Forum:Halopedia vote for Halo Nation to join us

Forums: Index Community Proposal Halopedia vote for Halo Nation to join us

Forum:Halopedia vote for Halo Nation to join us/Main

Community Votes

Please vote here!

Support (11/11) Sysop

Please use "#  Support -" if you support this

  1.   Support - This is wonderful news. We need to be united. This news should be spread on Reddit, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.TheEld (talk) 13:32, 7 January 2019 (EST)TheEld
  2.   Support - I spent a lot of my youth on Halopedia. Our contributors fortunately offered me the opportunity for me to lead and more intimately curate the wiki. I’m still salty that Wikia forced our hand, splitting the project into competing communities. Halopedia’s split played a large part in a lot of old timers reducing their commitment or entirely quitting wiki curation. I’ve lost touch with so many good friends from our shared youth. I wish we could’ve done better for y’all. Helianthus All right. Shoot!
  3.   Support - I joined after the split happened, so I have no idea what that practically entailed, but I can only see good in the long run from merging the wikis. More people working on the wiki, provided patrolling and regulation standards are maintained, can only be a good thing.--D9328 (talk) 14:35, 7 January 2019 (EST)d9328

Neutral (0/0) Sysop

Please use "#  Neutral -" if you are neutral to this

  1.   Neutral - I largely echo the concerns that Nicmavr raised in the comment section, in that unless the Wikia community is either re-formatted to serve a different function as to not continue to split traffic, such as by making it Halo community rather then Halo lore focused, or otherwise to ensure that Halopedia is used as the primary site for canonical information, that this split is fairly pointless. If anything, it would be negative, since it could leave the chance that the Wikia site will continue to get the most traffic and stay on the top of google searches, yet will cease to be updated or will only be updated by unqualified editors. I think it is imperative that prior to any decision being made, a concerete plan be made regarding what will happen to the Halo Nation wiki, and that it be verified that such plans will be not be interfered with by Wikia. My vote will remain neutral until anything changes; and I will change it to be support if it happens, or Oppose if it becomes apparent this cannot happen. Jabberwock xeno (talk) 15:15, 7 January 2019 (EST)

Against (0/0) Sysop

Please use "#  Oppose -" if you are opposed to this

Comments and suggestions

Please put any comments or suggestions for this here.CIA391 (talk) 10:10, 21 October 2018 (EDT)

Dear all,

While I may have been out of the spotlight in recent years as a retired admin, I won't officially submit a vote as per the voting policy, but for what it's worth I will nonetheless provide my 2 cents, as I was the admin who was responsible for initiating the original 2010 split.

First of all I am happy to see that this has finally been proposed as it shows that there is now an even stronger opinion among the Halo wikis' communities that wikia's treatment is incompatible with community-orientated projects. This was a viewpoint that myself, Subtank and other supporters back in 2010 tried to urge everyone to realize during wikia's introduction to major changes such as the Oasis skin and other detrimental policy changes. I can see that Halo Nation's admin team still has some members (I will not mention names but those whom I am talking about may message me privately if they feel that I am misjudging) who originally disagreed with my proposal back in 2010, and I now thus hope that there will be an unanimous agreement towards a merger if it goes ahead. An unanimous agreement within the administration team(s) is crucial to ensure that a proposal as major as this can go ahead and be as successful as possible.

Secondly, I do want to advise caution on how this will be executed; from my own experiences in the original split, Wikia is not a company that will concede towards any community demands and they will always put their profits and only their profits first. I know this is an obvious statement, but I cannot stress enough that it involves a possible conflict with them if they see this as a move that would "damage" their income or wiki traffic. The plan of the original split was to rename to Halo Nation, and to add community-orienatated content while retaining only major canon articles and allowing Halopedia to focus on being the canon wiki; this would give us 2 wikis, one with a "canon" goal and one with a "community" goal, but with a common community for both. Unfortunately, wikia saw the removal of the said smaller canon articles as "damaging" and kicked us off. While the wiki was renamed to Halo Nation, it remained a carbon copy of Halopedia with the exact same goal, dividing the community and wiki traffic. As such I wish to stress that any plan to execute a merger should take this into account to avoid a possible repeat of these incidents. I do trust that you have thought all this up however, so I give my strongest support to you all :)

Best of luck,

Nicmavr (talk), 7 January 2019