Twinkle.batchdelete.unlinkCache[params.title] = text;
		if (text === old_text) {
			pageobj.getStatusElement().error('failed to unlink image ' + image + ' from ' + pageobj.getPageName());
		pageobj.setEditSummary('Removing instance of file ' + image + ' that has been deleted because "' + params.reason + '")' + Twinkle.getPref('deletionSummaryAd'));
		pageobj.setMaxConflictRetries(10);, params.unlinker.workerFailure);

// </nowiki>

// <nowiki>

(function($) {

 *** twinklebatchprotect.js: Batch protect module (sysops only)
 * Mode of invocation:     Tab ("P-batch")
 * Active on:              Existing project pages and user pages; existing and
 *                         non-existing categories; Special:PrefixIndex
 * Config directives in:   TwinkleConfig

Twinkle.batchprotect = function twinklebatchprotect() {
	if (Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop') && ((mw.config.get('wgArticleId') > 0 && (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 2 ||
		mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 4)) || mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 14 ||
		mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') === 'Prefixindex')) {
		Twinkle.addPortletLink(Twinkle.batchprotect.callback, 'P-batch', 'tw-pbatch', 'Protect pages linked from this page');

Twinkle.batchprotect.unlinkCache = {};
Twinkle.batchprotect.callback = function twinklebatchprotectCallback() {
	var Window = new Morebits.simpleWindow(600, 400);
	Window.setTitle('Batch protection');
	Window.addFooterLink('Protection policy', 'WP:PROT');
	Window.addFooterLink('Twinkle help', 'WP:TW/DOC#protect');

	var form = new Morebits.quickForm(Twinkle.batchprotect.callback.evaluate);
		type: 'checkbox',
		name: 'editmodify',
		event: Twinkle.protect.formevents.editmodify,
		list: [
				label: 'Modify edit protection',
				value: 'editmodify',
				tooltip: 'Only for existing pages.',
				checked: true
	var editlevel = form.append({
		type: 'select',
		name: 'editlevel',
		label: 'Edit protection:',
		event: Twinkle.protect.formevents.editlevel
		type: 'option',
		label: 'All',
		value: 'all'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'Autoconfirmed',
		value: 'autoconfirmed'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'Extended confirmed',
		value: 'extendedconfirmed'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'Template editor',
		value: 'templateeditor'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'Sysop',
		value: 'sysop',
		selected: true
		type: 'select',
		name: 'editexpiry',
		label: 'Expires:',
		event: function(e) {
			if ( === 'custom') {
		list: [
			{ label: '1 hour', value: '1 hour' },
			{ label: '2 hours', value: '2 hours' },
			{ label: '3 hours', value: '3 hours' },
			{ label: '6 hours', value: '6 hours' },
			{ label: '12 hours', value: '12 hours' },
			{ label: '1 day', value: '1 day' },
			{ label: '2 days', selected: true, value: '2 days' },
			{ label: '3 days', value: '3 days' },
			{ label: '4 days', value: '4 days' },
			{ label: '1 week', value: '1 week' },
			{ label: '2 weeks', value: '2 weeks' },
			{ label: '1 month', value: '1 month' },
			{ label: '2 months', value: '2 months' },
			{ label: '3 months', value: '3 months' },
			{ label: '1 year', value: '1 year' },
			{ label: 'indefinite', value: 'indefinite' },
			{ label: 'Custom...', value: 'custom' }

		type: 'checkbox',
		name: 'movemodify',
		event: Twinkle.protect.formevents.movemodify,
		list: [
				label: 'Modify move protection',
				value: 'movemodify',
				tooltip: 'Only for existing pages.',
				checked: true
	var movelevel = form.append({
		type: 'select',
		name: 'movelevel',
		label: 'Move protection:',
		event: Twinkle.protect.formevents.movelevel
		type: 'option',
		label: 'All',
		value: 'all'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'Extended confirmed',
		value: 'extendedconfirmed'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'Template editor',
		value: 'templateeditor'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'Sysop',
		value: 'sysop',
		selected: true
		type: 'select',
		name: 'moveexpiry',
		label: 'Expires:',
		event: function(e) {
			if ( === 'custom') {
		list: [
			{ label: '1 hour', value: '1 hour' },
			{ label: '2 hours', value: '2 hours' },
			{ label: '3 hours', value: '3 hours' },
			{ label: '6 hours', value: '6 hours' },
			{ label: '12 hours', value: '12 hours' },
			{ label: '1 day', value: '1 day' },
			{ label: '2 days', selected: true, value: '2 days' },
			{ label: '3 days', value: '3 days' },
			{ label: '4 days', value: '4 days' },
			{ label: '1 week', value: '1 week' },
			{ label: '2 weeks', value: '2 weeks' },
			{ label: '1 month', value: '1 month' },
			{ label: '2 months', value: '2 months' },
			{ label: '3 months', value: '3 months' },
			{ label: '1 year', value: '1 year' },
			{ label: 'indefinite', value: 'indefinite' },
			{ label: 'Custom...', value: 'custom' }

		type: 'checkbox',
		name: 'createmodify',
		event: function twinklebatchprotectFormCreatemodifyEvent(e) { = !; = ! || ( === 'all'); = = ? '' : 'transparent';
		list: [
				label: 'Modify create protection',
				value: 'createmodify',
				tooltip: 'Only for pages that do not exist.',
				checked: true
	var createlevel = form.append({
		type: 'select',
		name: 'createlevel',
		label: 'Create protection:',
		event: Twinkle.protect.formevents.createlevel
		type: 'option',
		label: 'All',
		value: 'all'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'Autoconfirmed',
		value: 'autoconfirmed'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'Extended confirmed',
		value: 'extendedconfirmed'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'Template editor',
		value: 'templateeditor'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'Sysop',
		value: 'sysop',
		selected: true
		type: 'select',
		name: 'createexpiry',
		label: 'Expires:',
		event: function(e) {
			if ( === 'custom') {
		list: [
			{ label: '1 hour', value: '1 hour' },
			{ label: '2 hours', value: '2 hours' },
			{ label: '3 hours', value: '3 hours' },
			{ label: '6 hours', value: '6 hours' },
			{ label: '12 hours', value: '12 hours' },
			{ label: '1 day', value: '1 day' },
			{ label: '2 days', value: '2 days' },
			{ label: '3 days', value: '3 days' },
			{ label: '4 days', value: '4 days' },
			{ label: '1 week', value: '1 week' },
			{ label: '2 weeks', value: '2 weeks' },
			{ label: '1 month', value: '1 month' },
			{ label: '2 months', value: '2 months' },
			{ label: '3 months', value: '3 months' },
			{ label: '1 year', value: '1 year' },
			{ label: 'indefinite', selected: true, value: 'indefinite' },
			{ label: 'Custom...', value: 'custom' }

		type: 'header',
		label: ''  // horizontal rule
		type: 'input',
		name: 'reason',
		label: 'Reason: ',
		size: 60,
		tooltip: 'For the protection log and page history.'

	var query = {
		'action': 'query',
		'prop': 'revisions|info',
		'rvprop': 'size',
		'inprop': 'protection'

	if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 14) {  // categories
		query.generator = 'categorymembers';
		query.gcmtitle = mw.config.get('wgPageName');
		query.gcmlimit = Twinkle.getPref('batchMax'); // the max for sysops
	} else if (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') === 'Prefixindex') {
		query.generator = 'allpages';
		query.gapnamespace = Morebits.queryString.exists('namespace') ? Morebits.queryString.get('namespace') : $('select[name=namespace]').val();
		query.gapprefix = Morebits.queryString.exists('from') ? Morebits.string.toUpperCaseFirstChar(Morebits.queryString.get('from').replace('+', ' ')) :
		query.gaplimit = Twinkle.getPref('batchMax'); // the max for sysops
	} else {
		query.generator = 'links';
		query.titles = mw.config.get('wgPageName');
		query.gpllimit = Twinkle.getPref('batchMax'); // the max for sysops

	var statusdiv = document.createElement('div'); = '15px';  // just so it doesn't look broken

	var statelem = new Morebits.status('Grabbing list of pages');

	var wikipedia_api = new'loading...', query, function(apiobj) {
		var xml = apiobj.responseXML;
		var $pages = $(xml).find('page');
		var list = [];
		$pages.each(function(index, page) {
			var $page = $(page);
			var title = $page.attr('title');
			var isRedir = $page.attr('redirect') === ''; // XXX ??
			var missing = $page.attr('missing') === ''; // XXX ??
			var size = $page.find('rev').attr('size');
			var $editProt;

			var metadata = [];
			if (missing) {
				metadata.push('page does not exist');
				$editProt = $page.find('pr[type="create"][level="sysop"]');
			} else {
				if (isRedir) {
				metadata.push(size + ' bytes');
				$editProt = $page.find('pr[type="edit"][level="sysop"]');
			if ($editProt.length > 0) {
				metadata.push('fully' + (missing ? ' create' : '') + ' protected' + ($editProt.attr('expiry') === 'infinity' ? ' indefinitely' : ', expires ' + $editProt.attr('expiry')));

			list.push({ label: title + (metadata.length ? ' (' + metadata.join('; ') + ')' : ''), value: title, checked: true, style: $editProt.length > 0 ? 'color:red' : '' });
		form.append({ type: 'header', label: 'Pages to protect' });
			type: 'button',
			label: 'Select All',
			event: function(e) {
				$(Morebits.quickForm.getElements(, 'pages')).prop('checked', true);
			type: 'button',
			label: 'Deselect All',
			event: function(e) {
				$(Morebits.quickForm.getElements(, 'pages')).prop('checked', false);
			type: 'checkbox',
			name: 'pages',
			list: list
		form.append({ type: 'submit' });

		var result = form.render();
	}, statelem);;

Twinkle.batchprotect.currentProtectCounter = 0;
Twinkle.batchprotect.currentprotector = 0;
Twinkle.batchprotect.callback.evaluate = function twinklebatchprotectCallbackEvaluate(event) {
	var form =;

	var numProtected = $(Morebits.quickForm.getElements(form, 'pages')).filter(function(index, element) {
		return element.checked && === 'red';
	if (numProtected > 0 && !confirm('You are about to act on ' + numProtected + ' fully protected page(s). Are you sure?')) {

	var pages = form.getChecked('pages');
	var reason = form.reason.value;
	var editmodify = form.editmodify.checked;
	var editlevel = form.editlevel.value;
	var editexpiry = form.editexpiry.value;
	var movemodify = form.movemodify.checked;
	var movelevel = form.movelevel.value;
	var moveexpiry = form.moveexpiry.value;
	var createmodify = form.createmodify.checked;
	var createlevel = form.createlevel.value;
	var createexpiry = form.createexpiry.value;

	if (!reason) {
		alert("You've got to give a reason, you rouge admin!");


	if (!pages) {
		Morebits.status.error('Error', 'Nothing to protect, aborting');

	var batchOperation = new Morebits.batchOperation('Applying protection settings');
	batchOperation.setOption('chunkSize', Twinkle.getPref('batchProtectChunks'));
	batchOperation.setOption('preserveIndividualStatusLines', true);
	batchOperation.setPageList(pages); {
		var query = {
			'action': 'query',
			'titles': pageName
		var wikipedia_api = new'Checking if page ' + pageName + ' exists', query,
			Twinkle.batchprotect.callbacks.main, null, batchOperation.workerFailure);
		wikipedia_api.params = {
			page: pageName,
			reason: reason,
			editmodify: editmodify,
			editlevel: editlevel,
			editexpiry: editexpiry,
			movemodify: movemodify,
			movelevel: movelevel,
			moveexpiry: moveexpiry,
			createmodify: createmodify,
			createlevel: createlevel,
			createexpiry: createexpiry,
			batchOperation: batchOperation

Twinkle.batchprotect.callbacks = {
	main: function(apiobj) {
		var xml = apiobj.responseXML;
		var normal = $(xml).find('normalized n').attr('to');
		if (normal) { = normal;

		var exists = $(xml).find('page').attr('missing') !== '';

		var page = new, 'Protecting ' +;
		var takenAction = false;
		if (exists && apiobj.params.editmodify) {
			page.setEditProtection(apiobj.params.editlevel, apiobj.params.editexpiry);
			takenAction = true;
		if (exists && apiobj.params.movemodify) {
			page.setMoveProtection(apiobj.params.movelevel, apiobj.params.moveexpiry);
			takenAction = true;
		if (!exists && apiobj.params.createmodify) {
			page.setCreateProtection(apiobj.params.createlevel, apiobj.params.createexpiry);
			takenAction = true;
		if (!takenAction) {
			Morebits.status.warn('Protecting ' +, 'page ' + (exists ? 'exists' : 'does not exist') + '; nothing to do, skipping');

		page.protect(apiobj.params.batchOperation.workerSuccess, apiobj.params.batchOperation.workerFailure);

// </nowiki>

// <nowiki>

(function($) {

 *** twinkleconfig.js: Preferences module
 * Mode of invocation:     Adds configuration form to Wikipedia:Twinkle/Preferences and user
                           subpages named "/Twinkle preferences", and adds an ad box to the top of user
                           subpages belonging to the currently logged-in user which end in '.js'
 * Active on:              What I just said.  Yeah.
 * Config directives in:   TwinkleConfig

 I, [[User:This, that and the other]], originally wrote this.  If the code is misbehaving, or you have any
 questions, don't hesitate to ask me.  (This doesn't at all imply [[WP:OWN]]ership - it's just meant to
 point you in the right direction.)  -- TTO

Twinkle.config = {};

Twinkle.config.commonEnums = {
	watchlist: { yes: 'Add to watchlist', no: "Don't add to watchlist", 'default': 'Follow your site preferences' },
	talkPageMode: { window: 'In a window, replacing other user talks', tab: 'In a new tab', blank: 'In a totally new window' }

Twinkle.config.commonSets = {
	csdCriteria: {
		db: 'Custom rationale ({{db}})',
		g1: 'G1', g2: 'G2', g3: 'G3', g4: 'G4', g5: 'G5', g6: 'G6', g7: 'G7', g8: 'G8', g10: 'G10', g11: 'G11', g12: 'G12', g13: 'G13', g14: 'G14',
		a1: 'A1', a2: 'A2', a3: 'A3', a5: 'A5', a7: 'A7', a9: 'A9', a10: 'A10', a11: 'A11',
		u1: 'U1', u2: 'U2', u3: 'U3', u5: 'U5',
		f1: 'F1', f2: 'F2', f3: 'F3', f7: 'F7', f8: 'F8', f9: 'F9', f10: 'F10',
		c1: 'C1',
		t2: 'T2', t3: 'T3',
		r2: 'R2', r3: 'R3', r4: 'R4',
		p1: 'P1', p2: 'P2'
	csdCriteriaDisplayOrder: [
		'g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4', 'g5', 'g6', 'g7', 'g8', 'g10', 'g11', 'g12', 'g13', 'g14',
		'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a5', 'a7', 'a9', 'a10', 'a11',
		'u1', 'u2', 'u3', 'u5',
		'f1', 'f2', 'f3', 'f7', 'f8', 'f9', 'f10',
		't2', 't3',
		'r2', 'r3', 'r4',
		'p1', 'p2'
	csdCriteriaNotification: {
		db: 'Custom rationale ({{db}})',
		g1: 'G1', g2: 'G2', g3: 'G3', g4: 'G4', g6: 'G6 ("copy-paste move" only)',
		g10: 'G10', g11: 'G11', g12: 'G12', g13: 'G13', g14: 'G14',
		a1: 'A1', a2: 'A2', a3: 'A3', a5: 'A5', a7: 'A7', a9: 'A9', a10: 'A10', a11: 'A11',
		u3: 'U3', u5: 'U5',
		f1: 'F1', f2: 'F2', f3: 'F3', f7: 'F7', f9: 'F9', f10: 'F10',
		c1: 'C1',
		t2: 'T2', t3: 'T3',
		r2: 'R2', r3: 'R3', r4: 'R4',
		p1: 'P1', p2: 'P2'
	csdCriteriaNotificationDisplayOrder: [
		'g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4', 'g6', 'g10', 'g11', 'g12', 'g13', 'g14',
		'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a5', 'a7', 'a9', 'a10', 'a11',
		'u3', 'u5',
		'f1', 'f2', 'f3', 'f7', 'f9', 'f10',
		't2', 't3',
		'r2', 'r3', 'r4',
		'p1', 'p2'
	csdAndDICriteria: {
		db: 'Custom rationale ({{db}})',
		g1: 'G1', g2: 'G2', g3: 'G3', g4: 'G4', g5: 'G5', g6: 'G6', g7: 'G7', g8: 'G8', g10: 'G10', g11: 'G11', g12: 'G12', g13: 'G13', g14: 'G14',
		a1: 'A1', a2: 'A2', a3: 'A3', a5: 'A5', a7: 'A7', a9: 'A9', a10: 'A10', a11: 'A11',
		u1: 'U1', u2: 'U2', u3: 'U3', u5: 'U5',
		f1: 'F1', f2: 'F2', f3: 'F3', f4: 'F4', f5: 'F5', f6: 'F6', f7: 'F7', f8: 'F8', f9: 'F9', f10: 'F10', f11: 'F11',
		c1: 'C1',
		t2: 'T2', t3: 'T3',
		r2: 'R2', r3: 'R3', r4: 'R4',
		p1: 'P1', p2: 'P2'
	csdAndDICriteriaDisplayOrder: [
		'g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4', 'g5', 'g6', 'g7', 'g8', 'g10', 'g11', 'g12', 'g13', 'g14',
		'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a5', 'a7', 'a9', 'a10', 'a11',
		'u1', 'u2', 'u3', 'u5',
		'f1', 'f2', 'f3', 'f4', 'f5', 'f6', 'f7', 'f8', 'f9', 'f10', 'f11',
		't2', 't3',
		'r2', 'r3', 'r4',
		'p1', 'p2'
	namespacesNoSpecial: {
		'0': 'Article',
		'1': 'Talk (article)',
		'2': 'User',
		'3': 'User talk',
		'4': 'Wikipedia',
		'5': 'Wikipedia talk',
		'6': 'File',
		'7': 'File talk',
		'8': 'MediaWiki',
		'9': 'MediaWiki talk',
		'10': 'Template',
		'11': 'Template talk',
		'12': 'Help',
		'13': 'Help talk',
		'14': 'Category',
		'15': 'Category talk',
		'100': 'Portal',
		'101': 'Portal talk',
		'108': 'Book',
		'109': 'Book talk',
		'118': 'Draft',
		'119': 'Draft talk',
		'710': 'TimedText',
		'711': 'TimedText talk',
		'828': 'Module',
		'829': 'Module talk'

 * Section entry format:
 * {
 *   title: <human-readable section title>,
 *   adminOnly: <true for admin-only sections>,
 *   hidden: <true for advanced preferences that rarely need to be changed - they can still be modified by manually editing twinkleoptions.js>,
 *   inFriendlyConfig: <true for preferences located under FriendlyConfig rather than TwinkleConfig>,
 *   preferences: [
 *     {
 *       name: <TwinkleConfig property name>,
 *       label: <human-readable short description - used as a form label>,
 *       helptip: <(optional) human-readable text (using valid HTML) that complements the description, like limits, warnings, etc.>
 *       adminOnly: <true for admin-only preferences>,
 *       type: <string|boolean|integer|enum|set|customList> (customList stores an array of JSON objects { value, label }),
 *       enumValues: <for type = "enum": a JSON object where the keys are the internal names and the values are human-readable strings>,
 *       setValues: <for type = "set": a JSON object where the keys are the internal names and the values are human-readable strings>,
 *       setDisplayOrder: <(optional) for type = "set": an array containing the keys of setValues (as strings) in the order that they are displayed>,
 *       customListValueTitle: <for type = "customList": the heading for the left "value" column in the custom list editor>,
 *       customListLabelTitle: <for type = "customList": the heading for the right "label" column in the custom list editor>
 *     },
 *     . . .
 *   ]
 * },
 * . . .

