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< Jiralhanae
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The following is a list of quotes said by the Brutes in the Halo game series.

Halo 2

Scripted Dialog

  • "How much further must we heft this baggage? Any cell will do."
  • "Why not toss him into this lot?" - About punished Supreme Commander, later Arbiter.
  • "They could use the meat." - About the imprisoned Jackals.
  • "Them? What about us? My belly aches. And his flesh is seared just the way I like it." - In the beginning of level The Arbiter.
  • "Weaklings!" - On the level Uprising.
  • "Let's just throw them over the edge!" - Brute shooting dead Elite on the level Uprising.
  • "Where's the fun in that?"
  • "I already checked there!"
  • "Just making sure..." - Securing the area on the level Uprising.
  • "Go see what's taking them so long!" - Brute Captain.
  • "One more word Oracle, and I'll rip your eye out of its socket!" - Tartarus to the Oracle.
  • "He's still just an Elite. Go! Kill him!" - Brute Captain, when fighting with the Arbiter.
  • "Not all dead? Raise the alarms!" - When attacked by the Arbiter or another Elite in level Uprising.
  • "Yes, Chieftain. A day's ration says I can do this in one cut." - When he's given an order from Tartarus, to kill Johnson and other Marines.
  • "Two cuts at least." - Another Brute
  • "Elites!!"
  • "Do not let the Arbiter into the chamber! The Chieftain must complete his holy work!" - When trying to stop the Arbiter.
  • "The Demon has infiltrated the council chamber! Protect the Hierarchs, seal the entrance!" (angry growl at the end)- Most likely said by Tartarus during the level Gravemind
  • "Go, Arbiter! Get the icon!" - Tartarus
  • "Excellent work, Arbiter!" - Tartarus
  • "No, Arbiter! the Great Journey has begun and the Brutes, not the Elites will be the Prophets' escort!" - Tartarus

Gameplay Quotes

  • "After your death, Arbiter, the rest of the Sangheili will live as our slaves!" - attacking arbiter
  • "Are you crazy? Get him!" - If a Brute ally doesn't attack.
  • "I will eat you, little shrimp." - Taunting enemy
  • "Sniff him out!" - Ordering Grunts, Jackals, or Brutes.
  • "But a scratch!" -When hardly injured by an attack.
  • "I've caught enough meat for all of us!" - After dying
  • "I will sniff you out, Demon!" - When hiding as the Master Chief.
  • "Gonna feel that in the morning...." - When hit.
  • "I have ticks that bite more than you!" - Hiding, as the Master Chief.
  • "This is the powerful Demon?" - Sarcastically, when hiding.
  • "I will remember this day...He fought well." - When their allies die.
  • "Come out! There is no time for these games." - When hiding as the Master Chief.
  • "Giant, accursed beast!" - While fighting Brutes and winning.
  • "Stay here! Just in case it doubles back!" - Hiding, as the Master Chief.
  • "You seem scared, Demon." - As Master Chief when hiding.
  • "Come on, Elite, take back your place!" - Taunting the Arbiter or other Elites.
  • "I can smell that rusty armor from here!" - Taunting the Arbiter.
  • "Whelp!" - Insulting the Master Chief.
  • "I am stung!" - When shot with Plasma weapon.
  • "Get out of the way!" - When someone is in crossfire of a Brute.
  • "Only cowards hide!" - When hiding
  • "I don't think he heard you." - Mumbled when you're hiding, said by two.
  • "I smell blood." - While the Master Chief hides.
  • "He almost made us the prey." - When killed or unseen.
  • "You're still my trophy." - When hiding.
  • "Stings but a little!" - When fired upon.
  • "Look, my back is turned. Now's your chance!" - Taunting the Elites.
  • "Is that how you cowardly Elites fight?" - Taunting Elites.
  • "Cover me! I'm going to look!" - When hiding.
  • "What was it trying to do?!" - Said after being killed without hurting any Brutes.
  • "That will yield the Elites!" - When the Arbiter dies.
  • "Approach SLOWLY... approach... slowly!" - When hiding.
  • "OW...."
  • "Sorry!" - When Friendly Fire occurs; said by two.
  • "I'll give you a head start to make it interesting." - Taunting the Chief or the Arbiter.
  • "Don't run, we're friends!" - Said to the Chief when hiding or running.
  • "Every pack brother for himself! RAAARGH!" Enraged state of Brutes.
  • "For Tartarus!"
  • "The Elite's heart beats no more!" When the Arbiter dies.
  • "The Prophets demand your death!"
  • "Oh, don't run...You were doing so well!"
  • "I have cubs your size!" "I think you hurt its feelings!" (two Brutes, sometimes heard on The Great Journey)
  • "Eat this, shit face." - Before throwing a grenade at the Arbiter, IWHBYD skull may be needed.
  • "I'm hit!" - Brute after getting shot
  • "Complain when you're dead!" - Brute after another Brute complains.
  • "Come out! You're only making this worse for yourself...And me!"
  • "It's running!" -If you use the Arbiter's active camouflage in plain sight.
  • "I will bathe in its blood!" - After killing the Chief.
  • "You big bastard!"

