Phoenix Logs/Campaign Logs/Enduring Conviction Battle Reports
- Various Battle Reports, Banished station Delta.
- Incoming: R-5557-4452: We have spotted a small human vehicle force on the
- southern spire near the ruined human settlement. No sign of a larger strike
- force, but all Banished forces in the area should be ready to mobilize in the
- event of a larger human assault.
- Incoming: R-6001-4452: Humans routed from the area, many dead. One of their
- demons immobilized, the other missing, presumed dead. We have secured
- prisoners for interrogation and sport.
- Incoming: R-6029-4452: The humans launched a surprise assault against
- Decimus' salvage operation. Superior numbers forced Decimus to return to base.
- Decimus has been ordered to report to Atriox immediately. All Banished
- outposts to be on the alert for further human assaults.
- Incoming: R-6042-4452: Supply deliveries along the southern Spire supply-line
- have slowed significantly. Rumors delivery outposts have been lost to human
- forces. Temporary re-route of emergency supplies underway. We also have
- reports of several communication blackouts at one of our settlements, seems to
- be a small second force operating independently of the main enemy force.
- Reinforcements sent down to bolster our bases there and eradicate this
- problem.
- Incoming: R-6066-5012: Cartographer lost to the enemy. It is believed humans
- managed to recover information from Decimus' base and location of portals
- controls now compromised. Decimus reassigned to protect likely portal targets.
- Incoming: R-688-5014: Loss of captives to the guerrilla force. No survivors, but
- garbled reports from the Unggoy forces of a '[UNKNOWN TRANSLATION]'.
- Rumors of this '[UNKNOWN TRANSLATION]' are unsettling the Unggoy forces
- and there have been several desertions. Suggest deserters are executed as an
- example and anyone spreading rumors of the '[UNKNOWN TRANSLATION]' are
- punished.
- Incoming: R-7012-5093: Reinforcement of outer portals underway. Enduring
- Conviction has finally been ordered to engage the human ship directly—
- although Enduring Convictions shield is under assault from an enemy ground
- cannon. All local Banished forces to mobilize and neutralize enemy threat
- immediately. The Huragok onboard assure us that the cannon is little threat to
- the hull of the Enduring Conviction, but losing our shield could leave us open to
- other attacks.
- Incoming: R-7013-5093: Enduring Conviction has lost all shields. All available
- Huragok to be assigned to repair duty immediately. No sign of orbital counter-
- attack, assault against Spirit of Fire continues.
- Incoming: R-7016-5093: Alert! We have been...