Twinkle.config.sections = [
		title: 'General',
		preferences: [
		// TwinkleConfig.summaryAd (string)
		// Text to be appended to the edit summary of edits made using Twinkle
				name: 'summaryAd',
				label: "\"Ad\" to be appended to Twinkle's edit summaries",
				helptip: 'The summary ad should start with a space, and be kept short.',
				type: 'string'

			// TwinkleConfig.deletionSummaryAd (string)
			// Text to be appended to the edit summary of deletions made using Twinkle
				name: 'deletionSummaryAd',
				label: 'Summary ad to use for deletion summaries',
				helptip: 'Normally the same as the edit summary ad above.',
				adminOnly: true,
				type: 'string'

			// TwinkleConfig.protectionSummaryAd (string)
			// Text to be appended to the edit summary of page protections made using Twinkle
				name: 'protectionSummaryAd',
				label: 'Summary ad to use for page protections',
				helptip: 'Normally the same as the edit summary ad above.',
				adminOnly: true,
				type: 'string'

			// TwinkleConfig.userTalkPageMode may take arguments:
			// 'window': open a new window, remember the opened window
			// 'tab': opens in a new tab, if possible.
			// 'blank': force open in a new window, even if such a window exists
				name: 'userTalkPageMode',
				label: 'When opening a user talk page, open it',
				type: 'enum',
				enumValues: Twinkle.config.commonEnums.talkPageMode

			// TwinkleConfig.dialogLargeFont (boolean)
				name: 'dialogLargeFont',
				label: 'Use larger text in Twinkle dialogs',
				type: 'boolean'

		title: 'ARV',
		preferences: [
				name: 'spiWatchReport',
				label: 'Add sockpuppet report pages to watchlist',
				type: 'enum',
				enumValues: Twinkle.config.commonEnums.watchlist

		title: 'Block user',
		adminOnly: true,
		preferences: [
		// TwinkleConfig.blankTalkpageOnIndefBlock (boolean)
		// if true, blank the talk page when issuing an indef block notice (per [[WP:UWUL#Indefinitely blocked users]])
				name: 'blankTalkpageOnIndefBlock',
				label: 'Blank the talk page when indefinitely blocking users',
				helptip: 'See <a href="' + mw.util.getUrl('Wikipedia:WikiProject_User_warnings/Usage_and_layout#Indefinitely_blocked_users') + '">WP:UWUL</a> for more information.',
				type: 'boolean'

		title: 'Image deletion (DI)',
		preferences: [
		// TwinkleConfig.notifyUserOnDeli (boolean)
		// If the user should be notified after placing a file deletion tag
				name: 'notifyUserOnDeli',
				label: 'Check the "notify initial uploader" box by default',
				type: 'boolean'

			// TwinkleConfig.deliWatchPage (string)
			// The watchlist setting of the page tagged for deletion. Either "yes", "no", or "default". Default is "default" (Duh).
				name: 'deliWatchPage',
				label: 'Add image page to watchlist when tagging',
				type: 'enum',
				enumValues: Twinkle.config.commonEnums.watchlist

			// TwinkleConfig.deliWatchUser (string)
			// The watchlist setting of the user talk page if a notification is placed. Either "yes", "no", or "default". Default is "default" (Duh).
				name: 'deliWatchUser',
				label: 'Add user talk page of initial uploader to watchlist when notifying',
				type: 'enum',
				enumValues: Twinkle.config.commonEnums.watchlist

		title: 'Proposed deletion (PROD)',
		preferences: [
		// TwinkleConfig.watchProdPages (boolean)
		// If, when applying prod template to page, to watch the page
				name: 'watchProdPages',
				label: 'Add article to watchlist when tagging',
				type: 'boolean'

			// TwinkleConfig.prodReasonDefault (string)
			// The prefilled PROD reason.
				name: 'prodReasonDefault',
				label: 'Prefilled PROD reason',
				type: 'string'

				name: 'logProdPages',
				label: 'Keep a log in userspace of all pages you tag for PROD',
				helptip: 'Since non-admins do not have access to their deleted contributions, the userspace log offers a good way to keep track of all pages you tag for PROD using Twinkle.',
				type: 'boolean'
				name: 'prodLogPageName',
				label: 'Keep the PROD userspace log at this user subpage',
				helptip: 'Enter a subpage name in this box. You will find your PROD log at User:<i>username</i>/<i>subpage name</i>. Only works if you turn on the PROD userspace log.',
				type: 'string'

		title: 'Revert and rollback',  // twinklefluff module
		preferences: [
		// TwinkleConfig.autoMenuAfterRollback (bool)
		// Option to automatically open the warning menu if the user talk page is opened post-reversion
				name: 'autoMenuAfterRollback',
				label: 'Automatically open the Twinkle warn menu on a user talk page after Twinkle rollback',
				helptip: 'Only operates if the relevant box is checked below.',
				type: 'boolean'

			// TwinkleConfig.openTalkPage (array)
			// What types of actions that should result in opening of talk page
				name: 'openTalkPage',
				label: 'Open user talk page after these types of reversions',
				type: 'set',
				setValues: { agf: 'AGF rollback', norm: 'Normal rollback', vand: 'Vandalism rollback', torev: '"Restore this version"' }

			// TwinkleConfig.openTalkPageOnAutoRevert (bool)
			// Defines if talk page should be opened when calling revert from contrib page, because from there, actions may be multiple, and opening talk page not suitable. If set to true, openTalkPage defines then if talk page will be opened.
				name: 'openTalkPageOnAutoRevert',
				label: 'Open user talk page when invoking rollback from user contributions',
				helptip: "Often, you may be rolling back many pages at a time from a vandal's contributions page, so it would be unsuitable to open the user talk page. Hence, this option is off by default. When this is on, the desired options must be enabled in the previous setting for this to work.",
				type: 'boolean'

			// TwinkleConfig.markRevertedPagesAsMinor (array)
			// What types of actions that should result in marking edit as minor
				name: 'markRevertedPagesAsMinor',
				label: 'Mark as minor edit for these types of reversions',
				type: 'set',
				setValues: { agf: 'AGF rollback', norm: 'Normal rollback', vand: 'Vandalism rollback', torev: '"Restore this version"' }

			// TwinkleConfig.watchRevertedPages (array)
			// What types of actions that should result in forced addition to watchlist
				name: 'watchRevertedPages',
				label: 'Add pages to watchlist for these types of reversions',
				type: 'set',
				setValues: { agf: 'AGF rollback', norm: 'Normal rollback', vand: 'Vandalism rollback', torev: '"Restore this version"' }

			// TwinkleConfig.offerReasonOnNormalRevert (boolean)
			// If to offer a prompt for extra summary reason for normal reverts, default to true
				name: 'offerReasonOnNormalRevert',
				label: 'Prompt for reason for normal rollbacks',
				helptip: '"Normal" rollbacks are the ones that are invoked from the middle [rollback] link.',
				type: 'boolean'

				name: 'confirmOnFluff',
				label: 'Provide a confirmation message before reverting',
				helptip: 'For users of pen or touch devices, and chronically indecisive people.',
				type: 'boolean'

			// TwinkleConfig.showRollbackLinks (array)
			// Where Twinkle should show rollback links (diff, others, mine, contribs)
			// Note from TTO: |contribs| seems to be equal to |others| + |mine|, i.e. redundant, so I left it out heres
				name: 'showRollbackLinks',
				label: 'Show rollback links on these pages',
				type: 'set',
				setValues: { diff: 'Diff pages', others: 'Contributions pages of other users', mine: 'My contributions page' }

		title: 'Shared IP tagging',
		inFriendlyConfig: true,
		preferences: [
				name: 'markSharedIPAsMinor',
				label: 'Mark shared IP tagging as a minor edit',
				type: 'boolean'

		title: 'Speedy deletion (CSD)',
		preferences: [
				name: 'speedySelectionStyle',
				label: 'When to go ahead and tag/delete the page',
				type: 'enum',
				enumValues: { 'buttonClick': 'When I click "Submit"', 'radioClick': 'As soon as I click an option' }

			// TwinkleConfig.watchSpeedyPages (array)
			// Whether to add speedy tagged or deleted pages to watchlist
				name: 'watchSpeedyPages',
				label: 'Add page to watchlist when using these criteria',
				type: 'set',
				setValues: Twinkle.config.commonSets.csdCriteria,
				setDisplayOrder: Twinkle.config.commonSets.csdCriteriaDisplayOrder

			// TwinkleConfig.markSpeedyPagesAsPatrolled (boolean)
			// If, when applying speedy template to page, to mark the page as patrolled (if the page was reached from NewPages)
				name: 'markSpeedyPagesAsPatrolled',
				label: 'Mark page as patrolled when tagging (if possible)',
				type: 'boolean'

			// TwinkleConfig.welcomeUserOnSpeedyDeletionNotification (array of strings)
			// On what types of speedy deletion notifications shall the user be welcomed
			// with a "firstarticle" notice if their talk page has not yet been created.
				name: 'welcomeUserOnSpeedyDeletionNotification',
				label: 'Welcome page creator when notifying with these criteria',
				helptip: 'The welcome is issued only if the user is notified about the deletion, and only if their talk page does not already exist. The template used is {{firstarticle}}.',
				type: 'set',
				setValues: Twinkle.config.commonSets.csdCriteriaNotification,
				setDisplayOrder: Twinkle.config.commonSets.csdCriteriaNotificationDisplayOrder

			// TwinkleConfig.notifyUserOnSpeedyDeletionNomination (array)
			// What types of actions should result in the author of the page being notified of nomination
				name: 'notifyUserOnSpeedyDeletionNomination',
				label: 'Notify page creator when tagging with these criteria',
				helptip: 'Even if you choose to notify from the CSD screen, the notification will only take place for those criteria selected here.',
				type: 'set',
				setValues: Twinkle.config.commonSets.csdCriteriaNotification,
				setDisplayOrder: Twinkle.config.commonSets.csdCriteriaNotificationDisplayOrder

			// TwinkleConfig.warnUserOnSpeedyDelete (array)
			// What types of actions should result in the author of the page being notified of speedy deletion (admin only)
				name: 'warnUserOnSpeedyDelete',
				label: 'Notify page creator when deleting under these criteria',
				helptip: 'Even if you choose to notify from the CSD screen, the notification will only take place for those criteria selected here.',
				adminOnly: true,
				type: 'set',
				setValues: Twinkle.config.commonSets.csdCriteriaNotification,
				setDisplayOrder: Twinkle.config.commonSets.csdCriteriaNotificationDisplayOrder

			// TwinkleConfig.promptForSpeedyDeletionSummary (array of strings)
				name: 'promptForSpeedyDeletionSummary',
				label: 'Allow editing of deletion summary when deleting under these criteria',
				adminOnly: true,
				type: 'set',
				setValues: Twinkle.config.commonSets.csdAndDICriteria,
				setDisplayOrder: Twinkle.config.commonSets.csdAndDICriteriaDisplayOrder

			// TwinkleConfig.deleteTalkPageOnDelete (boolean)
			// If talk page if exists should also be deleted (CSD G8) when spedying a page (admin only)
				name: 'deleteTalkPageOnDelete',
				label: 'Check the "also delete talk page" box by default',
				adminOnly: true,
				type: 'boolean'

				name: 'deleteRedirectsOnDelete',
				label: 'Check the "also delete redirects" box by default',
				adminOnly: true,
				type: 'boolean'

			// TwinkleConfig.deleteSysopDefaultToTag (boolean)
			// Make the CSD screen default to "tag" instead of "delete" (admin only)
				name: 'deleteSysopDefaultToTag',
				label: 'Default to speedy tagging instead of outright deletion',
				adminOnly: true,
				type: 'boolean'

			// TwinkleConfig.speedyWindowWidth (integer)
			// Defines the width of the Twinkle SD window in pixels
				name: 'speedyWindowWidth',
				label: 'Width of speedy deletion window (pixels)',
				type: 'integer'

			// TwinkleConfig.speedyWindowWidth (integer)
			// Defines the width of the Twinkle SD window in pixels
				name: 'speedyWindowHeight',
				label: 'Height of speedy deletion window (pixels)',
				helptip: 'If you have a big monitor, you might like to increase this.',
				type: 'integer'

				name: 'logSpeedyNominations',
				label: 'Keep a log in userspace of all CSD nominations',
				helptip: 'Since non-admins do not have access to their deleted contributions, the userspace log offers a good way to keep track of all pages you nominate for CSD using Twinkle. Files tagged using DI are also added to this log.',
				type: 'boolean'
				name: 'speedyLogPageName',
				label: 'Keep the CSD userspace log at this user subpage',
				helptip: 'Enter a subpage name in this box. You will find your CSD log at User:<i>username</i>/<i>subpage name</i>. Only works if you turn on the CSD userspace log.',
				type: 'string'
				name: 'noLogOnSpeedyNomination',
				label: 'Do not create a userspace log entry when tagging with these criteria',
				type: 'set',
				setValues: Twinkle.config.commonSets.csdAndDICriteria,
				setDisplayOrder: Twinkle.config.commonSets.csdAndDICriteriaDisplayOrder

		title: 'Tag',
		inFriendlyConfig: true,
		preferences: [
				name: 'watchTaggedPages',
				label: 'Add page to watchlist when tagging',
				type: 'boolean'
				name: 'watchMergeDiscussions',
				label: 'Add talk pages to watchlist when starting merge discussions',
				type: 'boolean'
				name: 'markTaggedPagesAsMinor',
				label: 'Mark addition of tags as a minor edit',
				type: 'boolean'
				name: 'markTaggedPagesAsPatrolled',
				label: 'Check the "mark page as patrolled" box by default',
				type: 'boolean'
				name: 'groupByDefault',
				label: 'Check the "group into {{multiple issues}}" box by default',
				type: 'boolean'
				name: 'tagArticleSortOrder',
				label: 'Default view order for article tags',
				type: 'enum',
				enumValues: { 'cat': 'By categories', 'alpha': 'In alphabetical order' }
				name: 'customTagList',
				label: 'Custom article/draft maintenance tags to display',
				helptip: "These appear as additional options at the bottom of the list of tags. For example, you could add new maintenance tags which have not yet been added to Twinkle's defaults.",
				type: 'customList',
				customListValueTitle: 'Template name (no curly brackets)',
				customListLabelTitle: 'Text to show in Tag dialog'
				name: 'customFileTagList',
				label: 'Custom file maintenance tags to display',
				helptip: 'Additional tags that you wish to add for files.',
				type: 'customList',
				customListValueTitle: 'Template name (no curly brackets)',
				customListLabelTitle: 'Text to show in Tag dialog'
				name: 'customRedirectTagList',
				label: 'Custom redirect category tags to display',
				helptip: 'Additional tags that you wish to add for redirects.',
				type: 'customList',
				customListValueTitle: 'Template name (no curly brackets)',
				customListLabelTitle: 'Text to show in Tag dialog'

		title: 'Talkback',
		inFriendlyConfig: true,
		preferences: [
				name: 'markTalkbackAsMinor',
				label: 'Mark talkbacks as minor edits',
				type: 'boolean'
				name: 'insertTalkbackSignature',
				label: 'Insert signature within talkbacks',
				type: 'boolean'
				name: 'talkbackHeading',
				label: 'Section heading to use for talkbacks',
				type: 'string'
				name: 'adminNoticeHeading',
				label: "Section heading to use for administrators' noticeboard notices",
				helptip: 'Only relevant for AN and ANI.',
				type: 'string'
				name: 'mailHeading',
				label: "Section heading to use for \"you've got mail\" notices",
				type: 'string'

		title: 'Unlink',
		preferences: [
		// TwinkleConfig.unlinkNamespaces (array)
		// In what namespaces unlink should happen, default in 0 (article), 10 (template), 100 (portal), and 118 (draft)
				name: 'unlinkNamespaces',
				label: 'Remove links from pages in these namespaces',
				helptip: 'Avoid selecting any talk namespaces, as Twinkle might end up unlinking on talk archives (a big no-no).',
				type: 'set',
				setValues: Twinkle.config.commonSets.namespacesNoSpecial

		title: 'Warn user',
		preferences: [
		// TwinkleConfig.defaultWarningGroup (int)
		// if true, watch the page which has been dispatched an warning or notice, if false, default applies
				name: 'defaultWarningGroup',
				label: 'Default warning level',
				type: 'enum',
				enumValues: {
					'1': 'Level 1',
					'2': 'Level 2',
					'3': 'Level 3',
					'4': 'Level 4',
					'5': 'Level 4im',
					'6': 'Single-issue notices',
					'7': 'Single-issue warnings',
					'9': 'Custom warnings'

			// TwinkleConfig.showSharedIPNotice may take arguments:
			// true: to show shared ip notice if an IP address
			// false: to not print the notice
				name: 'showSharedIPNotice',
				label: 'Add extra notice on shared IP talk pages',
				helptip: 'Notice used is {{Shared IP advice}}',
				type: 'boolean'

			// TwinkleConfig.watchWarnings (boolean)
			// if true, watch the page which has been dispatched an warning or notice, if false, default applies
				name: 'watchWarnings',
				label: 'Add user talk page to watchlist when notifying',
				type: 'boolean'

			// TwinkleConfig.oldSelect (boolean)
			// if true, use the native select menu rather the jquery chosen-based one
				name: 'oldSelect',
				label: 'Use the non-searchable classic select menu',
				type: 'boolean'

				name: 'customWarningList',
				label: 'Custom warning templates to display',
				helptip: 'You can add individual templates or user subpages. Custom warnings appear in the "Custom warnings" category within the warning dialog box.',
				type: 'customList',
				customListValueTitle: 'Template name (no curly brackets)',
				customListLabelTitle: 'Text to show in warning list (also used as edit summary)'

		title: 'Welcome user',
		inFriendlyConfig: true,
		preferences: [
				name: 'topWelcomes',
				label: 'Place welcomes above existing content on user talk pages',
				type: 'boolean'
				name: 'watchWelcomes',
				label: 'Add user talk pages to watchlist when welcoming',
				helptip: 'Doing so adds to the personal element of welcoming a user - you will be able to see how they are coping as a newbie, and possibly help them.',
				type: 'boolean'
				name: 'insertUsername',
				label: 'Add your username to the template (where applicable)',
				helptip: "Some welcome templates have an opening sentence like \"Hi, I'm &lt;username&gt;. Welcome\" etc. If you turn off this option, these templates will not display your username in that way.",
				type: 'boolean'
				name: 'quickWelcomeMode',
				label: 'Clicking the "welcome" link on a diff page will',
				helptip: 'If you choose to welcome automatically, the template you specify below will be used.',
				type: 'enum',
				enumValues: { auto: 'welcome automatically', norm: 'prompt you to select a template' }
				name: 'quickWelcomeTemplate',
				label: 'Template to use when welcoming automatically',
				helptip: 'Enter the name of a welcome template, without the curly brackets. A link to the given article will be added.',
				type: 'string'
				name: 'customWelcomeList',
				label: 'Custom welcome templates to display',
				helptip: "You can add other welcome templates, or user subpages that are welcome templates (prefixed with \"User:\"). Don't forget that these templates are substituted onto user talk pages.",
				type: 'customList',
				customListValueTitle: 'Template name (no curly brackets)',
				customListLabelTitle: 'Text to show in Welcome dialog'
				name: 'customWelcomeSignature',
				label: 'Automatically sign custom welcome templates',
				helptip: 'If your custom welcome templates contain a built-in signature within the template, turn off this option.',
				type: 'boolean'

		title: 'XFD (deletion discussions)',
		preferences: [
		// TwinkleConfig.xfdWatchPage (string)
		// The watchlist setting of the page being nominated for XfD. Either "yes" (add to watchlist), "no" (don't
		// add to watchlist), or "default" (use setting from preferences). Default is "default" (duh).
				name: 'xfdWatchPage',
				label: 'Add the nominated page to watchlist',
				type: 'enum',
				enumValues: Twinkle.config.commonEnums.watchlist

			// TwinkleConfig.xfdWatchDiscussion (string)
			// The watchlist setting of the newly created XfD page (for those processes that create discussion pages for each nomination),
			// or the list page for the other processes.
			// Either "yes" (add to watchlist), "no" (don't add to watchlist), or "default" (use setting from preferences). Default is "default" (duh).
				name: 'xfdWatchDiscussion',
				label: 'Add the deletion discussion page to watchlist',
				helptip: 'This refers to the discussion subpage (for AfD and MfD) or the daily log page (for TfD, CfD, RfD and FfD)',
				type: 'enum',
				enumValues: Twinkle.config.commonEnums.watchlist

			// TwinkleConfig.xfdWatchList (string)
			// The watchlist setting of the XfD list page, *if* the discussion is on a separate page. Either "yes" (add to watchlist), "no" (don't
			// add to watchlist), or "default" (use setting from preferences). Default is "no" (Hehe. Seriously though, who wants to watch it?
			// Sorry in advance for any false positives.).
				name: 'xfdWatchList',
				label: 'Add the daily log/list page to the watchlist (where applicable)',
				helptip: 'This only applies for AfD and MfD, where the discussions are transcluded onto a daily log page (for AfD) or the main MfD page (for MfD).',
				type: 'enum',
				enumValues: Twinkle.config.commonEnums.watchlist

			// TwinkleConfig.xfdWatchUser (string)
			// The watchlist setting of the user talk page if they receive a notification. Either "yes" (add to watchlist), "no" (don't
			// add to watchlist), or "default" (use setting from preferences). Default is "default" (duh).
				name: 'xfdWatchUser',
				label: 'Add user talk page of initial contributor to watchlist (when notifying)',
				type: 'enum',
				enumValues: Twinkle.config.commonEnums.watchlist

			// TwinkleConfig.xfdWatchRelated (string)
			// The watchlist setting of the target of a redirect being nominated for RfD. Either "yes" (add to watchlist), "no" (don't
			// add to watchlist), or "default" (use setting from preferences). Default is "default" (duh).
				name: 'xfdWatchRelated',
				label: "Add the redirect's target page to watchlist (when notifying)",
				helptip: 'This only applies for RfD, when leaving a notification on the talk page of the target of the redirect',
				type: 'enum',
				enumValues: Twinkle.config.commonEnums.watchlist

				name: 'markXfdPagesAsPatrolled',
				label: 'Mark page as patrolled when nominating for AFD (if possible)',
				type: 'boolean'

		title: 'Hidden',
		hidden: true,
		preferences: [
		// twinkle.header.js: portlet setup
				name: 'portletArea',
				type: 'string'
				name: 'portletId',
				type: 'string'
				name: 'portletName',
				type: 'string'
				name: 'portletType',
				type: 'string'
				name: 'portletNext',
				type: 'string'
			// twinklefluff.js: defines how many revision to query maximum, maximum possible is 50, default is 50
				name: 'revertMaxRevisions',
				type: 'integer'
			// twinklebatchdelete.js: How many pages should be processed at a time
				name: 'batchdeleteChunks',
				type: 'integer'
			// twinklebatchdelete.js: How many pages left in the process of being completed should allow a new batch to be initialized
				name: 'batchDeleteMinCutOff',
				type: 'integer'
			// twinklebatchdelete.js: How many pages should be processed maximum
				name: 'batchMax',
				type: 'integer'
			// twinklebatchprotect.js: How many pages should be processed at a time
				name: 'batchProtectChunks',
				type: 'integer'
			// twinklebatchprotect.js: How many pages left in the process of being completed should allow a new batch to be initialized
				name: 'batchProtectMinCutOff',
				type: 'integer'
			// twinklebatchundelete.js: How many pages should be processed at a time
				name: 'batchundeleteChunks',
				type: 'integer'
			// twinklebatchundelete.js: How many pages left in the process of being completed should allow a new batch to be initialized
				name: 'batchUndeleteMinCutOff',
				type: 'integer'
			// twinkledeprod.js: How many pages should be processed at a time
				name: 'proddeleteChunks',
				type: 'integer'

]; // end of Twinkle.config.sections

Twinkle.config.init = function twinkleconfigInit() {

	if (((mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === mw.config.get('wgNamespaceIds').project && mw.config.get('wgTitle') === 'Twinkle/Preferences') ||
			(mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === mw.config.get('wgNamespaceIds').user && mw.config.get('wgTitle').lastIndexOf('/Twinkle preferences') === (mw.config.get('wgTitle').length - 20))) &&
			mw.config.get('wgAction') === 'view') {
		// create the config page at Wikipedia:Twinkle/Preferences, and at user subpages (for testing purposes)

		if (!document.getElementById('twinkle-config')) {
			return;  // maybe the page is misconfigured, or something - but any attempt to modify it will be pointless