Halo 3

Scripted Dialog

Orders given by Unknown Brute Commander, by COM, level The Ark.

Gameplay Quotes

Spotting the player(s)

  • "All right, who lost a Hammer? Retrieve it!" - Spotting the Chief with a Hammer
  • "Bring me the Demon's head!" - War Chieftain seeing the Chief.
  • "Demon, you are mine!"
  • "Demon, your life is forfeit!"
  • "Demon, your life is over!"
  • "Don't break rank, pack brothers!" - War Chieftain to other Brutes.
  • "Finally, a challenge!"
  • "Gather the pack!"
  • "Get ready. This won't be easy!"
  • "Here it is!"
  • "Here's one!"
  • "Hold on. I'm on my way!" - Brute seeing enemy.
  • "Humans!"
  • "I have found my dinner!"
  • "I have found the animal!" - Upon spotting the Master Chief in cover.
  • "I have you now!" - In reference to Star Wars. IWHBYD Needed.
  • "I knew I smelled something!" - When a Brute discovers you trying to sneak up on him.
  • "I see him!"
  • "I see one!"
  • "I shall be the one to teabag you, Demon!" - when seeing Master Chief. IWHBYD needed.
  • "I smelled him out!"
  • "If I had a Hammer, I'd hammer all day! I'd hammer in the evening!" - Brute Minor or Major upon seeing Master Chief with a Gravity Hammer.
  • "It was in front of me the whole time!" - Brute spotting enemy.
  • "It's the Arbiter!"
  • "It's the Demon!"
  • "It's the Demon! Kill it!"
  • "Kill the Demon!"
  • "Look! The Demon is here!"
  • "No thanks to you, I found him!" - sometimes said by a Brute when you pull out of cover.
  • "Open fire!"
  • "Over there!" - Brute spotting enemy.
  • "Pack brothers, do not embarrass me!" - War Chieftain spotting Master Chief.
  • "Pack brothers, make me proud!" - Brute Chieftain, spotting the Master Chief
  • "Ready yourselves. We're in for a tough fight!"
  • "Rouse the pack!" - When finding the player.
  • "Save some for me!" - Randomly.
  • "Slay them all!"
  • "Stand fast!"
  • "Steel yourself!"
  • "The Arbiter!" - If they see the Arbiter before the Master Chief.
  • "That’ll make a fine trophy!”
  • "The Demon is here!" - Brute
  • "The Demon is here! It dies now!"
  • "The Demon. Kill it and glory will be ours."
  • "The Demon! Take his head!"
  • "The hunt is on!"
  • "There! The Demon!"
  • "There he is.... DIE, MEAT!"
  • "There's the bastard, kill it!" - When spotting the Master Chief.
  • "Traitors!" - Upon seeing the Arbiter, Nthro Sraom, Usze Taham or allied Elites.
  • "Vermicious knid!" - A reference to Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory[1]
  • "What fool lost their hammer?!” - as above
  • “Who do you think you are, Thor?" - When Master Chief has a Gravity Hammer.
  • "Who gave him a Hammer?!" - When they see Master Chief or the other playable characters holding a Gravity Hammer.
  • "Worthy opponent!" - A Brute Chieftain, upon spotting the player.

