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Revision as of 09:03, October 24, 2018 by (talk) (Wanted to mention a potential reference noone seems to have caught.)
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i thought the library was merely the storage of the index and not the storage of the information relating to the flood and so I do not believe that should be stated without proof Halo destroyer2 12:38, 10 August 2007 (UTC) How big is this thing? I need height and diameter

I believe the Library in Halo 2 is designed as a reference to Aliens, specifically the Atmospheric Processor in the movie, both in form and a (similar) function to the story. Both are home to an alien entity that kills and consumes everything(in each sequel ot their respective franchises no less) and they have a similar design and lighting presentation. The main thing that may have prevented people seeing this was the Library has those arms on top that alter it a little to fit the Forerunner aesthetic for the game, and maybe to avoid copyright issues, but the main outline matches it to the T. This similarity is more noticeable in pre-Anniversary cinematics, though the backgrounds seem to be untouched in the levels themselves. The comparison would be the scene from the movie where Bishop is contacting the Sulaco to get a dropship sent, it shows the processor briefly. In this scene it matches up very well with the Library in H2, minus the bolts of electricity of course.