		// set style (the url() CSS function doesn't seem to work from wikicode - ?!)
		document.getElementById('twinkle-config-titlebar').style.backgroundImage = 'url(%2FqqA%2BAAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBBZG9iZSBJbWFnZVJlYWR5ccllPAAAAEhQTFRFr73ZobTPusjdsMHZp7nVwtDhzNbnwM3fu8jdq7vUt8nbxtDkw9DhpbfSvMrfssPZqLvVztbno7bRrr7W1d%2Fs1N7qydXk0NjpkW7Q%2BgAAADVJREFUeNoMwgESQCAAAMGLkEIi%2FP%2BnbnbpdB59app5Vdg0sXAoMZCpGoFbK6ciuy6FX4ABAEyoAef0BXOXAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC)';

		var contentdiv = document.getElementById('twinkle-config-content');
		contentdiv.textContent = '';  // clear children

		// let user know about possible conflict with monobook.js/vector.js file
		// (settings in that file will still work, but they will be overwritten by twinkleoptions.js settings)
		var contentnotice = document.createElement('p');
		// I hate innerHTML, but this is one thing it *is* good for...
		contentnotice.innerHTML = '<b>Before modifying your preferences here,</b> make sure you have removed any old <code>TwinkleConfig</code> and <code>FriendlyConfig</code> settings from your <a href="' + mw.util.getUrl('Special:MyPage/skin.js') + '" title="Special:MyPage/skin.js">user JavaScript file</a>.';

		// look and see if the user does in fact have any old settings in their skin JS file
		var skinjs = new'User:' + mw.config.get('wgUserName') + '/' + mw.config.get('skin') + '.js');

		// start a table of contents
		var toctable = document.createElement('div');
		toctable.className = 'toc'; = '0.4em';
		// create TOC title
		var toctitle = document.createElement('div'); = 'toctitle';
		var toch2 = document.createElement('h2');
		toch2.textContent = 'Contents ';
		// add TOC show/hide link
		var toctoggle = document.createElement('span');
		toctoggle.className = 'toctoggle';
		var toctogglelink = document.createElement('a');
		toctogglelink.className = 'internal';
		toctogglelink.setAttribute('href', '#tw-tocshowhide');
		toctogglelink.textContent = 'hide';
		// create item container: this is what we add stuff to
		var tocul = document.createElement('ul');
		toctogglelink.addEventListener('click', function twinkleconfigTocToggle() {
			var $tocul = $(tocul);
			if ($tocul.find(':visible').length) {
				toctogglelink.textContent = 'hide';
			} else {
				toctogglelink.textContent = 'show';
		}, false);

		var tocnumber = 1;

		var contentform = document.createElement('form');
		contentform.setAttribute('action', 'javascript:void(0)');  // was #tw-save - changed to void(0) to work around Chrome issue
		contentform.addEventListener('submit',, true);

		var container = document.createElement('table'); = '100%';

		$(Twinkle.config.sections).each(function(sectionkey, section) {
			if (section.hidden || (section.adminOnly && !Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop'))) {
				return true;  // i.e. "continue" in this context

			var configgetter;  // retrieve the live config values
			if (section.inFriendlyConfig) {
				configgetter = Twinkle.getFriendlyPref;
			} else {
				configgetter = Twinkle.getPref;

			// add to TOC
			var tocli = document.createElement('li');
			tocli.className = 'toclevel-1';
			var toca = document.createElement('a');
			toca.setAttribute('href', '#twinkle-config-section-' + tocnumber.toString());

			var row = document.createElement('tr');
			var cell = document.createElement('td');
			cell.setAttribute('colspan', '3');
			var heading = document.createElement('h4'); = '1px solid gray'; = '0.2em'; = 'twinkle-config-section-' + (tocnumber++).toString();

			var rowcount = 1;  // for row banding

			// add each of the preferences to the form
			$(section.preferences).each(function(prefkey, pref) {
				if (pref.adminOnly && !Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop')) {
					return true;  // i.e. "continue" in this context

				row = document.createElement('tr'); = '0.2em';
				// create odd row banding
				if (rowcount++ % 2 === 0) { = 'rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.1)';
				cell = document.createElement('td');

				var label, input;
				switch (pref.type) {

					case 'boolean':  // create a checkbox
						cell.setAttribute('colspan', '2');

						label = document.createElement('label');
						input = document.createElement('input');
						input.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox');
						if (configgetter( === true) {
							input.setAttribute('checked', 'checked');
						label.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ' + pref.label));

					case 'string':  // create an input box
					case 'integer':
						// add label to first column = 'right'; = '0.5em';
						label = document.createElement('label');
						label.appendChild(document.createTextNode(pref.label + ':'));

						// add input box to second column
						cell = document.createElement('td'); = '1em';
						input = document.createElement('input');
						input.setAttribute('type', 'text');
						if (pref.type === 'integer') {
							input.setAttribute('size', 6);
							input.setAttribute('type', 'number');
							input.setAttribute('step', '1');  // integers only
						if (configgetter( {
							input.setAttribute('value', configgetter(;

					case 'enum':  // create a combo box
						// add label to first column
						// note: duplicates the code above, under string/integer = 'right'; = '0.5em';
						label = document.createElement('label');
						label.appendChild(document.createTextNode(pref.label + ':'));

						// add input box to second column
						cell = document.createElement('td'); = '1em';
						input = document.createElement('select');
						$.each(pref.enumValues, function(enumvalue, enumdisplay) {
							var option = document.createElement('option');
							option.setAttribute('value', enumvalue);
							if (configgetter( === enumvalue) {
								option.setAttribute('selected', 'selected');

					case 'set':  // create a set of check boxes
						// add label first of all
						cell.setAttribute('colspan', '2');
						label = document.createElement('label');  // not really necessary to use a label element here, but we do it for consistency of styling
						label.appendChild(document.createTextNode(pref.label + ':'));

						var checkdiv = document.createElement('div'); = '1em';
						var worker = function(itemkey, itemvalue) {
							var checklabel = document.createElement('label'); = '0.7em'; = 'inline-block';
							var check = document.createElement('input');
							check.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox');
							check.setAttribute('id', + '_' + itemkey);
							check.setAttribute('name', + '_' + itemkey);
							if (configgetter( && configgetter( !== -1) {
								check.setAttribute('checked', 'checked');
							// cater for legacy integer array values for unlinkNamespaces (this can be removed a few years down the track...)
							if ( === 'unlinkNamespaces') {
								if (configgetter( && configgetter(, 10)) !== -1) {
									check.setAttribute('checked', 'checked');
						if (pref.setDisplayOrder) {
							// add check boxes according to the given display order
							$.each(pref.setDisplayOrder, function(itemkey, item) {
								worker(item, pref.setValues[item]);
						} else {
							// add check boxes according to the order it gets fed to us (probably strict alphabetical)
							$.each(pref.setValues, worker);

					case 'customList':
						// add label to first column = 'right'; = '0.5em';
						label = document.createElement('label');
						label.appendChild(document.createTextNode(pref.label + ':'));

						// add button to second column
						cell = document.createElement('td'); = '1em';
						var button = document.createElement('button');
						button.setAttribute('type', 'button');
						button.addEventListener('click', Twinkle.config.listDialog.display, false);
						// use jQuery data on the button to store the current config value
							value: configgetter(,
							pref: pref,
							inFriendlyConfig: section.inFriendlyConfig
						button.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Edit items'));

						alert('twinkleconfig: unknown data type for preference ' +;

				// add help tip
				cell = document.createElement('td'); = '90%'; = 'gray';
				if (pref.helptip) {
					// convert mentions of templates in the helptip to clickable links
					cell.innerHTML = pref.helptip.replace(/{{(.+?)}}/g,
						'{{<a href="' + mw.util.getUrl('Template:') + '$1" target="_blank">$1</a>}}');
				// add reset link (custom lists don't need this, as their config value isn't displayed on the form)
				if (pref.type !== 'customList') {
					var resetlink = document.createElement('a');
					resetlink.setAttribute('href', '#tw-reset');
					resetlink.setAttribute('id', 'twinkle-config-reset-' +;
					resetlink.addEventListener('click', Twinkle.config.resetPrefLink, false);
					if ( {  // IE (inc. IE9) = 'right';
					} else {  // standards = 'right';
					} = '0 0.6em';

				return true;
			return true;

		var footerbox = document.createElement('div');
		footerbox.setAttribute('id', 'twinkle-config-buttonpane'); = '#BCCADF'; = '0.5em';
		var button = document.createElement('button');
		button.setAttribute('id', 'twinkle-config-submit');
		button.setAttribute('type', 'submit');
		button.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Save changes'));
		var footerspan = document.createElement('span');
		footerspan.className = 'plainlinks'; = '2.4em'; = '90%';
		var footera = document.createElement('a');
		footera.setAttribute('href', '#tw-reset-all');
		footera.setAttribute('id', 'twinkle-config-resetall');
		footera.addEventListener('click', Twinkle.config.resetAllPrefs, false);
		footera.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Restore defaults'));

		// since all the section headers exist now, we can try going to the requested anchor
		if (location.hash) {
			window.location.hash = location.hash;

	} else if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === mw.config.get('wgNamespaceIds').user &&
			mw.config.get('wgTitle').indexOf(mw.config.get('wgUserName')) === 0 &&
			mw.config.get('wgPageName').slice(-3) === '.js') {

		var box = document.createElement('div');
		box.setAttribute('id', 'twinkle-config-headerbox'); = '1px #f60 solid'; = '#fed'; = '0.6em'; = '0.5em auto'; = 'center';

		var link,
			scriptPageName = mw.config.get('wgPageName').slice(mw.config.get('wgPageName').lastIndexOf('/') + 1,

		if (scriptPageName === 'twinkleoptions') {
			// place "why not try the preference panel" notice = 'bold'; = '80%'; = '2px';

			if (mw.config.get('wgArticleId') > 0) {  // page exists
				box.appendChild(document.createTextNode('This page contains your Twinkle preferences. You can change them using the '));
			} else {  // page does not exist
				box.appendChild(document.createTextNode('You can customize Twinkle to suit your preferences by using the '));
			link = document.createElement('a');
			link.setAttribute('href', mw.util.getUrl(mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[mw.config.get('wgNamespaceIds').project] + ':Twinkle/Preferences'));
			link.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Twinkle preferences panel'));
			box.appendChild(document.createTextNode(', or by editing this page.'));

		} else if (['monobook', 'vector', 'cologneblue', 'modern', 'common'].indexOf(scriptPageName) !== -1) {
			// place "Looking for Twinkle options?" notice = '60%';

			box.appendChild(document.createTextNode('If you want to set Twinkle preferences, you can use the '));
			link = document.createElement('a');
			link.setAttribute('href', mw.util.getUrl(mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[mw.config.get('wgNamespaceIds').project] + ':Twinkle/Preferences'));
			link.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Twinkle preferences panel'));

// callback from init code
Twinkle.config.legacyPrefsNotice = function twinkleconfigLegacyPrefsNotice(pageobj) {
	var text = pageobj.getPageText();
	var contentnotice = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
	if (text.indexOf('TwinkleConfig') !== -1 || text.indexOf('FriendlyConfig') !== -1) {
		contentnotice.innerHTML = '<table class="plainlinks ombox ombox-content"><tr><td class="mbox-image">' +
			'<img alt="" src="" /></td>' +
			'<td class="mbox-text"><p><big><b>Before modifying your settings here,</b> you must remove your old Twinkle and Friendly settings from your personal skin JavaScript.</big></p>' +
			'<p>To do this, you can <a href="' + mw.config.get('wgScript') + '?title=User:' + encodeURIComponent(mw.config.get('wgUserName')) + '/' + mw.config.get('skin') + '.js&action=edit" target="_blank"><b>edit your personal JavaScript</b></a>, removing all lines of code that refer to <code>TwinkleConfig</code> and <code>FriendlyConfig</code>.</p>' +
	} else {

// custom list-related stuff

Twinkle.config.listDialog = {};

Twinkle.config.listDialog.addRow = function twinkleconfigListDialogAddRow(dlgtable, value, label) {
	var contenttr = document.createElement('tr');
	// "remove" button
	var contenttd = document.createElement('td');
	var removeButton = document.createElement('button');
	removeButton.setAttribute('type', 'button');
	removeButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
	}, false);
	removeButton.textContent = 'Remove';

	// value input box
	contenttd = document.createElement('td');
	var input = document.createElement('input');
	input.setAttribute('type', 'text');
	input.className = 'twinkle-config-customlist-value'; = '97%';
	if (value) {
		input.setAttribute('value', value);

	// label input box
	contenttd = document.createElement('td');
	input = document.createElement('input');
	input.setAttribute('type', 'text');
	input.className = 'twinkle-config-customlist-label'; = '98%';
	if (label) {
		input.setAttribute('value', label);


Twinkle.config.listDialog.display = function twinkleconfigListDialogDisplay(e) {
	var $prefbutton = $(;
	var curvalue = $'value');
	var curpref = $'pref');

	var dialog = new Morebits.simpleWindow(720, 400);
	dialog.setScriptName('Twinkle preferences');

	var dialogcontent = document.createElement('div');
	var dlgtable = document.createElement('table');
	dlgtable.className = 'wikitable'; = '1.4em 1em'; = 'auto';

	var dlgtbody = document.createElement('tbody');

	// header row
	var dlgtr = document.createElement('tr');
	// top-left cell
	var dlgth = document.createElement('th'); = '5%';
	// value column header
	dlgth = document.createElement('th'); = '35%';
	dlgth.textContent = curpref.customListValueTitle ? curpref.customListValueTitle : 'Value';
	// label column header
	dlgth = document.createElement('th'); = '60%';
	dlgth.textContent = curpref.customListLabelTitle ? curpref.customListLabelTitle : 'Label';

	// content rows
	var gotRow = false;
	$.each(curvalue, function(k, v) {
		gotRow = true;
		Twinkle.config.listDialog.addRow(dlgtbody, v.value, v.label);
	// if there are no values present, add a blank row to start the user off
	if (!gotRow) {

	// final "add" button
	var dlgtfoot = document.createElement('tfoot');
	dlgtr = document.createElement('tr');
	var dlgtd = document.createElement('td');
	dlgtd.setAttribute('colspan', '3');
	var addButton = document.createElement('button'); = '8em';
	addButton.setAttribute('type', 'button');
	addButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
	}, false);
	addButton.textContent = 'Add';


	// buttonpane buttons: [Save changes] [Reset] [Cancel]
	var button = document.createElement('button');
	button.setAttribute('type', 'submit');  // so Morebits.simpleWindow puts the button in the button pane
	button.addEventListener('click', function() {$prefbutton, dlgtbody);
	}, false);
	button.textContent = 'Save changes';
	button = document.createElement('button');
	button.setAttribute('type', 'submit');  // so Morebits.simpleWindow puts the button in the button pane
	button.addEventListener('click', function() {
		Twinkle.config.listDialog.reset($prefbutton, dlgtbody);
	}, false);
	button.textContent = 'Reset';
	button = document.createElement('button');
	button.setAttribute('type', 'submit');  // so Morebits.simpleWindow puts the button in the button pane
	button.addEventListener('click', function() {
		dialog.close();  // the event parameter on this function seems to be broken
	}, false);
	button.textContent = 'Cancel';


// Resets the data value, re-populates based on the new (default) value, then saves the
// old data value again (less surprising behaviour)
Twinkle.config.listDialog.reset = function twinkleconfigListDialogReset(button, tbody) {
	// reset value on button
	var $button = $(button);
	var curpref = $'pref');
	var oldvalue = $'value');
	Twinkle.config.resetPref(curpref, $'inFriendlyConfig'));

	// reset form
	var $tbody = $(tbody);
	$tbody.find('tr').slice(1).remove();  // all rows except the first (header) row
	// add the new values
	var curvalue = $'value');
	$.each(curvalue, function(k, v) {
		Twinkle.config.listDialog.addRow(tbody, v.value, v.label);

	// save the old value
	$'value', oldvalue);
}; = function twinkleconfigListDialogSave(button, tbody) {
	var result = [];
	var current = {};
	$(tbody).find('input[type="text"]').each(function(inputkey, input) {
		if ($(input).hasClass('twinkle-config-customlist-value')) {
			current = { value: input.value };
		} else {
			current.label = input.value;
			// exclude totally empty rows
			if (current.value || current.label) {
	$(button).data('value', result);

// reset/restore defaults

Twinkle.config.resetPrefLink = function twinkleconfigResetPrefLink(e) {
	var wantedpref =; // "twinkle-config-reset-" prefix is stripped

	// search tactics
	$(Twinkle.config.sections).each(function(sectionkey, section) {
		if (section.hidden || (section.adminOnly && !Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop'))) {
			return true;  // continue: skip impossibilities

		var foundit = false;

		$(section.preferences).each(function(prefkey, pref) {
			if ( !== wantedpref) {
				return true;  // continue
			Twinkle.config.resetPref(pref, section.inFriendlyConfig);
			foundit = true;
			return false;  // break

		if (foundit) {
			return false;  // break
	return false;  // stop link from scrolling page

Twinkle.config.resetPref = function twinkleconfigResetPref(pref, inFriendlyConfig) {
	switch (pref.type) {

		case 'boolean':
			document.getElementById( = inFriendlyConfig ?
				Twinkle.defaultConfig.friendly[] : Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle[];

		case 'string':
		case 'integer':
		case 'enum':
			document.getElementById( = inFriendlyConfig ?
				Twinkle.defaultConfig.friendly[] : Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle[];

		case 'set':
			$.each(pref.setValues, function(itemkey) {
				if (document.getElementById( + '_' + itemkey)) {
					document.getElementById( + '_' + itemkey).checked = (inFriendlyConfig ?
						Twinkle.defaultConfig.friendly[] : Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle[]).indexOf(itemkey) !== -1;

		case 'customList':
			$(document.getElementById('value', inFriendlyConfig ?
				Twinkle.defaultConfig.friendly[] : Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle[]);

			alert('twinkleconfig: unknown data type for preference ' +;

Twinkle.config.resetAllPrefs = function twinkleconfigResetAllPrefs() {
	// no confirmation message - the user can just refresh/close the page to abort
	$(Twinkle.config.sections).each(function(sectionkey, section) {
		if (section.hidden || (section.adminOnly && !Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop'))) {
			return true;  // continue: skip impossibilities
		$(section.preferences).each(function(prefkey, pref) {
			if (!pref.adminOnly || Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop')) {
				Twinkle.config.resetPref(pref, section.inFriendlyConfig);
		return true;
	return false;  // stop link from scrolling page
}; = function twinkleconfigSave(e) {
	Morebits.status.init(document.getElementById('twinkle-config-content')); = 'Save';

	var userjs = mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[mw.config.get('wgNamespaceIds').user] + ':' + mw.config.get('wgUserName') + '/twinkleoptions.js';
	var wikipedia_page = new, 'Saving preferences to ' + userjs);

	return false;

Twinkle.config.writePrefs = function twinkleconfigWritePrefs(pageobj) {
	var form = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

	// this is the object which gets serialized into JSON
	var newConfig = {
		twinkle: {},
		friendly: {}

	// keeping track of all preferences that we encounter
	// any others that are set in the user's current config are kept
	// this way, preferences that this script doesn't know about are not lost
	// (it does mean obsolete prefs will never go away, but... ah well...)
	var foundTwinklePrefs = [], foundFriendlyPrefs = [];

	// a comparison function is needed later on
	// it is just enough for our purposes (i.e. comparing strings, numbers, booleans,
	// arrays of strings, and arrays of { value, label })
	// and it is not very robust: e.g. compare([2], ["2"]) === true, and
	// compare({}, {}) === false, but it's good enough for our purposes here
	var compare = function(a, b) {
		if (Array.isArray(a)) {
			if (a.length !== b.length) {
				return false;
			var asort = a.sort(), bsort = b.sort();
			for (var i = 0; asort[i]; ++i) {
				// comparison of the two properties of custom lists
				if ((typeof asort[i] === 'object') && (asort[i].label !== bsort[i].label ||
					asort[i].value !== bsort[i].value)) {
					return false;
				} else if (asort[i].toString() !== bsort[i].toString()) {
					return false;
			return true;
		return a === b;


	$(Twinkle.config.sections).each(function(sectionkey, section) {
		if (section.adminOnly && !Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop')) {
			return;  // i.e. "continue" in this context

		// reach each of the preferences from the form
		$(section.preferences).each(function(prefkey, pref) {
			var userValue;  // = undefined

			// only read form values for those prefs that have them
			if (!section.hidden && (!pref.adminOnly || Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop'))) {
				switch (pref.type) {

					case 'boolean':  // read from the checkbox
						userValue = form[].checked;

					case 'string':  // read from the input box or combo box
					case 'enum':
						userValue = form[].value;

					case 'integer':  // read from the input box
						userValue = parseInt(form[].value, 10);
						if (isNaN(userValue)) {
							Morebits.status.warn('Saving', 'The value you specified for ' + + ' (' + pref.value + ') was invalid.  The save will continue, but the invalid data value will be skipped.');
							userValue = null;

					case 'set':  // read from the set of check boxes
						userValue = [];
						if (pref.setDisplayOrder) {
							// read only those keys specified in the display order
							$.each(pref.setDisplayOrder, function(itemkey, item) {
								if (form[ + '_' + item].checked) {
						} else {
							// read all the keys in the list of values
							$.each(pref.setValues, function(itemkey) {
								if (form[ + '_' + itemkey].checked) {

					case 'customList':  // read from the jQuery data stored on the button object
						userValue = $(form[]).data('value');

						alert('twinkleconfig: unknown data type for preference ' +;