In combat (non-grenade related)

  • "After your death, Arbiter, the rest of the Sangheili will live as our slaves!" - While fighting Arbiter during Co-op.
  • "Charge!"
  • "Crush his skull!"
  • "Damn you, Arbiter!" - Said during Co-op to the person playing the Arbiter.
  • "Damn you, Demon!" - When shooting at the Master Chief.
  • "Damn you, you monster!" - Said when fighting Master Chief.
  • "Die, you monster!" Brute to the Master Chief.
  • "Disgusting worm!"
  • "Don't play with your food!" - If the Brutes keep shooting, but the Master Chief isn't dying.
  • "Filth!"
  • "Filthy Demon!"
  • "Focus on the Demon!"
  • "For Tartarus!"
  • "For the honor of Rukt!"
  • "Get back on your plate, meat!"
  • "Gutless animal!”
  • "Have your place in a bloody river!"
  • "Heretic!"
  • "I HATE YOU!" - Screamed at the Arbiter or Master Chief.
  • "I think I will mount you on my wall, Demon!"
  • "I will be the one to bash you, Demon!"
  • "I will drink your blood!"
  • "I will put your heart on a stake!"
  • "I will rip your head from its socket!"
  • "I will rip your head from your shoulders, Demon!"
  • "I will rip your head off and mount it on my wall!"
  • "I will sink my teeth into your throat! You will bleed out slowly, drop by delicious drop."
  • "I will split your bones!" - Brute taunt.
  • "I will wear your head on my belt, Demon!"
  • "I'll excrete on you, demon!"
  • "I'll pulverize you!"
  • "I'm going to eat you...Alive!"
  • "I'm going to tie your limbs in knots!"
  • "It ends for you this day, Demon!"
  • "It ends now!"
  • "It was I!"
  • "It's Hammer time!" - When IWHBYD Skull is active. Possible reference to a lyrics from a rap sang by MC Hammer-U can't Touch This.
  • "Just die!"
  • "Keep the pack in formation!"
  • "Lumbering fool!"
  • "Oh, Demon, I will mount you on my wall!"
  • "One of us will get you eventually!"
  • "Pathetic whelp!"
  • "Prepare to die!"
  • "Protect the Chieftain!"
  • "Right in the groin!"
  • "Sacrilegious filth!"
  • "Scum-sucking human!" - Randomly.
  • "Scum-sucking meat!"
  • "Stinking wretch!"
  • "Stupid fucking human!" - IWHBYD needed.
  • "Take this!" - When attacking the Master Chief on a Chopper.
  • "The Demon is the prize! Bring it down!"
  • "The Demon still lives?"
  • "The pack will destroy you!"
  • "The pack will feast on you!"
  • "The pack will overwhelm you!"
  • "The Prophet wants his head!"
  • "The Prophets demand your death!"
  • "The Prophets want the Demon's head!"
  • "Their flanks are weak!"
  • "Time to die!"
  • "Today you die!"
  • "Traitorous Sangheili!" Brute to Elites on Legendary with any skull on.
  • "Useless animal!"
  • "We will feast upon your flesh, Demon!"
  • "We will tear you into bloody red ribbons!"
  • "When this is over, this hammer is going up somebody's ass!" - said by Brute Chieftain when in combat.
  • "Why do they call you 'Demon'?" - To the Master Chief.
  • "Wretched human!" - Brute taunt.
  • "You are not worthy of me!" - In battle.
  • "You have no chance now, Demon!”
  • "You must die! Sorry...Wait. No, I'm not!" - Rare, IWHBYD may be needed.
  • "You shall die!"
  • "You sicken me!"
  • "You're big! But still not worthy!"
  • "Your strength is more than matched here!"