			// only save those preferences that are *different* from the default
			if (section.inFriendlyConfig) {
				if (userValue !== undefined && !compare(userValue, Twinkle.defaultConfig.friendly[])) {
					newConfig.friendly[] = userValue;
			} else {
				if (userValue !== undefined && !compare(userValue, Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle[])) {
					newConfig.twinkle[] = userValue;

	if (Twinkle.prefs) {
		$.each(Twinkle.prefs.twinkle, function(tkey, tvalue) {
			if (foundTwinklePrefs.indexOf(tkey) === -1) {
				newConfig.twinkle[tkey] = tvalue;
		$.each(Twinkle.prefs.friendly, function(fkey, fvalue) {
			if (foundFriendlyPrefs.indexOf(fkey) === -1) {
				newConfig.friendly[fkey] = fvalue;

	var text =
		'// twinkleoptions.js: personal Twinkle preferences file\n' +
		'//\n' +
		'// NOTE: The easiest way to change your Twinkle preferences is by using the\n' +
		'// Twinkle preferences panel, at [[' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].\n' +
		'//\n' +
		'// This file is AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED.  Any changes you make (aside from\n' +
		'// changing the configuration parameters in a valid-JavaScript way) will be\n' +
		'// overwritten the next time you click "save" in the Twinkle preferences\n' +
		'// panel.  If modifying this file, make sure to use correct JavaScript.\n' +
		'// <no' + 'wiki>\n' +
		'\n' +
		'window.Twinkle.prefs = ';
	text += JSON.stringify(newConfig, null, 2);
	text +=
		';\n' +
		'\n' +
		'// </no' + 'wiki>\n' +
		'// End of twinkleoptions.js\n';

	pageobj.setEditSummary('Saving Twinkle preferences: automatic edit from [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']] ([[WP:TW|TW]])');

Twinkle.config.saveSuccess = function twinkleconfigSaveSuccess(pageobj) {

	var noticebox = document.createElement('div');
	noticebox.className = 'successbox'; = '100%'; = '2em';
	noticebox.innerHTML = '<p><b>Your Twinkle preferences have been saved.</b></p><p>To see the changes, you will need to <b>clear your browser cache entirely</b> (see <a href="' + mw.util.getUrl('WP:BYPASS') + '" title="WP:BYPASS">WP:BYPASS</a> for instructions).</p>';
	var noticeclear = document.createElement('br'); = 'both';

// </nowiki>

// <nowiki>

(function($) {

 *** twinklefluff.js: Revert/rollback module
 * Mode of invocation:     Links on history, contributions, and diff pages
 * Active on:              Diff pages, history pages, contributions pages
 * Config directives in:   TwinkleConfig

 Twinklefluff revert and antivandalism utility

Twinkle.fluff = {
	spanTag: function(color, content) {
		var span = document.createElement('span'); = color;
		return span;

	buildLink: function(color, text) {
		var link = document.createElement('a');
		link.appendChild(Twinkle.fluff.spanTag('Black', '['));
		link.appendChild(Twinkle.fluff.spanTag(color, text));
		link.appendChild(Twinkle.fluff.spanTag('Black', ']'));
		return link;

	auto: function() {
		if (mw.config.get('wgRevisionId') !== mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId')) {
			// not latest revision
			alert("Can't rollback, page has changed in the meantime.");

		var vandal = $('#mw-diff-ntitle2').find('').text();

		Twinkle.fluff.revert(Morebits.queryString.get('twinklerevert'), vandal, true);

	contributions: function() {
		// $('sp-contributions-footer-anon-range') relies on the fmbox
		// id in [[MediaWiki:Sp-contributions-footer-anon-range]] and
		// is used to show rollback/vandalism links for IP ranges
		if (mw.config.exists('wgRelevantUserName') || !!$('#sp-contributions-footer-anon-range')[0]) {
			// Get the username these contributions are for
			var username = mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName');
			if (Twinkle.getPref('showRollbackLinks').indexOf('contribs') !== -1 ||
				(mw.config.get('wgUserName') !== username && Twinkle.getPref('showRollbackLinks').indexOf('others') !== -1) ||
				(mw.config.get('wgUserName') === username && Twinkle.getPref('showRollbackLinks').indexOf('mine') !== -1)) {
				var list = $('#mw-content-text').find('ul li:has(');

				var revNode = document.createElement('strong');
				var revLink = Twinkle.fluff.buildLink('SteelBlue', 'rollback');

				var revVandNode = document.createElement('strong');
				var revVandLink = Twinkle.fluff.buildLink('Red', 'vandalism');

				list.each(function(key, current) {
					var href = $(current).find('.mw-changeslist-diff').attr('href');
					current.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));
					var tmpNode = revNode.cloneNode(true);
					tmpNode.firstChild.setAttribute('href', href + '&' + Morebits.queryString.create({ 'twinklerevert': 'norm' }));
					current.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));
					tmpNode = revVandNode.cloneNode(true);
					tmpNode.firstChild.setAttribute('href', href + '&' + Morebits.queryString.create({ 'twinklerevert': 'vand' }));

	diff: function() {
		// Add a [restore this revision] link to the older revision
		// Don't show if there's a single revision or weird diff (cur on latest)
		if (mw.config.get('wgDiffOldId') && (mw.config.get('wgDiffOldId') !== mw.config.get('wgDiffNewId'))) {
			var revertToRevision = document.createElement('div');
			revertToRevision.setAttribute('id', 'tw-revert-to-orevision'); = 'bold';

			var revertToRevisionLink = Twinkle.fluff.buildLink('SaddleBrown', 'restore this version');
			revertToRevisionLink.href = '#';
			$(revertToRevisionLink).click(function() {

			var otitle = document.getElementById('mw-diff-otitle1').parentNode;
			otitle.insertBefore(revertToRevision, otitle.firstChild);

		// Add either restore or rollback links to the newer revision
		// Don't show if there's a single revision or weird diff (prev on first)
		var ntitle = document.getElementById('mw-diff-ntitle1').parentNode;
		if (document.getElementById('differences-nextlink')) {
			// Not latest revision
			var revertToRevisionN = document.createElement('div');
			revertToRevisionN.setAttribute('id', 'tw-revert-to-nrevision'); = 'bold';

			var revertToRevisionNLink = Twinkle.fluff.buildLink('SaddleBrown', 'restore this version');
			revertToRevisionNLink.href = '#';
			$(revertToRevisionNLink).click(function() {

			ntitle.insertBefore(revertToRevisionN, ntitle.firstChild);
		} else if (Twinkle.getPref('showRollbackLinks').indexOf('diff') !== -1 && mw.config.get('wgDiffOldId') && (mw.config.get('wgDiffOldId') !== mw.config.get('wgDiffNewId') || document.getElementById('differences-prevlink'))) {
			var vandal = $('#mw-diff-ntitle2').find('a').first().text();

			var revertNode = document.createElement('div');
			revertNode.setAttribute('id', 'tw-revert');

			var agfNode = document.createElement('strong');
			var vandNode = document.createElement('strong');
			var normNode = document.createElement('strong');

			var agfLink = Twinkle.fluff.buildLink('DarkOliveGreen', 'rollback (AGF)');
			var vandLink = Twinkle.fluff.buildLink('Red', 'rollback (VANDAL)');
			var normLink = Twinkle.fluff.buildLink('SteelBlue', 'rollback');

			agfLink.href = '#';
			vandLink.href = '#';
			normLink.href = '#';
			$(agfLink).click(function() {
				Twinkle.fluff.revert('agf', vandal);
			$(vandLink).click(function() {
				Twinkle.fluff.revert('vand', vandal);
			$(normLink).click(function() {
				Twinkle.fluff.revert('norm', vandal);


			revertNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' || '));
			revertNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' || '));

			ntitle.insertBefore(revertNode, ntitle.firstChild);

	oldid: function() { // Add a [restore this revision] link on old revisions
		var revertToRevision = document.createElement('div');
		revertToRevision.setAttribute('id', 'tw-revert-to-orevision'); = 'bold';

		var revertToRevisionLink = Twinkle.fluff.buildLink('SaddleBrown', 'restore this version');
		revertToRevisionLink.href = '#';
		$(revertToRevisionLink).click(function() {
		var otitle = document.getElementById('mw-revision-info').parentNode;
		otitle.insertBefore(revertToRevision, otitle.firstChild);

Twinkle.fluff.revert = function revertPage(type, vandal, autoRevert, rev, page) {
	if (mw.util.isIPv6Address(vandal)) {
		vandal = Morebits.sanitizeIPv6(vandal);

	var pagename = page || mw.config.get('wgPageName');
	var revid = rev || mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId');


	var params = {
		type: type,
		user: vandal,
		pagename: pagename,
		revid: revid,
		autoRevert: !!autoRevert
	var query = {
		'action': 'query',
		'prop': ['info', 'revisions', 'flagged'],
		'titles': pagename,
		'rvlimit': 50, // max possible
		'rvprop': [ 'ids', 'timestamp', 'user', 'comment' ],
		'intoken': 'edit'
	var wikipedia_api = new'Grabbing data of earlier revisions', query, Twinkle.fluff.callbacks.main);
	wikipedia_api.params = params;;

Twinkle.fluff.revertToRevision = function revertToRevision(oldrev) {


	var query = {
		'action': 'query',
		'prop': ['info', 'revisions'],
		'titles': mw.config.get('wgPageName'),
		'rvlimit': 1,
		'rvstartid': oldrev,
		'rvprop': [ 'ids', 'timestamp', 'user', 'comment' ],
		'intoken': 'edit',
		'format': 'xml'
	var wikipedia_api = new'Grabbing data of the earlier revision', query, Twinkle.fluff.callbacks.toRevision.main);
	wikipedia_api.params = { rev: oldrev };;

Twinkle.fluff.userIpLink = function(user) {
	return (mw.util.isIPAddress(user) ? '[[Special:Contributions/' : '[[:User:') + user + '|' + user + ']]';

Twinkle.fluff.callbacks = {
	toRevision: {
		main: function(self) {
			var xmlDoc = self.responseXML;

			var lastrevid = parseInt($(xmlDoc).find('page').attr('lastrevid'), 10);
			var touched = $(xmlDoc).find('page').attr('touched');
			var starttimestamp = $(xmlDoc).find('page').attr('starttimestamp');
			var edittoken = $(xmlDoc).find('page').attr('edittoken');
			var revertToRevID = $(xmlDoc).find('rev').attr('revid');
			var revertToUser = $(xmlDoc).find('rev').attr('user');

			if (revertToRevID !== self.params.rev) {
				self.statitem.error('The retrieved revision does not match the requested revision. Stopping revert.');

			var optional_summary = prompt('Please specify a reason for the revert:                                ', '');  // padded out to widen prompt in Firefox
			if (optional_summary === null) {
				self.statelem.error('Aborted by user.');
			var summary = Twinkle.fluff.formatSummary('Reverted to revision ' + revertToRevID + ' by $USER', revertToUser, optional_summary);

			var query = {
				'action': 'edit',
				'title': mw.config.get('wgPageName'),
				'summary': summary,
				'token': edittoken,
				'undo': lastrevid,
				'undoafter': revertToRevID,
				'basetimestamp': touched,
				'starttimestamp': starttimestamp,
				'watchlist': Twinkle.getPref('watchRevertedPages').indexOf('torev') !== -1 ? 'watch' : undefined,
				'minor': Twinkle.getPref('markRevertedPagesAsMinor').indexOf('torev') !== -1 ? true : undefined
			}; = mw.config.get('wgPageName'); = 'Reversion completed';

			var wikipedia_api = new'Saving reverted contents', query, Twinkle.fluff.callbacks.complete, self.statelem);
			wikipedia_api.params = self.params;;

	main: function(self) {
		var xmlDoc = self.responseXML;

		var lastrevid = parseInt($(xmlDoc).find('page').attr('lastrevid'), 10);
		var touched = $(xmlDoc).find('page').attr('touched');
		var starttimestamp = $(xmlDoc).find('page').attr('starttimestamp');
		var edittoken = $(xmlDoc).find('page').attr('edittoken');
		var lastuser = $(xmlDoc).find('rev').attr('user');

		var revs = $(xmlDoc).find('rev');

		if (revs.length < 1) {
			self.statelem.error('We have less than one additional revision, thus impossible to revert.');
		var top = revs[0];
		if (lastrevid < self.params.revid) {
			Morebits.status.error('Error', [ 'The most recent revision ID received from the server, ', Morebits.htmlNode('strong', lastrevid), ', is less than the ID of the displayed revision. This could indicate that the current revision has been deleted, the server is lagging, or that bad data has been received. Stopping revert.' ]);
		var index = 1;
		if (self.params.revid !== lastrevid) {
			Morebits.status.warn('Warning', [ 'Latest revision ', Morebits.htmlNode('strong', lastrevid), ' doesn\'t equal our revision ', Morebits.htmlNode('strong', self.params.revid) ]);
			if (lastuser === self.params.user) {
				switch (self.params.type) {
					case 'vand':'Info', [ 'Latest revision was made by ', Morebits.htmlNode('strong', self.params.user), '. As we assume vandalism, we will proceed to revert.' ]);
					case 'agf':
						Morebits.status.warn('Warning', [ 'Latest revision was made by ', Morebits.htmlNode('strong', self.params.user), '. As we assume good faith, we will stop the revert, as the problem might have been fixed.' ]);
						Morebits.status.warn('Notice', [ 'Latest revision was made by ', Morebits.htmlNode('strong', self.params.user), ', but we will stop the revert.' ]);
			} else if (self.params.type === 'vand' &&
					Twinkle.fluff.whiteList.indexOf(top.getAttribute('user')) !== -1 && revs.length > 1 &&
					revs[1].getAttribute('pageId') === self.params.revid) {'Info', [ 'Latest revision was made by ', Morebits.htmlNode('strong', lastuser), ', a trusted bot, and the revision before was made by our vandal, so we will proceed with the revert.' ]);
				index = 2;
			} else {
				Morebits.status.error('Error', [ 'Latest revision was made by ', Morebits.htmlNode('strong', lastuser), ', so it might have already been reverted, we will stop the revert.']);


		if (Twinkle.fluff.whiteList.indexOf(self.params.user) !== -1) {
			switch (self.params.type) {
				case 'vand':'Info', [ 'Vandalism revert was chosen on ', Morebits.htmlNode('strong', self.params.user), '. As this is a whitelisted bot, we assume you wanted to revert vandalism made by the previous user instead.' ]);
					index = 2;
					self.params.user = revs[1].getAttribute('user');
				case 'agf':
					Morebits.status.warn('Notice', [ 'Good faith revert was chosen on ', Morebits.htmlNode('strong', self.params.user), '. This is a whitelisted bot and thus AGF rollback will not proceed.' ]);
				case 'norm':
				/* falls through */
					var cont = confirm('Normal revert was chosen, but the most recent edit was made by a whitelisted bot (' + self.params.user + '). Do you want to revert the revision before instead?');
					if (cont) {'Info', [ 'Normal revert was chosen on ', Morebits.htmlNode('strong', self.params.user), '. This is a whitelisted bot, and per confirmation, we\'ll revert the previous revision instead.' ]);
						index = 2;
						self.params.user = revs[1].getAttribute('user');
					} else {
						Morebits.status.warn('Notice', [ 'Normal revert was chosen on ', Morebits.htmlNode('strong', self.params.user), '. This is a whitelisted bot, but per confirmation, revert on selected revision will proceed.' ]);
		var found = false;
		var count = 0;

		for (var i = index; i < revs.length; ++i) {
			if (revs[i].getAttribute('user') !== self.params.user) {
				found = i;

		if (!found) {
			self.statelem.error([ 'No previous revision found. Perhaps ', Morebits.htmlNode('strong', self.params.user), ' is the only contributor, or that the user has made more than ' + Twinkle.getPref('revertMaxRevisions') + ' edits in a row.' ]);

		if (!count) {
			Morebits.status.error('Error', 'As it is not possible to revert zero revisions, we will stop this revert. It could be that the edit has already been reverted, but the revision ID was still the same.');

		var good_revision = revs[found];
		var userHasAlreadyConfirmedAction = false;
		if (self.params.type !== 'vand' && count > 1) {
			if (!confirm(self.params.user + ' has made ' + count + ' edits in a row. Are you sure you want to revert them all?')) {'Notice', 'Stopping revert.');
			userHasAlreadyConfirmedAction = true;

		self.params.count = count;

		self.params.goodid = good_revision.getAttribute('revid');
		self.params.gooduser = good_revision.getAttribute('user');

		self.statelem.status([ ' revision ', Morebits.htmlNode('strong', self.params.goodid), ' that was made ', Morebits.htmlNode('strong', count), ' revisions ago by ', Morebits.htmlNode('strong', self.params.gooduser) ]);

		var summary, extra_summary;
		switch (self.params.type) {
			case 'agf':
				extra_summary = prompt('An optional comment for the edit summary:                              ', '');  // padded out to widen prompt in Firefox
				if (extra_summary === null) {
					self.statelem.error('Aborted by user.');
				userHasAlreadyConfirmedAction = true;

				summary = Twinkle.fluff.formatSummary('Reverted [[WP:AGF|good faith]] edits by $USER', self.params.user, extra_summary);

			case 'vand':

				summary = 'Reverted ' + self.params.count + (self.params.count > 1 ? ' edits' : ' edit') + ' by [[Special:Contributions/' +
				self.params.user + '|' + self.params.user + ']] ([[User talk:' + self.params.user + '|talk]]) to last revision by ' +
				self.params.gooduser + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd');

			case 'norm':
			/* falls through */
				if (Twinkle.getPref('offerReasonOnNormalRevert')) {
					extra_summary = prompt('An optional comment for the edit summary:                              ', '');  // padded out to widen prompt in Firefox
					if (extra_summary === null) {
						self.statelem.error('Aborted by user.');
					userHasAlreadyConfirmedAction = true;

				summary = Twinkle.fluff.formatSummary('Reverted ' + self.params.count + (self.params.count > 1 ? ' edits' : ' edit') +
				' by $USER', self.params.user, extra_summary);

		if (Twinkle.getPref('confirmOnFluff') && !userHasAlreadyConfirmedAction && !confirm('Reverting page: are you sure?')) {
			self.statelem.error('Aborted by user.');

		var query;
		if ((!self.params.autoRevert || Twinkle.getPref('openTalkPageOnAutoRevert')) &&
				Twinkle.getPref('openTalkPage').indexOf(self.params.type) !== -1 &&
				mw.config.get('wgUserName') !== self.params.user) {'Info', [ 'Opening user talk page edit form for user ', Morebits.htmlNode('strong', self.params.user) ]);

			query = {
				'title': 'User talk:' + self.params.user,
				'action': 'edit',
				'preview': 'yes',
				'vanarticle': self.params.pagename.replace(/_/g, ' '),
				'vanarticlerevid': self.params.revid,
				'vanarticlegoodrevid': self.params.goodid,
				'type': self.params.type,
				'count': self.params.count

			switch (Twinkle.getPref('userTalkPageMode')) {
				case 'tab':'index') + '?' + Morebits.queryString.create(query), '_blank');
				case 'blank':'index') + '?' + Morebits.queryString.create(query), '_blank',
				case 'window':
				/* falls through */
				default:'index') + '?' + Morebits.queryString.create(query), === 'twinklewarnwindow' ? '_blank' : 'twinklewarnwindow',

		// figure out whether we need to/can review the edit
		var $flagged = $(xmlDoc).find('flagged');
		if ((Morebits.userIsInGroup('reviewer') || Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop')) &&
				$flagged.length &&
				$flagged.attr('stable_revid') >= self.params.goodid &&
				$flagged.attr('pending_since')) {
			self.params.reviewRevert = true;
			self.params.edittoken = edittoken;

		query = {
			'action': 'edit',
			'title': self.params.pagename,
			'summary': summary,
			'token': edittoken,
			'undo': lastrevid,
			'undoafter': self.params.goodid,
			'basetimestamp': touched,
			'starttimestamp': starttimestamp,
			'watchlist': Twinkle.getPref('watchRevertedPages').indexOf(self.params.type) !== -1 ? 'watch' : undefined,
			'minor': Twinkle.getPref('markRevertedPagesAsMinor').indexOf(self.params.type) !== -1 ? true : undefined
		}; = self.params.pagename; = 'Reversion completed';

		var wikipedia_api = new'Saving reverted contents', query, Twinkle.fluff.callbacks.complete, self.statelem);
		wikipedia_api.params = self.params;;

	complete: function (apiobj) {
		// TODO Most of this is copy-pasted from Unify it
		var xml = apiobj.getXML();
		var $edit = $(xml).find('edit');

		if ($(xml).find('captcha').length > 0) {
			apiobj.statelem.error('Could not rollback, because the wiki server wanted you to fill out a CAPTCHA.');
		} else if ($edit.attr('nochange') === '') {
			apiobj.statelem.warn('Revision we are reverting to is identical to current revision, stopping revert.');
		} else {'done');

			// review the revert, if needed
			if (apiobj.params.reviewRevert) {
				var query = {
					'action': 'review',
					'revid': $edit.attr('newrevid'),
					'token': apiobj.params.edittoken,
					'comment': Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd').trim()
				var wikipedia_api = new'Automatically accepting your changes', query);;

// builtInString should contain the string "$USER", which will be replaced
// by an appropriate user link
Twinkle.fluff.formatSummary = function(builtInString, userName, userString) {
	var result = builtInString;

	// append user's custom reason
	if (userString) {
		result += ': ' + Morebits.string.toUpperCaseFirstChar(userString);
	result += Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd');

	// find number of UTF-8 bytes the resulting string takes up, and possibly add
	// a contributions or contributions+talk link if it doesn't push the edit summary
	// over the 255-byte limit
	var resultLen = unescape(encodeURIComponent(result.replace('$USER', ''))).length;
	var contribsLink = '[[Special:Contributions/' + userName + '|' + userName + ']]';
	var contribsLen = unescape(encodeURIComponent(contribsLink)).length;
	if (resultLen + contribsLen <= 255) {
		var talkLink = ' ([[User talk:' + userName + '|talk]])';
		if (resultLen + contribsLen + unescape(encodeURIComponent(talkLink)).length <= 255) {
			result = Morebits.string.safeReplace(result, '$USER', contribsLink + talkLink);
		} else {
			result = Morebits.string.safeReplace(result, '$USER', contribsLink);
	} else {
		result = Morebits.string.safeReplace(result, '$USER', userName);

	return result;

Twinkle.fluff.init = function twinklefluffinit() {
	if (Twinkle.userAuthorized) {
		// A list of usernames, usually only bots, that vandalism revert is jumped over; that is,
		// if vandalism revert was chosen on such username, then its target is on the revision before.
		// This is for handling quick bots that makes edits seconds after the original edit is made.
		// This only affects vandalism rollback; for good faith rollback, it will stop, indicating a bot
		// has no faith, and for normal rollback, it will rollback that edit.
		Twinkle.fluff.whiteList = [

		if (Morebits.queryString.exists('twinklerevert')) {
			// Return if the user can't edit the page in question
			if (!mw.config.get('wgIsProbablyEditable')) {
				alert("Unable to edit the page, it's probably protected.");
			} else {;
		} else if (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') === 'Contributions') {
		} else if (mw.config.get('wgIsProbablyEditable')) {
			// Only proceed if the user can actually edit the page
			// in question (ignored for contributions, see #632).
			// wgIsProbablyEditable should take care of
			// namespace/contentModel restrictions as well as
			// explicit protections; it won't take care of
			// cascading or TitleBlacklist restrictions
			if (mw.config.get('wgDiffNewId') || mw.config.get('wgDiffOldId')) { // wgDiffOldId included for clarity in if else loop [[phab:T214985]]
				mw.hook('wikipage.diff').add(function () { // Reload alongside the revision slider
			} else if (mw.config.get('wgAction') === 'view' && mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId') !== mw.config.get('wgRevisionId')) {

// </nowiki>

// <nowiki>

(function($) {

 *** twinkleprotect.js: Protect/RPP module
 * Mode of invocation:     Tab ("PP"/"RPP")
 * Active on:              Non-special, non-MediaWiki pages
 * Config directives in:   TwinkleConfig

// Note: a lot of code in this module is re-used/called by batchprotect.