Throwing a grenade/ordering a grenade toss

  • "Catch!" - When throwing Grenade.
  • "Don't be shy! Use your grenades!" - ordering Grunts to throw grenades
  • "For YOU, this was made!" - When throwing a Grenade.
  • "Get out of there!"
  • "Good-bye!" - Throwing a Spike Grenade.
  • "Grenades! Everyone!"
  • "Have a surprise!" - When throwing grenade.
  • "Here, catch this bauble!" - Throwing Spike Grenade.
  • "Here's a present!" - When throwing Grenade.
  • "Out of that hole!" - Brute throwing grenade.
  • "Something SPECIAL!" - when throwing a grenade.
  • "Take this with you!" - Brute after throwing grenade.
  • "The power is yours!" - Said when throwing a Spike Grenade with IWHBYD skull on. A reference to Captain Planet.
  • "This is for you."- When throwing a spike grenade.
  • "This was made for you!" - after throwing grenade.
  • "Use a Grenade!" - Randomly.
  • "Use your grenades!" - ordering Grunts to throw grenades
  • "Wanna play catch?!" - Before throwing a grenade.
  • "You have grenades! Use them!" - To Grunts
  • "You're stuck! (laughs gleefully)." - Brute after sticking a UNSC Marine, Master Chief, or the Arbiter with a Spike Grenade.

Holding position.

  • "Hold!"
  • "Hold back, it's going to draw us into a trap." - Brute whispering to other Brutes.
  • "That's enough! Wait for it to come out." - Brute captain talking to its subordinates.
  • "Stay here, I'll look close."
  • "Stay where you are."
  • "Stop, hold here! I'm talking to you, child."
  • "Stop! Let it come to us." - Brute captain talking to subordinates.
  • "We are holding THIS AREA, pack brothers." - Brute Chieftain to his subordinates.

When player retreats or hides

  • "Am I the only one with courage enough to go in after it?” - When no other Brute chases after the player.
  • "After it!"
  • "Coward!"
  • "Demon, come out and play."
  • "Don’t let it escape!”
  • "Don't let it get away!"
  • "Don't lose sight of it!"
  • "Don't worry; we'll kill him tomorrow." - IWHBYD needed.
  • "Even a Grunt puts up more of a fight!" - When the Master Chief runs for cover.
  • "He hides!"
  • "He's in cover!"
  • "I had him. But he went for cover."
  • "I hate it when they run away..." - When players move into cover.
  • "I lost him!"
  • "I sense a trap" - When the Master Chief hides
  • "I'm raising the threat level to red" - when Master Chief is hiding
  • "It must not escape!"
  • "It must not get away!" - Brute.
  • "It seeks to evade us!"
  • "It's in cover!"
  • "It's trying to get in cover!"
  • "Keep looking for it! It must not be allowed to escape!" "Yes, Packmaster!" - Brute Chieftain when Master Chief slips into cover.
  • "Let them run. Perhaps they'll lead us back to their herd."
  • "Looks like someone will have to go get it!"
  • "Our food has taken cover!"
  • "Our food seeks to evade us!" - When going into cover.
  • "That's enough! Let it hide." - Brute captain talking to its subordinates.
  • "They are spent!" - When the player takes cover
  • "Track it down!”
  • "We have broken them!"
  • "We must not allow it to evade us!" - Brute to other Brutes.
  • "We must not let it escape!"
  • “You! Go look for him!” - Superior Brute ordering a subordinate to search for the chief.
  • "Your mother breeds out of season!" - Said as a taunt when Master Chief is hiding. (IWHBYD may be required).

Retreating/Under attack

  • "Crap!" - While fighting a losing battle with the Master Chief.
  • "Every pack member for themselves!" - When a high-ranking Brute is killed. IWHBYD may be required.
  • "Fall back!" - If you kill enough enemies.
  • "Grenade!" - When you throw a grenade.
  • "Grenade! Watch it!" - as above
  • "Keep the pack together!"
  • "Look out!"
  • "Retreat! Retreat!"
  • "Sniper!" - When you attack with a sniper rifle
  • "Sniper! Find cover!" - as above
  • "They’re flanking us!”
  • "This one has active camouflage!" -When you are cloaked, IWHBYD needed

When injured/stuck

  • "Aah, damn it!"
  • "I am wounded, I bleed!"
  • "It's stuck!" - Stuck with a Plasma or Spike Grenade.
  • Brute#1: "Ouch, it hurts!"-Said when shot; Brute#2: "Quit whining bitch!"- Can be heard on Tsavo Highway on Legendary (IWBYD may be required)
  • "Ow! Ow! Ow!" - When shot multiple times.
  • "No, no! HELP!" - When stuck by a grenade.
  • "Such agony!" - When injured.
  • "Wha—?! It's stuck to my fur! NO-O-O!" - Brute reacting to being stuck with a Plasma Grenade.
  • "You broke my shiny helmet!" - When Brute Chieftain loses his helmet. IWHBYD needed.

Another Brute is killed

  • "A brother has died!"
  • "Another of us falls!"
  • "By the spoiled milk of Morpha!”
  • "Damn you, you're DOOMED!" - After killing a Brute's ally.
  • "He was my brother!" - After another Brute in the pack is killed.
  • "He was my lover!" - Sometimes said after killing a Grunt with the IWHBYD Skull enabled.
  • "Our pack brother has fallen!"
  • "Pack brother!"
  • "That's the last time you kill my brother!" - When the Master Chief kills another Brute. IWHBYD needed.
  • "You killed my pack mate!" - Sometimes said after killing a Brute in a Brute pack.
  • "You should not have killed him!"
  • "You should not have killed my brother!"
  • "You've killed my brother for the last time!"
  • "Your death will not go unanswered!"

When player or human/Elite NPC is killed

  • "Aah, it's a good day!" - When the Arbiter is killed.
  • "Ding dong, the Demon is dead!" - Said when Master Chief is killed with the IWHBYD Skull activated. Reference to the Wizard of Oz.
  • "HA-HA-HA! You're dead!" - When Master Chief dies.
  • "Ha-ha-ha-ha, all too easy." - after a Brute kills you.
  • "His head will make a fine trophy!" - When Master Chief dies.
  • "I have killed the Demon!"
  • "It is slain!" - as above
  • "Let's eat him together!" - When Master Chief is dead.
  • "Pry open his can. I wish to inspect the meat.” - IWHBYD possibly required.
  • "Put his head on a spike." - Brute Chieftain after Master Chief dies.
  • "Rip it open! I want its heart!" -Sometimes after Master Chief is killed.
  • "Tartarus has been avenged!" - Upon killing the Arbiter.
  • "That was easy!" - After killing you.
  • "The Demon has died by my hand!"
  • "The Demon is dead!"
  • "The Demon is dead. Now, we can cuddle!" - After killing the Master Chief, IWHBYD required.
  • "The Demon is slain!" - after killing Master Chief.
  • "The murderer of Tartarus is DEAD!" - When they kill the Arbiter before they see Master Chief in Crow's Nest during Co-op.
  • "These humans are finished without their Demon!”
  • "We have killed the demon!" - When the Chief dies.


  • "Blood and Thunder!" - Said when there is only one Brute remaining, very rare. This is a reference to World of Warcraft's Orcish Race, who sometimes say this.
  • "Me don't accept credit card." - Very rare, IWHBYD only.
  • "Huddle for warmth!" - Randomly on Tsavo Highway; Brute Packmaster talking to the pack.
  • "Stay together!" - Randomly on Tsavo Highway - Brute 'packmaster' talking to pack.
  • "No inappropriate touching!" - Usually spoken by a Brute Pack Leader on Tsavo Highway after "Huddle for warmth!"
  • "There's no 'I' in team; let's both go!" - One Brute to another before circling round an obstacle to attack Master Chief; Legendary; IWHBYD needed.
  • "We don't take American Express!" - IWHBYD required, extremely rare.
  • "Change your panties and freshen up!" - Taunting the Master Chief. IWHBYD Skull needed).
  • "Bring me the Demon's head, and I will make you king!" - Said to a pack member by Brute Chieftain.
  • "Bring me his head!" - Brute Chieftain to other Brutes.
  • "Stick together, Team" - In reference to Counter Strike. IWHBYD Needed.
  • "Looks like someone will have to go after it. Anybody? Fine, I'll do it."- Brute Captain in Crow's Nest waiting to attack (IWHBYD Needed).
  • "I hate this place!" - Can be heard on Crow's Nest, when you are beating them down badly, rare.
  • "Save the last dance for me..." - Random Brute singing.
  • "Change your panties and flush it out!"
  • "Aah... It's a good day!" - Some random Brute.
  • "Mmm.... More blood to drink!"
  • "Ready to go?" "Yes, let's go." - Two random Brutes.
  • "None sleeps but me!"
  • "Do we go out there?" "Yes!" A Brute Captain answering a Grunt.
  • Brute #1: "The creature, it's here?!" Brute #2: "Quit your whining!" - Very Rare, no IWHBYD required, can be heard when sneaking up on a pair or more of Jiralhanae.
  • "I have the power!" - IWHBYD - Reference to He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. Yelled by He-Man.
  • Eyes open, stay sharp... Nobody sleeps but me! - Said to grunts. (IWHBYD required).