Twinkle.protect = function twinkleprotect() {
	if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') < 0 || mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 8) {

	Twinkle.addPortletLink(Twinkle.protect.callback, Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop') ? 'PP' : 'RPP', 'tw-rpp',
		Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop') ? 'Protect page' : 'Request page protection');

Twinkle.protect.callback = function twinkleprotectCallback() {
	var Window = new Morebits.simpleWindow(620, 530);
	Window.setTitle(Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop') ? 'Apply, request or tag page protection' : 'Request or tag page protection');
	Window.addFooterLink('Protection templates', 'Template:Protection templates');
	Window.addFooterLink('Protection policy', 'WP:PROT');
	Window.addFooterLink('Twinkle help', 'WP:TW/DOC#protect');

	var form = new Morebits.quickForm(Twinkle.protect.callback.evaluate);
	var actionfield = form.append({
		type: 'field',
		label: 'Type of action'
	if (Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop')) {
			type: 'radio',
			name: 'actiontype',
			event: Twinkle.protect.callback.changeAction,
			list: [
					label: 'Protect page',
					value: 'protect',
					tooltip: 'Apply actual protection to the page.',
					checked: true
		type: 'radio',
		name: 'actiontype',
		event: Twinkle.protect.callback.changeAction,
		list: [
				label: 'Request page protection',
				value: 'request',
				tooltip: 'If you want to request protection via WP:RPP' + (Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop') ? ' instead of doing the protection by yourself.' : '.'),
				checked: !Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop')
				label: 'Tag page with protection template',
				value: 'tag',
				tooltip: 'If the protecting admin forgot to apply a protection template, or you have just protected the page without tagging, you can use this to apply the appropriate protection tag.',
				disabled: mw.config.get('wgArticleId') === 0 || mw.config.get('wgPageContentModel') === 'Scribunto'

	form.append({ type: 'field', label: 'Preset', name: 'field_preset' });
	form.append({ type: 'field', label: '1', name: 'field1' });
	form.append({ type: 'field', label: '2', name: 'field2' });

	form.append({ type: 'submit' });

	var result = form.render();

	// We must init the controls
	var evt = document.createEvent('Event');
	evt.initEvent('change', true, true);
	result.actiontype[0].dispatchEvent(evt); = false;  // avoid Action: completed notice

	// get current protection level asynchronously

// Contains the current protection level in an object
// Once filled, it will look something like:
// { edit: { level: "sysop", expiry: <some date>, cascade: true }, ... }
Twinkle.protect.currentProtectionLevels = {};

// returns a jQuery Deferred object, usage:
//   Twinkle.protect.fetchProtectingAdmin(apiObject, pageName, protect/stable).done(function(admin_username) { ...code... });
Twinkle.protect.fetchProtectingAdmin = function twinkleprotectFetchProtectingAdmin(api, pageName, protType, logIds) {
	logIds = logIds || [];

	return api.get({
		format: 'json',
		action: 'query',
		list: 'logevents',
		letitle: pageName,
		letype: protType
	}).then(function(data) {
		// don't check log entries that have already been checked (e.g. don't go into an infinite loop!)
		var event = data.query ? $.grep(data.query.logevents, function(le) {
			return $.inArray(le.logid, logIds);
		})[0] : null;
		if (!event) {
			// fail gracefully
			return null;
		} else if (event.action === 'move_prot' || event.action === 'move_stable') {
			return twinkleprotectFetchProtectingAdmin(api, protType === 'protect' ? event.params.oldtitle_title : event.params.oldtitle, protType, logIds.concat(event.logid));
		return event.user;

// mw.loader.getState('') returns null if the
// FlaggedRevs extension is not registered.  Previously, this was done with
// wgFlaggedRevsParams, but after 1.34-wmf4 it is no longer exported if empty
// (
Twinkle.protect.fetchProtectionLevel = function twinkleprotectFetchProtectionLevel() {

	var api = new mw.Api();
	var protectDeferred = api.get({
		format: 'json',
		indexpageids: true,
		action: 'query',
		list: 'logevents',
		letype: 'protect',
		letitle: mw.config.get('wgPageName'),
		prop: mw.loader.getState('') ? 'info|flagged' : 'info',
		inprop: 'protection',
		titles: mw.config.get('wgPageName')
	var stableDeferred = api.get({
		format: 'json',
		action: 'query',
		list: 'logevents',
		letype: 'stable',
		letitle: mw.config.get('wgPageName')

	var earlyDecision = [protectDeferred];
	if (mw.loader.getState('')) {

	$.when.apply($, earlyDecision).done(function(protectData, stableData) {
		// $.when.apply is supposed to take an unknown number of promises
		// via an array, which it does, but the type of data returned varies.
		// If there are two or more deferreds, it returns an array (of objects),
		// but if there's just one deferred, it retuns a simple object.
		// This is annoying.
		protectData = $(protectData).toArray();

		var pageid = protectData[0].query.pageids[0];
		var page = protectData[0].query.pages[pageid];
		var current = {}, adminEditDeferred;

		$.each(, function(index, protection) {
			if (protection.type !== 'aft') {
				current[protection.type] = {
					level: protection.level,
					expiry: protection.expiry,
					cascade: protection.cascade === ''
				// logs report last admin who made changes to either edit/move/create protection, regardless if they only modified one of them
				if (!adminEditDeferred) {
					adminEditDeferred = Twinkle.protect.fetchProtectingAdmin(api, mw.config.get('wgPageName'), 'protect');

		if (page.flagged) {
			current.stabilize = {
				level: page.flagged.protection_level,
				expiry: page.flagged.protection_expiry
			adminEditDeferred = Twinkle.protect.fetchProtectingAdmin(api, mw.config.get('wgPageName'), 'stable');

		// show the protection level and log info
		Twinkle.protect.hasProtectLog = !!protectData[0].query.logevents.length;
		Twinkle.protect.hasStableLog = mw.loader.getState('') ? !!stableData[0].query.logevents.length : false;
		Twinkle.protect.currentProtectionLevels = current;

		if (adminEditDeferred) {
			adminEditDeferred.done(function(admin) {
				if (admin) {
					$.each(['edit', 'move', 'create', 'stabilize'], function(i, type) {
						if (Twinkle.protect.currentProtectionLevels[type]) {
							Twinkle.protect.currentProtectionLevels[type].admin = admin;
		} else {

Twinkle.protect.callback.showLogAndCurrentProtectInfo = function twinkleprotectCallbackShowLogAndCurrentProtectInfo() {
	var currentlyProtected = !$.isEmptyObject(Twinkle.protect.currentProtectionLevels);

	if (Twinkle.protect.hasProtectLog || Twinkle.protect.hasStableLog) {
		var $linkMarkup = $('<span>');

		if (Twinkle.protect.hasProtectLog) {
				$('<a target="_blank" href="' + mw.util.getUrl('Special:Log', {action: 'view', page: mw.config.get('wgPageName'), type: 'protect'}) + '">protection log</a>'),
				Twinkle.protect.hasStableLog ? $('<span> &bull; </span>') : null

		if (Twinkle.protect.hasStableLog) {
			$linkMarkup.append($('<a target="_blank" href="' + mw.util.getUrl('Special:Log', {action: 'view', page: mw.config.get('wgPageName'), type: 'stable'}) + '">pending changes log</a>)'));

		Morebits.status.init($('div[name="hasprotectlog"] span')[0]);
			currentlyProtected ? 'Previous protections' : 'This page has been protected in the past',

	Morebits.status.init($('div[name="currentprot"] span')[0]);
	var protectionNode = [], statusLevel = 'info';

	if (currentlyProtected) {
		$.each(Twinkle.protect.currentProtectionLevels, function(type, settings) {
			var label = type === 'stabilize' ? 'Pending Changes' : Morebits.string.toUpperCaseFirstChar(type);
			protectionNode.push($('<b>' + label + ': ' + settings.level + '</b>')[0]);
			if (settings.expiry === 'infinity') {
				protectionNode.push(' (indefinite) ');
			} else {
				protectionNode.push(' (expires ' + new Date(settings.expiry).toUTCString() + ') ');
			if (settings.cascade) {
				protectionNode.push('(cascading) ');
			if (settings.admin) {
				var adminLink = '<a target="_blank" href="' + mw.util.getUrl('User talk:' + settings.admin) + '">' + settings.admin + '</a>';
				protectionNode.push($('<span>by ' + adminLink + '&nbsp;</span>')[0]);
			protectionNode.push($('<span> \u2022 </span>')[0]);
		protectionNode = protectionNode.slice(0, -1); // remove the trailing bullet
		statusLevel = 'warn';
	} else {
		protectionNode.push($('<b>no protection</b>')[0]);

	Morebits.status[statusLevel]('Current protection level', protectionNode);

Twinkle.protect.callback.changeAction = function twinkleprotectCallbackChangeAction(e) {
	var field_preset;
	var field1;
	var field2;
	var isTemplate = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 10 || mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 828;

	switch ( {
		case 'protect':
			field_preset = new Morebits.quickForm.element({ type: 'field', label: 'Preset', name: 'field_preset' });
				type: 'select',
				name: 'category',
				label: 'Choose a preset:',
				event: Twinkle.protect.callback.changePreset,
				list: mw.config.get('wgArticleId') ?
					Twinkle.protect.protectionTypes.filter(function(v) {
						return isTemplate || v.label !== 'Template protection';
					}) :

			field2 = new Morebits.quickForm.element({ type: 'field', label: 'Protection options', name: 'field2' });
			field2.append({ type: 'div', name: 'currentprot', label: ' ' });  // holds the current protection level, as filled out by the async callback
			field2.append({ type: 'div', name: 'hasprotectlog', label: ' ' });
			// for existing pages
			if (mw.config.get('wgArticleId')) {
					type: 'checkbox',
					name: 'editmodify',
					event: Twinkle.protect.formevents.editmodify,
					list: [
							label: 'Modify edit protection',
							value: 'editmodify',
							tooltip: 'If this is turned off, the edit protection level, and expiry time, will be left as is.',
							checked: true
				var editlevel = field2.append({
					type: 'select',
					name: 'editlevel',
					label: 'Edit protection:',
					event: Twinkle.protect.formevents.editlevel
					type: 'option',
					label: 'All',
					value: 'all'
					type: 'option',
					label: 'Autoconfirmed',
					value: 'autoconfirmed'
					type: 'option',
					label: 'Extended confirmed',
					value: 'extendedconfirmed'
				if (isTemplate) {
						type: 'option',
						label: 'Template editor',
						value: 'templateeditor'
					type: 'option',
					label: 'Sysop',
					value: 'sysop',
					selected: true
					type: 'select',
					name: 'editexpiry',
					label: 'Expires:',
					event: function(e) {
						if ( === 'custom') {
					// default expiry selection is conditionally set in Twinkle.protect.callback.changePreset
					list: [
						{ label: '1 hour', value: '1 hour' },
						{ label: '2 hours', value: '2 hours' },
						{ label: '3 hours', value: '3 hours' },
						{ label: '6 hours', value: '6 hours' },
						{ label: '12 hours', value: '12 hours' },
						{ label: '1 day', value: '1 day' },
						{ label: '2 days', value: '2 days' },
						{ label: '3 days', value: '3 days' },
						{ label: '4 days', value: '4 days' },
						{ label: '1 week', value: '1 week' },
						{ label: '2 weeks', value: '2 weeks' },
						{ label: '1 month', value: '1 month' },
						{ label: '2 months', value: '2 months' },
						{ label: '3 months', value: '3 months' },
						{ label: '1 year', value: '1 year' },
						{ label: 'indefinite', value: 'indefinite' },
						{ label: 'Custom...', value: 'custom' }
					type: 'checkbox',
					name: 'movemodify',
					event: Twinkle.protect.formevents.movemodify,
					list: [
							label: 'Modify move protection',
							value: 'movemodify',
							tooltip: 'If this is turned off, the move protection level, and expiry time, will be left as is.',
							checked: true
				var movelevel = field2.append({
					type: 'select',
					name: 'movelevel',
					label: 'Move protection:',
					event: Twinkle.protect.formevents.movelevel
					type: 'option',
					label: 'All',
					value: 'all'
					type: 'option',
					label: 'Extended confirmed',
					value: 'extendedconfirmed'
				if (isTemplate) {
						type: 'option',
						label: 'Template editor',
						value: 'templateeditor'
					type: 'option',
					label: 'Sysop',
					value: 'sysop',
					selected: true
					type: 'select',
					name: 'moveexpiry',
					label: 'Expires:',
					event: function(e) {
						if ( === 'custom') {
					// default expiry selection is conditionally set in Twinkle.protect.callback.changePreset
					list: [
						{ label: '1 hour', value: '1 hour' },
						{ label: '2 hours', value: '2 hours' },
						{ label: '3 hours', value: '3 hours' },
						{ label: '6 hours', value: '6 hours' },
						{ label: '12 hours', value: '12 hours' },
						{ label: '1 day', value: '1 day' },
						{ label: '2 days', value: '2 days' },
						{ label: '3 days', value: '3 days' },
						{ label: '4 days', value: '4 days' },
						{ label: '1 week', value: '1 week' },
						{ label: '2 weeks', value: '2 weeks' },
						{ label: '1 month', value: '1 month' },
						{ label: '2 months', value: '2 months' },
						{ label: '3 months', value: '3 months' },
						{ label: '1 year', value: '1 year' },
						{ label: 'indefinite', value: 'indefinite' },
						{ label: 'Custom...', value: 'custom' }
				if (mw.loader.getState('')) {
						type: 'checkbox',
						name: 'pcmodify',
						event: Twinkle.protect.formevents.pcmodify,
						list: [
								label: 'Modify pending changes protection',
								value: 'pcmodify',
								tooltip: 'If this is turned off, the pending changes level, and expiry time, will be left as is.',
								checked: true,
								disabled: mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') !== 0 && mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') !== 4 // Hardcoded until [[phab:T218479]]
					var pclevel = field2.append({
						type: 'select',
						name: 'pclevel',
						label: 'Pending changes:',
						event: Twinkle.protect.formevents.pclevel
						type: 'option',
						label: 'None',
						value: 'none'
						type: 'option',
						label: 'Pending changes',
						value: 'autoconfirmed',
						selected: true
						type: 'select',
						name: 'pcexpiry',
						label: 'Expires:',
						event: function(e) {
							if ( === 'custom') {
						list: [
							{ label: '1 hour', value: '1 hour' },
							{ label: '2 hours', value: '2 hours' },
							{ label: '3 hours', value: '3 hours' },
							{ label: '6 hours', value: '6 hours' },
							{ label: '12 hours', value: '12 hours' },
							{ label: '1 day', value: '1 day' },
							{ label: '2 days', value: '2 days' },
							{ label: '3 days', value: '3 days' },
							{ label: '4 days', value: '4 days' },
							{ label: '1 week', value: '1 week' },
							{ label: '2 weeks', value: '2 weeks' },
							{ label: '1 month', selected: true, value: '1 month' },
							{ label: '2 months', value: '2 months' },
							{ label: '3 months', value: '3 months' },
							{ label: '1 year', value: '1 year' },
							{ label: 'indefinite', value: 'indefinite' },
							{ label: 'Custom...', value: 'custom' }
			} else {  // for non-existing pages
				var createlevel = field2.append({
					type: 'select',
					name: 'createlevel',
					label: 'Create protection:',
					event: Twinkle.protect.formevents.createlevel
					type: 'option',
					label: 'All',
					value: 'all'
				if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') !== 0) {
						type: 'option',
						label: 'Autoconfirmed',
						value: 'autoconfirmed'
				if (isTemplate) {
						type: 'option',
						label: 'Template editor',
						value: 'templateeditor'
					type: 'option',
					label: 'Extended confirmed',
					value: 'extendedconfirmed',
					selected: true
					type: 'option',
					label: 'Sysop',
					value: 'sysop'
					type: 'select',
					name: 'createexpiry',
					label: 'Expires:',
					event: function(e) {
						if ( === 'custom') {
					list: [
						{ label: '1 hour', value: '1 hour' },
						{ label: '2 hours', value: '2 hours' },
						{ label: '3 hours', value: '3 hours' },
						{ label: '6 hours', value: '6 hours' },
						{ label: '12 hours', value: '12 hours' },
						{ label: '1 day', value: '1 day' },
						{ label: '2 days', value: '2 days' },
						{ label: '3 days', value: '3 days' },
						{ label: '4 days', value: '4 days' },
						{ label: '1 week', value: '1 week' },
						{ label: '2 weeks', value: '2 weeks' },
						{ label: '1 month', value: '1 month' },
						{ label: '2 months', value: '2 months' },
						{ label: '3 months', value: '3 months' },
						{ label: '1 year', value: '1 year' },
						{ label: 'indefinite', selected: true, value: 'indefinite' },
						{ label: 'Custom...', value: 'custom' }
				type: 'textarea',
				name: 'protectReason',
				label: 'Reason (for protection log):'
			if (!mw.config.get('wgArticleId') || mw.config.get('wgPageContentModel') === 'Scribunto') {  // tagging isn't relevant for non-existing or module pages
			/* falls through */
		case 'tag':
			field1 = new Morebits.quickForm.element({ type: 'field', label: 'Tagging options', name: 'field1' });
			field1.append({ type: 'div', name: 'currentprot', label: ' ' });  // holds the current protection level, as filled out by the async callback
			field1.append({ type: 'div', name: 'hasprotectlog', label: ' ' });
				type: 'select',
				name: 'tagtype',
				label: 'Choose protection template:',
				list: Twinkle.protect.protectionTags,
				event: Twinkle.protect.formevents.tagtype
				type: 'checkbox',
				list: [
						name: 'small',
						label: 'Iconify (small=yes)',
						tooltip: 'Will use the |small=yes feature of the template, and only render it as a keylock',
						checked: true
						name: 'noinclude',
						label: 'Wrap protection template with <noinclude>',
						tooltip: 'Will wrap the protection template in &lt;noinclude&gt; tags, so that it won\'t transclude',
						checked: mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 10

		case 'request':
			field_preset = new Morebits.quickForm.element({ type: 'field', label: 'Type of protection', name: 'field_preset' });
				type: 'select',
				name: 'category',
				label: 'Type and reason:',
				event: Twinkle.protect.callback.changePreset,
				list: mw.config.get('wgArticleId') ? Twinkle.protect.protectionTypes : Twinkle.protect.protectionTypesCreate

			field1 = new Morebits.quickForm.element({ type: 'field', label: 'Options', name: 'field1' });
			field1.append({ type: 'div', name: 'currentprot', label: ' ' });  // holds the current protection level, as filled out by the async callback
			field1.append({ type: 'div', name: 'hasprotectlog', label: ' ' });
				type: 'select',
				name: 'expiry',
				label: 'Duration: ',
				list: [
					{ label: 'Temporary', value: 'temporary' },
					{ label: 'Indefinite', value: 'indefinite' },
					{ label: '', selected: true, value: '' }
				type: 'textarea',
				name: 'reason',
				label: 'Reason: '
			alert("Something's afoot in twinkleprotect");

	var oldfield;

	if (field_preset) {
		oldfield = $('fieldset[name="field_preset"]')[0];
		oldfield.parentNode.replaceChild(field_preset.render(), oldfield);
	} else {
		$('fieldset[name="field_preset"]').css('display', 'none');
	if (field1) {
		oldfield = $('fieldset[name="field1"]')[0];
		oldfield.parentNode.replaceChild(field1.render(), oldfield);
	} else {
		$('fieldset[name="field1"]').css('display', 'none');
	if (field2) {
		oldfield = $('fieldset[name="field2"]')[0];
		oldfield.parentNode.replaceChild(field2.render(), oldfield);
	} else {
		$('fieldset[name="field2"]').css('display', 'none');

	if ( === 'protect') {
		// fake a change event on the preset dropdown
		var evt = document.createEvent('Event');
		evt.initEvent('change', true, true);;

		// reduce vertical height of dialog
		$('fieldset[name="field2"] select').parent().css({ display: 'inline-block', marginRight: '0.5em' });

	// re-add protection level and log info, if it's available

Twinkle.protect.formevents = {
	editmodify: function twinkleprotectFormEditmodifyEvent(e) { = !; = ! || ( === 'all'); = = ? '' : 'transparent';
	editlevel: function twinkleprotectFormEditlevelEvent(e) { = === 'all';
	movemodify: function twinkleprotectFormMovemodifyEvent(e) {
		// sync move settings with edit settings if applicable
		if ( && ! { =; =;
		} else if ( { = 'sysop'; = 'indefinite';
		} = !; = ! || ( === 'all'); = = ? '' : 'transparent';
	movelevel: function twinkleprotectFormMovelevelEvent(e) { = === 'all';
	pcmodify: function twinkleprotectFormPcmodifyEvent(e) { = !; = ! || ( === 'none'); = = ? '' : 'transparent';
	pclevel: function twinkleprotectFormPclevelEvent(e) { = === 'none';
	createlevel: function twinkleprotectFormCreatelevelEvent(e) { = === 'all';
	tagtype: function twinkleprotectFormTagtypeEvent(e) { = = ( === 'none') || ( === 'noop');

Twinkle.protect.doCustomExpiry = function twinkleprotectDoCustomExpiry(target) {
	var custom = prompt('Enter a custom expiry time.  \nYou can use relative times, like "1 minute" or "19 days", or absolute timestamps, "yyyymmddhhmm" (e.g. "200602011405" is Feb 1, 2006, at 14:05 UTC).', '');
	if (custom) {
		var option = document.createElement('option');
		option.setAttribute('value', custom);
		option.textContent = custom;
		target.value = custom;
	} else {
		target.selectedIndex = 0;

Twinkle.protect.protectionTypes = [
	{ label: 'Unprotection', value: 'unprotect' },
		label: 'Full protection',
		list: [
			{ label: 'Generic (full)', value: 'pp-protected' },
			{ label: 'Content dispute/edit warring (full)', value: 'pp-dispute' },
			{ label: 'Persistent vandalism (full)', value: 'pp-vandalism' },
			{ label: 'User talk of blocked user (full)', value: 'pp-usertalk' }
		label: 'Template protection',
		list: [
			{ label: 'Highly visible template (TE)', value: 'pp-template' }
		label: 'Extended confirmed protection',
		list: [
			{ label: 'Arbitration enforcement (ECP)', selected: true, value: 'pp-30-500-arb' },
			{ label: 'Persistent vandalism (ECP)', value: 'pp-30-500-vandalism' },
			{ label: 'Disruptive editing (ECP)', value: 'pp-30-500-disruptive' },
			{ label: 'BLP policy violations (ECP)', value: 'pp-30-500-blp' },
			{ label: 'Sockpuppetry (ECP)', value: 'pp-30-500-sock' }
		label: 'Semi-protection',
		list: [
			{ label: 'Generic (semi)', value: 'pp-semi-protected' },
			{ label: 'Persistent vandalism (semi)', selected: true, value: 'pp-semi-vandalism' },
			{ label: 'Disruptive editing (semi)', value: 'pp-semi-disruptive' },
			{ label: 'Adding unsourced content (semi)', value: 'pp-semi-unsourced' },
			{ label: 'BLP policy violations (semi)', value: 'pp-semi-blp' },
			{ label: 'Sockpuppetry (semi)', value: 'pp-semi-sock' },
			{ label: 'User talk of blocked user (semi)', value: 'pp-semi-usertalk' }
		label: 'Pending changes',
		list: [
			{ label: 'Generic (PC)', value: 'pp-pc-protected' },
			{ label: 'Persistent vandalism (PC)', value: 'pp-pc-vandalism' },
			{ label: 'Disruptive editing (PC)', value: 'pp-pc-disruptive' },
			{ label: 'Adding unsourced content (PC)', value: 'pp-pc-unsourced' },
			{ label: 'BLP policy violations (PC)', value: 'pp-pc-blp' }
		label: 'Move protection',
		list: [
			{ label: 'Generic (move)', value: 'pp-move' },
			{ label: 'Dispute/move warring (move)', value: 'pp-move-dispute' },
			{ label: 'Page-move vandalism (move)', value: 'pp-move-vandalism' },
			{ label: 'Highly visible page (move)', value: 'pp-move-indef' }

Twinkle.protect.protectionTypesCreate = [
	{ label: 'Unprotection', value: 'unprotect' },
		label: 'Create protection',
		list: [
			{ label: 'Generic ({{pp-create}})', value: 'pp-create' },
			{ label: 'Offensive name', value: 'pp-create-offensive' },
			{ label: 'Repeatedly recreated', selected: true, value: 'pp-create-salt' },
			{ label: 'Recently deleted BLP', value: 'pp-create-blp' }

// A page with both regular and PC protection will be assigned its regular
// protection weight plus 2
Twinkle.protect.protectionWeight = {
	sysop: 40,
	templateeditor: 30,
	extendedconfirmed: 20,
	autoconfirmed: 10,
	flaggedrevs_autoconfirmed: 5,  // Pending Changes protection alone
	all: 0,
	flaggedrevs_none: 0  // just in case

// NOTICE: keep this synched with [[MediaWiki:Protect-dropdown]]
// Also note: stabilize = Pending Changes level
Twinkle.protect.protectionPresetsInfo = {
	'pp-protected': {
		edit: 'sysop',
		move: 'sysop',
		reason: null
	'pp-dispute': {
		edit: 'sysop',
		move: 'sysop',
		reason: '[[WP:PP#Content disputes|Edit warring / content dispute]]'
	'pp-vandalism': {
		edit: 'sysop',
		move: 'sysop',
		reason: 'Persistent [[WP:Vandalism|vandalism]]'
	'pp-usertalk': {
		edit: 'sysop',
		move: 'sysop',
		reason: '[[WP:PP#Talk-page protection|Inappropriate use of user talk page while blocked]]'
	'pp-template': {
		edit: 'templateeditor',
		move: 'templateeditor',
		reason: '[[WP:High-risk templates|Highly visible template]]'
	'pp-30-500-arb': {
		edit: 'extendedconfirmed',
		move: 'extendedconfirmed',
		reason: '[[WP:30/500|Arbitration enforcement]]',
		template: 'pp-30-500'
	'pp-30-500-vandalism': {
		edit: 'extendedconfirmed',
		move: 'extendedconfirmed',
		reason: 'Persistent [[WP:Vandalism|vandalism]] from (auto)confirmed accounts',
		template: 'pp-30-500'
	'pp-30-500-disruptive': {
		edit: 'extendedconfirmed',
		move: 'extendedconfirmed',
		reason: 'Persistent [[WP:Disruptive editing|disruptive editing]] from (auto)confirmed accounts',
		template: 'pp-30-500'
	'pp-30-500-blp': {
		edit: 'extendedconfirmed',
		move: 'extendedconfirmed',
		reason: 'Persistent violations of the [[WP:BLP|biographies of living persons policy]] from (auto)confirmed accounts',
		template: 'pp-30-500'
	'pp-30-500-sock': {
		edit: 'extendedconfirmed',
		move: 'extendedconfirmed',
		reason: 'Persistent [[WP:Sock puppetry|sock puppetry]]',
		template: 'pp-30-500'
	'pp-semi-vandalism': {
		edit: 'autoconfirmed',
		reason: 'Persistent [[WP:Vandalism|vandalism]]',
		template: 'pp-vandalism'
	'pp-semi-disruptive': {
		edit: 'autoconfirmed',
		reason: 'Persistent [[WP:Disruptive editing|disruptive editing]]',
		template: 'pp-protected'
	'pp-semi-unsourced': {
		edit: 'autoconfirmed',
		reason: 'Persistent addition of [[WP:INTREF|unsourced or poorly sourced content]]',
		template: 'pp-protected'
	'pp-semi-blp': {
		edit: 'autoconfirmed',
		reason: 'Violations of the [[WP:BLP|biographies of living persons policy]]',
		template: 'pp-blp'
	'pp-semi-usertalk': {
		edit: 'autoconfirmed',
		move: 'autoconfirmed',
		reason: '[[WP:PP#Talk-page protection|Inappropriate use of user talk page while blocked]]',
		template: 'pp-usertalk'
	'pp-semi-template': {  // removed for now
		edit: 'autoconfirmed',
		move: 'autoconfirmed',
		reason: '[[WP:High-risk templates|Highly visible template]]',
		template: 'pp-template'
	'pp-semi-sock': {
		edit: 'autoconfirmed',
		reason: 'Persistent [[WP:Sock puppetry|sock puppetry]]',
		template: 'pp-sock'
	'pp-semi-protected': {
		edit: 'autoconfirmed',
		reason: null,
		template: 'pp-protected'
	'pp-pc-vandalism': {
		stabilize: 'autoconfirmed',  // stabilize = Pending Changes
		reason: 'Persistent [[WP:Vandalism|vandalism]]',
		template: 'pp-pc'
	'pp-pc-disruptive': {
		stabilize: 'autoconfirmed',
		reason: 'Persistent [[WP:Disruptive editing|disruptive editing]]',
		template: 'pp-pc'
	'pp-pc-unsourced': {
		stabilize: 'autoconfirmed',
		reason: 'Persistent addition of [[WP:INTREF|unsourced or poorly sourced content]]',
		template: 'pp-pc'
	'pp-pc-blp': {
		stabilize: 'autoconfirmed',
		reason: 'Violations of the [[WP:BLP|biographies of living persons policy]]',
		template: 'pp-pc'
	'pp-pc-protected': {
		stabilize: 'autoconfirmed',
		reason: null,
		template: 'pp-pc'
	'pp-move': {
		move: 'sysop',
		reason: null
	'pp-move-dispute': {
		move: 'sysop',
		reason: '[[WP:MOVP|Move warring]]'
	'pp-move-vandalism': {
		move: 'sysop',
		reason: '[[WP:MOVP|Page-move vandalism]]'
	'pp-move-indef': {
		move: 'sysop',
		reason: '[[WP:MOVP|Highly visible page]]'
	'unprotect': {
		edit: 'all',
		move: 'all',
		stabilize: 'none',
		create: 'all',
		reason: null,
		template: 'none'
	'pp-create-offensive': {
		create: 'sysop',
		reason: '[[WP:SALT|Offensive name]]'
	'pp-create-salt': {
		create: 'extendedconfirmed',
		reason: '[[WP:SALT|Repeatedly recreated]]'
	'pp-create-blp': {
		create: 'extendedconfirmed',
		reason: '[[WP:BLPDEL|Recently deleted BLP]]'
	'pp-create': {
		create: 'extendedconfirmed',
		reason: '{{pp-create}}'

Twinkle.protect.protectionTags = [
		label: 'None (remove existing protection templates)',
		value: 'none'
		label: 'None (do not remove existing protection templates)',
		value: 'noop'
		label: 'Edit protection templates',
		list: [
			{ label: '{{pp-vandalism}}: vandalism', value: 'pp-vandalism' },
			{ label: '{{pp-dispute}}: dispute/edit war', value: 'pp-dispute', selected: true },
			{ label: '{{pp-blp}}: BLP violations', value: 'pp-blp' },
			{ label: '{{pp-sock}}: sockpuppetry', value: 'pp-sock' },
			{ label: '{{pp-template}}: high-risk template', value: 'pp-template' },
			{ label: '{{pp-usertalk}}: blocked user talk', value: 'pp-usertalk' },
			{ label: '{{pp-protected}}: general protection', value: 'pp-protected' },
			{ label: '{{pp-semi-indef}}: general long-term semi-protection', value: 'pp-semi-indef' },
			{ label: '{{pp-30-500}}: extended confirmed protection', value: 'pp-30-500' }
		label: 'Pending changes templates',
		list: [
			{ label: '{{pp-pc}}: pending changes', value: 'pp-pc' }
		label: 'Move protection templates',
		list: [
			{ label: '{{pp-move-dispute}}: dispute/move war', value: 'pp-move-dispute' },
			{ label: '{{pp-move-vandalism}}: page-move vandalism', value: 'pp-move-vandalism' },
			{ label: '{{pp-move-indef}}: general long-term', value: 'pp-move-indef' },
			{ label: '{{pp-move}}: other', value: 'pp-move' }

Twinkle.protect.callback.changePreset = function twinkleprotectCallbackChangePreset(e) {
	var form =;

	var actiontypes = form.actiontype;
	var actiontype;
	for (var i = 0; i < actiontypes.length; i++) {
		if (!actiontypes[i].checked) {
		actiontype = actiontypes[i].values;

	if (actiontype === 'protect') {  // actually protecting the page
		var item = Twinkle.protect.protectionPresetsInfo[form.category.value];

		if (mw.config.get('wgArticleId')) {
			if (item.edit) {
				form.editmodify.checked = true;
				Twinkle.protect.formevents.editmodify({ target: form.editmodify });
				form.editlevel.value = item.edit;
				Twinkle.protect.formevents.editlevel({ target: form.editlevel });
				form.editexpiry.value = '2 days';
			} else {
				form.editmodify.checked = false;
				Twinkle.protect.formevents.editmodify({ target: form.editmodify });

			if (item.move) {
				form.movemodify.checked = true;
				Twinkle.protect.formevents.movemodify({ target: form.movemodify });
				form.movelevel.value = item.move;
				Twinkle.protect.formevents.movelevel({ target: form.movelevel });
				form.moveexpiry.value = '2 days';
			} else {
				form.movemodify.checked = false;
				Twinkle.protect.formevents.movemodify({ target: form.movemodify });

			if (item.stabilize) {
				form.pcmodify.checked = true;
				Twinkle.protect.formevents.pcmodify({ target: form.pcmodify });
				form.pclevel.value = item.stabilize;
				Twinkle.protect.formevents.pclevel({ target: form.pclevel });
			} else if (form.pcmodify) {
				form.pcmodify.checked = false;
				Twinkle.protect.formevents.pcmodify({ target: form.pcmodify });
		} else {
			if (item.create) {
				form.createlevel.value = item.create;
				Twinkle.protect.formevents.createlevel({ target: form.createlevel });

		var reasonField = actiontype === 'protect' ? form.protectReason : form.reason;
		if (item.reason) {
			reasonField.value = item.reason;
		} else {
			reasonField.value = '';

		// sort out tagging options, disabled if nonexistent or lua
		if (mw.config.get('wgArticleId') && mw.config.get('wgPageContentModel') !== 'Scribunto') {
			if (form.category.value === 'unprotect') {
				form.tagtype.value = 'none';
			} else {
				form.tagtype.value = item.template ? item.template : form.category.value;
			Twinkle.protect.formevents.tagtype({ target: form.tagtype });

			if (/template/.test(form.category.value)) {
				form.noinclude.checked = true;
				form.editexpiry.value = form.moveexpiry.value = form.pcexpiry.value = 'indefinite';
			} else if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') !== 10) {
				form.noinclude.checked = false;

	} else {  // RPP request
		if (form.category.value === 'unprotect') {
			form.expiry.value = '';
			form.expiry.disabled = true;
		} else {
			form.expiry.value = '';
			form.expiry.disabled = false;

Twinkle.protect.callback.evaluate = function twinkleprotectCallbackEvaluate(e) {
	var form =;

	var actiontypes = form.actiontype;
	var actiontype;
	for (var i = 0; i < actiontypes.length; i++) {
		if (!actiontypes[i].checked) {
		actiontype = actiontypes[i].values;

	var tagparams;
	if (actiontype === 'tag' || (actiontype === 'protect' && mw.config.get('wgArticleId') && mw.config.get('wgPageContentModel') !== 'Scribunto')) {
		tagparams = {
			tag: form.tagtype.value,
			reason: (form.tagtype.value === 'pp-protected' || form.tagtype.value === 'pp-semi-protected' || form.tagtype.value === 'pp-move') && form.protectReason ? form.protectReason.value : null,
			small: form.small.checked,
			noinclude: form.noinclude.checked

	switch (actiontype) {
		case 'protect':
			// protect the page = mw.config.get('wgPageName'); = 'Protection complete';

			var statusInited = false;
			var thispage;

			var allDone = function twinkleprotectCallbackAllDone() {
				if (thispage) {
				if (tagparams) {

			var stabilizeValues = {};
			if (form.pclevel) {
				stabilizeValues = {
					pclevel: form.pclevel.value,
					pcexpiry: form.pcexpiry.value,
					protectReason: form.protectReason.value

			var protectIt = function twinkleprotectCallbackProtectIt(next) {
				thispage = new'wgPageName'), 'Protecting page');
				if (mw.config.get('wgArticleId')) {
					if (form.editmodify.checked) {
						thispage.setEditProtection(form.editlevel.value, form.editexpiry.value);
					if (form.movemodify.checked) {
						thispage.setMoveProtection(form.movelevel.value, form.moveexpiry.value);
				} else {
					thispage.setCreateProtection(form.createlevel.value, form.createexpiry.value);

				if (form.protectReason.value) {
				} else {
					alert('You must enter a protect reason, which will be inscribed into the protection log.');

				if (!statusInited) {
					statusInited = true;


			var stabilizeIt = function twinkleprotectCallbackStabilizeIt() {
				if (thispage) {

				thispage = new'wgPageName'), 'Applying pending changes protection');
				thispage.setFlaggedRevs(stabilizeValues.pclevel, stabilizeValues.pcexpiry);

				if (stabilizeValues.protectReason) {
				} else {
					alert('You must enter a protect reason, which will be inscribed into the protection log.');

				if (!statusInited) {
					statusInited = true;


			if ((form.editmodify && form.editmodify.checked) || (form.movemodify && form.movemodify.checked) ||
				!mw.config.get('wgArticleId')) {
				if (form.pcmodify && form.pcmodify.checked) {
				} else {
			} else if (form.pcmodify && form.pcmodify.checked) {
			} else {
				alert("Please give Twinkle something to do! \nIf you just want to tag the page, you can choose the 'Tag page with protection template' option at the top.");


		case 'tag':
			// apply a protection template

			Morebits.status.init(form); = mw.config.get('wgPageName'); = false; = 'Tagging complete';


		case 'request':
			// file request at RFPP
			var typename, typereason;
			switch (form.category.value) {
				case 'pp-dispute':
				case 'pp-vandalism':
				case 'pp-usertalk':
				case 'pp-protected':
					typename = 'full protection';
				case 'pp-template':
					typename = 'template protection';
				case 'pp-30-500-arb':
				case 'pp-30-500-vandalism':
				case 'pp-30-500-disruptive':
				case 'pp-30-500-blp':
				case 'pp-30-500-sock':
					typename = 'extended confirmed';
				case 'pp-semi-vandalism':
				case 'pp-semi-disruptive':
				case 'pp-semi-unsourced':
				case 'pp-semi-usertalk':
				case 'pp-semi-sock':
				case 'pp-semi-blp':
				case 'pp-semi-protected':
					typename = 'semi-protection';
				case 'pp-pc-vandalism':
				case 'pp-pc-blp':
				case 'pp-pc-protected':
				case 'pp-pc-unsourced':
				case 'pp-pc-disruptive':
					typename = 'pending changes';
				case 'pp-move':
				case 'pp-move-dispute':
				case 'pp-move-indef':
				case 'pp-move-vandalism':
					typename = 'move protection';
				case 'pp-create':
				case 'pp-create-offensive':
				case 'pp-create-blp':
				case 'pp-create-salt':
					typename = 'create protection';
				case 'unprotect':
					var admins = $.map(Twinkle.protect.currentProtectionLevels, function(pl) {
						return pl.admin ? 'User:' + pl.admin : null;
					if (admins.length && !confirm('Have you attempted to contact the protecting admins (' + $.unique(admins).join(', ') + ') first?')) {
						return false;
					// otherwise falls through
					typename = 'unprotection';
			switch (form.category.value) {
				case 'pp-dispute':
					typereason = 'Content dispute/edit warring';
				case 'pp-vandalism':
				case 'pp-semi-vandalism':
				case 'pp-pc-vandalism':
				case 'pp-30-500-vandalism':
					typereason = 'Persistent [[WP:VAND|vandalism]]';
				case 'pp-semi-disruptive':
				case 'pp-pc-disruptive':
				case 'pp-30-500-disruptive':
					typereason = 'Persistent [[Wikipedia:Disruptive editing|disruptive editing]]';
				case 'pp-semi-unsourced':
				case 'pp-pc-unsourced':
					typereason = 'Persistent addition of [[WP:INTREF|unsourced or poorly sourced content]]';
				case 'pp-template':
					typereason = '[[WP:HIGHRISK|High-risk template]]';
				case 'pp-30-500-arb':
					typereason = '[[WP:30/500|Arbitration enforcement]]';
				case 'pp-usertalk':
				case 'pp-semi-usertalk':
					typereason = 'Inappropriate use of user talk page while blocked';
				case 'pp-semi-sock':
				case 'pp-30-500-sock':
					typereason = 'Persistent [[WP:SOCK|sockpuppetry]]';
				case 'pp-semi-blp':
				case 'pp-pc-blp':
				case 'pp-30-500-blp':
					typereason = '[[WP:BLP|BLP]] policy violations';
				case 'pp-move-dispute':
					typereason = 'Page title dispute/move warring';
				case 'pp-move-vandalism':
					typereason = 'Page-move vandalism';
				case 'pp-move-indef':
					typereason = 'Highly visible page';
				case 'pp-create-offensive':
					typereason = 'Offensive name';
				case 'pp-create-blp':
					typereason = 'Recently deleted [[WP:BLP|BLP]]';
				case 'pp-create-salt':
					typereason = 'Repeatedly recreated';
					typereason = '';

			var reason = typereason;
			if (form.reason.value !== '') {
				if (typereason !== '') {
					reason += '\u00A0\u2013 ';  // U+00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE; U+2013 EN RULE
				reason += form.reason.value;
			if (reason !== '' && reason.charAt(reason.length - 1) !== '.') {
				reason += '.';

			var rppparams = {
				reason: reason,
				typename: typename,
				category: form.category.value,
				expiry: form.expiry.value


			var rppName = 'Wikipedia:Requests for page protection';

			// Updating data for the action completed event = rppName; = 'Nomination completed, redirecting now to the discussion page';

			var rppPage = new, 'Requesting protection of page');
			alert('twinkleprotect: unknown kind of action');