Halo 3: ODST

Campaign Quotes

  • "Warn the Chieftain, the enemy has breached our lines!" - A Brute, after Dutch breaks through the first area with Shade Turrets in Uplift Reserve.
  • "Let no Human escape to say what they have seen!" - War Chieftain at the end of Uplift Reserve.
  • "We do the Prophets' bidding! Show no fear!"
  • "Forward, warriors! Take this hill or die upon it!" - Brute leader during the battle of the ONI Alpha Site.
  • "Forward! Grind their bones beneath your feet!" - Brute Chieftain when the UNSC are retreating into ONI Alpha Site.
  • "Open this door traitor!" - Brute Chieftain when Vergil refuses to open the door to the Superintendent's Data Center.
  • "By the Prophets, you will pay for your incellence!" - Same Brute above in response to Vergils insult.

Gameplay Quotes

  • "Is that all you possess, imp?" - After a Brute kills you
  • "Take him to the Kig-Yar, let them eat."
  • "Pile him with the rest."
  • "The green ones are much tougher." - Referencing Spartans.
  • "Don't worry, we'll kill him tomorrow."
  • "Let the Kig-Yar pick their teeth with his bones."
  • "I could use a snack."
  • "Over there! It's a straggler" - Said after being discovered, will only be said on Mombasa Streets.
  • "There is no "I" in team" - said in firefight
  • "You sicken me!"
  • "No thanks to you, I'll find him!"
  • "I've found my dinner, go get your own!"
  • "By the spoiled milk of Morpha!" - When you kill a brute superior.
  • "Raaaaaarrrrgggghhhh!" - Brute leader roaring in anger after you kill his Grunt/Brute allies
  • "Damn you!"
  • "I will tear the meat from your bones whelp!"
  • "Let him run, the field is ours!"
  • "How does a human have a hammer!?" When carrying a Gravity Hammer, IWHBYD Skull needed
  • "He has killed the Chieftain, fall back!" Brute witnessing you killing a Chieftain
  • "You !" When you kill a Brute
  • "The Prophets demand your death human!"
  • "Look at it run!"
  • "It has fallen back into cover"
  • "Pathetic human!"
  • "You killed my packmate!"
  • "For the Great Journey!"
  • "There is no Demon to save you now human scum!"
  • "There's the bastard!"
  • "Look over there, he's right there!"
  • "It broke again!" Said when driving a Chopper and crashes into something.
  • "We outnumber them, we outgun them, and yet they're still killing us?! RAAAAHH! Kill that human! Now!" Brute Chieftain when you kill a number of his allies, IWHBYD Skull needed.
  • "You will know fear, human!"
  • "Your death will not be quick!"
  • "Time to die!"
  • "Sniper! Take cover!" Sees you with a Sniper weapon
  • "You...... are...... dead!!!!" When a Brute kills you, he will also shoot at your corpse.
  • "Go ahead, come out and show bravery so I can kill you!" IWHBYD Skull needed.
  • "I'll go close. No inappropriate touching!" IWHBYD Skull needed.
  • Brute: "A human? This won't be challenging" Brute in response: "Are you saying you'd rather fight a Demon?" Brute: "Grrrr....... Shut up!" IWHBYD Skull needed
  • "Perhaps if he gets maaaad he might be a worthy opponent." Said when you go into cover. IWHBYD Skull needed.
  • "OH NO! GET IT OFF! OH GOD! NO! NAAAAAAHH! Said when stuck by a plasma or spike grenade. IWHBYD Skull needed.
  • "Agghh... Thats crap..." When a shot hardly injures them, IWHBYD possibly needed
  • "I will rip the flesh from your body!"
  • "Time to die!"
  • "It's Stuck!" - Said when stuck by a plasma or spike grenade. IWHBYD Skull possibly needed.
  • "Shut up!" - Brutes may repeat this word several times especially when their Power Armor breaks.


  1. ^ [1]