Twinkle.protect.callbacks = {
	taggingPageInitial: function(tagparams) {
		if (tagparams.tag === 'noop') {'Applying protection template', 'nothing to do');

		var protectedPage = new'wgPageName'), 'Tagging page');
	taggingPage: function(protectedPage) {
		var params = protectedPage.getCallbackParameters();
		var text = protectedPage.getPageText();
		var tag, summary;

		var oldtag_re = /\s*(?:<noinclude>)?\s*\{\{\s*(pp-[^{}]*?|protected|(?:t|v|s|p-|usertalk-v|usertalk-s|sb|move)protected(?:2)?|protected template|privacy protection)\s*?\}\}\s*(?:<\/noinclude>)?\s*/gi;
		var re_result = oldtag_re.exec(text);
		if (re_result) {
			if (confirm('{{' + re_result[1] + '}} was found on the page. \nClick OK to remove it, or click Cancel to leave it there.')) {
				text = text.replace(oldtag_re, '');

		if (params.tag !== 'none') {
			tag = params.tag;
			if (params.reason) {
				tag += '|reason=' + params.reason;
			if (params.small) {
				tag += '|small=yes';

		if (params.tag === 'none') {
			summary = 'Removing protection template' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd');
		} else {
			if ( {
				// Only tag if no {{rcat shell}} is found
				if (!text.match(/{{(?:redr|this is a redirect|r(?:edirect)?(?:.?cat.*)?[ _]?sh)/i)) {
					text = text.replace(/#REDIRECT ?(\[\[.*?\]\])(.*)/i, '#REDIRECT $1$2\n\n{{' + tag + '}}');
				} else {'Redirect category shell present', 'nothing to do');
			} else if (params.noinclude) {
				text = '<noinclude>{{' + tag + '}}</noinclude>' + text;
			} else {
				text = '{{' + tag + '}}\n' + text;
			summary = 'Adding {{' + params.tag + '}}' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd');

		protectedPage.suppressProtectWarning(); // no need to let admins know they are editing through protection;

	fileRequest: function(rppPage) {

		var params = rppPage.getCallbackParameters();
		var text = rppPage.getPageText();
		var statusElement = rppPage.getStatusElement();

		var rppRe = new RegExp('===\\s*(\\[\\[)?\\s*:?\\s*' + RegExp.escape(Morebits.pageNameNorm, true) + '\\s*(\\]\\])?\\s*===', 'm');
		var tag = rppRe.exec(text);

		var rppLink = document.createElement('a');
		rppLink.setAttribute('href', mw.util.getUrl(rppPage.getPageName()));

		if (tag) {
			statusElement.error([ 'There is already a protection request for this page at ', rppLink, ', aborting.' ]);

		var newtag = '=== [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']] ===\n';
		if ((new RegExp('^' + RegExp.escape(newtag).replace(/\s+/g, '\\s*'), 'm')).test(text)) {
			statusElement.error([ 'There is already a protection request for this page at ', rppLink, ', aborting.' ]);
		newtag += '* {{pagelinks|1=' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + '}}\n\n';

		var words;
		switch (params.expiry) {
			case 'temporary':
				words = 'Temporary ';
			case 'indefinite':
				words = 'Indefinite ';
				words = '';

		words += params.typename;

		newtag += "'''" + Morebits.string.toUpperCaseFirstChar(words) + (params.reason !== '' ? ":''' " +
			Morebits.string.formatReasonText(params.reason) : ".'''") + ' ~~~~';

		// If either protection type results in a increased status, then post it under increase
		// else we post it under decrease
		var increase = false;
		var protInfo = Twinkle.protect.protectionPresetsInfo[params.category];

		// function to compute protection weights (see comment at Twinkle.protect.protectionWeight)
		var computeWeight = function(mainLevel, stabilizeLevel) {
			var result = Twinkle.protect.protectionWeight[mainLevel || 'all'];
			if (stabilizeLevel) {
				if (result) {
					if (stabilizeLevel.level === 'autoconfirmed') {
						result += 2;
				} else {
					result = Twinkle.protect.protectionWeight['flaggedrevs_' + stabilizeLevel];
			return result;

		// compare the page's current protection weights with the protection we are requesting
		var editWeight = computeWeight(Twinkle.protect.currentProtectionLevels.edit &&
		Twinkle.protect.currentProtectionLevels.stabilize &&
		if (computeWeight(protInfo.edit, protInfo.stabilize) > editWeight ||
			computeWeight(protInfo.move) > computeWeight(Twinkle.protect.currentProtectionLevels.move &&
			Twinkle.protect.currentProtectionLevels.move.level) ||
			computeWeight(protInfo.create) > computeWeight(Twinkle.protect.currentProtectionLevels.create &&
			Twinkle.protect.currentProtectionLevels.create.level)) {
			increase = true;

		var reg;
		if (increase) {
			reg = /(\n==\s*Current requests for reduction in protection level\s*==)/;
		} else {
			reg = /(\n==\s*Current requests for edits to a protected page\s*==)/;

		var originalTextLength = text.length;
		text = text.replace(reg, '\n' + newtag + '\n$1');
		if (text.length === originalTextLength) {
			var linknode = document.createElement('a');
			linknode.setAttribute('href', mw.util.getUrl('Wikipedia:Twinkle/Fixing RPP'));
			linknode.appendChild(document.createTextNode('How to fix RPP'));
			statusElement.error([ 'Could not find relevant heading on WP:RPP. To fix this problem, please see ', linknode, '.' ]);
		statusElement.status('Adding new request...');
		rppPage.setEditSummary('Requesting ' + params.typename + (params.typename === 'pending changes' ? ' on [[:' : ' of [[:') +
			Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));

// </nowiki>

// <nowiki>

(function($) {

 *** twinklearv.js: ARV module
 * Mode of invocation:     Tab ("ARV")
 * Active on:              Existing and non-existing user pages, user talk pages, contributions pages
 * Config directives in:   TwinkleConfig

Twinkle.arv = function twinklearv() {
	var username = mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName');
	if (!username || username === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {

	var title = mw.util.isIPAddress(username) ? 'Report IP to administrators' : 'Report user to administrators';

	Twinkle.addPortletLink(function() {
	}, 'ARV', 'tw-arv', title);

Twinkle.arv.callback = function (uid) {
	var Window = new Morebits.simpleWindow(600, 500);
	Window.setTitle('Advance Reporting and Vetting'); // Backronym
	Window.addFooterLink('Guide to AIV', 'WP:GAIV');
	Window.addFooterLink('UAA instructions', 'WP:UAAI');
	Window.addFooterLink('About SPI', 'WP:SPI');
	Window.addFooterLink('Twinkle help', 'WP:TW/DOC#arv');

	var form = new Morebits.quickForm(Twinkle.arv.callback.evaluate);
	var categories = form.append({
		type: 'select',
		name: 'category',
		label: 'Select report type: ',
		event: Twinkle.arv.callback.changeCategory
		type: 'option',
		label: 'Vandalism (WP:AIV)',
		value: 'aiv'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'Username (WP:UAA)',
		value: 'username'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'Sockpuppeteer (WP:SPI)',
		value: 'sock'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'Sockpuppet (WP:SPI)',
		value: 'puppet'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'Edit warring (WP:AN3)',
		value: 'an3'
		type: 'field',
		label: 'Work area',
		name: 'work_area'
	form.append({ type: 'submit' });
		type: 'hidden',
		name: 'uid',
		value: uid

	var result = form.render();

	// We must init the
	var evt = document.createEvent('Event');
	evt.initEvent('change', true, true);

Twinkle.arv.callback.changeCategory = function (e) {
	var value =;
	var root =;
	var old_area = Morebits.quickForm.getElements(root, 'work_area')[0];
	var work_area = null;

	switch (value) {
		case 'aiv':
		/* falls through */
			work_area = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
				type: 'field',
				label: 'Report user for vandalism',
				name: 'work_area'
				type: 'input',
				name: 'page',
				label: 'Primary linked page: ',
				tooltip: 'Leave blank to not link to the page in the report',
				value: Morebits.queryString.exists('vanarticle') ? Morebits.queryString.get('vanarticle') : '',
				event: function(e) {
					var value =;
					var root =;
					if (value === '') {
						root.badid.disabled = root.goodid.disabled = true;
					} else {
						root.badid.disabled = false;
						root.goodid.disabled = root.badid.value === '';
				type: 'input',
				name: 'badid',
				label: 'Revision ID for target page when vandalised: ',
				tooltip: 'Leave blank for no diff link',
				value: Morebits.queryString.exists('vanarticlerevid') ? Morebits.queryString.get('vanarticlerevid') : '',
				disabled: !Morebits.queryString.exists('vanarticle'),
				event: function(e) {
					var value =;
					var root =;
					root.goodid.disabled = value === '';
				type: 'input',
				name: 'goodid',
				label: 'Last good revision ID before vandalism of target page: ',
				tooltip: 'Leave blank for diff link to previous revision',
				value: Morebits.queryString.exists('vanarticlegoodrevid') ? Morebits.queryString.get('vanarticlegoodrevid') : '',
				disabled: !Morebits.queryString.exists('vanarticle') || Morebits.queryString.exists('vanarticlerevid')
				type: 'checkbox',
				name: 'arvtype',
				list: [
						label: 'Vandalism after final (level 4 or 4im) warning given',
						value: 'final'
						label: 'Vandalism after recent (within 1 day) release of block',
						value: 'postblock'
						label: 'Evidently a vandalism-only account',
						value: 'vandalonly',
						disabled: mw.util.isIPAddress(root.uid.value)
						label: 'Account is evidently a spambot or a compromised account',
						value: 'spambot'
						label: 'Account is a promotion-only account',
						value: 'promoonly'
				type: 'textarea',
				name: 'reason',
				label: 'Comment: '
			work_area = work_area.render();
			old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);
		case 'username':
			work_area = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
				type: 'field',
				label: 'Report username violation',
				name: 'work_area'
				type: 'header',
				label: 'Type(s) of inappropriate username',
				tooltip: 'Wikipedia does not allow usernames that are misleading, promotional, offensive or disruptive. Domain names and email addresses are likewise prohibited. These criteria apply to both usernames and signatures. Usernames that are inappropriate in another language, or that represent an inappropriate name with misspellings and substitutions, or do so indirectly or by implication, are still considered inappropriate.'
				type: 'checkbox',
				name: 'arvtype',
				list: [
						label: 'Misleading username',
						value: 'misleading',
						tooltip: 'Misleading usernames imply relevant, misleading things about the contributor. For example, misleading points of fact, an impression of undue authority, or usernames giving the impression of a bot account.'
						label: 'Promotional username',
						value: 'promotional',
						tooltip: 'Promotional usernames are advertisements for a company, website or group. Please do not report these names to UAA unless the user has also made promotional edits related to the name.'
						label: 'Username that implies shared use',
						value: 'shared',
						tooltip: 'Usernames that imply the likelihood of shared use (names of companies or groups, or the names of posts within organizations) are not permitted. Usernames are acceptable if they contain a company or group name but are clearly intended to denote an individual person, such as "Mark at WidgetsUSA", "Jack Smith at the XY Foundation", "WidgetFan87", etc.'
						label: 'Offensive username',
						value: 'offensive',
						tooltip: 'Offensive usernames make harmonious editing difficult or impossible.'
						label: 'Disruptive username',
						value: 'disruptive',
						tooltip: 'Disruptive usernames include outright trolling or personal attacks, or otherwise show a clear intent to disrupt Wikipedia.'
				type: 'textarea',
				name: 'reason',
				label: 'Comment:'
			work_area = work_area.render();
			old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);

		case 'puppet':
			work_area = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
				type: 'field',
				label: 'Report suspected sockpuppet',
				name: 'work_area'
					type: 'input',
					name: 'sockmaster',
					label: 'Sockpuppeteer',
					tooltip: 'The username of the sockpuppeteer (sockmaster) without the User:-prefix'
				type: 'textarea',
				label: 'Evidence:',
				name: 'evidence',
				tooltip: 'Enter your evidence. It should make clear that each of these users is likely to be abusing multiple accounts. Usually this means diffs, page histories or other information that justifies why the users are a) the same and b) disruptive. This should purely be evidence and information needed to judge the matter. Avoid all other discussion that is not evidence of sockpuppetry or other multiple account abuse.'
				type: 'checkbox',
				list: [
						label: 'Request CheckUser evidence',
						name: 'checkuser',
						tooltip: 'CheckUser is a tool used to obtain technical evidence related to a sock-puppetry allegation. It will not be used without good cause, which you must clearly demonstrate. Make sure your evidence explains why CheckUser is appropriate.'
						label: 'Notify reported users',
						name: 'notify',
						tooltip: 'Notification is not mandatory. In many cases, especially of chronic sockpuppeteers, notification may be counterproductive. However, especially in less egregious cases involving users who has not been reported before, notification may make the cases fairer and also appear to be fairer in the eyes of the accused. Use your judgment.'
			work_area = work_area.render();
			old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);
		case 'sock':
			work_area = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
				type: 'field',
				label: 'Report suspected sockpuppeteer',
				name: 'work_area'
					type: 'dyninput',
					name: 'sockpuppet',
					label: 'Sockpuppets',
					sublabel: 'Sock: ',
					tooltip: 'The username of the sockpuppet without the User:-prefix',
					min: 2
				type: 'textarea',
				label: 'Evidence:',
				name: 'evidence',
				tooltip: 'Enter your evidence. It should make clear that each of these users is likely to be abusing multiple accounts. Usually this means diffs, page histories or other information that justifies why the users are a) the same and b) disruptive. This should purely be evidence and information needed to judge the matter. Avoid all other discussion that is not evidence of sockpuppetry or other multiple account abuse.'
				type: 'checkbox',
				list: [ {
					label: 'Request CheckUser evidence',
					name: 'checkuser',
					tooltip: 'CheckUser is a tool used to obtain technical evidence related to a sock-puppetry allegation. It will not be used without good cause, which you must clearly demonstrate. Make sure your evidence explains why CheckUser is appropriate.'
				}, {
					label: 'Notify reported users',
					name: 'notify',
					tooltip: 'Notification is not mandatory. In many cases, especially of chronic sockpuppeteers, notification may be counterproductive. However, especially in less egregious cases involving users who has not been reported before, notification may make the cases fairer and also appear to be fairer in the eyes of the accused. Use your judgment.'
				} ]
			work_area = work_area.render();
			old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);
		case 'an3':
			work_area = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
				type: 'field',
				label: 'Report edit warring',
				name: 'work_area'

				type: 'input',
				name: 'page',
				label: 'Page',
				tooltip: 'The page being reported'
				type: 'button',
				name: 'load',
				label: 'Load',
				event: function(e) {
					var root =;
					var value =;
					var uid = root.uid.value;
					var $diffs = $(root).find('[name=diffs]');

					var date = new Date();
					date.setHours(-36); // all since 36 hours

					var api = new mw.Api();
						action: 'query',
						prop: 'revisions',
						format: 'json',
						rvprop: 'sha1|ids|timestamp|parsedcomment|comment',
						rvlimit: 500,
						rvend: date.toISOString(),
						rvuser: uid,
						indexpageids: true,
						redirects: true,
						titles: value
					}).done(function(data) {
						var pageid = data.query.pageids[0];
						var page = data.query.pages[pageid];
						if (!page.revisions) {
						for (var i = 0; i < page.revisions.length; ++i) {
							var rev = page.revisions[i];
							var $entry = $('<div/>', {
								'class': 'entry'
							var $input = $('<input/>', {
								'type': 'checkbox',
								'name': 's_diffs',
								'value': rev.revid
							$'revinfo', rev);
							$entry.append('<span>"' + rev.parsedcomment + '" at <a href="' + mw.config.get('wgScript') + '?diff=' + rev.revid + '">' + moment(rev.timestamp).calendar() + '</a></span>').appendTo($diffs);
					}).fail(function(data) {
						console.log('API failed :(', data); // eslint-disable-line no-console
					var $warnings = $(root).find('[name=warnings]');

						action: 'query',
						prop: 'revisions',
						format: 'json',
						rvprop: 'sha1|ids|timestamp|parsedcomment|comment',
						rvlimit: 500,
						rvend: date.toISOString(),
						rvuser: mw.config.get('wgUserName'),
						indexpageids: true,
						redirects: true,
						titles: 'User talk:' + uid
					}).done(function(data) {
						var pageid = data.query.pageids[0];
						var page = data.query.pages[pageid];
						if (!page.revisions) {
						for (var i = 0; i < page.revisions.length; ++i) {
							var rev = page.revisions[i];
							var $entry = $('<div/>', {
								'class': 'entry'
							var $input = $('<input/>', {
								'type': 'checkbox',
								'name': 's_warnings',
								'value': rev.revid
							$'revinfo', rev);
							$entry.append('<span>"' + rev.parsedcomment + '" at <a href="' + mw.config.get('wgScript') + '?diff=' + rev.revid + '">' + moment(rev.timestamp).calendar() + '</a></span>').appendTo($warnings);
					}).fail(function(data) {
						console.log('API failed :(', data); // eslint-disable-line no-console

					var $resolves = $(root).find('[name=resolves]');

					var t = new mw.Title(value);
					var ns = t.getNamespaceId();
					var talk_page = (new mw.Title(t.getMain(), ns % 2 ? ns : ns + 1)).getPrefixedText();

						action: 'query',
						prop: 'revisions',
						format: 'json',
						rvprop: 'sha1|ids|timestamp|parsedcomment|comment',
						rvlimit: 500,
						rvend: date.toISOString(),
						rvuser: mw.config.get('wgUserName'),
						indexpageids: true,
						redirects: true,
						titles: talk_page
					}).done(function(data) {
						var pageid = data.query.pageids[0];
						var page = data.query.pages[pageid];
						if (!page.revisions) {
						for (var i = 0; i < page.revisions.length; ++i) {
							var rev = page.revisions[i];
							var $entry = $('<div/>', {
								'class': 'entry'
							var $input = $('<input/>', {
								'type': 'checkbox',
								'name': 's_resolves',
								'value': rev.revid
							$'revinfo', rev);
							$entry.append('<span>"' + rev.parsedcomment + '" at <a href="' + mw.config.get('wgScript') + '?diff=' + rev.revid + '">' + moment(rev.timestamp).calendar() + '</a></span>').appendTo($resolves);

						// add free form input
						var $free_entry = $('<div/>', {
							'class': 'entry'
						var $free_input = $('<input/>', {
							'type': 'text',
							'name': 's_resolves_free'

						var $free_label = $('<label/>', {
							'for': 's_resolves_free',
							'html': 'Diff to additional discussions: '

					}).fail(function(data) {
						console.log('API failed :(', data); // eslint-disable-line no-console
				type: 'field',
				name: 'diffs',
				label: 'User\'s reverts',
				tooltip: 'Select the edits you believe are reverts'
				type: 'field',
				name: 'warnings',
				label: 'Warnings given to subject',
				tooltip: 'You must have warned the subject before reporting'
				type: 'field',
				name: 'resolves',
				label: 'Resolution initiatives',
				tooltip: 'You should have tried to resolve the issue on the talk page first'

				type: 'textarea',
				label: 'Comment:',
				name: 'comment'

			work_area = work_area.render();
			old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);

Twinkle.arv.callback.evaluate = function(e) {
	var form =;
	var reason = '';
	var comment = '';
	if (form.reason) {
		comment = form.reason.value;
	var uid = form.uid.value;

	var types;
	switch (form.category.value) {

		// Report user for vandalism
		case 'aiv':
			/* falls through */
			types = form.getChecked('arvtype');
			if (!types.length && comment === '') {
				alert('You must specify some reason');

			types = {
				switch (v) {
					case 'final':
						return 'vandalism after final warning';
					case 'postblock':
						return 'vandalism after recent release of block';
					case 'spambot':
						return 'account is evidently a spambot or a compromised account';
					case 'vandalonly':
						return 'actions evidently indicate a vandalism-only account';
					case 'promoonly':
						return 'account is being used only for promotional purposes';
						return 'unknown reason';
			}).join('; ');

			if ( !== '') {
				// Allow links to redirects, files, and categories
				reason = 'On {{No redirect|:' + + '}}';

				if (form.badid.value !== '') {
					reason += ' ({{diff|' + + '|' + form.badid.value + '|' + form.goodid.value + '|diff}})';
				reason += ':';

			if (types) {
				reason += ' ' + types;
			if (comment !== '') {
				reason += (reason === '' ? '' : '. ') + comment;
			reason = reason.trim();
			if ([.?!;]$/) === -1) {
				reason += '.';
			reason += ' ~~~~';
			reason = reason.replace(/\r?\n/g, '\n*:');  // indent newlines

			Morebits.status.init(form); = 'Wikipedia:Administrator intervention against vandalism'; = 'Reporting complete';

			var aivPage = new'Wikipedia:Administrator intervention against vandalism', 'Processing AIV request');

			aivPage.load(function() {
				var text = aivPage.getPageText();

				// check if user has already been reported
				if (new RegExp('\\{\\{\\s*(?:(?:[Ii][Pp])?[Vv]andal|[Uu]serlinks)\\s*\\|\\s*(?:1=)?\\s*' + RegExp.escape(uid, true) + '\\s*\\}\\}').test(text)) {
					aivPage.getStatusElement().error('Report already present, will not add a new one');
					Morebits.status.printUserText(reason, 'The comments you typed are provided below, in case you wish to manually post them under the existing report for this user at AIV:');
				aivPage.getStatusElement().status('Adding new report...');
				aivPage.setEditSummary('Reporting [[Special:Contributions/' + uid + '|' + uid + ']].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
				aivPage.setAppendText('\n*{{' + (mw.util.isIPAddress(uid) ? 'IPvandal' : 'vandal') + '|' + (/=/.test(uid) ? '1=' : '') + uid + '}} &ndash; ' + reason);

		// Report inappropriate username
		case 'username':
			types = form.getChecked('arvtype').map(Morebits.string.toLowerCaseFirstChar);

			var hasShared = types.indexOf('shared') > -1;
			if (hasShared) {
				types.splice(types.indexOf('shared'), 1);

			if (types.length <= 2) {
				types = types.join(' and ');
			} else {
				types = [ types.slice(0, -1).join(', '), types.slice(-1) ].join(' and ');
			var article = 'a';
			if (/[aeiouwyh]/.test(types[0] || '')) { // non 100% correct, but whatever, including 'h' for Cockney
				article = 'an';
			reason = '*{{user-uaa|1=' + uid + '}} &ndash; ';
			if (types.length || hasShared) {
				reason += 'Violation of the username policy as ' + article + ' ' + types + ' username' +
					(hasShared ? ' that implies shared use. ' : '. ');
			if (comment !== '') {
				reason += Morebits.string.toUpperCaseFirstChar(comment) + '. ';
			reason += '~~~~';
			reason = reason.replace(/\r?\n/g, '\n*:');  // indent newlines

			Morebits.status.init(form); = 'Wikipedia:Usernames for administrator attention'; = 'Reporting complete';

			var uaaPage = new'Wikipedia:Usernames for administrator attention', 'Processing UAA request');

			uaaPage.load(function() {
				var text = uaaPage.getPageText();

				// check if user has already been reported
				if (new RegExp('\\{\\{\\s*user-uaa\\s*\\|\\s*(1\\s*=\\s*)?' + RegExp.escape(uid, true) + '\\s*(\\||\\})').test(text)) {
					uaaPage.getStatusElement().error('User is already listed.');
					Morebits.status.printUserText(reason, 'The comments you typed are provided below, in case you wish to manually post them under the existing report for this user at UAA:');
				uaaPage.getStatusElement().status('Adding new report...');
				uaaPage.setEditSummary('Reporting [[Special:Contributions/' + uid + '|' + uid + ']].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
				uaaPage.setPageText(text + '\n' + reason);;

		// WP:SPI
		case 'sock':
			/* falls through */
		case 'puppet':
			var sockParameters = {
				evidence: form.evidence.value.trim(),
				checkuser: form.checkuser.checked,
				notify: form.notify.checked

			var puppetReport = form.category.value === 'puppet';
			if (puppetReport && !form.sockmaster.value.trim()) {
				alert('You have not entered a sockmaster account for this puppet. Consider reporting this account as a sockpuppeteer instead.');
			} else if (!puppetReport && !form.sockpuppet[0].value.trim()) {
				alert('You have not entered any sockpuppet account(s) for this sockmaster. Consider reporting this account as a sockpuppet instead.');

			sockParameters.uid = puppetReport ? form.sockmaster.value.trim() : uid;
			sockParameters.sockpuppets = puppetReport ? [uid] : $.map($('input:text[name=sockpuppet]', form), function(o) {
				return $(o).val() || null;


		case 'an3':
			var diffs = $.map($('input:checkbox[name=s_diffs]:checked', form), function(o) {
				return $(o).data('revinfo');

			if (diffs.length < 3 && !confirm('You have selected fewer than three offending edits. Do you wish to make the report anyway?')) {

			var warnings = $.map($('input:checkbox[name=s_warnings]:checked', form), function(o) {
				return $(o).data('revinfo');

			if (!warnings.length && !confirm('You have not selected any edits where you warned the offender. Do you wish to make the report anyway?')) {

			var resolves = $.map($('input:checkbox[name=s_resolves]:checked', form), function(o) {
				return $(o).data('revinfo');
			var free_resolves = $('input[name=s_resolves_free]').val();

			var an3_next = function(free_resolves) {
				if (!resolves.length && !free_resolves && !confirm('You have not selected any edits where you tried to resolve the issue. Do you wish to make the report anyway?')) {

				var an3Parameters = {
					'uid': uid,
					'comment': form.comment.value.trim(),
					'diffs': diffs,
					'warnings': warnings,
					'resolves': resolves,
					'free_resolves': free_resolves


			if (free_resolves) {
				var oldid = mw.util.getParamValue('oldid', free_resolves);
				var api = new mw.Api();
					action: 'query',
					prop: 'revisions',
					format: 'json',
					rvprop: 'ids|timestamp|comment',
					indexpageids: true,
					revids: oldid
				}).done(function(data) {
					var pageid = data.query.pageids[0];
					var page = data.query.pages[pageid];
				}).fail(function(data) {
					console.log('API failed :(', data); // eslint-disable-line no-console
			} else {

Twinkle.arv.processSock = function(params) {; // prevent notification events from causing an erronous "action completed"

	// notify all user accounts if requested
	if (params.notify && params.sockpuppets.length > 0) {

		var notifyEditSummary = 'Notifying about suspicion of sockpuppeteering.' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd');
		var notifyText = '\n\n{{subst:socksuspectnotice|1=' + params.uid + '}} ~~~~';

		// notify user's master account
		var masterTalkPage = new'User talk:' + params.uid, 'Notifying suspected sockpuppeteer');

		var statusIndicator = new Morebits.status('Notifying suspected sockpuppets', '0%');
		var total = params.sockpuppets.length;
		var current = 0;

		// display status of notifications as they progress
		var onSuccess = function(sockTalkPage) {
			var now = parseInt(100 * ++current / total, 10) + '%';
			if (current >= total) { + ' (completed)');

		var socks = params.sockpuppets;

		// notify each puppet account
		for (var i = 0; i < socks.length; ++i) {
			var sockTalkPage = new'User talk:' + socks[i], 'Notification for ' + socks[i]);

	// prepare the SPI report
	var text = '\n\n{{subst:SPI report|socksraw=' + {
			return '* {{' + (mw.util.isIPAddress(v) ? 'checkip' : 'checkuser') + '|1=' + v + '}}';
		}).join('\n') + '\n|evidence=' + params.evidence + ' \n';

	if (params.checkuser) {
		text += '|checkuser=yes';
	text += '}}';

	var reportpage = 'Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations/' + params.uid; = reportpage; = 'Reporting complete';

	var spiPage = new, 'Retrieving discussion page');
	spiPage.setEditSummary('Adding new report for [[Special:Contributions/' + params.uid + '|' + params.uid + ']].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
	switch (Twinkle.getPref('spiWatchReport')) {
		case 'yes':
		case 'no':
	spiPage.append();;  // all page updates have been started

Twinkle.arv.processAN3 = function(params) {
	// prepare the AN3 report
	var minid;
	for (var i = 0; i < params.diffs.length; ++i) {
		if (params.diffs[i].parentid && (!minid || params.diffs[i].parentid < minid)) {
			minid = params.diffs[i].parentid;

	var api = new mw.Api();
		action: 'query',
		prop: 'revisions',
		format: 'json',
		rvprop: 'sha1|ids|timestamp|comment',
		rvlimit: 100,
		rvstartid: minid,
		rvexcludeuser: params.uid,
		indexpageids: true,
		redirects: true,
	}).done(function(data) {; // prevent notification events from causing an erronous "action completed"
		var orig;
		if (data.length) {
			var sha1 = data[0].sha1;
			for (var i = 1; i < data.length; ++i) {
				if (data[i].sha1 === sha1) {
					orig = data[i];

			if (!orig) {
				orig = data[0];

		var origtext = '';
		if (orig) {
			origtext = '{{diff2|' + orig.revid + '|' + orig.timestamp + '}} "' + orig.comment + '"';

		var grouped_diffs = {};

		var parentid, lastid;
		for (var j = 0; j < params.diffs.length; ++j) {
			var cur = params.diffs[j];
			if ((cur.revid && cur.revid !== parentid) || lastid === null) {
				lastid = cur.revid;
				grouped_diffs[lastid] = [];
			parentid = cur.parentid;

		var difftext = $.map(grouped_diffs, function(sub) {
			var ret = '';
			if (sub.length >= 2) {
				var last = sub[0];
				var first = sub.slice(-1)[0];
				var label = 'Consecutive edits made from ' + moment(first.timestamp).utc().format('HH:mm, D MMMM YYYY [(UTC)]') + ' to ' + moment(last.timestamp).utc().format('HH:mm, D MMMM YYYY [(UTC)]');
				ret = '# {{diff|oldid=' + first.parentid + '|diff=' + last.revid + '|label=' + label + '}}\n';
			ret += sub.reverse().map(function(v) {
				return (sub.length >= 2 ? '#' : '') + '# {{diff2|' + v.revid + '|' + moment(v.timestamp).utc().format('HH:mm, D MMMM YYYY [(UTC)]') + '}} "' + v.comment + '"';
			return ret;
		var warningtext = params.warnings.reverse().map(function(v) {
			return '# ' + ' {{diff2|' + v.revid + '|' + moment(v.timestamp).utc().format('HH:mm, D MMMM YYYY [(UTC)]') + '}} "' + v.comment + '"';
		var resolvetext = params.resolves.reverse().map(function(v) {
			return '# ' + ' {{diff2|' + v.revid + '|' + moment(v.timestamp).utc().format('HH:mm, D MMMM YYYY [(UTC)]') + '}} "' + v.comment + '"';

		if (params.free_resolves) {
			var page = params.free_resolves;
			var rev = page.revisions[0];
			resolvetext += '\n# ' + ' {{diff2|' + rev.revid + '|' + moment(rev.timestamp).utc().format('HH:mm, D MMMM YYYY [(UTC)]') + ' on ' + page.title + '}} "' + rev.comment + '"';

		var comment = params.comment.replace(/~*$/g, '').trim();

		if (comment) {
			comment += ' ~~~~';

		var text = '\n\n' + '{{subst:AN3 report|diffs=' + difftext + '|warnings=' + warningtext + '|resolves=' + resolvetext + '|pagename=' + + '|orig=' + origtext + '|comment=' + comment + '|uid=' + params.uid + '}}';

		var reportpage = 'Wikipedia:Administrators\' noticeboard/Edit warring'; = reportpage; = 'Reporting complete';

		var an3Page = new, 'Retrieving discussion page');
		an3Page.setEditSummary('Adding new report for [[Special:Contributions/' + params.uid + '|' + params.uid + ']].' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));

		// notify user

		var notifyEditSummary = 'Notifying about edit warring noticeboard discussion.' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd');
		var notifyText = '\n\n{{subst:an3-notice|1=' + mw.util.wikiUrlencode(params.uid) + '|auto=1}} ~~~~';

		var talkPage = new'User talk:' + params.uid, 'Notifying edit warrior');
		talkPage.append();;  // all page updates have been started
	}).fail(function(data) {
		console.log('API failed :(', data); // eslint-disable-line no-console

// </nowiki>

// <nowiki>

(function($) {

 *** friendlytalkback.js: Talkback module
 * Mode of invocation:     Tab ("TB")
 * Active on:              Existing user talk pages
 * Config directives in:   FriendlyConfig

Twinkle.talkback = function() {

	if (!mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName')) {

	Twinkle.addPortletLink(Twinkle.talkback.callback, 'TB', 'friendly-talkback', 'Easy talkback');

Twinkle.talkback.callback = function() {
	if (mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName') === mw.config.get('wgUserName') && !confirm("Is it really so bad that you're talking back to yourself?")) {

	var Window = new Morebits.simpleWindow(600, 350);
	Window.addFooterLink('About {{talkback}}', 'Template:Talkback');
	Window.addFooterLink('Twinkle help', 'WP:TW/DOC#talkback');

	var form = new Morebits.quickForm(callback_evaluate);

	form.append({ type: 'radio', name: 'tbtarget',
		list: [
				label: 'Talkback: my talk page',
				value: 'mytalk',
				checked: 'true'
				label: 'Talkback: other user talk page',
				value: 'usertalk'
				label: 'Talkback: other page',
				value: 'other'
				label: '"Please see"',
				value: 'see'
				label: 'Noticeboard notification',
				value: 'notice'
				label: "\"You've got mail\"",
				value: 'mail'
		event: callback_change_target

		type: 'field',
		label: 'Work area',
		name: 'work_area'

	form.append({ type: 'submit' });

	var result = form.render();

	// We must init the
	var evt = document.createEvent('Event');
	evt.initEvent('change', true, true);

	// Check whether the user has opted out from talkback
	var query = {
		action: 'query',
		prop: 'extlinks',
		titles: mw.config.get('wgPageName'),
		elquery: 'userjs.invalid/noTalkback',
		ellimit: '1'
	var wpapi = new'Fetching talkback opt-out status', query, Twinkle.talkback.callback.optoutStatus);;

Twinkle.talkback.optout = null;

Twinkle.talkback.callback.optoutStatus = function(apiobj) {
	var xml = apiobj.getXML();
	var $el = $(xml).find('el');

	if ($el.length) {
		Twinkle.talkback.optout = mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName') + ' prefers not to receive talkbacks';
		var url = $el.text();
		if (url.indexOf('reason=') > -1) {
			Twinkle.talkback.optout += ': ' + decodeURIComponent(url.substring(url.indexOf('reason=') + 7)) + '.';
		} else {
			Twinkle.talkback.optout += '.';
	} else {
		Twinkle.talkback.optout = false;

	var $status = $('#twinkle-talkback-optout-message');
	if ($status.length) {

var prev_page = '';
var prev_section = '';
var prev_message = '';

var callback_change_target = function(e) {
	var value =;
	var root =;
	var old_area = Morebits.quickForm.getElements(root, 'work_area')[0];

	if (root.section) {
		prev_section = root.section.value;
	if (root.message) {
		prev_message = root.message.value;
	if ( {
		prev_page =;

	var work_area = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
		type: 'field',
		label: 'Talkback information',
		name: 'work_area'

	switch (value) {
		case 'mytalk':
			/* falls through */
				type: 'div',
				label: '',
				style: 'color: red',
				id: 'twinkle-talkback-optout-message'
				type: 'input',
				name: 'section',
				label: 'Linked section (optional)',
				tooltip: 'The section heading on your talk page where you left a message. Leave empty for no section to be linked.',
				value: prev_section
		case 'usertalk':
				type: 'div',
				label: '',
				style: 'color: red',
				id: 'twinkle-talkback-optout-message'
				type: 'input',
				name: 'page',
				label: 'User',
				tooltip: 'The username of the user on whose talk page you left a message.',
				value: prev_page

				type: 'input',
				name: 'section',
				label: 'Linked section (optional)',
				tooltip: 'The section heading on the page where you left a message. Leave empty for no section to be linked.',
				value: prev_section
		case 'notice':
			var noticeboard = work_area.append({
				type: 'select',
				name: 'noticeboard',
				label: 'Noticeboard:',
				event: function(e) {
					if ( === 'afchd') {
						Morebits.quickForm.overrideElementLabel(, 'Title of draft (excluding the prefix): ');
						Morebits.quickForm.setElementTooltipVisibility(, false);
					} else {
						Morebits.quickForm.setElementTooltipVisibility(, true);
				type: 'option',
				label: "WP:AN (Administrators' noticeboard)",
				value: 'an'
				type: 'option',
				label: "WP:AN3 (Administrators' noticeboard/Edit warring)",
				value: 'an3'
				type: 'option',
				label: "WP:ANI (Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents)",
				selected: true,
				value: 'ani'
			// let's keep AN and its cousins at the top
				type: 'option',
				label: 'WP:AFCHD (Articles for creation/Help desk)',
				value: 'afchd'
				type: 'option',
				label: 'WP:COIN (Conflict of interest noticeboard)',
				value: 'coin'
				type: 'option',
				label: 'WP:DRN (Dispute resolution noticeboard)',
				value: 'drn'
				type: 'option',
				label: 'WP:HD (Help desk)',
				value: 'hd'
				type: 'option',
				label: 'WP:OTRS/N (OTRS noticeboard)',
				value: 'otrs'
				type: 'option',
				label: 'WP:THQ (Teahouse question forum)',
				value: 'th'
				type: 'input',
				name: 'section',
				label: 'Linked thread',
				tooltip: 'The heading of the relevant thread on the noticeboard page.',
				value: prev_section
		case 'other':
				type: 'div',
				label: '',
				style: 'color: red',
				id: 'twinkle-talkback-optout-message'
				type: 'input',
				name: 'page',
				label: 'Full page name',
				tooltip: "The full page name where you left the message. For example: 'Wikipedia talk:Twinkle'.",
				value: prev_page

				type: 'input',
				name: 'section',
				label: 'Linked section (optional)',
				tooltip: 'The section heading on the page where you left a message. Leave empty for no section to be linked.',
				value: prev_section
		case 'mail':
				type: 'input',
				name: 'section',
				label: 'Subject of email (optional)',
				tooltip: 'The subject line of the email you sent.'
		case 'see':
				type: 'input',
				name: 'page',
				label: 'Full page name',
				tooltip: "The full page name of where the discussion is being held. For example: 'Wikipedia talk:Twinkle'.",
				value: prev_page
				type: 'input',
				name: 'section',
				label: 'Linked section (optional)',
				tooltip: "The section heading where the discussion is being held. For example: 'Merge proposal'.",
				value: prev_section

	if (value !== 'notice') {
		work_area.append({ type: 'textarea', label: 'Additional message (optional):', name: 'message', tooltip: 'An additional message that you would like to leave below the talkback template. Your signature will be added to the end of the message if you leave one.' });

	work_area = work_area.render();
	root.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);
	if (root.message) {
		root.message.value = prev_message;

	if (Twinkle.talkback.optout) {

var callback_evaluate = function(e) {

	var tbtarget ='tbtarget')[0];
	var page = null;
	var section =;
	var fullUserTalkPageName = mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[mw.config.get('wgNamespaceIds').user_talk] + ':' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName');

	if (tbtarget === 'usertalk' || tbtarget === 'other' || tbtarget === 'see') {
		page =;

		if (tbtarget === 'usertalk') {
			if (!page) {
				alert('You must specify the username of the user whose talk page you left a message on.');
		} else {
			if (!page) {
				alert('You must specify the full page name when your message is not on a user talk page.');
	} else if (tbtarget === 'notice') {
		page =;

	var message;
	if ( {
		message =;

	Morebits.status.init(; = fullUserTalkPageName; = 'Talkback complete; reloading talk page in a few seconds';

	var talkpage = new, 'Adding talkback');
	var tbPageName = tbtarget === 'mytalk' ? mw.config.get('wgUserName') : page;

	var text;
	if (tbtarget === 'notice') {
		switch (page) {
			case 'afchd':
				text = '\n\n{{subst:AFCHD/u|' + section + '}} ~~~~';
				talkpage.setEditSummary('You have replies at the [[Wikipedia:AFCHD|Articles for Creation Help Desk]]' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			case 'an':
				text = '\n\n== ' + Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('adminNoticeHeading') + ' ==\n';
				text += '{{subst:ANI-notice|thread=' + section + "|noticeboard=Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard}} ~~~~";
				talkpage.setEditSummary("Notice of discussion at [[Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard]]" + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			case 'an3':
				text = '\n\n{{subst:An3-notice|' + section + '}} ~~~~';
				talkpage.setEditSummary("Notice of discussion at [[Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Edit warring]]" + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			case 'ani':
				text = '\n\n== ' + Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('adminNoticeHeading') + ' ==\n';
				text += '{{subst:ANI-notice|thread=' + section + "|noticeboard=Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents}} ~~~~";
				talkpage.setEditSummary("Notice of discussion at [[Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents]]" + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			case 'coin':
				text = '\n\n{{subst:Coin-notice|thread=' + section + '}} ~~~~';
				talkpage.setEditSummary('Notice of discussion at [[Wikipedia:Conflict of interest noticeboard]]' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			case 'drn':
				text = '\n\n{{subst:DRN-notice|thread=' + section + '}} ~~~~';
				talkpage.setEditSummary('Notice of discussion at [[Wikipedia:Dispute resolution noticeboard]]' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			case 'hd':
				text = '\n\n== Your question at the Help desk ==\n';
				text += '{{helpdeskreply|1=' + section + '|ts=~~~~~}}';
				talkpage.setEditSummary('You have replies at the [[Wikipedia:Help desk|Wikipedia help desk]]' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			case 'otrs':
				text = '\n\n{{OTRSreply|1=' + section + '|2=~~~~}}';
				talkpage.setEditSummary('You have replies at the [[Wikipedia:OTRS noticeboard|OTRS noticeboard]]' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
			case 'th':
				text = "\n\n== Teahouse talkback: you've got messages! ==\n{{WP:Teahouse/Teahouse talkback|WP:Teahouse/Questions|" + section + '|ts=~~~~}}';
				talkpage.setEditSummary('You have replies at the [[Wikipedia:Teahouse/Questions|Teahouse question board]]' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
				throw 'Twinkle.talkback, function callback_evaluate: default case reached';

	} else if (tbtarget === 'mail') {
		text = '\n\n==' + Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('mailHeading') + "==\n{{you've got mail|subject=";
		text += section + '|ts=~~~~~}}';

		if (message) {
			text += '\n' + message.trim() + '  ~~~~';
		} else if (Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('insertTalkbackSignature')) {
			text += '\n~~~~';

		talkpage.setEditSummary("Notification: You've got mail" + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));

	} else if (tbtarget === 'see') {
		text = '\n\n{{subst:Please see|location=' + tbPageName;
		if (section) {
			text += '#' + section;
		text += '|more=' + message.trim() + '}}';
		talkpage.setEditSummary('Please check the discussion at [[:' + tbPageName +
			(section ? '#' + section : '') + ']]' + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));

	} else {  // tbtarget one of mytalk, usertalk, other
		// clean talkback heading: strip section header markers that were erroneously suggested in the documentation
		text = '\n\n==' + Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('talkbackHeading').replace(/^\s*=+\s*(.*?)\s*=+$\s*/, '$1') + '==\n{{talkback|';
		text += tbPageName;

		if (section) {
			text += '|' + section;

		text += '|ts=~~~~~}}';

		if (message) {
			text += '\n' + message.trim() + ' ~~~~';
		} else if (Twinkle.getFriendlyPref('insertTalkbackSignature')) {
			text += '\n~~~~';

		var editSummary = 'Talkback ([[:';
		if (tbtarget !== 'other' && !/^\s*user talk:/i.test(tbPageName)) {
			editSummary += 'User talk:';
		editSummary += tbPageName + (section ? '#' + section : '') + ']])';
		talkpage.setEditSummary(editSummary + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));



// </nowiki>